#pry my ot3 out of my cold dead hands
liesyousoldme · 4 months
you can pry stomarol out of my cold dead hands that is my ot3 those are my bitchy mean girls (gn) in love with each other
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adam for you as well!!!!!
favorite thing about them: I love that we get a taste of what he was like before he was turned into the beast. I loooove getting to see that prologue and see what a spoiled, vain brat he is at the start!!
least favorite thing about them: That he never says he loves Belle out loud. Like, WE KNOW HE DOES THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT. But it always irked me that Mrs. Potts gets that line. Like?? RUDE??? That's his line dammit
favorite line: "wiLL yOu jOiN mE fOR diNNeR??" I mean, he had better lines but that one always puts a smile on my face and isn't that what life is all about?
brOTP: Adam and Lumiere!!
OTP: Jafar/Adam/Belle (I know Jafar isn't in BATB but I love this ot3 with all my heart and you'll have to pry it from my cold dead hands to get me to say otherwise)
nOTP: idk if Adam/LeFou is a thing, but i would not be into it XD
random headcanon: Adam LOVES makeup!! He loves to have Plumette apply it, he loves to apply it himself, he love love LOVES smearing some color on his face!!! Bonus HC: modern AU!Adam also LOVES glitter!!!!
unpopular opinion: I think it's fine he didn't say "Belle it's me!" after he turned back into a prince. It doesn't need to be a word-for-word scene from the cartoon and in fact I'm still bitter he didn't arise out of a bed of rose petals like they originally intended him to. IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO AESTHETICALLY PLEASING!! But I digress. It's fine they cut that line.
song i associate with them: "I Would Do Anything for Love" by Meat Loaf
favorite picture of them:
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Trash Prince in his best costume sitting in his stupid throne like the brat he is. I fucking adore this pic 🥰
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momiijisohma · 5 years
Hey uh...... you got any spare momiji hcs to share w/ the class?
DO I??*cracks knuckles* -my gender/sexuality hcs are all over the got damn place but one thing im certain of: the kid isnt fucking straight, no way in hell (for the purpose of this post i’ll be using he/him pronouns)-we all know he’s a very touchy person so consider this: once he and momo are able to be The Iconique Brother/Sister due, he cant stop hugging her. whenever shes around he lugs her around like a lil princess (or rather, like a fucking raggedy ann doll bc u cant convince me that he has any upper body strength) -SPEAKING OF MOMO. she will not shut UP abt how amazing her brother is, and all her lil friends have a crush on momiji (bc hey. who wouldnt.) and shes a lil brat abt it bc she wants all his attention for herself (not in that creepy ass brother sister complex kinda way, in the Oh My God I Missed Having an Older Sibling Around For MOST Of My LIFE And Im Not Abt To Lose MORE Valuable Time WithThem to some fucking lOvE iNtErEsT kinda way) -momijis mother was a violinist, and he took up the violin to get closer to her and hes a fucking prodigy and the only thing that kept him from becoming a world class violinist was that he even after the curse roke he still kinda kept some distance from his mother as to not freak her out and she still runs in the fancy classical music circles so of He were famous... HEWWO. -ALSO to expand on that last point, he and momo jam out frequently and he teaches her lots of lil tips he learned on his own. -momiji started learning martial arts with the rest of the sohma boys but gave up after a week bc it wasnt adorable at all and instead would just watch his cousins’ practice and stick around for the snacks afterward-he was a fucking mess when he realized he had a crush on tohru, hes the kinda sap who writes love sick puppy love letters and decorates them with stickers and glitter and lil drawings of him and tohru and he keeps them all in a shoebox under his bed bUT only after letting haru look over them and decide whether or not theyre Too Much (they always are. tohrus poor little easily flustered heart cant handle the amount of mush this kid can dole out) -momiji and his boyfriend haru, and his boyfriends’ girlfriend rin, who is also momijis gf- spend way too much time together, and haru loves listening to his partners rag on kyo for stealing tohru away from everyone -LISTEN, THIS IS SO IMPORTANT... HE WAS RITSU AND KAGURAS DRESS UP DOLL. AND HE LOVED IT. eventually he starts dressing more uhhhh. quirky than the girls (yes i said girls) would prefer, but when theyre younger they all essentially exchange clothes and accessories pretty frequently (those sunglasses we first see him wearing?? a hand me down from kagura.) OH MY GOD DONT FUCKING GET ME STARTED ON AYAME. -MOMIJI WORKS PART TIME AT AYAS STORE. FUCKING KILL ME. hes mine’s willing victim each and every day and loves modeling new outfits and hes one of mine’s favorite sohma boys aside from aya and yuki ofc-kyo and yuki are like big brothers to him, and that being said, momiji has made it his mission in life to annoy them as much as humanly