chubbycarebear · 1 day
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Tummy is still getting pushed to her limits on a regular basis. Made her sick last night on fried food, ate so much greasy pizza, mozzarella sticks, mushrooms, potatoes, macaroni cheese, garlic bread and cheesecake that I had to go puke. Was embarrassing as I was with friends who I think were a little worried, but didn’t mention it. They probably thought it was inevitable given what I’d just put away.
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boke-chan · 16 days
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indigo puke
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uremetomommy · 5 months
I need more fat men who have round, nauseous tummies after a stuffing. I have a few videos on youtube that I’m rewatching through, and I genuinely need this genre to exist more.
Here’s a link to a youtube playlist I made of all of my favourite overstuffed nausea/vomit videos. Let me know if you have any recommendations.
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outootome · 28 days
i think the most romantic thing someone could do for me is stick their fingers down my throat and make me puke all over myself
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strangiesart · 1 year
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tummieaching · 30 days
Oohh...I've been nursing this tummyache all night I couldn't sleep ♡ It finally came up and it felt so good...it was so thick, but my tummy still feels a little full...
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emeto-queen · 1 month
I was feeling really bloated and pukey so I decided to help it along and thought I’d record for the first time. What does everyone think? Go easy on me it’s my first time and I’m kinda shy 🥺
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donutwatches · 2 months
MHA 2.24 - Katsuki Bakugo: Origin - part 1
Drumroll please, the match we have all been waiting for is commencing, ba-dum-tish!
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Oh honey, no. You should know better than to say the words "avoid combat" to Bakugofckyourself Katsuki.
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Let's be real, it would not matter what Deku said, Bakugo would snap at him no matter what. Deku could say "I love PB&J sandwiches." and he would get the exact same reaction.
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Oh, Deku has HAD IT. This made me laugh way too hard
Deku: "All I said was, 'I like peanut butter and jelly', why are you yelling?! You would think childhood friends could have a real conversation about our favorite sandwiches, but noooooooo."
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Deku's idolization of All Might has always walked the line between inspiring and too much. I love that this episode is bringing up the idea that his hero-worship of All Might is not 100% positive.
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All Might, this is not a gift anyone wants. Deku did not put 'broken metal railing sharp enough to make my back a pincushion' on his Christmas list.
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OH GOD! All Might you are not supposed to kill the kids!
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ALL MIGHT, NO! Bakugo need those organs, holy sh!t. I thought Aizawa was having too much fun fighting the students, but All Might is taking, having a blast beating up these kids, to a higher level.
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Bakugo, stop it, you are not allowed to be cute, damnit. It is great that he grew up admiring All Might like Deku, but took away a totally different lesson. He fixated on victory rather than helping people.
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Low blow, to call Deku scum while he's down, lol. Deku's ribcage has already been crushed, he doesn't need Bakugo tossing rude names on top of it all.
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It's kinda difficult to sound tough when you have a pukey face, but that isn't going to stop Bakugo from trying.
It is wild (and a bit pathetic) that Mr. Obsessed With Winning, will toss his values aside just because Deku is involved. Deku really gets under his skin, huh? I think if Bakugo did not care at all, he would not let Deku bother him so much.
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Yeah, Bakugo deserved that punch. But Deku just got puke on his glove, so they both lost really.
Click here for part 2/3
Click here for the masterlist.
@jessiedead, @blackaquokat, @granny-griffin, @champion-prism, @hyperfixations-and-cringe
Request to be added if you want!
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uremetomommy · 5 months
After stuffing myself with a little too much heavy, greasy foods, my belly felt like I could explode. But, I remembered you guys in that moment and decided I should chug some soda along with my already gurgly tummy. My tummy has been recovering from a 24 hour bug, so messing with it probably wasn’t a smart choice but I digress.
I barely got any soda in me before a burp brought a big torrent of almost projectile vomit all over my hand that was rubbing my sick tummy. I didn’t record this unfortunately. I ran to the sink, burping along the way, and washed my hand thinking it might be over. I was wrong. I should’ve known I was wrong because I could feel the remaining food sloshing about in my tummy. I burped a couple times over the sink (its a steel sink and sounds weird when liquid hits it, so it echoed back at me). My tummy pressed against the edge of the sink and I gagged, burped, and coughed up the remainders of my mistakes.
