allthingshetalia · 4 years
This is my 1st time asking anything EVER on tumblr so I hope I did this right. I'm not sure if you already done something like this, but could you please do marriage headcanons for the Axis (specifically Prussia)? It can be nsfw too, like what the honeymoon would be like as well. Thanks in advance, I love your stuff!!!😊♥️♥️♥️
💕wow! Well I’m happy to be your first lol💕
😀Imma do Prussia 💪🏻💀and then I can to the rest of the axis at another time😀
First of all your wedding is going to be AWESOME
A lot of people are going to get drunk- but it’s fine
Your wedding will literally be talked about for the next century
You will both be glowing- especially Gil
Francis and Toni will make the best speeches ever
Ludwig is the best man of course
Roderich will want to play some form of musical number
There will be a chocolate fountain
And the pictures the photographer took either look like the house party scene from diary of a wimpy kid or are super elegant
And as much fun as he is having he wants nothing more for the honeymoon to start!
The honeymoon will probably be a beautiful cabin resort somewhere in the mountains
With horseback riding, hot springs, maybe snow?
He will make it some of the best 2 weeks of your life
You two will practically be inseparable
There will probably be a lot of sex....just saying
It’ll be hard for him to keep his hands off of you, because every time he sees that ring on your finger it gets him going
If you saved yourself for marriage then he will be super careful in the way he suggests sex
Like softly rubbing your thigh and things like that
Yes he will kinda expect sex because when you save yourself for marriage it implies you will have sex when you are married- and you are both now married
He will keep calling you his wife or Mrs Beilschmidt
And every time someone else calls you Mrs Beilschmidt he will melt
Lots of pictures of the honeymoon
Mostly of you being cute
You will probably make friends with another couple on their honeymoon
There will probably be a few days during the trip where neither of you want to leave the cabin so you’ll both order room service and curl up under the covers just talking about life and what your life will be like together
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127 notes · View notes
allthingshetalia · 5 years
Ask for Russia, Germany and America: What would they do if another country kidnapped their s/o to use as leverage against the hetalian and when their s/o returns, they were turtured
You would have to be a special kind of stupid to take America’s precious girl- let alone harm a hair on your perfect little head. He would get you back a quickly as humanly possible, but the thing that was shocking is that he wouldn’t react in punishing the country just yet.
You are his first priority. He put all of his energy into taking care of you. Would sign you up for therapy, physical therapy, regular doctors appointments, cuddles in bed, make sure you are eating enough- the whole nine yards.
Then when the country that caused you so much pain started to get comfortable- started to think maybe the American wouldn’t go after them- he would.
Not only would the country have to pay deeply themselves but there people would too. He realized that him being a superpower wasn’t a warning enough, so he would have to show the whole world what would happen if they hurt you.
Once again you would have to be a special kind of stupid to even think about hurting Russia s/o.
Where he differs from America though is he wants instant gratification. He is going to make that nation pay immediately and they wil pay in great lengths.
He would of course make sure you are okay, but he won’t be able to rest knowing that bastard is still waking the earth without a care in the world.
After the deed is done though he would reflect all of his attention onto you making sure you were back to your health as much as you could.
While technically Germany isn’t the most powerful out of the trio- he is still feared.
He can send glares that make Russia shutter.
Much like America he plans out how he would get you back. I really honestly highly doubt that that country would be able to hurt you seriously before he got to you. But in the off chance they did they would have hell to pay. You would be his first priority of course but he is very good at multitasking.
He would knock the legs out of that country economically. He wouldn’t want to start an actual war because his name is already tainted enough and he’s past that faze in his life. For example he could very easily make treaties with other countries that would put high taxes on that countries goods.
He would hold his head up high as he watched that country crumble.
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137 notes · View notes
allthingshetalia · 5 years
How would Canada, Russia, and Germany protect their s/o?
