baddmintonsart · 10 months
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deixe-se-florescer · 1 year
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Silencie todo o seu grito e o acalme o barulho de teu coração, iniciou hoje a Quaresma, é tempo reza, reescrita, releitura e reflexão! . . . . . . . "Lembra-te, humano, vieste do pó e ao pó haverá de retornar..." (Gênesis) . . . . . . . #nocantodumquadro #verso #frases #quaresma #conversão #penitencia #jejum #oração #caridade #pray #biblia #genesis #homo #memento #catolicos #pulvis #fevereiro #quartafeira #quartafeiradecinzas #igreja #deus #phbcity #2023 #explorepage #explorar (em Litoral Piauiense) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co_S9svs1GV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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haunted-xander · 3 days
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radioiaci · 4 months
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⧐ @mr-pulvis liked for a starter.
One of the downsides of being back in the living layer meant that he was going to come across some... less-than-pleasing establishments. Consider it his demonic nature to sneer at religious institutions as he passed them by, something about their aura sticking a proverbial pointed needle into his center.
Didn't like them when he was alive - certainly didn't like them now that he was effectively dead.
Still, the profoundly religious made for a most appealing assortment of potential. Faith was a fickle and funny thing in that way. So on this particularly cloudy Sunday morning, he stood beneath the awning of the building across the street, hands resting on his staff while he monitored the patrons who came and went - their plasticine smiles that reflected his own making for a very annoying resemblance.
His was nicer.
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katsurolle · 2 years
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phone doodled up some rindos and (reomabu-coded) hishibas cos i was thinking abt them a lot recently
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radiatorchains · 6 days
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He sat in the chintzy diner with an impatient air about him. The place was a typical sort of hovel styled in a 1950s Modular style but had a distinctly anacronistic 80s aesthetic tainting it, like fhe brown tinge to tap water. Not that the hulking man came here for the atmosphere.
Bitter black coffee in a thick white muf stained from years of sludge coffee and cigarette smoke was left undrank by Jain; even if he was wont to drink coffee with any regularity it sure as hell wouldn't be the burnt muck before him. Still he had to order something if he wanted to sit and wait here.
I'm adding this cost to his fucking bill, the dark-haired man thought, a grimace on his already sour expression deepening as he looked to the coffee. Two bucks for a cup of shit. The economy was in shambles.
And his client was late.
Jain leaned back in the booth, the already cracked red vinyl of his seat giving an ungodly groan at any movement he made. He tapped the heel of his black motorcycle boots on the linoleum tile with an anxious cadence, not hard enough to jostle the spurs he wore but enough to bounce his thick thigh in the desperate attempt to burn off the unease of his schedule and time being wasted. He hated the city, he hated the smell of smog and bodies mingled with concrete choked decorative urban trees. The stink of Bradford pear trees still stuck deep in his nose and killed any appetite he might have had for any sort of 'food' this shithole would scrape out of a grease trap.
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dinosaurgreasestain · 29 days
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"Doubly so when you're as squishy and malleable and short-lived as YOU."
Gonna reach out and GRIP Miles by the head and give a little squeeze.
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gramoturtle · 11 months
Wings: Reapers, Pig Noise and Soul Pulvis
While playing around with ideas for my AU, I came across some interesting similarities between Reaper Wings and Soul Pulvis Wings.
We've seen both in the TWEWY and in the Animation that Minamimoto has had quite interesting wings. He has multiple pairs of wings. They can shatter or can gain a purple Taboo haze depending on the media. They're messed up in some way.
Even though Minamimoto isn't a Reaper in NEO, could our Chaotic Math Man have a new type of messed up wings as he continues to absorb dangerous birds?
Let's dive into that and see where that leads.
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Shibuya Reaper Wings
First, let's take a look at a couple of Reaper Wings. We see some variations with the Shibuya Reapers.
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Since they are similar to bat wings, I'm going to try and use the same terminology where I can.
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Generally speaking, we have the Arm leading up to a central point called the Wrist where the Thumb(s) and Fingers can extend from. One outer Finger forms the outside edge of the wing and then multiple inner Fingers extend out from the Wrist and along the Arm. The Reaper wings also have a smaller extrusion right by the Thumb too, which can either be a second Thumb or another Finger. The Fingers extending downwards are connected by an Arc, which connects back to the Arm.
