ambyandony · 5 months
Narancia Ghirga - Monster AU Profile
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Narancia Ghirga, a mischievous shapeshifter with reckless habits, undying loyalty, and a shaky sense of belonging.
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Preface about species type:
This post will be introducing many polymorph-related vocabulary terms which will be included in the Monster AU 'dictionary'; you don't need to worry about getting confused, because I'll stick with layman's terms for the most part, I'm just including the more formal terms for fun and fake education. They are all words I made up.
Narancia's a bit of a special case; his specific classification is unknown, making him fall into the special category of tochnopolymorph (TOECH-no-paw-lee-morf), also known as a non-specific shapeshifter (NS3), or 'true polymorph'. There are many, many different 'breeds' of polymorphs, but they often have defining features, a true form, set forms, and/or a different classification (such as zooanthrope, selkie, Diego Brando, etc.).
Narancia, however, is one of the types that do not fit into a known further specification. Though he has a natal form (protomorph) that is usually assumed to be his 'true form', Narancia is versatile and does not have a 'true form' (as he's never defined one for himself), only a default; his default form is the same as his protomorph. He can change any physical aspect of himself to a certain extent and can transform into anything provided it isn't too big (as accumulating significantly more matter into his being spontaneously is not generally within the extent of his capabilities, and usually transforming beyond his own mass involves fucking around with internals and is just in general kind of really horrifying).
Note that the rules that apply to Narancia do not apply to all polymorphs, or even all tochnopolymorphs, necessarily.
His clothes stay with him when he shifts, but whether this means that; 1. his clothes are actually a part of his body, 2. he internalises his clothes when he shapeshifts, and then externalises them when he returns to human/protomorph or, 3. some other bullshit; is unclear.
Details related to Polymorphism:
His tail, which is somewhat feline, leonine, or heraldic unicorn-like, is prehensile, meaning it can grab and hold things. It can also extend and shorten at will, though it gets less bushy at the end the longer it gets.
He has tapeta lucida. His eyes are reflective when light shines on them, but they also seem to glow in the dark somewhat.
Could trans his gener in any way at any time he wants to. Except legally. He presumably generally doesn't. But he could. And if he does. It's none of our business.
Many of his theriomorphs (animal forms), such as cats and dogs, have black fur since that's the colour of his hair, and purple eyes, which is a risk to give him away, as the colour is unusual. When questioned about the giveaway, he says, "I'm a shapeshifter, not a fucking chameleon!" However, his ability to imitate other humanoids to a semi-convincing degree, including the all-around-pale Pannacotta Fugo, suggests there are probably other factors involved.
If given enough time, he, like most tochopolymorphs, can regenerate any sort of piercing damage (like cuts, stabs, and bullet wounds). Polymorphic regenerative 'invulnerability' reportedly "does not extend to fall damage"; and may not recover a major pierce through the heart, as they don't have the time to heal it because they are dying right fucking now!!
It's important to note that if something is removed, it would take significantly more effort to restore it, as it would likely require him to redistribute his remaining mass to keep his shape, so if he lost an arm, he'd have to sacrifice some height to restore the arm.
This is only a temporary solution, because even though this method allows him to retain his shape, his missing mass still should be restored, particularly because if it's not, then the arm will still be missing in protomorph, which is activated by instinct.
A lehkomorph, or simple formshift, is a shift into a form that isn't too different from the protomorph, such as Narancia's human-passing form(s). A vazkomorph, or complex formshift, is a shift into a form that's significantly different from the protomorph, such as most theriomorphs and animal forms. Impersonation transformations (simulaforms) are either-or depending on the case; transforming into a small child would be considered a complex formshift due to a difference in general structure.
It's hard for Narancia to maintain both a complex formshift and Aerosmith at the same time. When he retains an animal form, it can be a challenge to summon, control, or use his Stand ability. Whether this is a focus issue, a hypothetically common trait for polymorph Stand Users, or something else, it's hard to say.
Transforming into something too big generally leaves him very sore when he changes back, and he can be quite whiny about it, but, as you'll learn in a bit, the whining... may or may not kinda be warranted. Overuse of shifting capabilities is also known to commonly cause soreness and sometimes dislocations or deformations as the body forgets how to put itself back together properly. Shapeshift responsibly.
To properly redistribute his size, when taking a much smaller form, sometimes 'mass-carriers' need to be formed to store the extra mass less conspicuously; if he were to take a child form, he might have to form with longer hair or a "backpack".
Larger forms usually require the opposite - as gross as it is, a form that is significantly larger usually requires internal mass to be redistributed, meaning that he would probably externalise and/or compress his own organs, which is generally incredibly painful and often very unhealthy; this should only be performed in dire circumstances, and even then, should generally be avoided, because it can be life-threatening.
