allthingshetalia · 4 years
Hii! Ok, I really really love your blog 😍 I have a little request- what if the s/o of Germany and Prussia wasn't into sport things ? How would they react?
💕thank you!💕
G-daddy Germany
He’s fine if you don’t want to play sports with him because then he doesn’t have a chance of hurting you by kicking a ball too hard at you or the possibility Gil may run over you when he’s speeding down the field
But don’t think you’ll get out of watching sports
Sorry booboo
This man will drag you to any sport games in your area
But you get the best seats- and snacks
And it’s really cute to watch him get all riled up
Really sad when you told him you didn’t want to be goalie
Just kidding
He would never let your precious little body get hurt
He wouldn’t make you participate in the act of watching sports because he knows that if you aren’t a fan it can be really boring
He will be in the other room shouting at the TV when his favorite player misses a perfect shot though
Ohhhh and you have to come and snuggle with him during the breaks
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allthingshetalia · 4 years
☠ and ☼ for gilbert the snacc also thank you for such an amazing blog and your hard work
Thank you! He’s a whole 3 course meal ;)
He spent 400 years being angry and aggressive so now he’s takin a break. That’s why he overcompensate with being such a goof-ball. He’s trying to change his image a little. 
He’s up there at the top with the nation’s that have the most scars. Some of them he doesn’t even know how he got but he’s a war baby, so he just assumes it’s from an awesome battle he totally won. Plus that sounds a lot better than the fact he was probably drunk and cut himself on the concrete stumbling home. 
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Can I get some Prussia as a boyfriend headcanons pretty please?
This man with fight someone for you (and that’s a threat)
Turns into a slight mama bear when you are around
Likes to play board games and games with you
Will read you books
Play videos games with him (you won’t be bored or sorry)
Is very into physical affection
Will shower you with love (including presents, kisses, etc)
Car karaoke is a must
With drag you to Rammstein concerts
But will also always do what you want to do
You two will go camping a lot
Expect to share a sleeping bag
You will probably become best friends with Ludwig’s girlfriend
Foster dogs
Adopt dogs
Babysit dogs
Watch dogs
Anything that has to do with dogs
Basically just cause the best kind of chaos wherever you go
Strong Crackhead energy
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Tik Toks I think you guys need part ll
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
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Prussia X Reader
Fiery red eyes watched you carefully. They watched as you spun and danced softly on the balls of your feet. They watched as his shirt from the night before slipped off your shoulder and hugged around your bottom and hips.
The same eyes that had seen war and destruction. The eyes that had seen great and not so great people rise and fall. The same eyes that had seen hope and hurt in the darkest of times.
Those eyes have been shamed and praised. Those eyes have held pure rage and pure fear. Pure loneliness and ache. Ache for an emotion that they haven’t held since recently.
Pure love and happiness.
And that’s what they held when they watched you.
“Careful you don’t burn anything, n/n.” The owner of those fiery eyes chuckled.
You gasped and turned around, completely unaware of his presence until now.
“Gil! You almost gave me a heart attack!” You scolded. Giving his a playful glare and turning back around.
You had to hold back a giggle when you heard his fake hurt gasp. Two strong arms wrapped themselves around your waist tugging you against a hard yet comfortable chest.
“How long were you standing there?” You asked turning your head up to look at him.
“You don’t wanna know.” He replied, a small smirk on his lips. You blushed and looked back into the pancake batter. That blush only deepend as kisses were placed on your bare shoulder. “Why don’t you let me finish these up. You can start the coffee/ f/d and find a show to watch.” He suggested, his lips still attached to your shoulder. He bite softly at the skin on your shoulder before kissing his way back up to your neck. A small fire started in the pit of your stomach and you couldn’t stop yourself from leaning into him.
“I wanna flip them though.” You mumbled. His strong chest shook from a laugh and he nodded while kissing you on the temple.
“Of course, Princess.” He assured, giving your bottom a small pat.