Coco's wings are smaller and more curvy while Kariya's are larger and sharper. Uzuki's are even larger, very rigid, and the inner Fingers don't all extend out from the Wrist, but along the Arm.
For the extra piece by the big Thumb, I'm leaning towards it being another Thumb, for theory crafting reasons way below. But if sticking with bat terminology, it would be another Finger I think.
Shinjuku Reapers
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We kinda get to see Shinjuku Reaper Wings. I did some Level Correction to see some of their wings better. (Mourn the variety. It's hoodies only in Shibuya, if you're not good enough, or something.)
Anyways, they generally follow Kariya's wing style.
Pig Noise
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In TWEWY, Pig Butoh (along with Polka and Tango, blue and red colour palette swaps) have Reaper like wings. In NEO, we have Pig Mambo (light) and Pig Bolero (dark). It's a little hard to tell but they appear to have the same wing shape as they do in TWEWY, just that they curl around in front. The overlap might make it look like it creates a "gap" like the wings like for the Pig Mambo (light).
Both the Reaper and Pig wings have a connecting Arc across the Fingers. However, the Pig Noise has an extra piece where the Arm connects to the body, not like the little Thumb or extra Finger by the big Thumb for Reaper Wings, and there is a circular cut or hole removed from the Thumb.
But in general, we can see that Reapers and Pig Noise have a similar structure to their wings.
Now let's get theory crafting!
Soul Pulvis
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So how are Soul Pulvis wings and Reaper wings related?
I stumbled on this by trying to make a Reaper Wing look a little more like a Soul Pulvis wing, and then made a Soul Pulvis wing look a little like a Reaper Wing. Added an additional step, modified the other stages and I got something like this:
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With that, we can see that the Soul Pulvis has a similar wing structure to the Reaper Wings:
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The fully connected inner Fingers in the Reaper Wing gets separated from the Wrist. One Finger moves down to where it would connect to the body, kinda like the Pig Noise or maybe like Uzuki's Wings. A star "eye" symbol appears in the gap between the Arm, outer Finger and Arc. The Arm and Thumb have shrunk. The second Thumb or other Finger by the old big Thumb has grown and now is curving in the opposite direction, away from the Thumb. We could say that the central Star Eye is part of the Fingers or is an entirely new thing.
So what does this mean?
Well, if we were able to see Minamimoto's Reaper wings during NEO (say if, an Angel could still see them), I think they could be at various stages of the above transformation. Maybe they would not reach the same design as the Soul Pulvis wings, but I think they would at least have gotten influenced by his bird snacking.
But that's not all.
There is something else that is similar to the Soul Pulvis and is linked to some Minamimoto:
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The open floating eyes that Felidae Cantus, Minamimoto from NEO's Another Day's Noise form, has. And it can be hard to tell, but there are Soul Pulvis flying circling around the fight, in addition to the mathematical formulas.
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Keeping the Soul Pulvis and the open floating eyes that Felidae Cantus has in mind, we can see similarities. Let's do another transformation to make it clearer:
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Most of the transformation occurs on the side closest to the body. There is a question of how the body side of the wing either grows another Finger or if the innermost Finger strengthens its attachment back to the other inner Fingers. But really they're not that different. And there are some similarities to the Reaper wings too. The tips of the Fingers are closer to the pointy Reaper wing spikes instead of the Soul Pulvis curves.
If the floating Eyes are not something separate, they could be Soul Pulvis wings that separated from their body.
This is why if we continue to use the same wing structure terminology, the Soul Pulvis and the floating Eyes that the extra bit near the Thumb, might be a second Thumb. Although, it could be that for Reaper-like wings that it would be a Finger, even though it's pointing in a different direction and isn't connected by an Arc.
So what does all of this mean?
Super theory crafting time! Let's consider everything so far:
Reaper Wings and Pig Noise Wings share similar wing structures.
Minamimoto in TWEWY and the Animation can have 2 additional pairs of wings compared to regular Reapers.
We've seen from TWEWY and the Animation that his (totally 100% normal) six wings can get messed up by shattering (TWEWY) or get a purple Taboo haze surround them (Animation). The Animation makes it clear that the haze is Taboo haze, which he gains once he gets very Taboo-ified.