Canada 🇨🇦
Protects you in ways you wouldn’t even realize
Like making sure your pancakes aren’t to hot and Burn your mouth
He doesn’t necessarily keep an eye out for danger but is very aware of his surroundings
Please send him a text when you get somewhere
When he gets bad vibes from someone he will straighten up his compose and visibly eye the person- making sure they see him
He is sweeter than syrup but that can change in a millisecond if he senses there might be something that could hurt you
He also has a polar bear that doubles as a mini weapon when needed
He has also beaten America in a fight soooooo he can kick someone’s ass to the moon
Russia 🇷🇺
Mama bear 100%
“Don’t Drink that sunflower it’s hot”
“Please make sure you look before you cross”
“Hold my hand so you don’t get lost”
“Is your phone charge so you can call me if you need to?”
Be prepared to be babied
It’s not that he doesn’t think you aren’t capable he just knows that he is the only one that can take perfect care of you
And that’s not even in a yandere way- like he is really good at taking care of you
No one really even would think to mess with you because RUSSIA is your boyfriend/husband
But if someone does try anything his first instinct is to shield you
And he’s huge so he could cover you like a blanket
Germany 🇩🇪
This man is one step ahead of everything
He is always analyzing everyone and everything
Hes always been that way but when you came along his instincts heightened
If someone thing were to happen to you he would go crazy and fuck people up
Like broken bones- everything
When out he always likes to keep a hand on your back or arm around your waist
Ohhhh and he dogs are all military trained
And they go with you everywhere he can’t go
He will ask a million questions
Please just humor him
You are his everything and if something were to happen to you he would die
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Hey, can I please get some headcanons or short scenarios for America, Japan, England, Germany, Russia, Lithuania and Romania reacting to their very petite (short and scrawny) s/o wearing one of their shirts? And since she's so short, it absolutely just drapes over her and it's all super fluffy and cute? Thanks so much!
A grin spread across his face as you came out of the bathroom. His shirt from the night before was drapped over you. It went past your knees and the sleeves were much to long. Not to mention it was one of his favorites. It was a white dress shirt that had an America flag sewn into the collar. His possessive side practically melted at the claim. It also didn’t help the fact you had some dark brusing on your collar bone and neck. Pushing his glasses further up his nose he cleared his throat to grab your attention. Your head snapped away from the drawer you were digging through to look at him.
His bare chest was on display and the sheets hung extremely low. His chest and body was covered in a layer of fat but you knew as soon as he moved his muscles would pop out. Light traces of hair ran down his chest getting thicker the further you went.
“Come back to bed baby girl.” He stated lifting the covers, making you blush. His voice was deep and raspy from just having woken up 5 minutes ago. Biting your lip you crawled back into the bed, curling yourself up against his side.
His dark brown eyes watched as you bit your lip, to engrossed into the show to notice his staring. You were wearing one of his favorite sweaters. It was a dark grey and was probably made from the softest fabric in the world. Your knee high socks make him swallow harshly.
Turning his head away he tried to focus on the anime playing infront of his eyes. But he couldn’t stop his eyes from wandering back over to you.
You groaned as one of your favorite characters made another stupid decision. Adjusting yourself you moved so your shoulder was pressed against his side and you tucked one of your legs under your butt.
“What is he thinking?” You asked rhetorically. You leaned your head against his side, the top of your head almost going into his pit.
(He’s always clean so don’t worry)
His arm was thrown over the back of the couch but he brought it down so you were pressed closer against him. You looked up at him not expecting him to do that.
He was still staring at you but flashed you a small relaxed smile making your heart flutter. Smiling broadly you snuggled against his chest as he breathed in the combination of your sent and his.
“Love have you seen my bl”- he cut himself off seeing your small form wrapped in the same shirt he was looking for. It was a plain black shirt that he always wore under his uniforms.
“Your what?” You asked tilting your head to the side. The action cause some stray hair to fall in your face but you quickly blew them away, making his knee buckle from cuteness.
“Nevermind.” He quickly stated, coming around the counter so he could get a better view. You just shrugged and turned back to your mixing bowl. He had a meeting to go to in a few hours so you were making him some scones.
His emerald eyes scanned up and down your form. His shirt went down past your knees and he swore when you reached up to get something he could see the very bottom of his boxers on your form.
(They were clean calm down-boxers are hella comfy. I buy them for myself to waltz around the house in)
Smirking softly he came up behind you and placed his strong hands on your hips. He pressed a hard kiss against the back of your head before he rested his chin on top of it.
