#provide skilled physiotherapy
barelytolerabled · 9 months
Healing Speed and Soul
daniel ricciardo x fem!physiologistReader
summary: The McLaren team sought the expertise of a skilled physiotherapist, you, to tend to the physical well-being of their drivers. Little did they know, you would soon become more than just a healer, evolving into a vital source of emotional support for the drivers, especially Daniel Ricciardo.
Warnings: body shaming, ed
WC: 2k944
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On your first day at McLaren, you nervously stepped into the bustling atmosphere of the team's headquarters. Team principal Zack Brown warmly welcomed you, introducing you to the dedicated mechanics, engineers, and other essential members of the McLaren family.
As you walked through the high-tech facility, you felt a mix of excitement and anticipation. The air was filled with the hum of activity.
Zack eventually led you to the heart of the team the garage. There, you found yourself face to face with the dynamic duo of McLaren, Lando Norris and Daniel Ricciardo. Lando, with his infectious enthusiasm, greeted you with a friendly smile, while Daniel, known for his trademark grin, extended a warm handshake.
"Hey there! Welcome to the team," Lando exclaimed, his energy contagious.
Daniel, with a twinkle in his eye, added, "Great to have you on board. We've heard you work wonders, hope you're ready for the challenge!"
You, feeling the warmth of their welcome, couldn't help but reciprocate the positive energy. Little did you know that beyond the world of physiotherapy, you were about to embark on a journey that would intertwine your life with the adrenaline-fueled existence of the McLaren drivers.
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A few days into your tenure at McLaren, the intense rhythm of Formula One life began to settle around you. As the physiotherapist, you observed the drivers, Lando and Daniel, pushing themselves to the limits during practice sessions and briefings.
Recognizing the importance of maintaining their peak physical condition, you decided it was time for a comprehensive medical checkup. You approached Lando and Daniel with a plan to ensure their bodies were in optimal shape for the upcoming races.
"Lando, Daniel, I'd like to conduct a thorough medical checkup to ensure you're both physically prepared for the challenges ahead. It's crucial to address any potential issues before they escalate," you explained.
Lando, always eager to improve, nodded in agreement, "Sure thing, doc. Anything to stay at the top of our game!"
Daniel, with a playful grin, added, "I trust you've got the magic touch. Let's do it."
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The medical examinations unfolded in the state-of-the-art McLaren facilities, with you meticulously assessing their fitness, flexibility, and overall health. As you worked, conversations flowed, revealing not only physical aspects but also providing insights into the drivers' mindset and emotional well-being.
In those moments, you realized the delicate balance between physical prowess and emotional resilience required in their life. Little did you know that your role would extend beyond the realm of physiotherapy, becoming a crucial pillar of support for Lando and Daniel as they faced the relentless challenges of the racing season.
In the quiet confines of your small office, it became evident during Daniel's medical checkup that he was neglecting his nutritional needs. You, observing the signs of under-eating, decided to address the issue directly.
"Daniel, I've noticed you might be skimping on meals. Nutrition is a crucial part of staying at your peak, especially in this demanding sport," you gently pointed out.
Daniel, usually vibrant, seemed quieter than usual. After a moment of contemplation, he simply nodded in acknowledgment.
Sighing, you grabbed your coat. "Come on, Ricciardo. We're going to fix this. I'm taking you for a proper meal, no excuses."
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Leading the way, you and Daniel left the confines of the McLaren headquarters, embarking on a journey to ensure the Australian driver's well, being extended beyond the racetrack. Little did you know that this impromptu outing would mark the beginning of a unique bond, intertwining your role as a physiotherapist with a deeper connection to the personal lives of the McLaren driver.
Navigating the streets in the fading daylight, you led Daniel to your apartment. The confusion on his face was evident as he questioned, "Your place? Why are we here?"
Turning to him with a determined look, you explained, "Daniel, it's not just about making you eat; it's about making sure you eat right. I'll be cooking for you. Trust me, it's time for some proper nourishment."
Once inside your cozy apartment, you set about preparing a wholesome meal, the aroma wafting through the air. Daniel, still a bit perplexed, watched as you skillfully moved around the kitchen.
"You're really going all out. I appreciate it," Daniel admitted, a hint of gratitude in his eyes.
As you sat down to eat, you shared a smile. "Sometimes, a good meal can make all the difference, especially when the pressures of racing start taking a toll. Consider it part of my job to keep you fueled and ready for the season ahead."
As you shared the meal in your apartment, a comfortable silence enveloped you. Suddenly, breaking the quietude, you looked at Daniel and asked, "Who?"
Daniel, with a mouthful of food, raised an eyebrow, "Who what?"
Softly, you persisted, "Who made you think you shouldn't eat? There's something deeper here, Daniel. I can see it."
Caught off guard by the unexpected question, Daniel hesitated for a moment. A mix of surprise and vulnerability flickered in his eyes before he finally spoke, "Well, it's just... the constant pressure, expectations, you know? Sometimes, it feels like I don't deserve a break, even for a decent meal."
You nodded in understanding, recognizing the weight of the expectations that came with Formula One. "It's crucial to remember that taking care of yourself isn't a sign of weakness. If anything, it's a strength. You're not alone in this, Daniel. We're a team, on and off the track."
You, sensing there was more to Daniel's struggle, looked at him with a discerning gaze. "Are you sure you're telling me everything about that? Because Norris doesn't seem to have this issue."
Daniel hesitated for a few moments, glancing away before finally admitting, "Well, some people think I should be careful with food, that my weight isn't the best for racing. But yeah, little norris isn’t a problem like me for them."
A dry chuckle escaped your lips. "What a load of nonsense. Your performance on the track speaks for itself. You don't need to conform to anyone's unrealistic standards. It's about being healthy and fit, not fitting into someone else's idea of what a racer should look like."
Clearing the plates from the table, you took a decisive stance. "From now on, I'll bring you lunch, Daniel."
Daniel, trying to be polite, protested, "No, no, you don't have to do that, really."
You turned to him with a determined look, "Daniel, my role is to take care of you. Of course, I'm doing it, and you have no choice."
Concern crept into Daniel's expression, "But Zack makes me follow a strict regime. He can't know."
A disbelieving shake of the head, you retorted, "Zack agreed to this nonsense? Well, then it'll be our secret. Meet me in my office at lunch tomorrow. We'll eat together."
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As the weeks passed, you continued your routine of preparing and bringing lunches for Daniel, meeting him in your office during race weekends. The aroma of home-cooked meals became a familiar presence, and whispers of camaraderie between you and Daniel began to circulate.
People couldn't help but notice the positive changes in Daniel, he seemed healthier, more energized, and perhaps even a bit happier. The bond that had formed between you and him extended beyond professional duties, creating a ripple effect in the team dynamics.
