skrubu · 4 months
Was Here, Punavuori
Was Here, Punavuori by Pekka Nikrus Via Flickr: In album Was Here
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hiidenneiti · 11 months
– Hyvät herrat, Oscar Geijer palautti järjestyksen. – Kunnioituksesta vainajaa kohtaan, oli hän kuka hyvänsä, meidän täytyy siirtyä muualle taistelemaan. Onko herroilla ehdotuksia? Hiljaisuus. – Missäpäin Helsingissä kaksintaistelut yleensä taistellaan? Herrat vilkuilivat toisiaan vaiteliaina kollegineuvoksen tahdittoman kysymyksen jälkeen. – Miten olisi Meilahden ranta? – Hulluinhuone on liian lähellä. Voivat kuulla. – Entä Punavuori, Ampumaradan lähellä? Ei herättäisi huomiota. – Kaikki upseeritoverimme käyvät ampumaradalla. Joku huomaisi varmasti. – Kaivopuisto? – Huoria ja vanhuksia.
Iisalmen serkku. Iisalmen serkku ja muita kertomuksia. Kaari Utrio. Tammi, 1996.
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polkadotmotmot · 1 year
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Rauha Mäkilä - Punavuori, 2022
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nanoa1foryou · 10 months
Translation of this article from Helsingin Sanomat.
The third time
Robin Packalen had a secret plan. After military service he'd head abroad. Despite the attempts a breakthrough hasn't come. Now he reveals his biggest adversary, who surprisingly has a familiar name.
Universal Music Group -record lable's office was located in Merimiehenkatu in Punavuori, Helsinki, in the cable factory's old industrial estate. Behind it's square windows, at the end of the second floor, there was a meeting room, where in August of 2022 gathered a group of the heads of the record lable and one big popstar.
There was a dark table in the room. People sat on opposite sides of it.
There is no clear memory of who all were there, but at least the CEO of the lable Kimmo Valtanen and manager Juha Ruusunen. Producer Joonas Parkkonen participated remotely.
The popstar sat on the other side. He was Robin Packalen.
Outside the late summer sun was burning, but indoors they were looking already forward to the next spring. Or maybe it's more accurate to say listened, because around the table the thoughts were on what pop music on next spring's Eurovision could sound like.
In the previous yyear Parkkonen and Packalen had been polishing up three new English language songs. Now it was time to choose, which one of them would be sent to Yle's Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu.
And from there hopefully to Eurovision.
He had been preparing an international career in secresy. The decision had been made already in 2013.
The situation was peculiar, as Robin had refused from going to Eurovision publicly on multiple occasions, because it didn't fit the artist's image.
"As a concept it's not my style", he had said for example in a Helsingin Sanomat interview a few years earlier.
And Packalen wanted to be a man of his word. But the situation had changed. A career abroad had not gotten off the ground as they'd hoped and for that he was ready to do nearly whatever it takes, even go back on his word about the UMK-competition.
An international career, after all, he had been working on in secresy nearly since when he had pushed his way to the hearts of the Finnish people with this song:
*In the article they have a 23 second clip of the song Frontside Ollie here*
The video for Frontside Ollie was released on 16th of January, 2012. In two weeks the song rose to the top of the at the time Finland's official downloads list and as the most sold on the musicservice Itunes. To this day the musicvideo has been viewed on Youtube for over 20 million times.
During the first three years the teenstar's fame rose to a level, that is still in Finland without a match.
A few measurement of that succeess:
The debut album, Koodi, was the most sold record of the year 2012 in Finland.
The second album, Chillaa, rose immediately after it's release to number one of the official Finnish album chart.
The third, in 2013 released Boom Kah, sold double platinum on it's release day.
Packalen toured around Finland. But in the days between, when he had the time, he flew to "song sessions" abroad. In those he composed music in English and managed to even do it for years is secret from the public.
He, who had charmed teh Finn's with his sincerity.
As the decision had been actually made already in 2013. It was Packalen's own and it was supported by his team. After the matriculation examination and military service the performance language would change to English and the career would be directed towards international spotlights.
The song was called I'll Be With You and it was heard in the Emma-gala in February of 2019. In April another single, Suit That, was released.
