#promiscuous confused predatory psychopaths
patriarchy and biphobia really go hand in hand
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animentality · 6 years
Everyone talks about how editor made Ishida draw such a horrible ending, but seriously I think that the stroy has been fucked up since the whole pregnancy shit and characters fungirling over it like t0uka is giving birth to a ghoul Jesus
Ishida is going through something dude.
Like he wasn’t all right in the head for tokyo ghoul, but it was self deprecatingly executed.
Tokyo ghoul re was where his ego went out of control, Kaneki became his self insert instead of a manifestation of himself that fucked up and hurt himself and others in the process.
Kaneki then gets all the hot bitches after him, the slutty ones get killed, and the pure virgins get to live happily with husbands.
Male psychopaths who butchered people get off Scot free because said backstory that usually includes getting molested.
Additionally, trans and homosexual coded characters get killed, are horrible rapist villains, or they get fucking “cisgendered” and hetero'ed into boringness.
Like poor fucking Mutsuki? So much potential. Could’ve been a wonderful trans male character with real depth. Kanae? Could’ve done something better with that character than just had them die for a dude they were madly in love with.
But ishida has a complex.
He has a damn complex, and my theory is that he was in love with a trans male person who rejected his ass, and now he writes disturbing fantasies about trans people.
Like big mama? Ah yes, men who dress like women are pedophiles and are obsessed with beating off children’s genitals to make sure they’re just like them.
Kanae, acts male, dresses male, and sure it’s for a “purpose” but they never seemed comfortable with female outfits. They were interesting and I really loved Kanae.
But alas, kanae was a woman all along! Her deep dark secret was that shes really a she and she’s actually madly in love with a man who cares so little about her that he doesn’t even think about her after she dies for him.
And then Mutsuki’s utterly pointless obsession with Kaneki.
Where did that go again?
Absolutely nowhere?
Ah right. Because “she” really is just a confused woman who thought she was a man.
But now that she admits she’s really a woman, everything’s fine now.
It was thinking she identified as a gender that didn’t match her biological gender that her psychotic love for a man really went sour.
Swear to God.
I’m a writer too, Anon, and I notice when people include their fucking kinks and life troubles into their writing.
Unnecessary sexually charged scene between the innocent heroine and the male villain?
Author has that rape-y nonconsensual fetish. You can pretend it’s for plot reasons but there are key words, little phrases that other writers will notice as being predatory and poetic rather than creepy or disturbing.
I could use snk as an example, because I now know isayama’s fetishes, but we’ll save that for another day.
What can I tell from ishita’s writing?
Well let’s see. Like most men, he despises sexually promiscuous women who have no desire to settle down with any one man and who are proud of and comfortable with their bodies.
We have nutcracker, although that bitch was nuts and I’ll give him that.
We have Rize. Dumb promiscuous bitch is referred to as a literal breeding factory for fuckboy villain insert furuta, the og fuckboy who would say if she breathes she a thot.
Then we have ETO. Who has the nerve to lick Kaneki’s eye, be sexually attractive to furuta (and hit on by him in the grossest way possible) and be an actually interesting fucking antagonist.
She gets fucking canned. Presumably because she’s powerful and in control of herself and isn’t pouting and whining like every other male character.
Every damn woman who’s actually interesting because they have some agency and control over their identities and bodies gets killed and wrecked unceremoniously by male characters who get to show them what a man’s world looks like.
And hinami, Touka, naki’s breeder girlfriend? They get to live. They weren’t sluts. They waited for their respective men to deal with whatever emotional shit they were going through. They waited patiently and put their lives on hold just so that they could get their happy ending, married and ready to be pregnant.
But their emotional trauma doesn’t matter.
Because like every manga, like most TV shows, like most stories, women are only a means to a happy ending.
They don’t have their own arcs. They don’t get character development or get to exist outside of a man’s reach.
In this manga, trans people are psychopathic. Homosexuals are sadistic and implied to be rapists or just general perverts. Tsukiyama gets off easy, but notice ishida toned down him the fuck down so now he passes as straight. Yippee.
And women are sexy plot points until they need to be disposed of, because the plot doesn’t need them anymore, or need to become mothers to show us what a happy ending looks like.
You can say I’m blowing things out of proportion, or overanalyzing it, but this is a fandom known for analyzing how many fucking eyelashes kaneki’s got and how it relates to tarot cards.
But can’t see when ishida’s little fetishes pop up.
Gosh, I wonder what trans male person rejected him in high school or college? Or what woman decided she didn’t want to to commit to him, so he started furiously writing in his diary about how all women who do casual sex or casual relationships are evil?