possible before he dies. he adores them,he rly rly does, and he makes kyo teach him how to cook and how to swim and he nags at yuki to help him study and reaps the benefits of yukis secret base (bc lets be real. yuki? eat healthy? of his own accord?? i have to laugh)-OH BOY. DADTORI. momiji ADORES hatori, he thinks hes so cool and smart and amazing and hatori took momiji under his wing from a very young age and momiji clings to him bc his rEaL dAd isnt around too much anymore and hatoris the one who goes to all his parent teacher meetings and helps (read: creates completely by himself) with school projects and teaches him how to ride a bike and sticks momiji back in violin lessons after fuckass dad tells momiji to stop bc of momo and he brings momiji along on most errands bc he worries abt him and if theyre together he knows momiji wont get into any trouble (any trouble that hatori hasnt approved and/or encouraged). i think its mentioned in a side bar or smth that momiji hangs at haris house pretty frequently or?? anyway. he does. and when hatori and mayu have their baby momiji basically gets a whole nother baby sister and he and momo are over the fucking moon and dote on her like its nobodys business-hatori adopts momiji 
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snowballschance35 · 5 years
One thing I noticed with my rewatch of Leverage is that every time Eliot mentions one of his past romantic entanglements (Slept with a flight attendant, dated a neurologist, etc.) he never really mentions thier gender.
Bisexual Eliot was canon the whole time is basically what I’m saying
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setaripendragon · 5 years
OT3 Drabble: Hush
[Masterlist] AAAAAAAND WE’RE DONE!!! -insert maniacal cackling here- This, my lovely followers, is the last OT3 drabble. I AM NOW DONE with this monster collection of insanity, and I even managed to finish it before the five year anniversary! (Just. Five years for fifty drabbles. That’s not even one a month, gdi.) Gimme a couple of weeks and I’m probably going to pick up another stupidly long challenge, but for now, I’m freeeeeee~! =D And, okay, I probably got a little carried away with this one, it’s my longest drabble yet, and honestly it’s probably too long to really be called a drabble, but I don’t care, because I saved the best for last. I’m so proud of this one, and I love this ship so much, you have no idea. So I hope you all enjoy this ridiculous schmoop for my current favourite obscure OT3 that no one else seems to ship.
OT3 for this prompt: John Childermass/John Segundus/Arabella Strange from Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell.
The evening was young, but the students of Starecross Hall were used to the triumvirate of head teachers retiring early. Most assumed it was to discuss the day’s lessons and the students’ performances in privacy, but there was always some scandalous gossip going around about why it was, exactly, that they required such a strong silencing spell around their private parlour.
Mr Segundus, who was, at that very moment, on his way up the stairs to retire to said private parlour, was mostly oblivious to said gossip. He maintained the happy conviction that the three of them had been quite discreet enough to avoid any suspicion. (His lovers knew better, but as Arabella did not care, and Childermass found it all very amusing, neither of them was particularly interested in making a fuss about it.) However, Segundus was aware enough to know that they owed no small amount of their success at discretion to the silencing spells the three of them had woven around their private parlour – and the even more private bedroom it led to.
To Segundus, the spells appeared as a trellis of white roses, growing thick and verdant along the lintel and jamb of the door. It had taken him a small while to stop flinching at the sight of them, at the beginning, after everything that had happened that had inextricably linked white roses and silence in his mind, but after the roses had done such a good job of shielding him and his lovers from scrutiny and scorn, he’d warmed to them considerably. Now, as he pushed the door open, he gave one of the spectral roses a grateful caress – they were not truly there, and so could not truly be touched, but the intent of the motion and the bolstering of the spells did translate itself as the sensation of petals brushing against skin, so it might as well be called real – and breathed the lingering scent of roses with appreciation.
And was met with an altogether different magical scent inside the room. He blinked, for a moment quite disoriented, before he managed to drag his mind back to itself and recognised that the magic was Arabella’s, and that the lady herself was sitting by the window, intently focused on a bundle of greenery in her lap. “Arabella, dear?” He asked, curiously. “What are you working on?”
Arabella startled a little, then looked up with a smile, although her hands moved as if to hide whatever spell she was weaving. “Oh, John, I didn’t hear you.” She explained, and then glanced back down at her project with a secretive smile. “And you shall have to wait for John to get here before I show you.”