Colleagues started to see the genuine care and support you provided, not just in terms of physical well-being but also as a source of emotional strength for Daniel.
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In the bustling atmosphere of the McLaren team lunch area, Daniel found himself with no choice but to join his teammates while eating the lunch you had prepared for him. Sitting across from Lando Norris, one of the team members jokingly teased, "Didn't know you knew how to cook, Daniel."
Daniel, taking a bite, replied honestly, "I'm not the one making it."
The teasing took an unexpected turn when the team member quipped, "What, you got a wife at home or something making you these?"
Daniel chuckled dryly, playing along, "Something like that, actually, yeah."
The laughter subsided when Lando, with a curious expression, raised an eyebrow, "And you think I could ask your 'wife' for one too? I've got a appointment with her this afternoon, pain in my back you know."
Daniel's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and realization dawning on him. "How do you know who's making me those lunchboxes?"
Lando leaned in, a knowing smile on his face. "She has the exact same lunchbox, mate. But don't worry, your and your "wifey" secret is safe with me. I'm aware of how tough the team can be on you."
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Arriving home late, you were taken aback to find Daniel in your apartment, busy preparing dinner. "Daniel, what are you doing?" you asked, a mix of surprise and gratitude.
He gently helped you off with your shoes and coat, replying with a smile, "You've been doing so much for me, so I wanted to return the favor. Not promising a meal as good as yours, though." He chuckled and guided you to the dining table, ensuring you were comfortably seated.
"Daniel, it's actually my job to take care of you," you reminded him.
He sighed, placing your plates on the table, and took a seat in front of you. "And as your friend, it's my job too. Let's forget work, mmh?"
You smiled at him, grateful for the unexpected gesture. "Thank you, Daniel. This means a lot."
Mid-dinner, Daniel suddenly got up, exclaiming, "I almost forgot." He returned to the table with two glasses and a bottle of wine.
"Daniel, we work tomorrow," you reminded him.
He playfully interrupted, "Ah ah ah, what did I say? We forget work tonight, okay?"
You sighed, smiling, "Anything you want, Daniel."
With that, you clicked your glasses. The shared laughter and genuine connection over dinner marked a brief escape from the intense world you navigated together.
Relaxing on the couch after dinner, you and Daniel found yourselves immersed in easy conversation about anything and everything. As the night unfolded, Daniel slyly mentioned, "You know, I may have indirectly told the guys it was my 'wife' who prepared my lunchbox."
You raised an eyebrow with a playful grin. "Oh, is that so, Daniel? Well, get ready. I'll start leaving lovey notes on those lunchboxes of yours. Always dreamt of being a good wife to my husband."
They both burst into laughter, the shared humor lightening the atmosphere. In that moment, amidst the jokes and banter, you and Daniel found solace in each other's company.
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Days later, on a day when you couldn't eat with Daniel, you slipped a small note into his lunchbox. It read: "Fuel for the race, but don't forget to savor the moments off the track too. You've got this! - Your wifey."
When Daniel opened his lunchbox and discovered the note, a wide grin spread across his face. During the team's lunch break, Lando noticed Daniel's amused expression and couldn't resist asking, "What's got you all smiles, mate?"
Daniel, holding up the note, chuckled, "Looks like I've got a secret admirer, leaving lovey notes in my lunchbox."
Lando leaned in, feigning surprise. "Oh, a secret admirer, huh? Got any idea who it might be?"
Daniel playfully rolled his eyes, "Come on, Lando, you know exactly who it is. She's making sure I eat well and stay in high spirits."
Lando, joining in the light-hearted banter, teased, "Well, aren't you lucky to have your 'wife' looking out for you? I hope she leaves some notes for me too."
Daniel, with a smirk, responded to Lando's teasing, "Keep dreaming, mate. It's my 'wife' making them laugh." The banter continued, and laughter echoed through the lunch area.
However, as Daniel glanced at your note and the warmth it brought, a subtle longing lingered. A part of him wished the playful joke about a secret admirer and a lunch-making 'wife' could transcend the realm of humor. Little did he realize that within the confines of the jokes, a deeper connection was slowly taking root, sparking emotions that stretched beyond the boundaries of mere camaraderie.
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The 'wifey' joke continued to weave itself into the fabric of Daniel and your dynamic. Whenever Daniel passed by your office, he'd playfully inquire, "How's wifey doing?" Lando, ever the instigator, joined in, making insinuations that left the two of them chuckling.
Before crucial races, their banter took a unique turn. Daniel, often discussing strategy with Lando, would hear remarks like, "If I win, your wife better make me that famous lunchbox for me too." The playful commentary even spilled into interviews, with Lando winking at Daniel when asked about their favorite meals.
In one interview, when the interviewer queried about the drivers' preferred dishes, Lando slyly responded, "Well, it depends on who's making it, right, mate?" He wiggled his brows at Daniel, leaving the audience in stitches.
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During a casual night in with your friends at your place, you packed two lunchboxes of the same meal you had prepared. Observing your actions, one friend raised an eyebrow, teasing, "Two? Planning to feed a small army or something?"
You chuckled shyly, "It's just for one of my patients."
Another friend, noticing the little notes signed 'wifey,' couldn't resist poking fun. "And those little notes signed 'wifey' are also for your patient?"
Laughing, you playfully scolded, "Hey! Put that down!" The room erupted in laughter, the friends enjoying the playful banter. Your lunchbox antics had become a source of amusement not just within the Mclaren garage but also among your close circle of friends.
Searching for Daniel in the garage, you found him with Lando. "Wifey," they both cooed simultaneously, earning a punch in the shoulder from Daniel to Lando. "Not you," Daniel clarified, prompting laughter.
"Be gentle, Daniel," you teased, handing him his lunchbox with a little note as usual. "Need to be taking care of an engineer during lunch, sorry." You side-hugged Daniel before turning to Lando, "Pole position, right, little Norris?"
"Yes, ma'am," Lando replied with a smirk.
You chuckled and handed him a lunchbox, saying, "Well earned. Keep going like that, Lando. I'm proud of you." Lando happily hugged you, expressing his gratitude. He then turned to Daniel with a mischievous grin, "Guess I also got a wife now, loser."
"Hell no, you don't, little mosquito," you laughed, playfully shutting down Lando's claim. With a quick exchange, you got back to work, leaving the two drivers with smiles on their faces.
The usual lunch hour arrived, but Daniel didn't show up at your office. Growing worried, you decided to search for him in the garage. Passing by Zack's office, you overheard Zack's cold reprimand, focusing on Daniel's weight.
Unable to bear it, you entered the office with determination. "It's my fault," Daniel began, looking at you with concern. "No, no, it's not her fault," he continued, addressing Zack, "You're right, Zack. I haven't been careful recently, and I'll change that."