N/n= nickname
F/d= favorite drink
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Hetalians comforting their s/o who came home after a bad day at work, looking upset , and when said hetalians ask their s/o what’s wrong they just start crying? Thank you! (I had a bad day and you’re blog is so cute it makes me feel better) 💕
💕💕💕thank you! Sorry it took so long to get back to you💕💕💕
F/m= favorite movie
N/N =nickname
“Love?” Your boyfriend asks, setting down his briefcase by the door.
He walked into the livingroom and his heart sunk as he watched you quickly sit up and wipe obvious tears from your eyes.
“Hi! How was the meeting?” Your asked quickly. You voice was higher than usual, like it always did when you were hiding something.
“We can talk about that later. I’m a little more concerned about you at the moment.” He explained softly. He reached his arm out to you and pulled your standing form against him. And just like that you fell apart in his arms.
“I just had a really hard day.” You mumbled, your voice muffled by his suit. He sighed knowingly and placed a hard kiss against your forehead.
“I’m sorry, my love.” He hushed sweetly. He ran his hand up and down your back while his other hand was pressed against your head cradling you to his chest. “Why don’t you go talk a nice hot shower and I’ll order in a pizza and we can sit around and watch {f/m}?” He asked. You could feel the smile spread across his face as you nodded your head rapidly.
He lifted your head up softly so you could look him in the eyes.
“And remember I love you.”
“That was so rude. I’m so sorry you had to go through that {N/N}.” Kiku sighed running his hand through your hair.
You came home with tears in your eyes and threw yourself at your slightly terrified boyfriend. After he calmed you down he made you go take a nice warm bath and then he made your favorite dessert. Now you had your head in his lap and began to relay your horrible day to him.
“I know right! Who does she think she is? She should be fired. I mean she just started a week ago and she already walks around like she owns the place.” You huffed burying your face in his lower abdomen.
He blushed brightly but continued to massage your scalp.
“Just remember she is working from her level of consciousness and you can’t change her, so just let her be, {N/N}.” He soothed, running his thumb over your cheek. “And besides your boss already adores you and knows how food of a worker you are. You have nothing to worry about.” He continued. You felt the anger in your body slowly slip away. Looking up at him you flashed him a small smile and leaned up and placed a small kiss again his lips.
“Thanks Kiku.” You smiled snuggling into his chest.
(I see Japan as being very spiritual)
“That’s my girl.” Your husband smiled, his red eyes sparkling with pride.
You stopped your attacks and bent down trying to catch your breath.
When you have a hard day at work Gilbert always recommends doing some kickboxing to get your anger and annoyance out in a healthier way and you had to admit it always worked.
You didn’t flinch as two muscular arms wrapped themselves around your bent form and picked you up softly.
“Feel better, Princess?” He asked planting a small kiss against your temple as he carried you back upstairs.
You hummed in response, between your workout and your hard day you were definitely getting tired, and the safe, secure arms of your husband didn’t help that either.
“And if anyone pisses you off like that again you could use some of those moves I taught you.” He jokes making a light laugh leave your lips.
“Okay But when they sue me you have to pay for it.” You smiled against his shoulder. He placed you on the counter in the bathroom. Rolling his eyes softly he turned the shower on to medium heat.
“I guess that’s fair.” He winked at you. “Take a shower you stink.”
“But I’m so tired! I might need someone to lean on.” You hinted.
“Well only if it helps you.” Gilbert smirked, while peeling your shirt off over your head.
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Please, lord/lady/theydy of the headcanons, can we have the nightmare-thingy for Prussia and Germany?
💕🌸I will accept Her Royal Highness😂🌸💕
You shivered and pulled the blankets tighter around you.
“Luddy, turn the heater on.” You murmured. Opening your eyes you then realized why you were so cold. Groaning to yourself, you stuck your hand and leg to the other side of the bed expecting to feel the warm body of your husband only to find cold sheets. Cursing him lovingly to yourself you sat up in bed cringing when a cold shiver went through your body.