*In the article they have a 21 second clip of the song I'll Be With You here*
Packalen had been silent for a year and a half. Then he hd revealed, that he would aim for an international career and was changing his performance language to English.
After the break the first show however was still in a familiar place, in his hometown Turku, on the Rantalava at Ruisrock-festival.
The show lasted for 23 minuter. In that time Packalen did one flip, performed the already released English language songs, two cover songs and a not yeat released Benefits-slow song. In the intermission speeches he spoke in Finnish, among other things called his show a "goofing around show" and promised in the end, that more English language music would be released soon.
But then came fall and winter and spring, and when 13 months had passed from the release of the first song in English oretty much exactly, the coronavirus pandemic closed the artist to isolation and stopped the exporting of music.
"Robin, come back and sing in Finnish"
Packalen's project for international success had first been worked on for three years by Comusic Management's CEO and artist manager Mikko Saukkonen. In 202 the project moved to Packalen's own backing company Robin Entertainment's care.
Both Saukkonen and Robin Entertainmens communications cordinator Susa Ruuhilahti told in an HS interview, that the reasoning for the hold on the international career attempts was the coronavirus pandemic.
The continuation wasn't looking much more promising either.
In December 2020 Packalen released his first English language ep, called Rest In Beat PM. It got a sequel in the next year's October, this ep was called Rest In Beat AM.
First placed on Finlan'd official chart in 46th place, the second in 27th.
HS's music critic voiced a wish: "Robin, come back and sing in Finnish".
In the spring of 2022 a familiar pattern repeated. Yle called. Packalen's manager since 2020, Juha Ruusunen answered the phone.
Would Robin be interested this time in participating in Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu?
After that came a second phone call, this time from Ruusunen to Packalen.
Packalen doesn't remember, where he was when he answered Ruusunen, but he does remember, that the call was long and by it's tone it deviated from the previous calls.
"For the first time I thought immediately, that now I could maybe consider participating", Packalen says.
A year earlier Finland's UMK winner, metal band Blind Channel had managed to create an international fanbase with their song Dark Side.
The concept had started to tempt.
Packalen decided to join on one condition: he'd have to have a good enough song. For that he had to travel to Los Angeles for a song making trip.
He packed into his bag his laptop, microphone, preamplifier and a small keyboard. On the trip he was joined by producer Joonas Parkkonen. The same man, that had earlier participated in the production of Blind Channel's hit as well.
When the evening dimmed, from somewhere far away a shot echoed. Then another.
Packalen had reserved them a "good, cheap and spacious" rowhouse strip from Inglewood, southwest of the center of Los angeles.
When the first evening there dimmed, from somewhere far away a shot echoed. Then another. In the sky a helicopter was making noise.
Packalen and Parkkonen however were in an entirely different atmosphere. When you listen to the music made during the trip to California after the fact, mostly the buzz of the palm trees and a hot beach comes to mind.
During the spring Parkkonen and Packalen made together a total of six songs. By combining those and earlier songs Packalen put together an entire album's worth of music.
In Los Angeles the lightly swinging Girls Like You was born as well. In Punavuori it lit up the group gathered around the table at the Universal Music Group's office.
*In the article they have a 25 second clip of the song Girls Like You here*
The final decision was made by Packalen. He thought that Girls Like You was "super fucking good", as he put it later during UMK in a press conference.
With that he's join UMK, that he was to win, so his name would become familiar abroad. ANd when that moment would come, he'd have an album of new music in English in his back pocket ready to go.
The first time Packalen heard Käärijä's song in January 2023. Yle set up for the finalists a listening session, where the artists got to know, who their competition was and how their songs sounded.
Cha Cha Cha was played second. The situation was recorded on video. At first Packalen's eyes widened from shock and then staryed somewhere towards the floor from confusion.
"I was thinking that well, can't do much more than go to Logomo to jump around."
It quickly became apparent, that Jere Pöyhönen from Vantaa had managed to raise up a buzz, that would be tough to beat. Everything green from cucumbers to the new buds of willows turned into Käärijä juice.
Again manager Ruusunen called Packalen.
"We were so deep into the project. nearly every day there was something UMK to do, practice, finalizing wardrobe and building the staging. There was no opportunity to wallow", Ruusunen says.
