#puck connelly
captainlaurence · 1 year
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The Scorpio Races
Day 7, Chapter 12
October 7, 2023
Year 11
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applecakeandminttea · 2 years
Puck/Kate Connolly
Dream casting ideas:
Madeline Ford
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Annalise Basso
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(bonus: her riding a white horse on the beach!!)
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Abigail Cowen
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Bonus reference pictures I found on Pinterest that I felt like looked exactly how I imagine Puck
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certifiedfae · 27 days
puck connelly would be saoirse ronan’s dream role if she was in her early 20s or younger and could play 19 year olds again
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melyzard · 5 years
“All I’m saying is that you’re asking them to treat you like a man. And I’m not sure either of you want that.”
“I just want to be left alone,” I say.
“Like I said,” Peg replies. “You’re asking to be treated like a man.”
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dealbrekker · 6 years
Puck: I will not be your weakness, Sean Kendrick. Sean: It's late for that, Puck. Me: I'm actually dying
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ghostiewriter · 3 years
also.. can we talk about how hot it was when brenna was blowing jake in her room and she kept stopping when he moaned cause her dad was home and he’d get all whiny and be like “i’m being quiet promise”
But can we just take a moment to appreciate the fact that to the rest of the world Jake Connelly is this hot, suave all-star hockey player who literally owns whatever room he enters
AND THEN he comes home and his girl cab have him on his knees, begging for her and just has him wrapped around her finger? HONESTLY WHAT A QUEEN SHE IS
I just know in this world there’s a compilation of Jake looked whipped for Brenna whenever they make public appearances and I honestly love that for them
Also she definitely laughs her fucking ass off whenever he calls her about another crazed puck bunny sneaking into his room after a game💀
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thereaderstea · 4 years
The Scorpio Races Book Review
“It is the first day of November and so, today, someone will die.”
From the first line, Maggie Stiefvater wields her enchanting writing on you and draws you into The Scorpio Races just as the capaill uisce enchant their riders and call them into the depths of the Scorpio Sea.
Title: The Scorpio Races
Author: Maggie Stiefvater
Synopsis: It is Scorpio season, and with Scorpio season comes the capaill uisce, carnivorous water horses. Every year, the island, Thisby, hosts The Scorpio Races where riders across the island and even overseas come to ride a capaill uisce by the November sea for a chance to win big money, if they live. Every year Sean Kendrick enters the Scorpio Races, a returning champion, but this year, Puck Connelly will be the first girl to ever ride in the Scorpio Races.
Genre: YA Fantasy/Magical Realism and Romance
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
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“I turn around and there is a horse…I smell blood on its breath.”
It’s not November unless I read The Scorpio Races. Maggie Stiefvater’s writing could be described as poetic prose. It is magic woven into the everyday world. It is a Scorpio writing style: calm and dramatic—not a loud, action-movie dramatic, but the dramatic that stirs in your veins and beneath your skin,—dangerous and enigmatic, blood and frothing seas. There are so many beautiful lines in this book and captivating imagery, I would recommend this book solely because of the writing, but it’s also more than just the writing.
“My mother always said that I was born out of a bottle of vinegar instead of born from a womb and that she and my father bathed me in sugar for three days to wash it off. I try to behave, but I always go back to the vinegar.”
The characters are more than characters, they’re human. They have their quirks, they have their fears, they have their wants, and they have their goals. What I love most is the way they are written: Puck Connelly is often cross with one of her brothers or someone else on the island, and the reason isn’t always explicit. And the sibling dynamics are so real; my favorite is when she realizes she and Finn are standing in the same way, so she gets cross, thinking either Finn is copying her or she’s copying Finn. Meanwhile, Sean Kendrick is reticent and in his chapters we see all the things he could say, but he doesn’t. A bonus: we see how Puck and Sean see the world and themselves vs how the world sees them and how they see each other. 
Even the side characters have history and quirks, like the Carroll brothers who are “dough-for-brains” and “dough-for-lungs”. Malvern also has his quirks, as distasteful as they are—can I just ask, what the heck is Malvern thinking with that tea combination?
The Scorpio Races is a journey, and despite it being about a race, there’s no rush in the plot. The events unfold in their own time and build off of one another. The steady pace allows you to absorb the characters, the weight of the words, and enjoy the ride to the finish line. 
