#project pickens
superbeans89 · 3 months
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Jim Pickens has conquered Louisville!
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arafergirl-artdump · 4 months
I wanted to wait until I'll come up with anything about RH project I can post because foreshadowing is a literacy device but those sketches are needed to be posted.
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I have one normal.
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(Rhythm Heaven fandom needs more Clodhopper Pickens fanart he's so silly i love him)
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bigjimbopickens · 1 year
Jim Pickens lore in point-form!
(Aka the CMK sims 4 series that ran from 2016-2022)
Recently I’ve noticed that newer CMK viewers don’t know the whole Jim Pickens universe lore so I’m going to explain it in the simplest way I can so they can know too :)
The story begins with Urp John. He moves into an apartment and has 6 kids with multiple women.
Jim Pickens moves in across from him and tries to get Urp to move in with him by attempting to kill off a household member.
Focus shifts to Jim.
Jim moves the family to the Sandtrap Flats, the first house in the series to feature a dungeon (called ‘chambers’ at this time).
To generate profit, he locks the family in the chambers and forces them to paint so Jim can later sell whatever they made. The only household members not in the chambers are the kids (Tim, Beejey and Urp’s kids). This is where the iconic Jim Pickens portrait comes from.
The cult unofficially forms. As members start to die, Jim begins taking an interest in the Grim Reaper.
Jim finds the Book of Chaos, which allowed him to kill people with magical abilities. He uses this to kill off rich families and inherit everything they owned as well as getting with the Grim Reaper.
Jim starts a graveyard business.
Jim and Grim officially become boyfriends. Grim moves in, gets pregnant and spawns Grimey. Grimey is given to another family in trade for Jules Cooper, Beejey’s boyfriend. Jules dies soon after.
Jim tries to kill Dennis Racket and pose as him but Dennis kept coming back. He was unkillable. But Jim bangs his wife anyways.
Jim robs people as Santa.
Jim opens a vet clinic and gets scarred for life by cursed dancing dogs. He also adopts a cat named Pumpkin during this time.
Beejey passes away and Jim goes on a jungle adventure to mourn his loss. Dennis also finally dies.
Jim moves to a new house with a proper dungeon and becomes a vampire.
Jim officially starts a cult, the same cult the fandom is.
Jim opens a joint restaurant/graveyard that only serves pufferfish. Many die.
Jim has a kid with Emma Racket, Dennis’ wife. His name is Project. He also became a cop briefly during this time. Weird era.
Jim dies and takes the universe with him so he jumps to an alternate timeline where he didn’t die.
Jim hosts a winter pool party. Many die and EA later patches this.
Jim kidnaps two Father Winters, Ryland and Clement. He tries to kill them but they cannot die, so instead they become permanent household members. One of them gets pregnant with aliens twins who end up being First Name and Second One.
Grim starts a painting club and Jim opens a store that sells the paintings. Jim also starts a band around the same time.
Jim goes to therapy and we learn about his past. Jim’s parents were Dick and Janice Pickens. He was forced to live in a closet, his parents didn’t care about him and his father was also a serial killer. Jim was taken away to military school due to the neglect.
What happens in between the sims 1 and sims 2 prequel videos is unknown and up to speculation. My theory is that it’s where he met Dennis, since they were around the same ages and were both taken from neglectful parents. Though Dennis turned out more stable and Jim was considered a lost cause because of his violent tendencies.
As a teen, Jim is somehow back in custody of his father and lives in a house with mole people in the walls. The moles are Mole1, Mole2 and Mole3. He tries to get a girlfriend but Dick kept throwing water balloons at her.
After therapy Jim becomes even more unhinged. Starts a YouTube channel and kills people on camera for content. He also did a twerking video.
Jim moved to his universe’s equivalent to LA and drives a man to suicide after ruining his life so he could inherit everything from him. Jim didn’t inherit anything from this.
Jim starts a content farm in his basement. Kevin totally isn’t a subject of it and this whole series isn’t just a documentary.
Jim opens a bar that doesn’t let people leave and he loses it. He starts killing people for simply existing and Grim stabs him to get him to stop. 💔
In attempt to fix his relationship with Grim, he goes camping with Grim but forgets he’s a vampire so it didn’t really work. So instead Jim cures his vampirism. Second One also drowns during this time.
Jim moves everyone into an abandoned prison and hosts a battle royale. Shrek wins and joins the household.
Jim falls in love with breadsticks and literally couldn’t let go of them.
The family moves to Strangerville and Jim becomes dedicated to solving the mystery of that town. He discovers the Mother Plant and is killed in battle against her.
Jim comes back as a ghost and defeats the Mother Plant. During Shrek’s sex dungeon era (that’s a weird sentence) Jim comes back to life. A miracle!
Jim somehow goes to the future to chase after his father who had gone there. Jim gets a bunch of half-siblings and Dick gets a boyfriend; Mole4.
Back in the present time, Jim becomes a merman and he’s absolutely beautiful. First Name also becomes a drug lord and they smuggle drugs across borders together.
Jim and Grim get married and Jim’s last name briefly changes to Reaper.