Segundus was all but burning with curiosity as he seated himself at the table before the fire and resolved himself not to press for answers. Arabella had a certain gift for the most beautifully subtle and discreet magics. He distracted himself for the moment by recalling how Childermass had been the first to spot it in her drawings. The way they would breathe, move with winds unfelt, or sometimes even change far more dramatically when one was not looking.
It was not long before Childermass arrived, slinking in like a shadow, and startling them both. “Ah, you’re here.” Segundus said delightedly. Childermass gave him a sardonic look, as if to say ‘no, really?’ but Segundus no longer took such things to heart. “Arabella has a surprise for us, it seems, and she refused to tell me anything until you arrived.” He explained.
Childermass glanced at her. “I had wondered at the magic. I can’t place what it’s for.”
Arabella looked startled. “Magic?” She questioned, then looked down to consider her project with a bemused tilt of her head.
“You had not intended to create an enchantment?” Segundus questioned.
“No, I had not, although I had not intended not to, either.” Arabella mused, before laughing a little. “I suppose when one pours all one’s heart and soul into so magical a thing, there is bound to be some sort of magical consequence.”
“So magical a thing?” Childermass questioned, and then made a sound of understanding as Arabella rose and turned, presenting them with what she had been making.
They were crowns, of a sort, made of vines of ivy, twisted and woven to form a band that was thick with the iconic leaves on the outside, but more bare on the inner side, so that it may be worn about the head without squashing any part of it. There were three of them in her hands, Segundus marked, one for each of them.
He caught himself smiling, and there was a smile in Childermass’s voice, too, when he spoke again. A smile, and a touch of wry humour. “Ivy crowns for the three magician rulers of Starecross Hall? A bit more grandiose than your usual, love.”
Arabella smiled; a smug, laughing thing, though Segundus had never been able to read anything unkind in it. “Ivy has other meanings, John.” She chided lightly. “But yes, it’s because we are magicians that I thought of it.” Her smile dimmed into something pained as she came and set the crowns upon the table, and paused there to lightly stroke her fingers over the leaves. “I know that our love must always be concealed behind our white roses…” She began, and Segundus abruptly remembered the other old legend about ivy. About it growing from the graves of sundered lovers to intertwine, and bring them together even in death.
“But perhaps there, at least, we might be bound together with ivy?” Segundus finished for her softly, his heart feeling suddenly as though it had become a little starling, light and fluttering and liable to fly off if spooked. Childermass, still standing in the middle of the room, drew in a sharp breath, and when Segundus looked to him, he saw a mirror of his own startled awe in his eyes.
Arabella laughed a little breathlessly, and Segundus recognised then that they were all caught in the same nervous excitement, the same disbelieving awe. “I know it is not precisely the done thing, but…” She paused, and then lifted one of the crowns, presenting it to them as though it truly were a coronation. “Will you marry me? If not in the Christian way, since that would be impossible, then at least in the way of magicians…” She trailed off hopefully.
Childermass stepped forward before Segundus could scrape words together out of the dazed mess his thoughts had become, and lifted the crown out of Arabella’s hands. He was as careful with it as he was with his battered old cards, and lifted it to rest it upon Arabella’s beautiful dark hair. Arabella breathed in, sharp and shaky, and blinked over a tentative, joyful smile. “The pair of you have ruled my heart for a good long while now, I see no reason you shouldn’t have actual crowns to go with your kingdom.” Childermass told her, casting a pointed look over his shoulder at Segundus, as well.
It was that which prompted Segundus, finally, to action. “Well said.” He murmured as he stood, and then plucked up the second crown, and lifted it up to Childermass, who was forced to bow his head to accept it, being as tall as he was. While he had been doing that, Arabella had retrieved the final crown, and Segundus bowed his own head to let her press it lightly down to settle over his curls.
The moment it was in place, he felt it. It was no very powerful spell. Like all of Arabella’s magic, it was subtle and unobtrusive. A warm, comforting blanket about his shoulders, a quiet melodic hum against the chill of the silence they were forced to hide behind. “A geis.” Childermass murmured.
“A magical vow.” Segundus agreed. “I think perhaps this is the most perfect wedding we could ever have had.” He mused, delighted. They had not spoken any words of love or fidelity, perhaps, but then they hadn’t needed to. The ivy had said it all for them, under the secret, safe silence of their roses.
