#psi poster
kurikoluvrr · 4 months
anyone who says kaidou shun wouldn’t listen to ado is WRONG
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save-the-sky · 1 year
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oh hell yeah
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psychoportalnauts · 8 months
Reconstructing Caroline
In Portal canon, Caroline is already a certified narrative haunter, but in this AU she plays an even bigger role; plus, we get to see her through the eyes of other characters. So, I thought it'll be interesting to compile her most prominent* appearances, both as herself and as Gladys.
* — Sadly, I haven't put much thought into Clairvoyance images or figments featuring her yet... Maybe sometime later?
Gladys Calvin and Caroline Caramia:
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That's right, they have last names now, like any self-respecting Psychonauts character should. I'm not even kidding, announcing this fact was literally the main goal of this post. If you know what (or, rather, who) Gladys's last name refers to, go get some choccy milk bc that makes you epic in my eyes. If you know how to pronounce Caroline's last name, go get an extra glass, because even I'm not sure about the right pronunciation.
To quickly recap their backstory for posterity: when Cave Johnson died (?) and things went super south for Aperture Paranormal, Agent Caramia was so scared of accidentally revealing the dark secrets of the company, she saw no other choice but to blow up her mind with a lil' bit of help from a certain someone. After that, a new person emerged from the rubble of Caroline's fractured mind — Gladys, the ultimate skeptic. Her goal is to disprove the existence of psychic powers, which she deems to be nothing more than pseudoscience, and close off Aperture Paranormal and/or Psychonauts at large; this agenda, however, doesn't stop her from using these same powers herself.
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Rattenkönigin, The Rat Queen:
Finally, some genuine Psychonauts creepiness in a Psychonauts AU. This giant rat that makes all the rules is the final boss of Rattmann's mindscape. Not unlike El Odio, she roams the level, hanging from the sky and using her hands to stride around and catch unsuspecting victims — her main goals, however, are Doug and his faithful friend, Companion Cube.
There's a strategy to fighting her, albeit an involved one. You have to utilise Invisibility, which Doug fortunately bestows upon Chell, to avoid being caught, and Psi-Blast to shoot smaller rats — only when they're down will the main hand drop the head rat and make it vulnerable. And you also want to avoid the Confusion gas explosions these smaller rats emit, because apparently they're just as prone to do that upon defeat as the rats from Thorney Tower.
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Found in Mr. Johnson's mind, this is the first version of Caroline proper that's encountered by Chell and Wheatley. Pretty as a postcard, and just as flat, this lovely assistant may not carry over the intelligence, or exact height, of her real-world progenitor, but that doesn't stop her from staying fiercely loyal to Cave. She even calls him her "noble psychomaster" — now that's an odd nickname. But I do wonder what Cave thinks of her...
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technovillain · 1 year
So I spent a bunch of time wandering around postgame and wanted to share some findings.
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some mail with some funny addresses lol. unclear who they're from but the helmut one has a stamp of a young bob on it hehe. collector's psychonauts stamps are kind of canon, there's ones of hollis around too.
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in Sasha Nein's office there are two of these framed on the wall. So he's been Employee of the Year twice, good for him. The small text unde this name is really funny too, it reads "this goes to the guy who is the best at doing the thing that is the thing of which you could be doing for a year" What an accomplishment!
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Volunteers are needed for Whispering Rock! I can see this easily becoming the next big "Junior Psychonaut" job instead of the busy people like Sasha, Milla, or Morry being in charge. Someone vandalized the poster (":P This place suxs!") and my bet is easily on Lili Zanotto. Because who else would be drawing Harold on a sticky note? (The styles seem to match between those two things lol.)
Also who are the Psi-Tutors posting ads?? If it's an agent then I have no guesses, but if it was posted by an intern, I'm almost certain it would be Adam.
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Intern dorms canon!! They watch stupid movies together.
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Who do we think drew this grumpy little Hollis on the board and who do we think was doing the fancy math equations? Feels a little Norma and Lizzie to me. Not to mention, which two interns have this longstanding vandalism tic-tac-toe battle going on?? Any combination of them is hilarious as an answer to this for me lol.
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"La Jolla Taco Museum 9/12/76" which is apparently an unexplained phrase from the corner of a whiteboard in a developer's room at DoubleFine in 2011.
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Not sure what percent of people have explored the remains of Otto's old mountainside lab (which was right beside Bob's greenhouse) but the hyperhyglaciator is actually there! Long abandoned and overturned. The lab appears to have suffered an electrical explosion and not much remains. There are a few bottles scattered on the ground near the edge of the explosion site, however. And considering it's right next to Bob's greenhouse and it's next to the old hyperhyglaciator, there's some sad implications there.