Jim starts a gang and goes to war with another gang. It ends with the other gang dying and Jim going to prison for once. They finally got him.
Once he was out of prison, the zombie apocalypse starts and Jim starts a restaurant that serves human flesh to accommodate the zombies. Jim also makes the two Santa’s fight to the death. Clement was the winner, he eats Ryland. Dick and Mole4 now join the family.
Jim goes to the magic realm and learns more magic. He uses the magic to terrorize other families and moves into a new house he killed the previous members of.
Dick declares himself as King and starts making people pay taxes to him. Jealous, Jim kills Dick for the title and doesn’t do anything with it. He was just fed up with Dick’s bs.
Jim goes to university. He becomes the worst landlord and also gets pregnant along with a few others. His child’s name is Aaaahhhhhh.
After that he moves the family again and tries to get as many people as he can to live in one tiny house. First Name dies and comes back as a demon to forever haunt Jim and terrorize the land.
To escape First Name, the Pickens family now lives in a bunker. Jim tries to enforce the “nobody can go outside” rule by locking people inside their homes.
Jim launches a nuke and destroys that section of the world because the people were annoying him. He is now the only remaining family member, besides Grim.
Jim meets Turg and the two team up to become the ultimate crime-causing duo, even if Turg doesn’t want to admit it. The two rob several homes with Turg as the distraction and Jim doing all the robbing.
Jim starts a knitting business with someone who won the lottery. Default joins the family.
Jim goes to the Star Wars. Idk if this is canon or not.
The cult compound is now here. Kevin only does one video on it despite streaming the building of it for hours. Nice.
Jim, Turg and Default go on a winter vacation to the mountains. Jim ages into an old sim and loses his sparkle 💔
Jim and Turg move into a haunted house together and Jim takes on several new jobs such as paranormal investigator, house renovator and murder speedrunner. Jim dies of old age during this time but comes back.
Jim starts an industrial farm, Turg is there too but he starts becoming irrelevant after this 💔
After dying to pufferfish, a clone of Jim shows up and Jim kills him.
Jim starts kidnapping people and making them play sick twisted games that results in people’s deaths solely for his own amusement. Karma catches up to him and he is shot.
Jim starts going absolutely insane. Even more than before. He spawns 100 babies, goes through strange changes and gets stuck in an apartment with 99 other people. Turg dies off-screen during this time.
Jim marries someone and that is the last we see him. That’s the end of the story.
I don’t think the current sims 4 series is canon to this one. It’s separate.
Hope this helps and gets you caught up/refreshed on the lore :) hopefully I didn’t miss anything. I did this entirely from memory :3
Jim is one of my favourite characters ever I love him so much. He was the only queer representation I had growing up too lol.
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morlock-holmes · 1 year
I don't really know what messages young people in this country absorb about the Civil War these days.
When I was a kid the mainstream centrist narrative, one that I think was pushed in schools and was definitely pushed in pop culture, went something like this:
"We modern people understand that slavery was wrong. But it is a mistake to judge the people of past times based on modern psychology or morals; rather, we must understand them as people of their times, who understood their world in a way fundamentally differently then we do, so far in the future.
"During the late 18th and early 19th century, slavery was simply not a very important issue, either morally or politically, and it certainly didn't play into the civil war in any real important fashion. The idea of slavery as a moral issue is a modern-day viewpoint, and while it is morally correct, we simply cannot project those moral sensibilities back into a world where they didn't exist.
"The Civil War was a fought as the culmination of a complex, somewhat abstruse political debate about whether power should reside primarily in separate states or within the federal government, and while it is tragic that this debate caused a war, both sides of that debate had valid reasons for taking their position."
Do they still teach that kind of thing to kids these days?
Because the more I learn the more I realize what incredible horseshit that story was.
Here, for example, is John Quincy Adams, in 1838:
"Midway through the filibuster, on June 30, Adams responded to an interruption by South Carolina representative Francis Wilkinson Pickens and described a notorious incident from the previous year.
I do not doubt in the least that he is, himself, a kind and indulgent master; so, I doubt not, are all the gentlemen who represent his State on this floor. They know not the horrors that belong to the system, and attend it even in their own State; and when they are stated by those who have witnessed them, he calls the whole a tissue of misrepresentation. . . . He does not know the profligate villain who procreates children from his slaves, and then sells his own children as slaves. He does not know the crushing and destruction of all the tenderest and holiest ties of nature which that system produces, but which I have seen, with my own eyes, in this city of Washington. Twelve months have not passed since a woman, in this District, was taken with her four infant children, and separated from her husband, who was a free man, to be sent away, I know not where. That woman, in a dungeon in Alexandria, killed with her own hand two of her children, and attempted to kill the others. She was tried for murder, and, to the honor of human nature I say it, a jury was not to be found in the District who would find her guilty. . . . The woman was asked how she could perpetrate such an act, for she had been a woman of unblemished character and of pious sentiments. She replied that wrong had been done to her and to them; that she was entitled to her freedom though she had been sold to go to Georgia and that she had sent her children to a better world.
I recommend clicking through that link and reading about what Adams said about that case in his diary.