Afterward I was left with a rumbly, queasy belly that didn’t stop causing burps even hours after I had puked. :)
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i-think-im-gunna · 5 months
Here's the video from a while back that I mentioned. It just kept happening and I could hardly breath in-between vomiting. It just wouldn't stop.
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thesewingmachine · 3 months
did you know that people can vomit hard/frequently enough that it can burst the blood vessels in their face and result in bruising?
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Stomach Struggles
Pairings: Wandanat x R
Word count: 1.7K
Summary: R struggles while her girls are away, chronic stomach aches are no fun and r just wants her girls
TW: anxiety, stomach ache, slight angst, crying, vulnerability, vomiting
|| PART 2 ||
Stomach aches were the bane of your existence. They hurt and they made you sick almost every single time without fail.
So when you woke up on the day you and Wanda had finally scheduled a date for the first time in months and felt like you were going to spending the day with your head in the toilet you couldn’t help the tears that fell. Wanda and Nat were still on their mission and should be getting back at around four this afternoon.
You put all of your energy into rolling over, gazing at your phone screen and unplugging it you blearily looked at the time. You couldn’t help the few extra tears that fell, 4:30am. No wonder it was still dark and you hadn’t heard your alarm. It wasn’t going to go off for another two hours. You knew there was no going back to sleep now. The pain was too much but you couldn’t find it in you to find some pain medicine that your girls had stashed somewhere in the bathroom.
Deciding there was no point being sad about something you couldn’t change you began to sift through the bedside table’s draw. You were sure you had hidden som stuff in there incase you got sick in the night.
The chronic stomach aches hit whenever so it was good to be prepared. And you knew Wanda had restocked the stash before she left. Nat had made a big fuss with fury about leaving you all alone for a few days. Worried they wouldn’t be there if you needed them.
You were sad when they left but it was nothing on how much you missed them now. Now when you needed them most.
Your finger wrapped around what you were looking for. Pulling out the small container of your emergency supplies your sleepy fingers fumbled with the small lid before it finally came off with a small pop. You checked what was there. Gratefully and teary eyed as you knew Wanda had taken extra care this time, you pulled out the small note. Written in her loopy script it said how much they loved you and how if you needed anything from the box at all you were to call them and tell them. Wanda signed it with a kiss of her red lipstick on the note. Your fingers brushed over the print and another few tears fell. Carefully you folded the note and placed it on the bedside.
Reaching into the box you found a small packet of pain meds and sobbed in relief. Carefully you took the right dose and put them on the bedside beside the note. With shaking hands you pulled out on the sickbags from the small pile of them in the bottom of the box. You knew it was better to have it ready if you need it than not.
Looking in the rest of the box there were three more things. A bottle of pepto bismol which you turned your nose up at. Another bottle of water and a small pack of crackers. And lastly a small stuffed plushie of a frog. You rolled your eyes but pulled it out and hugged it to your chest. Burying your face in the soft fuzzy fur, it smelt like Wanda and you let another few tears fall.
Turning to the bedside and placing the box on the ground you picked up your phone. Wanda had said to call them if you needed them. But would they get in trouble? With the plushie still under one arm you hesitated before tapping her contact. Was it too early to call them?
The line trilled once, twice, three times and then Wanda picked up
“Y/n?” Her sleepy voice came through the line and you choked back another sob but it didn’t work as a small noise came out. That seemed to wake Wanda up.
“Baby?” She asked sounding more alert. “Are you ok my sweet?”
“Where’s natty?” You asked sounding small and vulnerable you dodged the question.
“Shes here sleeping beside me. Baby are you ok?” She repeated, “did you have a nightmare my love?” She asked with a soft voice.
“N-no.” You hated that your voice shook and let out another small sob.
“Is it your tummy baby girl?” Wanda asked now waking up nat who would be mad if she missed a chance to talk to you. Nat grumbled and threw a hand over her eyes. Wanda nudged her side and covered the phone receiver.
“Its Y/n/n she doesn’t feel good.” Wanda said and nat sat bolt upright. Taking the phone from Wanda.
“Y/n? Are you ok my love?” She said her voice slightly sleepy but still alert.
“N-natty?” You asked.
“Yes baby I’m here.” She cooed.
“H-hurts.” You said.
“Oh baby where does it hurt my love?” Wanda asked and you realised you were on speaker.
“S-stomach a-and head.” You muttered brokenly. You heard shuffling on the other side.
“W-wands whats g-going on a-are you guys o-ok?” You asked.
