#probably won't do many more days but it just like this design hehe
itsalrightmeow · 5 months
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DannyMay Day 1: Insect
bringing back my dragonfly fae design from last year hehe
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kroosluvr · 1 month
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pleasant dreams
for as many days or years as you may have.
BAD END LONG WINTER AU ANYONE???? (crickets chirping) erm. well
anwyay i hope i scammed at least 1 person out of fluff. whistles cutely
bad end: royal trio try, struggle, and fail to rescue any of the thieves from the delusion, or find the route to the treasure. with maruki's overwhelming hold on the thieves(+confidants) and his staggering security + ability to manipulate the design of his palace at will... (<- i elaborate on this in my shsm fic that i uploaded a while back but maruki tries to psych the three of them out of navigating his palace by hacking at all the infiltration routes they try. and since its just the 3 of them it's pretty easy to block them off) akira goro and sumire do their damnedest but they come up just short
anyway TLDR they just can't crack it and it's over.
in this case, since they don't get to rescue the thieves, they spend even more time together than Usual Long Winter AU. so i feel they're even closer than usual.
on 2/2, they stay in and sleep in, idly talk about anything other than the circumstances that they're in. they waste the day away and then fall into an endless slumber.
in the first page goro & sumire look kinda discontented, but after akira breaks the ice a little, they manage to fall asleep (more) peacefully.
im not gonna lie this treads into like TOO MUCH HOPELESS ANGST for me but also i had the idea listed down in my Royal Trio Ideas List so i had to draw it..eventually... so. (flips through stack of ideas) erm. heyyyy (i also think it turned out MORE SAD when i drew it HKDJSGSKJDW when i just wrote down the idea it was like kinda just silly)
also goro is wearing akira's raglan shirt from pre-p5r!! no reason except i like it and also i want them to share clothes
"never change, goro" hehe. Smile. well he won't have to! i guess!
bc of Longlonglongwinterau sumire is more perceptive of goro and akira. i think she probably also knows the gist of yknow goro's whole past, the whole trying-to-kill-akira thing, etc.
sorry for the scam. if u were scammed.
a little more musings cont'd here
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helianskies · 1 year
frain, for the ship asks?
good choiiice! 🍪
[ find the ask game here! send me a ship! ]
gives nose/forehead kisses: fran
toni goes all cute and red when fran kisses him, and it drives him wild. fran is going to capitalise on that, absolutely.
gets jealous the most: both
do not underestimate fran. ever. in any context. this included!
takes care of on sick days: fran
i like to think fran does a better job overall of looking after himself and rarely gets ill compared to toni. that makes him more frequently the care-giver (and toni might just milk being ill to extend the lovely treatment) but of course, if fran does get ill, toni will drop everything to bring fran as much soup and tea and straight-to-tv romcoms his heart desires.
drags the other person out into the water on beach day: toni
toni is not quite a fish but certainly feels a pull to the sea when at the beach. fran, on the other hand? less so. the salt in his hair will make him weep. but, sometimes, he finds the little inconveniences are worth the memories.
brings the other lunch at work: both
they'd either take it turns to prepare lunch or both accidentally make lunch and then find they've got dinner sorted too. not that that is usually a problem!
tries to start role-playing in bed: neither
it doesn't suit their dynamic. they've no desire to be anyone other than themselves in their relationship.
embarrassingly drunk dancer: fran
toni has so many photos of fran after having a few too many...
firmly believes in couple costumes: both
they love to match! but while i'm here, i totally see fran buying them matching pyjamas as well :')
breaks the expensive gift rule during christmas: toni
fran is aghast. how dare he! but maybe that present turns out to be... something quite special, hehe. he can't stay mad for long!
makes the other eat breakfast: both
both deserve breakfast in bed treatments, as far as i'm concerned. they may adapt depending on each other's schedules, plans, moods, etc. but neither will let the other leave the house without them eating something!
remembers anniversaries: both
they have a designated calendar in the kitchen filled with important dates and some of the most precious and silly and personal photographs they've seen. (it was probably a gift from arthur, at least the first time. little does he know he's started a tradition!).
brings up having kids first: toni
i have no explanation. it just feels like it would be him...
kills the bugs: toni
toni's got this handled. but he won't kill them, he'll just politely remove them from the area and apologise to them, much to fran's bewilderment.
first to define them as a couple: fran
he's too excited to not go ahead and tell everyone before toni's even realised he's in a serious relationship. but if it saves him the trouble, he doesn't mind!
who hides their guilty pleasures longer: fran
fran would prefer to make sure his relationship is 110% secure and serious before things move too fast or he shows all his cards. but toni is not in a hurry either.
snorts when laughing: neither
it has occurred to me that this kind of snort may not be the sort of snort i have been imagining, and so, no. they are not snorters.
