highinfidelitys · 10 months
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@paletmblr event xxvi: rom-coms ❅ the holiday (2006) ➳ ❝i have found almost everything ever written about love to be true. shakespeare said, "journeys end in lovers meeting." oh, what an extraordinary thought!❞
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toruro · 1 year
hii you should consider writing on google docs or somewhere that saves your works automatically to ptevent loss again 🥹🥹
I USUALLY DO omg but sometimes if i dont expect a fic to be more than 1k ill do it on ao3 and auauuugh
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downtotheground · 2 years
[open starter]
Wally needs to find Eva. He needs to make sure she’s okay and he wants to talk to her. If only he could stop getting distracted. There’s just so much to Prentiss, so many people. So many new plants to study.
So yes, he’s been looking for Eva but he’s also been getting to know Prentiss. He already has a little makeshift home hidden in some forgotten building and he’s built up quite the collection of plants. That’s part of the problem, Wally can’t stop collecting things. He wants to learn everything about these objects, about the way this town lives. It already feels like he’s missed so much.
The biggest discovery Wally's made is movie night. He’s never seen anything quite like this before, the way the glow of the movie screen bathes everyone watching. That’s why he’s here now- wandering through the crowd and trying to find somewhere to settle down.
He walks by a trash can and sees something shiny reflect the light of the screen. What’s this? He’s seen people exchange these round metal circles for the food they’re selling and wonders if he could try the same. Wally leans fully into the trash, digging his way down to the object tempting him. Right as he’s about to grab it he feels a tap on his shoulder, stopping his search.
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prentisstownrp · 2 years
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Every Saturday of June, the town of Prentiss will be hosting a movie in the park. There will be an evening and a late night showing. We’re kicking it off with Singing In The Rain, the perfect romantic movie if you have a certain someone you’ve been wanting to ask out... wink, wink. There will be reasonably priced snacks available, or you’re free to bring your own! Don’t forget the lawn chairs and blankets!
This event is not mandatory, and your characters absolutely do not have to participate if they don’t want to! While each weekend will present a different movie, you can post open and/or closed starters for any of the movies anytime in June --- we know life sometimes gets in the way!
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pthq · 4 years
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text 📲 open
NORAH: Anyone up for hitting the slots after the show tonight?
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ladychlo · 3 years
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radfem-gossip · 3 years
[Like I have had sex with men I had zero attraction to, and I'm straight. I did it because I thought I had to, to be a good person, because he was a "nice guy" and saying "no" would be selfish. I never found him attractive, he was disgusting and repulsive.]
Thanks for sharing your experiences, i am very sorry you were in that situation and i hope you are happier currently. All women in patriarchy are socialized with the idea they must live only to please men causing many of them to be pressured to get in unfulfilling relationships with men that are not good for them. This is why i'm against comphet arguments, it implies straight and bi women are somehow immune to this aspect of female socialization, having hqd regrettable unhappy relationships with men in the past is not a sign a woman is a lesbian, it just means men are disappointing and patriarchal socialization ptevents a lot of women from having healthy fulfilling relationships.
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foodandbeveridge · 7 years
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Why eat Organic. By rejecting GMOs and genetic Engineering and Genetic Editing of our food that nature provided we are pteventing serious health issues in ourselves family and our children. Scary facts #gmo and #geneticengineering in foods are mutation, genome and genes are changed and in tests they have shown to cause tumors #cancer #infertility #ibm #chronicdisease #gastrointestinal #chronicfatigue problems #allergies #depression #glutensensitivity #leakygut these is are cases of improvement with #autism and destroys our healthy #microbiome avoid #glyphosate #pesticides #insecticide Common In corn rye wheat barley sugarbeet and soy by buying #organic certified only #healthydiet #eatclean #cleaneating #fitvegan #wholefoodplantbased #nongmofood #healthcoach #foodcoach #selfcarerevolution #globalrecharge and stop GMOs GE and glyphosate in our #animals Too our animals are now experience the highest amounts of cancer too. If you need help we are happy to guide you just send us an email or message. #thefeedfeed #plantbasedvegan #plantpowered #healthylifestyle #longevity start your own #backyardgarden And swap with others #organicseeds (at Terrigal, New South Wales, Australia)
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kittythedivine · 7 years
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What happens when #KittyKat hits up the hottest gay bar in Las Vegas? Tune in to the upcoming video from @katrinahummel video to find out! #KitKatInLV #VivaLasVegas #GayClubVirgin
102k likes ❤ 100 comments 💬
@kitkatupdates: Kat popped your cherry? 😏😏😏 click to read comments
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prentisstownrp · 2 years
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It’s an EGGtravaganza!
Prentiss Town has never been one for casual holiday celebrations. Over the last month, the Mayor has been hard at work preparing not just a few hundred, but one hundred thousand eggs to hide throughout the city. The goal is to bring joy to people of all ages, young and old, even those who don’t celebrate... and maybe bring a little good publicity to the proclaimed creepy seaside town. Each plastic egg has a prize of some sort, whether a piece of candy, a knick-knack or a coupon of various deals donated by local businesses. Maybe you’ll be one of the lucky ones that finds a $20 bill! Everyone is on the lookout, so you better get to hunting!