I wanna send em a gift basket.
The man’s as crazy as furuta, and that makes a lot of fucking sense when you look at how furuta basically shoved ETO out of the main villain spot despite having the backstory that finally destroyed anything interesting about tokyo ghoul.
So yeah Anon.
I dont remember what you said, but I agree.
Man’s a verifiable lunatic and I’m so glad he ended his manga the way he did.
I know it takes other people more than a clue or two to figure out they’ve been duped, and he made it so much easier for everyone to suddenly realize that I was right all along and they were being played.
I noticed almost as soon as re started, I really noticed during the rushima arc, but everyone was still sucking that sweet throbbing ishida angst cock. Now they know.
Some of them obviously will cling to tg forever. They’ll never admit its weaknesses or its failures or even its dips in quality. To do so would be to admit they’ve been duped and some people can’t admit that. They can’t bear to have their favorite “whatever” smeared.
They’ll make excuses. They’ll argue that tg re had a perfect ending and everyone who didn’t like it is a fake fan.
They’ll lovingly squeal about how good tgre was.
They’ll call it perfection. It’s not your job to fix them, Anon. Let them live in denial. they’re irrelevant Anon, and there’s three types of “fans.”
People who thought the ending was perfect. Rip. Let them live the rest of their days in denial. There are worse things to deny in the world.
People who thought the ending was terrible, dull, and Naruto'ed to the point of stupidity, and wanted something more meaningful or felt like a fitting ending to an angst filled tragedy. These people still think that all of re was good until that point, so they’re still wrong, but they’re a little less wrong than the former.
And then people like me. Who noticed, at different points, at different places, that ishida was losing his grip on the original tone and character interactions that really made Tokyo ghoul special. Who have been disappointed with him for some time. Who wish that re could’ve been even half as good as the original. Who are not surprised the ending sucked because they knew that ishida was beginning to run out of steam, ideas, and narrative cohesion.
Anon, you and I are a part of the third group. It’s not a good group, its not a bad group, it’s just a bunch of people who know what they know.
And all we can do is learn from this dumpster fire, and write our own stories. Make our own female characters. Our own trans gender characters. Stories that have endings that feel real and satisfying. Stories that don’t come ugly hateful places, or if they do, can mend what was broken.
So tl;dr, dude yeah. yeah.
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thecrimsonmonster · 3 years
List of Negative Character Traits
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A: abusive, accident-prone, addicted, afraid to take risks, affected, affected by peer pressure, afraid of change, afraid to take risks, aggressive, aloof, anal retentive, annoying, anti-social, anxious, argumentative, arrogant, artless, attention seeker, authoritarian, avaricious, awkward
B: backstabbing, badgering, barks orders, base, belligerent, belittling, blames everyone else, boorish, boring, bossy, bovine, brags, brutal, bully, bumbling
C: callous, catty, caustic, chauvinistic, cheap, cheats, cheerless, childish, clumsy, cocky, cold, cold-hearted, combative, competitive, complacent, complainer, conceited, confrontational, confused, conniving, controlling, corrects others constantly, corrupt, covetous, coward, critical, cruel, cynic
D: deceitful, defeating, delusional, demanding, denial, deranged, destructive, directed by externals, directionless, disagreeable, discourteous, dishonest, disorganized, disrespectful, dissatisfied, distant, does everything by the book, does what is convenient, doesn’t listen, doesn’t think things through, dogmatic, dominating, domineering, doubtful, dour, downer, draconian, drags people down, drama queen, drinker, drugs, dull, dysfunctional
E: easily aggravated, easily fooled, easily offended, easily threatened, egoist, embarrassing, emotionless, envious, erratic, evasive, exacting, excessive, exhibitionistic, extravagant
F: facetious, faded, false, false bravado, fanatical, fawning, fearful, feels superior to others, fickle, fidgety, finicky, finishes sentences for others, flippant, follower, foolish, forgetful, frantic, fraudulent, furtive, fussy
G: gives up easily, glares often, glib, gold-digging, goody-goody, gossiper, greedy, grim, grumpy, guarded, gullible