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ernmark · 7 years
Could we get one where Damien /isn't/ dead? Some kind of h/c, because I could really use that. (Ps I really love that one of Lord Arum's first thoughts when he pulls himself together is that he needs to check on Rilla)
I’ve actually got a couple of fics where Damien is hurt or at risk and comfort ensues. All of them are Bouquet, because reasons.
Arum and Rilla help Damien through a panic attack 
Damien suddenly remembers that he HAS A BROKEN LEG  
Arum and Rilla wait for Damien to come home from a diplomatic mission and Arum worries himself sick | Part 2 
Damien tests a trap for Arum and it ends badly (NSFW)
Damien is poisoned during a battle and Arum helps out 
I adore that particular dynamic in their relationship. 
When Lord Arum leaves the Empress’ Grotto, he’s carrying Damien in his arms. It’s meant to be another layer of humiliation, a spectacle for all the most powerful monsters to gawk over and laugh at: the lofty Lord Arum, hauling a human through the jungle like a lowly baggage troll! If there was ever any hope of salvaging his reputation, this display ensures that it is dead and devoured. Perhaps with some begging and scraping, he might have persuaded the Empress to allow a more discreet method of carrying Damien from harm’s way.
Perhaps. But that would require leaving him in the care of another monster, with careless hands and sharp claws that could do so much harm to his delicate honeysuckle. 
The thought raises his hackles and his frill, and he sweeps a murderous gaze at the monsters who crowd his path. Let them all jump in a pit, for all he cares. Let them come at him, if they think he’s fallen so low. He’ll carve them to pieces and roast them on a spit if they try to touch Damien again. 
Damien shudders and moans, and Arum relaxes his grip.
“Shh, little knight,” he murmurs under his breath. “Sleep. You’re safe now.” His voice is low, but not low enough.
Nearby, a fox cackles. “Is the darling sleepy? Shall you sing him a lullaby?” Nearby monsters join her laughter, some of them breaking into a lewd, mocking song. 
Arum turns his gaze ahead and keeps walking.
He wants to tell himself that he doesn’t care what the others think, but he would have to distend his jaw to swallow such a lie. Their mockery he can stand– it isn’t as though he has neighbors to worry about anymore– but if they think he’s weak, then it’s only a matter of time before one of them comes after him. And if they don’t have the dignity to face him directly, they know where to strike. After all, they’re watching him hold his heart in his hands.
Arum is an architect, not an herbalist, but he knows enough about medicine to be cautious. After all, the treatments that would save a tanuki might kill an aswang and be entirely ineffectual on a nymph. But Rilla is a skilled physician; as soon as she has Damien stabilized she turns on Arum.
“Let me take a look at you,” she urges, because she means well.
“It’s fine,” he mutters. “It will heal on its own.”
“But it doesn’t have to–”
“Yes, it does.” His voice is sharper than he intended, too much like the memory of a blade. He knows he should apologize, and he hates that he’s in a position where he has to. But when he raises his eyes to Rilla’s, her expression is soft and understanding.
“Okay,” she says gently. “I believe you. But let me know if it does anything unusual. I don’t want it getting infected.” 
He sighs, begrudging and grateful. “I will.”
He’s all too aware of her little kindnesses and mercies. It would be so easy for her to bar him from her home, but she lets him stay. During the day, he rests in the trees over her hut, basking in the feel of sunlight on his scales. At night, he keeps vigil, soothing Damien’s nightmares and bringing a bowl to his lips when he calls for water. Rilla teaches him the proper ways to care for him, explaining each poultice and application in exacting detail so he can recreate them if need be. He wonders how much of her tutelage is for Damien’s sake and how much is meant to keep his mind off his own troubles.
Sir Angelo delivers meals and supplies to them with as much discretion as the oversized human can manage. He seems to have taken a liking to Arum, and that too is Rilla’s doing: she’s the one who told him that Arum was injured while rescuing his friend. It’s a kind way of putting it, if not entirely true.
Slowly Damien regains his strength– faster than Arum had hoped for, though he isn’t sure how these things fare for humans. Within days he’s on his feet, if only for a few minutes at a time. Rilla takes his arm and walks him through her garden while Arum hovers behind, ready to catch him if he should fall. 
He always tries to stay behind Damien when he can, and to keep himself covered with his cape when he can’t. It’s vanity, he knows, but then, he’s always been vain. This is something more than that. Bad enough when the other monsters laughed at him. Their mockery and his shame were part of the bargain that he made, and he accepted that with the few scraps that remained of his honor.
