#promo for friendo
gameboyvoid · 6 months
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I'm Vinny/Zero!
I'm finally making some kind of intro post. My pronouns are He/They and Bug/Bugs. I do art sometimes.
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I have a special interest in Pokemon but am currently hyperfixated on:
Ace Attorney
Creepypastas (especially videogame ones)
Sonic Horror AUs & Sonic.exe content
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My commissions are [Open]. My Linktree is here. Creepypasta Art Sideblr is here.
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[last edited 04/07/2024] DNI below cut
DNI if you are/support/here on behalf of:
You are younger than 18 years old -- I am 24 and it makes me uncomfortable.
You are, are here on behalf of, or support the users (I suggest blocking them):
- AuRoraSullivan / Amaerat Last known as Aspen Nightray / Aspen||CM. Unfortunately part of the DAGames staff (I hope Will Ryan is okay) and has gotten into bad shit (ex. pedophilia). - shatteredsoul1930-blog / greg-tudor-of-bendyinkdemon-blog / necroskullia Past abuser who manipulated myself and my friends. Tried to guilt trip me and a friend by faking suicide. Also tried manipulating me to draw NSFW for him when I was underage. - Bitey-Baby-Shark / its-blip-on-the-radar Nothing against SFW Agere stuff, he's not the "saint" (/good person) he claims himself to be. Don't trust him. I did date him, but, I gave him everything and was left to die for it. - Matchu_Madori One of Blip's SOs. Practically his "yes-man". If Blip tells them to jump, the response is "How high?". Just.. Don't.
Against BLM
TERF or Transmed
Sysmeds or are active in Syscourse
Are against LGBTQIA+ individuals, such as being an exclusionist or gatekeeper of identities
Support Autism Speaks or believe Autism can be cured
You think triggers are a suggestion
Cringe blogs
You support the original creators of FNF (mod supporters are fine) or One Night at Flumpty's.
You support NFTs
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Gift fics for @tiredfoxtf!
So! Me and my beloved Fénix were so inspired by TiredFox's beautiful art for Smalletho Week that we decided to do a collaborative little project together!!
@giddyfenix wrote Joel's POV!
And I wrote Etho's POV!
Happy reading folks!!
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lil-kissy · 10 months
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~Make New Friends but Keep the Old, because one is silver and the other's gold~
Kisara with many of the important people in her life <3
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Kaze - @kazeofthemagun
Kumo - @shiroi---kumo
Kain - @forgotten-teammates / Sielu - @aquaticsoul
Isabel and Carmon - @mpuzzlegirl / @compassionatedestiny (The ones that started it all ^.^)
Dark Magician Girl / Mana - @mahoushojoumonster
Kaiba - @kaibagirl007
Tamaki - @drinkitfrommymouthsuou
Reblogs allowed
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demonicdiligence · 2 months
new tags, who dis?
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huskerdustfanclub · 7 months
Tag drop
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just-jammin · 1 year
ate lunch at a café
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it was fucking great :D
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cwarscars-a · 2 years
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what’s up, friendos! so; i’ve made no secret lately about how hard-up life has been re work / uni / mental health & all of that other nasty stuff. i’m not going to write paragraphs upon paragraphs about why you should feel sympathy toward me. it’s christmas, it’s a tough time of year. we’re all feelin’ it- 
most people who know me know that i have a tendency to offer up stuff for free. honestly, if the world (the uk, lol) wasn’t so about money, i’d keep doing this. unfortunately, with uni on one side and work on the other; i can’t currently afford to make people things without some sort of charge attached. because of this, i will set base prices BUT will offer a ‘pay what you want’ option. times are hard & any sale helps -
the guidelines are a good indicator of what i’d charge for my time, but ultimately - you pay what you feel is right. 
what do i offer? 
fully coded theme with or without pop up page & graphics // £20
backgrounds for existing themes // £10
blockquote icon psds // £5
theme packages (coded theme w/graphics, blockquote, five dash headers, simple mobile header, dash icon) // £30
theme package w/promo // £35
low-poly model // £25 +
( models are more due to complexity / issues that can arise / time taken to create - when purchased, you will receive an FBX file, a BLEND file & three gifs of animations - in terms of modelling, i am a beginner and hoping to experiment in creating various types of low-poly models. i am by no means an expert at 3d modelling but would love to experiment with your character or chosen design! )
examples of my work blockquotes  themes promos mobile headers  models 
any reblogs / likes / contact is massively appreciated - ! my ims are always open & my discord available on request. to commission me; fill out this form OR IM me.
my ko-fi is here in case anyone wants to head on that way - i will make you something / ANYTHING if you help me out. & i greatly appreciate any reblogs // thank you! :)
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spngeorg · 2 years
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Episode 87: 5.05 Fallen Idols
It’s a short one this week, friendos! The podcast, yes, but also the episode itself. It runs so short they included a SOON segment at the end of the ep promoting the next three episodes!