“Shhhhhh, shhhhhh, says the sea, but I don't believe her.”
and that’s the Tea by tor-mon
Tea that doesn’t have salt or butter, that is
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Comma, Binding, Library, & Hardcover
Comma- Who is your favorite character.....ever?
Aieeeeee this is so rough.....I’m going to exclude comic books which makes it both easier and harder.... I’ve narrowed it down to four: Huckleberry Finn, Eugenides (Queen’s Thief), Nina Zenik (Six of Crows) and Bee Badgerlock (Realm of the Elderlings).
Runners up because I feel guilty leaving them out: Puck Connelly (The Scorpio Races), Kaladin (Stormlight Archive), every single other character in the Queen’s Thief series, and Wintrow, Althea, Fitz, Beloved, Kettricken, Ronica, Malta, and Molly (because Realm of the Elderlings has the best written characters of any series I’ve ever read).
Binding- If you could give any book to a loved one, what would it be and why?
Hmmm also a tough one... As a gift, I’d give Peter and the Starcatchers to the twins because it’s such a magical book and they’d freaking love it. Sadly, my other sister beat me to it and is calling to read it to them as a bedtime story to keep bonding with them from across the country.
Library- What is one book that changed your views on a topic?
I recently read Getting Away with Murder: The True Story of the Emmett Till Case by Chris Crowe and it changed my opinion on, like, news and media outrage. It still bugs me and there’s still a lot of misinformation, but that book showed me how important the news and television was to the Civil Rights movement in the US and I have a little bit of a different understanding now.
Hardcover- Least favorite book and why?
Me Before You by JoJo Moyes. I hate everything this book is and what it stands for. It’s poorly written—the main character is super super annoying, the plot is bland and reads like something that was slopped together in an hour, it tries too hard to be heartfelt and emotional and instead ends up melodramatic, AND the way it portrays disability is just AWFUL. The theme is this: it’s hard to love a disabled person, and sometimes the only way out of the sad, awful, pointless life of a person with a disability is assisted suicide. (Okay, rant over, I just cannot express how much I HATE this book with my entire soul)
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captainlaurence · 1 year
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The Scorpio Races
Day 6, Chapter 11
October 6, 2023
Year 11
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heykidsreadingisfun · 5 years
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Title: The Scorpio Races Author: Maggie Stiefvater Copyright: 2011
Summary: After her oldest brother decides to leave the island of Thisby, Puck Connelly must enter the Scorpio races to keep what’s left of her family and their house safe. Along the way she meets seasoned racer Sean Kendrick who will teach her a few tricks and offer her support in the deadly races. 
What I thought: I loved this book and wish there was an entire series about Thisby and what Puck and Sean’s lives were like after she won. It was important to the story that Puck rode a regular horse, but it also showed that just because someone says something is impossible doesn’t mean it actually is. She was the underdog, but it didn’t feel as though she was guaranteed to win the races with the way the story was set up, which I was glad of. I also wish that we had more information given on the water horses, besides the random tidbits that were thrown out by Sean and the other stablemen. This is one of those books that I think would be checked out pretty often from any library that it’s added to. 
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libertyreads · 6 years
January TBR
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1. Slayer by Kiersten White--Set in the Buffyverse and is about a girl in the Watcher Academy. 2. The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater--Puck Connelly is the first female to enter the violent Scorpio Races. 3. Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson--Stevie Bell sets off to solve the mystery at Ellingham Academy. 4. Unbroken edited by Marieke Nijkamp--A collection of short stories about disabled teens. 5. The Valiant by Lesley Livingston--Female gladiators. That’s all you need to know. 6. Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor--Lazlo Strange wants to know what happened to the city of Weep 200 years ago.
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the-book-queen · 3 years
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Hide your wallets, it’s that time again! #TBQsBookDeals
Your Monday thread of #romancedeals is ready, FREE to $1.99. Happy shopping! 📚❤
    FREE ✦ A Cowboy's Strength by Vicki Lewis Thompson
Childhood friends. She returns to town to convince her mother to move, but he's going to be the one convincing them both to stay.
#ContemporaryRomance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3uUN1CZ 
$0.99 ✦ The Puck Charmer by Cathryn Fox
1st POV. She owns a landscape business, he's a hockey player. Meet-cute he hits her car, and offers to pay for the repairs by working for her.
#ContemporaryRomance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3eRGO5f 
$0.99 ✦ Accidentally Married on Purpose by Rachel Harris
Country star + waitress. They wake up married in Vegas.