In general, that website, Story of The Week, has a number of excellent and readable primary sources about slavery and racism in America, and they particularly demonstrate that the Abolition movement objected to slavery for exactly the reasons that we now object to it today: That it was unspeakably cruel to separate children from their mothers and husbands from wives; that men should be allowed to profit from their own work, rather than having the proceeds stolen; that slave owners would rape their female slaves and sell their own children.
I'm just amazed at how much energy America has put into lying to itself about its own history.
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rainmustfallts4 · 1 month
Let the rain wash over you...
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Blog Information
This blog was created for the purpose of finally tackling The Sims 4 in all of its entirety. This is basically the Super Sim challenge completionist mode where I’ll be doing every single thing there is to do in the sims, and its expansions, with just one sim. This is heavily inspired by James Turner’s Super Sim playthrough and Call Me Kevin’s Jim Pickens series.
I have tried this many times in the past and have failed many times in the past because I struggle to commit to stuff. I really want to do this, do, so I hope this blog will help me out. I hope you’ll join me on this journey!
I also reblog a lot of cats, rain and halloween. If you don't want to see these posts, you can block the tag #not sims c:
Do not ask me for money. You will be blocked.
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Project Pisces F1: Rainhawk (Tag | Index | Part 1)
Project Pisces F2: Wu (Tag | Index | Part 1)
Project Pisces F3: Bustos (Tag | Index | Part 1)
Project Pisces F4: Huynh (Tag | Index | Part 1)
Project Pisces F5: Cason (Tag | Index | Part 1)
Project Pisces F6: Ashley (Tag | Index | Part 1)
Project Pisces F7: Carr (Tag | Index | Part 1)
Project Pisces F8: Scanlon (Tag | Index | Part 1)
Project Pisces F9: Gee (Tag | Index | Part 1)
Project Pisces F10: Breen (Tag | Index | Part 1)
Rain Must Fall, Story Ed. (Tag | Index | Prologue | Episode 1)
Rain Must Fall, Commentary Ed. (Tag | Index | Episode 1)
Tiger's Guide to Losing Your Mind (Tag | Index | Part 1)
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Found here on my WordPress.
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zaraillustrates · 3 months
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TD Magazine commissioned me to illustrate an article about a professional taking over a project midway through.
A big thank you to AD Rose Richey.
© Zara Picken 2024 www.zarapicken.com
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professorpski · 2 years
Quilting has been used so extensively on quilts, throws, and comfortables that many think of it only in connection with them and do not realize how much real beauty it can contribute to garments. Quilting costs little more than your time....
Mary Brooks Picken added that you did have to take time to make it “perfect work,” so attention was needed as well. She gave examples of machine quilting all over on a robe, vest, or “comfortable” which is a little confusing, but comfortables here meant both padded or quilted comforters for beds AND padded and quilted mufflers (thank you, Oxford English Dictionary).  While this was published in Sewing Simplified from 1953, some of the material dated back to the 1930s from earlier books Picken wrote, and the meaning of words has since changed.
She also pointed out that bands along the edge of a garment might be quilted, and I have seen quilted collars and cuffs that are handsome as well. Picken also suggested quilting a coat lining, but I swore I would never take on a large quilting project after I machine quilted a simple-pieced comforter. It was about the most tedious and awkward machine sewing I had ever done.
So, take my advice and think of machine quilting as trim or embellishment. If you are keen on a quilted coat lining, you can buy such fabrics pre-made.
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nightlet · 2 years
Recap and thoughts.
TS4 base game is free-to-play as of today. Personally not too pressed about this, though it would’ve been nice to get more than just a kit as compensation for long-time players. But if it gives people who’ve been holding back or couldn’t otherwise get the game a chance, cool.
Upcoming content, including two expansions. Tbh I don’t know the frequency of the deliveries up until now, but hopefully they uphold their claim of monthly updates because that’d be nice. Don’t care about upcoming kits, but Phil mentions two expansions in the works.
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If these images are any indication as to what’s coming, I’m guessing a proper generations-style EP? Something to expand on the groundwork laid with Parenthood and focus on other life stages would be fantastic. Basing this idea more off of the right image with the kid on the bike and the baby backpack thing.
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NEW. WHAT. 300 new kits? Knowing EA, probably. And then we hear a little baby cry, which is expanded on later.
Insert segment where someone asks strangers on the street what they think of the sims.
Steam-workshop-esque platform for mods. Bit of a love/hate feeling with this. It does kinda feel like an attempt to control the modding community. Because it’s going to be ultimately be controlled by the devs, there’s going to be plenty of mods that won’t be welcome on the platform. HOWEVER. If they can make it to be console-friendly, that’d be a great move. Odds are it won’t be, but a girl can dream.
“Maxis invented the life simulation genre.” Sounding a little insecure there. Cities:Skylines shake ya guys? Not feeling threatened by Paralives, are ya? Lol. “We’re not content to sit still.” LMAO. Ok, ok. sure.
Insert segment with a singer and then some dancers with a simlish cover. Chat replay is just “tomato tomato tomato” yikes.
Insert segment with sim gurus using freeplay sims as avatars. Freeplay sims are getting a facelift, also yachts? And a seasonal quest coming later this year.