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Hey bees! I would like to join project sekai event hehe(anyway Happy birthday, sorry I'm late) and thank you!
What nickname would you call your lover?
• Princess/Prince or doll probably, bcs I think it's cute.
What are your hobbies?
• Playing Guitar and Listening to music(any kind of music, I really love music)
What's your perfect date idea?
• Late night riding? Usually I always do night riding alone, and it's really comforting and I want them felt the same. And after the night riding, Im gonna take them to some high place, watching the night city and the stars
What's something you hate in others? (like a personality trait or behavior for example):
• when they work too much.
What are yours main 3-5 (or more if you want!) personality traits?
• I'm clingy af, I love horror things(sometimes I prank my friend and scared them☠️), you can tell I always sleepy during the day and drink much coffee(I love coffee) to make me open my eyes and not sleeping at the middle of the class.
Also I love taking care of someone, I love the feeling they need me, and I'm not gonna abandoned. (Maybe it's because my issue where I scared to be alone, then I always help someone, so they won't abandoned me and I'm not gonna be alone.)
What's activity/hobby do you like?
• again late night riding, other than that I like go to cafe to drink coffee.
What's activity/hobby you don't like?
• Studying lol
Hiii! Thanks and don't worry about it! So let's see who you got, shall we~?
I pair you with...
Saki Tenma!
⊱ first, I think "doll" is so cute with her!
⊱ but now actual reasons... you play guitar and she plays keyboard so it's really just perfect for both of you to have like a little concert! And of course, both of you love listening to music so you can be sure she'd always want to exchange musics with you
⊱ as for your date ideas, she absolutely loves it! She loves just riding under starry sky with you, especially if your destination is some high place with pretty views~
⊱ and now for traits... Saki absolutely loves your clinginess! She's a little clingy herself so you two really are just sometimes impossible to part. She also doesn't mind that you're often sleepy and will let you nap whenever you need it. She'll also try to watch over how much coffee you drink so you won't damage your health
⊱ and finally, you kinda just both like cafes! Maybe she's not the biggest coffee type but she won't mind ordering hot chocolate instead! Especially if the cafe has some cute design or good sweets!
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You and Saki were now relaxing in high place you found. It had nice views and since it was night, and sky was clear, you also managed to adore the starts this night.
"You know... I'm not that good with constellations... But this one kinda looks like Leo!"
It wasn't the only constellation she pointed out but looking at how many guesses she already made, there was absolutely no way they all could've been correct. But hey, the two of you still had fun even if she's not the one to know all the constellations!
"I know I can just do a photo and ask Hona later! Speaking of photos... wanna take one of us together to keep this memory forever~?"
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knowlessman · 10 months
lol, forgot this show was a thing for a whole month. um, there's more nomus, there's smart nomus I think, endeavor fucking died except he didn't, anyway now it's movie time so probably nothing relevant to the current plot will happen and also nothing in this movie will become relevant to the plot even if it should. (bnha movie 2, heroes rising)
cg cars I think? ohey it's Lizardman from Every Villain Is Lemons. and some buckethead rando who looks like they wandered in from Dark Souls. and that… dude… the lock guy, forget his name. -- did yall fucking kidnap actual literal vegeta from dragonball
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yooo it's fukken happening, Dancing Boy's fighting Frowny Man, I didn't think that was til next season
so they were actually just transporting solid snake?
(intro spiel) ♪ and then one sunny afternoon, All Might came to say... ♪
beach episode stuffs ig, no notes cept why did they have to intro mineta first
...tokoyami can fly? in broad daylight? is that, like... is that legit, or just movie-show inconsistency?