Minamimoto has been consuming Soul Pulvis in NEO, so it may mess up his wings again.
There is a possible transformation from a Reaper Wing to a Soul Pulvis Wing.
Felidae Cantus has Soul Pulvis circling around their fight.
Soul Pulvis wings are very similar to the floating open Eyes that Felidae Cantus has.
Therefore, it is possible that our mainline NEO Minamimoto has messed up wings by absorbing the Soul Pulvis, and if Another Day Minamimoto is an even further Soul Pulvis infused Minamimoto - and if those floating Eyes are not something separate or a transformed/part of a Soul Pulvis - there is a possibility that the floating Eyes are his wings.
Now there are only 3 in the fight, which is not 2 or 6. But this is a different Minamimoto. Maybe his wing growth is in progress. Maybe he's learning and can't convert all his Wings into Eyes. Maybe he wants the fight to be fair(-ish). I dunno! But let's consider a Minamimoto who grew so skilled that he could turn his wings...Into weapons!
Anyways this was mostly an exercise in seeing how I could potentially mess up Minamimoto's Reaper wings and this is where it got me. If there is cool fan media of this or someone makes cool stuff based on this, feel free to send it my way cause I'd love to see it!
(Master Post of TWEWY Series Analysis)
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beadickel · 2 months
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Como seria o meu aniversário se os personagens das minhas histórias publicadas estivessem lá? 💭
Da esquerda para direita: Charlie (A Dama das Rosas), Nicolette (A Dama das Rosas), Rochelle (A Dama das Rosas), Eu!, Agatha (Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus), Luís (Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus) e Loliette (A Dama das Rosas). O Ben não aparece porque foi ele que tirou a foto 📷
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hewhostaystheknife · 3 months
@mr-pulvis replied to your post “”:
[ All of them except scare, because he's gay. ]
​[ Well that has him very flustered. ]
Good to see you too, Miles...
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charityforthelost · 10 months
@mr-pulvis started following you
[ He'd noticed his consort had disappeared off his internal radar and had been (quietly) tearing apart Hell and Earth looking for him. There had been tugs in this metaphysical direction, and when he finally felt his way through the strange curtain between Existences, he had spilled blood on the first street corner he found and used some minor bit of enchantment to seek out the closest Miles Pulvis, thinking that someone or something had decided to drag Miles here.
When he saw him, the Fallen would coalesce out of the shadows, gilded and horned and wings flaring. ]
Miles. Who dragged you here-- put their disgusting Faith-riddled hands all over you?
[ He almost hurt to look at for the holiness clinging to him, and he couldn't sense his Name on him, but that was undoubtedly Miles. ]
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windydrawallday · 10 months
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Experimental artwork for my OC [Pokash] circa 2018, I still like it a lot!
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Round 1 Poll 28
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Pulvis et umbra sumus
"We are (but) dust and shadows"
It is a quote from Horace in The Odes of Horace. It has been used in tombstones and was also used as a motto for the demon hunters in The Shadowhunter Chronicles
Sic mundus (creatus est)
"Thus the world was created"
Phrase used by Adam in the show "Dark". Shows up in many episodes and often shortened to Sic Mundus
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radioiaci · 2 months
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⧐ @mr-pulvis
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"I like to think it provides Hell with just the right amount of diversity.~ Otherwise, how dreadfully boring would it be if we all looked and operated the same way, hmm?"
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slothfuldemon · 5 months
@mr-pulvis replied to your post “I don't know what everyone's complaining about,...”:
Ohh, yer feelin' better? Glad t'hear it, man
Yeah, yeah.
[Vaguelly recalling this guy. Looking him over. Trying to think real hard for once before chuckling.]
Do I owe y'anything?
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regallibellbright · 1 year
You know, I have to imagine if the rest of the TWEWY cast and such DO exist in the Kingdom Hearts universe in some form, KH!Minamimoto was pissed to hear some duck used Zettaflare before he could.
This assumes KH!Minamimoto is unerased, of course, but let’s assume he is, if we ever DO see them back again it’ll almost certainly be Neo looks so he can hang out with the Wicked Twisters.
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