There is some leniency; Narancia taking the form of an inconspicuous kitten but transforming into a properly-sized humanoid form breaks this restriction, and there are other exceptions, though he generally tries to keep his mass consistent. Taking a smaller form with no mass-carriers usually results from mass-shedding, which can be done voluntarily but is unpleasant. Mass restoration is the harder step of the process, but usually is aided by eating. This is likely the reason that Narancia was able to regain his humanoid form once he’d eaten.
The current only known case study of one of the most horrifying shapeshifter afflictions: form decay! (Bi: Thanks a lot, Prosciutto. Really glad I had to be a part of that)
Though able to regenerate physical damage well, things such as illness, immune issues, and infection are a different matter, as they are things he is unable to control, and they can be very severe for him. He was susceptible, and it culminated in the eye infection.
Though he is a polymorph with no technically set form, his protomorph is very distinctive and suggests something more species-specific. In particular, most of his features appear feline in some capacity, his face especially, not to mention his mannerisms and body language, which are quite catlike.
There may be some implication that the frequent morphing contributes to jaw pain or discomfort that Narancia seems to alleviate by chewing, biting, or eating things he is really not supposed to have in his mouth—like he's teething.
Details about Narancia:
Has a bad habit of slinking around in the dead of night, going into other people's rooms and then promptly fleeing upon waking them up. Cryptid behaviour.
Smug, somewhat childish, and thinks he's SO cool with his shapeshifting. Look, just... let him have this
Likes to just slightly change his appearance to mess with people and see how long it takes them to notice as a prank. Usually, he does this with Mista because he knows he can get away with it. Fugo fell for it at first but when he caught on he started to get mad about it. Just because it's annoying and distracting.
He also used to impersonate Fugo just to mess with him, but it freaked Fugo out, so he stopped doing it because it stopped being as funny when Fugo was scared rather than angry. Narancia never figured out why it scared him so much. Fugo gets twice as freaked out about it post-Pompeii arc. For some reason.
Impersonating Fugo around the others worked at first, but they could usually figure out if it was Fugo or Narancia by speech patterns and body language. Even when he tries to speak like Fugo, Narancia's tone gives him away.
But also, to save time, if they look at the face, they can tell practically right away if it's Fugo or Narancia. Narancia has some form of prosopagnosia—face blindness—so he can never mimic the face quite right (short of copying someone's face while he's staring at it), and something always looks noticeably wrong. He generally distinguishes people by their hair, scent, and voice. He's not completely unable to distinguish the way someone's features look, so he can replicate them if he's looking at them, but as soon as he's not looking, he is unable to recall what someone looks like or recognise someone's face. He doesn't recognise Bruno with his hair down and sometimes struggles to recognise Mista without his hat on.
Absolutely touchstarved (e.g. desires cuddling and petting) but he's a bit awkward about it, especially when it comes to physical affection with other men (very 'no homo' vibes), although he is sort of willing to display physical affection with Mista more openly because it's a 'bro thing' (it is not a bro thing). To remedy this oxymoronic situation, Narancia usually assumes his cat theriomorph when seeking affection, in which he feels less weird about receiving affection and the others feel less weird about petting him.
Regarding the street kids Narancia used to run with before he got arrested, it's a fair assumption to make that they knew Narancia wasn't human and (whether themselves a pack of juvenile werewolves or just a group of humans) hung out with him like he was a more-or-less normal person, and that's why he wanted to run with them. They let him feel like he fit in, which is something he'd struggled with his entire life due to a lack of exposure to any of his own kind, leading him to be unsure if he could ever belong anywhere.
Because he could be anything and transform himself in any way, he wasn't sure that any identity he gave himself was really his or if he was just conforming to what other people wanted. He didn't know how to be "himself", but running with the street kids at least gave him something, a name for himself, a place to belong, maybe a role to fill that wasn't just 'whatever they need at the moment' (though he certainly did a lot of that). But "Bro" was mostly just using him because his shapeshifting abilities were really useful and really convenient for framing him.
Fugo happened upon a sickly, injured kitten on his way to Libeccio's one day. He picked the kitten up despite better judgement, having sympathy for the tiny creature, and, despite the biting and scratching that his poor arms sustained, brought the kitten to Buccellati. They gave the kitten a little bit of food, and when they left it alone in a room for five minutes while they tried to figure out what to do about it, they came back in to find a scruffy boy halfway fallen off a chair, and no kitten to be seen. The rest of Narancia's backstory proceeds as normal, except that Fugo goes fucking ballistic at him because he, a creature with complex cognitive function, fucking bit him!!! Voluntarily!!! That's so fucked up!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!
Giorno stole his gender and that's why he's canon lesbian of the day
Likes... being pet on the head... but will punch you in the jaw if you try. Unless he wants you to do it. he's very fickle...
Has a nasty case of undiagnosed ADHD and/or something else, probably made slightly worse by the fact he's inhuman and thus already has some pretty odd tendencies. Struggles to sit still, hyperfixates yet struggles to focus (particularly in an academic environment), has some sensory issues and has a severe need to be stimming in 90% of his waking moments. His favourite style of stimming seems to be spinning things, including pocket knives, pens, and Aerosmith's propellers. The way he spins pens shows a very very impressive dexterity.