And for one filled with painful irony-- a god cosplaying as beloved icons in order to devour fans of said icons-- and a good number of classic lines (four score and seven years ago, I had a funny hat!), the episode overall is pretty straightforward.
Plus, as a nice break, Sam and Dean actually communicate well! They make a little bit of personal progress! Hooray for MotW episodes!
The Superwiki page for this episode
My tag for this episode (11 whole posts! Including this one! like five whole minutes of reading!)
Chicago Tribune piece with Kripke and Sera
Chicago Tribune episode preview (unfortunately the embedded video was Flash media, but the text lives!
EW interview with Kripke about Paris Hilton
Video of J2 talking about working with Paris at Vancon 2009
short promo clip from SpaceTV
Also, if you know of the spn script hunt group, we’re currently raising money for the Trevor Project (and giving away autographed scripts!). So if you’ve clicked through the links in any of my episodes to read various scripts, casting sides, and other items in our collection, maybe consider making a donation. The script raffle portion of the drive runs through December 5, and we’re closing in on our final goal of $5k! Thank you to everyone who’s helped us get there!
Listen now on AnchorFM, or wherever you enjoy podcasts!
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Fic Rec Friday returns!!
Todays Fic Rec is by my beloved @giddyfenix!!
Amores anacrónicos
Secret tasks but created by a shipping secret keeper <3 /silly
Seriously I love this, please go read it if you like mcyt
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strebcrarchivess · 1 year
🌈 Only if you fancy friendo!
send 🌈 for a promo banner!
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Here you go 👍
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mittensmorgul · 2 years
heads up friendos! the @deancaspinefest promos are posting! this is not a drill! it’s a reminder that you can see the promos as they roll fresh out of the lumber mill right now! wheeeee!
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countersguardian · 4 months
To do list
Reply to friendo
Invade inboxes
Make promo
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wingtorn · 9 months
hii~ not exactly a promo. I just wanted to say hello and that this is my new lil self ship blog and I'd love to gain some mutuals/friendos!! more detailed info is in my pinned post as well! this is also a sideblog and I follow back from allrelativefiction hehe
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huskerdustfanclub · 2 years
Tag dump
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maligns · 1 year
NAME.  mal  ( short for maligns lol ) .
PRONOUNS.   she / her
BEST EXPERIENCE.  meeting new muns and world building is so !! fun !! sometimes when friendos make me stuff like promos / drabbles, or send cute asks my heart explodes lmao c:
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION.  discord for long form communication if we’re plotting, tbh. tumblr ims are janky as hell.
MOST ACTIVE MUSES.  fire emblem peeps especially, but bolded primaries on my pinned post are also high activity !
EXPERIENCE.   i started with tumblr rpg back in 2015 .  i was active on other rp sites too but ultimately stuck with indie rp bc you can maintain it at any activity level, and that suited me a lot better.
RP PET PEEVES.  a rather unique one of mine would be tumblr rp aesthetics? like small font / images, etc. i don’t mind it in itself, but if big text and lack of text decoration actively deters you from interacting with muns that have great writing & ideas ... then it becomes a problem. also , another pet peeve of mine is using the word ‘orb’ to describe eyes in every other reply lmao.  JUST USE THE WORD EYES HHH  other standard peeves incl not complying with page rules; not sparing the time to read through muse info / pages while plotting; witch-hunt style callout culture / petty drama that has no place on the dash.
PLOTS OR MEMES.  i really enjoy answering memes tbh, but for thread purposes and ensuring longevity, plotting is definitely the way to go.
LONG / SHORT REPLIES.   one-three paras is what i prefer, and i tend on the longer side for plotted threads! however i generally try to match the thread length.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES?   some of them? i see a bit of myself in haibara  &  seungho tbh .  also meph’s anger issues used to be me projecting lmao.  but i like to think that i’ve outgrown him ( by a bit ) ahaha -- it’s kind of why his characterization has evolved a bit since his original creation. kind of cool to realize.
stole this from dash ... i encourage you to do the same c:
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atiny-piratequeen · 1 year
Also shameless promo for my friendos but our Vtuber friend Penny and the lovely Gaia are gonna be doing a little twitch stream to start off Penny's little talk shoe series. Todays topic will be kpop, in case anyone wanted to join and listen in ❤️
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