This is a dash event that will last through the 17th. It is not mandatory, and non-event threads will not be paused, so there is no pressure to participate if you’d rather opt out! The eggs are hidden at all locations, outside of stores, in the park, so your character can find as many as they want all over town! Don’t forget to tag your starters #ptstart!
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prentisstownrp · 2 years
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Every Saturday of June, the town of Prentiss will be hosting a movie in the park. There will be an evening and a late night showing. For our very last movie, we’re airing Pretty In Pink, and hope you’ve all enjoyed the event! And don’t fret about not having any plans next weekend, we have plenty more fun planned!
This event is not mandatory, and your characters absolutely do not have to participate if they don’t want to! While each weekend will present a different movie, you can post open and/or closed starters for any of the movies anytime in June — we know life sometimes gets in the way!
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prentisstownrp · 2 years
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Every Saturday of June, the town of Prentiss will be hosting a movie in the park. There will be an evening and a late night showing. For our third and next to last movie, we chose The Breakfast Club; laugh and cry to your heart’s desire! Enjoy what the concession stands have to offer, or pack up your own popcorn and candy! 
This event is not mandatory, and your characters absolutely do not have to participate if they don’t want to! While each weekend will present a different movie, you can post open and/or closed starters for any of the movies anytime in June — we know life sometimes gets in the way!
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prentisstownrp · 2 years
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Every Saturday of June, the town of Prentiss will be hosting a movie in the park. There will be an evening and a late night showing. For our second movie, we’re going with the original Nightmare On Elm Street --- try to keep your screams at a reasonable volume! There are concession stands for snacks and drinks, or you can bring your own! Most importantly, have fun!
This event is not mandatory, and your characters absolutely do not have to participate if they don’t want to! While each weekend will present a different movie, you can post open and/or closed starters for any of the movies anytime in June — we know life sometimes gets in the way!
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I did something bad. || puckitty
who: norah and kitty (mwahaha i control two charactersssss) where: las vegas, divine influence’s hotel room when: get down, get deeper and down - saturday night what: norah and kitty have a moment after a night of drinking notes: written kind of like a fic/solo para since I wrote both characters. It’s also kind of bare bones for that reason.
After the mess that was drunk Marley the night before, both Norah and Kitty were feeling a lot of things.
First there was Norah. Before any of the drama with Marley happened, Norah had a little bet with Kat that she ended up winning. They ended up going out to dinner, and between little sips of wine and bites of food, Norah felt better than she had in ages. Just being around Kat had started to do that to her, enough so she almost considered cameo-ing in the KittyKat/KitKat/whatever it was video just to spend time more time with her. Plus she kind of felt like Kat was pushing her away at some points. It just made more sense for Norah to head back to her room boringly early, since she had no interest in clubbing with anyone else or going by herself. 
And then Marley got drunk. Norah, who was always so mom-ish regarding Marley, texted her and they ended up sort of fighting. She had gotten responses from Marley she had never gotten, and, to be honest, she was actually a bit angry about it. How had Marley never told her any of this? How had she left her in the dark? Norah thought they knew everything about each other...but maybe that was unfair to think or hope, seeing as Norah had never acknowledged her feelings for Kat with Marley, or even about the phone calls and texts from her dad. Maybe Marley didn’t owe her any honesty.
Kitty, on the other hand, felt very different. After spending a night at a gay club with Kat, she felt a sense of...peace. Like she belonged somewhere. For once she wasn’t questioning or trying to shove those feelings down. Being around all these other people - her people, apparently - and just dancing and not caring about coming across as gay. And seeing some gay couples together with no straight ones in sight...it made her think of Marley, which always brought a warm feeling to her chest and a sense of fluttering butterflies in her stomach.
So after Marley sent her drunk texts, Kitty felt more and more determined. She’d talk to Marley the next day, she’d tell her how she felt, and she’d finally get what she was too nervous and too scared to go for.
That morning, Kitty got tylenol and coffee and some greasy breakfast foods from McDonald’s and brought them to The Sirens’ suite. She went straight to Marley’s bedroom...
Only to remember that, oh yeah, Quinn was her roommate.
Kitty still sat with Marley and had breakfast with her, but even when they were alone, the reminder that her cousin was there on tour with them, the cousin that had her mom’s number in her phonebook, rang in her head. And she just couldn’t do it. She couldn’t make herself speak. Maybe if Marley had gone out with her and Kat she could’ve told her then, or if Marley hadn’t been drunk that night and Kitty had gone to see her...well, there was no reason to wonder about that anymore.
So Kitty was pretty miserable throughout the rest of the day. Norah was pretty miserable as well. And then ended up in the bar of their nice hotel together. Norah, always a heavyweight due to her experience with drinking, was only slightly buzzed by the time a less experienced and very small Kitty got to the drunk state. 