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Also I feel like everyone knows about this vandalism but...who do we think did it? It feels like intern behavior but then again some of the Motherlobe workers seem to love gossiping about Sasha and Milla too...
Please use this post to think about the characters doing silly things around the Motherlobe. All of these questions I asked in this post are highly important for all of you to figure out, alright?
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woodsfae · 6 months
Character/arc predictions made after watching s03e17 War Without End Part One. First time watcher, please don't spoil me. :) Putting these down for posterity before I watch War Without End Part Two!
Garibaldi: He's been the reseach guy, and has been learning Narnuan and studying the Book of G'Quan so I think he's going to be vital to tracking down Sheridan unmoored in time, likely while Sheridan is in the past liberating Narn from the Shadows. I don't think Garibaldi going to die. I think they're setting up the narrative to make the viewers think he's going to die on B5, so when he does his final stand, or heroic staying behind the cut the wire or whatever it'll really tug everyone's heartstrings and he'll be "dead" for awhile. But then he'll be back with...
Stephen Franklin: Dr Franklin, while trying quit space cocaine and recover from the stressful life of a space station CMO is going to thrive in the more laidback environment which is Space Doctors Without Borders slash working with the human psi escape network. He, the psi underground, and Garibaldi (somehow...Garibaldi has had a lot of screen time researching PsiCorps) are going to come in clutch against the Shadows. He's also going to bring Sheridan back to life on Zha'dum with his medical knowledge and primitive/no medical tech/supplies. 
Susan Ivanova: will also be involved in the Psi plots. Obviously, she is a telepath. Her mother taught her good enough shielding/repressing that she has been able to slip beneath PsiCorps' notice all this time. But she's going to have to accept that she's a telepath (if she hasn't already...she plays her cards close to the vest) and learn to use it. She will also be an ace against the Shadows. I think she's going to be put into a situation where she is being pressured into letting other telepaths into her mind. Bester is my first guess. Then another PsiCorps telepath. She hates and fears PsiCorps and so that would be high stakes. But it might also be any telepath/s from any species. Maybe she'll be involved with an alien, league, and/or narn telepath/s. They've been teasing her being in danger on Babylon 5 and I don't have any firm predictions about how she moves from Babylon 5 but it might have something to do with Talia.
Talia Winters: I don't know if Talia is actually dead or not. Or if her body lived along with the personality construct PsiCorps trapped her with. Or if her personality will be assumed to be dead but resurface at some point. Or if they're gonna do an endgame of Bury Your Gays. My heart says sadly that I think Talia is either dead, or will end the series dead. But I HOPE something like this (or better!) happens for her. I hope she comes back to Babylon 5 in the nick of time. Her real personality or not. She and Susan escape the Shadows' attack. This will probably be after Garibaldi is assumed dead. Babylon 5 is lost, probably destroyed. Susan and Talia work together, have sparks. If Talia has been the construct, she gets sparks of memory back. But I think she dies, maybe saving Susan. Amd leaving Susan brokenhearted having never been public about their affection. Secret love and secret loss. Worst case scenario she lives, gets her memories back, survives, and then goes back to her ex, Matt Stoner and moves into his mom's basement to support his burgeoning career as a holostreamer.
John Sheridan: He is going to walk across time, learning and fighting the war across the universe. He's going to be perhaps the most famous warrior ever, with his legend echoing from a hundred points across thousands of years of history. He saved the Babylon 4 crew from Babylon 4. He traveled forward in time to save Babylon 5. I think he's going to make more stops before/after the war against the Shadows in the far past. I think he helped drive the Shadows off Narn, when they were there something like 500 years ago. Garibaldi might discover he was mentioned in G'Kar's book of G'Quan or something like that. Then, after all his timewalking, there's going to be a final showdown at Zha'dum in the main Babylon 5 timeline. And he's going to win. And die. And Stephen Franklin, bereft of his modern medical devices is going to keep him alive with 23rd century field medicine and possibly good old fashioned CPR. So Sheridan will die at Zha'dum and also live. And I'm certain Kosh is dead-but-not-gone, and will be either haunting Sheridan in specific, or Sheridan will have a packet of his memories or instincts or something like that. 
Delenn: She's gonna live. She's got to settle down with her all-american, corn-fed, iowan side of beef. She better have a crazy legend, too. I think she's going to have to steal Babylon 4 without Sheridan, because Sheridan is time walking uncontrollably. But she's gonna catch him with Babylon 4 somewhere or when. It's going to be very romantic. And she'd better get a legend of her own on the goddess level. I think that as she has yet to really explore the humanity in herself, she may have to dig deep into humanity's best and worst to think like the kind of human (Sheridan) that can out-tactics the Shadow, sacrificing her Minbari identity even more in order to become who she needs to be to succeed in catching Sheridan out of time and defeating the Shadows in past/present/future.
