#ps. chara is NOT evil in this au
eeveearoace-creative · 4 months
Save Our Souls!!
(aka SOS AU/ the SOS AU)
It's a canon divergent Undertale AU that I'm working on writing. I'm not sure when I'll actually have any writing up, but I'm already really invested in it!
What is it?
Save Our Souls (SOS) is a canon divergent Undertale AU that breaks away from canon at the end of the Omega Flowey fight. After the human souls rebel, Flowey tries to reset, but things go wrong and Flowey and the human souls both start to "glitch out" before disappearing.
This leaves Frisk unable to reset, but not without hope of a happy ending. With Chara, their friend and ghost companion by their side, Frisk is determined to somehow find the human souls and save everyone. But will they be able to succeed?
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highlifeboat · 1 year
To be onsest, despite everything I have said so far, I don`t think that it would fit Mias and or Ethans character to look past the mold to see the lonely and cofused child that hides behind the mask. They are just to hateful and impulsive for that.
I personaly think she woulld need a compleatly different person to redem her. Characters that are known for their kindness and epathy towards even the cruelest persons. Maye a specific Oc or even characters from a compleatly different fandom.
I personally have two scenarios in mind that would also make for some great webcomis or fanfictions:
An Undertale crossover were Eveline (in her child form) falls into the underground instead of Frisk. It would be interesting to see her interactions with Flowey and Toriel. Espacialy Toriel since she is also lonely and wants a child of her own. It would be interesting to see how much her influence would change the underground and the main story in general. I would also love to see her interactions with Papyrus and all the other characters, espacialy her diologs with Flowey, who would be trying to manipulate her. Beeing torn between what´s right and what´s wrong could be an interesting struggle for her. Maybe her soul would have some special propertise that she could use. I would also be curios to see how the monsters would interpret their findings when anilizing her body , genes and internal parts. Maybe she would also free the monsters like Frisk did and if not I would love to know how much she would alter this place.
A story were Eveline meets SCP-999. You know that cute orange slime creature that just wants to hug, tickle and make everyone happy. Its also known to cure depression and comfort people that are lonely and or sad. You get the idea. I mean she would be irritaded at first but since she can`t kill it, It would probably become her friend or pet. It would act like a dog and It would alsways be willing to play with her. I mean it would try to help her but at the same time protect everyone who she is trying to harm. So who knows how it would play out.
Ps: I dearly apologize in case I have been anoying you with these long questions lately.
Yeah, but that's part of the fun with AU stuff. Like, realistically they probably wouldn't, but what if they did anyway, y'know? (Granted you're talking to someone who's whole blog is basically just Mia x Alcina AU content)
I don't know much about SCP 999 but the idea of Eveline being stuck with this slime ball for a friend is kind of funny. "Aggressive child slowly learns to love through the unconditional love of a pet" is kind of cute tbh, I just don't know enough to have a full input on it.
Makes me think a scenario where SCP and Resident Evil are in the same universe, too, and instead of Blue Umbrella coming to kill Evie, the SCP Foundation shows up to capture her instead (but also the Baker house would probably be considered a secondary part of her, and the people inside a third, so I don't know if they'd take her from the location or just heavily quarantine it off. Since Eveline doesn't do anything unless someone steps on the property anyway. Unfortunately this also means nobody who goes on it leaves but y'know.)
The Undertale AU is neat too, I'm just... Not that big into Undertale anymore pfff. Just... Given how Eveline is, I don't even know if she would leave Toriel's house. Assuming all this happens the same kind way, Eveline would get saved by Toriel, taken through the entrance to the Underground, and the probably just vibe when she basically claims Evie as her own. Cause that's pretty much all Evie wants.
Frisk left because they wanted to go home. Unless Eveline has someone she's trying to go back to, I think she'd be more like Chara and just sort of hang out with Toriel.
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masterhandss · 4 years
Okay, hear me out: Hamefura magical girl/boy series. Fortune lover was a harem/magical girl anime that past life Katarina loved, but takes a walk with truck-kun, and gets reincarnated as the traitor character in the show. Deciding to stay as far away as possible from the magical girl stuff, she tries to live out her life as a normal girl, but in a strange turn of events, finds the magical creature, anne, and becomes a magical girl. Also Katarina becomes the leader instead of Maria.