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("you took an hour to find a lost kid? I'm gonna leave a bad review") should've scolded that kid back for making a fake call and wasting time that could've been spent responding to an emergency
bakugo: "I'm reserve, that means I can lie around and do fuckall unless a villain shows up" -- "cool, thanks for volunteering for guard duty" 'XD got his ass
"hurry up and master that quirk so I can fight you" bakugo continuing to think he's in dragonball
poor hat kid crying wolf. that sister of his is gonna owe him three buckets of ice cream for the chewing-out bakugo will probably give them
I thought the hero-nerfing darts were, like, resolved? Eri got rescued, but I guess there are still a lot of unused darts? -- ah, maybe they've just managed to replicate All for One.
holy shit they got jim carrey for this movie
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"the next time you could come home was in ten days, right?" are these kids just completely unsupervised for ten days? don't they at least have a grandparent watching them? no wonder they can't find anything better to do than make prank calls -- dilf legoshi hates trucks? not clickbait?
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k, confirmed then, psycho mantis or wever can steal quirks. …and he has mega-explosive farts that pulverise skyscrapers in the background and throw lightning everywhere whenever he does it. (he should probably take something for that.) -- now, I've never played the Metroid Prime games (cept Hunters and it probably doesn't count), but even I know a Phazon overdose when I see one
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"you picked the wrong person to taunt!" "katsuki baku… oh! you're that guy that got taken hostage by the slime monster that one time, right?" -- "what's up with that guy, anyway?" A LOT. -- pokemon npcs, that's who these kids look like. they got "level 4 Caterpie" written all over them.
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okay, dilf legoshi is on some cool shit. top-tier design right here for a filler villain
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"an invisible wall made of air? wow, I definitely didn't just finish kicking someone's ass who had that exact quirk."
"what? the guy whose power is making explosions exploded his way out of my bandages!"
"I can't steal it… no, I don't have enough free spaces to steal them all…" shoulda bought more ram. that is interesting, tho; the previous avatars won't let One for All be stolen (or it just counts as as many quirks as it's had wielders, or maybe adds quirks to its, like, payload when a wielder has one?).
(giant inflatable-mascot-looking deku illusion) …hehe. kid could have a future in advertising.
"ha! I have air maneuverability, so I can get around your shields!" "in response, I summon yellow eyes blue dragon in attack mode!"
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-- "detroit sma-" "holding priority, fartocalypse into forked lightning!"
"what happened to the villain we caught?" "you mean the one bakugo blasted in the face with nitroglycerin at point-blank range? he's tied up in the basement, but he's not talking much. probably because his lungs, teeth and entire fucking head got Galick-Gunned into oblivion"
good pep talk happening, but when does some kinda plan show up -- …okay this is actually an awesome plan, and not only takes into account everything the heroes know, but correctly guesses the villains' whole deal. …how the hell are the villains sposed to compete with this? 'XD I guess psycho mantis probably has some tricks left he hasn't shown, but they'll need some other aces in the hole. or at least to not try to come in via the front door.
dilf legoshi lights his cigar with his own fire breath. …damn this guy's cool. I mean, how many characters have fire breath, and I've never seen one do that.
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they seriously have nothing to throw at psycho mantis but rocks tho, huh. they did say they gotta keep their distance, I guess. and it wouldn't be *heroic* to make spears or whatnot.
"we poisoned our weapons with a toxic mucus made by asui, who by the way can also turn invisible now." …hah????? is any of this shit canon? is this movie actually set a few episodes into s5? what gives? aoyama has also been firing lasers from his shoulders and stuff, and I don't think I've seen him do that before either. -- daaamn, dilf legoshi also knows hyper beam?
uh-oh, they got psycho mantis to his limit, but it looks like he's juicing with more Phazon to surpass it -- daaang, he's got cg thunder clouds going now. he's going super fartocalypse god super fartocalypse -- he's also got doc ock tentacles except they're dragons from yugioh
second time this movie these dumbass kids have been told to run from the villain and just sat there -- …kid, your quirk is illusions. like, okay, that didn't work last time either, but still, running TOWARDS the bad guy? and your brother is STILL just sitting there
"you did a good job, katsuma" no he fucking didn't, he ran AT the bad guy, maybe hoping his quirk would suddenly turn into something that could attack -- oh NOW you run
"but how did you avoid the lightning?" "we used kaminari as a lightning rod" 'XD harsh, but a legitimate strategy
"what would all might do?" idk, win? all might doesn't have half the brains you do, deku, I don't think he's ever made a plan in his life -- "the power to transfer power…" oh hell no, bakugo is the LAST person you should be trusting with this. deku, for all your brains, how do you still find it in you to assume the best of a guy who has bullied you relentlessly and unrepentantly your entire life?