The duo would pull up Packalen's much used slogan: it is what it is, se on, mitä on, and move onwards. The call ended.
At the UMK final Packalen performed a perfectly polished, flawless show. Despite, that he had been fairly certain even before the competition of his loss.
Careful steps flowed precicely to the beat of the song. Occasionally he'd fall on his back to the soft surface, but his voice didn't waver.
The viewers voted Girls Like You to the fourth place of the competition.
Without the buzz of Eurovision winner there was no cause to release the new, English language album.
A Finnish popstar's international breakthrough is a trick, that has always seemed nearly impossible.
It almost worked for Alma in 2016. Karma was an international hit, and after it in Finland it was expected, first with vigour and later in desperation, that Alma would become an international superstar.
The record lable supported Packalen's dreams of an international career. But at the same time, it kept reminding, that hits need to happen in the homeland as well.
After a year and half break in 2019 Packalen had said in an interview, that he wouldn't be making more music in Finnish. In the end he went back on his word almost "accidentally".
In October 2022 Packalen's and singer Viivi's joint single Ihana Kipu was released.
*In the article there is a 19 second clip of the song Ihana Kipu here*
According to packalen the song was born kind of on accident or at least he jumped in on accident.
"I went to the studio with the mentality, that let's wrote some more music to Viivi's album. Then somehow I got really excited about the song, and I started to want to join in on it."
The song broke in Finland on it's release day the record of most streams in a day for this decade and crosssed the gold limit in two weeks.
According to the record lable's Kimmo Valtanen Ihana Kipu showed that the early 2010's "Robin magic" that had charmed the Finns hadn't disappeared. But how would the achieve the same with songs in English?
"It's useless to dream, that someone abroad would understand, if they don't understand in Finland", Valtanen says.
"I don't want to rush the music. It has to be something really unique and different from here on out."
Last spring the record lable Universal Music Group moved from Punavuori to new spaces in Hakaniemi in Helsinki.
On the building's sixth floor there is a small negotiation room and in the room a table, on the edge of which amidst bags of peanuts and water bottles a phone and sunglasses have been carefully stacked.
The popstar is sitting at the table. He is wwearing a large t-shirt and green cargo pants, the shoes are mismatched.
What does he think of his international career? Does it feel like a failure?
"It's no breeze, and not like that I decide this and it happens", Packalen says.
"It's important for your head that you have a direction. Somewhere you want to take your life. For me that has been that, creating an international career."
In the interview it becomes apparent, that the record lable Universal has not lost it's hope of Packalen's international breakthrough. Neither has Packalen.
Quite the opposite.
Even in 2020 Packalen said in an Ilta-Sanomat interview that fans shouldn't get upset if "nothing much happens even in ten years".
He sstill seems to think this way.
"I don't want to rush the music. It has to be something reallu unique and really different from here on out."
According to Valtanen the project for internationality has alway had the tought from the record lable behind it, that Packalen is going to make a lifelong career. Internationality is only one part of that.
"And in that we aim to support him so that his career progresses in the best possible way."
In November Packalen will fly to southwest China's Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province. From there starts a tour around China with the Norwegian dj Alan Walker. The tour is a seven show large scale production and walker needs soloistst along to sing his songs.
Before the tour they practice together in Oslo.
In trying to make it abroad Packalen thinks there is something educational. The mindset is, that you can't make many detailed plans. The things around you change and your mind changes with them.
"The fact that things don't always go as you want, you learn from that much more, than when you just say that this is what we're doing and people just kind of eat from the palm of your hand."
"Here I've gotten to hear a lot of those empowering experiences, that maybe someone has been feeling really bad and then has listened to my music and gotten power and energy from that."
He wants to create the same reaction abroad.
"Music is the only way I can have an effect. It's not like I know how to do anything else."
At the change of the year after the tour with Alan Walker Packalen will try to break out into the international arenas again, I guess you could dare to say about the future plans.
He yet again packs up his computer, microphone, preamplifier and small keyboard and travles to Soul in South Korea, this time alone. There he will spend the whole spring.
He would like to find a nice team from Korea, a songwriter or producer, with whom he could write music. Either for himself or someone else. Relations to Korea have been created beforehand.