#ContemporaryRomance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3yhQRbB 
$0.99 ✦ The Wedding Date by Cara Connelly
She's a realtor who "matches" couples with their perfect homes, he's a doctor (and she doesn't date doctors).
#ContemporaryRomance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3uU43RF 
$1.99 ✦ Primal Instinct by Janie Crouch
He's an FBI agent. She has an "uncanny talent of getting inside the city's most dangerous minds". They team up to get a serial killer off the street.
#RomanticSuspense (MF) | https://amzn.to/3tSlIYD 
 Putting these lists together takes time. If you appreciate this content, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi. http://ko-fi.com/danielletbq 
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annaswrites · 6 years
I was tagged by @zewrites. THANK YOU! :D
Rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 followers.
Name: Anna
Nickname: Annie (only by my grandpa, so don’t you dare!) Tanna, by my nieces and nephews, and Jack by my close friends!
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Height: 5’2′’
Language(s) spoken: English and like nine words of French. I can say I love you in Norwegian.
Fav. Fruit: Raspberries and watermelon.
Fav. Scent: Lavender, Petrichor, stables
Fav. season: Autumn, the Indian Summer parts
Fav. colour: red, black and gold. But I love color in general. Give it all to me.
Fav. Animal: horses, cats and rabbits. I also like goats and birds.
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea and hot chocolate. Earl Grey is <3.
Average hours of sleep: Uh, I have Chronic Lyme so I sleep between 8-16 hours a day. *quiet groan*
Fav. Fictional character: Captain Jack Sparrow. He’s been my muse since I was 13. LOKI. Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman. The Doctor. River Song. Tarzan (animated Disney version), Brienne of Tarth, Puck Connelly, Steve Rogers, Jane Eyre . . . I could keep going.
No. Of blankets you sleep with: In the winter, like eight? Right now, 3. It’ll probably go down to 1 once it’s super hot out. Also I live in one. I wander the house in a blanket with Jack Sparrow’s face on it or one with cats all over it.
Fav. Song: You want me to pick One? Right now it’s Vampire Smile by Kyla La Grange, and Heart Go Bang by Blue October.
Fav. Artist: Blue October, but I have antoher massively long list. I have eclectic taste in music.
Fav. Book: The Scorpio Races, Harry Potter, Jane Eyre, Gables Against the Sky, The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets, and the whole of the Stormlight Archive.
I only have 15 followers right now so you’re all getting tagged!
I tag: @harktia @lonelylibrary @boris-das-tier @writingguardian @abbyfushimi @fukosomilkosoko @theliteraryarchitect @writebruh @teacups-and-tealeaves @ruinedambitions @ashtarasilunar @incipientwrites @karsawritersreblogs @stephaniewrites @alexasreposts
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1rban · 4 years
Confession: T and I both recently realized that we prefer binging on a program than watching one episode per week.
Evidence: Defending Jacob, Bosch (Season 6) and, Truth Be Told.
Terrific T and I started watching Apple TV‘s original show Defending Jacob about a month ago when it first came out in April. Every Friday, Apple TV releases a new episode.
Before discovering Defending Jacob, we had just completed a binge on the Amazon original Bosch. After anticipating its release for nearly a year, we devoured the entire Season 6 of Bosch in one weekend. Honestly, it probably didn’t take us all weekend to watch the entire show. Feeding our need for binging, we recently started watching Truth Be Told.
Defending Jacob
Produced by the subscription video-on-demand web television service AppleTV+, Defending Jacob is an American crime drama miniseries based on the 2012 book of the same name written by William Landay. Defending Jacob is Landay’s third crime novel.
Defending Jacob focuses on the haunting story of the Barber family as they grapple with the accusation that their 14-year-old son, Jacob, could possibly be a murderer.
Premiering amid the COVID-19 pandemic on April 24, 2020, the series, created and written by Mark Bomback and directed by Morten Tyldum, stars Chris Evans, Michelle Dockery, Jaeden Martell, J.K. Simmons, Cherry Jones, Pablo Schreiber, Betty Gabriel, and Sakina Jaffrey.
Jacob is played by Jaeden Martell, who does an excellent job portraying a conflicted and confused fourteen-year-old teenager. Chris Evans (Captain America) and Michelle Dockery (Downton Abbey) act superbly in their roles as Jacob’s parents, Andy and Laurie.
