crypt1dcreatez · 5 months
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A Propin and a Petunia | final sketch
-> Propin, Goddess of Love & Petunia, God of Obssesion from @ardourie 's Parousia 🩶
Still learning and experimenting with colour in procreate so this will have a finished colour version eventually!
Heavily referenced Mary/Baby Jesus + Mary/crucified Jesus
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neotrances · 1 year
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what the
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Vote ninjago in the purple-yellow showdown.
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punalippulaiva · 1 year
Kun sorto lisääntyy pettää monen rohkeus mutta hänen rohkeutensa kasvaa! Hän järjestäytyy taisteluun saadakseen palkkansa iltateensä ja vallan valtiossa. Hän kysyy: omaisuus, miten olet syntynyt? Hän kysyy: käsitykset, ketä hyödytätte? Missä aina vaietaan, siellä hän puhuu ja missä puhutaan kohtalosta, kun sorto vallitsee siellä hän antaa asioille oikeat nimet.
-- Bertold Brecht: Vallankumouksellisen ylistys. (Suom. Brita Polttila, Eero Ojanen)
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sociedadnoticias · 1 year
México atrae a 40 millones de visitantes por turismo religioso
México atrae a 40 millones de visitantes por turismo religioso #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias @IglesiaMexico @MonsRamonCastro @ArzobispoAguiar @CEPCOM_CEM @SEGOB_mx #UNAM #Acatlán #FESAcatlán #HechoEnLaUNAM @FES_ACATLAN @UNAM_MX @SalaPrensaUNAM
La UNAM asegura que el país tiene todo el potencial para ser un polo de atracción en torno al turismo religioso debido a la gran cantidad de santuarios y festividades en la materia. Por Carlos Lara Moreno | Reportero                                           El turismo religioso en México avanza y se consolida, ya que todos los lugares sagrados tienen un magnetismo que atrae a creyentes y no…
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devoted-dolls · 5 months
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Propin, Goddess of Love, for @ardourie, art by @ardourie
[Handsewn Plush Doll - Minky and Anti Pill Fleece body / Crepe Back Satin clothing]
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fridagentileschi · 8 months
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Avete fatto sparire dagli scaffali tante Marche come questa con grano italiano 100% in favore di marchi UE e extra UE spacciandola per made in italy oltre a quella con farina di insetti. Ora basta. Intanto ho fatto un ordine direttamente al produttore non ve la compro la pasta che ci propinate nei Vs scaffali. Dovete solo vergognarvi. E non è vero che costa di più! In ogni caso meglio la qualità. Spero proprio che perdiate tanti clienti.
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neotrances · 1 year
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propin doodles while listening to virgos groove
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charlewiss-writes · 2 years
behind the lense / felipe drugovich
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part 27: camera (part of one-word november prompts!)
pairing: felipe drugovich x photographer!reader
summary: he liked to take pictures before as a side hobbie apart from racing. but now that he found his muse, he's been hiding more often behind the lense, not knowing how to ask you out.
word count: 1.3k
being 22, you could never have dreamed of the position you were in at the moment: walking through the paddock, camera in hand and a press pass hanging on your neck. the weather in abu dhabi was humid and hot, but you couldn't care less at the moment. your first year as a photographer for f1's social media was coming to an end, and you still couldn't believe that this was your work. you were beyond grateful. due to being present at the immense majority of the gp's that occurred this year, your face was already known amongst the different teams. you had hit it off particularly well with mclaren's garage, being the main inspiration for lando and daniel to bought a camera and start their photographies accounts.
there was a big crowd around the aston martin's garage, and you quickly figured out it was thanks to seb. being the last grand prix of the season, the fourth time world champion's career was coming to an end, so everyone wanted to have a final look at the german. you could never have enough seb's pictures, so you tried to make your way into the multitude, until you bumped into someone's back. the man, you realized, was wearing an aston martin's shirt, so you figured he was a part of the team, even though you hadn't seen him before -you thought you would remember meeting someone this handsome before-. he politely smiled at you, like you two were the closest friends, and gave away his space so you could get alongside sebastian and snap a few pictures. he remained behind you, close but not enough to be invasive, protecting you from the occasional shoves the people around you propined to try and get closer to the driver. once you were done, you grinned back at him and started to make your way out of there, feeling a bit trapped after being so close to so many people.
