#pumpkin beret appreciation post
charliecraftsthings · 6 months
Pumpkin Berets Appreciation Post
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I recently took more photos of my crochet work as part of an application. I'm so pleased to be able to put this mannequin head to use! Some of these are for sale; contact me for more information.
Here's an older green pumpkin beret:
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Newer grey-mix pumpkin beret:
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Orange cotton pumpkin beret:
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Green-tweed pumpkin beret:
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sgiandubh · 10 months
People have opinions about kids, etc great state opinions, but when they post as absolute facts is the problem accompanied by fake voices on videos and blurred pix, that's a problem. Making up lies as facts are the problem. Denigrating Cait and or Sam or worse their families members because you have no real proof is wrong and goes beyond having a peaceful opinion.
Dear Opinion Anon,
First, our traditional spelling bee, because you people still did not learn how to write properly, ok?
People have opinions about kids, etc. great Great: state opinions, but when they post as absolute facts is the problem, accompanied by fake voices on videos and blurred pix, that's a problem. Making up lies as facts are is the problem. Denigrating Cait and/or Sam, or worse, their families' members, because you have no real proof, is wrong and goes beyond having a peaceful opinion.
Look at you, little fascist who knows nothing about the subject-verb agreement in English grammar! Being told what is right and what is wrong by someone clearly unable to properly read and write does not help, pumpkins. Send in your green berets, next time, please: this is way past boring!
I always said I shall speak only for myself on this page. So I am asking you:
Where did you see that particular video on this blog?
Where did you see those funeral pics on this blog? Let alone I explained why I never posted them and you bunch of coward liars all cackled. At length.
Where did I insult Sam's family members on this blog?
Where did I insult Cait's family members on this blog?
When and where did I stalk Sam, Cait or their entourage, unlike one of your queens?
And the question summing them all up:
Do you have a problem with freedom of speech in general?
People post whatever they want to post. They do not need me or you or Moo or *urv or Marple to tell them what to think or post. It is their constitutional right. This is not North Korea: this is an immaterial, almost completely deregulated space, where the demand for information meets the available offer via clicks, shares and comments. Other information is traded in DMs, Telegram groups and other outlets.
Have I made myself clear?
I'll tell you what. You are at once very nervous, curious and afraid of the whole bunch of things we collectively know. You still cannot understand how and why we are still here. You are perplexed by the number of intelligent professionals that are actively debunking all the shite you post regularly. You are upset by the fact real, strong friendships exist in here: something perhaps unheard of in your halls of gloom. And we elicit this reaction only based upon roughly 10 to 15% of the whole content in our, again collective, possession. If you knew all we know, your brain couldn't take it, duckie.
And then I know something else:
No shipper, ever, phoned an employer of an Anti to explain their employee was on Tumblr instead of doing their job.
No shipper, ever, phoned resorts, hotels or airline offices around the world in an attempt to find out where S, C, their progeny or other side players were, at a given moment in time.
No shipper, ever, used their own contacts' network to send false messages about the other side of the fandom war to the two leads, STARZ or the OL production team.
No shipper, ever, sent heinous comments on Anti blogs.
No shipper, ever, harassed Twitter and Instagram posters with endless questions about the time, place and people present at a randomly given event.
No shipper, ever, mounted via sock accounts a whole denigration and calumny campaign on Twitter when one of the leads was involved in a PR blunder.
No shipper, ever, used sexually loaded vocabulary to express 'appreciation' for the actors' work.
No shipper, ever, went on Wikipedia to repeatedly edit the male lead's dedicated page in order to include false sexual orientation reference, which then was screencapped and used as 'evidence' in subsequent flaming wars.
And many more...
You know, people have criticized me for even answering you. But answer you I shall, every time I shall think a reminder is necessary. I think shippers have turned the other cheek for way longer than they should have: a strategic choice that gave you both space and confidence. That you all went in a frenzy just before Christmas tells me perhaps more than you'd think about the kind of people you really are.
I am done with you. Don't bother coming back - you will be immediately blocked: you, your terrible grammar and your impertinence.
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