cramenjoyer · 3 months
just woke up from a dream about divinity kink, "i will cleanse your sins if you submit to me" s4 sastiel smut and somehow the first words that popped into my head upon actual Awareness was "samcas (ft. kelly) pseudopregnancy era". so whatever's in the water could we turn it down a notch pls
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shrugemojiidk · 6 days
pseudopregnancy should be a common omegaverse trope
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nailgunstigmata · 10 months
dennis reynolds pseudopregnancy
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mofaxuanlan · 1 month
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decepti-thots · 2 years
Please do explain to us the robo pregnancy oh wise archivist
i just did a post explaining budding, but here's something cursed just for you if you like. there is one transformer in the franchise, as in the character themself is a robot, who is confirmed to have been created not just via some kind of pseudopregnancy, but specifically sexual reproduction. it's stampy. this was confirmed via the completely officially endorsed, formally accepted as canon facebook page that ask vector prime was included on. here is how this was canonized. there are therefore two cybertronians in the whole franchise who absolutely, canonically fuck. sorry for telling you this, it's a terrible burden to bear.
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abluehappyface · 8 months
Just did an assignment on pseudopregnancies for
💫🌟 Enrichment 🌟💫
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spookybunbun · 2 years
My partner's rabbit is having a pseudopregnancy and is nesting... does anyone have any tips for this??? She is pulling out fur, but not eating it. Should we try to stop her? Should we take the fur out so she doesn't eat it or should we leave it so she pulls out less? And should we give her blankets or just hay?
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Pic for attention. She's the one on the right
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kyoxyukiforever · 1 year
The Science of A/B/O
Part 2 - Heats and Ruts
Part 1 (The Basics), Part 2 (Heats and Ruts), Part 3 (Scents and Pheromones), Part 4 (Mating), Part 5 (Genetics and Presenting)
Warning: sex ed that no one asked for and all that that implies
Now for the moment we've all been waiting for...
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Now, heats are a real thing that occur in various mammalian species. The technical term is "estrous cycle," and it describes a set of recurring physiological changes that are induced by reproductive hormones. Now, I'm not a period-having person, but anyone reading this who is should probably be outraged by what I'm going to say next:
The estrous cycle is the physiological alternative to the menstrual cycle.
As in, some mammals don't have to shed their endometrium; their bodies can just resorb it and use it again. If you've ever wondered why cats don't get their periods, this is why. The estrous cycle has phases: proestrus, estrus, metestrus, and anestrus.
Proestrus could be called pre-heat. This is when the lining of the uterus develops and ovarian follicles start to grow. In humans, it's likely only one or two follicles would grown to maturity, because as a rule people don't give birth to more than two children on a regular basis. The uterus and vagina distend and become contractile (capable of producing contractions) and there might be some vaginal discharge. In humans, the uterus and vagina are always contractile, because we can have sex even when we aren't ovulating. The vagina can also distend in response to arousal to allow for penetration. For the purposes of your fanfiction, you might say that proestrus is the body preparing itself for a potential pregnancy.
During this time, the omega would likely experience discomfort, cramping, increased body temperature, and vaginal discharge. That discharge might even contain a small amount of blood, but not nearly what you would expect to see during a period. Also, something a little more applicable to your writing: a 2020 study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information stated that during the proestrus phase the "vagina is gaping and the tissues are moist and reddish-pink." So, uh. Have fun with that.
Estrus is what you typically think of when it comes to being in heat, when estrogen levels are highest and the ovarian follicles mature. This is when the individual becomes sexually receptive, actively seeking out a sexual partner. If you're wondering how true to life the desperation commonly depicted in fanfiction is, just be aware that the Latin word "oestrus" literally translates as "frenzy" or "madness."
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Interesting thing to note: some animals will exhibit what’s called the ‘lordosis reflex’ during estrus, which is really just a fancy way of saying that they stick their butts up in the air as an invitation to potential mates. Sometimes in A/B/O fanfiction this is called presenting — not to be confused with the OTHER kind of presenting, which I’ll get to later.
Obviously, the biological goal of this phase is to conceive, that is, get pregnant. In the event of a successful conception, gestation would follow. In real animals, lactation would also occur at a certain point in the pregnancy, but in A/B/O, that might or might not be the case. Again, that's up to author discretion.