H: harasses, hard, harsh, hateful, heartless, high-handed, hogs spotlight, holier-than-thou, hostile, hot-tempered, humorous, hyper
I: ignorant, ill-behaved, ill-bred, ill-will, immature, immodest, impatient, imperious, impolite, impractical, impulsive, inactive, inarticulate, inconsiderate, inconsistent, indecisive, indifferent, indulgent, inefficient, infantile, inflexible, inhibited, insane, insecure, insensitive, insincere, inspires guilt, interrupts, irresponsible, intimidator, intolerant, irresponsible, irritable, isolated
J: jealous, jittery, judgmental
K: kept-back, killjoy, know-it-all
L: lacking conscience, lack of effort, lack of self-confidence, lack of stamina, lazy, liar, life stinks attitude, lonely, low energy, lordly, loud, low drive, low self-esteem
M: macho, mad, makes fun of people, makes others uneasy, malicious, manipulative, martyr attitude, materialistic, mean, meek, melodramatic, merciless, messianic, messy, misanthropic, miserable, miserly, mistrusting, monosyllabic, moody, mopey, morbid
N: nagging, naïve, narcissistic, narrow-minded, naughty, needling, negative, negligent, never happy unless miserable, non engaging, noisy, nosy
O: oblivious, obnoxious, one-dimensional, opinionated, ostentatious, outrageous, outspoken, overbearing, overly emotional/excitable, overly flirtatious, overly polite, overly proper, overly sensitive, overly serious, over wrought
P: panicky, paranoid, passive, pathetic, pessimist, petty, petulant, phony, pigheaded, pitiful, plotting, pompous, poor judgment, posturing, power-hungry, predatory, predictable, prejudiced, pretentious, prim, prissy, procrastinate, promiscuous, proud, prudish, psychopathic, puritanica
Q: quarrelsome, quixotic, quitter, quick tempered
R: racist, radical, random, rash, rebellious, recalcitrant, reckless, rejects change, reluctant, remote, repressed, repulsive, reserved, rigid, rude, ruled by peer pressure, rules with an iron fist, ruthless
S: sanctimonious, sarcastic, sardonic, scathing, scatterbrained, schemer, scornful, second-guessing, secretive, sees bad in everything, self-centered, self-conscious, selfish, self-righteous, self-satisfied, self-serving, severe, sexist, shallow, shameless, shifty, short-sighted, show off, shy, short-fused, slanderer, sloppy, slovenly, small goals, smug, sneaky, snobby, social approval required, sociopathic, soft, somber, sophomoric behavior, speaks in monotone, spendthrift, spiteful, squeamish, static, stalker, starchy, stick-in-the-mud, stingy, stoic, stony-faced, stubborn, stuck up, sullen, suspicious, swaggering
T:  taciturn, tacky, taker, take over, talker, talks over people, tattletale, temper, temperamental, terse, thinks everyone is stupid, thin-skinned, thoughtless, timid, tiresome, touchy, trivial, troubled, two-faced, typical
U: unable to relax, unappreciative, uncaring, uncompassionate, uncommitted, uncommunicative, uncooperative, uncouth, uncreative, undemonstrative, undependable, undisciplined, unethical, unexpressive, unfeeling, unfocused, unforgiving, unfriendly, ungrateful, unhappy, unhelpful, unkempt, unimaginative, unmotivated, underhanded, unorganized, unpolished, unprincipled, unproductive, unrealistic, unreceptive, unreliable, unresourceful, unresponsive, unrestrained, unruly, unscrupulous, unsmiling, unsophisticated, unsure, unsympathetic, uptight, untrustworthy, user
V: vacant, vague, vain, vengeful, venomous, vindictive, violent, visionless, volatile, vulgar
W: wary, wasteful, weak, wears drab clothes, weird, weary, wet blanket, whimsical, whines, willful, wily, wise-assed, wishy-washy, withdrawn, womanizing, worrier, wretched
X: N/A
Y: yellow-bellied
Z:  zealot
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chronal-anomaly · 7 years
List of Negative Character Traits sightd:
A: abusive, accident-prone, addicted, affected, affected by peer pressure, afraid of change, afraid to take risks, aggressive, aloof, anal retentive, annoying, anti-social, anxious, argumentative, arrogant, artless, attention seeker, authoritarian, avaricious, awkward
B: backstabbing, badgering, barks orders, base, belligerent, belittling, blames everyone else, boorish, boring, bossy, bovine, brags, brutal, bully, bumbling
C: callous, catty, caustic, chauvinistic, cheap, cheats, cheerless, childish, clumsy, cocky, cold, cold-hearted, combative, competitive, complacent, complainer, conceited, confrontational, confused, conniving, controlling, corrects others constantly, corrupt, covetous, coward, critical, cruel, cynic