It's not that there isn't enough talented musicians in Finland. There is. But in popmusic South Korea is currently at another level entirely.
"Everyone wants to work with the Koreans. Korans are kind of like kings at this point", Packalen says.
He has a weight on his shoulders too: that smiling and porcelain doll like beautiful boy.
Young postar Robin was in public a positive, innocent and even flawless. So pictureque, that the mismatched shoes stood out as the only fault in the character.
Almost too good?
Now Packalen, 25, tells, that even his shoulders bear a weight. It's that smiling and porcelain doll like boy, who once did everything so well in the domestic popworld.
"Whatever I do now, it's always experienced in a way, where it will never be anything as good as that earlier Robin."
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eleniror · 2 years
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One rare sunny day in Punavuori, Helsinki.
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kimeerat · 28 days
"Things get damaged Things get broken I thought we'd manage But words left unspoken Left us so brittle There was so little left to give I pray you learn to trust Have faith in both of us And keep room in your hearts for two"
Depeche Mode - Precious
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privacy editing skills :p d:
2021 Punavuori, Helsinki (Finland)
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gautammander · 2 months
The Top 8 things to do in Finland that you should not miss
Finland, nestled in Northern Europe, offers a wealth of experiences that capture the imagination and heart of every traveler. From the mystical dance of the Northern Lights in Lapland to the vibrant urban culture of Helsinki, there are countless things to do that should not be missed. Finland is renowned for its pristine natural landscapes, including vast forests, thousands of lakes, and a coastline dotted with picturesque islands. Whether you're seeking adventure, relaxation, or cultural exploration, Finland has something for everyone. Visiting Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi, crossing the Arctic Circle, and experiencing the magic of Finnish Lapland are must-do activities, especially for families and winter enthusiasts.
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Helsinki's Design District showcases Finland's creativity and design prowess, while traditional Finnish saunas offer a serene retreat in both urban and rural settings. Exploring the Archipelago Sea by cruise or discovering the rugged beauty of Finnish national parks through hiking are perfect for nature lovers. Immersing yourself in Sami culture in Inari or joining in the Midsummer festivities, where the sun never fully sets, provide unique cultural experiences. Finland's blend of natural wonders, cultural richness, and warm hospitality ensures that every visit is filled with unforgettable moments and a deep appreciation for this enchanting Nordic country.
Here are some things to do in Finland that you should not miss.
1. The Northern Lights Observing in Lapland:
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It is a necessity to see the Northern Lights when visiting Finland, particularly in Lapland. The sky is alive with glittering red, purple, and green hues between September and March. Rovaniemi and Inari are the best locations to witness this natural phenomenon because of their clear, dark nights, which accentuate the enchanted show.
2. Taking a trip to Santa Claus Village:
Santa Claus Village, which is close to Rovaniemi, is a wonderful destination for families and lovers of all things Christmas. Discover Santa's official post office, go beyond the Arctic Circle, and meet Santa Claus himself. All year long, it's a great experience, enhanced by winter activities such as husky safaris and reindeer sleigh rides.
3. Discovering the Design District of Helsinki:
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Finland's best design is on display at Helsinki's Design District, a creative hotspot. Explore galleries, boutiques, and cafes in areas like as Punavuori and Kallio. Don't miss the Temppeliaukio Church, a striking copper-domed church carved out of rock, and the Design Museum.
4. Using a Sauna:
Saunas constitute a fundamental aspect of Finnish culture, and it is important to partake in a genuine sauna session. Take a trip to one of Helsinki's urban sauna facilities or sample a classic wood-fired sauna by a lake. Even in the bitterly cold winter months, take a pleasant swim to cool off after working up a sweat.
5.Traveling around the Archipelago:
Take a trip to the Archipelago Sea to see thousands of islands and Finland's stunning coastline. These cruises, which leave from Turku or Helsinki, provide beautiful scenery, visits to quaint islands like Åland, and chances for outdoor sports like kayaking and historic lighthouse tours.
6. Trekking in the National Parks of Finland:
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Finland has many national parks that are ideal for hikers, as well as unspoiled wilderness. See the untamed grandeur of Lemmenjoki National Park and go gold panning, or trek the Karhunkierros Trail in Oulanka National Park to witness breathtaking river views and thunderous rapids.
