almightyhamslice · 3 years
Chef Kawasaki or Marx
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How about both! may color them sooner or later.
for extra design clarity, Chef Kawasaki is wearing a hairnet (as professional chefs do). His outfit is basically just a standard chef's outfit, but with his signature apron with a pouch for dishes.
Marx has 2 forms, one of which I haven't fully decided on the design of yet, but in his default form his arms are tied behind his back, like a straitjacket I guess. The dual "tails" behind him are just parts of his arms/wings that are poking out. He doesn't rlly use his arms for much in-game, but he does at least hold stuff with them sometimes, so it'd be weird to do away with them entirely imo. In his true form they burst through the sleeves & are held outward like wings. Of course! I'll probably use a similar outfit design with Mirror or Beam where the outfit has the inverse pattern of the hat, but tbh I just like doing that because it's fun & balances things out nicely tbh. Oh yeah also he doesn't have eyebrows. I was gonna give him a pair but I left them out in the detailed sketch bc I thought he looked more easily identifiable that way.
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divineprank · 2 years
I always explore Ocarina of Time's Royal Tomb upon Adult Link's first return to Kakariko Village. I'm in the area to get the Hookshot anyways, plus, that lightning cutscene looks more badass with Adult Link's sharper eyes. It's better this way! :D
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panthercaroso · 3 years
Prompt (Accepting)
✿ Timid Expression
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I did my best, he's not a very timid fellow haha ^^;
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peppy-pilot · 3 years
Salty Ask List
20.) What is the purest ship in the fandom?
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//Slippy x Amanda, no ifs ands or buts, fite me.
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imbigandimbad · 3 years
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“...Little pig, little pig, turn on your location. I just wanna talk.”
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icantlose · 4 years
✏ [ Galaxicos or Granga if Wolf want to mockery both! 😈 ]
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“God I’ve had some beautiful co-workers.”
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naytile · 4 years
Reading your post about monkeys showing their teeth as a sign of submission (although I also remember reading that it means danger or a sign of attack), I have had this headcanon that Lylat primates (especially Corneria) have difficulty smiling publicly because many of them find scary or dangerous sign. This also happens in your characters like Frankie or in your Andross?.
You have an interesting headcanon! I think it makes sense that some Lylatians would be afraid of them, given the war scenario. :O I’m sure social discrimination exists for them. Like... There are some derogatory monkey digs from characters like Falco and Katt in the games, regardless of if a Lylatian is actually a monkey or not. It’s all appearance-based. Yikes. I think Star Fox had the opportunity to emphasize that ‘people’ are more similar than they are different, but I digress...
Frankie actually doesn’t mind smiling and he smiles quite a lot, but that’s just how he is as a person. He’s a bonobo-man to emphasize certain traits--being friendly and bonding is more important to him than throwing his weight around and acting tough. Frankie is a total contrast to Andross [while bearing some resemblance...], so they approach the world and the woman in their life in very different ways!
And LOL, I don’t think the reddit comment on my Andross doodle is accurate to primates. I just find it hilarious like something Andross would say word-for-word. 🤣 🤣 I also learned that baring teeth is a threat to primates. I was warned that if you smile at a monkey or an ape, they might attack you! It’s also dangerous to make direct eye-contact. God, they are scary IRL, but fascinating too.
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bouncyenvos · 4 years
1D with Andross and 2D with Andrew! 😉
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drdynamic · 4 years
Red and yellow!
🔴 Red - Do you have a dream AU you haven’t written in yet?
// Just one I’ve only began to touch on... where he’s either coerced or begrudgingly convinced to fully join Venom’s side. Though I’d have to warn that he might get... awfully depressed over it 👀
🟡 Yellow - What is the best motivation for you to write your muse?
// In all honesty, just seeing him appreciated ooc, whether it’s my own portrayal or someone else’s. He’s quite a comfort character of mine, so seeing others talk about him in a positive light lets me feel more at ease sharing about him, too!
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Another one hmmmm Falox or Woleon?
Shipping meme:
Wolf/Leon-- As I already did Falox. Woleon is a slightly new ship for me that seems to follow similar patterns to Falox in many ways due to the Leader/Ace dynamics. However, there is a more possessive and eerie tone, covered in feral tender moments. And usually, I enjoy exploring the unrequited side of the pairing as it’s brutally bittersweet.