(flashback) I forgot all for one doesn't have fucking eyes, wtf, he's got overgrown skin where his eyes should be
"besides, I'm sure all might would say it's fine if it's you" jesus christ, all might is an idiot and even he knows better than that. you may be the plan guy but you got a blind spot bigger than the sun. good thing this is a movie so nothing in it sticks.
"wh-what is this?" …so wait, you both did detroit smash and opened the clouds and shit and some lady started singing the star spangled banner or wevertf and you DIDN'T EVEN HIT THE BAD GUY WITH IT -- YOU BOTH HAVE FUCKING PURPLE ARMS AND YOU DID NOT EVEN HIT THE BAD GUY WITH IT??? HE'S STANDING RIGHT THERE TAUNTING AND POWERING UP WTF YOU JUST WASTED SO MUCH
this is some good-ass animation that they've decided to mute and set to America's football halftime showtune (it's just all slow and loud and showy so it makes me think of that, I have no idea what the actual song is but I think most of it's in English)
I'll say this about the last quarter, I like the bad guy's purple energy butterfly wings
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"sayonara, one for all, I leave you in the most abusive, self-centered person I know's homicidal hands" -- "the predecessors gave them a miracle…" okay so maybe all might doesn't know better, but the previous avatars do and rejected vegeta, thank fuck
"good night, Nine. good work." but he didn't do anything here. also can handface eat people's quirks too?
"vegeta doesn't remember anything about the transfer of one for all…" again, thank fuck. I guess they knew he'd be impossible to write from there without officially making him an antagonist. hell, how often does a movie have to specify one character not remembering the events from it? (I know, from the writer's perspective it's just that he would talk about it, but really, they're way too generous to his personality in general)
the kid's only got a healing quirk, stop telling him he'll be a hero, he'll think he's a front-liner when he can do no good there. the back line is just as important.
eh. end part was a little annoying, but was good movie overall. Pretty much everybody got to do cool shit, and the action bits were cool.
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cerasus--flores · 3 years
All of the cocktails for Vespar.
All of them.
for. for fuck's sake maple.
cocktail ask game !!
𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗿 〜 if your oc can drive, what kind of vehicle do they have? do they have a dream vehicle?
vesper rides a motorcycle to work and back~ he is also always the designated driver if someone brings a car, y'know "make the drinks don't drink them" and stuff. xe doesn't have a dream vehicle tho.
𝗯𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻 〜 what does your oc wear to sleep? do they have a dedicated set of pajamas or do they just wear whatever?
well, whenever they're sleeping at their own place, they do have a set of sleepwear !! they try to not mix up street clothing with sleep clothing bc it mixes up the smells and they don't like that. you know how it is w catpeople.
rest utc !!
𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗮 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗮𝗱𝗮 〜 if your oc has a bag or a purse, what are five things that’d be inside?
in no particular order~
his handgun. yeah. it's that bad.
bottle of water. many uses!
a travel sized spell book. he knows his usual spells by heart, but some reference can't hurt, right?
keys, wallet, that stuff.
hand sanitizer. you'll never catch him without it. freak /lh.
𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 〜 what was one of your oc’s favorite tv shows/movies as a child? do they still enjoy it now?
okay okay projection time but. the princess diaries. xe LOVED it and STILL LOVES IT to this day. knows the dialogue and shit. you know. like a Normal Person™ would.
𝘄𝗼𝗼 𝘄𝗼𝗼 〜 what’s their relationship like with their parent(s)/guardian(s)?
what's this cocktail's name lsbdlsbsk it's uh. not great! it was already a bit wonky, what with his career choices and whatnot (since he's wanted to be a bartender since he was 16 y/o), and then he found out that they lied to him about the nature of his existence for his whole life, which, uh... yeah. they still "care" for him, but they think they have a relationship with him that's simply... not there. the mixtios believe vesper is eventually going to crawl back to them. and he won't.
𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗴𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗮 〜 does your oc have any disorders or disabilities?
catboy /j. they have adhd though. bc of course.
𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗲𝗮 〜 who are some of your oc’s best friends?
QUINN ATRUM MIERAN ATRUM APPRENTICE REAPER OF CHALKED PIGMENT THE SCHOLAR- *i am shot with a tranquilizer dart* but. um. yeah! ves and quinn (and later on, ves and mieran) are best friends! they care for each other a lot! and xe's also friends with lumio and heath. hasn't met mayra or nuberu yet but they'd probably be instant besties as well.