Metestrus is the phase that follows after estrus if the individual didn't get pregnant. Typical metestrus, also called diestrus, is basically just the process of undoing the changes that occurred in the previous two phases. You could call it the 'resetting' phase. In some cases, an extended diestrus can occur. This extended diestrus, sometimes called pseudopregnancy, is a longer process, during which the body undergoes some of the same changes that would happen if a pregnancy had occurred, only to a lesser degree, such as lower testosterone and higher estrogen and prolactin levels.
Then, depending on the species, the estrus cycle might immediately begin all over with proestrus, or the body might enter the fourth and final stage: anestrus.
Anestrus is the down period - the well deserved break between heats. Some animals have a long anestrus, like dogs. Others, like mice, literally never catch a break. This all depends on how often the animal goes through their fertility cycle. Dogs are monoestrous, meaning they only have one fertility cycle in a mating season, whereas animals with many cycles in a season are referred to as polyestrous.
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Wonderful! Fantastic! But you might have noticed the big question we haven't answered yet: what would a human estrous cycle look like?
Well, we can find out pretty easily, actually! The phases of the estrous cycle correspond perfectly with phases of the menstrual cycle: proestrus and estrus are parts of the follicular or proliferative phase, and metestrus, diestrus, or pseudopregnancy are part of the luteal phase. We don't need to worry about what the follicular and luteal phases are; we just need to know that they are phases that occur in both estrous and menstrual cycles.
The average human menstrual cycle lasts 28 to 35 days. The follicular phase lasts 14 to 21 days, and the luteal phase lasts about 14 days. Again, this is just the average, and as someone approaches menopause the follicular phase tends to shorten to 10 days. The fertility window that occurs during the follicular phase lasts between 6 and 7 days. As for anestrus, humans don't experience a period of time when their reproductive systems are dormant.
Given that information, we can determine that the estrous cycle of a human omega would break down like this:
Metestrus: 14 days
Proestrus: 7-15 days
Estrus: 6-7 days
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Holy crap! We did it! We figured out what an omega's heat would look like using science! A little disclaimer: birth control and heat suppressants would have an effect on those numbers, with birth control shortening the follicular phase and lengthening the luteal phase, and heat suppressants could hypothetically induce an artificial anestrus. All that said, woo! Victory!
Now, I just have to figure out... everything else.
Let's talk rut.
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Rut is the male, or in this experiment, the alpha answer to the estrous cycle. Thankfully, ruts aren't nearly as complicated as heats.
Ruts are actually triggered by external factors, namely the cycles of potential mates and, oddly enough, the season. If the rut isn't designed to mirror the fertility cycle of the omega, it's designed around the gestation period of their species. The gestation-based rut lasts the length of a full estrous cycle, ensuring that the heat and rut will overlap. Scientists have posited that the shortening or lengthening of the days triggers rut in animals, timing things so the female will give birth in the spring.
This means that alphas would either have a seven-day-long rut when exposed to an omega in heat, OR a 28-35 day rut once a year between August and September.
(There's also a way that an omega's heat and an alpha's rut would 'sync up' just from spending a lot of time together, which we'll discuss when we get to pheromones.)
Ruts are characterized by a spike in testosterone, and across different species that spike manifests in a variety of ways. The obvious things are increased aggression and increased arousal. Some of the others are things you might not immediately think of, like various mating displays. That could include making loud noises, fighting other alphas, herding or attempting to herd omegas (usually those who are in heat, but taking into account humans' prolonged mating rituals, that wouldn't necessarily be the case), increased sexual dimorphisms, and - get this - enticing scent secretions from glands.
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Sexual dimorphisms are just the differences in appearance between different sexes, other than the actual sexual organs. In humans, that constitutes a variety of secondary sex characteristics, like facial hair and Adam's apples on men and breasts and widened hips on women. An alpha in rut might have thicker hair growth, or maybe even a slight voice drop.
But who cares about that when we've finally gotten to our next big topic:
Part 1 (The Basics), Part 2 (Heats and Ruts), Part 3 (Scents and Pheromones), Part 4 (Mating), Part 5 (Genetics and Presenting)
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puppyexpressions · 2 years
Signs of False Pregnancy in Dogs
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What Is False Pregnancy in Dogs?
False pregnancy in dogs is also called pseudopregnancy or pseudocyesis. This condition can occur in unspayed female dogs because of normal changes in hormone levels.
These hormone changes trick the body into thinking it is pregnant and about to give birth.
Symptoms of False Pregnancy in Dogs
False pregnancy in dogs causes the same behavioral and physical changes as a dog that is actually pregnant.
Behavioral Changes
The most common symptoms of phantom pregnancy in dogs are restlessness and nesting.