Mobile is getting balconies.
Insert segment highlighting various creators. YES that is happening. Coulda used some Jim Pickens though.
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Could it be? Is it TS5? Is it a spinoff?
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The modular editing is something that Paralives had shown off very early on too, and was probably what really got me interested in their project. It’s something that, along with CASt, really gives some much needed freedom with the game and, let’s face it, would let devs get away with a lot less assets while still offering SO many more customizing choices.
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So CASt will be making a return in their new game, both my dream and nightmare because I suck at it lol.
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It does kinda sound like they’re hinting at a multiplayer option, which does scare me a little. I’ve said it before, but single player should come first in a game like this. I don’t hate on the idea of adding in multiplayer, but I’d hate if it ends up feeling like a game that’s MEANT to be played with others.
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The cross-compatibility aspect is kinda interesting. Don’t hate it, but also unsure of how well it’ll work or if it’ll end up limiting the game to the capabilities of mobiles.
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TS4 is getting real babies in 2023. Personally, babies are not high on my list. Toddlers have been anxiety-inducing enough and at the rate I’m going on my 100 baby challenge, I’m gonna have to deal with these for a good final portion of it which is scary. But I know it’s been a huge deal for a big part of the community, so congrats guys. Looks like the babies are finally being freed from their teeny tiny prisons. Though really this looks like a toddler to me so hopefully there’s enough of a difference.
And finally,
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Some big Sabrina horror news today, starting off with Madam Satan featuring in "The Cursed Library: Alpha" miniseries releasing between August to October! (Images and details from ArchieComics.com) Sabrina and Salem feature in sone of the covers!
Dark worlds converge in August when Archie Comics opens the doors to THE CURSED LIBRARY, an all-new premium-printed limited series that unites Archie’s three main horror heroines — and its various one-shot comics — in one explosive storyline by writers Magdalene Visaggio (ETERNITY GIRL) and Eliot Rahal (BLEED THEM DRY) with art by Craig Cermak (RED TEAM).
“The CURSED LIBRARY event that Mags and I have been asked to helm is unlike any other moment in Archie Comics history,” Rahal said. “It’s both a throughline and nexus point that weaves together everything in the Archie Horror universe that’s happened so far. Its goal is to provide shape to the world that has been created. THE CURSED LIBRARY is essentially saying: ‘All of this matters. There is a fabric.’”
Archie Horror readers have been treated to a series of standalone one-shot comics in recent years that can be enjoyed as chilling ghost stories and campfire tales, but eagle-eyed fans will have noticed hints of connection, which came to a head in last fall’s MADAM SATAN: HELL ON EARTH. That story ended with Madam Satan, the escaped Queen of Hell, captured by Jinx Holliday, a teenager interested in magic and rock ‘n’ roll who is rumored to be Satan’s daughter. Jinx is often aided by her loyal best friend Danni, who made global headlines last summer when she was revealed to be Archie’s first transgender character. While all three protagonists have charted their own course thus far, their worlds collide in THE CURSED LIBRARY when each will be tested as Danni descends into the depths of Hell to save her friend’s soul — and the world.
“This is an ambitious project led by two of the best writers we’ve had the pleasure of working with on our horror titles, and, honestly, two of the best writers in comics, period,” said Archie Comics Senior Director of Editorial Jamie L. Rotante. “I have the ultimate trust in them to craft a story that is layered, poignant, and still metal AF. This feels like the culmination of almost everything I’ve personally worked on as an editor, and I’m thrilled that I get to watch Eliot and Mags create a world (or rather, convergence of worlds) that I’m, frankly, in awe of. This is not just a love letter to our fans, but to the art of storytelling as a whole, complemented by the stunning artwork of Craig Cermak.”
Cermak has made a big impact on the Archie Horror line, having illustrated Jinx’s horror adventures and the initial appearances of The Cursed Library itself, a mysterious collection of books that seem to chronicle the events depicted in recent one-shot comics like CAMP PICKENS and BETTY: THE FINAL GIRL. “It’s been exciting to go on this journey with Jinx and see it develop into something much grander,” Cermak said. “Building on top of all the various horror tales featuring so many great Archie characters is providing such a gratifying opportunity as an artist, with so much great material from which to pull.”
Reiko Murakami
Rahal has written all of Madam Satan’s modern adventures, relating the anti-hero’s struggle against Satan and her efforts to chart her own destiny. Madam Satan is one of Archie Comics’ oldest characters, debuting in PEP COMICS #16 in 1941. She was reintroduced as Sabrina’s antagonist in the horror series CHILLING ADVENTURES OF SABRINA, which was adapted as a Netflix streaming series in 2018. Visaggio is the architect of Jinx’s modern resurgence, where she is an older and more macabre version of the classic Archie humor character known as Li’l Jinx, who first appeared in PEP COMICS #62 in 1947. Visaggio scripted Danni’s return alongside Jinx and her solo star turn in last year’s STRANGE SCIENCE one-shot. Danni first appeared in DILTON’S STRANGE SCIENCE in 1989 as an equally brilliant friend and foil to Dilton, Riverdale’s resident genius. The talents of, and more importantly, the bonds between all three women will be the focus of THE CURSED LIBRARY.