Andy’s father is played by J.K. Simmons, who has grown to be one of my favorite actors–maybe its the hairstyle–since first seeing him in the TV series The Closer. Since then, Simmons has portrayed several excellent characters in notable shows. He also plays Professor Nathaniel Burke of the University of Farmers in the funny Farmers Insurance Group commercials and is the voice for the yellow M&M.
The crime drama is tense, albeit slow-moving, with ample twists and turns. The Barber family lives are turned upside down with the accusation that young Jacob killed one of his fellow classmates. It remains to be seen if the end destination is worth the journey, but Terrific T and I are enjoying the series so far. But we came to the realization, as we have been watching it week to week, that we much prefer being able to sit down and binge a show than drawing it out for months and months.
Bosch continues to be one of our regular favorite series to watch. Based on the novels by Michael Connelly, the Amazon TV series was created by Eric Ellis Overmyer and stars Titus Welliver in the title role of Harry Bosch. Harry Bosch is a Los Angeles Police homicide detective who works on solving murders in his city. The series also features Jamie Hector, Amy Aquino, Lance Reddick.
Truth Be Told
Terrific T and I’s current binge-worthy drama is a show on AppletV+ called Truth Be Told, about true-crime podcaster trying to resolve the mystery surrounding a family patriarch’s death. The show features Octavia Spencer and Aaron Paul in the lead roles. It is based on the Kathleen Barber novel “Are You Sleeping.” The show highlights the difference between white and black culture and the deep racial tensions that exist as true crime podcaster Poppy Parnell (Octavia Spencer) re-investigates the case of a convicted killer she helped put away. The program is taunting and tense, featuring intriguing characters. The actors portray their roles well and are highly believable.
In addition to entertaining us, Truth Be Told introduced us to a line of work that we didn’t know existed–the death doula.
What is a Death Doula?
I am glad you asked…
Like a birth midwife helps individuals bring life into the world, death doulas help people at the end of their life. Doulas walk with the dying person and their family, helping them navigate the entire end-of-life process. This is a fairly new option available for dying people and their families, but one that has seen a rise in demand over the last several years. Doulas empower families in caring for their dying loved one and journey with them through the grieving process. Death isn’t an ideal situation for anyone. Having someone guide dying individuals and their families through the painstaking process of dying from a terminal illness relieves stress and eases the burden of family members. Doulas provide psychological and emotional support during the end of life journey. To be clear, they do not aid or accelerate the dying process, but act in serving others, ensuring that no person need die alone.
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Businesses Are Dying
Last week saw an uptick in stories about businesses that would not reopen post-COVID-19. First, the Lizard Lounge and then Highland Park Cafeteria announced they would not reopen. Wolfgang Puck’s 560 is done, having announced their plans to close permanently two weeks ago. The COVID-19 crisis has been tough on business, resulting in the permanent closure of local Dallas-Fort Worth institutions. Worldwide, the number of businesses that will not reopen after COVID-19 will skyrocket in the coming weeks as this virus threatens to be even harder on the lives it leaves uncertain and unsettled in its wake.
It’s hard to remember that our area got hit by several tornadoes last October 2019 and that there were businesses still trying to get back on their feet from that mess before many of us knew that coronavirus wasn’t a result of drinking too much Mexican beer. And then along comes COVID-19. The virus not only hit hard physically and socially, but it unleashed a series of devastating economic blows halting an unprecedented economic boom dead in its tracks.
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Yes, Johnny, the world will reopen. Yes, we will get past this deadly, devastating virus that has turned life as we once knew it upside down. However, the landscape will look different as we venture onward as we uncover the hills and valleys along our new terrain.
The impact of COVID-19 reaches far beyond the growing death toll. It has a profoundly human effect unlike any that I have seen in my life. In and of themselves, these are results we’ve seen before, but not assembled together lining up to unsettle all facets of our lives.
“Craziness scares us because we are creatures who long for structure and sense…”   Esmé Wang
This is a virus that not only kills us physically, but threatens us mentally, emotionally, economically, and spiritually. As a result of COVID-19, there are people whose dreams are vanquished to the junk pile of unrealized expectations. There will be marriages that crumble and families that won’t look the same in the COVID-19 aftermath. There will be those who, feeling like they’ve done all they can do, will check out mentally, emotionally, and physically. Totally spent and completely broken, they’ll simply say “Sayonara.”