"i'm sorry, i think we haven't met before".
when you turned to look at whoever had made that comment, directed towards you -at least, that's was what you could guess-, you were pleasantly surprised to find the handsome stranger who had played as your security guard a few moments ago.
"y/n, photographer for f1's socials. you? i feel like i haven't seen you before".
he smiled due to your implicit confession: he was important enough to be remembered by you. "felipe. half time photographer" the boy said, showing you the camera that was attached to his neck. he was about to say something else to you, when lance grabbed him by his shoulders and yanked him, startling the poor man. "you're needed at the garage, drugo, the car's waiting for you" the canadian said, without noticing that his friend was in the middle of something. when he lifted his eyes and saw you, it was like you could see how an idea came to mind. "y/n! so great to see you here. would you take a picture here with my friend? i need to post something congratulating the new f2 world champion!".
he was rushed by lance, so you couldn't talk to him and ask why hadn't he told you who he really was. and even though you didn't run into him for the remainder of the weekend, felipe still found his way to make you smile when he followed you on instagram on monday morning, after the season had ended and you were already at the plane to come back home. the three months that separated one season from the other were spent getting to know eachother, first through texts and then via facetime: you two hit it off instantly, keeping always in touch. because of this, you quickly noticed how much you missed him when he was too busy working with aston martin, or how often he checked his phone to see if he had gotten any messages from you when it was morning on your timezone.
when you came back to the paddock once the 2023 season had begun, you quickly made your way to the aston martin garage, where you knew felipe was at. since signing his contract to be a reserve driver, you assumed that the brazilian would be there. you realized your suppositions where correct when you heard his voice, this time, in real life, and not through some device. "are you looking for someone?" he jokingly said. you turned around and gave him a big hug, answering to his ask. "some handsome part-time photographer, do you happen to know who he is?" you hadn't meant to be so forward, and even though you two flirted as a joke on a daily basis, it was different when you were actually face to face. thankfully, he just laughed and hugged you even tighter.
"i think i know where he is. should we go look for him, amor?".
after months talking, you always come back to talk about photography: after all, it was what had brought you together. so now that you had reunited, it was only right that the first thing you did together was walk through the paddock and take as many pictures as you could. sometimes, you would sneakily take a picture of him, that would be kept hidden in a folder where nobody could see. it wasn't that you were ashamed of the newfound love you had for the driver, but rather than you didn't want to ruin a perfectly good friendship for some weird feelings that you weren't sure were even real. maybe you only liked him because you had a few things in common that you could talk about for hours. you were sure that you weren't actually in love with him. maybe, you were trying to convince yourself that you weren't.
after a few hours roaming the area, you decided it would be best for you and your poor, tired, feet, to go back to the aston martin garage to rest for a bit. when you were about to reach your destination, you noticed that felipe had stopped walking beside you, and when you turned, he was a couple of meters behind, still. "what happened, feli?" you called him by the nickname that you gave him back when you first started talking. "can i take a picture of you?" he shyly said. felipe knew that you preferred to remain behind the lense at all cost, noticing this for the first time when he checked your instagram page and there wasn't a picture where your face showed entirely: you were always hidding, either behind the lense on a mirror pic, or somehow covering your face with your hands.
felipe didn't understand why you did it. he thought you were the most beautiful person in the world, ever since seeing you and your worried face for the first time, back in november when you were trying to make your way through the crowd. at the time, he hadn't realized just important you would become to him. and now, after all these months knowing about his feelings for you, he still wasn't sure how would he manage to ask you out without die trying. so the only way he found was through the camera, and with lance's help. you groaned at his persistence in taking a picture of you, but knowing that you had taken plenty of him throughout the day, you felt kinda obliged to let him have at least one.
when you returned towards him to see how the photo had turned out, you saw a certain canadian behind you, holding a sign with the words "do you want to go out with me?" messily scribbled. you laughed when you saw it, face turned red, and trying very hard to mantain eye contact with felipe. "are you behind this?" you tried to say with a serious face, but you couldn't keep your lips from curling into a smile. "i don't know. if you say yes, i might be" he replied, grinning.