Your dog might bring blankets or other objects to their bed to create a nest, and may be reluctant to leave this area. They may also “mother” objects like toys, carrying them around, putting them in their nest, and protecting them.
False pregnancy in dogs can cause them to be anxious—and even reactive or defensive—if their nest or their “puppies” are disturbed or moved. Some dogs become so intense in these behaviors that they may not eat much.
Physical Changes
Physically, dogs that are experiencing a false pregnancy go through changes to prepare for puppies to be born.
Their mammary glands (breasts) and nipples enlarge evenly, and they may even produce some milk.
This swelling can be uncomfortable, so your dog might lick at the glands, causing irritation. Their bellies could even contract.
Rarely, dogs with false pregnancy can also develop increased thirst, which means they need to pee more often. Sometimes dogs with this condition can become hungrier than usual.
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Causes of False Pregnancy in Dogs
False pregnancy in a dog is the result of a rapid decrease in the hormone progesterone and an increase in the hormone prolactin. These hormonal changes occur normally in an unspayed female dog about 6-8 weeks after she’s been in heat.
The same hormonal changes can also occur in a female dog who was spayed during a part of the heat cycle when she had high progesterone. The spay causes the same rapid progesterone decrease as the normal heat cycle, and this can result in a false pregnancy within 3-14 days of being spayed.
How Vets Diagnose False Pregnancy in Dogs
If your dog is showing signs of a false pregnancy, bring her to the vet.
If her symptoms, history, and physical exam findings all fit this condition and there’s no chance that your dog is actually pregnant, then a false pregnancy can be diagnosed by your vet without additional testing.
If there is a possibility your dog could be pregnant, then the vet will test her blood for levels of a hormone called relaxin to help determine if it’s a true pregnancy. An ultrasound or x-ray can also be used to see if she is carrying puppies.
There are other issues, some of them serious, that can cause similar symptoms. If there could be other causes for your dog’s symptoms besides a false pregnancy, your vet will do a complete physical exam.
Additional testing could include bloodwork, urine tests, x-rays, ultrasound, or a biopsy of the swollen mammary glands.
Treatment for False Pregnancy in Dogs
Usually, false pregnancy in dogs resolves in 2-3 weeks without any treatment.
For dogs that are irritating their nipples by licking them, a T-shirt, cone, or inflatable collar may be needed. Avoid milking or touching your dog’s nipples and mammary glands, as this will encourage more milk production.
In severe cases, medication can be given that blocks the prolactin hormone that causes the symptoms.
Recovery and Management of False Pregnancy in Dogs
Since false pregnancy in dogs is due to a hormonal change, your dog should be back to normal within a few weeks as her hormones cycle again. Female dogs who aren’t spayed and experience false pregnancies often have them during every heat cycle.
Spaying stops the heat cycle and hormonal changes, so it will prevent future false pregnancies. However, if a dog is spayed during an episode of false pregnancy, that won’t stop the symptoms.
False Pregnancy in Dogs FAQs
How long does a dog's false pregnancy last?
Typically 2-3 weeks, sometimes longer.
Is false pregnancy in dogs dangerous?
No. These hormonal changes are natural and will not harm your dog.
How can I help my dog through a false pregnancy?
You can help your dog by taking her to the vet to rule out any other conditions, then keeping her comfortable.
Use a T-shirt, a cone, or an inflatable collar to prevent her from licking or stimulating her nipples and mammary glands, which could cause irritation and milk production.
How common is false pregnancy in dogs?
It only occurs in unspayed female dogs, and occasionally in female dogs who have recently been spayed. False pregnancy is part of a normal hormonal cycle, so some degree of symptoms is fairly common in unspayed female dogs.
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agapemastiffs · 2 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Progesterone Testing Machines
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For devoted pet parents and animal breeders alike, the world of animal reproduction can be a fascinating, yet sometimes frustrating, journey. Understanding a pet's reproductive cycle is crucial for responsible breeding practices and timely veterinary intervention when necessary. 
Enter the realm of progesterone testing machines –  instruments that shine a light on the hormonal fluctuations within our furry companions, offering valuable insights into their reproductive health.  Whether you're a seasoned breeder or a curious pet owner, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge to navigate the world of progesterone testing machines.
