coolladydot · 6 months
Echipamentul de protecție este gardianul neobosit al bunăstării noastre
Aparent fără nicio legătură, între unitățile medicale (cabinete, clinici, spitale, centre de prim ajutor, unități sanitare de ambulatoriu etc) și centrele de îngrijire/relaxare (centre spa, fitness, saloane înfrumusețare etc) există un element comun: grija și responsabilitatea pentru starea de sănătate a celor care calcă pragul acestor spații. Fără atenția necesară pentru combaterea riscurilor de…
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ccomilk · 11 months
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i return with more doodles of @vanillavengeance's fic Mystic Malfunction. i love this fic a normal amount (is shaking and frothing at the mouth)
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Husk, the news you miss is Angel became an Overlord.
Don't tell Lucifer and Alastor.
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Husk: *found a copy of the newspaper* Holy sh-
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Freya: Dada?
Husk: *immediately stops talking* Yes Freya?
Freya: *waddles over to Husk and grabs his pant leg* Dada up!
Husk: *can’t bend down* Uh let’s do this instead *goes to sit down on couch and puts Julep on the couch and bends down some and picks up Freya, adjusts her on one day and picks up Julep on the other* There were go.
Freya: *notices his belly* Dada baby?
Husk: Yep. Well actually there are two inside of me this time. Ain’t that…fun…
Freya: *fascinated by his belly* Dada! Babies! *pats his tummy* Babies in belly! When come out?
Husk: Well…your daddy is 5 months pregnant. And babies usually take 10 ish months. But twins are usually born early, so when the leaves change colors, the babies should be here.
Freya: O’tay!
Julep: *snuggles against the baby bump*
Husk: *smiles warmly* My special girls! I wish I can give you the world, but we’re in Hell and I can’t even give a popsicle. I’m sorry girls. You deserve a better Dada than me.
Freya: No! Best Dada! You da best!
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j0ypatron · 3 months
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blueengland · 21 hours
secrets unravelled
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TRAPPED #12 - Protective Detectives TRAPPED #29 - Desire Roward
JAKE: You look lost. DESIRE: aren't we all?
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amplexadversary · 3 months
I'm half joking, but I think Domon should have a semi-unique ability in the next SRW (like, he comes with it, only a few characters have it, and you can't buy it)
You know in Final Fantasy IX where Zidane and a few other characters can get an ability called "Protect Girls?"
Domon needs something similar but it's "Protect Children."
Have it do something like, increase the range in which Domon will do a support Defense for a character that's younger than 17
(in that particular adaptation; for example, Kamille is aged up in SRW T because it takes place post-Zeta. He wouldn't trigger that ability, but Judau and Ple would.)
I don't know whether a flat range increase of x number of tiles would be more balanced, or if scaling it to the range of one of his attacks would make more sense,
but it doesn't seem like it would get too insane unless the player decided to invest a disproportionate amount of resources into either Domon or another character who gets that ability (breaking single characters is explicitly an intended means of playing the series, if the save skits are anything to go by)
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thelegoninjagomovie · 8 months
i lieddddddd but this is short basically the whole “dog/animals>>> people” “dogs can sense bad intentions from people” “humans are the true evil” along with the rise of VERY uninformed dog owners not recognizing resource guarding and aggressive behaviors towards themselves or other people from their dogs has led to one of the worst animal crisis i think the world has ever seen straight up. people (especially the elderly or fucking children) don’t deserve to be bit or even mauled to death by some random dog in public bc dog owners think/convinced themselves they have the “perfect stupid silly cuddle angel couch potato” who “loves me and was trying to me safe” but so many of these types have convinced themselves that when dogs do this, it’s always that they were “provoked or triggered”, or can “sense illness or bad intentions and wanted to help”.
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gho2ty · 7 months
the griin ii get from av calliing me 2ollux.
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asistenta-virtuala · 13 days
Protejează-ți Ochii cu Ochelari pentru Calculator de la Videt!
Petreci multe ore în fața ecranului? Fie că lucrezi la laptop, navighezi pe telefon sau te relaxezi la TV, ochii tăi au nevoie de protecție! La Videt, găsești ochelari cu lentile de protecție pentru calculator care blochează lumina albastră nocivă, prevenind oboseala oculară și îmbunătățindu-ți starea generală de bine. De ce să Alegi Ochelari cu Protecție pentru Calculator? Lumina albastră…
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coolladydot · 1 year
Siguranță pentru copii, relaxare pentru părinți
Primii ani de viață reprezintă o provocare atât pentru copii, cât și pentru părinți. Dacă cei mici sunt în acea perioadă a vieții în care energia și curiozitatea alcătuiesc mixul care să le asigure necesarul de experiențe din care să cumuleze cunoștințele necesare pentru o dezvoltare armonioasă, părinții se văd nevoiți să se autodepășească pentru a le putea oferi contextul favorabil…
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7zileinfo · 26 days
A intrat in vigoare Ordinul de protectie extins! Află ACUM ce presupune!
Ministrul Justiţiei, Alina Gorghiu, a anunţat că Ordinul de protecţie extins a intrat în vigoare începând de sâmbătă, context în care toate victimele pot beneficia de protecţie, indiferent de forma de violenţă, fizică sau psihică, a transmis Agerpres. „Legea 26/2004 privind Ordinul de protecţie extins intră chiar astăzi în vigoare. Toate victimele pot beneficia de protecţie, indiferent de forma…
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mydrxmcarehealth · 6 months
Enhance your gut health with MyDrXM.com and Biogaia Protectis Probiotic Drops specially formulated for optimal digestive balance. Explore the transformative power of probiotics, conveniently delivered in easy-to-use drops. Trust MyDrXM.com for a healthier, happier you.
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booticro · 1 year
Un pachet contine 56 de bucati de cauciuc autoadeziv, care se lipesc pe picioarele de mobila, oferind protectie pe termen lung podelelor si totodata reduc zgomotul mobilei.
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He was so fucking annoying
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flowrides · 1 year
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Op Zoek Naar De Beste Fietsenwinkel Online
Flow BMX Shop heeft de beste selectie fietsen en fietsaccessoires voor rijders van alle niveaus. Onze BMX-fietsen zijn er in verschillende maten, stijlen en kleuren, zodat je de perfecte fiets kunt vinden die past bij jouw rijstijl, trainingen en wedstrijden. Of je nu een beginner of een pro bent, we hebben altijd een geschikte fiets. Bezoek nu onze fietscross winkel.
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