“You’re so beautiful.” He murmured leaning down and softly kissing your neck and down your exposed shoulder. He chuckled against your skin when he heard a sharp gasp and felt your body melt against his.
After all he did have 3 hours to kill.
All of the loneliness he had gone through had been worth it and he would gladly do it again if it meant he could always come home to this sight.
He had come home from a long and boring meeting with his boss, wanting nothing more than to escape from the cold and feel you curled up against his chest.
As soon as he came home he was greeted with the sight of your sleeping form curled up on the couch in one of his shirts. It was an old soccer jersey that had his last name on it.
He was 100% going to wear it after you.
His insides practically purred as he quickly took off all of his clothes except for his boxers. He carefully lifted you up making sure you didn’t wake up and laid down placing you on your designated spot on his chest. You instinctively buried yourself deeper into his slightly chubby body. Grabbing the faux fur blanket off the back of the couch he draped it over both of you and held you tightly against him.
He couldn’t contain the smile as he watched you dance around the bedroom in nothing but his shirt.
It was dark green and went all the way down to your knees. And every time you lifted up your arms he caught a small glimpse of your bare bottom.
Your dog/cat watched and even ran around you as you sung to it.
He will never get how someone like you could ever love someone as scarred and broken as him. But who is he to complain.
As the song ended your dancing slowed down and eventually halted as the closing lines became quieter and quieter.
Panting softly your turned around and looked at your boyfriend who had a lazy smile across his perfect face.
He straightened up so he wasn’t leaning on his arms and held them out to you. You took his unspoken offer and rushed into his arms, practically jumping on him. Once you were in his arms he fell back so you were on his chest and listened as the sappy lyrics of your favorite love song played through the happy room.
His eyes couldn’t focus on the pages infront of him as the kept finding their way back to you. You were laying on the bed next to him on your computer paying Poptropica :) and you silently cursed to yourself when your character catapulted themselves off a cliff on accident.
His eyes scanned themselves down your form biting the inside of his cheek when he saw his large shirt pooling around you.
It was dark red and had a few small rips in it from being so old but it was his favorite shirt- and as it turns out it was yours too.
Putting his book down he turned off his bedside lamp and leaned over and grabbed your computer away from you. He quickly pressed save and then closed the device and also place it on his night stand.
“I was just about to figure out who had been ruining all the carrots!” You declared glaring at your boyfriend.
“You can play tomorrow.” He replied smiling lightly. He reached over and turned off your light. He then softly grabbed you and pulled you so you were his little spoon. “I love you.” He murmured against your head.
He watched you protectively as you climbed up the rock trail. He always walked behind you to make sure if you ever did fall he was right there to catch you before. Reaching out he put a hand on your hip lightly guiding you up the steep climb.
He tried to focus completely on the path in front of you but he couldn’t seem to take his eyes away from you.
Well that wasn’t unusual- but this time it was different.
You had both decided to go on a hike and you just decided to throw on his shirt and a pair of workout shorts. It was a black shirt with a big German flag printed on the back. The fact you were wrapped up in his flag made his protective and clingy side shudder. It was like a warning to every person who even dared to look or god forbid touch you. It was a warning sign that screamed;
“Don’t touch what’s mine.”
And he was living for it.
Once you finally made it to the top he gave your hip a light squeeze before releasing you. He bent his arm behind him grabbing a water bottle out of the side pocket of his backpack. Handing it to you he watched as you took a few large gulps before handing it back to him. Bringing the water bottle up to his lips he quickly finished the rest of it and threw it in a nearby trash can.
“Look at how pretty it is!” You giggled grabbing his huge arm and pulling him to the edge. He instinctively wrapped an arm around your waist preventing you from getting to close.
The view was outstanding.
But he wasn’t talking about the same one you were.
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388 notes · View notes
allthingshetalia · 5 years
Can I get some Prussia as a boyfriend headcanons pretty please?