Seems to always have about 12 pocket knives on his person at any one given time. You take one knife away from him and he pulls another out of his fucking shoe and shanks you in the gut. Allegedly has 3 knives under his pillow, as he warned Limbo.
Incredibly expressive. His lack of a definite form allows his body (especially his ears, in his protomorph) to reflect his expression or mood to a much greater extent than a human's could. In the case of his ears, it's very much like cat body language.
The ORIGINAL catboy. Step aside, True Catboy Ghiaccio and Semantic Catboy Tiziano! I don't care that hes not a cat!!! shut the fuck up!!!!!
he does hiss at people
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queer-proship-icons · 3 months
i cannot be stopped and i will keep making icons until i pass out from exhaustion :3
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123itsbri · 2 years
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pink doods (with a colored trish from the last ones!)
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rajinedgeofdarkness · 2 years
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Trish eye practice with short animation
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minticecodes · 7 months
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A (late) piece for dmcweek2024 day 4! I was buzzing to put forward something for the week. Prompt was alt universe.
AU where Eva survived the fire and had to figure out a way forward, believing the twins dead. She becomes an RPG shopkeeper selling wares ranging from antique books to magical goods (Devil May Scry). She's also out for Mundus' blood.
Image descriptions are the same as in alt.
[ID: 7 Digital illustrations and sketches. 1: Coloured illustration of a bookshop at sunset. Eva, a pale blonde middle aged woman mans the bright patterned counter. She wears a turtleneck and red shawl, has shoulder length hair, and diagonal facial burn scar and scarring on her left hand. Light rays illuminate her gently smiling face. Besides packed books, on the shelves are potion bottles, statuettes, succulents, and a displayed katana. Roses and plants decorate the shop. On the counter are a thick hardback, bookscanner, and crystal ball. Cards are displayed inside the counter. On the wall hangs a price sign, featuring doodled vital stars (large star drawn with sunglasses), holy water and fortunes. Beneath it is a rose wreathed divinity statue display, with 2 red orb offerings in a dish. 2: Eva from behind, sitting hunched alone at a table where a birthday cake sits untouched. It's a two flavour cake. By her clenched hand are crumpled tissues. Caption: 'Vergil...Dante...happy birthday...' 3: Eva bracing the Devil Sword Sparda across her shoulders, aimed at the ground. She wears a bell sleeved, ruffled funeral/wedding dress with a slit for leg movement. A veil trails behind her like a ribbon. Close ups of her show the headpiece design; a pacifier made of a long bird skill, feather, rose, and four skeletal 'legs'. 4 & 5: Trish taking on teen Dante's image: a tan teen in black, with chin length white hair, a halter neck tank top, leather pants, kneelength boots and black polish. Her leather jacket collar resembles lightning bolts. She leans against an invisible wall, one leg bent to brace her foot against it. She looks askance with arched brows, lifting shades from her face. The 2nd image is a 3/4 profile with shades perched on her forehead and popped collar. 6: Helmetless portraits of Dante and Vergil in armour, expressionless. Dante's hair is shoulder length and falls across his face. 7: Full body of 2 somewhat lanky demonic knights. One (Nelo Angelo) in black and blue with droopy horns rests his palms atop his blue broadsword's pommel, the sword upright against the ground. He stands straight, staring ahead. The other in white and red and curled horns has a palm clapped on Nelo Angelo's shoulder, other hand at his hips. Somehow the eyes on his helmet express playfulness. At his back is the hilt to a flail, the spiked ball resting on the ground by his armoured heels. They're labelled '~16' . End ID.]
Read more for some wordy backstory and sketches. TW for mentions of torture, abuse and solitary confinement surrounding the twins.
I had...so many more ideas that I'm leaving out to keep this short. It's fun to think how she'd mesh with the cast.
Like! her and Lady. Mother that lost her kid and kid that lost her mother. It writes itself how much unwitting projection can go wrong. And pretty much everything about her, the twins, and Trish :)
In terms of backstory:
After the fire she's alone. Her birth family disowned her long ago. She thinks about revamping the mansion but the idea of staying in that empty space with only memories for company is too much. So she eventually opens a small store.
Starts off paranoid and distant. Still is distant but gets entangled with the local community overtime. Greets people by name and they'll chat about how life has been going. This includes demon hunters and demons and supernatural beings living peacefully; her shop becomes a small safe haven to exchange information to stay safe.
Gets very good at forging protective charms. Haunted by the memory of the enchanted closet, smashed in and empty.
A regular is a schoolgirl who originally came to pick up reserved books for her father but stuck around because hey, this place is quiet and interesting, and the owner serves stellar teacakes. Great place to study. To Mary, Eva's kind, though odd, secretive and a little lonely.
I got inspired by Eva's association with the bangle/bracelet of time and the amulets for her fighting style. It's based around item crafting, like an RPG character slapping on every stat boosting item.