That’s a really cool AU idea! A quick side track, I really do think that Fortune Lover could have been better of as an isekai into a novel/series rather than an otome game like what other japanese/korean otome isekais have done, considering how much extra content FL is getting in the series to extend the series (aka FL2 and an FL fanbook). Of course it’s perfectly fine as it is since it explains the harem aspect the best.
I really like your idea for the a Hamefura Magical Girl AU! Katarina becoming the new leader of a magical girl group would be a great subversion of the original material and is a perfect equivalent to her essentially becoming the new heroine of an otome game. 
Your idea of Anne being the partner familiar is so perfect I have no words, there’s a lot of series where the magical pet acts as kinda like a guide or tsukkomi for the magical girl so it really fits! I can even imagine some sort of heartwarming comparison between Fortune Lover and the current timeline where the original pet Anne is a normal magical guide who isn’t too personally involved with the girls and mostly just gives exposition and plot to the girls in the Fortune Lover series, but when Katarina becomes the leader she’s more outspoken and reprimanding, being more personally involved as she constantly need to help Katarina in getting her head together. 
I’d love to hear what you’re idea of OG!Katarina’s role in the Magical Girl AU would be. She could be like an evil magical girl that acts as one of the antagonists for the girls, but she can also be that archetype that every magical girl show has where there’s this spoiled rich girl who either arrogantly claims to be part of that magical girl group or belittles them as if she is somehow better than them. Or a combination where the spoiled rich girl is given a chance to transform but works for the villains because of her hatred of the heroes!
I personally haven’t watched or read many series where both male and female characters play the role of magical guardians of a country (unless its super sentai stuff) so it’s kinda hard for me to imagine what kind of roles the boys play in all of this. I’m just gonna assume/imagine something in the same vein as Shugo Chara when it comes to the range of magical heroes in Fortune Lover. 
There’s a Magical AU oneshot that reminds me a lot of this premise, so here’s a link if you haven’t already seen it.
Thinking about this is really fun! I’d love to maybe write my own ideas for a Magical Girl AU, but I’m not that well versed in Magical Girls/Boys ever since I grew out of them in my childhood so I know that there are lots more qualified to expand this AU more than me. I’d love to hear more ideas though and throw in my own dumb expansions and ideas hahaha!
Thank you for the ask! :DD (PS. I love you Annette profile!)
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hoodie-lover · 4 years
My Multiverse Ask Event! #3
“UT sans why do you refuse to fight the human until they are level 19 in genocide route?”
“Because it is the only time it matters. Any other time I don’t have to worry about the world ending. If you were trapped in a world where nothing, almost nothing, you do matters, why do something that doesn’t matter? And I must say, the look on their face when I launched my first attack, and their faces afterwards, were worth it.” Sans said, smiling at the memory of their shocked face.
“Flowey if the human genocides you are aware they won't hesitate to kill you right? ps why not just pop up from the ground in the room with the human souls and take them?”
“I know. But I like watching everyone die, it’s funny as they try to stop an unstoppable threat, how they sacrifice themselves and whatnot. And if the human can beat Sans, Undyne, and slaughter almost every monster of all, why would the souls be able to do anything? Sure I could flee, but I am the Prince of the Underground, I’m going down with my ship.” Flowey said, his face appearing to be a mix of Asriel and his own before morphing back as he chuckled a sinister giggle.
