simonfalk28 · 30 days
Saw Willie Nelson's Doppelganger
Saw Willie Nelson’s Doppelganger Saw Willie Nelson’s doppelganger Today Stepping across the roadway With a sack Or jacket Not sure with The glary light shimmering Across the view. But an aura it gave Framing the figure Striding and standing Tall And lone With poise and purpose. Simon C.J. Falk 24 August 2024
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simonfalk28 · 1 month
Soft Rain Fall On Us
It’s been a while…
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simonfalk28 · 5 months
Responding to a Basic Tune Under the Varied Noise
Responding to a Basic Tune Under the Varied Noise Treading tones Along stones Tread, tread, tread, tread, Rhythm led As all flashes by In the sky I can spy And tread, tread, tread, tread, Gives a rhythm to my Heart, head, feet The part and path I go Watching the flow And in the end All is beauty. All is beautiful. Simon C.J Falk  9 May 2024
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simonfalk28 · 6 months
When Will It All End?
For those who live with chronic pain.
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simonfalk28 · 9 months
Mary Oliver Had That Way
Mary Oliver Had That Way Mary Oliver had that way To feel underfoot That dew damp grass And the scent of the morning air Before the grainy shore As she saw swans swimming Sunning themselves As the light pierced the mist.   And she showed up Was present and Saw the scene. Because of her witness We now see.   Simon C.J Falk 6 January 2024
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simonfalk28 · 9 months
Nothing Stirred
Nothing Stirred Nothing Stirred From the dormancy Instead A life lived out Frantic and frenetic From this to that and That to this and Never minding Or looking Or listening For the poetry Of life. Simon C.J. Falk               5 January 2024
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simonfalk28 · 1 year
John O'Donohue's Accompaniment
For a number of us the late poet and philosopher-theologian, John O’Donohue, has articulated for us when we seek words. He crafts a vessel that has carried, or, is carrying, some of us across the waves of grief to safe shores. The words are a companion in loneliness and a gentle sound to punctuate silence. I’ve written of him before in That Worthy Wordsmith is Our Anam Cara. This is but a taste…
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simonfalk28 · 1 year
Stop and Listen
It’s been a while since my last post here. Inspiration comes when it does. Things have been bubbling away for some of us and here it is. Stop and Listen Stop and listen To the sound Of the noise beneath the noise. Noise from outside Expecting, driving, urging, coming Ruptures in Tumultuous transference Reverberating and grating and agitating It fires and wires Shaking and…
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simonfalk28 · 1 year
Please Do Not Suppose
Please Do Not Suppose Please do not suppose That you need To be Alone In our experience. Although some is Especial to you Others may know Something Of the tides that Come ashore Upon us. At times the tide feels Low Others it comes a buffeting Flattening us Beached. The insidious underground Of hormones Burrow the recesses of Our being We feel the change And the energy Ebb…
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simonfalk28 · 1 year
Not This Time
Not This Time Not this time Will car and foot Traverse The driveway Seasoned All seasons With lines of Pepper corn trees Harbouring bees and Birds and shade. Not this time to Continue conversations In corridors That somehow feel More confidential Than back home. Not this time To sit in circle Holding a simple Cross In the hand And holding stories Laughs,…
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simonfalk28 · 2 years
What Frequency?
What Frequency? What frequency Is your tinnitus? Mine casts waves. Of doorbell chime, Searing security alarms, And phones Pinging and ringing and Ringing and pinging. But wait! Is that sound of Guitars? And cicadas on the summer breeze, Of banter and laughter of those Passing by. With a little sigh I hear Why fret and worry About so many things? Few are needed. Let them…
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simonfalk28 · 2 years
The Last Day
A recent poem
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simonfalk28 · 2 years
Pandemic Ponderings and Pain
Pandemic Ponderings and Pain
Recently a colleague told of turning up to an old favourite cafe. It was closed. It made me ponder some of the last two and half years. The examples are by no way exhaustive. Just samples. Pandemic Ponderings and Pain i. Astride a makeshift ergo stool A teacher MS Teams her students, while The eyes at the back of her head Crane to the open door behind her, where across the hall Her own…
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simonfalk28 · 2 years
Faces Of the Day
Faces Of the Day
Faces Of the Day Faces of the day A glint in an eye A wan, worried expression A loving look Or all pursed and puzzled Tired tints and tones. In each face I see a reflection  as in a mirror A sense of common humanity all one family And craft of the creator. Simon C.J. Falk 16 June 2022
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simonfalk28 · 2 years
#WATWB March 2022 - River and Life
#WATWB March 2022 – River and Life
For five years an intrepid team, brought together by Damyanti Biswas and Belinda McGrath Witzenhausen, have shared good news stories in the We Are The World Blogfest #WATWB. Here we are again! (Supplied: Madman) via ABC News Australia. Accessed 27 March 2022. The coronavirus pandemic has led so many of us to take stock in what, and who, really matters to us. Among some of the things, we have…
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simonfalk28 · 3 years
Apologies to Dr Seuss These words kept pestering me so I had to exorcise and transfer them. Sorry that you caught the transference! The RATs n STATS The RATS n STATs Inhabit our flats Where we hang up our hats So how about that! When will Omicron Finally be gone? It’s getting tough When we’ve had enough So today As we go our way We smile and say G’day 1.5 metres away Behind masks…
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simonfalk28 · 3 years
#WATWB November 2021 @onfootacrossaustralia for Refugees
#WATWB November 2021 @onfootacrossaustralia for Refugees
Some would know that I did, with a friend, 240kms of the Portuguese Way (aka #CaminoPortugues) of the pilgrimage walk to Santiago de Compostela back in 2018. Well here is someone who walked further. And he did it for others. For people looking for a home. Welcome to the We Are The World Blogfest for November 2021 as we share stories. Thanks to SBS News Australia, I bring you Ivor Houston and…
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