𝗴𝗿𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗿 〜 describe your oc’s personality
easy question /s. ahem.
"Vesper Mixtio comes across as easygoing, charming, and silver tongued. Flirtatious, but not a flatterer, he knows his ways with words. And yet, he's quite closed off to those who have not earned his trust, never letting too much slip, using his drinks and magic to escape if necessary."
is the dainsleif-esque paragraph good?
𝗷𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲 𝗯𝗶𝗿𝗱 〜 has your oc ever made any choices they regret?
not caring more for quinn before his death. their abilities were telling them that the scholar was running out of time, and yet, they couldn't take advantage of this. even now that they have him back in the form of mieran, they regret not letting him know how much they truly cared for him.
𝗵𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 〜 post some images or a moodboard that fit your oc’s aesthetic
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vesper moodboard here u go~
𝗱𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗻𝗮 〜 post a song or a lyric that fits your oc
why just a song when it could be his entire playlist, hm? hehe
𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗶 〜 does your oc’s name or design reference anything? i.e. music, movies, etc.
he's literally named after the drink vesper lmao. i can't go fully into detail w his design (mainly bc it's not fully done yet), but one thing is that he got his heterochromia alongside his cat features, bc it's very common in cats !!
𝗺𝗼𝗷𝗶𝘁𝗼 〜 does your oc have any tattoos and/or piercings? if so, what are they? if not, do they want any?
he has ear piercings (not visible in the picrew but like. trust me bro.), and sometimes he'll wear a lipring for the fun of it (again, i remind you, he can do illusory magic). he doesn't have any tattoos, but he wouldn't mind getting some.
𝗱𝗮𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗿𝗶 〜 is your oc a smoker? (tobacco, cannabis, etc.) if so, do they plan on quitting?
not really!! because of their job as a "renowned" merc, vesper is v wary of stuff like smoking and drinking, they're not out here painting even more targets on their back by getting intoxicated, y'know?
𝗺𝗶𝗺𝗼𝘀𝗮 〜 has your oc ever committed any crimes? if so, what did they do? if not, what would they be most likely to commit?
he's a merc. he kills people.
𝘁𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗮 𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲 〜 what kind of hobbies does your oc enjoy? is there anything they’ve always wanted to do but never had the time/resources to try?
xe's... *sigh* a gamer. action games are xyr shit. other than that, studying spellcasting and mixology (not simultaneously) are also things xe enjoys. xe's always wanted to try art, but could never afford to.
𝗯𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘄𝗮𝗶𝗶 〜 does your oc speak any other language(s)? if they didn’t learn to speak the language(s) when they were growing up, when and why did they learn it?
vesper's first language is english, but his second language is spanish! buenos aires spanish, to be more specific, since that's where his mother comes from. he's fluent in both languages, and has a STRONG GBA (gran buenos aires) accent when speaking spanish.
𝗰𝘂𝗯𝗮 𝗹𝗶𝗯𝗿𝗲 〜 if your oc wears any perfume/cologne, what’s their favorite?
they make their own perfume !! the one they wear most often is a mixture of lavender and mint. comfy.
𝗰𝗮𝗶𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗵𝗮 〜 what does your oc’s voice sound like?
he's mostly calm when speaking. soft-spoken, but not hushed. he tends to speak in his medium to lower register, and will sometimes slip in cat noises in his words without realizing.
𝗴𝗶𝗻 𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝘆 〜 what does your oc consider to be their best feature? alternatively, what’s something they’re most self conscious about?
they're most confident in their mixing skills. they've been at it for almost six years now, they make really good drinks, they look hot as fuck when doing so, and by god are they aware of all of these things.
they're mostly insecure about... their lack of genuine connections, in a way. they notice that they don't have that many close ones, people that would care if they were gone one day, and it makes them... generally insecure. they can't figure out why people who do get to know them won't ever stay. one of the reasons they're so flirty and smooth, i suppose.
𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗵𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗮𝗻 〜 what kind of people does your oc hate the most?
people that don't hold themselves accountable for their actions. it's one of the reasons he dislikes the atrum clan (and, by proxy, disliked quinn). "if you personally can't own up to what you've done, don't fucking do it. don't use excuses, don't blame it on someone else, if you're in a situation where you can assume responsibility, then do so." is his mentality.