Who cold blame you? You spent the last 7 years curled up in two warm arms and suddenly their gone? It was abandonment . Shaking the thought out of your head you scampered across the cold carpet, trying to avoid tripping over Berlitz as he became alert of your awakness. Ending up at your husbands side of the closet you quickly grabbed a pair of his socks and slid them on. They were big enough to go a little bit below your knee and your grabbed his heavy sweater and threw it on over your head. Deciding you were dressed enough to go on the pursuit of your husband you waddled down the hallway and steps of the old cottage, with Berlitz right on your heels.
The kitchen light was on and you sneakily made your way through the living room. You were about to sneak attack him but once you caught sight of him your heart caught in your throat. He was leaning over the kitchen island with his head in his hands. His strong broad shoulders were shaking slightly and the muscles on his arms kept flexing.
“Lulu?” You asked quietly making him jump up in surprise. His blue eyes were red and puffy and red blotches were spread a toss his cheeks. He was no longer crying but you could tell there was still some emotion he needed to let out. “What’s wrong?” You asked again rushing to him. He held out his arms for you and put his arms under your butt lifting you up into the counter. He kept both his arms under you so your bare legs wouldn’t get a shock from the cold counter.
“Just another stupid nightmare.” He grumbled. You brought your hands up to his shoulders and softly massaged your way up till you got it his cheeks, rubbing soft crickets into his tired skin.
“Wanna talk about it?” You hummed resting yourself under his chin.
“Just the same old stuff, You know. I do terrible things with a red band around my arm. I see you and you scream and yell at me and call me a monster and then you leave.” He said, clearing his throat to get rid of the cracks. “It just never ends.” He continued moving his arms out for under you. He grabbed you and walked over to the dinning room table and sat down with you in his lap. The chair creaked at the sudden weight making you jump.
This type of thing happened at least once a month so everything you could say to comfort him has already been said. You have actually helped him in so many ways and if it wasn’t for you the only way he would be happy would be if he was in a ditch. But some things you can’t fix. Nightmares is one of them. The best thing to do is to just hold him and let him speak his mind knowing he won’t be judged or thought of as weak. Because he is the farthest thing from weak.
Leaning up you planted a kiss on his temple before you nuzzled back into his chest.
“I love you.”
The bed jolting made you wake up abruptly. The sound of uneven breathing was the first thing you heard.
You looked up and saw your boyfriend of 3 years sitting up in bed looking terrified. Before you could even sit up or anything his head snapped to you making you shrink back. A sigh escaped his lips as he pulled the covers away from your body.
Lifting your shirt he inspected your stomach carefully making you a little self conscious.
“What’s wrong?” You asked pulling his hands away and pushing your shirt back down.
He flopped back down next to you and pulled you on top of him.
“I dreamed you were bitten by a flea and got the plague.” He stated. You couldn’t stop the laugh coming out of your mouth.
“The plague? You weren’t even created yet when that was a big deal.” You chuckled nuzzling back into his neck.
“I know but I came across my old medical books when I was digging through my office and I saw some shit.” He breathed. “And why are you laughing? I dreamed the only woman who I have ever loved got a disgusting disease and she laughs. You are the worst.” He scolded, only making you laugh harder.
“I-I-I’m sorry.” You snorted through your laughs.
“In my defense when I told you I was scared of ghosts you laughed at me.” You said once you finally calmed down.
“Yes because they don’t exists. If they did I think I would have seen one by now.” He argued running a hand through your slightly knotted hair.
“Maybe they just don’t find you interesting enough to haunt.” You giggled.
“Ya, Maybe.” He snorted.
“Anyways I thought the rats were the ones who had the plague?” You questioned.
“No-well yes. The rats carried it and the fleas transmitted it. When the rats died the fleas jumped off and landed on humans, but because everyone in the 1300s was disgusting they didn’t think anything of it. But when a flea bites you it eats so much of your blood that it throws it back up so fleas were basically throwing up the infected blood back into the wound an”—“Okay!!! I get it! Ewwww. Why can’t you tell me that stuff at an appropriate time.” You asked cutting him off.
“I’m sorry but I don’t know the protocol for talking to your girlfriend about fleas barfing.” He chuckled squeezing you against his chest.
“Well at least I learned something.” You mumbled.