It is in this sphere that chaplain work will come into play in the lives of the people I shepherd. There will be grieving, mourning, and even gnashing of teeth. People will be struggling, looking for someone to walk alongside them on this difficult journey. As chaplains, that’s what we do. As a workplace chaplain, I spend time developing relationships with others so that when they find themselves in a place of hurt or desperate need, they have someone they can lean on.
I guess that’s what struck a chord with me as I first learned about the death doulas. In a world increasingly more connected, we are more divided and alone than we were before any of us had ever heard of virtual meeting rooms and platforms like Zoom. The familiar places we visit collectively and the shows we binge on together afford us a sense of connectivity. God created us to be social beings, recognizing early on that it’s not good to be alone.
Father God, help us not be isolated as we distance from one another during this pandemic. Encourage those who are hurting as a result of COVID-19. Give us the wisdom to use the necessary precautions as we slowly get back to life after the standstill COVID-19 brought. We pray for the business owners who are struggling and fighting to stay afloat. We pray for the workers who need jobs. We lift up to you each and every person suffering from the consequences of the coronavirus, be it health, emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual pain that they are experiencing. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Reflection Questions:
Have you ever thought about the ways we can help people who are dying alone?
Do you know of a local iconic establishment that is closing for good after COVID-19?
In what ways do you see people struggling from the impact of COVID-19?
Whose life can you positively impact today?
  Today is May 18. Our niece Natalie would have turned 31 today. She’s not physically here to celebrate her birthday with us. While we walk in the assurance and with the abundant joy of knowing that she’s in Heaven dancing in the presence of God, those she left behind still miss her. We’re grateful for the short time we got to spend with her and look forward to that day when we will all be reunited.
    In addition to making a guest appearance on Kathryn McClatchy’s “Unleashing the Next Chapter” later this week, it appears I have been nominated for two blogging awards which I will share more about in my next post. Until then, may your week be filled with blessings and joy. I pray that you will see something positive and remarkable happen in your life today. That’s it for now.
The Devotional Guy™
ABOUT: The Devotional Guy™ is a writing ministry of Rainer Bantau, a seasoned gospel preacher, church musician, and chaplain ministering to individuals in their workplaces, to the homeless, and wherever he meets them. He shares helps, hope, and insights on his blog, The Devotional Guy™.
Amazon TV
Apple TV+
Wang, Esmé Weijun. (2019). The Collected Schizophrenias. Graywolf Press. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
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Thank you to the wonderful visual artists and photographers at Pexels, Pixabay, and Pixlr.
I believe that to experience life the way God intended, you and I must receive God’s gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. Through Jesus Christ, God has made this gift available to all who ask.
“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Romans 10:13
Will you personally receive the gift of eternal life so that you can experience the total forgiveness from your sins that come through believing in the atoning death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ?
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast.”
Ephesians 2:8-9
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My Monday Morning Cup | Yes, Johnny, the World will Reopen… Confession: T and I both recently realized that we prefer binging on a program than watching one episode per week.
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mitchbeck · 5 years
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BY: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - The suddenly revived UCONN offense aided by a pair of seniors, Alexander Payusov two goals and Wyatt Newpower three assists and a plus-five, swept a critical Hockey East weekend series from UNH by the score of 7-4 before a season-high crowd of 8,211 at the XL Center. UCONN’s record goes to 11-12-4 overall, but the all-important Hockey East number went above .500 at 8-7-2  and UNH falls to (13-11-2 overall, 7-8-1 HEA). The Huskies are in sixth place in the conference, but in a four-way tie in points at 18 with UMASS-Lowell in fourth place, Providence is in fifth followed by UCONN and then Maine. Northeastern is in eighth with 17 points. “I was very pleased with the weekend it was the second is where we won the game from start to finish. It was one of our five best periods of the year and we kept the pressure on them,” said a smiling head coach Mike Cavanaugh. For UNH’s head coach Mike Souza it was a big disappointment. “Not much to