He was less prepared for the look of horror in Rilla’s eyes when she saw the injury, or the cold fury there when he explained. He dreads seeing the same in Damien’s face, or the guilt that’s bound to follow. The thought of it hurts more than his injured body and wounded pride. 
Soon Damien is well enough to be awake for most of the day, though Rilla insists that he stay in bed, the better to heal. She tasks Arum with sitting with him during those long days– to protect him from ‘demons of sloth and idleness’, whatever that means. He spends most of that time sitting on the cot with Damien, his arms wrapped around his little knight to keep him pressed against his chest. Sir Angelo provides Arum with a quilt large enough to cover him properly, either to keep warm inside the hut or to better hide his humiliation, though Arum isn’t sure which. It’s a kind gesture.
Damien’s hesitation, he supposes, is also meant to be kind.
He faithfully avoids the question for hours, contenting himself with idle chatter and scraps of poetry and long rests simply leaning against Arum’s chest and listening to his heartbeat, but the need to ask is palpable in the air. Every so often he forms the first syllables in his mouth and then swallows them down, sure that the time isn’t right, and every time Arum can feel his own dread mounting. It’s going to happen sooner or later, and it’s going to be terrible no matter when it comes out. But Damien keeps his silence, at least until Rilla steps into the garden to check on her experiments. 
“Lord Arum?” His voice is soft and tremulous, and Arum doesn’t have the heart to tell him that it isn’t ‘lord��� anymore. “If you’ll forgive my asking... what happened to your tail?”
After all the anticipation, it should be a relief that the question is out in the open, but his only consolation is that he’s had a chance to ready a reply.
“It’s growing back nicely.” 
He can feel Damien swallow. “Ah. They can do that?” 
Arum nods, resting his chin on Damien’s shoulder so his little knight can’t see his face. It will grow back, but it won’t ever be the same. It will be shorter than it was, less elegant, the scales discolored compared to the rest. For the rest of his life, it will mark him for what he’s done. 
“But you didn’t answer me,” Damien presses. “What happened?” 
Arum could lie-- but Damien could ask Rilla, if he wanted. Even if he didn’t, he has a warrior’s eyes. One glance at the stump would tell him everything: no battle wound would be so clean, so precise, so deliberate. 
Wondering will hurt him more than the truth.
Arum keeps his head low on Damien’s shoulder. “I am an architect, honeysuckle. You know that combat is not my greatest strength.” Two of his arms are wrapped tight around Damien’s chest; his remaining claws twine with the knight’s hands. “So I made an arrangement.”
He can smell the anxiety seeping into Damien’s sweat. Damien tries to turn, but Arum won’t let him. He can’t face what he knows he’ll see. “You let them do this to you.”
“It’s a token gesture, really. My kind are particular about symbolism.”
He remembers the Empress’ words, just before the ax came down: If you will walk among humans, then you shall walk like them.
It was meant to pacify him, but Damien sounds like he might be sick. “Arum-- Lord Arum, I’m so-- you didn’t have to-- you shouldn’t have--”
“Stop.” Arum’s voice is sharp, but hands are gentle. “I made the choice, and it was mine to make. Don’t take that from me.” He unwraps one hand from around Damien’s waist and trails it over his forearm, tracing the path of a familiar scar. His claws fit perfectly against the four parallel lines, given on a midnight duel so long ago. “Let me wear my scars with pride.” 
Because those scars mean something, and everyone knows it: that this sweet, absurd little human means more to him than his holdings, or his wealth, or his power, or his vanity. The other monsters may think him foolish, but he’ll be damned if he lets one of them take Damien from him. 
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solanaceaess · 7 years
I just had a thought from a picture I saw and?? Honestly??
SasuNaruSaku ot3 polyamory all together but
Plus Sai? And a bit of InoSaku and InoSai???
And like a bit of NaruHina that's developed and healthy??
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tirsynni · 3 years
Slowly getting caught up on my to-do list. Whumptober 10/31, pre-Chreon/pre-OT3 “Oops, I Did It Again,” or the one where you can pry the headcanon of Leon’s shoulder still bothering him out of my cold, dead hands.
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philtatosbuck · 3 years
ngl the reason i don't ship k/lagang over ralagang is that from the very start k/lagang is very based in cheating, in which kala has been emotionally (and psychically) cheating on a good man who has offered her at least three outs, one before the marriage and two during the proceedings, that she chose not to take and also chose to continue to be with rajan while cheating on him with wolfgang and that does not appeal to me? an ot3 with them is ten times more appealing than fics where the ot3 ending is ignored and kala just ends up leaving rajan who she has been entirely unfaithful to the entire time despite the fact he WOULD have let her out of the marriage. like kalagang does not appeal to me in the way it probably does everyone else. i would rather have had a build up conversation to it obviously as well as more seasons for rajan and wolfgang's relationship but you'll pry the ot3 ending from my cold dead hands.