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Germany and Prussia motivating their friend who’s trying to learn german. (I usually study every day but I’ve been so unmotivated this week that I’ve only practiced once. I could really use some encouragement)
💕I feel that 💕
“What did you learn today?” Ludwig asked setting down his beer on the wooden table. You bite you lip not wanting to see his bright blue eyes staring into your own. “Y/n?” He asked adjusting his glasses.
“I umm, I haven’t really had a chance to study yet?” You chuckled nervously, shoving another bite of potato into your mouth.
“It’s almost 8:00, you shouldn’t stay up too late to study.” He scolded lightly.
“I know, well I-I haven’t been studying a lot lately, because, well.” You trailed off playing with the hem of your shirt.
“Do you not like German anymore?” He questioned raising a dark blonde brow at you. You looked up quickly noticing his eyes had light flickers of hurt in them.
“No, no, nonononono! It’s not that! I just haven’t been feeling super motivated for a while.” You assured grabbing his large hand and giving it a small squeeze. Relief flooded his eyes and he gave your hand a light squeeze in return.
“Well I’m glad to hear that.” He smiled, his dimple popping out of his left cheek. Retracting his hand he took another swing of his beer before his eyes lit up with an idea. “Tell you what, how about we go around the markets in Munich so maybe you could get some inspiration back?”
A wide smile spread across your face at the thought. Days in Munich with Ludwig were always the best.
“That would be amazing! Thank you LuLu.” You giggled.
You struggled to keep up as your best friend was speaking in rapid German to you. His words seemed to be all jumbled up together in one long sentence that your brain just couldn’t wrap around.
Then the words stopped all together and he was staring at you with questions Ruby eyes making you sit up. Tilting your head to the side asking him silently to repeat himself.
“I’m sorry I’m just not getting it.” You said finally after he repeated it for the third time.
“What’s happening to you? Did you hit your head and suffer some damage?” Gilbert asked, a small smirk playing on his lips.
Rolling your eyes you shook your head making some pieces of hair fall into your face.
“No, I just haven’t been motivated to learn anything really.” You sighed looking up at him.
“I don’t know how you can’t be motivated. You can download so many apps to help you on your phone. You know in my day we had to read a book or live in a country for 7 years to learn a language.” He stated, making an involuntary giggle rise from your throat.
“You’re such an old man!” You gasped playfully kicking him under the table.
“Whatever.” He growled, with a light coating of pink across his pale cheeks. “How about we go on a road trip or something around Germany? Maybe that’ll spark something!” He said excitedly.
“Only if I get to be the DJ! Your music sucks!” You laughed.
“It does not!”
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Germany,Prussia, and Lithuania with a touchy s/o. So is constantly grab their hand,hugging them, and cuddling. And if their sitting on a couch s/o will grab their arm and pull it around their shoulders.
Is a little jumpy at the start but then comes to love your advances. He especially loves when you run your hands down his back. He isn’t the biggest fan of PDA though. He’s okay with handholding and light kisses but he isn’t going to totally have you sit on his lap in public or anything.
But overall he loves the attention.
He likes it at the beginning of your relationship because it takes some pressure off of him to make the first move. He is secretly very affectionate and a little clingy so he will probably match up to your level of affection.
Do I even have to say?
He LOVES it!!
Being deprived of happiness and physical affection your whole life can take a toll on you so he enjoys every touch you provide and is more than willing to reciprocate.
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
What are the hetalians (of your choice) favourite things about themselves?
-his strong arms/ strength
-his ability to hide what he is actually feeling
-his thighs and stomach
-his wit and mental/physical strength
-his extremely broad shoulders and his masculine frame all together
-his strategic side and his ability to overcome any odds
-his eyes and jawline/chin
-he hates himself
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Head cannons of Germany + Prussia with a smoll ( like under 5’2 ) and cute and very soft s/o who posses inhuman strength and can lift them with her finger.
Would literally scream the first time you lifted someonething super heavy. He is extremely protective so the first time you do it he would probably expect you to die or something leaving him an absolute mess.