She stitches together different outfits for different needs Cardcaptor style. They're all exceedingly dramatic. It's not clear here but I wanted a bird motif to eventually come through. Phoenix motif, really.
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[ID: Rough sketches: A magician esque outfit with vest, feathered tophat and cape. A longcoat with long skirt and long scarf at her back like a cape. The cape is tagged with 'spells stitched into fabric'. Close ups on the coat lapel show two pins (strawberry and wing), labelled 'charm lapel pins.' Close up of the shoes show sharp heals and ankle bracelets. Eva leaping in a black bodysuit and leotard, with feathery collar, quill behind her ear, and ballet shoes with a claw at the heel. Eva making a triangular 2 hand sign in a hooded cloak and longskirt. Around her shoulders are claws. At her hips is an hourglass. Above her heeded head is a clocklike halo. Beside her is a sketch of a woman with a lionhead mask. A funeral and wedding dress inspired outfit. Eva crouches, wielding the Devil Sword Sparda in scythe form. Her face is covered by a tattered veil. She wears a knee length ruffled dress, black gloves, and a long, ruffled cape. Close up of her left hand shows a ring and finger claws Rough comic. Chibi lady talks to chibi Eva. Lady holds up a black body suit with billowing sleeves and a cleavage window. Lady: "Eva what is this" Eva (smiling cheerfully): "Oh - that old thing!" Eva: "My old hunting outfit. Gosh I'd almost forgotten about it. Not the most comfortable thing - so skin tight..." However Lady fixates on 'my old hunting outfit'. The words go in one ear and come out as a younger Eva in a catsuit, pointing a gun with a serious expression, wind blowing through her hair. Lady stares into the distance, bewildered, and slightly blushing. End ID]
Meanwhile the twins are having a terrible time but they have each other, even if they don't remember they're brothers. I think it'd be sweet if they have a bond anyway. Everyone else thinks they're rivals at best.
(Nelo is Mundus' favourite to toy with as the proud, eldest son. But when he gets rough, Bianco butts in and acts up for Mundus' attention. This gets him sent to solitary confinement; Mundus figured out Bianco hates small spaces and designed an iron maiden for him. Others think Bianco is a brute who acts out for a fight. But that's ok. It means Bianco can keep buying Nelo time.) (When lucid, Nelo despises his own weakness when this happens.)
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[ID: 2 Images. Nelo and Bianco Angelo in fisticuffs in a cartoony dustcloud, glaring at each other as they fight. They're captioned 'Mundus' most competent generals'. Additional text: 'silent, obedient, crushing force when apart. Perfect soldiers. ... until they're put together. Complement each other's battle style OR clash terribly. Nelo Angelo staring off, arms crossed and furrowed eyes somehow expressing being completely fed up. Behind him, Bianco and Griffin talk at each other. Griffin's glaring. Bianco has a hand up to gesture. End ID]
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icycoldninja · 18 days
Can u write the DMC boys accidentally come across the reader’s diary? Curious, they flip open the pages finding random sketches of her daily life: Trish picking her nail, Vergil polishing his Yamato, Lady chatting up with Nico; etc with little comments like
‘Lady looks the coolest with glasses’
‘I wonder what brand Trish got her corset from. It really accentuate her figures so well!’
‘Dante and Vergil fought again. It would be amusing had it not been for the fact that a tree collapsed because of them’
They thought of detailed the sketches are, quietly admiring it before coming across the middle of the diary, which was full of their drawings and her random thoughts being written inside:
‘He looks so cool with his jacket. Can I be equally as cool as him?’
‘They said that men look the most attractive when concentrating on something. At first I didn’t get it, now I fully understand the hype’
‘I saw his biceps the other day. Sometimes I don’t know if I want to be him or have him’
It was quite endearing before the boys come across the “less appropriate” section of the diary, including the comments and her sketches of them:
‘I took a good look of his side profile the other day. I wonder what it’s like to ride his nose. The bump on his nose would be the cherry on top *aggressive lip biting*’
‘His hands are so big…sometimes I wonder if it would fit down there without me screaming’
‘I’m supposed to be better than this, now that I found out his devil trigger is rather bewitching to say the least. It’s risky but at the same time worth it to find out what kind of impalement I can die from’
‘I want to lick his happy trail ngl’
‘Every time he gets mad, I can’t help but scream without the s’
You asked; I shall faithfully deliver.
Sparda boys + V Reading Reader's diary headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-You made the mistake of leaving your precious diary out while Dante was in the vicinity, and this man POUNCED on the opportunity.
-He started flipping through your diary, finding all these sketches of your daily life, as well as some silly little comments.
-It was all heartfelt and wholesome at first. Dante thought you were a really good artist and couldn't help but giggle a little at how much you seemed to admire him and Vergil. (Him more.)
-Then he came across the section that shall be henceforth known as The Cursed Pages.