You, however, halted Daniel with a stern gaze. "No, you won't."
Turning to Zack, you asserted, "Zack, as Daniel's physiologist, I took the liberty to ensure he's properly nourished because apparently he hasn't been before my arrival here. His well-being is my responsibility, and I won't let him compromise that for any unrealistic standards."
Zack's anger flared as he confronted you, "You knew about his strict regime, and you went against my orders!"
"Yeah, I did! I did, and if I had to, I'll do it again," you asserted, standing your ground.
Zack, visibly angered, sat up. "You know what you'll do? Pack your things, you're fired."
Daniel, attempting to mediate, approached Zack, "Zack, it's not her fault. She didn't mean to—"
Stopping Daniel with a raised hand, you interjected, "Stop, Daniel. I don't want to work for someone like him anymore anyway."
With those words, you turned away and headed to your office to pack your things. The air in the room hung heavy with tension, marking the end of your tenure at McLaren.
While you were packing, your focus interrupted by the sound of the door, you instinctively responded, "My office is closed, sorry."
"It's me," Daniel's voice cut through, and you turned around to see him standing there.
"Oh," you uttered, and without a word, Daniel opened his arms. You hurriedly approached, burying your head in his chest. "I'm so sorry wifey," he whispered.
"It's not your fault, Daniel," you mumbled into his embrace, finding solace in the midst of the tumultuous situation.
“What am I supposed to do without you at the garage now?" Daniel thought out loud, his worry palpable.
You chuckled sadly, "You could always still come to mine for lunch."
He couldn't believe it. Pushing you away a bit, Daniel questioned, "You just lost your job because of me, but you continue. Who are you?"
"Honestly? Just a girl who grew too close to her patient," you admitted.
Raising an eyebrow in confusion, Daniel looked at you with wide eyes as if connecting the dots. "You're too important for me to let people treat you like shit, especially when it's putting your health in danger," you explained.
His eyes widened, and it seemed like realization struck him. "Do you mean that—"
"Yeah, I love you, Daniel," you confessed.
For a moment, silence hung in the air, and doubt crept into your mind. Yet, before you could dwell on it, Daniel stopped your doubts. "Then it's good you got fired, else I couldn't have been able to do this."
He grabbed your face and kissed you. "Would your dreams be fulfilled with me as your husband?"
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czarnoxiestwo · 6 months
Let me display an array of negative emotions in public for a sec
I feel like I haven't been this low in ages. I'm seriously considering changing my career to something less interesting but maybe a little more stable. I almost wrote 'less fulfilling' instead of 'less interesting' here but the point is - it's more stressful than fulfilling at this point.
Impostor syndrome is a quiet constant for me but it seriously seems like I'm far behind other people I know who started tattooing around the same time as I did. It's like I'm walking in circles, not actually acquiring any new skills, at least not in a sensible timeframe. And being stressed about not being as competent as I should be while having to pretend like I am is not the best learning environment which completes this circle. I work with people who are both younger than me and technically more competent than me which is discouraging in the sad, tired and resigned kind of way. (I should point out that I did the right thing at the very beginning - but you can still go through apprenticeship that doesn't point you in the right direction or provide any actual practical advice, not to mention solid skills). What's more, I feel like it hurt my general artistic abilities, not giving me enough room (energy and mental capacity) to grow through experimentation, exercise that my 'waste' my time or creating more time-consuming projects. I taught myself how not to rely on inspiration (which is actually a very useful skill) but I usually use it to create things at the merely passable level that a perfectly average client finds acceptable and will graciously agree to use instead of some random picture stolen from Pinterest. I love doing art, I want to do art - I don't know if tattooing is the kind of art I should be doing or if the art should be my main source of income in general.
My client base (as little as it was) pretty much crumbled away with only some people coming back from time to time but even then I see they don't have much money to spend (nor I expect them to). I don't know if I'm too awkward around strangers (I'm can be pretty awkward) for clients to actually want to work with me on a purely vibe based level or people just aren't interested in what I have to offer art-wise. I'd say my skills have something to do with that but I know (of) tattooers with absolutely abysmal works still managing to be fully booked. Being a queer person in a not that big of a city also means I have to be selective about who I'm willing to work with because my safety may depend on it. I know the self-promotion is an important part of being any kind of professional artist in this capitalist hell but to be frank, I fucking suck at it. I loathe fake-fun fake-energetic artistic content. I hate content-content, to be honest. At the same time I don't hate social media as a concept, I'm more of a shitposter type of guy though and I don't know if I'm brave enough to let it spill into my public facing profiles - both because of my safety as mentioned above but also because it my scare potential clients even more. In consequence my financial stability kind of doesn't exist at this moment.
I'm burned out but I don't do enough to be burned out. I need a break but I cannot afford to have a break. This job takes its toll on a body too. I need a regular physiotherapy for my arm, and fuckes my eyes even more than they're fucked by themselves (a lot). Sometimes I wonder how for how long I'll be able to continue this career before my body says no.
I'm just constantly stressed and worried, and I'm not sure what to do.
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aparnaphysiotherapy · 10 months
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Experience Advanced Therapies at Dr. Aparna's Physiotherapy Clinic!
📞 Call 93986 73095 to schedule your therapy session and experience the benefits of these advanced treatments. For easy booking, visit our website https://www.aparnaphysiotherapy.com
Address 1 : Dr. Aparna's Physiotherapy Clinic, Opp. Max Showroom, Road No.5, Vanasthali Hills, Ganesh Temple Road, Vanasthalipuram, Hyderabad
Address 2 : Dr. Aparna's Physiotherapy Clinic, 2-30/2, Plot No: A-11/2, Street number 3, Kakateeya Nagar, Beside Johnsons ICSE Grammar School, Habsiguda, Hyderabad
Discover a range of specialized therapies designed to optimize your healing and well-being at Dr. Aparna's Physiotherapy Clinic in Hyderabad.
Our Specialized Therapies:Dry Needling: Targeted therapy for muscle tension and pain relief. MFR Therapy (Myofascial Release): Release tension and enhance muscle function. Laser Therapy: Accelerate healing and reduce pain with advanced laser treatments. Cupping Therapy: Enhance blood flow and promote relaxation through this ancient technique. Taping Therapy: Support muscles and joints for improved stability and performance. Joint Mobilization Therapy: Enhance joint range of motion and reduce stiffness.
Trust our skilled therapists to provide personalized, effective care, ensuring you achieve your health and wellness goals. Your journey to a pain-free life begins here!
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phpclinic · 2 months
Physiotherapy Bolton
PHP Clinic: Your Premier Destination for Physiotherapy Services in Bolton!