“I think what I love and am most proud of is that this connectivity is secondary to the story,” Rahal added. “THE CURSED LIBRARY can stand alone because, at its heart, this is the culmination of two stories: Madam Satan’s and Jinx’s. These two characters have had painful journeys of self-discovery and are finally meeting their climax –– but it’s all wrapped up in the Apocalypse. It’s both the end and a new beginning. And by the time we’ve closed the chapter on the Cursed Library, the Archie Horror line will be diving into a very new and exciting future.”
THE CURSED LIBRARY: ALPHA releases August 21 in comic shops nationwide, with colors by Matt Herms, lettering by Jack Morelli, and open-to-order variant covers by Robert Hack, Soo Lee, and Reiko Murakami. It will be available for pre-order on May 24. The first issue will be followed by OMEGA in September and the final chapter, UNBOUND, in October.
The Cursed Library: Alpha
This is it… this is the moment our horror one-shots have led to… THE CURSED LIBRARY! When we last left off in MADAM SATAN: HELL ON EARTH, Jinx has the former Queen of the Underworld trapped in the mysterious library, as her father-bestowed demon powers have intensified. To stop Jinx from becoming like her father, her best friend Danni Malloy must rescue and convince Madam Satan to guide her through Hell itself to find the one thing that can possibly save her friend’s soul––Jinx’s mom. Along the way, they’ll also discover a number of faces they’ve seen before, though only in the pages of the terrifying tomes within the cursed library. This three-issue limited series horror event tells a story about the bonds that tie us together and how the only thing that can save the world from evil is radical love. It’s Riverdale’s Return of the Jedi meets Dante’s Inferno. A three-part event that will close the door on the Cursed Library and usher in a whole new chapter of horror stories.
Script: Eliot Rahal, Magdalene Visaggio
Art: Craig Cermak
Colors: Matt Herms
Letters: Jack Morelli
Cover: Craig Cermak
Variant Covers: Robert Hack, Soo Lee, Reiko Murakami
On Sale Date: 8/21
32-page, full color comic
$4.99 U.S.
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fantomcomics · 1 year
What’s Out This Week? 6/21
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Appare Ranman GN -  Appearacing & Antonsiku
The time is the 19th century. Eccentric mechanic boy Appare Sorano sets off on an adventure along with his samurai minder, Kosame Isshiki, only to be cast adrift on the Pacific Ocean. A passing steamship rescues them...and delivers the two not back to familiar Japan, but to the far-flung land of America! Trapped in Los Angeles with no easy way to return home, the pair decide to enter the world's first trans-American automobile race. However, with vast sums hinging on the dangerous event's outcome, they may find the odds are stacked against them...
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Bloodborne: The Lady Of The Lanterns GN -  Cullen Bunn & Piotr Kowalski
Enter the city of Yharnam through the eyes of its citizens, when new hunters take to the streets to fight against the cruel and unusual epidemic that has gripped the city. In the black of the night, families and faith will be tested...
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Bloody Sweet GN Vol 1 - NaRae Lee
One eerie night, in an old, abandoned church, a girl accidentally breaks the seal of an ancient vampire who...starts following her around like a hyper little puppy!  It may not be your typical vampire story, but for Naerim, a victim of school bullying, Vlad's manic energy might be just what she needs to regain her smile!
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Bone Orchard: Tenement #1 (of 10) -  Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino, & Dave Stewart 
From the Eisner-winning creative team behind GIDEON FALLS, PRIMORDIAL, and TEN THOUSAND BLACK FEATHERS comes the biggest and most essential project yet in the bold and ambitious new shared horror universe of THE BONE ORCHARD MYTHOS!!! In this extra-length first issue, JEFF LEMIRE & ANDREA SORRENTINO bring you the story of seven residents in a building and the dark secrets that bind them together...beginning with a death that feels much more sinister than natural. TENEMENT is the newest entry into THE BONE ORCHARD MYTHOS from LEMIRE & SORRENTINO. This universe features self-contained graphic novels and limited series about the horrors waiting to be discovered within the Bone Orchard.  
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Chilling Adventures Presents: Camp Pickens One-Shot - Tim Seeley, Mike Norton & Matt Talbot
Camp Pickens has always been the go-to summer destination for the younger residents of Riverdale. It's a rite of passage for the teen residents to hold the coveted camp counselor positions. However, Camp Pickens mysterious past shrouds a deep, dark secret: it's cursed, and this summer all of its campers are going to find out the hard way in this one-shot anthology that's equal parts Sleepaway Camp and American Horror Story: 1984, reuniting the team behind the mega-hit comic series Revival.
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Cryptid Kids GN Vol 1 -  Sara Goetter & Natalie Riess
Penny swears that when she was a little girl, a creature called the Bawk-ness Monster-half sea-serpent, half chicken-saved her from drowning. Now, years later, she's about to move away to a new city, and before she goes she needs the help of her best friends, Luc and K, for a vitally important mission: to help her see "Bessie" one more time and prove that what happened was real. But in their quest to find Bessie, the kids stumble into a whole new problem-cryptids are being kidnapped by an evil collector, and only Penny, Luc, and K can save them!