-Jesus Fricking Christ, this was a whole new level of horny. There were hundreds, if not thousands of sketches of himself as well as the others crammed into every corner of the paper, surrounded by comments that you'd made, most of them horny ones.
-Dante didn't want to read any further. He shut the book, put it back, and tried to pretend he never saw anything. Sure, he was flattered to be your muse and all that, but he never knew you felt...that way.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil is normally not very nosy, but seeing you leave your diary on the table, then walk away snickering had him very curious.
-Against his better judgement, he began flipping through the various entries there, smiling as he read what was basically your daily life in manga form. You were a good artist, he'd give you that.
-Then he came across The Cursed Pages. Oh God.
-Vergil understands diaries are where one is supposed to be able to openly describe one's fantasies, and he had no problem with that, but when nearly all your fantasies are about him, he can't help but feel a little worried. And a little flattered. And a little hot.
-You've made several....interesting comments about his body, and other parts of him, and honestly, it sounds like you're head over heels for him--obsessed, even.
-Well, at least Vergil can use this information as reassurance that if he ever confesses to you someday, you probably won't reject him.
□ Nero □
-Nero is not known to be nosy, but when you, his long-time crush, left your diary out around him, he decided to break character.
-He knew he shouldn't have, but he decided to forgo his principles and snoop.
-Needless to say, he found some Pretty interesting stuff, from little sketches of your daily life, little chibi drawings of V and his pets, and tiny comments that seemed to come straight from your heart.
-It was all so sweet, he thought, until he saw The Cursed Pages. Then all the warm bubbles he had floating around in his stomach popped immediately. What the hell kind of mind did you have that made you create such perverted drawings?!
-After a little while, Nero's initial shock faded and he realized that you were actually pretty talented and your horny remarks ended up making him horny.
-He had to put your diary down before he got too hot and bothered because if he got to that point, there'd be no returning.
● V ●
-V isn't one to snoop, especially through your things, but your diary was so tempting, he couldn't resist.
-So, he took a peek when you left the room, finding some nice sketches and funny little comments.
-He didn't expect to find much else in there, but as he continued to flip through the pages of your diary, he found entries that were getting more and more personal by the minute.
-This led him to The Cursed Pages, where you practically vented all your sexual desires and more.
-V was disgusted, flattered, shocked, and a little ashamed for having gone this far. It was nice that you liked him in that way, but...did you have to be so...dirty minded?
-V eventually chalked it down to the natural obsession that comes with love and quickly returned your diary to its place before resuming whatever it was he was doing earlier, pretending all this had never happened.
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vulgaralien · 1 month
that one where its draw your comfort characters like this but instead of that its my profile pics i use
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i cropped it square bc originally it was for instagram but I never posted it there and also since i have disowned meta its here now. its messy as shit but i cant be bothered to fix any of it
i use trish on here (and used to on discord), cesare on ao3 and donnie on tiktok
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lady-wallace · 9 months
Vampire Hunter AU - Trish
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Trish's profile from my vampire hunter au
More Vampire AU HERE
Read the series on Ao3
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Wow, so the way Lady and Trish were treated in DMC5 circles back to DMC4, where one of the people behind DMC4 were initially gonna throw in a character who is just eye candy like Gloria while Lady and Trish would be absent except for the beginning of DMC4.
I have a whole Twitter thread that has evidence (shocking I know, somebody on Twitter providing actual evidence): https://x.com/Neromeows/status/1796575211174932739
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And the super creepy way of how this dude described Kyrie was just… well I’ll let you read the thread, because it’s on the same level of weirdness as DMC4 Nero being sexualized in fanart and fanfics. It’s so weird how he described Kyrie here. Tell me, and look my profile pic right in the eyes after reading that thread I provided and say that the way this person described Kyrie isn’t just this person’s thinly veiled fetishes.
It explains why DMC5 portrayed Lady and Trish in a pathetic light. They’ve been itching to sideline these two.
So great, not only were the devs behind DMC Reboot sexist about their female characters, so were DMC4’s devs. DMC Reboot had Lilith as their misogynistic caricature and DMC4 would’ve had one if none of the other dev guys thankfully said, “nah.”
In fact, Capcom just does not do a good job portraying most of their female characters, with the exception of Street Fighter 6 (because it’s my second Street Fighter game and I plan to play the other games), but even then, that’s still not enough. RE’s women get screwed unless they are the eye candy sometimes, especially in the movies and of course, I’m skeptical of DMC6 happening because of the whole microtransaction thing, Capcom could possibly ruin DMC’s original storyline, and of course, Lady and Trish will be screwed over worse, while doing the bare minimum with their designs just covering them up and that’s about it.
I get that Devil May Cry is about the Sparda Men as a whole, but what Capcom did is the equivalent of Chun-Li and Cammy being sidelined despite those two being seasoned veteran fighters who fought M. Bison, and making it all about the Ryu and Ken show.