Finding a trusted physiotherapy clinic is crucial when it comes to restoring your physical health and achieving optimal well-being. PHP Clinic in Bolton stands out as a premier destination for physiotherapy services, offering personalized care, state-of-the-art facilities, and a team of highly skilled professionals dedicated to helping you achieve your health goals.
Here's why PHP Clinic should be your top choice for physiotherapy in Bolton:
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Personalized Care Plans for Optimal Results
At PHP Clinic, we understand that no two patients are alike, so we take a personalized approach to physiotherapy.
Our experienced therapists will take the time to understand your unique needs, medical history, and lifestyle.
Based on this comprehensive assessment, they will develop a customized treatment plan to address your pain's root cause and get you back to living a fulfilling life.
A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Healing
PHP Clinic goes beyond just physiotherapy. We offer a multi-disciplinary approach to healing, incorporating various techniques and services to create a holistic treatment plan. It may include:
Manual Therapy: Skilled therapists utilize manual techniques like joint mobilizations, soft tissue therapy, and cupping therapy to target pain, improve flexibility, and promote optimal movement.
Exercise Therapy: Our physiotherapists will design a personalized exercise program tailored to your needs. This program will help you regain strength, improve balance, and prevent future injuries.
Modalities: We utilize various modalities, such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and shockwave therapy, to accelerate healing, reduce pain, and manage inflammation.
A Team of Highly Qualified Professionals
Our team is the heart of PHP Clinic. We have a team of licensed and experienced physiotherapists passionate about helping you reach your full potential. They stay up-to-date on the latest advancements in physiotherapy to ensure you receive the most effective treatment available.
Additionally, we may have other healthcare professionals on-site, such as chiropractors or massage therapists, to provide a well-rounded approach to your care.
Convenience and Comfort: Making Your Recovery Journey Easier
We understand that navigating healthcare can be stressful. PHP Clinic is committed to providing a convenient and comfortable experience. Here's what you can expect:
Flexible Appointment Scheduling: We offer flexible appointment times to accommodate your busy schedule.
Direct Billing: We accept most major insurance plans and offer direct billing services for your convenience.
Upscale and Hygienic Environment: Our clinic boasts a modern and welcoming atmosphere, ensuring a comfortable and relaxing experience during physiotherapy sessions.
Commitment to Your Success: Going Beyond Treatment
At PHP Clinic, we are committed to your long-term success. Our therapists will address your current injury or pain and educate you on how to prevent future problems.
We may guide proper posture, ergonomics, and exercises you can incorporate into your daily routine to maintain optimal health.
Schedule Your Consultation Today!
Don't let pain hold you back from living your life to the greatest! At Proactive Health & Performance Clinic, we are here to help you achieve optimal health and well-being.
Contact our Physiotherapy Bolton clinic today to schedule your initial consultation and take the first step towards a pain-free future!
Our dedicated team is here to guide you on your journey to recovery and empower you to live an active and fulfilling life!
Check out our website to get more information about Physiotherapy Near Me!
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lalanautism · 3 months
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Welcome to Lalan Autism Clinic in #Ranchi.
Remember, progress is a symphony of small victories. At Lalan Autism Clinic, we celebrate each step forward, knowing that it unlocks a world of possibilities. 🌈🌟
About Director : Dr. Lalan Kumar (PT) has 19+ years of experience in treating child with Autism and other developmental difficulties. He had provided his services in Delhi/ NCR for 17 years. He is expert in Evaluation/ Assessment of a child with Autism/ADHD etc. He was associated with the study of stem cell and Hyper basic oxygen therapy for the management of Autism. He is a trained NDT therapist for children.
He did Bachelor of Physiotherapy from SVNIRTAR, Cuttack(Odisha) under the ministry of social justice & empowerment(Govt. of India). He completed post graduation in Pediatric Physiotherapy from NIMS(Rajasthan).
He has experienced Team of professionals who follows multidisciplinary approach for the holistic development of a child.
Services Offered:
Occupational Therapy
Pediatric Physiotherapy
Speech Therapy
Special Education
ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis)
Contact us if :
A child doesn’t respond his name
Feels restlessness/Hyperactivity throughout the day
Having difficulties to mix with peer group
Having poor attention span/ Eye contact
Difficulty in verbal/ Non verbal communication
A child with poor hand-writing skills
For more information or to embark on this healing journey, visit our website: Lalan Autism - Academy of Autism & Child Physiotherapy
🌐https://lalanautism.com 📲+91-9899272246 📩[email protected]
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mann777 · 7 months
Physiotherapy at Home
Title: The Evolution of Rehabilitation: Exploring the Impact of Physiotherapy at Home
In recent years, the landscape of healthcare has undergone significant transformation, driven by advancements in technology, shifting patient needs, and a growing emphasis on personalized care. One area that has seen notable progress is rehabilitation, with the emergence of innovative solutions like "Physiotherapy at Home" revolutionizing the way patients access and receive rehabilitative services.
The Rise of Home-Based Rehabilitation
Physiotherapy at home represents a departure from traditional clinic-based models of care, offering patients the convenience and comfort of receiving treatment in their own homes. This shift towards home-based rehabilitation has been propelled by several factors, including the increasing demand for accessible and patient-centered care, advancements in telehealth technology, and the recognition of the importance of the home environment in the rehabilitation process.
Personalized Care Tailored to Individual Needs
One of the primary benefits of physiotherapy at home is its ability to deliver personalized care tailored to the unique needs and circumstances of each patient. Unlike clinic-based rehabilitation, which may follow a one-size-fits-all approach, home-based therapy allows for a more individualized and holistic approach to treatment. Therapists have the opportunity to assess patients in their own environments, gaining valuable insights into their daily routines, challenges, and goals. This enables them to develop customized treatment plans that address not only the physical aspects of recovery but also the social, emotional, and environmental factors that may impact rehabilitation outcomes.
The Role of Technology in Home-Based Rehabilitation
Technology plays a crucial role in facilitating physiotherapy at home, enabling therapists to deliver high-quality care remotely and monitor patients' progress between sessions. Telehealth platforms allow for virtual consultations, exercise demonstrations, and real-time feedback, providing patients with continuous support and guidance throughout their rehabilitation journey. Wearable devices and mobile apps further enhance the patient experience by allowing individuals to track their progress, set goals, and communicate with their therapists from the comfort of their homes.
Advantages Over Traditional Clinic-Based Care
The advantages of physiotherapy at home over traditional clinic-based care are manifold. In addition to the convenience and comfort of receiving treatment at home, home-based rehabilitation offers greater flexibility in scheduling, reduced transportation barriers, and increased opportunities for family involvement and support. Moreover, research has shown that patients who receive care at home may experience faster recovery times, higher levels of satisfaction, and improved adherence to treatment plans compared to those receiving clinic-based care.