Who’s the cuddler:
At first, it’d be Leon. During those rare moments where he does show his affections, leaning in and yearning but never telling--forehead to Wolf’s back and hand on shoulder. Extremely rare, and only when they have silence around them. Wolf just let’s him.
Who makes the bed:
Leon, as Wolf usually doesn’t even bother most of the time and got accustomed to Leon’s finicky ways.
Who wakes up first:
Depends on the temperature. If it’s very cold, Wolf wakes up first. If it’s very hot, it’s Leon. Cold blood versus warm blood, y’know.
Who has the weird taste in music:
Leon. From orchestral, instrumental to experimental. It reminds him of his days as a child on Macbeth, listening to machinery and the strange noises in the labs. In ways they were melodic to him--and silence even sweeter at times. Wolf prefers screamos.
Who is more protective:
Leon. Hands down. Despite Wolf’s bravado, Leon has a way of being more intimidating and calculating in the long run.
Who sings in the shower:
Wolf. After a long day’s work in Sargasso, he just screams his feelings as a melody.
Who cries during movies:
Wolf does, especially movies about kids winning sports games. It reminds him of his childhood. Whereas Leon just doesn’t get it...
Who spends the most while out shopping:
Both, for different reasons. Wolf usually gets the armory and weaponry, while Leon is in charge of food and water and oxygen supplies.
Who kisses more roughly:
Wolf, again due to the easiness of his muzzle. Leon doesn’t have a beak but he does need to work around the need to shove his tongue out during a kiss.
Who is more dominate:
Wolf, despite Leon’s ferocity. This is due to Leon always being loyal and a follower to Wolf and whatever the man says, Leon does.
My rating of the ship from 1-10:
It’s a 7 out of 10, a really sound ship in my opinion. It’s also a go to for most of my headcanons for Wolf unless there’s a shift in verses and pairings and I want to explore more.
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evajellion · 4 years
Please tell me something about Frystal ( Fox x Krystal ) for the ship meme
who’s the cuddler: Krystal, definitely. Fox seems like he’s a bit more shy at first.
who makes the bed: Ironically, in spite of the fact that Fox is a mercenary and all, I like to think that Krystal can be kind of a slob and leaves the bed unmade, lol.
who wakes up first: Depends on the situation. Before Marcus is born, probably Fox, afterward, Krystal wakes up more.
who has the weird taste in music: Krystal probably has that more foreign, exotic taste in music that the rest would be unfamiliar with. It’s not a bad thing though!
who is more protective: Fox, as evident by Assault and Command, can be to a detrimental state.
who sings in the shower: I don’t think either of them would??
who cries during movies: Krystal, I can only see Fox being more emotionally vulnerable and visible after the Anglar Blitz.
who spends the most while out shopping: I like to think they're both careful with their funds, it’s usually other characters that may spend while out shopping.
who kisses more roughly: Krystal probably.
who is more dominate: …… Krystal, lol.
my rating of the ship from 1-10: 7, I would rate higher but Nintendo did them dirty. >:(
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almightyhamslice · 4 years
Pinstripe Potoroo!
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Here he is! He has fake fur for hair, and comes with a little prop gun! 
This would never fly as an actual kid’s toy lol
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divineprank · 2 years
What a really specific question. I think I imagine myself as Link; he's definitely his own character and my motives are probably a hell of a lot different than his own. But when playing, I take shit personally. I mean, "no way, no Scrubs"? The Bomber Gang isn't even that cool anyways. I don't wanna be a member, whatever. 🙄
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spacenintendogs · 4 years
Andrew with a crown of flowers
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i actually have been liking how i've drawn andrew lately
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peppy-pilot · 3 years
Salty Ask List
23.) Unpopular character you love?
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//Seriously, of all the Star Wolf members, he’s got the most depth and history, and I absolutely LOVE incorrigible slimebag villains. And that’s not just me gushing about him based on @selfish-swine‘s headcanons (which is fucking fantastic), even back before Star Fox Assault came out, I was writing headcanons about Pigma’s hidden character depths on due virtue to how so extremely important he is to Star Fox lore at all. Pigma deserves more appreciation than the fandom gives him credit for.
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icantlose · 3 years
[Munday meme!] 🌸 ; Have you ever met an rp partner in real life? Would you like to?
I have, yes! @tortureisims and I first met within the Left 4 Dead tumblr rp community and we have met up in person several times since! We're hoping to have another get-together soon, but no definitive plans yet. She wants to meet my cousin and geek out about Godzilla with him!
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