Honestly I can’t say for sure if DMC4 is good because I have not finished it yet. What I will say about DMC5 is, the game was close to being a great game, but it was ruined with how Lady and Trish were thrown to the side like trash even though they’ve been established. Especially Trish, who was there since the very first game. I don’t know if it will get better for the DMC ladies.
Until Capcom comes up with a good way to make up for the bad female representation in DMC5 when they eventually make DMC6, and not pull an RE6 as much I like that game and ruin the storyline, I will remain skeptical of Netflix Devil May Cry and DMC6.
One last edited note I forgot to mention, I’m convinced this Bingo guy missed his calling to be a Hentai game developer. Just saying. I have no problems with people throwing in attractive characters because they find them super hot. It would be hypocritical of ME to say that Bingo is thinking with his “smaller head,” because I have made attractive characters because I wanted to make attractive characters. Plus, I female gaze the Sparda men a lot, so I got no room to talk here, lol. I just think that when creating characters unless it’s a fanservice fest game or a Rule 34 game, they have to be more than eye candy.
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wolfnanaki · 1 year
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So. Goodbye Volcano High.
I've been following this game closely since it was first revealed at Sony's Future of Gaming event back in 2020. And after suffering delays brought on by the pandemic, a narrative reboot, and a years-long hate campaign, the game is steadily approaching its August 29th release date. And while I've posted a bit about it here, I haven't properly introduced the game to you all.
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Set in a world of anthropomorphic dinosaurs, you play as Fang, a nonbinary pterodactyl and musician. Senior year has just started for them at Volcano High, and Fang's ready to go legit with their band Worm Drama. But their friends and bandmates, Trish and Reed, now have their own diverging interests.
For Fang, it feels like the world they knew is coming to an end.
Except it literally is.
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There's an asteroid coming, one that will wipe out the dinosaurs in eight months. And as the day approaches and the threat of extinction becomes more real, Fang is forced to live boldly and make hard choices with the time they have left.
Fang will perform music throughout the game in the form of a rhythm game, and they show how Fang expresses their feelings throughout the narrative. The choices you make will impact the music they play, giving every playthrough its own unique soundtrack.
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Of course, there are lots of other exciting activities. You can design your band's logos and posters. You can doomscroll on dinosaur Twitter. You can play TTRPGs with friends. You can check out other dinos' social media profiles. You can get Tarot readings. And your interactions with other characters can unlock past memories you can recall later.
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But most important is the game's narrative system. Rather than choices being assigned to a simple button press, you have to move and hold the analog stick on the choice - and the game makes sure each choice feels like it matters.
Choices can have a visual effect to indicate Fang's state of mind. Choices can change before the timer runs out. Choices might require extra input to show how important committing to it is. And you can miss out on choices if you hesitate or wait too long.
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This is a game that wears its queer heart on its sleeve with a plethora of gay, lesbian, bi, trans, and nonbinary characters. It has a story that encourages you to truly commit to your thoughts and feelings. Because you're not going to get the chance again. Every choice you make impacts Fang's relationships, music, and story.
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There's eight months of your life left. What are you going to do with them? Fight tooth and nail to live your dreams? Patch things up with your family? Finally tell your crush how you feel? Spend time with your friends? Knock out your bucket list? Try to do it all?
Or is it better to leave everything unsaid?
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If any of this sounds interesting to you, I highly encourage you to wishlist this game on Steam or on the PlayStation Store.
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bruabbaism · 1 year
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trish una yassified profile i aim to make a tiny cute magazine for myself
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ambyandony · 4 months
Fusion (JJBA) - “Lisha Adkuna”
Limbo Adkins + Trish Una
presenting the fusion of my oc limbo with Trish for absolutely no reason I just was thinking about her so fuckinn much . specifically a monster au variant for reasons i dont really know.
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"Lisha" Adkuna (either Lih-sha or Lee-sha add-kew-nah), fusion of Limbo Adkins and Trish Una, User of fusion Stand 「IT GIRL」.
A 「My Space」*-classic median fusion, meaning that most of her basic traits fall between what they are for Trish and Limbo; thus, she's 16 years old, about 5'3.5" or 161.29 cm tall, and - as is common for fusions where components share the same pronouns, she/her in this case - is identifiable by she/her rather than they/them.
She has a soft, light, somewhat high-pitched voice, fairly reminiscent of Rosemary Fairweather (which incidentally was another possibility for the Stand name), a la 'Washing Machine', which is incidentally also her musical style, considering Limbo is a musician and post-PHF Trish is a pop star. makes the best collab ever with myself
Fusions with Limbo tend to automatically take her cloud tattoo and present it differently in a way that relates to the fusion in some way. Lisha's tat is... particularly drastic in difference and... interesting, to say the least.
Side note. That's a bracelet. Her hand is fine.
(* see bottom of post)
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The fusion between Trish's 「Spice Girl」 and Limbo's 「Cloud Nine」 is
「IT GIRL」’s ability, ‘signal fog’, also known as a ‘dead zone’, effectively makes signals ‘soft’.
