#promos for friends
askthechronoverse · 11 months
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Below is a little taste of a fic I wrote for the @tlm-fanzine. I am honored to be among the amazing fan artists and writers who contributed to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the first movie! If you want to read what happens next, as well as everything else the zine has to offer, go to this link to pre-order.
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"Welcome to the Systar System." A harsh robotic voice made Denny jump and Benny hop over to the controls. As Benny worked the controls, Denny patted himself down, making sure all of his parts were in the right place. Benny saw this and gave his partner a very spirited pat on the back.
"You're okay! It's always really jarring the first several times you go through the Stargate!" The blue clad spaceman took his walkman back and placed it on the control panel. He occasionally glanced over his shoulder to his friend with a bright smile and starry eyes as he began to readjust the autopilot and take manual control of the ship. Denny couldn't help but grin at that enthusiasm.
As Benny piloted the ship, Denny looked out the window at the eleven planets lined up in a near perfect row. His mind wandered to the events of that terrible wedding and the shadowy figure that was said to have orchestrated the whole operation. How could someone have hated this beautiful universe so much, they sought out its total destruction? Didn't they look out the window of their impossible ship and see what Denny was seeing? Maybe the person responsible was just a monster, living in the Special's imagination. No one ever ruled that out yet, after all, and not even Emmet Brickowski was sure he was truly real.
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ping-ski · 4 days
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hihi!! i got the COOLEST opportunity to be a spot artist for @LMKFanzine aka Megapolis Mania! and guess what? LEFTOVER SALES ARE OPEN NOW!
run along now and go check it out! we all worked super hard on it <3 https://lmkfanzine.bigcartel.com
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nibeul · 9 months
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anakin skywalker
[id: it's a half-body drawing of Anakin Skywalker holding his lightsaber in his prosthetic hand while his other hand is held before him in an offensive stance. He is drawn with brown skin that is littered with freckles and brown locs which are tied back. He wears his usual dark brown and black Jedi robes from Revenge of the Sith. /end id]
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prancingart · 6 days
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And it's just a case of tragic magic When you can't remember feeling fantastic
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emaiiyaru · 2 years
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renshengs · 9 months
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so i really like this show and decided that i should make a powerpoint to get people to watch it. and now 5 hours later here we are. this is my pitch. please watch 莲花楼
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akai-anna · 5 months
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please, tell me i'm not the only one who is obsessed over kaito chilling there and making friends with seagulls
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arlathvhenan · 21 days
I really wish more people acknowledged the fact that the way Solas feels about modern Thedas hinges entirely on the player. His character arc is entirely up to you. If he's a villain in your game, its because you literally chose to make him one. And that's fine, but it sucks to see people acting like it's a foregone conclusion, because it isn't. He is a radically different person depending on your choices and how you treat him, and that's kind of important to understanding the character.
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disgrub · 6 months
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The entire purpose is to act like you are one of the many versions of each character interacting together in a DISCORD SERVER.
*applications that aren't responded to within a week are denied
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tea-cat-arts · 8 months
A reoccurring thought I had for a while now-
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On one hand, I'd like to think someone gave him a hug at least once in those 800 years. On the other, idk who Xie Lian would let himself be vulnerable with
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homoeroticgrappling · 6 months
I love everything about this but especially "this is NOT piss" "it might be piss" "it's not piss" "are you sure?"
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askthechronoverse · 10 months
(so the post about this is really big and I got busy yesterday, but happy anniversary @masterjacobofficialblog)
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dollypopup · 6 months
I think it's interesting to look at the 'Mr. Bridgerton' scene as a backdrop for the eventual mirror scene. Firstly, in the fact that I think we've kind of misinterpreted it.
So many people are of the mind that scene's purpose to 'drag' Colin, but really, that scene has 3 primary functions. The first is to inform Colin that Penelope is aware of what he said of her, thus opening the door to clearing the air between them and providing an avenue for which Colin can apologize. The second is to establish the ground that they are currently on: Penelope has given up on the dream of Colin Bridgerton, in particular the perfect prince that can do no wrong, and has made it clear to him. It also creates distance between them that they will bridge.
But the third, and to me the most wrapped up in the mirror and the inner workings of their relationship is that it reveals how Penelope feels about *herself*. It's not necessarily an echo of what the ton considers her as, after all, we have a lot of evidence indicating that, for all intents and purpose, people aren't *unkind* about her, but rather that they ignore her. Audience members recognize this as Penelope's own shyness being the cause, she is often sitting off on the sidelines or not really talking to much of anyone, in the books she's referred to as the 'one who doesn't speak', and her LW business takes her away from being a character in the action of the ton to a bystander, kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts that perpetuates itself. Pen felt unseen so she became LW to have some power, but then LW herself must remain unseen and Penelope continues to be by design of her own making.
No, I think what it really reveals is that Penelope has incredibly low personal self esteem. We as a fandom has lauded that scene as her dragging Colin, saying that he's cruel and calling him Mr. Bridgerton is absolutely meant to create distance between them, but I don't think she's dragging him.
Because the person she is *actually* dragging here. . .is herself. And it is a general theme in her life. In Whistledown. Aloud. Even with Marina, when she complimented her, she assumes that she's lying. When Edwina says she's wearing a pretty dress, Penelope puts herself down and doesn't believe her, even when the compliment is genuine. In truth, Portia is not seen as being particularly unkind to Penelope. At least, speaking as someone who's mum was *awful* about my size and weight and outfits, Portia is. . .overall rather mild. She's not KIND and loving, not by a long shot, but she's also not targeting Penelope only. She's plenty mean and critical to Prudence, too, even to the point where she foists her off to her own cousin as a pawn piece. Penelope has low self esteem because of a lot of reasons, she's bullied by Cressida (I think a lot of girls are, she was pretty mean even to Daphne in S1) and her family isn't very tender to her, and she's not being pursued at every turn, but part of it is also her own perpetuation.