say. Credit UCONN they wanted it more than we did this weekend. It was an unacceptable defensive performance on our part. Hats off to Mike (Cavanaugh) they competed hard and made more plays than we did, that’s for sure. We beat ourselves in a lot of ways tonight.” In the third period, the Huskies added some extra icing on the cake as sophomore Jachym Kondelik scored two goals himself as UCONN erupted for 14 goals in two games and 12 different Huskies were on the scoresheet at game’s end. The play was all started by a blind backhand pass by Wyatt Newpower to Kondelik standing at the right side of the UNH net and his first shot was stopped by Trey Taylor, but he got the puck right back and buried his seventh goal of the year at 7:06 for a 6-2 lead. Newpower’s backhand pass was a no-no as the head coach wanted the blind backhand passes to stop as it was leading to turnovers that have been hurting the team. In this case, it ended well. “The coach told our defenseman not to do those types of passes just get to the net. It doesn’t have to be the hardest shot it has to be on the net and a speed we can tip it at or get a (rebound) like on Sasha’s first goal, that’s what we need,” said Knodelik. The head coach was pleased not only his big players came through, but the team got scoring throughout the lineup. “We got everybody scoring Sasha had two goals, Jachym had two goals, Ruslan’s line two goals. We got scoring from all four lines, that’s a recipe for success. When all four lines are chipping in its hard for the other team to focus on one line and shut it down. I told the kids if you keep getting multiple shot shifts, not just one and done. Several multiple shot shifts you will wear teams down and will score.” UNH got a puck bounce of their own on their third goal as Will Mackinnon right point drive went wide short side, but the eight ball bounced off the backboards and off Vomacka’s skate and into the net at 10:04. It was Mackinnon’s third goal of the year and West Haven’s Eric Esposito picked up the first of his two assists for the game and made the score 6-3. Kondelik scored his second goal at 16:37 on a great feed from Kale Howarth from behind the net and UNH closed out the scoring as Joe Sacco Jr. son of Boston Bruins assistant coach Joe Sr. scored his first of the season at 18:06 to make it 7-4. The Huskies regained the lead early in the second period as Brian Rigali, who had a net-front presence, and pest with four shots on goal started this scoring sequence. Rigali put the puck up the left-wing boards and defenseman Yan Kuznetsov shooting off his back foot got it on the net. UNH goalie Ty Taylor left a 28 oz. porterhouse rebound that Alexander Payusov easily slapped past him far side for his sixth goal at 4:32. For Cavanaugh, he shows more from his senior winger from Montreal. “He showed more emotion, he was vocal and was into the game. He was moving his feet, he’s a fun kid to watch when he is playing like that. You can get paralyzed by statistics sometimes were your not scoring goals, but you're helping your team in a lot of other different ways. I was really glad to see him get a few goals because were gonna need Sasha going down the stretch.” The Huskies got the all-important two-goal cushion on some fine work from UCONN’s fourth line. Defenseman Blake Wheeler (plus four) kept the puck in the UNH end of the ice after a Zac Robbins attempt was stopped. Justin Howell deep in the right-wing corner corralled the puck that UNH goalie Taylor missed behind the net. Robbins circling back like an eagle looking for a squirrel went to the net and made a perfect open blade redirect for just his second goal of the year at 15:06. “That was a big goal and gave our bench a big lift. They did very well in the second and in the third with good puck management.” Tomas Vomacka kept the lead for the Huskies with several breathtaking saves on Patrick Grasso hat trick bid, Filip Engaras, and Eric MacAdams. The best though came on Will Mackinnon as the original shot by Mackinnon came off the backboards past Vomacka and went right back to MacKinnon. Vomacka incredibly got back to the net, past a prone teammate top of the crease to deny him what seemed was a sure goal. The Huskies went back on the rush from that save as Vladislav Firstov stopped on a left-wing bid on across ice pass on a late-developing break play with 2:50 to go in the period. The Huskies got some serious puck luck on its fifth goal and third of the period. Alexander Payusov from behind the goal line as he got the puck from hard work by Harrison Rees dump in. Payusov just wheeled and fired the puck that went off the skate of UNH defenseman Ryan Verrier and into the net with 12.7 seconds left, ending a 20 shot barrage from UCONN. The Huskies went to the intermission with a commanding 5-2 lead plus roaring ovation from the crowd. “We shot a lot more pucks than we did last week. We didn’t get the bounces last week but we're happy with the outcome. The crows were great today.” The Huskies grabbed the 1-0 in the first period as they did Friday in New Hampshire. Once again their top line Ruslan Iskhakov-Vladislav Firstov and Jonny Evans factored in