This man with fight someone for you (and that’s a threat)
Turns into a slight mama bear when you are around
Likes to play board games and games with you
Will read you books
Play videos games with him (you won’t be bored or sorry)
Is very into physical affection
Will shower you with love (including presents, kisses, etc)
Car karaoke is a must
With drag you to Rammstein concerts
But will also always do what you want to do
You two will go camping a lot
Expect to share a sleeping bag
You will probably become best friends with Ludwig’s girlfriend
Foster dogs
Adopt dogs
Babysit dogs
Watch dogs
Anything that has to do with dogs
Basically just cause the best kind of chaos wherever you go
Strong Crackhead energy
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Who do you think would most like southern american accents, like think they're cute and stuff? 🤠🤠🤠
All of them?!?
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
How about a fluffy cuddle session in bed with Romano and s/o?
“Loviiiiiii stop.” You giggled softly pushing your boyfriend away.
“Shhhhhh.” He replied barley stopping his trail of kisses even when you pushed him away.
It was around 9:30 am and both of you didn’t have any desire to get up. You’re boyfriend decided that the best way to spend his time was to plant kisses down the back of your neck stopping when he reached your bare shoulder blades and making his way back up.
“Ugh.” He groaned burying his face in the back of your head. He laid down on top of you, making sure to support most of himself with his arms so he wasn’t putting all his weight on you.
“I’m tired.” You complained flipping over so you were face to face with your godlike boyfriend.
“Tired? You slept for 10 hours.” He chuckled rolling over with you so you were tucked to his side.
“It wasn’t enough.” You murmured against his lightly muscled (but yet chubby) chest. “And you wore me out.” You smirked.
“I wore you out? More like the other way around.” He argued bringing his hand under the sheets and giving your bottom a playful pinch.
“Ow!” You jumped smacking his arm. He just laughed.
“You’re right I did do all the work.” He reasoned.
“Not all of it.” You grumbled still not satisfied with his answer. He brought you back against him and planted a kiss on your messy head. “What should we do today?” You asked bring the sheets up so both you and him were wrapped in a blanket burrito.
“Nothing .” He sighed squeezing your hip softly.
“Nothing? At all?” You asked, wanting to know if he would at least get up and make you some breakfast.
“Nope, Nothing, not even food. You’re on your own princess.” He stated opening one of his closed eyes to see your reaction. He had to stop a chuckle once he saw your shocked and slightly heartbroken face.
“But you make the best food ever! Please Roma!” You begged kissing up his chest to his jaw. You felt his cheeks heat up giving you some confidence.
“Fine, I’ll make some food but you have to help and then we come back to bed immediately, understand?” He asked making you nod and hop up rapidly. “God if I didn’t love you so much I swear.” He mumbled to himself as he watched your naked form rush down the hall to the kitchen.
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161 notes · View notes
allthingshetalia · 5 years
What are some quirky ticks the axis and allies have?
Most of these are going to be weird facts
He’s very sensitive to wind. Like if someone walked past him to fast the hair on his arms would stand up.
He has never in his life hit a pothole while driving, he always can magically swerve around it.
Every time he smells Lavender he sneezes.
His hands randomly get shaky. He doesn’t even have to be nervous are anything, sometimes he’ll just wake up and his hands look like their on acid.
The color orange triggers him.
Despite being such an amazing cook he has never gone through a meal without dropping an egg.
He can crack his knuckles a million times a day.
He absolutely hates the smell of gasoline, he will gag.
He always forgets something when he gets dressed, whether it be a sock, belt or an undershirt he seems to always forget something.
There is this one step coming up to his house and he almost always stumbles over it. He never falls because he has really good balance, but it is annoying.
He always puts exactly 42 pieces of additional ingredients into his pancake batter
42 chocolate chips into a pancake
42 blueberrys
Unless it’s spread then he has to do exactly two swipes:
Two swipe of peanut butter
Two swipes of chocolate syrup
Two swipes of jam
He’s the king of pancakes
(I don’t know if that made any hecking sense)
Sneezes every time he closes the fridge
If he takes something off the hanger it automatically has to go in his hamper. He just never rehangs stuff even if it’s clean.
Can’t eat hot stuff while watching TV. He gets to absorbed in the thing he is watching then his food gets cold and ruined.
His knees shake when he is nervous.
