#psychobent au
potralcartoon2 · 2 years
Psychobent AU
(Since my old blog is terminated, I reposting it here)
Me and @die-06 and @oblivions-tempest have recently created Homestuck au for psychonauts
There is 3 sessions in this AU
- Origin (Psychic 7 + theodr session)
- Parallel (Senior Psychonauts session)
- Heritage (Junior Psychonauts/Interns session)
The psychic 7's session was a null session, an specific kind of null session. It was a void session
Here is some information about each player in session
Oottoo Mental
- Tealblood
- Mage of Light
- Dancestor of Gihsuu Nermen
- [MP] mechanicalPsyche
- (o)normally wriTTes like TThaTT
- Land of Lightbulbs and Mechanisms
- His job is make all lightblubs work again and bring light to his land
- Wants to know everything that god tier powers can do, so he even godtiered himself because he know he would not be in danger since Lucria godtiered, and so asked everyone else to godtier, they agreed
- Between pale and red with Fooord and black with Cassie
Fooord Cruler
- Limeblood
- Rogue of Mind
- Dancestor of Normha Natiad
- [PS] proffecionalShard
- ~his Q-uirk🔍Loooks🔍Like🔍that~
- Land of Mirrors and ######
- Main quest on land is unravel true name of Land using mirror shards and everything here is reflective, trees, ground, everything
- Godtiered after Oottoo's ask
- In red relationsips with Lucria and between pale and red with Oottoo
Lucria Galico
- Purpleblood
- Prince of Heart
- Dancestor of Razpui Aquato
- [WW] waterwallWonder(before murder mode)/[MA] malignityAmygdala (during murder mode)
- ~WaS Writhing like that before She broke~/ ~LIKE THAT AFTER sHE BROKE~
- Land of Warmth and Deluge
- The Prince's quest is as follows - on a large river there is a dam which has stopped the flow on the planet, its task is to create streams, so that water can safely pass on
- And she failed, poor consorts
- Whole Land looks really cute, like everything made from threads, everything is sewn and knitten
- in red relationships with Fooord and pale with Cassie
- She was first to godtier in session after she found box with a bomb on her godtier bed
- After which expreremented with her powers with Oottoo
- Doesn't knew that Alternia was destroyed after start of SGURB
- Also she was under constant manipulation by the Bard of Hope, as he wanted to use her godtier powers for personal gain, she was not happy about it
- When she found out the truth about what happened to Alternia, she was shocked and horrified and tried to get rid of her pain using her powers and everything got out of control and she went into murder mode because of it.
Robert Zanoto
- Ceruleanblood
- Knight of Life
- Dancestor of Liilii Zanoto
- [GS] greenhouseSeedsman
- His quirk l🌸🌸ks like th🌲t
- Land of Sprouts and Vials
- His quest is to remove the current of vials so that the plants underneath can fully grow
- Land looks like one big water planet with little sprouts that try to grow everywhere
- Godtiered after Oottoo's ask
- In red relationsips with Helmut Fulber
- Tried to help Helmut with frog
Cassie Oopiia
- Goldblood
- Seer of Time
- Dancestor of Aadaam Jostte
- [GA] goldenApiculturist
- 🐝Her Quirk Looks Like That🐝
- Land of Archetypes and Records
- Her quest is collect history of Land and share it to archetypes and consorts on her land
- Her land looks like a huge pile of libraries with blueprints and books
- Godtiered after Oottoo's ask
- After that got identity crisis because of her Seer of Time powers as she started to see herself from different timelines and it became hard to undestand to her which of them is real her
- In pale relationships with Comton and Lucria but have red crush on Lucria and in black relationships with Oottoo
Comton Boolle
- Bronzeblood
- Heir of Doom
- Dancestor of Samtha Boolle
- [FA] fearfulAnimalkeeper
- {:3 his quirk looooks like that, woof
- Land of Screens and Censure
- You know feeling of being watched, well, on this Land everyone is constanly watched and shown on screens thar fly around planet and quest is to turn off all those screens
- Godtiered after Oottoo's ask
- Now he knows that everything will go wrong, just doesn't know when
- In pale relationships with Cassie
Helmut Fulber
- Rustblood
- Sylph of Space
- Dancestor of Morris Marnez
- [SK] sensorioumsKing
- 👄he TALKS like that👄
- Land of Rainbow and Frogs
- Everything is bright here, too bright!