It works in an AOE. When it is active, within the ‘fog’s reach, signals will become distorted automatically. Technology will become static or fuzzy, it becomes exceptionally hard to see, and even vocal speech is hard to decipher.
However, anyone who is outside of the fog’s range is unaffected by it. In fact, they can’t actually see the fog and can see anything within it fine. As soon as they enter the fog, it’s tangible; visibility is severely lowered, similar to a very thick natural fog, though it has the look of digital or visual snow.
Stands are disrupted (though not disabled) by default; as Limbo would explain it, the connection between a Stand and its User is, itself, a signal.
I made a sketch sheet too but it's ambiguously-anachronistic aka i can't tell you at what point in the timeline this would be occurring since
1. fugo is clearly post phf,
2. narancia and limbo have not gotten together with mista yet,
3. narancia.
so basically just dont worry about it
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text is kinda small though so here's close-ups
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Fugo: Ciao, Tr.. Trish? Limbo?
Lisha: Both. Lisha.
Fugo: ... What do you mean, 'both'
Lisha: Long story. Elephants and conjoined twins. You wouldn't get it
Fugo: ... And can it, uh... be fixed?
Lisha: Working on it.
Fugo: Okay, well, the next full moon-
Lisha: Is soon, yeah.
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(Lisha, labelled in a side note as "half-girlfriend (Limbo is his girlfriend)
Lisha, Limbo voice, with delight: Ciao, Narancia!
Narancia, labelled "faceblind": ..... who the fuck are you
(Lisha is further labelled, "looks sounds and smells too much like both Trish and Limbo for him to tell it's either of them")
Internal Trish voice: Limbo why are you about to burst into tears
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Lisha, Trish voice: No, because I was trying to tell him about me -
Lisha-Trish, continued: I mean I was trying to -
Lisha-Trish, continued, angrily: FUCKDAMMIT! It was Trish!
Lisha-Trish, continued, exasperated: It's weird to talk about myselves in the third person!
( a side note to her right points to her purple keyhole sweater and reads "Her only other "default" outfit option. Neither one of her know why she gets a sweater that looks like this, though... )
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Limbo: I know!!!
Limbo: I KNOW!!!
Trish: He is literally gross girl what is wrong with you
Limbo: He's nice to me!
Trish: ...
Lisha, Trish voice: (points threateningly at Mista) Don't talk to me.
Internal Limbo voice: DON'T SAY IT LIKE THAT!!!
Mista: (Didn't say anything) (Was watching her zone out for like two minutes just glaring at him (thinks one of them is mad at him))
Trish: It's for your own good.
Limbo: What if he's mad at me!!
Trish: Wh-mad at you!?? How the fuck do you live like this?!?
Limbo: I'm so fucking far away from nirvana you genuinely would not fucking believe
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Lisha: Well, see, the Full Moon is coming up soon and... I don't know if that's gonna be an issue for me... I'm on a bit of a time crunch trying to... uh... un-me myselves.
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* 「My Space」 is a Stand belonging to a pair of conjoined twins (Eve and Belynda, or "Evelynn"). It takes a form resembling a conjoined pair of elephants, and its ability is simply to fuse two individuals into a single entity, both fusing their physical form and their Stands. Due to the way it does this, fusions function as a collective or co-consciousness, akin to a sort of very complicated Dissociative Identity Disorder; both components are generally actively conscious at all times, though they are able to speak either collectively or individually.
Considering this shared consciousness, fusions created by 「My Space」 are practically unable to refer to their fusion as a collective, as both sides view the body as themself. Thus, fusions usually say ‘i’ or ‘me’ instead of ‘we’ or ‘us’. This is also confusing when the sides try to refer to each other, as they will usually still refer to the other as ‘me’, since both are always actively conscious, even if only one is actively speaking. However, ‘myselves’ is a very common malaprop for fusions.
Evelynn refuse to undo the fusions unless their victim tracks them down and is able to convince them, usually by amusing or impressing them with some kind of talent or skill. They consider their Stand's ability a performance and insist it's only fair that they're entertained in return (really most of the separating process is just trying to track the twins down).
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queer-proship-icons · 3 months
jjba bisexual enby pfps!
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bluebiirrd · 25 days
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( aubrey plaza. cis female. she/her. ) - let me introduce you to a friend of the eversley family, BLUE NAVARRO came to stay at the eversley estate because SHE NEEDED TO GET OUT OF LOS ANGELES. they are THIRTY-FIVE and are known as THE SOCIALITE to the family because they are FLIRTATIOUS, CHAOTIC, AND DRAMATIC. when you get to know them, you think about RED LIPSTICK PAIRED WITH A RED DRESS, PILES OF TABLOID MAGAZINES but you can only wonder what brought them to the eversley estate.
Birth Name: Bluebird Isabella Jade Madison-Navarro.
Full name: Blue Isabella Navarro.