When he was little he use to scratch his knuckles when he was scared/nervous due to this he has some small scarring on his knuckles.
He still sometimes catches himself doing it to this day
Because he has such broad shoulders he has to walk sideways so he doesn’t get stuck in the door.
He knows every single jingle on TV
Is the most aggressive sneezer/cougher ever. One time he was in the kitchen and banged his head against the cabinet because he sneezed.
Won’t cuss around children. Like he physically can’t say a bad word infront of kids.
Is actually really strong. Like he’ll surprise himself sometimes too. One time he was in a coffee shop and a vending machine was about to fall over and he stopped it and pushed it back into place.
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142 notes · View notes
allthingshetalia · 5 years
Please, lord/lady/theydy of the headcanons, can we have the nightmare-thingy for Prussia and Germany?
💕🌸I will accept Her Royal Highness😂🌸💕
You shivered and pulled the blankets tighter around you.
“Luddy, turn the heater on.” You murmured. Opening your eyes you then realized why you were so cold. Groaning to yourself, you stuck your hand and leg to the other side of the bed expecting to feel the warm body of your husband only to find cold sheets. Cursing him lovingly to yourself you sat up in bed cringing when a cold shiver went through your body.
Who cold blame you? You spent the last 7 years curled up in two warm arms and suddenly their gone? It was abandonment . Shaking the thought out of your head you scampered across the cold carpet, trying to avoid tripping over Berlitz as he became alert of your awakness. Ending up at your husbands side of the closet you quickly grabbed a pair of his socks and slid them on. They were big enough to go a little bit below your knee and your grabbed his heavy sweater and threw it on over your head. Deciding you were dressed enough to go on the pursuit of your husband you waddled down the hallway and steps of the old cottage, with Berlitz right on your heels.
The kitchen light was on and you sneakily made your way through the living room. You were about to sneak attack him but once you caught sight of him your heart caught in your throat. He was leaning over the kitchen island with his head in his hands. His strong broad shoulders were shaking slightly and the muscles on his arms kept flexing.
“Lulu?” You asked quietly making him jump up in surprise. His blue eyes were red and puffy and red blotches were spread a toss his cheeks. He was no longer crying but you could tell there was still some emotion he needed to let out. “What’s wrong?” You asked again rushing to him. He held out his arms for you and put his arms under your butt lifting you up into the counter. He kept both his arms under you so your bare legs wouldn’t get a shock from the cold counter.
“Just another stupid nightmare.” He grumbled. You brought your hands up to his shoulders and softly massaged your way up till you got it his cheeks, rubbing soft crickets into his tired skin.
“Wanna talk about it?” You hummed resting yourself under his chin.
“Just the same old stuff, You know. I do terrible things with a red band around my arm. I see you and you scream and yell at me and call me a monster and then you leave.” He said, clearing his throat to get rid of the cracks. “It just never ends.” He continued moving his arms out for under you. He grabbed you and walked over to the dinning room table and sat down with you in his lap. The chair creaked at the sudden weight making you jump.
This type of thing happened at least once a month so everything you could say to comfort him has already been said. You have actually helped him in so many ways and if it wasn’t for you the only way he would be happy would be if he was in a ditch. But some things you can’t fix. Nightmares is one of them. The best thing to do is to just hold him and let him speak his mind knowing he won’t be judged or thought of as weak. Because he is the farthest thing from weak.
Leaning up you planted a kiss on his temple before you nuzzled back into his chest.
“I love you.”
The bed jolting made you wake up abruptly. The sound of uneven breathing was the first thing you heard.
You looked up and saw your boyfriend of 3 years sitting up in bed looking terrified. Before you could even sit up or anything his head snapped to you making you shrink back. A sigh escaped his lips as he pulled the covers away from your body.
Lifting your shirt he inspected your stomach carefully making you a little self conscious.
“What’s wrong?” You asked pulling his hands away and pushing your shirt back down.
He flopped back down next to you and pulled you on top of him.
“I dreamed you were bitten by a flea and got the plague.” He stated. You couldn’t stop the laugh coming out of your mouth.
“The plague? You weren’t even created yet when that was a big deal.” You chuckled nuzzling back into his neck.