Empowering Patients and Promoting Independence
Physiotherapy at home empowers patients to take an active role in their own recovery, fostering a sense of autonomy and self-efficacy. By providing education, resources, and support, therapists help patients develop the skills and confidence they need to manage their conditions independently and prevent future injuries or setbacks. This empowerment not only enhances patients' quality of life but also reduces healthcare costs and promotes long-term health and well-being.
Overcoming Challenges and Expanding Access
While physiotherapy at home offers numerous benefits, it is not without its challenges. Ensuring patient safety, maintaining communication and collaboration between therapists and patients, and addressing technical issues related to telehealth platforms are among the key considerations facing home-based rehabilitation programs. However, as technology continues to advance and healthcare delivery models evolve, these challenges are being increasingly addressed, paving the way for expanded access to home-based rehabilitation services for individuals of all ages and abilities.
Conclusion: Embracing the Future of Rehabilitation
In conclusion, physiotherapy at home represents a transformative approach to rehabilitation that is reshaping the way patients access and receive care. By combining the convenience and comfort of home-based treatment with the personalized and holistic approach of physiotherapy, this innovative model of care is empowering patients, improving outcomes, and enhancing the overall quality of rehabilitation services. As we continue to embrace the possibilities of home-based rehabilitation, we move closer towards a future where rehabilitation is accessible, effective, and patient-centered for all.
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eezalignphysio · 11 months
Best Orthopaedic physiotherapy in Gurgaon | EEZ ALIGN
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Understanding Orthopaedic Physiotherapy
Orthopaedic physiotherapy is a specialized branch focused on treating musculoskeletal conditions, such as joint and muscle problems. If you're experiencing pain, stiffness, or recovering from surgery, physiotherapy can play a crucial role in your healing journey.
Our skilled orthopaedic physiotherapists in Gurgaon employ a personalized approach, tailoring exercises to your specific needs. From targeted strength training to flexibility exercises, the goal is to enhance your mobility and reduce discomfort. Techniques like manual therapy and joint mobilization are often used to alleviate pain and improve joint function.
Education is a key component—learning about your condition empowers you to actively participate in your recovery. Whether you're rehabilitating after surgery, managing chronic pain, or preventing injuries, orthopaedic physiotherapy promotes overall well-being and functional independence. Trust our dedicated team to guide you towards a healthier, more mobile life. 💪 #OrthoPhysio #RecoveryJourney #MusculoskeletalHealth
To know more-
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snehalucknow0109 · 1 year
Ts Misra College: Your Premier Choice for Nursing and Healthcare Education in Lucknow
In the bustling city of Lucknow, when it comes to pursuing a career in nursing and healthcare, one name stands out prominently – Ts Misra College. Recognized as a premier institution, Ts Misra College in Lucknow is a beacon of excellence in healthcare education. In this blog, we will explore what makes Ts Misra College the best choice for aspiring healthcare professionals and why it's considered one of the top BSc and MSc nursing colleges in Lucknow, along with being a leading destination for GNM, ANM, paramedical, and physiotherapy courses.
1. Ts Misra College in Lucknow: A Legacy of Excellence
Established with a commitment to delivering high-quality healthcare education, Ts Misra College has a rich legacy of producing skilled healthcare professionals.
The institution's dedication to academic excellence and practical training has set it apart as a leader in the field.
2. Best BSc Nursing College in Lucknow
Ts Misra College offers a top-notch BSc Nursing program that equips students with the knowledge and skills required for a successful nursing career.
With a well-structured curriculum and experienced faculty, students receive comprehensive training in the field of nursing.
3. Best MSc Nursing College in Lucknow
For those looking to further their nursing education, Ts Misra College offers an outstanding MSc Nursing program.
The institution provides a conducive learning environment and advanced resources to master the intricacies of nursing at an advanced level.
4. Best GNM and ANM College in Lucknow
Ts Misra College caters to those interested in pursuing General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) and Auxiliary Nursing and Midwifery (ANM) courses.
These programs prepare students to provide compassionate care to patients and play a vital role in the healthcare system.
5. Best Paramedical Colleges in Lucknow
Recognizing the growing importance of paramedical professionals, Ts Misra College offers top-notch paramedical courses.
These programs train students to work alongside doctors and nurses, contributing significantly to patient care.
6. Best Physiotherapy Colleges in Lucknow
Physical therapy is a critical component of healthcare, and Ts Misra College stands out as one of the best physiotherapy colleges in Lucknow.
Students receive in-depth training in rehabilitation techniques, helping patients regain their mobility and health.
7. State-of-the-Art Facilities and Faculty
Ts Misra College boasts modern infrastructure and well-equipped labs, ensuring students have access to the latest technology and resources.
The experienced faculty members are not only educators but also mentors who guide students throughout their educational journey.
8. Commitment to Excellence
What sets Ts Misra College apart is its unwavering commitment to excellence in healthcare education.
The institution's alumni have gone on to make significant contributions to the healthcare industry, a testament to the quality of education imparted here.
Conclusion: Ts Misra College - Your Path to a Successful Healthcare Career Choosing the right educational institution is a crucial step towards a rewarding healthcare career. Ts Misra College in Lucknow offers a comprehensive range of healthcare programs, including BSc and MSc Nursing, GNM, ANM, paramedical courses, and physiotherapy, making it the premier choice for aspiring healthcare professionals. With a legacy of excellence, state-of-the-art facilities, and dedicated faculty, Ts Misra College paves the way for students to excel in their chosen fields and make a meaningful impact on healthcare.
If you're aspiring to become a healthcare professional, Ts Misra College should be your first choice on the path to success. Join us at Ts Misra College and embark on a journey towards a fulfilling healthcare career in Lucknow!
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revive-physio · 1 year
The Role of Physiotherapy in TMJ Disorder
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder can cause significant pain and discomfort in the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. While there are various treatment options available, physiotherapy has emerged as a valuable approach to managing TMJ disorders. In Pune, individuals dealing with TMJ issues can find relief and support from qualified physiotherapists who specialize in treating this condition.
Understanding TMJ Disorder:
TMJ disorder refers to a range of conditions affecting the temporomandibular joint, which connects the jawbone to the skull. Symptoms may include jaw pain, difficulty chewing or opening the mouth, clicking or popping sounds, headaches, and facial discomfort. Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in addressing these symptoms by focusing on pain reduction, improving jaw function, and promoting overall well-being.
The Role of Physiotherapy:
Physiotherapy offers a holistic and non-invasive approach to treating TMJ disorder. A physiotherapist in Pune will begin by conducting a comprehensive evaluation to understand the underlying causes and assess the severity of your condition. They will then develop a personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs.
