snobgoblin · 7 months
how do you think mojo jojo keeps his brain clean while in jail?
ohhhh interesting question and I'm guessing you're asking because you saw me post this picture
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and the thing to know about this picture is this is from the movie and if I remember right, this is the VERY first time Mojo Jojo went to jail- and in the movie, he actually doesn't have his helmet yet, it's like a prequel he hasn't really figured out what he is yet so he's got this paper bag instead
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and I guess they didn't let him keep the bag that time, but usually they let him keep his helmet in jail! sometimes they give him a different hat though (sometimes he gets to have a tire swing in his cell but I can't find a picture rn)
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he's usually pretty good about keeping dirt off his brain, we know he cleans it in the shower bc he wraps it in a towel afterward, and we know he sleeps in a little nightcap, also
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but to answer your question, he probably keeps his brain clean in jail the same way he does out of jail, very meticulously... I wonder if other chimps would try to pick bugs out of his brain....... euck
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demonzoro · 6 months
if you could rewrite any arc of one piece which arc would you rewrite?
the thing is that i know oda's sense of storytelling and world-building is MUCH better than mine, which is why i like the series. i wouldn't rewrite any of the arcs in way of narrative merit because i do think every arc has a story beat that really resonates.
having said that, i'm always wishing that fishmen weren't one piece's racism allegory, or that if it was, it didn't rely on the crux of "a species that is biologically stronger/faster/more vicious than humans were oppressed and splinter groups of said species are now performing ... reverse oppression". during the arlong park arc, it felt ... contrived for arlong's gang to be so clueless as to why systematic racism was so appalling (i.e. "why are fishmen viewed as lesser - we're biologically stronger/faster/etc." vs. "why are fishmen viewed as lesser - we had lives and families and dreams".)
i feel like there is a better way to tell the story of a people who have the right to sovereignty over their own land, their own bodies, and their own stories. sabaody/fishman island arc touches on the subject of the exotification of mermaids/fishman island, but it's blatantly undercut by sanji's - one of the main charas we're supposed to be rooting for - perv routine.
out of all the arcs, i feel that the narrative of fishman island actually falls short for me, because it's written in a somewhat disingenuous way. while i don't think shounen manga should be the be-all-end-all for racism is bad 101, i think that if you are going to be using racism allegories in your story (literally as the heartwrencher of the flashback/worldbuilding), you should get it right.
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koutone · 20 days
"Don't you forget me"
GUH! MY HEART! I've never seen yami bakura look so vulnerable. I love this piece.
wow thats such a high compliment!!!! ;_; my heart was breaking a little while drawing it. i want to draw them like that more 😭 thank you so much ❤️🥺
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cyberdragoninfinity · 4 months
I need you to know this is my utmost fav piece of art from you. It's just [chef kiss]
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thank you!! im still really proud of that one.... i need to do some more funky colorful stylized compositions like this one the world needs more weird yugioh art ❤
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ducktracy · 5 months
Your art has grown and developed so much.
🥺🥺🥺🥺 THANK YOUUUUU!!! MY GOSH this is so sweet and considerate of you to say!! thank you! sincerely! since most of my drawing these days is for work, i haven’t had much time to stop and reflect on my improvement… not that it necessarily matters too much! i’m always trying to better my craft and be more genuine in my expression, always trying to find new ways to improve, but it’s not worth getting in a spiral over. i haven’t had much time to reflect—so i can’t tell you how deeply this means to me to hear!! i’m so glad you not only think so, but likewise took the time out of your day to send this and let me know. that is so considerate. thank you thank you thank you!!
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flaphack · 6 months
Phase 7: the band moves to LA. They are neighbors with a cult called Forever Cult. Murdoc started his own cult called The Last Cult. Murdoc falls in love with the forever cult leader, Moon Flower. She, however, does not like murdoc and instead becomes buddy-buddy with 2d. The forever cult is looking for somebody with a pure soul and, despite noodle's warning not to, 2d gets his pureness tested. He comes back with a pure soul. He starts hanging out with the forever cult more as murdoc makes him dig holes endlessly and 2d grew tired of this. While with the forever cult they drug 2d so as to give him as a sacrifice to a monster so they can continue to live forever. Noodle, russel, and murdoc go and rescue 2d. Murdoc was working on a cologne called essence of murdoc and during their fight it flies out of his pocket and falls into the hole. The monster eats it and the essence was so foul it causes him to explode, launching 2d out of the hole.
Cracker Island mv is the aftermath of the fight. Silent Running mv is noodle, murdoc, and russel infiltrating the forever cult to rescue 2d.
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chimerafflesia · 5 months
i know hiei is supposed to be this big strong tough guy, but all i remember is that one fight he had in the tournament where after he did his big move and won he practically passed out and everybody was looking at him sleeping and saying how peaceful he looked.
I LOVE IT ITS SO FUNNY. dragon of the darkness flame comes at the cost of being oh so sleepy afterwards
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himbos-hotline · 2 months
what is your favorite outfit to wear?
my favourite fit has either got to be the one I wore when I last went to see hamilton [we dont talk about the meltdown on the phone to my nan or the fact that I was nonverbal the entire time] which is a sweater from primark that i brought with the creation of god hands on, because my brain went "golden lovers coded!" and a pair of jeans with my boots! It was the first time I was gendered correctly by a complete stranger and I yelled at my friends and boyfriend on discord like "I GOT CALLED A BOY!"
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millenniumpuzzle · 3 months
I just saw this gifset of cloud with baby chocobos and wow! They make him SO HAPPY.
THEY DO he smiles and everything it’s so sweet and it makes me so happy too
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strawbearri-frog · 5 months
You're like my sister! She too hates bananas. Especially how they smell.
Here are 2 fish pics. Big Blue the betta and Mccrispy the betta
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bananas are so very unappealing. smell bad taste gross and the Most Horrendous Texture known to man. I am shaking ur sister’s hand in agreement. gorgeous fish tho <3
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snobgoblin · 7 months
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he has a mini drumset on his dash
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW OH MY GOD... that's what his regular drum set must have looked like to him in phase 3 lol
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demonzoro · 6 months
I thought luffy counted as a twink?
i personally would not just bc of who he is as a person. i think there's a level of conscious thought to being cunty as a twink that i do not think luffy performs or would ever feel the need to lean into
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koutone · 5 months
I saw a fanart of vexshipping and realized it hits my one time fav thing when it comes to otps: slight height difference (wiki is saying teá is 5ft 4 and ryou is 5ft 7, thus making yb that height. Unless yb is like yami yugi and also gets taller when out).
i think he stays the same height as ryou so that'd be correct! omg thats awesome though
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cyberdragoninfinity · 6 months
arven pokemon scarvio song of all time forever
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eliseliedl · 5 months
so i noticed on your ending for termina it says "ending a". are you going to replay it to get a different ending?
yes definitely! my plan is to get the remaining Marina endings (not sure how many there are, but i know i can get one of them now at least) then i might take a break and eventually try to replay the game with the other characters as well 👀
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ufofrommarss · 6 months
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Commissions for @lukebeartoe and @pugpugpusheen that I completely forgot to post 🧍🏽‍♀️
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