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historyinposters · 10 months
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Not a poster, but a record sleeve that owes to Soviet propoganda poster design: the cover for Agit-propin kvartetti laulaa työväenlauluja (roughly: "the Agit-Prop quartet sings working class songs") album by the Finnish singer group Agit Prop, 1972.
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kris48 · 1 year
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Real propin
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aradiascoven · 1 year
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Ou, cazzaro del web! Ti volevo dire, se ancora mi leggi in incognito, che in tutti questi anni di stronzate propinate una cosa bella l'hai fatta: nel 2009 mi hai fatto conoscere questa splendida donna, e ieri ero al suo matrimonio!
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turangalila · 1 year
Veni creator spiritus. Anon. (C13th) [Magnus liber organi] [(ff.36–36v) Wolfenbüttel 1099 (W2) Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, Germany]
Veni creator spiritus, / spiritus recreator, / tu dans, tu datus coelitus, / tu donum, tu donator, / tu rex, tu digitus, / alens et alitus, / spirans et spiritus, / spiratus et spirator.
Mentes tuorum visita, / mentium visitator, / visitando inhabita, / visorum habitator, /  u fons, tu rivulus, / frutex et surculus, / doctor discipulus, / servorum coronator.
Tu septiformis gratie / dans septiforme donum, / virtutis septifarie / septem petitionum, / tu nix non defluens, / ignis non destruens, / pugil non metuens, / propinator sermonum.
Tu gratis data gratia, / et tu faciens gratos, / tu primo purgas vitia, / post conservas purgatos, / absolve debita, / extolle merita, / virtute solita / salvans predestinatos.
Ergo accende sensibus / hi te lumen et flamen, / hi te inspira cordibus / qui es vite spiramen; / tu sol, tu radius, / mittens et nuntius, / persona tertius, / salva nos. / Amen, amen
_ Hilliard Live 1: Perotin and the Ars Antiqua The Hilliard Ensemble (1996, BBC Radio 3 – HL 1001)
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gcorvetti · 9 months
Verso l'oblio.
Ieri l'Ambrogino mi passa un link dal sito estone dell'informazione, in inglese, che parla dei licenziamenti nei vari settori, numeri grossi comparati agli anni precedenti, anche se il settore meno colpito, dice l'articolo, è la ristorazione, anzi precisa che dopo il periodo covid c'è una ripresa. A parte il fatto che non è tanto il licenziamento a preoccuparmi ma quanto l'assunzione, che però a quanto pare sia rivolta più agli stranieri, con la salvinata "prima gli estoni", che si traduce in un mobbing verso chi non è autoctono perché se non hai un lavoro fai meglio a tornartene a casa, cosa che potrebbe in qualche modo fare irritare l'UE, visto che si promuove l'integrazione e il famoso spostamento da un paese all'altro perché alla fin fine è stato sempre così, non trovi lavoro nel tuo paese vai in un altro. Ma a quanto pare questo non è un punto di forza di questo piccolo paese al confine non solo del continente ma del mondo logico in cui se un'azienda cerca personale non dovrebbe escludere nessun candidato per logica visto che ogni singolo elemento potrebbe portare qualcosa in più alla stessa. Ma questi sono discorsi troppo filosofici per il periodo storico che stiamo affrontando, che vi ricordo è di recessione ma non in prospettiva, adesso, il famoso futuro che tutti vedono nero in realtà è il presente. Dici la guerra? La russia ha invaso? Si questo è successo quasi 2 anni fa ed è successo perché gli yankee non sopportavano che noi facevamo affari con loro, nel mercato libero non puoi commerciare con chi vuoi ma con chi dicono quelli dall'altra parte dell'oceano. E' inutile dire che la nostra alleanza con gli yankee è tossica, è palese. Ma se non ti allei con loro con chi ti allei con i russi o con i cinesi? Non ti devi per forza alleare con qualcuno, porco dio, siamo il vecchio continente e in quanto a vecchi sappiamo badare a noi stessi e potremmo camminare per fatti nostri. Ma nel giochino economico mondiale un'europa forte non conviene a nessuno ad ovest come ad est, e già solo questo ci dovrebbe far pensare quanto il nostro potenziale sia represso e quanto noi stessi, in realtà i politici, non lo vediamo come una risorsa, che poi se vogliamo dirla tutta il famoso mondo occidentale l'abbiamo creato noi, mannaggia a noi (noi inteso come i nostri avi).