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Essence: Being A Muse GN Vol 1 -  Aya Fumio
“Somebody fill my emptiness!”  The day I was rejected from art school, everything that was "special" about me died. That's why I have no choice. Since I'm back to being "ordinary," I'll go to the job my mom decided on while wearing the clothes my mom picked for me so that I can find what my mom calls "happiness" alongside somebody my mom can boast about, trapped in a never-ending cycle of "What if?" and "Too bad" all the while.
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Freak Buck HC 
In editor Alexi Zeren's words, Freak Buck is a prison for the monsters we build every day, and the book covers are the cell walls. It features new and cutting-edge work from Marti (La Vibora, The Cabbie), Igor Hofbauer, Abraham Diaz, Gunnar Lundkvist, Josh Simmons, Josh Bayer, Alexis Rose, Jasper Jubenvill, Longmont Potion Castle, Emily V Brown, Dylan Languell, Heather Bryant, and many more. A beautifully designed, limited run, cutting-edge anthology that showcases both established indie artists and previously unpublished cartoonists.
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Garvey’s Choice GN -  Nikki Grimes & Theodore Taylor lll
Garvey's father has always wanted Garvey to be athletic, but Garvey is interested in astronomy, science fiction, reading-anything but sports. Feeling like a failure, he comforts himself with food. Garvey is kind, funny, smart, a loyal friend, and he is also overweight, teased by bullies, and lonely. When his only friend encourages him to join the school chorus, Garvey discovers his voice-and himself. He also finds a way to finally reach his distant father-by speaking the language of music.
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Gospel GN  -  Will Morris & Ver
When opportunity refuses to knock for restless hero Matilde, the devil comes knocking instead. Thrust into action by the hellish arrival, Matilde and storyteller Pitt will quest for renown, the soul of their community, and answers to the toughest question of all: "Who am I?" Inspired by the work of Hayao Miyazaki and set in the chaos of King Henry VIII's reign, GOSPEL is a thrilling fantasy adventure that explores the truth behind the stories we tell.
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Honeycomb GN -  Joanne M Harris & Charles Vess
A lushly illustrated set of dark, captivating fairy tales from the bestselling author of The Gospel of Loki with the illustrator of Stardust, Charles Vess. The beauty of stories; you never know where they will take you. Full of dreams and nightmares, Honeycomb is an entrancing mosaic novel of original fairy tales from bestselling author Joanne M. Harris and legendary artist Charles Vess in a collaboration that's been years in the making. The toymaker who wants to create the perfect wife; the princess whose heart is won by words, not actions; the tiny dog whose confidence far outweighs his size; and the sinister Lacewing King who rules over the Silken Folk. These are just a few of the weird and wonderful creatures who populate Joanne Harris's first collection of fairy tales.
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Misen En Place One Shot -  Matt Carr, Lane Lloyd & Nicole Goux
After consuming every animal on Earth, humanity turns to the stars, enslaving, butchering and consuming creatures from across the galaxy. But now the food is fighting back - in spectacularly gory fashion! Tuck in your napkin for this messy, pulpy, over-the-top tale of bloody revenge. Dinner is served!
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Out There GN -  Seaerra Miller
Julia didn't always believe in aliens. It was her father who convinced her otherwise. You see-Julia's dad believes he was abducted by aliens. And ever since then, he's been obsessed with the extraterrestrial beings living out there. So when a festival commemorating the 75th anniversary of the infamous UFO crash in New Mexico rolls around, Julia turns down a dream vacation to Hawaii with her best friend, Sara, to join her dad for a weekend trip to Roswell, where he expects the aliens to make contact. But amid the alien-themed goofiness of the festival, Julia finds she isn't sure whether her father really did get abducted. His memories of alien interference are starting to sound increasingly shaky, and with them, her faith in him. Will this weekend bring the two closer together or only drive them apart?
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Scribbles HC Vol 1 -  Kaoru Mori
A collection of sketches from Kaoru Mori, the creator of hit historical manga Emma and A Bride's Story! Packed with illustrations done for practice as well as for relaxation, this compilation features commentary on every page as the roots of all her work are laid out.  
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Stringer HC -  Patrick Kindlon & Paul Tucker
1983. Tournament tennis. A racquet stringer turned small-time drug dealer gets in over his head transporting a gym bag of cocaine across Europe. Carrying a half million in narcotics puts him on the radar of every dangerous man on the continent. Whoops.
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Tales Of Asunda #1 -  Sebastian A. Jones, Julio Brilha & Caanan White
The first kill is always the hardest, especially when you are destined to save the world... or damn it. The Stranger has taught Niobe how to fight, but can she take a life? From the pages of The Untamed comes the first Tale in this anthology series about the world of Asunda.