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juneerah · 4 years
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Saejima out with his two best girls because you're gonna have to pry this OT3 from my cold, dead hands!
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strideofpride · 3 years
dan from gg for the character ask!
do I like them: Of course!
5 good qualities: He’s loyal, snarky (I like that at least), smart, caring, and pretty empathetic.
3 bad qualities: He’s judgmental, can be close-minded, and can be overly critical.
favourite episode/etc: I’m gonna go with 413 just cause that’s his peak looks wise lmao.
otp: Dair duh
brotp: Hmm I’m gonna say a tie between Nate/Dan and Dan/Vanessa. Also the Van der Humphreys as a sibling unit.
ot3: Dan/Nate/Blair!!!
notp: Dan/Rachel Carr 🤢
best quote: “That girl is fiercely strong. Independent. Outspoken. Beautiful. Capable of anything. And no man or magazine should be able to take that away from her.”
head canon: Dan has kids in some capacity or another. You can pry dilf!Dan out of my cold dead hands.
give me a character and I’ll answer
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sagemoderocklee · 4 years
Reiteration ❤️ A (but not GaaLee :p) P T
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
oof. okay so aside from GaaLee:
1) ShikaTema 2) NejiTen 3) Kakagai
i think these are the only like three ships i could say i feel strongly enough about that i’d classify them as OTPs. GaaLee honestly gets its own category anyways. im not really active in any other fandoms, and the only other ship I’ve ever felt as strongly about as i have gaalee was really Harry/Draco and well... ya know. Although if i were still super active in CLAMP fandom KuroFai and DouWata would 100000% be up there. And of course the forever and unbeatable Sakura/Shaoran but specifically CCS SakuShao because I think TRC isn’t quite as good with their romance
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
oh. that’s. okay we’re answering hard questions tonight i see.
something niche for you and me: new member of your MLM/communist/leftist reading group is Very Cute but very new to MLM/etc and needs extra help to understand the complicated history, theories, etc.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything).
oh god. this is really opening a can of worms lmao and also.... i may have to put this under a cut because god i have so fucking many and some of them may need elaboration.
1. Gaara doesn’t ever take up sleeping/napping post Shukaku
this is something that I know a lot of ppl don’t like/want because everyone wants Gaara to be happy and like big same! but i do think that Gaara’s physiology is entirely altered from Shukaku and the lack of sleep. I feel like having it ingrained in him that he couldn’t sleep, knowing the devastation it would cause, plus all the trauma he has--he’d be plagued by nightmares first of all, and no shinobi is gonna wanna take a sleep aid or something to help them sleep more easily because that would just be a huge opening for someone to attack you. but the other thing is i think it would genuinely make him feel sick. like i know that when i get too little sleep i feel sick because my body needs a certain amount. BUT i also know that those days where im too depressed and don’t get out of bed and sleep too much i ALSO feel like shit. Gaara has lived his entire life without sleep--barring specific instances of forced sleep to release Shukaku--and his body has to have adapted to that. fifteen years of not sleeping there’s no way his body would know what to do with that. his body is so used to subsisting (and this is my own like explanation for how Gaara survived pre and post Shukaku) off of massive quantities of food and by funneling his own chakra into his brain to act as rest, healing, etc.  like i think at this point it’s so unconscious that he isn’t even aware he’s doing it anymore--like breathing. His chakra--which is already another physiological system in their bodies--is just taking up the job of the rest portion of his brain.
that all being said, i do still think this will have an overall affect on his lifespan, but not necessarily his physical or mental health in the immediate sense.
2. Kankuro is straight.
this goes for like all the characters i see as straight, and like i hate like putting this in the like “die defending” category, but there’s this sort of.... sense that when you’re LGBT in fandom you’re gonna see every character as gay and you’re sus/someone’s gonna side eye you if you don’t. like i get the whole ‘well obviously everything is straight and cis IRL, and im sick of it’ reasoning behind��“everyone is gay/trans” but the thing is.... I wanna see cis and straight people who support their gay/trans friends and family. I don’t need to live in a world where no one is straight and cis. I need to live in a world where people who are straight and cis actually support and love LGBT people. i personally don’t get anything out of the fantasy of no straight cis people because what does that solve? and what does that say about the homophobia and transphobia within the series? It doesn’t solve or say anything. And quite frankly a series like Naruto is inherently homophobic and transphobic (especially trans misogynistic), and i think brushing that aside with an “everyone’s gay/trans” is more insulting than helpful because it’s not addressing the issue. I’m more invested in seeing the characters who aren’t LGBT supporting and loving and working to make the world better for their LGBT friends, family, and community.