Si lo so che nell'egoismo cavalcante di questo inizio millennio ognuno guarda alla sua barba, cosa che ci è venuta propinata sempre dallo zio sam, nell'idea di una competizione dove non vince il migliore ma quello che è più veloce a infilare il pugnale sulla schiena del prossimo. Si sa che il sogno di ogni governante è quello di riuscire a controllare le masse, e ci sono riusciti, come diceva Huxley e ci finirà come diceva Orwell ne sono convinto, anche se forse noi non lo vedremo mai o forse è già in atto e lo vedo solo io e tutti quelli che non si fanno prendere dalle novità tecnologiche o dalle minchiate che vengono propinate per distrarre dal punto focale, si continua a guardare il dito mentre la luna ci sta cadendo addosso.
Si, non ho dormito molto stanotte per via dello stesso medesimo problema che da qualche tempo mi attanaglia, più sto articolo. E mentre fuori ci sono -23° e nevica in orizzontale io mi trovo esattamente al centro di un bivio ramificato che mi propone a 360° diverse strade, ma nel dubbio non so quale scegliere che è peggio di sceglierne una anche se sbagliata, ma di errori ne ho fatti così tanti che è più facile contare quelli che non ho fatto, sulla punta delle dita di una mano. Che posso dirti, che magari era meglio che non smettevo di bere così almeno in questi quattro anni, chissà, morivo, oppure dovrei mettere la testa sotto terra, sotto la neve nel mio caso, e buttare nel cesso una vita di pensiero? Ultimamente sono più rilassato è vero, lo dice anche Spock, giusto perché sto evitando i giornali online come la peste, ma la situazione è comunque visibile in ogni dove e non posso farne a meno di criticare la società per come si è ridotta, lo so, lo so che se sono imbottigliato nel traffico (anche se non ho l'automobile) faccio parte del traffico e non sono un elemento esterno al gruppo traffico, questo fa capire che nonostante non la pensi come voi purtroppo faccio parte di voi, ma mi fa incazzare il fatto che voi non vi accorgiate di quello che succede e se lo fate dopo qualche secondo vi voltate dall'altra parte come se tutto questo non vi toccasse, ma vi tocca e come se vi tocca, ma continuate a dormire.
Basta vado a prendermi un caffè e a baciare la mia bella in tutte le labbra, tanto per dimenticare e vi lascio con un brano attinente al tema del post.
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la strafottenza emotiva mi indispone; é sempre stato così.
detesto chi, senza sapere nulla, esprime le sue opinioni sulle questioni delicate della vita degli altri.
ma cosa ve ne fate di tutta quella strafottenza, irriverenza e maleducazione che propinate agli altri, ogni qualvolta vi sentite obbligati a esprimere il vostro punto di vista?
se non avete parole gentili da offrire, perché parlate?
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cinnamonfknbuns · 1 year
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