- Earth is rainbow, water is rainbow, everything is rainbow!
- Godtiered after Oottoo's ask
- But it didn't saved him, since his death from hands of Lucria was heroic
- In red relationships with Robert
Theodr Maliik
- Fucsiablood
- Bard of Hope
- Dancestor of Gristl Maliik
- [EG] empiricGreatness
- 👑hIs quIrk Is lIke that👑
- Land of Vessels and Cathedrals
- Really creepy place that feels like filled with ghosts, all consorts is just empty, just stand here and don't even talk
- He is a reason why this session is void session in a first place
- He had triggered the game way earlier and others had to scramble to get on the game to survive - not prototyping. This meant they were on a complete standstill. they were stuck there for a good, GOOD few sweeps
- Does not have good relationships with anyone in session and didn't godtiered
- Manipulated Lucria for his own goals, was one who left that bomb
- He only seen her as worthly because she is closest to seadwellers since she is Purpleblood
- When she went murder mode, she cut him in half, he deserved it
So situlation ended up with a dead sylph and a bard, a captured prince who can get out at any moment and continue the massacre, a rogue and a knight in depression, a seer who does not know who she is and an heir who can only lie on the ground and cry now, and mage that somehow okay
And they had no choice, but to do scratch, hoping that next sessions will not fail
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portalcartoon · 3 years
Psychobent AU
I and @die-06 and @the-grimmly-bank have recently created Homestuck au for psychonauts
There are 3 sessions in this AU
Origin (Psychic 7 + theodr session)
Parallel (Senior Psychonauts session)
Heritage (Junior Psychonauts/Interns session)
The psychic 7's session was a null session, an specific kind of null session. It was a void session
Here is some information about each player in session
Oottoo Mental
Mage of Light
Dancestor of Gihsuu Nermen
[MP] mechanicalPsyche
(o)normally wriTTes like TThaTT
Land of Lightbulbs and Mechanisms
His job is to make all lightbulbs work again and bring light to his land
Wants to know everything that god tier powers can do, so he even god tiered himself because he knew he would not be in danger since Lucria god tiered, and so asked everyone else to god tier, they agreed
Between pale and red with Fooord and black with Cassie
Fooord Cruler
Rogue of Mind
Dancestor of Normha Natiad
[PS] proffecionalShard
~his Q-uirk🔍Loooks🔍Like🔍that~
Land of Mirrors and ######
Main quest on land is unravel true name of Land using mirror shards and everything here is reflective, trees, ground, everything
God tiered after Oottoo's ask
In red relationships with Lucria and between pale and red with Oottoo
Lucria Galico
Prince of Heart
Dancestor of Razpui Aquato
[WW] waterwallWonder(before murder mode)/[MA] malignityAmygdala (during murder mode)
~WaS Writhing like that before She broke~/ ~LIKE THAT AFTER sHE BROKE~
Land of Warmth and Deluge
The Prince's quest is as follows - on a large river there is a dam which has stopped the flow on the planet, her task is to create streams, so that water can safely pass on
And she failed, poor consorts
Whole Land looks really cute, like everything made from threads, everything is sewn and knitten
in red relationships with Fooord and pale with Cassie
She was first to godtier in session after she found box with a bomb on her godtier bed
After which, experimented with her powers with Oottoo
Doesn't know that Alternia was destroyed after start of SGURB
Also, she was under constant manipulation by the Bard of Hope, as he wanted to use her godtier powers for personal gain, she was not happy about it
When she found out the truth about what happened to Alternia, she was shocked and horrified and tried to get rid of her pain using her powers and everything got out of control, and she went into murder mode because of it.