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Tales Of Syzpense #1 -  Chris Ryall, Ashley Wood & Nelson Daniel  The split book revival is underway at Syzygy! Every month, TALES OF SYZPENSE presents two titanic 12-page tales of terror and turmoil! Up first, courtesy of Lore co-creators T.P. LOUISE & ASHLEY WOOD, the lead-off mystery of "Les Mort 13" plays out on the surreal and mysterious island of Southport after a run-in with Eris, the goddess of strife... And then, proof that "power is wasted on the young"! CHRIS RYALL & NELSON DANIEL present "Dreamweaver," the story of an aging adventurer with a mystical secret who looks to pass on his abilities to the next generation of hero...until they have much greater success than he did, and he decides he wants those abilities back at any cost. Each issue features two "Les Mort 13" covers by WOOD, a "Dreamweaver" cover by DANIEL, and a Syzpenseful tribute cover to famous split books of the past.
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Until I Love Myself GN Vol 1 -  Poppy Pesuyama
Still reeling from being born into a body they hate, Pesuyama confronts their past, their friends, and even their mother as they try to come to terms with who they are and what they experienced.
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Vern, Custodian Of The Universe GN -  Tyrell Waiters
On the edge of burnout, Vern decides to return to his family in the Sunshine State to start over. Starting a new dead-end job as a custodian at Quasar-a local science facility with a shady motive-he shrugs on his uniform, grabs a mop and bucket, and trudges off to clean up... Black holes? Space-time anomalies? Galactic ooze? Things aren't entirely what they seem at Quasar, and when Vern accidentally plugs in a mysterious machine and finds himself standing on the brink of the destruction of every planet in the Multiverse, he's presented with the greatest question of all: what is the point? Fans of Ben Passmore's personal and political comics-as well as classic sci-fi comedies like Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure and Rick and Morty-will enjoy this world of hyper fantasy with a touch of humor, as told by a Black creator.
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Victory #1 -  David Walker, Brett Weldele & Dave Johnson
From Vampirella's fiftieth anniversary to her very own series! She started as Vampirella's lover and ended up a very powerful pawn of Vampi's mother, Lilith. Along the way, Victory's made new friends, seen countless horrors, been saddled with a demon's ring that she can't get rid of, encountered the ghost of an old friend, and opened too many dimensional gateways to count. Despite that, there's so much that we don't know about Victory, like what her childhood was like. Or what she's been doing with her demon ring and the crazy powers it has granted. Or which old - well, foe wouldn't exactly be the right word - is about to show up to cheer her on. From writer David F. Walker (Compass, Young Justice, Naomi) and artist Brett Weldele (The Beauty, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?).
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Voyagis TP -  Sumeyye Kesgin & Ellie Wright 
In her comics writing debut, ELSEWHERE artist SUMEYYE KESGIN asks: What if one of the VOYAGER probes reached an uninhabitable planet laid to waste by a wandering black hole? With her people's resources dwindling under the thumb of a relentless tyrant, Sen, a resident of the ailing planet Modia, will find adventure, friendship-and possibly salvation-in an unexpected relic from an alien planet called Earth.
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Wild’s End #1 -  Dan Abnett & I.N.J. Culbard
Journey to alien-occupied interwar England, courtesy of the award-winning creative team of Dan Abnett (Warhammer 40K, Immortal Red Sonja) & I.N.J. Culbard (Salamandre, Tales From The Umbrella Academy), with Nik Abnett providing additional material! Out at sea during the invasion, our intimate crew of unlucky voyagers returns to a world they once knew, their once-cozy seaside home now occupied by alien invaders.
Combining a rich cast of anthropomorphized characters in the tradition of Blacksad and  aliens unlike any you've ever seen in the spirit of War of the Worlds meets Wind in the Willows! Wild's End is a world unlike any other... one you won't want to leave.
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Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop GN Vol 1 -  Imo Oono
"Smile" is a popular streamer who's self-conscious about her looks. "Cherry" is a shy boy with a love of haiku. When these two strangers accidentally bump into each other at the local mall, it's the start of a new relationship weaved by their modern and classical expressions of their feelings. Based on the gorgeous animated film!  
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You’re Thinking About Tomatoes GN  -  Michael Rosen & Cole Henley
The fan-favorite story from celebrated author and former British Children's Laureate Michael Rosen, now in graphic novel form. Frank isn't doing well at school, and he has just been told off by his head teacher again... He has one last chance to prove himself: all he has to do is follow the rules on his class trip to Chiltern House, complete his worksheet, and stay out of trouble. But when a girl steps out of a painting and steals Frank's worksheet, staying out of trouble is easier said than done. Together, they embark on a perilous adventure to discover the girl's lost identity, uniting with new friends along the way who show Frank all is not as it seems in this stately home. How did the owners of Chiltern House come to own its priceless treasures? Can the secrets of the past ever really stay hidden? Will Frank's head teacher stop him and his new friends before they find out the truth? Frank's class trip is more than he bargained for, but it may just hold the greatest lesson he'll ever learn.
Whatcha grabbing this week, Fantom Fam??
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superbeans89 · 1 year
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I made Jim Pickens on Project Zomboid
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bigjimbopickens · 1 month
Greetings my fellow Jim Pickens fans. I have more to share.
Here, some art.
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This is part of a larger project. I do occasional thumbnail art for this channel:
Check it out if you want. It’s a fan-run channel with a more VHS style and exploring the darker side of the sims 4 series that was overshadowed by Kevin’s commentary.
