#promise I'll get better lol
shelltasticday · 2 years
Superstitious Leo
So one of the things that I feel like we should talk more about is Leo having a lucky rock. I feel like perhaps it's not the only superstitious things he does or has...
● Leo freaking out for a millisecond when someone at the table knocks the salt, and quickly picking a bit to throw over his shoulder
● One day he found a four leaf clover and brought it home with him, he may press it inside one of his comics to keep it safe
● I imagine that if he feels weirdly unlucky, he'd ask Señor Hueso for help (I think since he watched latino tv maybe he also watched paranormal shows and heard of the "mal de ojo"). He feels better with the red bracelet Hueso gives him to shut him up
● Donnie has tried various times to explain to him that "lucky rocks" are not "a thing", and that luck is actually just a bunch of probability and statistics in which a random object is not a variable that makes it more likely to have positive outcomes... but yeah Leo stops listening about three words in ● "You're just jealous that I'm the lucky twin, Don"
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ink--theory · 7 months
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*points* gay
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ann-chovi · 1 year
Ask about your girl Mari! (Mind you I've only discovered your Tumblr about a month ago so forgive me if this was asked before) "Before arriving is Hisui, what was her job? Also how old is she? How did she and Ingo meet?(if that's not a spoiler).
Prompt? How about a picnic with her favorite sir? Only...they got rained in and they're stuck under the tree. With Ingo using his jacket to keep them dry.
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No worries, I should honestly probably reblog some of her earlier lore-bits more often lol.
Mari was a Paramedic! She primarily worked in the area around Castelia City, since that's where she lived. The day she got yeeted off of the Skyarrow Bridge, she was on her way home from a shift in Pinwheel forest. Mostly, I really liked how the gen V games introduced random NPCs who'll heal your pokemon on some of the longer routes, and wanted to run with that haha. She may not consciously remember her time as a medic, but the muscle memory is there, and it's why she'll end up heading the Jubilife Search and Rescue team. She's 38 years old at the beginning of the story!
Without going too far into it- she and Ingo meet in the field while he's doing Warden things and she's doing Rescue things- we'll get to it in... chapter 6 I think?
And that art prompt was too cute- got a little carried away with it. >w>
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spocks-kaathyra · 10 months
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ANDY 😭😭😭
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dandyshucks · 1 month
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LOOK HOW CUTE HE IS WAAUGGHHH he's gonna be even better when I get his hoodie and shoes made hehehe :3
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skiplo-wave · 11 months
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ruinsoftime · 1 year
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Now look at this cute couple.
Anvil III Rough-Drawing Works. Nobuteru Yuki, 2002.
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akkivee · 11 months
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i saw a suggestion that the alt outfits signify a timeskip and became possessed lmao
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theflyingfeeling · 6 months
okay I'm not expecting anyone to care all that much, but I was looking at the prompts for the 18th Day of Gift-Giving for my Olli/Allu fic advent calendar and I'm between two options on what to do with them, so if anyone out there wants to put in their two cents...
(see the pros and cons in the tags of the original post)
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graciousdragon · 3 months
guess who finally bought a cheap record player and is going to try to figure out how to use it shortly 👍
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katyspersonal · 9 months
Cool.. Our rent price got raised. :') I did not know it was even possible to get even MORE poor than me and mom already were, but here we are. Guess I'll start surviving on literal bread and water at this rate.
#/vent#personal#no but when will things stop getting worse?#in moments like this I feel especially bitter thinking about that asshole that went to me like:#'wahh wahh katy i won enough money in the court to buy everything I want but it doesn't matter because I can't buy YOU uwu'#*ten days later* 'actually I don't want a friend/sister anymore can you please stay in your bum spot and simply be my-#-online friend and listen to me ramble about my interests without any regards to yours and show off how cool my life is to you like always?#like no I am not materialistic but when people make dramatic promises of this kind they better stick to them#'nooo but you MUST get out of russia!!!' bitch how? I can hardly afford enough food let alone travelling and living abroad#anyways yeah I am done using the guy that pretended to want a better life for us both and then turned tail as a core for venting#sorry it just makes me angry#not so much living in powerty and not being able to crawl out of debt and my life state no matter what#but more about a very consistent trend of having friends that one day get RICH and dump me as 'lower class' right after that happens#he is not the only one like that in my life he is just the most recent one#really speaks about how unlikeable I am if people lose interest in me as soon as they can buy happy things instead#shows that my worth as a human being is super low and I only work as entertainment when people can't buy something to do that instead#like videogames food travels objects books etc etc...#I am just below those things and less interesting than those things and I'll die early hahaha lol#hopes are that supernatural luck power that doesn't want me to escape easily will send me something to help. because yeah my situation-#-is B A D.
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rebelcliche · 11 months
another ooc post (are we surprised at this point?) just to say for everyone to remember that sometimes people need to take a step back from things and there's nothing wrong with that. if you can't handle someone having to look out for their mental health and can't respect that they're doing what they need to do to look out for themself, you make yourself look like an ass.
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false-songstress · 1 year
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2022 was quite the year for Macross fans in the west! We had:
Macross Plus in theaters
the Frontier Movies in theaters
Macross music made available on streaming services
announcements for official releases of Macross 7, Frontier, and Delta series DVDs/Blu-rays
more availability of merchandise
not to mention fantastic releases like the Macross 40th Anniversary Crossover albums (which you can find all the tracks for here!) and the Zettai LIVE!!!!! + Labyrinth of Time DVD/Blu-ray (*´▽`*)
 some link reminders for you here at the end of the 40th year of Macross!
official Spotify series playlist
all Macross II music on Spotify
all Macross 7 music on Spotify
all Macross Zero music on Spotify
all Macross Frontier music on Spotify
all Macross Delta music on Spotify
ALL Macross music on Spotify
Macross/Big West official English Twitter
hopefully I’ll be able to get some Macross II and Zero for the blog next year! have a cozy new year’s, pioneers o7
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wayhavenots · 1 year
rule: put your spotify on repeat playlist on shuffle and post the first 10 songs that come on.
Tagged by beloveds @grapecaseschoices and @sohmiya !
Sharing on this blog because most of these have IF associations in my mind (I rambled in the tags :) feel so free to ignore lol)
And tagging (zero pressure!!) @serenpedac @griffin-wood @lahellacute @amlovelies @toads-treasures (and anyone else who wants to!!! I get shy about tagging!!)
1. It's Called Freefall by Paris Paloma
2. Light by Sleeping at Last
3. Je te laisserai des mots by Patrick Watson
4. Kind of Love by Ellen Winter
5. Eat Your Young by Hozier
6. Cocaine Jesus by Rainbow Kitten Surprise
7. Jupiter by Sleeping at Last
8. Thin Mints by Evan Crommett
9. Not Gone by Ingrid Michaelson
10. Break Bones by Wild Child
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mediocredoots · 1 year
B10 otogi fistfight with god
Emotion/Pallet Challenge: Accepting
Icb you'd make me do this. I hope you know I'm suing you for emotional damages
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morewyckedthanyou · 1 year
aaaaand i'm back to eating antidepressants again.
i also got prescribed a low dose of another antidepressant to help me sleep - i really hope it does help because my sleep has been shit for a long while now and melatonin has made no difference no matter how strong the dosage.
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