Demystifying Progesterone:  The Hormone at the Heart of Reproduction
Progesterone is a vital hormone present in both female humans and animals.  During the reproductive cycle, progesterone plays a key role in preparing the uterus for pregnancy.  Its levels fluctuate significantly throughout the cycle, rising after ovulation and remaining high during pregnancy.  By monitoring these fluctuations, progesterone testing machines empower pet owners and breeders to gain valuable insights into:
Optimal Breeding Time:  Identifying the surge in progesterone levels after ovulation helps pinpoint the most fertile window for breeding, maximizing the chances of successful conception.  This information is especially valuable for breeders aiming for planned litters.
Detecting Pregnancy:  Elevated progesterone levels can be an indicator of pregnancy in some animals.  However, it's important to note that progesterone levels can be elevated due to other factors like certain medications or health conditions.  Veterinary confirmation through additional tests like ultrasounds is recommended for definitive pregnancy diagnosis.
Monitoring False Pregnancies:  False pregnancies, also known as pseudopregnancies, can occur in some animals after a heat cycle without actual conception.  Progesterone testing can help differentiate a true pregnancy from a false one by revealing the presence or absence of a sustained progesterone elevation.
Assessing Luteal Phase Defects:  The luteal phase is the period after ovulation when progesterone levels rise. Luteal phase defects occur when progesterone levels are insufficient to support a healthy pregnancy.  Progesterone testing can aid in identifying potential luteal phase defects, allowing for informed veterinary intervention if necessary.
Navigating the Maze:  Types of Progesterone Testing Machines
The world of progesterone testing machines offers a variety of options, each catering to specific needs and preferences.  Here's a breakdown of the most common types:
Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA) Analyzers:  These high-precision machines utilize a complex chemical reaction to measure progesterone levels in a blood sample.  CLIA analyzers offer the highest level of accuracy but often come with a heftier price tag and require veterinary expertise to operate.
Fluorescence Immunoassay (FIA) Analyzers:  Similar to CLIA analyzers, FIA machines use an antigen-antibody reaction to measure progesterone levels.  However, FIA analyzers are generally less expensive and more user-friendly, making them a popular option for some breeders and animal hospitals.
Immunofluorescence Quantitative Analyzers:  These portable machines offer a convenient and relatively affordable way to measure progesterone levels.  They utilize an antibody-based test strip that reacts with a blood sample, emitting light that can be quantified to determine progesterone concentration.  While accuracy may not be as high as CLIA or FIA analyzers, they provide a quick and easy way to get a general idea of progesterone levels.
Rapid Quantitative Progesterone Test Kits:  These kits often involve a simple finger prick blood collection and a test card that reacts with the blood, displaying results within minutes.  While convenient and readily available, these kits typically offer the least precise measurements and should be used for preliminary testing or alongside other methods for confirmation.
Choosing the Right Machine:  Factors to Consider
Selecting the most suitable progesterone testing machine depends on several factors:
Accuracy Needs:  For critical decisions like breeding or veterinary diagnosis, high-accuracy machines like CLIA analyzers might be preferred.  For general monitoring purposes, a less precise but user-friendly option might suffice.
Ease of Use:  Consider your experience level and comfort with technical equipment.  Some machines require specific training or veterinary expertise to operate, while others offer user-friendly interfaces suitable for home use.
Cost:  Progesterone testing machines range in price from affordable rapid test kits to high-end CLIA analyzers.  Determine your budget and prioritize features that align with your needs.
Portability:  If you require a machine for testing at breeding sites or animal shows, portability might be a crucial factor.  Consider the size and weight of the machine and its power source.
Beyond the Machine:  The Testing Process Explained
Once you've selected your progesterone testing machine, understanding the testing process is key. Here's a general overview:
Sample Collection:  Blood collection is the most common method for progesterone testing. A veterinarian can perform a blood draw, or some home test kits might utilize finger prick blood collection methods.  Always follow the specific instructions provided with your chosen machine.
Sample Preparation:  Depending on the machine, some level of sample preparation might be required.  This could involve diluting the blood sample with a designated solution or transferring a specific amount of blood to a test strip or cartridge.
Running the Test:  Follow the manufacturer's instructions for operating your specific machine.  This might involve inserting a test cartridge, initiating a test cycle, or waiting for a specific timeframe for the reaction to occur.
Interpreting Results:  The results will be displayed on the machine's screen or test strip readout.  Some machines offer a numerical value for progesterone concentration, while others might utilize color-coded indicators.  Always consult the user manual for proper interpretation of the results.
A Word of Caution: Limitations of Progesterone Testing
Progesterone testing machines are valuable tools, but it's important to understand their limitations.  Here are some points to consider:
Not a Diagnostic Tool:  Elevated progesterone levels can be caused by factors other than pregnancy.  Always consult your veterinarian for a definitive diagnosis, especially if breeding is not the intended outcome.