Lennier: He is the archetype of chivalry, specifically platonic ideals of a knight serving a lady. He's Lancelot from the older stories where he and Guinevere don't fuck. I think he will follow that archetype quietly, firmly, joyfully, to the end. I think he is going to die with the pure heart and diamond convictions he has demonstrated throughout the show. But that's as his eventual fate, which I hope doesn't end with season three. They may explore him creating his own legend and walking away from Delenn for a bit, but if they do, I think he will return to being her loyal aide until death do them part. Platonically. 
The show has made a point of saying that Narns aren't telepaths and having G'Kar imply that his telepathy was only temporarily induced by the drugs, but I'm not sure that's going to end up to be true. They've (imho) treated the Narns shamefully, and thematically the Narns OUGHT to be the ultimate aces in the hole. The alliance and rangers which have kept the Narns out of the loop, because of prejudice and pity, ought to realize that they cannot succeed without the Narns and they were wrong to assume the Narns didn't have necessary skills and information to allow them to succeed against the Shadows. And G'Kar ought to be recognized as a great leader of his people, a legendary ambassador working against impossible odds, and a hero. But idk if they're going to give the G'Kar and the Narns the props they deserve. I hope so, though. 
Londo Mollari: Aftering choosing the grasping, short-sighting path to power and influence every single time, and deeply regretting his youthful forays into the unCentauri vices of empathy and equity, Londo steers Centaur into falling into the Shadows' hands as Emperor. He blames everyone else around him till the bitter end. He might do something redemptive, like voluntarily clear the way for Vir the Reformer or something. But I expect him to choose miserably poorly for the rest of his life.
Vir Cotto: Emperor Vir the Reformer! He's definitely going to be legendary! And known for his reforms! I expect he'll spend his time till then being browbeaten by Londo by day, and helping Narns fake their deaths and escape the murder regime by night. No idea if his murderer wife is going to turn up again. I imagine...so...? But I can't imagine it ending well for either of them. 
Zack Allen: If he survives, he better be conscious for the rest of his life about his tendencies to fall in line with fascist elements and work to instead choose liberation. He seriously failed every moral checkpoint and then only chose the B5 alliance because it was getting pretty uncomfortable being one of the regime's bootlickers and enforcers. I've got my eye on him. 
Bester: My best guy is going to survive, do some very morally black shit, be my special, ominous little fellow, and trot off at the end to go found a psi-only colony/future superpower in an undisclosed location.
Sheridan's Dead Wife: Isn't actually dead now, but might be actually dead by the end of the show. 
My prediction for Sinclair is a separate post - see here.
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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this was a "part two" of my last memory vault based on the "Uncle Cally" AU, this time depicting how ol' Uncle Cally started moonlighting as Doctor Loboto! I got a lot more ambitious with this one, and I think it made me drift from aping the Scott C style as closely, but I'm still darn proud of it...!! I'd like to do more in this style someday. I've got ideas...
(alt text/image IDs under the cut!)
[Image 1 ID: A title slide mimicking those of the Psychonauts memory vaults, reading "The Amoral Doctor Loboto!"]
[Image 2 ID: Cal leaning back against a portable ticket booth, looking concerned. Inside, Donatella is comforting a distraught Augustus sitting on the floor with the cash register, a speech bubble coming from him showing a stack of money with a big X over it. Outside the booth, Raz is working on sending PSI-punches at a bag of flour marked with a generic bad guy, which Cal is holding up with telekinesis.]
[Image 3 ID: Cal in a small, rickety flatbed truck with miscellaneous scrap in the bed, driving away from the circus camp under cover of moonlight. He is looking back at a billboard advertising the Aquatos, looking conflicted. The edges of the image are crowded with dark foliage.]
[Image 4 ID: Cal in his "Doctor Loboto" guise in some kind of lair, lit only by a barred window above him. There is a cartoony death ray pointed at the window next to him, with an open panel he appears to be working on, holding a drill in one hand and a "Brain Surgery for Dummies" book in the other. In the foreground is a fish in a bowl, hooked up to machinery with wires and diodes.]
[Image 5 ID: Cal, back in his circus outfit, holding a stack of cash in one hand and proudly handing Raz a True Psychic Tales comic with the other. Raz looks utterly delighted. In the background, Augustus, stretching and practicing with Mirtala and Dion, looks over his shoulder at this with suspicion.]