This isn’t sponsored or anything I’m just helping out some friends.
Have a nice day ✨
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wellpresseddaisy · 1 year
I'll finally have time to sew this coming long weekend and I'm paralyzed by indecision. I have 10 yards of white handkerchief linen, but that's going to be summer underwear (if I can ever decide on patterns).
I have 3 skirts that are close to done; they need the seams overlocked or zig-zagged (because linen), the plackets finished, waistbands attached, and hems done. So that's 1 project.
I also need shirts and really want to try some 1920s style ones, but that'a where the rest of the paralyzing indecision comes in. I may have too many options between the Haslam System, Mary Brooks Picken's drafting system, and Countryman and Hopper's Women's Wear of the 1920s (and their 1930s volume).
How can anyone choose?
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Pattern images from the URI Commercial Pattern Database. (COPA is an excellent resource)
Any of these would be relatively easily draftable from a 1920s pattern block. There are even more options in some of my Women's Institute books.
And aprons! I need aprons. And some around the house clothes beyond 1 skirt. And probably some different style skirts because look at those style lines:
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There are a few dress patterns I want to try, as well, to see if I like 1920s/early 1930s styles better. Or maybe something mid-1930s.
Going back to my roots, apparently, because my vintage love started with 1920s and 1930s styles, I was just too chicken to wear them in my 20s.
I'm sensing fabric shopping in my future. :)
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zaraillustrates · 1 year
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Portfolio time! I have added some recent illustration projects to my website. You can see the updates here: www.zarapicken.com
Enjoy the work and please let me know what you think!
© Zara Picken 2023 www.zarapicken.com
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thedearleader · 2 months
ik you don't use this account anymore but i'd just like to say 1. i'm a game dev and following/loving all your jim pickens art back in 2019 has led to me using your old jim art as inspiration for designing a character in my current project and 2. your header is just as funny to me today as it was years ago. thank you for your service king!
i forgot to reply to this when i saw it like a month ago but i really appreciate the kind words :) maybe one day ill reliably come back to this blog, but i dont think its in the cards rn
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project1939 · 3 months
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200 Films of 1952
Film number 194: Colorado Sundown
Release date: February 8th, 1952 
Studio: Republic 
Genre: western 
Director: William Witney 
Producer: Edward J. White 
Actors: Rex Allen, Mary Ellen Kay, Slim Pickens 
Plot Summary: When Rex’s sidekick Slim inherits a ranch, he discovers he must share it with two other parties. One third goes to Jackie, a city girl who wants to get away from it all and settle in the country. The third share goes to a brother and sister with an evil scheme up their sleeve. 
My Rating (out of five stars): **¾  
This is my final western! It’s a modest little B picture with yet another singing cowboy- Rex Allen. He holds his own pretty well with Gene Autry and Roy Rogers, I must say. He’s got a lovely singing voice, his acting is on par with the others (not great, but not awkwardly terrible), and he’s got a good deal of charisma. Honestly, I think I prefer him to Rogers! But I have such a crush on Dale Evans, I could never swear off Rogers completely! (some spoilers)
The Good: 
Rex Allen. As I just said, he made a very good singing cowboy. He was probably the most macho and traditionally handsome of Autry and Rogers, and his singing voice sounded the most classically trained. He fell in the middle of Autry and Rogers when it came down to tone- Autry is almost tongue and cheek, with a heavy dose of self-awareness and a twinkle in his eye, and Rogers takes himself more seriously. 
The music. There were only three songs, but they were all very enjoyable and well performed. The final number was pretty silly plot-wise, though. I also wish we had gotten a song at the end. 
The plot was interesting and effectively structured. It wasn’t overly simplistic, and it never dragged. 
The acting was pretty good for a B western. No one was cringey. 
The Bad: 
The darkness of all the murder plots didn’t match the singing cowboy tone overall. Bad girl Carrie was seriously evil, easily willing to kill people left and right!
Everyone lives when they get shot by a gun at close range?! How realistic is that? 
The character of Mattie, who played a large black maid to Jackie, was very racially stereotyped. She was childishly jolly at nearly every moment, giving off that “I just love serving white people!” vibe. She also had the terrible dialect of almost every black person in a Hollywood film then. (“Is you sho’?”) That said, she wasn’t the least bit stupid, and the white people around her treated her like she was just one of the gang. 
There was an asinine fat joke made after Mattie’s character got shot. The doctor said, “For once, it paid to be hefty, because the bullet was spent by the time it got through all of those layers of layers.” 
Here we had another appearance of the tiresome trope of a pacifist character who must abandon his pacifism and fight to prove his manhood. 
There was no hiding that this was a cheap film. For example, the comical rear projection had me howling more than once. 
There were some dangling threads left at the end. What exactly happened to Daniel? And what about Jackie? Was she romantically linked with Slim Pickens? Or Rex? Or no one? 
The title was a blatant rip-off. For Project 1939, I watched a Gene Autry film called Colorado Sunset. This was a singing cowboy B movie made by the same studio, Republic Pictures! (They were also both about getting a new ranch.) Colorado Sundown... Colorado Sunset... Come on! 
0 notes