He would have mixed emotions about it. It would soothe him knowing he didn’t have to worry about you getting attacked or someone hurting you, but yet he is a little selfish and always kinda wants his s/o to look at him for protection.
But on the other hand he would find it very helpful.Like if you two are baking/cooking he doesn’t need to stop every 5 minutes to open a jar for you. (It wouldn’t bother him if he had to though). You can also carry around the dogs, which he finds absolutely adorable.
He wouldn’t like it when you pick him up. Even though he knows it doesn’t hurt you he still wouldn’t like it.
He would find it super cool! He’s practically dating a super hero!
But you have to remember his masculinity is a little fragile, so please don’t make him feel like less of a man because you are stronger than him.
Example: if you are both in the kitchen and he is about to open a jar and you grab it before him or out of his hands, he is going to be a little hurt.
Like Germany he also likes to be seen as his s/os protector. He loves it when he’s walking down the street with you and people don’t mess with you because he’s there. Or when something a little scary happens and you cling to him or look up at him with scared eyes.
He loves that stuff!
Anyways just make sure you know the difference between awesomeness and hurtfulness
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
It's me again! Any headcanons for Germany and Prussia for things they are afraid of and how they express fear? And what kind of music do you think they listen to? Any specific bands?
💕I missed you! I’ll get to your other ask soon💕
Scared of:
Disappointing people
No peace and quite
Not being able to protect someone he cares about
His stomach growling when it’s quite
How he deals
Yells at people
Tries his best at everything
Noise canceling headphones
Always keeping an eye out for his s/o
Eats a lot
Very heavy metal
Scared of
Being forgotten
Dying on the toilet
Getting a boner at a bad time
Being left out of something
How he deals
Being obnoxious
Keep bathroom visits short and sweet
Distracting himself
Being obnoxious
Favorite music
Old folk music
Not as heavy metal
He also enjoys some classical ballroom music
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Hello again! How would germany & prussia react to their so being fairly kinky? And how did they find out?
He would love it of course! Someone who matched his own weird abnormal desires would make him extremely happy. It also takes a lot of pressure off of him because he won’t have to worry about freaking you out and he is excited to see what the future holds in your sex life.
He probably found out from you not clearing your browser history good enough or maybe you ‘accidentally’ stumbled upon his collection of toys and confronted him about it.
Just marry him already!
Although he isn’t as kinky as his brother in most ways he loves to get a little down and dirty, so the fact you are okay and want that would be music to his ears.
He probably found out by snooping through everything you own.
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Hi!! I really loved the everyday life gif collage you did for Germany, could you do the same thing for Prussia please?
💕Of course! Glad you liked it!💕
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If you are an early riser you will probably wake up before him considering he usually wakes up around 9:00-9:30 am, but good luck trying to wiggle out of his tight embrace. Even when he’s with you he still doesn’t always sleep the best. His dreams are usually filled with sad stuff so he wakes up in the middle of the night a lot and holding you close makes him feel 10x better. You have to remember the man has been an outcast almost his entire life, because of his features. That has caused him so much pain and loneliness and he’ll be dammed if he doesn’t spend the rest of his life holding you tight.
But on the brighter side his warmth, heartbeat and soft breathing will probably lull you back to sleep.
Even when both of you wake up you will probably spend at least an hour or two talking and laughing.
He likes to go lift weights and stuff! You are welcome to come with him and use the pool or workout next to him! If you stay to close though he is going to lift you like weights so brace yourself.
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By then it’s time for brunch-or an early lunch and you guys eat so much you probably don’t even eat lunch.
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He plays video games and you are more than welcome to join! Or it is a time where you can do whatever you need to do!
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The rest of the day is just an adventure! You two rarely ever have anything planned out! Sometimes you’ll go to a party or sometimes you’ll end up in a different country! But whatever you do it will be so much fun!
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Then it’s dinner and night, night!!! Or other stuff😉😉😉😉😉😉😉
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Could you write a fluffy scenario with Prussia and his s/o, please?
💕We all need some fluffy Prussia💕
F/d= favorite drink
F/s= favorite snack
You sniffled as you dug yourself deeper into your blanket burrito.