D: deceitful, defeating, delusional, demanding, denial, deranged, destructive, directed by externals, directionless, disagreeable, discourteous, dishonest, disorganized, disrespectful, dissatisfied, distant, does everything by the book, does what is convenient, doesn’t listen, doesn’t think things through, dogmatic, dominating, domineering, doubtful, dour, downer, draconian, drags people down, drama queen, drinker, drugs, dull, dysfunctional
E: easily aggravated, easily fooled, easily offended, easily threatened, egoist, embarrassing, emotionless, envious, erratic, evasive, exacting, excessive, exhibitionistic, extravagant
F: facetious, faded, false, false bravado, fanatical, fawning, fearful, feels superior to others, fickle, fidgety, finicky, finishes sentences for others, flippant, follower, foolish, forgetful, frantic, fraudulent, furtive, fussy
G: gives up easily, glares often, glib, gold-digging, goody-goody, gossiper, greedy, grim, grumpy, guarded, gullible
H: harasses, hard, harsh, hateful, heartless, high-handed, hogs spotlight, holier-than-thou, hostile, hot-tempered, humorous, hyper
I: ignorant, ill-behaved, ill-bred, ill-will, immature, immodest, impatient, imperious, impolite, impractical, impulsive, inactive, inarticulate, inconsiderate, inconsistent, indecisive, indifferent, indulgent, inefficient, infantile, inflexible, inhibited, insane, insecure, insensitive, insincere, inspires guilt, interrupts, irresponsible, intimidator, intolerant, irresponsible, irritable, isolated
J: jealous, jittery, judgmental
K: kept-back, killjoy, know-it-all
L: lacking conscious, lack of effort, lack of self-confidence, lack of stamina, lazy, liar, life stinks attitude, lonely, low energy, lordly, loud, low drive, low self-esteem
M: macho, mad, makes fun of people, makes others uneasy, malicious, manipulative, martyr attitude, materialistic, mean, meek, melodramatic, merciless, messianic, messy, misanthropic, miserable, miserly, mistrusting, monosyllabic, moody, mopey, morbid
N: nagging, naïve, narcissistic, narrow-minded, naughty, needling, negative, negligent, never happy unless miserable, non engaging, noisy, nosy
O: oblivious, obnoxious, one-dimensional, opinionated, ostentatious, outrageous, outspoken, overbearing, overly emotional/excitable, overly flirtatious, overly polite, overly proper, overly sensitive, overly serious, over wrought
P: panicky, paranoid, passive, pathetic, pessimist, petty, petulant, phony, pigheaded, pitiful, plotting, pompous, poor judgment, posturing, power-hungry, predatory, predictable, prejudiced, pretentious, prim, prissy, procrastinate, promiscuous, proud, prudish, psychopathic, puritanica
Q: quarrelsome, quixotic, quitter, quick tempered
R: racist, radical, random, rash, rebellious, recalcitrant, reckless, rejects change, reluctant, remote, repressed, repulsive, reserved, rigid, rude, ruled by peer pressure, rules with an iron fist, ruthless
S: sanctimonious, sarcastic, sardonic, scathing, scatterbrained, schemer, scornful, second-guessing, secretive, sees bad in everything, self-centered, self-conscious, selfish, self-righteous, self-satisfied, self-serving, severe, sexist, shallow, shameless, shifty, short-sighted, show off, shy, short-fused, slanderer, sloppy, slovenly, small goals, smug, sneaky, snobby, social approval required, sociopathic, soft, somber, sophomoric behavior, speaks in monotone, spendthrift, spiteful, squeamish, static, stalker, starchy, stick-in-the-mud, stingy, stoic, stony-faced, stubborn, stuck up, sullen, suspicious, swaggering
T: taciturn, tacky, taker, take over, talker, talks over people, tattletale, temper, temperamental, terse, thinks everyone is stupid, thin-skinned, thoughtless, timid, tiresome, touchy, trivial, troubled, two-faced, typical
U: unable to relax, unappreciative, uncaring, uncompassionate, uncommitted, uncommunicative, uncooperative, uncouth, uncreative, undemonstrative, undependable, undisciplined, unethical, unexpressive, unfeeling, unfocused, unforgiving, unfriendly, ungrateful, unhappy, unhelpful, unkempt, unimaginative, unmotivated, underhanded, unorganized, unpolished, unprincipled, unproductive, unrealistic, unreceptive, unreliable, unresourceful, unresponsive, unrestrained, unruly, unscrupulous, unsmiling, unsophisticated, unsure, unsympathetic, uptight, untrustworthy, user
V: vacant, vague, vain, vengeful, venomous, vindictive, violent, visionless, volatile, vulgar
W: wary, wasteful, weak, wears drab clothes, weird, weary, wet blanket, whimsical, whines, willful, wily, wise-assed, wishy-washy, withdrawn, womanizing, worrier, wretched
X: N/A
Y: yellow-bellied
Z:  zealot
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