“I know but I came across my old medical books when I was digging through my office and I saw some shit.” He breathed. “And why are you laughing? I dreamed the only woman who I have ever loved got a disgusting disease and she laughs. You are the worst.” He scolded, only making you laugh harder.
“I-I-I’m sorry.” You snorted through your laughs.
“In my defense when I told you I was scared of ghosts you laughed at me.” You said once you finally calmed down.
“Yes because they don’t exists. If they did I think I would have seen one by now.” He argued running a hand through your slightly knotted hair.
“Maybe they just don’t find you interesting enough to haunt.” You giggled.
“Ya, Maybe.” He snorted.
“Anyways I thought the rats were the ones who had the plague?” You questioned.
“No-well yes. The rats carried it and the fleas transmitted it. When the rats died the fleas jumped off and landed on humans, but because everyone in the 1300s was disgusting they didn’t think anything of it. But when a flea bites you it eats so much of your blood that it throws it back up so fleas were basically throwing up the infected blood back into the wound an”—“Okay!!! I get it! Ewwww. Why can’t you tell me that stuff at an appropriate time.” You asked cutting him off.
“I’m sorry but I don’t know the protocol for talking to your girlfriend about fleas barfing.” He chuckled squeezing you against his chest.
“Well at least I learned something.” You mumbled.
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
How do you think it would affect a country(aka the citizens, government, etc) if a country would fall in love? Do you think there would even be an notice able effect?
I know there are many headcons about how the nations feel is reflected through the weather.
Like if they are depressed it rains etc.
I think I jut depends if you believe in that headcon or not. I personally don’t know if I do yet I’m still deciding if I agree with it or not. I believe more that the nations kinda take on what type of weather they have. So if it rains a lot they may be more prone to depression or if it’s really hot they may have bursts of anger. Of it is perfect weather they are going to be happier.
So more like the weather/economy kinda controls the nation more than the nation controls the weather/economy.
But if you do believe that a mood of the nations effects the actual country then of course falling in love has an affect.
Everything is a lot sweeter.
The sky is blue with fluffy clouds.
Flowers bloom and the air is light.
The night is filled with stars.
The economy is killin it.
Unemployment is low.
People are happy.
All the good things in the world
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120 notes · View notes
allthingshetalia · 5 years
Can I get some headcannons with Romano who has an S/O who is just as stubborn as he is.
You two would probably fight a lotttttt
But don’t worry he would baby you afterwards
Would also be proud whenever you stood up for yourself
Lots of make up sex
You two would never be able to stay mad at each other long
People might not think of you guys as a good match but you guys can actually work really well together
It would take a lot of work but you guys could be the greatest pair the world has ever seen
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59 notes · View notes
allthingshetalia · 5 years
Germany and Prussia motivating their friend who’s trying to learn german. (I usually study every day but I’ve been so unmotivated this week that I’ve only practiced once. I could really use some encouragement)
💕I feel that 💕
“What did you learn today?” Ludwig asked setting down his beer on the wooden table. You bite you lip not wanting to see his bright blue eyes staring into your own. “Y/n?” He asked adjusting his glasses.
“I umm, I haven’t really had a chance to study yet?” You chuckled nervously, shoving another bite of potato into your mouth.
“It’s almost 8:00, you shouldn’t stay up too late to study.” He scolded lightly.
“I know, well I-I haven’t been studying a lot lately, because, well.” You trailed off playing with the hem of your shirt.
“Do you not like German anymore?” He questioned raising a dark blonde brow at you. You looked up quickly noticing his eyes had light flickers of hurt in them.
“No, no, nonononono! It’s not that! I just haven’t been feeling super motivated for a while.” You assured grabbing his large hand and giving it a small squeeze. Relief flooded his eyes and he gave your hand a light squeeze in return.
“Well I’m glad to hear that.” He smiled, his dimple popping out of his left cheek. Retracting his hand he took another swing of his beer before his eyes lit up with an idea. “Tell you what, how about we go around the markets in Munich so maybe you could get some inspiration back?”
A wide smile spread across your face at the thought. Days in Munich with Ludwig were always the best.
“That would be amazing! Thank you LuLu.” You giggled.