[Image 6 ID: Cal in the dead of night using his telekinesis to chase off two shadowy figures, who are fleeing in terror. He is standing on some crates with his cloak billowing and a hacksaw in one hand. Behind him on a wall is a poster of the Aquatos.]
[Image 7 ID: Cal, in his "Doctor Loboto" guise, checking a PO box. He is opening an envelope containing a letter addressed to "Dr. Loboto", a blueprint, some cash, and a pamphlet for Whispering Rock on which Oleander's portrait can be seen.]
[Image 8 ID: "Loboto" and Oleander at a wooden workbench. Oleander, grinning manically with his hands spread across a blueprint of the brain tank, is explaining his diabolical plan, as represented by word balloons depicting a child having their brain removed, the brain-tank shooting lighting, and Oleander holding the world in his palm. "Loboto" is leaning against the table with a finger on his chin in consideration, though a thought bubble reveals he is actually imagining Oleander as a strongman lifting a giant dumbbell, with little hearts floating around him.]
[Image 9 ID: Oleander and Cal in the Thorney Towers lab, working on the brain tank. Oleander is sitting on top of the tank's frame, holding a welding torch in one hand; he lifts his welders mask to chat with Cal with a big grin. Cal, lying on the ground next to the tank holding a screwdriver, actually pulls down his face mask to grin back. Mr. Pokeylope is visible in his cage in the background, and further back Sheegor walks in looking nervous and holding a jarred brain.]
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tsumuuu · 1 year
ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕪 𝕊𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕕𝕠𝕝 𝕊𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕕!
𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕘 - Tobio Kageyama
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What if the Haikyuu setters were a bunch of idols in an idol group called PSIS (Pretty Setter Idol Squad) and you happen to be their self-proclaimed "biggest fan" and win an all-inclusive tour of the behind-the-scenes of each member! What will you find out about each member? What are their lives off the stage like? Will you get to know them or will you just be another fangirl?
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notes: Written in 2nd person, a bit angsty word count: 1.1k enjoy!
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KING, also known as Tobio Kageyama, is the youngest member of the group, at the age of 19.
Kageyama is the most serious member of PSIS and the newest member of the group.
He's one of the rappers in the group
Every public appearance he has made, he's seen with an unfazed expression.
His photocards are usually him in a serious pose and never seen smiling.
Rumored to be the most professional acting idol.
Not much is known about him as an idol, hence why so many people love him, for his mysterious aura.
His fans have a really hard time getting his attention.
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The first dressing room is that of KING's. The most stoic and unfazed member of PSIS. You decide to give a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" his voice seemed a bit annoyed.
"Uh- I'm the winner of the all-inclusive V.I.P tour. You can ask the head security guard for the verification!" you reply back to idol respectfully.
"Alright, let me open the door."
As the door opens you see a tall jet-black-haired male with dark blue eyes standing before you with a seemingly angry expression, he's wearing a white t-shirt and a gray pair of sweatpants, nothing you would have expected from an idol to wear. Though, the nicknamed mysterious idol fully did live up to his name since you feel intrigued by what stands before you.
"Let me guess, you didn't expect an idol to dress like this?" he questioned as he looked at you, still with his same expression.
"Oh no, it's nothing like that, It's just, I-I don't think..." You're trying to find an excuse to try and not offend KING. "I don't think I've ever been this close to an idol before!"
He lets out a sigh seeing straight through your lie, he didn't want to offend his fan so he went with the lie.
"It's alright, just please come in," he tells you with that same unfazed expression he is seen with. It's almost like his personal idol trademark at this point.
As you walk into the dressing room of KING, you are surprised to see the room is decked out with volleyball posters, with a mini-fridge of milk beside the couch. You also spot a volleyball on the ground next to the couch. You then thought I didn't take the oh-so-mysterious KING to be such a volleyball fan...
"I'm sure you didn't think this is what I would do in my past time..." KING lets out breaking the silents between you two.
You must admit, you didn't expect this from King. The fan theories online predicted he's secretly into modeling, or perhaps some party boy who goes to parties under a fake name, but definitely not this.
"I'm sure nobody did KING..." you reply back to KING with a surprised look.
"Please currently, don't refer to me as KING. Kageyama will do just fine," he tells you with a stern look. It seems he doesn't like his stage name too much.
"May I ask why?" you question with wide eyes. The fan pages on KING talk about how he doesn't usually let anyone call him his true name.
"I just, don't like it. We are kind of under contract to go by those names," he explains to you, his voice seemed genuine like he was upset about this certain matter.
Then again, why is he telling you this?
"Why are you telling me this exactly?"
"Because I don't exactly enjoy being an Idol as much as I use to." he lets out with a saddened expression. "I only started to support my family really, they were in a dire time."