like i know not everyone is writing/reading fanfiction or art or what have you in fandom for like realism or whatever, i get the whole escapism of it all, but i approach it this way because for me I just don’t get anything out of pretending that the -isms and -phobias within the series don’t exist.
also straight trans people exist?????
i could go on about this--like some characters are just... not good and i don’t wanna claim that as LGBT because of that--but like i think this is the biggest thing for me at the end of the day: seeing ppl who aren’t LGBT supporting LGBT ppl.
3. Gaara is a polyglot. Also, he’s self-taught in just about everything. He spent most of his youth in the Suna library for obvious reasons, so reading, writing, language, poetry, history, politics, arts, etc he learned there on his own.
4. Shikamaru and Temari live in Suna 6 months out of the year, and Konoha the other 6. Temari does NOT give up her job to be a nagging wife, and Shikamaru is 100% a wife man.
5. Lee is not originally from Konoha or Fire. He doesn’t remember his parents or how he wound up at a Konoha orphanage because trauma. Also his first language isn’t Japanese.
I have more specific HCs about who Lee’s parents are, where he came from, and what happened to his parents, but that’s like spoilers for a fic.
6. Tenten is not an outright orphan. She actually comes from a clan of weapons masters and smiths.
I think it’s fairly common for ppl to assume Tenten is an orphan because we obviously never see her family--granted we just don’t see much of her to begin with--but I personally fell in love with the idea of her having a clan with the focus being weapons. Her parents are still dead, but she lives with her grandmother, who’s renowned for her weapons.
7. Lee has a HUGE amount of chakra. Like obnoxiously huge stores of it that he just doesn’t know how to manipulate--not quite Kisame levels, but definitely a LOT. He gets as far as walking on water and walls, but he absolutely has to be focused to accomplish those feats and prefers just going really fast so he doesn’t fall in/off.
8. Sage mode!Rock Lee.
I have talked about this before(x, x), but you can absolutely pry this from my cold dead hands--actually, you couldn’t. I’d still hold on to this even in death.
9. Lee has like a photographic memory which is why he always writes things down that people tell him.
10. Gaara will be the last Kazekage--whoever comes after him (and i do have a HC for that) will be Kazekage only in the sense that they’re like the figurehead maybe, but ultimately Gaara is working to completely change the shinobi way of life and the Kage system will be dismantled starting with Suna/Gaara.
11. In a modern AU context, Lee is a HUGE fan of Queen and Bruce Lee.
12. Lee definitely grows his hair out later on in life and changes up his attire and becomes his own person.
13. The Kazekage Estate is a generation home--most households in Suna are, and in fact, it’s really fucking weird for someone not to live in a generational home--so Gaara lives there with his siblings. When Temari gets married, she and Shikamaru live there, and continue to do so when they have kids. If Kankuro has a kid (and a spouse), they’ll live there too. Lee eventually moves in. The house is always filled with love. When Gai visits with Kakashi, or when Tenten and Neji visit, they stay there too.
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trailerparkbubbs · 4 years
Hello! Can you do A, E, N, R, T, W and/or Z for the fandom meme on TPB please ? You don't have to do all of them tho
Hi! Thanks for sending this in :)
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
Lucy/Sarah is my main one, they are a power couple and also Sarah is basically a second mother to Trinity... there’s no way Lucy and Sarah haven’t fooled around/slept together while Ricky was in jail, especially considering they’ve canonically slept together before.
Since getting into the Tumblr fandom (and watching the animated series) I’ve also started to ship Ricky and Julian... I don’t think it’ll ever become canon but I mean there are two separate episodes where Ricky is just like “Yeah I’m gay” and it’s never resolved so uh who knows I guess
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
I don’t think so? I haven’t been here that long. I did add a very cursed gif of Conky if that counts?
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
I just wish there was more fan created content generally? There’s only a handful of blogs actively making Trailer Park Boys content right now and they’re all very good but it’s a tiny percentage of what most fandoms have... more specifically I wish there was more love for Sarah, more gifs, and more posts about the animated series.