Listen to what she says "Of course you would never court me" "I embarrass you" "I am the laughingstock of the the ton". She sees *herself* as an embarrassment. She puts *herself* down. Arguably, more so than the ton does. She's meaner to herself than anyone else is, aside from Cressida. And honestly? Looking at Colin's face there. . .he is HURT that she considers herself this way. That she's projecting that onto him. Yes, he's hurt that he hurt her, of course he is, he never wants to hurt her. And yes, he's ashamed that he said he wouldn't court her the way he did and that in doing so, he validated her fears that she is unloved and unwanted, but also because. . .she already feels that way about herself. She's felt that way for years. And it's painful to care about someone, to see them as wonderful, and realize. . .they don't feel the same about themselves at all. I don't think Colin is out here feeling so wounded over the fact that she called him cruel and won't refer to him by first name anymore, but that he's most hurt by what she says about herself.
Because he *doesn't* see her the way she accuses. She says she never expected him of all people to be so cruel, but he feels the same way. He never expected her to be so cruel to *herself*. He wants to go somewhere private, not because she is an embarrassment, but because he wants to have a private conversation with her. Maybe assure her. Maybe explain himself. Maybe hash it out. But god Luke Newton's acting. . .he is *aching* for her. And it feels like he's going to do those lessons not in atonement for what he said (thank god) but to genuinely help his friend who thinks badly of herself. To lift her up. It's not about him at all, not about earning forgiveness, but about elevating Penelope. And that's. . .fuck, I just find that's just so heart stoppingly beautiful.
You can see, in that scene, how much he cares about her. How deeply and genuinely he adores her as a person. And just how painful it is for him to know he has validated, whether on purpose or otherwise, how poorly she feels about herself. How low her self-confidence really is. She is giving him a glimpse into the cracks of her heart, and when he sees them, he wants to reach out with both hands and make it feel better. Make her feel better.
After she says 'even when I change my entire wardrobe', he looks so fucking crushed. So 'don't say that'. So 'you really believe that?'. So 'God, I hate that you think that way'.
Because regardless of it all, he does love her. It's not romantic yet. It's not sexual yet. But he genuinely, truly, from the bottom of his heart, thinks she's wonderful. That was evident even in the 'purpose' scene. Every time Penelope opens up and reveals a facet of herself, he likes it. He likes her barbs and her dreams, he likes talking to her. He likes her. And he feels awful that he hurt her. And he feels awful that she's hurting herself. He loves her. He wants her to love herself.
And that's where the mirror scene comes in. Because the mirror scene isn't about sex, not really. Not entirely, at least. The mirror scene is about *intimacy*. The mirror scene is about being seen. Not just her seeing him, or him seeing her, but for Penelope to see *herself*. In a way, through his eyes. Because hers are biased rather negatively toward herself, which is evidenced in the 'Goodnight Mr. Bridgerton' scene, and in so many little moments we've already gotten where she's literally looking down on herself, feeling down. She doesn't necessarily *like* what's in the mirror, but he does. Because he likes *her*. And he wants to show her that he does. Show her that he finds her beautiful and have her recognize that in herself.
The 'Goodnight Mr. Bridgerton' scene is about Penelope revealing how she sees herself. The mirror scene is about Colin showing her how *he* sees her. The Goodnight scene is about Penelope thinking she means nothing to him, that he thinks of her the way she thinks of herself, that this is how everyone thinks of her, and the mirror scene is a direct response to that: No, he doesn't. No, he doesn't think she's embarrassing. No, he doesn't think she's a laughingstock. No, he doesn't think she's unappealing. And he doesn't think she should, either.
And he's going to show her that. Not just tell her, but show her. The mirror scene is so often a focus on Penelope, so much of Polin is in Penelope's focus, but approaching it from Colin's perspective and his motivations is so fulfilling, too. It's a glimpse into them in conversation, and a demonstrate of how Colin loves her. How Colin loves in general, openly and earnestly and altruistically. How he encourages her to be braver and more confident in herself, bolstering her because he just likes her *that much*. How he finds the most fulfillment and satisfaction in caring aloud. The mirror scene is a demonstration of his heart in reflection.
When Luke Newton said the first word that came to mind with the word 'Mirror' was 'Exposed', he doesn't just mean physically. He means emotionally, too.
God this couple is so fucking good.
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jonnywaistcoat · 2 years
So, I've just released another little volume of Spectral Tales (where I do readings of old ghost stories) and the main story for this one is The Willows by Algernon Blackwood. Now, I love the story - it's just two hours of a pair of Edwardians sitting in a swamp saying
"Are the vibes are off?"
"Yes the vibes are off."
But the thing I cannot get over is that the narrator, throughout the whole thing, through every weirdness and mortal danger, only ever refers to his intimate travelling companion (which I obviously read as gay) as "The Swede". I don't know why this delights me - it just feels like so much like your friend whose dating a bunch of guys and is telling you about their spooky swamp holiday and you're like "sorry, you were with who?" And they're like "you know, the swede" and I dunno, it just delights me.
Anyway, if you want to have a listen you can get it here (cause obviously this is also a promotional post). Oh, and it's currently Bandcamp Friday, so I get a bit of extra cash if you pick it up today!
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rebelatheartblog · 6 months
GO! GO!! GO!!!😅
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aracariwren · 17 days
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A bunch of doodles of some Miitopia default/promo Miis and a lot of flowers because I love them so much,,,
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