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clanonadventures · 3 years
Part 1
Mint Anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
-She's 14
-Unfazed by fnaf jumpscares (watched a lot of fnaf videos when she was younger)
-Easily scared by other video games though
-Parental issues
-Please hug her, she really needs hugging (or any platonic physical affection)
-Has a lot of interests
-Will ramble about her interests, although she will probably say "sorry, i'm probably annoying you" if she thinks she's annoying you
-Is about 5'4 tall
-Doesn't want to bother anyone, so she usually tries to smile through the day, but (kinda) breaks down when in private
-A bit used to her friends betraying her
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Candy Anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
- she/her, they/them
- 20
- 5'4"
- can sing. usually only sings when she thinks she's alone. if caught, she just stops unless she trusts you
- always has at least 1 song fully memorized
- enjoys many sugary things. not all though. for instance, do not give them bubblegum
- perpetually unsure whether she has friends or not because she can't stay in touch. but she sure tries
- wants to be a superhero, but isn't sure how to go about it. all they know is they can do a magic hair thing. when "powered down", hair is black. when "powered up", hair turns red with white bangs
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ButterBee anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
Eldritch being from another plane of existence
all pronouns
fascinated by earths creatures
they have a soft spot for maned wolves
do see humans as of a bit stupid but lovable species
can shape shift
a bit of a trickster but excitable
there body looks like it's constantly melting. They have darker yellow stripes and a wide mouth with big chompers. They have long antenna and a set of four bee-like wings. They can melt themselves to go into small places. in this form they look very gooey. They Are 14 ft tall in normal form.
Hidden Masked anon - Hidden
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
- he/him , they/them
- when he joined TSP he stopped aging, but they are 20 years old
- he is 9'4
- fearless
- friendly
- is protective
- doesnt talk much, but talks more to people he is comfortable with
- only shows how they look like to the people he is comfortable with
- is accually pretty lonely
- likes to give gifts to his friends, and also headpats-
- can take off his blanket and mask but then their mask won't transform and will stay normal and he won't have wings,
- he learned how to transform their blanket to wings and wings to blanket
- the transformed mask stares at you
- Hiddens friends won't get hurt by TSP or their other helpers
- can sense when something bad is about to happen
- used to be a normal anon once
- likes to collect random stuff
- is extremely quiet
- likes listening to people
- rememberes everything
- will only become agressy when somebody hurt his friends or kept attacking them
- likes to fly with his wings
- Has claws
- can't walk with these spider like limbs
- Has five of these spider like limbs, four pairs are big and one pair is small
- calm
- doesnt get involved in drama and just watches from afar
- accually Has a lot of sharp teeth but hides them
- He can still grow both in power and size by consuming souls of people he caught
- can bend and shift reality
- doesnt talk much to strangers
- knows A LOT of "why tf do you know that" facts
- the gifts and headpats are their form of showing affection and that he cares about someone, and if someone if somehow taller than them, he will give hugs to that person
- Hidden can be summoned
- Hidden Has a pretty wierd voice, it sounds like several different voices talking all at once
- Hidden is an entity that should not exsist
- He is kinda a cryptid
- if You say something like "damn, I really want that new computer" He will bring it to You
- can purr
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True form, also has five pairs of these spider like limbs but for some reason only drew two
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Hikkomo - Helen
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
A humanoid sprout mole
No clear age -(possibly either a teen or a adult)
9'4 feet tall
Shuts down if sprout is damaged in any way
Lives with an alternate version of themselves...for some reason -(Omo)
Not affectionate, but will give out sweet and supportive words
Definitely plays favorites with coke and basil
The cause of all chaos
Currently in a height wars with hidden
Fluffy hair jesus I want it so bad
Fwompy, messy, brown hair with a sprout on top. Hazel eyes, with pale skin. A pink tuxedo with an orange tie, black pants, and boots.
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Milk anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
It/its pronouns
Best friends with chocolate milk
Just slightly shorter then hidden (8’6)
You can take a bite out of it, it’ll just regenerate, tastes like gummy
A giant teddy bear
Would and can purr like a cat if you pat it’s hair fluff
Has a soft spot for animals
Its a bit overprotective over its s/o
“Conspiracy anon won’t stop stalking me” -milk 2021
Rarely speaks, just makes random noises as responses
Is a combination of any type of milk you can think of
Hehe claws
Pretty much genderless, has no age either
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More anons will be added in the future
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