Treatment Techniques:
Physiotherapy for TMJ disorder utilizes various techniques that aim to reduce pain, improve jaw mobility, and restore normal function. These may include:
1. Jaw exercises: The physiotherapist will prescribe specific exercises to strengthen and stretch the muscles around the jaw joint, promoting improved jaw movement and reducing muscle tension.
2. Manual therapy: Hands-on techniques, such as joint mobilization and soft tissue manipulation, can help increase joint mobility, alleviate pain, and release muscle tension.
3. Heat or cold therapy: The application of heat or cold packs to the jaw area can reduce pain, inflammation, and muscle spasm.
4. Ultrasound therapy: Ultrasound waves can penetrate deep into the tissues, promoting healing, improving blood flow, and reducing pain and inflammation.
5. Electrical stimulation: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) involves the use of low-level electrical currents to relieve pain and relax muscles.
6. Posture correction: Correcting poor posture can alleviate strain on the jaw joint. Physiotherapists in Pune can provide guidance on proper head and neck alignment and ergonomic modifications.
7. Education and self-care: Physiotherapists will educate you about proper jaw mechanics, relaxation techniques, and self-care strategies, empowering you to manage your TMJ symptoms effectively.
Finding Relief:
If you're experiencing TMJ disorder, seeking the expertise of a qualified physiotherapist is essential. Look for physiotherapy clinics or practitioners who specialize in TMJ disorders. They will have the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to provide a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs, helping you find relief and regain a pain-free quality of life.
Dr. Poonam Patil is a highly skilled and dedicated physiotherapist who serves as the founder and principal practitioner at Revive Physio Clinic. With a passion for helping individuals regain their physical well-being, Dr. Poonam has established herself as a leading expert in the field. Her clinic, Revive Physio Clinic, located at Baner, offers a comprehensive range of physiotherapy services including Neurological Rehabilitation, Joint Pain Management, Work-Related Rehabilitation, Pre-Surgery Rehabilitation, Post-Surgery Rehabilitation, Arthritis Pain Management, Sports Injury Rehabilitation, Wellness Counselling.
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deathlessathanasia · 1 year
“As one might imagine, perfection was a rarity in the ancient world, at least outside the realms of the high arts. As the osteological evidence indicates, the ancient Greeks could be a shortish, squattish group, and there are references in the ancient medical records to obesity and pimples. Of greater concern were those individuals who suffered deformities, ranging from “invisible” disabilities such as blindness or deafness to full-scale problems such as loss of limbs. The osteological data provide evidence for clubfoot, congenital spinal malformation, congenital hip dislocation, and spina bifida (Garland 1995, 12). A single cemetery of 233 skeletons in Pantello in southern Italy yielded 131 cases of bone pathologies due to fractures, metabolic disorders, and infection (Garland 1995, 19). Disabilities could range from birth defects to battle traumas—thus there were different vulnerabilities at different points in life. Babies born with obvious malformations were unlikely to reach their first birthday. In Sparta all (or at least all male) infants were inspected at birth. It is highly unlikely that any infant not of one of the royal families would not have been condemned immediately (as noted earlier in this chapter). Elsewhere, malformed infants probably had no ability to survive their ailments, and Greek families generally had the option of exposing unwanted infants within the first few days after birth. That some parents accepted the challenge of rearing a “defective” baby is intimated in a statement of Pseudo-Aristotle (Ath.Pol. 7.1335b 19–21) that there should be a law to prevent the rearing of deformed children. Nevertheless, certain malformations were deemed treatable, such as clubfoot and hunchback. According to the Hippokratic treatise on joints (62) clubfoot could be cured in young children by a combination of physiotherapy, bandages, and wearing corrective shoes. The same treatise was far less optimistic about the cure for hunchbacks (43), which involved “violent shakings” and attachment to a ladder, sometimes upside down (Garland 1995, 128). . . .
Some congenital disabilities, of course, show up only later in life, such as mental retardation and blindness. Individuals with mental retardation were very much dependent on the kindness of their families and communities, although it must be remembered that in the overwhelmingly agricultural economies of ancient Greece, there was still quite a bit of work high-functioning people with mental disabilities could accomplish. Blindness could perhaps be less of an issue than one might expect in the age before Braille. Keeping in mind that the majority of any ancient Greek population was illiterate, the lack of Braille (or any comparable reading system) was not as strongly felt as it would be today. As in all preliterate societies, memory was highly valued, and as is commonly suggested, the blind compensate for their loss with extraordinary mental skills, including memory. As Aristotle once claimed, “The blind have a better memory in that, being free from the contemplation of visible phenomena, their power of memory is more powerful” (EE 1248b 1–3). Blindness is also commonly coupled with high bardic skills in the Greek literary repertoire, including Homer himself and the epic bard Demodokos in the Odyssey. At its fullest extent, blindness might be coupled with prophetic abilities, as in the case of the renowned “seer” Tiresias, guide to Kadmos, Oedipus and, a bit more successfully, Odysseus. Nevertheless, most people were neither a Homer nor a Tiresias, and the difficulties of blindness in an age before the Disabilities Act should not be overly diminished. At least there was little shame in such a disability.
So much cannot be said for other physical problems. Lameness of the limbs could be such a deficiency that even a god complained of the problem. Hephaistos, god of smiths and artisans, was either born lame in the legs or became that way after Zeus threw him out of Olympos. In Book 8 of the Odyssey, the god complains (ll. 308–312): “Aphrodite, daughter of Zeus, always dishonors me, Being lame, but she loves destructive Ares, Because he is handsome and swift-footed, while I Am infirm. But nothing else is to blame But my two parents, who ought not to have had me!” A similar problem beset Labda of the Bakkhiadai clan of Corinth (Herodotos, 5:91–92). Although a member of the ruling, and intermarrying, aristocracy, Labda could not get a proper husband because of a bodily malformation. If, as is often suggested, her name is related to the letter lambda (), it could be that she had one leg shorter than the other. Her parents were forced to find her a husband from amongst the common folk, leading to Labda giving birth to Kypselos, tyrant of Corinth and defeater of the Bakkhiadai . . . It was more likely that a member of the aristocracy could survive a disabled childhood, like Corinthian Labda or the Spartan king Agesilaos. Otherwise, most children so born would have died very young.
However, disabilities acquired later in life due to illness or accident were also extremely common, and there was no potential for throwing out the deformed baby with the bathwater at that point. According to the studies of Gmerk mentioned earlier, about 10 percent of all known Greek skeletons have at lest one fracture, and four-fifths of these occur in men. It turns out that warfare is pretty dangerous, as is hard labor, and few men made it through life without damage. Life was not necessarily any better for the city-dwellers, where density and insufficient circulation of water and air resulted in increased bacterial infections, including the notorious plague that wiped out at least one-third of the Attik population during the Peloponnesian War in 430 BCE.