The atmosphere became heavy as he explained his reason for becoming an idol. You feel as if you're getting to know, Kageyama, and not KING. You start putting together some pieces, the volleyball posters, the story he's telling you, all of it.
"I assume then you gave up on an important dream," you ask him with a sorrowful expression.
he looks you in the eyes. "Yeah, I had a real passion for volleyball..." he bitterly smiles after saying that. "I had the potential to go pro, but I gave that up for what I thought was the greater good."
"That was very selfless of you Kageyama." you look at him with a smile. "You gave up something you love most for your family," you add to your previous statement, attempting to console him.
"Maybe so... but I'm honestly thinking of quitting. I'm blessed I was able to get my family out of a tough situation 3 years ago but, I don't know if rapping in this group is what I want to do anymore..." he explains while putting his hand into a fist. "I mean, the other member I really do consider my brothers almost in a way," his expression turns into one of anger "but the restrictions of the contract and basically having no freedom takes one hell of a toll on you. Plus the KING isn't even close to the real me. I'm not actually the serious, unfazed, bastard people actually think I am. I hate the dressing up I have to do, I hate all the damn photoshoots, I hate this act I have to play!" he raises his voice a bit while letting out his emotions to you. "I'm sorry, you didn't need to know this." he looks away from your eyes.
You look at the stature of Kageyama, it shows the true feelings of how he really feels. All this pent-up anger, all the sorrowful feelings, all of it just makes you want to help him.
"Kageyama, I would like to know you."
He averts his gaze to you again, but this time, wide-eyed. He seems to be surprised by this statement, you have made.
"Do you truly mean it?" he lets out in a clear state of shock. "Are you one hundred percent certain about this?"
"I mean it, I would love to help you Kageyama-kun!" you tell him as you smile at him reassuring him that you truly mean what you're telling him.
Kageyama then gets up rummaging around his personal dressing room for something. As soon as he finds what he's looking for he hands it to you, it seems to be his phone number.
"Let's keep in contact, please?" he smiles at you for the first time and asked you in a more happy tone than previously
it seems like you got to know the real Tobio Kageyama, not the personification of KING.
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taglist: @tooruchiiscribs @thechaosoflonging
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@tsumuuu 2023
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legofanguy1999 · 10 months
This is a entry for day 29 for @inuvember event Inuvember 2023. This Inuyasha Sci-Fi AU is the continue of Sango, Galactic Bounty Hunter, and feature Miroku in the AU.
On a apartment in the planet Losplot, a young man start to get up and make his way to the bedroom. He is a handsome male human of a young age with short black hair.
Using the web, he got wanted posters of a group of people that have a huge reward. Smiling, he said to himself, “Miroku, you have earn yourself quite a huge catch.
At a spaceport, a ship landed and its pilot is glad that no galactic police has come to question them. Sango has taken a big risk to challenge the Inugami Empire which their emperor hire Sango to capture the princess of Celebral in order to forced the natives to serve him as psi agents to hunt down possible enemies. The emperor own son rebel against his father plan and even have a daughter with the princess, whose also reveal that Naraku, a horrible underworld gang leader whose killed her family and most of her people known as the Gozamazons, has taken her older sister Kikyo. Right now, they are on the run as well following digital footprints left by someone whose too want to see Naraku defeated, which is why they are in the metropolis planet Losplot, named as a outworlder can easily get themselves lost here.
As they step out of the ship, Sango said to Inuyasha and Kagome, “Remember to not be seen. There could be bounty hunters elsewhere.” The couple nod as Inuyasha hold his and Kagome’s daughter tightly. Sango then put on her helmet and the group walk away from the spaceport.
As Sango look around the alleyway, the voice of a man call out, “Sir. You there, sir.” Sango look to see a young man in purple clothes asking, “Can you help a old man in need?” Sango knee down to see if the man need any medical help, and he suddenly try to attack, which Sango block. A anger Sango said to the man, “You were faking it!” The man reply as he pull out a blaster, “Yes. One of the oldest tricks in the book.”
Inuyasha said, “Does this guy worked for Naraku?” This made Miroku said in shock, “Did you said Naraku?” Confused, Inuyasha ask, “Yes. Do you know him, or....” which Miroku reply, “Well, he is the one whose killed my grandfather and stole his part of a map to a ancient civilization with a power that could dominate the entire universe. My grandfather has made it his life work to find this ancient civilization to uncover its past as well keep the ancient power away from the wrong hands.”