You just had the hardest day at work/school ever. Your day went like this:
Someone ran into you making you spill f/d all over your new shirt
Then someone stepped on the back of your shoe making the entire thing fall off and leave a scratch on your ankle
You lost your wallet for a whole hour making you lose your mind
Then you and to skip lunch because you needed to catch up on some work
Your bracelet broke and it was one your favorite family member had given you
You got stuck in a whole 2 hours of traffic
You found out that your favorite restaurant is going under construction and won’t be open for 6 months
You wanted nothing more than to curl up in your boyfriends arms......but as luck would have it as soon as you came home you saw a orange sticky note with your lovers handwriting.
𝓗𝓮𝔂 𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼/𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮,
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓪𝔀𝓮𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓶𝓮 𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓸𝔂𝓼. 𝓓𝓸𝓷’𝓽 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓘'𝓵𝓵 𝓫𝓮 𝓱𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓼𝓸𝓸𝓷!
Making your heart drop. So you did what any person would do and you ate half a tub of ice cream while making yourself into a comfort blanket. You did appreciate the fact your boyfriend had a weighted blanket because that did give you slight comfort.
Tossing the remote on the floor you settled for The Office reruns. If Michaels idiocy and Jim’s pranks didn’t cheer you up than what will?
*riiinnn*-“Okay, Okay!” You groaned grabbing your phone off the coffee table.
“What?” You asked not bothering to see who it was.
“Woah Hello to you two! Just wanted to see if you got home okay. There was a big accident on the freeway.” Your boyfriends voice rang out. Your body immediately relaxed. His voice always did have a soothing effect on you. You felt tears welt up in your eyes again, because of his sweet gesture. You cleared your throat to get rid of it’s tightness.
“I-I’m fine. Have fun!” You stuttered out quickly hanging up, so he wouldn’t catch on to how miserable you were. You but your lip hoping you didn’t give anything away. Sitting up you unwrapped yourself, getting up and bringing the melted tub back to the kitchen.
*at the bar with Gil*
“Hey, you good Amigo, you seem very......bored.” Tony’s voice rang out snapping him out of his trance. Francis hummed in agreement placing his wine back on the table.
“I agree, you seem very out of it.” Francis agreed. Observing his friend. “Oh.” He suddenly said snapping his fingers. “You miss y/n don’t you?” France continued leaning on his palm.
“Well can you blame him? If I had a pretty Chica at home waiting for me, I wouldn’t wanna be here!” Toni laughed making Francis chuckle. They both looked at Gilbert worry crossing their faces as their friends just swirled his beer in his glass.
Feeling their stares he brought his head up only for the TV behind them to catch his attention. Narrowing his eyes he cursed his bad eyes as he tried to make out the words on the screen. Toni and Francis followed his gaze turning around in their seats watching th TV.
“Hey isn’t that the freeway Y/N takes?” Toni asked looking back at Gil nervously.
Gil’s heart stopped in his chest and he felt like his knees would give out even though he was sitting. Right before he completely had a panic attack the words of the newscaster caught his attention.
“Yes the accident happened at 3:30 this afternoon. It caused 1 casualty and 2 in critical condition.”
He breathed a sigh of relief as he leaned back in his seat. The accident happened at 3:30 and you got off at 4.
“Oh thank god.” He stated ignoring the glares he got from the other people in the bar. “Not because they died! My girlfriend takes that freeway and I thought it may have been her in the accident!” He explained. Their glares softened turning back to their own conversation. “I should call her.” He said turning back to Toni and Francis who nodded. Walking outside he hugged his jacket closer to him. “Why is it always so f*cking cold?” He mumbled taking his phone out of his pocket and calling your number.
Truth be told he didn’t want to be here.
He would rather be with you especially when it was this cold out. It was so nice to sit on the patio in the freezing weather cuddling each other under heavy blankets. But when Toni and Francis asked him to go out he couldn’t say no. He had been ditching them because he would rather hang out with you, but if he ditched them again who knows what they would say.
Hearing you pick up with a very annoyed “what” he jumped and quickly explained why he had called.