For those truly damaged by life, whether from birth or later, some suggested that the best thing to do was simply to let them die. Plato/Sokrates, in his creation of the ideal society in his work the Republic, claimed (3.407c–d): Therefore, these things being known, we say that even Asklepios heals those having bodies healthy by nature and daily regimen, but at some point some distinct illness gets hold of them. These shown to be of good constitution he heals by drugs and surgery, casting out their illnesses, and he orders them to go on living normally, so that the state should not suffer. But those bodies ill throughout he does not help with regimens to lessen it a bit and to extend a bad life for a person, and so they might have offspring that will be born like them, as seems likely. One not able to live by a steady course, do you think that he should require healing, as he is not useful either to himself or to the state? Nevertheless, perhaps because warfare had such a high potential for damaging, but not necessarily killing, the warrior population, Athens at least took on the responsibility of caring for its invalids. As early as the days of Peisistratos (sixth century), there was a law stipulating that those maimed in war would be maintained at public expense (Plutarch, Solon 31.2). By the fourth century, as the Constitution of the Athenians relates (49.4): The Council inspects the disabled. For there is a law that bids the Council to inspect those possessing inside of three minai and who are disabled in body such that they are incapacitated and cannot work. To each of these they give a daily stipend of two obols for necessities. The law does not specifically state that those on the dole are war veterans, but this probably constituted a large percentage of those involved. Two obols per day was not very much money, less than a laborer would earn at this point in time, so those receiving state aid still needed the support of family to survive (Garland 1995, 36).”
 - Intimate Lives of the Ancient Greeks, by Stephanie Lynn Budin
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suoxi-hospital · 2 years
Acupuncture Treatment in SUO XI Hospital
The dawn of a new era is illuminated by Suoxi Hospital. This inspires a fresh effort to live healthfully. Our high standard of care and service is what primarily draws you to us. Chinese medicine, acupuncture, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and Chinese ancient treatment are all practiced collectively at Suoxi Hospital. SUO XI Hospital created this Chinese acupuncture procedure for usage by people all around the world, including those in Bangladesh. In January 2019, the SUO XI Hospital set out on its adventure.
Our Aim  
The aim of Suoxi Hospital is to progress medicine through outstanding education, research, and service in the many varied populations we serve. We also strive to deliver sensitive patient care with seamless coordination. Our goal is to offer patients in Bangladesh and throughout the world, the best acupuncture cares possible together with the most fantastic services. To quantify the effect of acupuncture on chronic pain syndromes, we aim to update a meta-analysis of individual patient data. By the grace of God, patients' treatments are succeeding every day, and this is our only goal to serve people and help them maintain their health and well-being. 
We also wanted to determine solid evidence that patients experience the benefits of acupuncture in Bangladesh as well as all over the world. Acupuncture is a different medical treatment and we want to explore it all over the country to serve people with different kinds of pain-related syndromes.
After starting in January 2019, still today SUO XI Hospital serves almost 11000 patients at this time. Our main treatment is Acupuncture. Acupuncture is a 3,500-year-old healing modality discovered in China. Acupuncture can provide relief from any complex pain-related disease in the human body. After tireless work, and traveling abroad, acupuncture treatment is now in Bangladesh. Acupuncture treatment is done under the supervision of a skilled acupuncturist at Suoxi Hospital located at Shantinagar Crossroads in Dhaka.
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Acupuncture Specialist- During the Acupuncture treatment
Acupuncture in Bangladesh
Bangladesh is starting to take notice of the SUO XI Hospital's acupuncture offerings. People from different countries come to us for medical attention. Most of them succeed in getting the desired outcome and cheerfully go back home. We strive to thoroughly satisfy each and every one of our treasured patients. Acupuncture therapy implementation for hospital inpatients must take into account the unique inpatient characteristics that affect acupuncture therapy, the potential hospital acupuncture applications, and the predictable outcomes while providing this service.
Initiatives for public education, the value of research, and encouraging the expansion of the best acupuncture techniques are of particular concern to Suoxi Hospital. Additionally, we are willing to work with already-existing acupuncture-related organizations and do not support any specific practitioner subgroups or philosophical perspectives. We intend to establish ourselves as the go-to source for "all things acupuncture" by actively sharing accurate information about the advantages and disadvantages of acupuncture.
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Chinese Therapy
 Furthermore, we looked for reliable evidence that acupuncture patients in Bangladesh and elsewhere benefit from it. In order to aid patients with diverse pain-related conditions, we want to conduct acupuncture research across the country. This medical technique is distinct from others.
Maintenance and Organize
To organize and manage hospital policies and procedures, a top-notch policy management system is required. The objective is to determine the greatest match for your various operations, whether that be software from another vendor or our software, which is the best choice for this organization and administration. Suoxi's mission is to enhance the daily lives of as many people as possible in Bangladesh and around the globe by creating, utilizing, and sharing innovative information and technology in the daily provision of medical care. Suoxi Hospital's sole purpose is to serve the community by offering excellent medical care to those who enter. 
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Inside View of SUO XI Hospital
We are pleased that many of the patients who traveled abroad for treatment came to our Suoxi Hospital instead to receive our care and feel better than they did before. We will keep providing services to our cherished patients, and we will do it with all of our hearts. We provide care throughout Bangladesh and the entire world in support of any form of community.
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aparnaphysiotherapy · 10 months
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🌟 Discover the Ultimate Healing Experience at Aparna's Physiotherapy Clinic! 🌟
Ready to start your journey towards a pain-free and healthier life? Contact us now to book your appointment!
📞 Call us at +91 93986 73095 🌐 Visit our website at www.aparnaphysiotherapy.com
Are you ready to embrace a life free from pain and discomfort? Aparna's Physiotherapy Clinic is your gateway to optimal health and well-being in Hyderabad! We proudly stand as the premier destination for cutting-edge physiotherapy services, offering a wide array of therapies that cater to your unique needs.
🌡️ Our Range of Specialized Therapies 🌡️
💉 Dry Needling Therapy: Targeting those stubborn knots and muscle tension, our expert therapists use specialized needles to stimulate trigger points and release muscle tension, providing instant relief.
🧘 MFR Therapy: Experience the transformative Myofascial Release Therapy, designed to alleviate chronic pain and restore flexibility by releasing tight fascia and improving mobility.
🌈 Laser Therapy: Our advanced Laser Therapy promotes rapid healing, reduces inflammation, and enhances circulation to accelerate your recovery process.
🌪️ Cupping Therapy: Unleash the power of ancient healing techniques with Cupping Therapy, which helps relieve muscle tension and stimulate blood flow for holistic well-being.
🌼 Taping Therapy: Achieve improved movement, pain relief, and muscle support with our specialized Taping Therapy.
Plus, many more therapies customized to suit your individual needs!