Robert Zanoto
Knight of Life
Dancestor of Liilii Zanoto
[GS] greenhouseSeedsman
His quirk l🌸🌸ks like th🌲t
Land of Sprouts and Vials
His quest is to remove the current of vials so that the plants underneath can fully grow
Land looks like one big water planet with little sprouts that try to grow everywhere
God tiered after Oottoo's ask
In red relationships with Helmut Fulber
Tried to help Helmut with frog
Cassie Oopiia
Seer of Time
Dancestor of Aadaam Jostte
[GA] goldenApiculturist
🐝Her Quirk Looks Like That🐝
Land of Archetypes and Records
Her quest is to collect history of Land and share it to archetypes and consorts on her land
Her land looks like a huge pile of libraries with blueprints and books
God tiered after Oottoo's ask
After that got identity crisis because of her Seer of Time powers as she started to see herself from different timelines, and it became hard to understand to her which of them is real her
In pale relationships with Comton and Lucria but have red crush on Lucria and in black relationships with Oottoo
Comton Boolle
Heir of Doom
Dancestor of Samtha Boolle
[FA] fearfulAnimalkeeper
{:3 his quirk looooks like that, woof
Land of Screens and Censure
You know the feeling of being watched, well, on this Land everyone is constanly watched and shown on screens' that fly around the planet and quest is to turn off all those screens
God tiered after Oottoo's ask
Now he knows that everything will go wrong, just doesn't know when
In pale relationships with Cassie
Helmut Fulber
Sylph of Space
Dancestor of Morris Marnez
[SK] sensorioumsKing
👄he TALKS like that👄
Land of Rainbow and Frogs
Everything is bright here, too bright!
Earth is rainbow, water is rainbow, everything is rainbow!
Godtiered after Oottoo's ask
But it didn't save him, since his death from hands of Lucria was heroic
In red relationships with Robert
Theodr Maliik
Bard of Hope
Dancestor of Gristl Maliik
[EG] empiricGreatness
👑hIs quIrk Is lIke that👑
Land of Vessels and Cathedrals
Really creepy place that feels like filled with ghosts, all consorts is just empty, just stand here and don't even talk
He is a reason why this session is void session in a first place
He had triggered the game way earlier, and others had to scramble to get on the game to survive - not prototyping. This meant they were at a complete standstill. They were stuck there for a good, GOOD few sweeps
Does not have good relationships with anyone in session and didn't god tiered
Manipulated Lucria for his own goals, was one who left that bomb
He only saw her as worthy because she is closest to sea dwellers since she is Purpleblood
When she went murder mode, she cut him in half, he deserved it
So the situation ended up with a dead sylph and a bard, a captured prince who can get out and continue the massacre, a rogue and a knight in depression, a seer who does not know who she is and an heir who can only lie on the ground and cry now, and mage that somehow okay
And they had no choice, but to do scratch, hoping that next sessions will not fail
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only semi related, but one of my favourite parts of psychobent (that dead psychonauts homestuck au me and a few other folks came up with, in case ya dont remember) was telios.
part of the lore of psychobent was that the maliik family (trolls have family dynamics in this au, dw about it) were the fuschiablood rulers of alternia, but theodr and his wife (we never agreed on a name for her) were killed in the deluge, and their son gristl was presumed dead.
after the deluge, power fell to the lobotos, a pair of high ranking violetbloods. the two of them had extreme anti-psychic/psiionic prejudice, and made being one a cullable offense.
their first son, caligo, was a psychic. not wanting to kill their own son, they had him lobotomized. pretty much the same as canon loboto.
telios was the loboto's second son, had much later in their lives. caligo had already been deemed unfit to rule, and the lobotos didnt want the throne to leave their bloodline.
telios was... also a psychic. but he was generally a late bloomer, and having heard stories of what happened to his brother, he quickly began hiding his powers.
when telios' parents died, he was only 5 sweeps old. the only thing he did upon being appointed king was quietly repeal anti-psychic laws.
telios' whole situation has led to him being a very quiet, anxious troll. hes curious about his brother and wants to meet him (telios probably thinks his parents stories about what happened to caligo were exadgerated), but doesnt know where to start in terms of finding him.
h-hixs typixng quixrk ixs that he has a fake stutter and duplixcates hixs is (like the i in psiionics), but censors the second one with an x.