Accuracy Variations:  The accuracy of progesterone testing machines can vary depending on the type of machine and user technique.  For critical decisions, consider consulting a veterinarian for testing with high-precision machines.
Interpretation Expertise:  Interpreting progesterone results, especially in relation to optimal breeding times or potential health concerns, requires some level of knowledge about animal reproduction cycles and potential hormonal fluctuations.
Progesterone Testing for a Purpose: Responsible Breeding Practices
For breeders striving for healthy litters and responsible breeding practices, progesterone testing machines can be invaluable allies.  By monitoring progesterone levels, breeders can:
Identify the Fertile Window:  Pinpointing the optimal breeding time based on the progesterone surge after ovulation maximizes the chances of successful conception, reducing the need for unnecessary breedings.
Minimize Stress:  Repeated breedings outside the fertile window can be stressful for both the breeding animals and the breeder.  Progesterone testing helps target breeding attempts when the female is most receptive.
Promote Healthy Litters:  Understanding the hormonal fluctuations throughout the reproductive cycle allows breeders to make informed decisions about breeding practices that promote healthy pregnancies and deliveries.
Beyond Breeding:  Progesterone Testing for Overall Health
While commonly associated with breeding, progesterone testing machines can also play a role in monitoring a pet's overall health. Here are some examples:
Diagnosing Reproductive Issues:  Elevated progesterone levels outside of breeding cycles can indicate potential health problems like ovarian cysts or tumors.  Veterinarians can utilize progesterone testing alongside other diagnostic tools to identify and address underlying issues.
Monitoring False Pregnancies:  Progesterone testing can help differentiate a true pregnancy from a false pregnancy, allowing for appropriate veterinary intervention if necessary.
Evaluating Luteal Phase Defects:  Identifying insufficient progesterone levels during the luteal phase can help veterinarians diagnose luteal phase defects and recommend treatment options to improve pregnancy success rates.
The Future of Progesterone Testing:  Advancements and Accessibility
The world of progesterone testing is constantly evolving.  Here's a glimpse into what the future might hold:
Increased User-Friendliness:  Machine developers are continuously striving to create even more user-friendly and portable progesterone testing machines, making them more accessible for home use by pet owners and breeders.
Rapid and Accurate Results:  Advancements in technology might lead to even faster and more accurate progesterone testing machines, providing real-time results for breeders and veterinarians.
Integration with Breeding Management Systems:  Future progesterone testing machines might integrate seamlessly with breeding management software, allowing for easier data tracking and record-keeping for breeders.
The Final Verdict:  Progesterone Testing Machines – A Valuable Tool
Progesterone testing machines empower pet owners, breeders, and veterinarians with valuable insights into the hormonal fluctuations within animals.  By understanding the different types of machines, the testing process, and the limitations, you can leverage this technology to make informed decisions about breeding practices, monitor your pet's overall health, and ultimately, contribute to the well-being of your furry companions.  Remember, responsible pet ownership and breeding practices go hand-in-hand.  When used thoughtfully and in conjunction with veterinary guidance, progesterone testing machines can be a valuable tool in your pet care arsenal.
A Watchful Protector: For The Progression Of The Ages
Mastiffs, gentle giants with ancient roots, come in various breeds. Loyal guardians with calm temperaments, they require ample space, training, and experienced owners due to their size and strength. Though some breeds have wrinkles, all Mastiffs offer a lifetime of devotion.
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grandma-susan · 3 months
"Killjoy I know you're always fishing for ratings but this is the most ludicrous thing I've ever heard. Sounds like demented prank to give sinners the sense of being able to have kids again." Shaking her head at a television. "My moneys on pseudopregnancies or a bunch of people into that pregnancy kink or whatever."
