punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
The Hexside Squad are all black except Hunter,all transfem except Gus who's transmasc and ALL audhd no exceptions 'cause i said so
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saturnniidae · 2 months
Do what u want with ur AUs I guess but bro it makes me SO mad when people make AUs where Hiccup permanently keeps both legs. Like okay that's genuinely disability erasure?? Fuck off like actually 😭
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garoujo · 2 years
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undead-potatoes · 8 months
My favorite thing about YouTube is how it lets me live vicariously through other people, especially as a disabled person who is bedridden like 90% of the time. I really miss hiking and camping (did a lot of that as a kid), and I've just spent the last couple of days watching people do exactly that, which is scratching some? sort of itch???
Like it's also making my longing for it a bit worse, but mostly it just makes me feel like I get to indirectly go camping in some sort of way. Call that parasocial camping or whatever.
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snickerdoodlles · 11 months
the untamed/mdzs fandom has so much forgiveness for the fathers and so little for the mothers :T
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thomyorkevalentines · 2 years
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I have brain worms from my extremely demanding job and the traumatic ordeal of being alive so here are some highly philosophical Valentines, brought to you by Canva and little to no sleep.
Happy 11th installation from us here at Thom Yorke Valentines!
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alexalblondo · 2 years
indycar Arrival time: 7:40 / actual arrival time: to each their own
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robindrake93 · 2 years
Captain Pulk is non-binary!
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mahogakko · 2 years
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sunnysmiles · 2 years
Omggggg i had an interview with a theater toxay and it went soooo well theyre bringing me on for a workday
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dannysboi · 2 years
Alright crisis averted, hadn't eaten food in multiple hours, time to get back on my bullshit >:3c
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nontalentedexclamation · 11 months
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fedorahat · 2 years
on my radiohead discourse bullshit but pulk/pull revolving doors is a great song on its own and the true love waits version is just a better rendition of pulk/pull. /r/radiohead did not have the vision before kid a mnesia came out !
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areinageshicore · 2 months
DRDT Theory!! Gorey stuff and spoilers for the Ch1 victim!!!
Okay so, @davidchiemcore has searched for me to find like... No coverage on this short theory i proposed when we watched drdt together, so lets go !
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My theory involves this unknown character who is shown to be injured at the very start of drdt, quite the shocking opening. If you look closely past the blood and the suspicious dialogue concerning Teruko Tawaki, you can see a bloody fork dropped onto the table. This fork gives me reason to believe that this person may be our very own Xander Matthews! So let us take a closer look at Xanders dead body.
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What a sight. Looking at the wound on his eye, you can see whatever took his eye out had made 4 cuts into his skin in seemingly a singular motion due to the precide distancing and simmilar curve in each cut. Twice. How intresting.
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How suspect of you, Xander.
Now of course theres no saying that the bloody fork is blood from the persons eye, but the way they seem to be hunched over and appear to be lookong down into a pile blood, paired with the fork and Xanders eye injury makes it seem very likely.
And just pulking at strings for this but the "i have to kill Teruko Tawaki" paired with the "kill Teruko Tawaki" note is like.. Hm. A note? From past Xander? Maybe Teruko got his eye? Just food for thought. And if this is Xander then the line about needing to stop trusting people is funny when put in context with teruko...
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yourlocallyneysimp · 2 years
Genshin Boys x Komi/Mute!Reader (Part 2)
Note: This is very old lol.
Characters: Ayato, Childe, Scaramouche
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Ayato met you through Ayaka. He only had to take one glance to tell that you struggled with meeting new people so he tried to get close to you. He will spoil you a lot even though you try to tell him that you don't need all of the gifts he gets you! He didn't laugh or make fun of you when you told him about your dream of making 100 friends, he was actually quite impressed.
Ayato doesn't only spoil you with gifts, but a lot of food too so be prepared with your empty stomach! If you ever have trouble ordering your food, he would help you pick out what you want to eat and tell the waitress your order. Sometimes he even shares his boba with you. 💙
You probably met him accidently while walking around in Liyue. You were looking for Zhongli, but couldn't find him anywhere. Zhongli was your personal translator so you of course started to panic since you had a lot to do that day that required a lot of talking.
You were then approached by a ginger which you recognized as Zhongli's friend, Childe. You never really interacted with him since you were to afraid to associate yourself with a harbinger. (You were also a bit scared) When he finally was in talking range of you he asked if you were okay which you obviously weren't since you were shaking uncontrollably so you slowly pulled out you notebook and a pen. You then wrote, 'No, I can't find Mr. Zhongli.' "Oh, so you're looking for Zhongli huh? He ran into a bit of trouble with Hu Tao so he would be back soon." You understood and slightly bowed down in a form of respect getting ready to just go home. You were quickly stopped though by Childe asking if you wanted to go to a restaurant together so you could get to know each other. You then remembered your life long goal and agreed. He then lead you to a fancy restaurant.
When you arrived Childe remembered Zhongli telling him about your favorite tea so he ordered that and a few dishes. He could see you were pleased with the tea you ordered since you kept drinking it. He couldn't help but pat you on the head while having a small smile on his face. You then had a small thought. '..Maybe he isn't so bad after all.'
Scaramouche has always had a dislike for you sincr he always thought you ignored him. One day he asked you to go fetch him some papers from Signora since he claimed that he didn't want to see her, but the problem was you didn't know where Signora's office was. You started to shake while having your big eyes since you were afraid to ask so you just stood still. That was Scara's breaking point. He got really annoyed and started to yell at you for ignoring him one again! (Which you weren't) So you quickly pulked out your notebook and quickly started to scribble in it. Although, when you showed him the notebook he didn't even spare it a glance. Instead he smacked it out your hand and continued to shout.
You were getting a bit frustrated and didn't really know what to do so you started to shakr even more. Eventually Childe barged in telling Scara to shut up since he couldn't focus on his work until his eyes landed on yiur shaking form. Scara got really annoyed by the sight of Childe in HIS office so he told him to get out since he was dicipling his assistant. Childe quickly walked over and explained everything.
Ok so..... Scara felt REALLY bad although he didn't show it. His face only softened slightly but you of course noticed. Eventually you started to also notice he had a lot more patience with you than before which made you a bit happy. He also ordered Childe to show you around a bit to get used to the big area you were in and even waits for your response when your writing in your notebook. He would even become more protective of you than ever and won't let you wander off anywhere on your own. He still doesn't really understand why you don't talk much, but he still tries to but himself in your shoes. 💜
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