his name is a shortened version of the greek word for "perfect", tying into an iterpertation i really liked of a scene from ror. unfortunately the post (and/or the blog that made it) got deleted >:(
it just occured to me this was kind of a weird triad about my oc, feel free to ignore
eh go on with oc talk, theyre fun !! i like the worldbuilding of the loboto fam taking over after the maliks and i like the idea of loboto having some younger sib who tried to not fall to the same ill fate as him
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jnixz · 3 years
Just dumping the many things to think about
*tosses Mal-Psy7s Au into the list*
so how many is this already
Psychic 7 (in general, dynamics, art & science, specialties, etc)
Ford (characterization, mind levels, aspects interaction, etc)
Psychonauts organization
Mindscapes and brain levels
OBDLCs x ??? (Cos, my interpretation and the slight overlaps with My own version, other people’s versions)
Dnd (both like as dnd characters or just them playing dnd)
Swap Aus
Psychobent Au
Personal self-indulgent AU x2
Fanfic Writing
I guarantee you its all psychic 7 related - Angst, Horror, Action, Comfort and fluff
Au fanfics
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prettyinnoise · 5 years
PINTERESSANT 19/46 – Entdecke neue Musik aus aller Welt
PINTERESSANT 19/46 – Entdecke neue Musik aus aller Welt
Wir haben auch diese Woche wieder einige Songs und Musikvideos gesammelt, die ihr so eher nicht überall um die Ohren geworfen bekommt.
PINTERESSANT – Musik aus aller Welt, die uns überwiegend über die Musik Promotion Tools wie beispielsweise Submithub erreicht hat.
Ring Them Bells – Ringo
#Dänemark # PsychRock #NoiseRock #PrimalScream
View On WordPress
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portalcartoon · 2 years
so uhh when can i have the intern session of psychobent
Razpui Aquato
Prospit Knight of Heart
Land of Carnivals and Connections
wonderousWreckage [WW] / mentalAcrobat [MA]
Quirk: .︵. ztartz n endz hiz mezzagez w/ thiz zymbol too bc it lookz like a perzon jumping from zide to zide .︵.
Liilii Zanoto
Derse Seer of Life
Land of Vines and Blaze
greeneryScorched [GS]
Quirk: assum🥀ng we're all🔥w🥀ng em🔥j🥀 qu🥀rks, 🥀 th🥀nk l🥀🥀l🥀🥀 sh🔥uld talk l🥀ke th🥀s
Normha Natiad
Derse Prince of Mind
Land of Knots and Tribunal
polishedSunstone [PS]
Gihsuu Nermen
Prospit Witch of Light
Land of Ramps and Limelight
masterfulPrototype [MP]
Morris Marnez
Prospit Maid of Space
Land of Radio and Frogs
serenadesKeynote [SK]
Aadaam Jostte
Prospit Sylph of Time
Land of Hands and Screens
graciousAdroit [GA]
Samtha Boolle
Derse Bard of Doom
Land of Landmines and Sylvan
feeltingAcorns [FA]
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Now in my head are Psychobent thought and just image of Raz meeting young Lucy on prospit
(I know it not really possible, but it like, random thought)
Maybe not on Prospit, but if someone were to make something analogus to the dream bubbles...
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Seeing you rb the psychobent au /pos
I have you know we have a lot more info now if youd like to hear it /gen
love the psychobent >:]
feel free to share more of that info babey!!! I used to love troll and sburb aus, they can be real fun
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I should realized this before when I saw psychobent au in the psychonauts tag -- Sburb lands. :handshake emoji: Brain Levels -- Making unique and thematic designs you can overanalyze the characters its assigned to
It's been on my mind for weeks and I just haven't said anything but Yes Yes Yes, Mental Landscapes and Sburb Lands are one in the same in being these fun abstract representations of the characters they're related to and those can be so fun to dream up and design!! I used to love puzzling over what two words would be exactly the right vibe for any given character
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What is this psychobent au? Just curious seems interesting and is Compton in yet
It's a homestuck au that @die-06 @the-grimmly-bank and @portalcartoon have posted about (portalcartoon told me about it), so I would suggest asking any of them for more info if you're interested :)
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