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
This is obscure but I think Marguerite and Donny (offscreen Donny not Donna’s counterpart) should get together and scream at people from their porch... maybe love would mellow Donny out a little bit
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all
Asexual Bubbles... I’m sure if they continue making more content for the TPB universe long enough they’ll eventually try and put him in a relationship/make him have sex with someone but so far it’s been twenty years and the most he’s done is make a few comments about some strippers being hot... anyways you can pry ace Bubbles out of my cold dead hands
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
I really appreciate the amount of in-character promo material there is for TPB? Like, the interviews on talk shows, the podcast, the live shows, etc? In general, while there are definitely some major exceptions, I think TPB really utilizes the mockumentary format in a way that other shows don’t... having every celebrity on the show guest star as themselves, for instance... also the camera crew constantly being acknowledged and Ricky even breaking the camera at one point... anyways I love them
Oh also! I don’t think I’ve talked about this before but I love whenever Bubbles plays music... Liquor And Whores is a bop... as is Who’s Got Your Belly... however my personal favourite might be his name is Duuuuuuuukkkke and he is a gooood caaaaaaatttt...
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bluesidedaydream · 7 years
Fool off hence, but HieixBotanxKurama has been my jam for like a thousand years, and needs more love and appreciation.
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onlymorelove · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
You say: Love is a temple Love a higher law Love is a temple Love the higher law You ask me to enter But then you make me crawl
One life But we’re not the same We get to carry each other Carry each other
@gwennieliz @qqueenofhades
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a-crimson-lion · 4 years
Oops, I Did It Again...
Moral Alignment (Shipping Edition)
Lawful Good: The Loyal Shipper
"I just like this particular pairing. Stuck with it since day one. It's fine if you ship other things, though."
-Has only one ship, is content.
-Thinks other ships are neat too, but isn't nearly as invested.
-Is respectful of other people's shipping opinions... most of the time.
Neutral Good: The Multishipper
"They all deserve so much love!!!"
-Has several ships, can't decide how to solve some of their love triangles.
-Heavily invested in the character dynamics.
-They are constantly at war with themselves because they have yet to hear of polyamory; they still stick by their ships, though.
Chaotic Good: The Mega-Poly Shipper
"Look at me. Look at me! I'm the captain now. And you can pry these ships from my cold, dead hands."
-OT3s, OT4s, Poly Ships, Harems, Reverse Harems, Giant Polyamories; they have no limits.
-Love triangle? You mean OT3. Master of polyamory.
-The Multishipper's next logical stage; probably has way too many emotions and/or hormones, but they're fine.
Lawful Neutral: The Casual Shipper
"Huh. They're kinda cute..."
-The type to get dragged into ships without any agency of their own.
-Doesn't ship often or as passionately compared to other shippers.
-Just going with the flow.
True Neutral: The "Agree To Disagree" Shipper
"I get where your coming from, but... it's just not my thing."
-Has a few ships for various personal reasons.
-Will respect your opinion on various ships they don't ship. Will also explain why they ship what they ship if you ask.
-Probably shouldn't push them to their limits; some people are slow to anger, not void of it.
Chaotic Neutral: The Whatever Shipper
"Eh, okay. I guess..."
-Really doesn't care about a ship, even if it's canon and/or heaviky reveered in canon.
-Doesn't look into ships often, so they usually stay out of the discourse.
-Will only give a ship the side eye if they belive something is GLARINGLY off about it.
Lawful Evil: The Callout Shipper
"This ship is WRONG because blah blah blah..."
-Tries to restrain themselves from attacking other ships, 50/50 chance they'll go off anyway.
-May or may no have legitimate points against the ship in question.
-Tolerated because they make an effort to not excessively criticize.
Neutral Evil: The Obsessive Shipper
-Has only one ship, but is far less content than the Loyal Shipper. See quote, "This is why we can't have nice things..."
-Hates any ship that "gets in the way" of their ship. If you don't like their ship (or just don't actively ship it), prepare for spam and slander. They take no prisoners.
-Definitely the kind of person who'd hate a character for "ruining" their ship.
Chaotic Evil: The Ranking Shipper
"Lowly peasants. My ship is clearly superior to your senseless rubbish!"
-There's far, there's too far, and then there are these people.
-Will actively put down other ships (crack or otherwise) simply because they believe it's stupid; doesn't get certain AUs with different ships.
-Next level Obssessive Shipper. Almost always on a high horse; their fall will either be glorious or horrifying, depending on what happens afterwards.
Once again, these are not meant to be taken seriously! I just did this for fun. See y'all next time!
-Crimson Lion (24 April 2020)
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