Inside her spaceship, Sango ask Miroku, “Okay, tell us everything you know!” Miroku start explains, “For what my grandfather told me, some of the ancestors of we humans come from a planet called Arth.” The name surprised Sango as she recall that it was the home world of a bounty hunter she meet a few days back as Miroku continues, “The humans of Arth created a utopia along with a galactic empire thanks to creating a powerful energy source that was said to be magical. Unfortunately, it comes crashing down thanks to social disabilities in their government and Arth was said to end up a toxic wasteland. It is said that a map to Arth was made for the humans to return and recalled their rights, including a powerful warship known as Shikon, which is rumored to have the power to destroyed a planet or even a star.”
With Miroku now a part of their crew, the starship left Losplot.
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eileenleahy · 1 year
saw these posters around school advertising like Psi Kappa Sigma or whatever the fuck and thought they were for honors societies and stuff. i didnt think sororities were real
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warsofasoiaf · 2 years
How was it that the communist party never took control over Italy following WWII?
That primarily stems from the 1948 Italian elections, which were influenced by many factors.
The Partito Comunista Italiano (PCI) and the Partito Socialista Italiano (PSI) had melded together to form a singular party, the Fronte Democratico Popolare (FDP). This however, did not lead to the result that the PCI had wished. The PCI had effectively marginalized the PSI out of leadership role, which engendered hostility from moderate socialists, social democrats, and other non-communist voters. Several disenfranchised center-left politicians had established of the Unità Socialista (US) Party, which was an anti-communist social democrat party. Many center and center-left voters simply stayed home or switched their ballot to the US, resulting in a lackluster performance by the FDP.
The Democrazia Cristiana (DC) enjoyed extensive foreign electioneering support by the CIA, who underwrote a lot of DC's politicians' expenses, helping them produce record numbers of posters, pamphlets, and events. The western world had been alarmed with the Czechoslovak coup earlier in 1948, and had feared (probably correctly), that the Soviets would use a successful election by the PCI to set up a new puppet state. The most successful of these operations was a letter-writing campaign, where Italian-Americans were urged to write letters home encouraging their family members to stop the FDP at the ballot box. The success of this campaign encouraged many more CIA influence operations of a similar nature across the globe.
Domestically, the PCI also faced social opposition from the Catholic Church, who opposed communist anti-clericalism and so extensively preached against being a member of the communist party. Catholic church services were a key cornerstone of social activity in 1940's Italy, and being refused church services caused many members of the PCI significant distress (the Church would later issue a decree that would excommunicate Catholics for Communist beliefs in 1949). This amounted into a large social movement that consistently messaged anti-communism and pressured PCI members to switch to other left-wing parties or not volunteer for PCI activities.
The FDP also suffered from a very muddled campaign message, largely ignoring issues of foreign policy such as the Soviet vetoing of Italy's membership into the UN and what the change in alignment would result in regards to the loss of Marshall Plan funding and reconstruction from the west would mean for Italy, instead pursuing a campaign strategy of raising living standards with little concrete ideas of policy-making. The DC hammered the FDP on the coup in Czechoslovakia and that an FDP victory would see violence and suffering in Italy - which wasn't helped by the PCI's refusal to restrain more militant members from committing acts of terror in the Red Triangle.
All in all, this led to an incredibly disastrous performance by the FDP. DC expertly managed coalition building with their Centrismo strategy in the 1940's and 50's to prevent another large coalition opposing them. Later, DC would establish accords with the PSI under Fanfani and the Historic Compromise with the PCI under Moro. This consistently kept most socialist and communist political parties divided but operating within the democratic framework, which itself caused further division with other communist groups like the Brigate Rosse who were expressly anti-democratic; they would later murder Moro. Without significant local support, there was never enough clout within the country to launch a coup, and by 1949, Italy became a founding member of NATO. Launching a direct coup attempt against Italy would have meant World War III. So because of these conditions, communism never was able to take over in Italy.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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solitarelee · 2 years
I'm! Going back to school!! And I'm v scared about it but I'm being SO brave about it!!
I finished my application after starting it like. A month ago. I do get to do it for free through my job, so that's been helpful, but I'm like, so scared about it. I *really* did not do well last time I went to college, and I don't want to like. Fuck it up again? But a couple nights ago I was like "fuck it, I gotta at least try" and I finished the app. Gonna start in March, the day before my birthday.
Accounting! I shall become unpretty. But with, sadly, fewer monster dicks.
YOU GOT THIS!!! I also did school as an adult, and it's nervewracking but honestly way more fun as an adult because you have cognitive functions now. Like that was my exact fear going back to school, that I'd fuck up like I did the first time, but it turns out this shit is WAY EASIER once your brain has like finished solidifying or whatever happens in your early 20s.