At Aparna's Physiotherapy Clinic, we take pride in offering:
✨ Highly skilled and experienced physiotherapists ✨ State-of-the-art equipment and technology ✨ Personalized treatment plans ✨ A warm and welcoming environment
Don't let pain hold you back. Aparna's Physiotherapy Clinic is your trusted partner on your path to recovery and well-being. Experience the difference today!
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transorze-gopika · 1 year
Best OET Training in Idukki
What is OET ?
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OET (Occupational English Test) is an exam for healthcare professionals who seeking a job or practice in an English-speaking environment in order to test their English proficiency. This exam provide a reliable assessment of 4 language skills- reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Reading test is 60 minutes and it consists of 42 questions. Listening test also has 42 questions which is approximately 50 minutes. Speaking test has 20 minutes and writing is 45 minutes.
OET is trusted by hospitals and universities in UK, Ireland, UAE, New Zealand and Singapore as a proof of their English proficiency. OET is available in 42 countries at more than 140 venues. The OET is available in 12 different versions for various healthcare professions, including nurses, doctors, dentists, pharmacists, optometrists, podiatrists, occupational therapists, veterinarians, speech pathologists, dieticians, physiotherapists, and radiographers. Both have the identical Reading and Listening parts.
OET tests for international health practitioners in the following 12 professions:
1. Dentistry
2. Dietetics
3. Podiatry
4. Occupational Therapy
5. Nursing Radiography
6. Medicine
7. Radiography
8. Optometry 
9. Speech Pathology
10. Pharmacy
11. Physiotherapy
12. Veterinary Science
Transorze Solutions is a well-known training institute that provides courses and training programmes for professionals who want to improve their English language skills in order to flourish in their chosen field. The OET is a common English language competency test among healthcare workers. It is internationally recognized. The OET Training Institute provides seminars, workshops, and practice examinations to help students attain their targeted OET results. We provides a wide selection of courses and training programmes to accommodate various skill levels and learning styles. The institute provides one-on-one tutoring, classroom instruction, online courses, and workshops. The course is intended to assist students enhance their listening, reading, writing, speaking, and overall communication abilities.
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lalanautism · 5 months
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Welcome to Lalan Autism Clinic in #Ranchi! Remember, progress is a symphony of small victories. At Lalan Autism Clinic, we celebrate each step forward, knowing that it unlocks a world of possibilities. 🌈🌟
About Director : Dr. Lalan Kumar (PT) has 19+ years of experience in treating child with Autism and other developmental difficulties. He had provided his services in Delhi/ NCR for 17 years. He is expert in Evaluation/ Assessment of a child with Autism/ADHD etc. He was associated with the study of stem cell and Hyper basic oxygen therapy for the management of Autism. He is a trained NDT therapist for children.
He did Bachelor of Physiotherapy from SVNIRTAR, Cuttack(Odisha) under the ministry of social justice & empowerment(Govt. of India). He completed post graduation in Pediatric Physiotherapy from NIMS(Rajasthan).
He has experienced Team of professionals who follows multidisciplinary approach for the holistic development of a child.
Services Offered:
Occupational Therapy
Pediatric Physiotherapy
Speech Therapy
Special Education
ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis)
Contact us if :
A child doesn’t respond his name
Feels restlessness/Hyperactivity throughout the day
Having difficulties to mix with peer group
Having poor attention span/ Eye contact
Difficulty in verbal/ Non verbal communication
A child with poor hand-writing skills
For more information or to embark on this healing journey, visit our website: Lalan Autism - Academy of Autism & Child Physiotherapy
🌐https://lalanautism.com 📲+91-9899272246 📩[email protected]
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nilporg · 2 years
Vocational rehabilitation services: how can they help you?
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Every state has a state vocational rehabilitation agency. While these vocational rehabilitation agencies do not adequately provide such services to high school students, many private agencies provide vocational rehabilitation starting from high school. Now, one might ask what vocational rehabilitation is. The answer to that is vocational rehabilitation is a combination of various services helping people with disabilities to gain employment or live independently. Vocational rehabilitation should start as early as possible, which could mean high school. Suppose the students with disabilities receive vocational rehabilitation services as early as high school; it could help them transcend towards their desired field but could also help them stand on their own feet at a very early stage.
How could Vocational Rehabilitation help you?
As we said earlier in this article, vocational rehabilitation is a combination of various services to help people with disabilities gain or keep employment or to encourage independent living. Some services which could be particularly helpful to you are:
Assessment of disability
This particular service locates the root cause of your disability, assesses your skills, analyzes your problems, and following which provides you with a tailor-made report about the same. This helps you recognize your strengths and weaknesses to use or work on them accordingly. Also, after a successful assessment of your skills, you’re provided with a list of fields that could be the best for you so that now you’re aware of everything you need to know regarding your limitations and strengths.
Vocational Counselling
This is a vital part of vocational rehabilitation, the part from which you begin to gain confidence, and your growth process starts. Vocational counseling generally happens after a successful assessment of disability. In this section, various guidance counselors and therapists talk to you about your skills and difficulties and begin to guide you toward the direction you wish to head towards. They guide you and refer you to help you gain employment. Moreover, if you’re having difficulties keeping up with your job, they guide you and help you overcome those issues over time.
Physical and mental rehabilitation services
This is where your recovery begins; in this section of vocational rehabilitation services, they help you overcome your disabilities. They provide physical rehabilitation services for people with physical disabilities. To do this, they provide physical rehabilitation services such as physiotherapy, etc. Similarly, in the case of people with mental disabilities. They provide counseling sessions, psychiatric sessions, anonymous meetings, etc., to help that person. This helps in encouraging people to attain independent living successfully.
Other services
There are many other services, such as interpreter services for deaf people, speech therapy for people having vocal disabilities, reader services for blind people, job assistance services to train people for particular occupational fields and help them gain employment, etc.
Vocational rehabilitation is beneficial for a vast array of disabilities, and if you’re facing any disability-related issue, then there surely is some way included in vocational rehabilitation to make your life easier. It encourages people to attain independent living and gain employment, help them assess their strength and weakness, and help them overcome their disabilities.
Original Content Published At NILP.
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eezalignphysio · 11 months
Best Pediatric Physiotherapy in Gurgaon | EEZ ALIGN
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Discover the transformative power of Pediatric Physiotherapy in Gurgaon! Is your child experiencing developmental challenges or motor skill delays? Our dedicated team of pediatric physiotherapists is here to provide personalized care to enhance your child's strength, coordination, and overall well-being. Join us on a journey of growth and milestones! Book a session today to witness the positive impact on your child's development. Every step counts! #PediatricPhysiotherapy #ChildDevelopment #PhysiotherapyForChildren #HealthAndWellness #ParentingJourney
To know more-
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