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nailgunstigmata · 10 months
going to an event today to broaden my social horizon and interact with new people (deeply terrifying) and what if they can smell on me that ive mostly been thinking about dennis reynolds pseudopregnancy body horror lately
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backyardbunnynews · 11 months
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Can Pregnant Women Safely Own Domestic Rabbits? Can Striking a Pregnant Rabbit's Belly Have Consequences? What Nutrients Does a High-Quality Diet Provide for Pregnant Domestic Rabbits? How Can Pregnant Females be Protected from Male Rabbits? Can Pregnancy Increase Your Rabbit's Risk of Toxoplasmosis? Are You Seeing These Signs of Pseudopregnancy in Domestic Rabbits? The first question to ask is when does a domestic rabbit become pregnant. Rabbits have a 30-day pregnancy period, and they can produce anywhere from one to twelve young per litter. After giving birth, a doe may become pregnant again, but not right away. It is recommended that a pregnant doe not mate immediately after giving birth. The ideal time to mate is between four and eight weeks after the young are born. Typically, a doe can produce as many as six litters a year. A pregnant doe can feel her young through the side of her belly. https://backyardbunnynews.com/can-pregnant-women-safely-own-domestic-rabbits/?feed_id=2054&_unique_id=65300f9314571
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byboel · 5 years
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#smillathepuppy #skendräktig #veterinär #blodprov my#dog is #pseudopregnant shivering and #panting. Saw vet even though we already started medication with hormones. #bandaid #bandage https://www.instagram.com/p/ByCml4bCF-O/?igshid=1oizvg0vlzb6y
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poppy-the-puppy · 2 years
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Day 154. A nervous baby at the vet! We finally, after nine practice sessions, made it all the way into the office!
(Just in time to be told she's pseudopregnant.)
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How do you treat pseudo pregnancy in dogs?
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Do you ever wonder if the symptoms your pet is displaying are unnatural? Like when your female doggo shows evidence of increased mammary gland growth and lactation during a physical examination at your veterinarian? Or do they start acting strangely, like guarding toys and getting hostile, and even begin nesting (preparing for delivery) despite not having been bred? Does your pet go through a series of noticeable hormonal and behavioural changes?
Then your pet may be suffering from a condition known as pseudopregnancy, and your veterinarian may recommend treatment.
Ovaries generate hormones regardless of whether or not a woman is pregnant. In fact, the ovaries play a significant role in pregnancy (stimulation, maintenance, and end of pregnancy). The regular estrous cycle is also influenced by ovaries in non-pregnant dogs! As far as we know, the ovary is the primary cause. These hormones now prepare the uterus to receive the fetuses and maintain pregnancy, and they continue to generate hormones to keep the pregnancy going until parturition (or the delivery of puppies), at which point a new set of hormones takes over for nursing (milking the young ones).
When the dog isn't pregnant, these hormones will fade away after a few weeks, allowing the cycle to repeat. After 4-6 weeks, the hormones start to drop.
Increased amounts of circulating hormones, on the other hand, create changes that start to mirror a real pregnancy even when there is no conception and no fetus in pseudopregnancy situations (pregnancy). how do you treat pseudopregnancy in dogs
FERTIGO's top priorities for PET formulation are quality, efficacy, and safety. This miracle medication recipe uses formulations that mimic the symptoms of a diseased animal in a healthy animal to treat pseudopregnancy and related issues for a variety of causes.
20 drops three times a day or as advised by a physician.
Visit a Veterinarian: If your dog is restless, agitated, or aggressive, you should consider visiting a veterinarian for conventional treatment.
Relief from symptoms
As the illness progresses, the care strategy is adjusted to meet your pet's needs depending on the indications and symptoms.
Pseudo-pregnancy is a hormonal disease, thus treatment might be difficult, but not impossible. As pet owners, we can constantly be watchful and pick what is best for them. Homeopathic medicine, such as FERTIGO for PET, can be used in conjunction with standard allopathic treatment.
The best way is for you and your veterinarian to determine if you wish to spay, treat with medications, or breed your pet.
It's always a decision we make for the best interests of our pets!
Goel Vet Pharma is a Chittorgarh-based approach to homeopathic solutions for veterinary problems. Goel Vet Pharma Private Limited provides homeopathic solutions to the various sicknesses and conditions for cattle, sheep, goats, dogs, and cats. With more than 10,000 professionals in the team of Goel Vet team, the company prescribes its products to over 10 lakh animals and treats various diseases with their Homeopathic Veterinary medicines in Cows, Buffalo, and pet animals. They are also known for introducing homeopathic supplements for pets for pet parents who are concerned about the weak condition of their pets. Goel Vet Pharma is available online and also has a Goel Vet Pharma application on Playstore. Goel Pharma is ISO 9001-2008 certified, FDA approved and certified in production, consultation, and distribution in the arena of Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine all over India. Goel Vet Pharma company is set up by Dr. R K Goel who was a scholar and pioneer in homeopathic services for animals. He had come up with various formulations for diseases like mastitis, FMD, HS, meningitis, etc with high success rates during his 33-year long service. He has compiled all his work to form the Goel Vet Pharma for dedication to building a strong homeopathic reign in the veterinary sector.
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