Practical advice:
The first week of class, look over your syllabus. It will most likely have a calendar of due dates and tests/quizzes. Take yourself a planning app (I use MyStudyLife) and enter ALL THAT SHIT IN. You can have it as an app on your phone and a website and it's all sync'd up. It creates like a checklist of tasks for you to complete each day. Voila, you have outsourced your executive function for the semester.
You won't feel like doing shit after you get back from class, try to do as much stuff before class or on the weekends as you can.
Time between classes? Ask around about a study lab/commuters room in whatever building you or your next class are in. There's normally one in just about every gosh darn building it turns out, just computer labs or quiet study rooms they leave unlocked all day. Great place to do 30 minutes of schoolwork in between classes, and criminally underused so it's almost always quiet.
If you have a really late class or a large gap, food is obviously a good idea but also consider just staying on campus for 5h and obliterating the entire week's schoolwork in one glorious fury in the library or an aforementioned quiet-ass room.
Go to the weird parties that the major-related fraternities (for accounting it'd probably be something like Alpha Kappa Psi or Beta Alpha Psi) throw. There's normally free food and it's a great place to rub elbows with both your peers and cool professors. Lets you know which professors you might want to take classes from in future semesters, also gets your face out there. Professors love seeing faces they recognize.
School events fucking rock actually. If your professor offers you extra credit to go to some weird event, totally go, and keep an eye on the e-mails and posters. I went to a friggin' school event about the development of Yiddish. You never know what cool random shit you'll learn!
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kurikoluvrr · 4 months
kubosai playlist‼️
i fr downloaded spotify just so i could share this
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xamassed · 2 years
Just feel like rambling about bnha Anita. Not that she’s any different in her verses lmao.
quirk type. transformation / composite.
quirk. grizzly bear. allows her to transform into a large, lumbering werebear-like figure. in this form, she can reach staggering speeds on all fours, crush with her jaws and tear into opponents with her claws. she can’t speak in this form because the transformation alters her vocal chords. she knows her only real usefulness comes from being a beast of a tank.
hero name. the bearoness ( a play on the word ‘baroness’. )
favorite hero. mirko. there were a few in america that she admired, but no one has touched her ideals and goals quite like mirko has.
reason for wanting to be a hero. it was while she was watching a documentary about bears with her loving papa that she realized something upsetting: mama bears will protect their young, but hers never once went out of her way to protect her. she did the opposite, ridiculing and degrading her. the idea that she didn’t have a mama bear that loved her was quickly amended with her father promised to be her mama bear. he promised to protect her, but made no real efforts to protect himself when his wife became abusive. because of this, anita wants to be the one to protect him and others like him. not all villains use their quirks to bad. some use hurtful words, and she wants to help stop people like her mother.
strengths. she’s annoyingly strong and sturdy, and the fact that she’s not the shape of a fully beast bear means she can free use of her arms. if she gets her claws or teeth on someone and they don’t have the body to endure a bite strength of 975 - 1160 psi, they’re screwed.
weaknesses. because she’s large in her transformed state, opponents that are speedier are her weakness. she’s fast, but not exceedingly so. taking tight corners is troublesome if she’s going too fast, so tight spaces are also a downfall. she needs room to move around.
dorm room. stuffed with sports equipment, but still somehow breezy and outdoors-y feeling. there are a few posters of mirko on her walls, and there are figures on her desk. most of the colors in her room are brown and green, very earthy. there are a few potted plants here and there as well. most are tucked into corners, but there are some hanging from the ceiling because she feels more relaxed in nature. there are very few books. not a big reader, even when it comes to manga. her collection of bear plushies is smaller here than it is at home. she only has one plush on her bed, and it’s so well-loved it’s missing an eye and has thick stitches keeping one of its legs attached. there’s a picture of her and her papa framed on the desk.
shoddy japanese. she isn’t awful at speaking the language, but it’s very clear that she’s still getting used to the grammer and pronunciation. she doesn’t care that it gets her laughed at sometimes. she knows she’s still learning a language that’s vastly different than her own. she’s much better at reading and writing it than speaking it.
american habits. forgets to introduce herself properly. forgets suffixes, but is quick to tack them on. is horrible at using chopsticks but isn’t rude about it. laughs loudly, sorry. she’s just loud in general. mutters to herself in english thinking no one can understand her. has probably sworn in english and gotten reprimanded by a teacher. has her dad send her care-packages because she misses her awful american snacks. if anyone asks to try some because it’s not common in the area, she’ll just barely share, but she won’t spare any after that. get your own. huff.
family abroad. the older couple that took her in while she studies are used to housing exchange / abroad students. they never had children of their own, but they are as parental as can be, even towards children that aren’t theirs. they’re both exceptionally kind and thoughtful, polite and fair. the woman is more of a mother to anita than her biological mother. they’ve helped her adjust and keep in touch while she lives in the dorms. whenever something goes down, they fret over her just as much as her own father back home does.