You struggled to keep up as your best friend was speaking in rapid German to you. His words seemed to be all jumbled up together in one long sentence that your brain just couldn’t wrap around.
Then the words stopped all together and he was staring at you with questions Ruby eyes making you sit up. Tilting your head to the side asking him silently to repeat himself.
“I’m sorry I’m just not getting it.” You said finally after he repeated it for the third time.
“What’s happening to you? Did you hit your head and suffer some damage?” Gilbert asked, a small smirk playing on his lips.
Rolling your eyes you shook your head making some pieces of hair fall into your face.
“No, I just haven’t been motivated to learn anything really.” You sighed looking up at him.
“I don’t know how you can’t be motivated. You can download so many apps to help you on your phone. You know in my day we had to read a book or live in a country for 7 years to learn a language.” He stated, making an involuntary giggle rise from your throat.
“You’re such an old man!” You gasped playfully kicking him under the table.
“Whatever.” He growled, with a light coating of pink across his pale cheeks. “How about we go on a road trip or something around Germany? Maybe that’ll spark something!” He said excitedly.
“Only if I get to be the DJ! Your music sucks!” You laughed.
“It does not!”
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
How to make the hetalians feel loved?
💕I love this💕
Kiss him (anywhere)
Run your finger through his hair
He likes it when you rub his ears......
Surprise him with McDonald’s/fav foods
Wear one of his hoodies( he just love seeing you in his clothes)
Just ask him how he is
Surprise him with vodka
Kiss his cheeks/forehead
His favorite thing is when you two are out somewhere and you mouth “I love you”
Scratch his back
Play with his hands
Kiss his shoulders
Surprise him with his favorite chocolates/beer
If you ever like surprised him with Lingerie, bath or something romantic
Call him awesome
Scratch up and down his chest or over his arms
Let him lay on your stomach/chest
Make him food
Be the one to initiate physical contact
Kiss his cheek
Grab his hand
But him a new dress shirt/clothes
Get him ingredients for food. He loves cooking he just hates waiting in line at the grocery stores or markets
Massage his neck
Buy him flower seeds
Make dinner
Kiss/bite his neck
Buy him a new pipe
Just come over and sit on his lap
Play with his hair
Scratch her scalp
Buy her a bow/clothes
Wear her clothes/give her your clothes
Buy her some new knife
Just pull her into a makeout session
Just sit on her lap
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
What are the hetalians (of your choice) favourite things about themselves?
-his strong arms/ strength
-his ability to hide what he is actually feeling
-his thighs and stomach
-his wit and mental/physical strength
-his extremely broad shoulders and his masculine frame all together
-his strategic side and his ability to overcome any odds
-his eyes and jawline/chin
-he hates himself
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Head cannons of Germany + Prussia with a smoll ( like under 5’2 ) and cute and very soft s/o who posses inhuman strength and can lift them with her finger.
Would literally scream the first time you lifted someonething super heavy. He is extremely protective so the first time you do it he would probably expect you to die or something leaving him an absolute mess.
He would have mixed emotions about it. It would soothe him knowing he didn’t have to worry about you getting attacked or someone hurting you, but yet he is a little selfish and always kinda wants his s/o to look at him for protection.
But on the other hand he would find it very helpful.Like if you two are baking/cooking he doesn’t need to stop every 5 minutes to open a jar for you. (It wouldn’t bother him if he had to though). You can also carry around the dogs, which he finds absolutely adorable.
He wouldn’t like it when you pick him up. Even though he knows it doesn’t hurt you he still wouldn’t like it.
He would find it super cool! He’s practically dating a super hero!
But you have to remember his masculinity is a little fragile, so please don’t make him feel like less of a man because you are stronger than him.
Example: if you are both in the kitchen and he is about to open a jar and you grab it before him or out of his hands, he is going to be a little hurt.
Like Germany he also likes to be seen as his s/os protector. He loves it when he’s walking down the street with you and people don’t mess with you because he’s there. Or when something a little scary happens and you cling to him or look up at him with scared eyes.
He loves that stuff!