Nickname: Blue Navarro, Blue, Bee, Birdie.
Age: 35.
DOB: November 3rd, 1988.
 Zodiac Sign(s): Scorpio sun, Sagittarius moon, Cancer rising.
Hometown: Los Angeles, California.
Familial: Lana Jade Madison (mother; alive), David Navarro (father; deceased), Ira Madison (maternal grandfather; deceased), Wolfe Madison (maternal half brother; alive).
Hair color: Brown.
Eye color: Brown.
Height: 5'6.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single.
Occupation: Socialite / Social Media Influencer.
Character Inspirations: Alex Vause (Orange is the New Black), Barney Stinson (How I Met Your Mother), Trish Walker (Jessica Jones), Siobhan Roy (Succession), Samantha Jones (Sex and the City), Elaine Benes (Seinfeld), Fleabag (Fleabag).
tldr; blue comes from an affluent and very famous family in los angeles (mom is a legendary actress). her claim to fame is that she was a very rowdy young person and was regularly making covers of tabloids (think paris hilton / lindsay lohan). very directionless and chooses to distract herself from this by being an overgrown party girl. she’s a lot of fun.
If you’ve picked up any tabloid magazine in the last thirty five years, you’ve heard the name Bluebird Madison-Navarro, mostly known as Blue Navarro these days.  If you haven’t, you must be living under a rock. She’s the miracle child born to her mother, Lana Jade Madison, an world known, Oscar winning actress and David Navarro, leader of the 70’s rock band, Cosmic Grove . Granddaughter of Ira Madison, a three time Oscar winning director. Half sister to award winning actor and producer, Wolfe Madison. Needless to say, Blue comes from a world of recognition, respect, and most importantly, reputation.
Growing up, Blue was constantly in the limelight. She hated everything about it. Blue hated being photographed, she hated how strangers knew her name, frankly, she hated being a Madison. When she was a teenager, she decided that if she was getting all the stress that came with being a high profile person, she should at least get the perks too, right? Blue started taking advantage of the name. It opened a lot of doors for her in the lavish Hollywood party scene. 
She followed in her mother’s footsteps, as she found herself on the covers of magazines. Except, Blue didn’t star in movies or win awards. She got caught up in scandals. The paparazzi seemed to catch her in private moments. Like having a cigarette at fifteen or sneaking into 21+ clubs at eighteen. The media also seemed very interested to know the endless string of boyfriends and girlfriends she had in her early adulthood.
Eventually, the tabloids got bored of her, but she was never able to wash away the reputation they gave her. Her mother certainly never forgot. Even to this day, her mother reminds Blue how her past antics had cheapened the Madison name. How instead of creating something great out of herself, she settled for mindless entertainment.
Blue has settled for what she has always known. Parties. Having fun. Distraction. She runs from the emptiness she feels, from the feelings of unworthiness, from the possibility that her mother is right, her only offering to world came and went nearly twenty years ago. She tries to run from the realization she was given all of the opportunity anyone could want in the world and she's done nothing with it.
What better way to distract herself from her woes than spending her summer far far away from Los Angeles?
Blue has over a million followers on Instagram. While she is still a trust fund baby, she makes her own money as an influencer. Her posts are mostly about lifestyle.
She never got the acting bug. She tried it once. As a child, she had a small role in one of her mother's films. She had one line. Like her mother says, Blue wasn't a natural.
Her and her brother Wolfe share a twenty two year old age difference. They weren't close until his relationship with Cressida Wilder, who Blue admired very much. When their marriage ended, Blue's and Wolfe's relationship fizzled as well.
The only form of normalcy and mundaneness Blue ever had was with her father, David. His band was very well known in the 70's and his relationship with Lana Jade gave him some relevancy. However, when their relationship ended, David's own fame evaporated. He left LA and went to New Mexico, where he's originally from. When the tabloids got really bad, she would visit him. It was a very surreal experience being a regular civilian.
On her eighteenth birthday, she legally changed her name to Blue Isabella Navarro.
Her favorite color is red.
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silver-focus-lining · 7 months
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Trish Una’s old design. It’s gonna make a great profile pic.
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jojosba · 1 year
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Jojo characters zodiac according to canon material
Some notes:
Rohan's and Diavolo's wiki pages states they are taurus and cancer respectively, but I couldn't find any canon stuff about them so they aren't included.
We don't know when exactly Lisa Lisa was born in december which means she can be either a sagittarius or a Capricorn.
Narancia's d.o.b is May 20th in his profile which makes him a Taurus,but in manga and anime narrotor says that he's a Leo so thats why he is in both.
For Trish: In the manga we can see her d.o.b is April 19th which would make her an Aries but later in her profile it is changed to June 8 th which would make her a gemini.
And Bruno for last:He is a Libra according to the d.o.b given in his profile, but both in the Anime and Manga during babyface arc Melone says that Bucciarati is an Aries and it is completely incompatible with Pisces so it's most likely changed later just like Trish's Birthday.
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