the goal. Evans on the right-wing got a good lead pass from t Firstov and Ruslan Iskhakov had inside position on the defenseman and redirected the perfect soft lead pass by Wildcats netminder Ty Taylor at 4:12 for his ninth goal. They finished a combined plus five with six points and on Friday had 11 points and combined plus 15 with each forward plus five. “The commitment to playing defense is helping them, they’re playing a 200-foot game. It was an emphasis we made to shoot one-time pucks, off the pass we saw that a couple of times tonight. My college coach Terry Meagher at Bowdoin always said shoot five-hole when your struggling when looking to pick corners that’s when you miss the net. That is something we have been doing really, really well this week,”. UNH’s lethal powerplay quickly tied it at one just 36 seconds later and 16 seconds into the penalty. The penalty call by Jamie Koharski on Adam Karaschik was a very weak interference call. UNH’s Patrick Grasso received a pass from the left-wing boards from fellow assistant captain Charlie Kelleher at the left side of the net, Grasso completely unchecked turned and swept his 10th goal of the season by Tomas Vomacka. UNH took the lead at 2-1 as Max Gildon from the right point with the puck on edge came off the right point with a slapshot that Vomacka stopped. The rebound was right there and Patrick Grasso found a still bouncing puck swiped at it and put in his second of the period and 11th of the season at 14:01. The Huskies top line was involved in their second goal that came in the last minute of play in the first. Wyatt Newpower at the right point let one fly and with a partial screen from Firstov who cleanly tipped the puck with 52.6 seconds left the Huskies had a lead and momentum going into their locker room. The period saw Vomacka keep the lid on what could have become a wild scoring free-for-all with several stops that he has made look routine as he has all season. NOTES: -UCONN has a bye week off and returns to action against the Maine Black Bears with the second game in Orono will be another NESN broadcast at 7:30 pm on the 15th. -RW Carter Turnbull (lower body) was injured on Friday was out and likely won’t be back till the Maine series in Orono in two weeks. -UNH lost Charlie Kelleher for the game with a lower-body injury late in the first period. -Ben Freeman continues his solid faceoff work with 12 of 23 many in the UCONN end of the ice in PK situations. -UNH had some local ties in Eric Esposito (West Haven/Loomis Chaffe Prep), head coach Mike Souza an ex-Bridgeport Sound Tiger and associate head coach Glenn Stewart, is a former UHL New Haven Knights in his sixth season. Goaltending Development coach ex-Pack, Ty Conklin in his first season. -The Wildcats Patrick Grasso’s uncles are former NHL superstars Joe and Brian Mullen and ex-New Haven Nighthawk, Tom Mullen. Patrick Mullen his cousin is still playing with the Belfast Giants (Northern Ireland-EIHL). -A recent article in USHCO .com by Jim Connelly intimating that Hockey East as a conference might change its format and become part of all-conference setup with all sports. A longtime trusted hockey source and confidant, very familiar with Hockey East and hockey in general, collegiate and minor pro, shot the article down like an incoming drone. “Utterly and completely baseless. I have no idea where that information came from, but there is no truth to it whatsoever.” It seems farfetched because nearly half of the conference would be disqualified from BU, Maine, UNH, Merrimack, Vermont, and UCONN either are have no conference affiliation or only in certain sports. College hockey is on the verge of expansion not contraction in the next two years. The long plan anticipated inclusion of Holy Cross into Hockey East is still not on the horizon our source commented, “I think that issue might be something the next commissioner will handle.” Joe Bertagna after 23 years is stepping down at the conclusion of the season and a conference committee has been interviewing candidates and has been narrowed down to five candidates. -The UCONN rink bond package has been written according to our source, however, when it will be formally presented to the bond commission remains unknown at this time as legislative jockeying is still ongoing with the Governor and other legislators. -Good news for UCONN hockey fans for next season a Nashville organizational source said both Tomas Vomacka and Jachym Kondelik will be back for their junior years as neither will be offered contracts this spring when the college season ends. -Matej Blumel, from the Czech Republic who was a former UCONN player, but never skated a minute for the Huskies bolting for the Czech Elite League three weeks before the season was to begin. The NHL draft choice of Edmonton Blumel has just three goals and four points in 26 games has re-signed with HC Litvinov (Czech Republic-CEL) for next season. Read the full article
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llamabeansforllamas · 8 years
What is Puck Connelly's and Sean Kendrick's ship name? SOMEONE GIVE ME AN ANSWER!
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