Anyways just make sure you know the difference between awesomeness and hurtfulness
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Germany anon again- How would Germany react to his s/o hiding their face in a pillow/blanket, closing their eyes, or staring at something in the room when attempting to do sexual things for the first time because they were embarrassed so they were trying to tune it out? What would he do if he was going to eat out s/o & they stammer out “you don’t have to it if you don’t want to” because even though they wanted it they were too embarrassed to admit it? (Trying not to make my asks about marriage)
💕yay you’re back!! You can request anything you want💕
He heard your breath catch in your throat as he kissed against you thigh slowly making his way closer and closer to the part that was practically aching for him. His muscles arms held your hands as you squirmed under him. He looked up at you expecting to see your watery e/c staring back at down at him. But all he saw was your nervous eyes scanning around avoiding him all together.
Blowing some air against you he smirked as you jolted but you still didn’t look down at him. Planting a soft kiss against your pearl he crawled his way up your body, maneuvering so you weren’t under him anymore but so you were sitting in his lap. Your back was against his chest and the full length mirror was across from you.
Your eyes scanned over the parts of your boyfriend that you weren’t covering with your body. His shoulders were more than twice the size of you always making you feel safe as they practically shook with power. One of his arms was wrapped around your waist while the other hand was on your thigh rubbing the smooth skin.
Your eyes danced up his chest that had some small scars and the lightest tracing of hair. You went up his strong neck that had a love bite right below his ear from when you felt a little too confident. Up to his jaw that looked like it could crush a jaw breaker in one bite. The tick that always seems apparent from his clenched jaw was no longer seen because of his relaxed state and his cleft chin always made you weak to your knees. His slightly thin lips were tilted in a tiny smile, the dimple on his right cheek was barely visible. His nose was straight but you knew when he turned to the side it was a little bumpy from being broken. And then you got to his beautiful crystal icy eyes. They were encased in thick dark bloned lashes. His eyes held such love if anyone saw him look like that he would completely loose his reputation. (Well everyone saw how is eyes soften when you walk into a room). His eyes bore into yours through the mirror making you avert your eyes up further his body. His kept hair was now all messed up due to your running your fingers through it.
You instinctively brought your hand back behind you patting down the hair making it look almost normal. Before you brought your hand down he kissed your knuckles before making his way up your arm all the way to you shoulders. He gave you a small teasing bite, before he straightened up and sat his head on top of yours.
“It’s me Kätzchen.” He murmured so softly you could barely hear him.
“I know and that’s what makes it scary.” You said back leaning against him. You could make out the feeling of his strong heartbeat against your left shoulder.
“How does it make it more scary? It’s me Kätzchen. I love you so much and you know that.” He sighed kissing the back of your head before he unwrapped his arms and resting them on both of your knees.
“Because what if I’m not any good or what if it’s bad? Oh what if I make a weird face? Or you find another stretch mark-?” “Stop” He stated cutting off your rambling.
“You said you wanted to. If you don’t anymore than just say so. It’s okay, Liebling.” He continued reaching over to grab his discarded shirt Incase you wanted to cover yourself back up. You pushed his hand away.
“I do want to.” You turned around in his lap so you were facing him. “I am just scared- we’ll not really scared but nervous because I’ve never done this before and I’m not good at it.”
“Well how can you say if your not good at it if you’ve never done it? I mean I don’t expect you to be good because it’s your first time, Liebling. I mean if we stared and you started to do some pornstar move I would be concerned.” He reasoned making you laugh. “I would never do anything to hurt you, Y/N. You know that. We’ll just start off slow and we don’t have to do everything. If you want to do something after then that’s for you to decide. Just because we are doing this doesn’t mean we immediately have to have sex after. And I don’t expect anything from you in return, got it? This is about you, Understand?” He asked tilting your head up so you would look at him.
“I understand. Thank you, I love you, you know?” You asked pressing your nose up against his.
“You better.” He chuckled. “Ready?”
“Good and don’t be afraid to look at me, or make any sounds. I want to hear and see everything.” He smiled maneuvering so you were back under him.
“O-okay.” You breathed as he trailed kisses back down your body. Your legs already quivering from his lightest touches.
*Germany has a butt chin and dimples and no one can convince me otherwise*
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