“Frisk so your saying that your next reset will be a genocide if so is it because your possesses by chara or because your a bad person. ps if your possesed by chara during genocide why kill flowey knowing he is asriel? pps do you even make it to the surface after genocide?” “Chara is only there to make me remember my crimes, kill Asgore, and Flowey. And I’m not really a bad person per say, I’m just a kid having fun! And why would I return to the surface? The Underground is more fun. Asriel is dead, Flowey is someone new, and Flowey is pathetic.” Frisk said, smiling. “To all skeletons when you eat food where does it go? do you even have a stomach?” “We only eat magic-based foods so it is instantly absorbed. It just disperses and helps heal and stuff.” Papyrus said, making hand gestures to help explain it. “Error, when are you guys going to start looking for who Error once was? We can help! We know multiple versions of Error and many versions of his backstory to draw reference from. I'd start with G̵͈͇̙͖̰͇̠̥̱͍̅̿͌̀̋̄͛̇̽̒̄̿̄̑̈́̾͊̔̉̄͒̕ȩ̸̛̠̗͓̗̃̈́̏́͆̓̃̅̎͊̾̃̐͐̍̍͘͜n̸̢̢̛̲̬͎̱̘͍͎̗̯̘̭͉̦̓͗̓̓͂̀̈́̀͜͠͝͝ơ̵̢̗̼̳̥̞̱̺̭̠̅̐̐̾̽͋̋͐́̍͊̈́̈́͘͠. Trust me.” “What? We didn’t hear what you said.” Error stated, sipping some hot chocolate. Mini marshmallows danced on the surface. “Well, since you apparently can’t say who to start with, I guess we have no where to start from.” “How about we look at the timelines? Talk to the voices and see how long Error was there and what timelines had separated before and after then.” Horror said and Nightmare shrugged. “Sure.” In the Creator Realm, Maxie, Zack, Beatrice, Jana, and Jack were listening. “We all know it’s Geno right?” Maxie said and they nodded. “How about we drag this out? Make them suffer!” Jack said, and for once, Zack agreed. “It would be funny, just as long as they learn the truth eventually.” Zack said, earning a sadistic grin from Maxie. “Yay! I wonder if we can get some help in leading them astray?” Maxie said, calling over to the group asking the questions. “Wanna help us drag this out?” She asked. “UT sans when are you going to tell papyrus about resets?” “I already know. Though I have asked Sans the same question many many times.” Papyrus said, giving Sans a dirty look. Sans had come back from his sentry station for lunch. “You’d forget! Just because you know doesn’t mean you’ll remember. I’d figured out it was possible while looking through scans and other old work I look through every day. Plus knowledge of the multiverse helps.” Sans said, “I actually did tell you once, but it crushed your spirit. I didn’t want you to lose what made you, you. and I had a support group so I wasn’t handling it alone like I used to.” Sans said, Papyrus sighed in response. “UT sans how do you manage to put 29 hot dogs on a person's head and why not 30 hot dogs?” “Why not 28?” Sans said, and Papyrus groaned. “Ok ok I think we have embarrassed the boys enough, for now.... Dream any stories from your brothers past he would rather his boys not know about?” “YES!” Dream cried out and Nightmare tried to silence his brother, but he was tackled, bound, and gagged on the ground before he could make a sound. Everyone listened to Dream intently. “Nightmare, in the early days of our village’s founding, had a girlfriend.” Dream said, Nightmare thrashed on the ground as everyone gasped “Who?” Cross asked, eyes wide as he heard Chara snicker and make faces at Nightmare. “I don’t remember her, we didn’t really talk all that much, but what I do know is that,” Dream donned the smuggest and most evil smirk as he gave his brother a wicked glance, a twisted smile on his face. “Nightmare, lost his virginity to her.” Dream said and everyone went nuts. “Did he top?” Horror asked, and Killer laughed. “Was she a virgin too?” Dust cried out, looking at his struggling father. “She wasn’t, and I think he bottomed based on what he told me.” Dream said, genuinely puzzled. “So, how old were you?” Error asked, Dream thought about it. “We didn’t know at the time, as far as we’re aware, right now, we’re about 1200 years old, and the village was around for about 1,000 years, but she was about a young adult, maybe 20 or so.” Dream said, looking at his brother for confirmation. Tears were streaming down Nightmare’s face and Dream took pity on his sibling. “There, there, I only have one more to tell.” Dream said, picking up Nightmare and placing him on his lap as he cuddled him. “What’s the story?” Fresh asked, he was mostly silent but he was curious. “Nightmare’s first time drunk.” Dream said, and Nightmare froze as he tried to run away. “Nope.” Dream said, keeping Nightmare in place easily. “One day, I was given a present by someone, I don’t remember who they were. Nightmare girlfriend, Lily was her name, had long passed away by this point. They broke up but remained friends. It was a bottle of whisky, hardcore whisky.” Dream said, “Like Blue’s signature drink spiker.” Dream said and Blue gasped. “I do not spike drinks!” Blue said, huffing. “Sure.” Dream said, rolling his eyes as he continued. “Anyway, I wanted to share the gift with Nightmare, as I always did. I even broke apart, remade and regifted presents I recieved to Nightmare to make him feel better. So we drank the entire thing, Nightmare having most