“I-I’m fine. Have fun!” You stuttered hanging up on him. Looking back down at his now black phone the only thing he saw was his confused expression.
Where you mad at him?
No, if you were you wouldn’t have said have fun.
Sighing he shoved his phone back in his pocket going back inside the warm bar.
“Is the beautiful Girl okay?” Francis asked looking at Gil expectantly.
“I don’t know she sounded upset. I should go back and check on her.” Gil explained taking out a 20 and placing it on the table.
“And that’s why I’m single. Doesn’t she know you don’t want to be with her right now?” Toni asked.
Gilbert held back the growl in his throat and ignored his friends and walking out the door. Unlocking his BMW he quickly torn out of the parking lot.
*back to you*
Closing your red and puffy eyes you almost drifted off into a needed deep sleep but the door almost slamming open made you jump up. You relaxed when you saw it was just your boyfriend. You quickly dug yourself back in your blankets hoping he didn’t see your blotchy and red face.
“Schatz? What happened?” He asked sitting down next to you and practically ripping the blankets away from you. He pulled you so you were straddling him.
So he did see.
“N-nothing, it’s stupid! I just had a hard day.” You replied digging yourself into his sweater clad chest. You breathed in his natural sent practically melting against him. He was slightly cold from coming outside but it was perfect because he balanced out your overheated one.
“I’m sorry Schatz. You know we have ice cream. That always makes everything better. If you don’t want that I can make you some f/s.” He chuckled planting a kiss against your head.
“No, I’m good I just want to cuddle.” You said feeling your heavy eye lids fall. He hummed in response before he picked you up walking into the bedroom. Placing you down on the bed he took off his shirt and pants leaving him in boxers. Getting under the covers he pulled you under and tucked you under his chin. The room was dark and the house smelt like firewood from the fireplace in the living room. He wrapped his strong arms around you promising you safety as he hummed an old German lullaby. One of his hands ran through your hair, softly untangling it. While his other was wrapped completely around you securing you to him.
This is why he doesn’t want to be single
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
How would Prussia react if his s/o grabbed his hand and placed it on their thigh
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He’d be one thirsty bitch.
He was bored.....
Which wasn’t a rare occurrence in his life but the rarity was that he was bored at a party. A party. This is something that should be marked on the calendar. People around him were chatting whilst he was swishing his beer around his mug as France and Spain talked about some girls/boys they ran into while on there way to the party. But he was tuning them out. It wasn’t as if he could- no wanted to partake in the conversation. He almost felt pity for his friends. Pity that they were still talking about some girls/boys they met at the liquor store, when it was obvious that he had the only girl/boy worth talking about.
And that was you, obviously.
Speaking of you, he blamed you for his current boredom. You just had to ditch him once you saw a group of your friends.
How rude.
His fiery eyes went in the direction he knew you were. He watched as you giggled with your friends and swayed softly to the music. Your outfit hugged your curves perfectly and he couldn’t help but let his eyes travel down your beautiful form. His eyes ran up your body again until the came in contact with your face and he almost jumped when he saw your half hazy e/c orbs staring back at him.
His heart skipped a few beats when you waltzed over to him. Your hips seemed to sway naturally but he could tell that you were adding some drama to each sway. This action caused a light chuckle escape his lips. Why did you have to be so perfect? By the time you got to his seat everything and everyone faded from the room and it was just you in that perfectly tailored dress/suit. He was so happy he decided to splurge and buy you that because the view was priceless.
You sat yourself on his left leg and threw your legs over his right leg, wrapping an arm around his neck. Your other hand lightly skimmed over his defined jaw and down to his chest, stopping right at his heart. It was beating a million miles a minute adding to your confidence. He stared down at you in awe but almost choked on his spit when you wrapped your smaller hand around his and brought it down in between your soft thighs.
You crossed your legs over his hand clamping his hand between your thighs. His ruby eyes darkened and he grabbed you thigh roughly. He stood up way to fast ignoring the head rush he got. He didn’t even pay any attention to Spain and France as he almost hurled you and him to the door ready to give you all the attention you desired.
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