At that point, Norah decided it was time to take a drunk little Kitty back to her room. Once they were in there, they decided to stay in and order a movie on demand and get some room service delivered. And Norah might’ve gotten into the mini bar for some refreshments as well as ordering a drink or two from room service, but whatever. It still wasn’t that late in the night, so it was just the two of them in the room.
It just made sense for Norah to sit on Kitty’s bed as they watched the movie. Or, well, “watched”, since they mostly just talked and laughed. They hadn’t done that in a while, but earlier in the tour, they talked fairly often. In fact, Norah had thought Kitty was into her at one point. She seemed to be very flirty, and Norah had tried to distance herself since Kitty was Quinn’s cousin, making her totally off limits. It was just kind of weird, wasn’t it? Going after someone related to one of your most common hook-up partners?
But Norah figured Kitty just had to be naturally flirty like she was. She pretty much got proof when apparently Kitty shot Marley of all people down. There was no way Kitty was gay or bi or whatever if she didn’t feel anything for Marley. So, for Norah, just sitting on a bed with her and laughing and talking was really nice. She wasn’t sure she could remember the last time she hung out in a girl’s room without hooking up with her.
But, eventually, though Norah wasn’t sober enough to really recognize it, Kitty put a hand on Norah’s leg. When Norah noticed it, she looked back up at Kitty with confusion. “I kinda wish you came out with Kat and I last night,” Kitty said, her words the slightest bit slurred.
“Yeah?” Norah asked, feeling a bit lightheaded from the alcohol. “How come?”
“To see the legend in action,” Kitty said with a smirk. “And maybe get my own chance.”
Before Norah had time to realize what Kitty was saying, the smaller girl was pressing their lips together. Norah remained frozen for a moment, but as a hand landed on Kitty’s arm and Kitty’s hair brushed against her cheek, Norah woke up and did the only thing that made sense: keep on kissing her. Between the tension of the music video, her sexual and romantic tension with Kat, and how she was trying to avoid sleeping with Quinn or too many random fans, Norah was just so desperate. It had been too long for her, which, yes, was a shorter definition than it was for most people, but she was a sex shark, okay? 
But somewhere in the back of Norah’s drunk brain, she remembered Marley. Her best friend - well, she thought, she wasn’t so sure anymore - who had a huge crush on the very girl she was kissing. And the girl she was kissing was related to another girl she had spent many hours over the years kissing.
Norah immediately pulled away and shook her head. “I can’t do this,” Norah said. “I can’t...it isn’t right. You’re one of my best friend’s cousin. And Marley...”
Kitty’s eyes widened as she looked at Norah. Had Marley told her about everything? Kitty’s heart pounded in her chest and she sat up straight in the bed. Norah had been a plan for one night months ago, back before she and Marley had even talked. “I just wanted one night...to learn how...” Kitty shook her head, unable to make herself go any further. Admitting that she wanted Norah just to learn how to be with a woman was too far for her.
Norah looked at Kitty for a moment before standing up and getting back into her shoes. “I should go,” Norah said and Kitty nodded in agreement. As soon as the door closed behind her, Kitty turned onto her side and closed her eyes. She had really fucked things up, and she knew that, even in her drunk state.
Norah went back to her room and jumped into the shower. In reality, their kiss had only lasted a few seconds, but she felt awful. She felt like she had betrayed Quinn for even kissing a relative, and she felt even worse when she realized that this meant Kitty was into girls...she just wasn’t into Marley.
Then again, she wasn’t even really into Norah, was she? She just wanted her for one night. Those were her exact words. I just wanted one night.
Just like everyone else did.
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drunken whispers (near midnight) ✒ puckat
Thankfully the ND holiday party was coming to a close. Norah would say “thankfully” because she was pretty much drunk off her ass. Don’t worry, she hadn’t been drunk in her set and, after years of getting a bit too drunk after gigs (pre-record contract) and being a Puckerman her whole life, she could hide it pretty well. At least to the public at large. If anyone tried to talk to her, they’d probably notice her slurred words, but she wasn’t throwing up or making a fool of herself. However, there was a risk of that happening any moment, something she vaguely recognized, especially with the heels she had on combined with her floor-length dress. Without checking if anyone was around, Norah kicked off her shoes, picked them up, and made her way to the bathroom.
After washing her hands, Norah made her way out, bumping into someone almost immediately. “Oops,” Norah said, holding onto that person’s shoulders, her shoes still in her hands, for a moment to collect herself. Okay, now she was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. “Got it...got it...” Norah said, slowly stepping back to rest back against the wall, the cool temperature helping her steady her dizziness.
Finally, Norah looked at who she bumped into, happily surprised to see Kat there. “Hey, Special K. You’re almost my height,” Norah slurred with amusement. Whatever heels Kat was wearing while Norah was shoeless and slumped against the wall made their height difference much less pronounced. “Havin’ a good time? ‘S fun, right?”
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