of it.” Dream said, clearly embarrassed. “If we had known, that night would have ended differently.” Dream told them. “Nightmare ended up singing a random song at the top of his lungs at the top of the tree. I was about to pass out most of the time. We never got drunk again, the hangover was bad.” “Ok back to embarrassing the boys, on a scale of 1 to 10 how cute is Error? this is for anyone that wants to weigh in on the Error cuteness scale. Also does he have glasses in this multi-verse and do they up his cuteness? Sorry Error you are my favorite!” “10.” Everyone said they had by this point released Nightmare. “I do have glasses, Nightmare gave them to me soon after they learned how bad my eyesight was, but I began to wear contacts when I started fighting with them.” Error said. “They were bigger and red versions of Harry Potter’s glasses, and they increase his cuteness to a solid twenty-six out of ten.” Cross said, smiling as Error blushed. “Oh I saw someone else mention how we know of many different Errors. I gotta say most of the Errors I have seen have been tortured horribly and are left in a pretty bad state. Are you sure you want to know where you came from? You can't ever go back to what you were before, and I don't want you to get hurt Error.” “I know. But, I want to know my story, I know I can’t go back, I know I have a Papyrus, Toriel, Alphys, Undyne, and all. But I never thought about it, and with the revelation that I’m an alternate timeline, I can dive a bit deeper. I know these people, and Killer, Horror, and Dust can help me. They know what it’s like.” Error said, “And I’m not asking to know about what you have put other me’s through, I can infer what you’ve done to them.” Error said, glaring. “Frisk, what do you think about the humans from other AU?s” “AUs? Do you mean, alternate universes? I was involved with many fandoms, so I know the term. Papyrus broke script last time, and Sans was acting odd a few years ago. Interesting. I must thank you, if I’m right, then I might be able to see my own handiwork again.” Frisk said. “Frisk, have you encountered Gaster yet? ps do you even know who Gaster is?” “I know who he is. Though he always disappears before I can say a word to him.” “Stretch, my tall orange jerk. How did you take the news that not only did Ink lie when he said the dark sanses took blue, but Ink was actually the one to take him and do some pretty bad things to our sweet little blueberry? What about when Ink had Dream hurt blue to keep him crashing? And how are taking Blue being more like Error now?” “I was mad, I wanted to kill him with my own hands. I let myself be fooled, and I can’t even blame myself half the time! I was just so powerless. I’m glad he’s dead.” Stretch said, grumbling as he blew out a puff of smoke. “I was ready to dust Dream right then and there, but Blue held me back. And the yellow squirt’s apology was overwhelming. I could barely go a day without a text or in-person apology, and when he finally earned my lack of distrust, we haven’t talked since aside from the occasional ‘hello’. And Blue had it worse.” “It took awhile for me to get used to Blue’s glitching. Sometimes he crashed and rebooted, those were scary and they still are. Error helped Blue and I adjust, helping us figure out Blue’s glitching triggers. Stress being a big one. I’m grateful for his help, though I may not like him.” Stretch said, lighting another cigarette. “And now the most important question ever asked... Who wants to join the Error protection squad? I'll make badges!” “ME!” Blue cried out, eyes glowing big and blue as he smiled. “Don’t forget about us!” Cross said and Error sighed as he buried himself in his outfit as everyone announced how they would join. “It’s ok Error. I’d defend you, but I don’t need a badge.” Dream said and Error smiled, he was glad his family would defend him. He felt safe, and he felt loved. “What is the worst timeline or version of this universe any of you have ever experienced? I mean, this is a multiverse. What are the darkest reaches of it?” “Aside from our own personal trauma, I think it was one of those torture AUs.” Nightmare said, and Cross snapped his fingers, realizing what Nightmare meant. “Yeah, where the people exist only to be beaten and broken, no hope, no dreams, no reason and will to live. There’s also HorrorLustFell.” Cross said and everyone shuddered. “‘Nough said.” Dust announced and everyone nodded. “Frisk you know a genocide is technically impossible because you never kill annoying dog ps what do you think of annoying dog?” “The annoying dog doesn’t count, and I never get to Alphys or the people she evacuated either. And the dog is cute, I want to cuddle them.” Frisk said, their face looking like an innocent child’s instead of a mass murderer.
Formatting is off because of glitching in my word processor. I have it fixed.
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pallart · 7 years
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another bnha au for my oc!!! The White Star Hero; Nebula- don’t be fooled, she’s Lawful Evil and uses the system for her own gain. My girl <3 (ps those bnha fan chara requests are still open, I’ll be taking up to three)
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