“We’re fine baby natty’s packing the bags, the missions basically over they can send a relief team, our girl needs us fury can shove it u-“
“Baby lets go. Ill call fury on the way.” nat cut her off making you giggle.
“N-no i-i-ill be ok. Y-you don’t need to come b-back.” Wanda frowned.
“Baby we want to make sure your ok. You don’t have to do it all by yourself anymore sweets natty and i are here now.” She said frowning deeper as your didn’t respond.
You wanted to, you really did. You wanted to tell her how much you owed her and nat but the nausea peaked, and you found yourself leaning forward and dropping the phone as you clumsily pulled the sickbag under you chin and gaged.
“Baby?” Wanda’s voice came through the phone that was where in the sheets.
Nat was by her side and mimicked the sentiment.
“Y/n? Are you alright?” She said sounding urgent. All they were met with were the sounds of you being sick as you threw up into the sick bag.
If they weren’t worried before they were now.
“Oh sweetheart.” Wands cooed. “Its ok. Your ok” she hushed knowing how much you hated being sick.
“Baby we’ll be there soon ok? Stay on the phone with us.” You merely sobbed in response as you gagged again into the bag. Your tiny whimpers broke Nat’s heart.
“Screw this.” Nat said and Wanda raised an eyebrow “I’m calling tony to send us a jet it’ll be way faster.” Wanda nodded and return her attention to you.
“Crap baby my phones gonna die. We haven’t been able to charge them. I want you to keep track of how often your sick and natty and i will be home soon. I lov-“ the phone cut out and the beep told you the line was dead.
You sobbed and stood on shaky legs to dispose of the sickbag. Your head swam and you sat back down.
“Bad idea” you muttered and put the gross bag into the small bin by the bed, unable to full get rid of it.
Pulling the sheets up exhaustion hit and you tried to go back to sleep. After tossing and turning for about a half hour the nausea was back again. You quickly pulled out another bag and threw up again. After another few bouts of dry heaving you were throwing up again. With you head in the bag you didn’t see the door open. Unaware of another presence in the room until a warm hand was rubbing circles on your back. You flinched away and dry heaved again through the sobs.
“Oh baby its ok we’re here now.” You felt the bed dip on either-side and almost cried as you realised they were here. They were back.
When you were done you carefully set the bag in the bin and nat raised an eyebrow at the sickbags in the bin, as you threw yourself into their arms.
“Oof” nat said and wrapped her arms around you anyway.
“Oh baby it’s ok” Wanda said taking you from nat and rocking you back and forth in her arms. “How many times my sweet.”
With a small voice you replied “two.” Wanda sucked a breath in.
“And why are they still here?” Nat said looking at the sickbags and earning a glare from Wanda who was also curious.
“Couldn’t get up. Lightheaded. Thought was gonna pass out” you said snuggling into Wanda’s chest and missing the two girls exchanged worried looks.
“Baby are you feeling anything else? Do you feel warm at all?” She said pulling you back slightly and laying a hand on your forehead. You had your eyes closed but hummed at the skin to skin contact.
“Does she?” Nat asked
“No. She feels fine.” Wanda said and you snuggled back into her.
“Let’s just hope it what it normally is and nothing more or we’ll have to see Bruce.” Nat said standing up and taking the bin away to dispose of them properly.
“Baby have you had anything since you were sick?” You shook your head against Wanda’s neck and she sighed. Pulling you close she swung her legs onto the bed and positioned herself against the headboard with you still in her lap. She picked up the pepto ignoring your whines she made you take it followed by pain meds.
“You did so well my sweet.” She said as you gaged at the taste. “Shh shh shh.” She said ready with the sick bag. Luckily you weren’t sick this time and so she pulled you close again and hummed a soft tune.
“Go to sleep baby I’ll be here when you wake up. Natty and i will take care of you now sleep bubs.”
And you did.
A/N Anyone want a part 2? Imma write a part 2 anyways…
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tummieaching · 1 month
woke up around 4am to my tummy feeling all nauseous...i sat in front of the toilet for a little bit and finally managed to get some of it out...i had to really burp it up....
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emeto-queen · 1 month
Here’s the aftermath after most was out…
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shadowsecondary · 5 days
I want you to lick up any shots i pour. Every last drop for me. I know you can handle more, I'm trying to contain my excitement, and be a good dom, but you are driving me crazy with how desperately you are getting drunk and I can't even hide how excited you make me.
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barfyupchunks · 5 months
this is so hot. The belch at the start drove me mad.
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