going feral. like most other animal-related quirks, anita’s means her fuse is a little shorter than most. she doesn’t fly off the handle that often, but when she does, it’s ugly. she’s more than likely trashed her room a couple of times, and has probably gotten in trouble for getting too carried away during training. the quickest way to calm her down is the most embarrassing. all it takes is someone being brave enough to approach and run their fingers through her fur.
provisional license. she failed the first time and was forced to take supplemental lessons to make up for it. she isn’t the best at rescuing people, but her shape is more to blame for that than anything. she can handle holding quite a few people at one, but it’s more effective when they’re well enough to hold on themselves. holding injured people means jostling them, and she’s not the cutest / friendliest looking in her beast form. 
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paragonrobits · 2 years
The headscratchers have on Tvtropes for cabin in the woods has an argument that's the golden standard for a lot of things that fortify me, chiefly the lionizarion of humanity's ability to be cruel and an extreme view that boils down to 'the protags are selfish for not wanting to be tortured to death for the good of Humanity' and there is a lot to unpack here.
Chiefly, the poster really hates the movies support of the characters deli erateky sabotaging the ritual and thus ending the world, as the horrific events of the movie involve having people gryesoneky killed to placate cosmic entities; by doing this, tgey doom the world to destruction. The point however is this:
Humanity only survived to this point by deliberately being part of the ritual; we're talking subjecting people to horrifyingly cruel fates and psi ting this as the lesser of two evils. I am all for the needs of the many, but I argue against here, in this way:
If the only way for humanity to survive is by enabling such inhumanity, that it doesn't deserve to keep going.
The second weird bit is either the same poster or a different line minded person admits they see nothing wrong with beibg cruel to other people, and say it should be admired for how sophisticated it is and
I mean. Wow.
This is what you humanity FUCK yeah types sound like, treating the worst parts of ourselves as something to be proud of
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scontomio · 2 days
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💣 RabbitXoco Compressore Aria Portatile 150 PSI Gonfiatore Elettrico con LED 🤑 a soli 19,99€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/rabbitxoco-compressore-aria-portatile-150-psi-gonfiatore-elettrico-con-led/?feed_id=274979&_unique_id=66ebf79fc0c2d&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=RabbitXoco%20Compressore%20Aria%20Portatile%20150%20PSI%20Gonfiatore%20Elettrico%20con%20LED Il compressore d'aria portatile offre una soluzione pratica e veloce per gonfiare gomme di auto, biciclette e altri oggetti gonfiabili. Grazie alla sua potenza di 150 PSI, è in grado di fornire un gonfiaggio rapido e preciso, rendendo l'operazione semplice anche per chi non ha esperienza. Questo dispositivo è progettato per essere facilmente trasportabile, il che lo rende ideale per viaggi su strada o per avere sempre a disposizione in caso di emergenze. La sua leggerezza e le dimensioni compatte permettono di riporlo nel bagagliaio senza occupare troppo spazio. La facilità d'uso è uno dei punti di forza di questo gonfiatore elettrico. Basta collegarlo alla presa accendisigari dell'auto e selezionare la pressione desiderata. Il compressore si occuperà del resto, spegnendosi automaticamente una volta raggiunto il valore impostato. Questo assicura un gonfiaggio sicuro e senza stress. Inoltre, il compressore è dotato di un display digitale che mostra in tempo reale la pressione dell'aria, permettendo di monitorare il processo con precisione. Questa caratteristica è particolarmente utile per chi desidera mantenere le gomme sempre alla giusta pressione, contribuendo così alla sicurezza stradale e al risparmio di carburante. Le recensioni degli utenti lodano la sua efficienza e la rapidità con cui riesce a gonfiare anche gomme di grandi dimensioni. Molti apprezzano anche la versatilità del prodotto, che può essere utilizzato per gonfiare palloni, materassini e altri oggetti gonfiabili, rendendolo un accessorio indispensabile per ogni famiglia. In sintesi, questo compressore d'aria portatile rappresenta un'ottima scelta per chi cerca un prodotto affidabile e pratico. La combinazione di potenza, facilità d'uso e portabilità lo rende un alleato prezioso in ogni situazione. Un compressore d'aria portatile per gonfiare gomme e oggetti gonfiabili, pratico, veloce e facile da usare. Ideale per viaggi e situazioni di emergenza. #coupon #rabbitxoco #autoemoto #offerteamazon #scontomio
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pitchshitterarchiver · 6 months
A PSI by Pitchshifter tour poster for October 2004 found off way back machine on psirecords.com :P
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I do not own this image, all credits to the owners
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