7. Inari's Sami Culture:
The indigenous Sami people gather in Inari, which serves as a cultural center and provides information about their customs and history. Take a reindeer sleigh ride to see their nomadic way of life, explore the Sámi Cultural Centre Sajos, and learn about Sami culture at the Siida Museum.
8. Summertime Celebrations:
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Finland's largest summer event, Midsummer, is celebrated in late June. Participate in customary activities with the locals, such as dancing around the maypole, sauna bathing, and bonfires. Discover the enchanted environment of northern Finland during the snowy nights, when the sun hardly sets.
In conclusion, Finland offers a treasure trove of experiences that leave a lasting impression on visitors. Whether you're captivated by the dance of the Northern Lights in Lapland, enchanted by the magic of Santa Claus Village, or exploring Helsinki's vibrant Design District, Finland promises adventures for all. The country's natural beauty from its tranquil lakes and forests to its breathtaking archipelagos provides endless opportunities for exploration and relaxation. For those planning a visit, checking Finland visa requirements is essential to ensuring a smooth journey. Once in Finland, indulging in the sauna culture, hiking through national parks, and immersing oneself in Sami traditions in Inari provide cultural insights and unforgettable memories. Celebrating Midsummer under the midnight sun adds a touch of magic to the Finnish experience, offering a glimpse into local traditions and festivities. Finland's charm lies in its ability to blend modernity with nature, offering a unique blend of urban sophistication and pristine wilderness. Whether you're drawn to its cultural heritage, outdoor adventures, or simply seeking tranquility amidst nature, Finland welcomes visitors with open arms and promises a journey filled with discovery and wonder. Discover why Finland is a must-visit destination that captures the hearts of travelers from around the world.
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Tractors are rolling into different parts of Finland this week as farmers protest perceived inequalities in food production profits, reports Maaseudun Tulevaisuus.
While similar convoys in other parts of Europe, such as France, were sparked over regulation, in Finland farmers are angered by low earnings.
Farmers' union (MTK), which is behind the demonstrations dubbed "food marches," argues money is flowing into the hands of retailers, not producers.
Finland's largest grocery retailer, the S Group, for example, reported soaring profits last year. Its operating result for 2023 rose by 37.5 percent from 2022 — while consumers were pinched by rising food prices throughout the year.
The chat doctor is in
Finland is seeing a surge in telemedicine as employers purchase chat services from private healthcare providers like Mehiläinen, which reports online visits rising around 80 percent annually.
Hufvudstadsbladet suggests that it's never been this easy to see [that is to chat with] a doctor in Finland. But not everyone is pleased with the development.
"Employer-provided private healthcare is very problematic and makes the Finnish healthcare system unequal. The part of the population that is the healthiest— and needs the least healthcare — receives the absolute best care," Jesper Ekelund, a head physician at Helsinki University Hospital District (HUS), told HBL.
Public healthcare suffers from chronic understaffing, and HBL reports of private providers quintupling public sector salaries.
Meanwhile, private healthcare companies have a grip on Finnish doctors, the paper said. In order to offer prompt care, firms have secured access to doctors by offering significantly better pay and conditions.
Micro living
Finland's real estate market has been in a slump recently. But while Pellervo economic research PTT has forecast Finland to see a slight rise in housing prices and rents, property values are all about location.
Property prices differ sharply between Finland's rural and urban areas, as illustrated by a ten-square-metre studio apartment in Helsinki's Punavuori district with a starting price of 100,000 euros.
The apartment has a mini kitchen, bathroom and a loft bed.
"I think that the price could easily rise to around 130,000," Pekka Parkkila, the realtor of the mini home told Helsingin Sanomat. The viewing could, however be short on space if too many people show up.
"We have already received advance inquiries…I hope everyone can fit inside," Parkkila told HS.
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nordnews · 10 months
Neural DSP Technologies, a leading company in digital audio processing software and equipment, was awarded the Rookie of the Year 2023. Headquartered in Punavuori, Helsinki, the c...
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tuomomanninen · 2 years
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Punavuori, Helsinki; Le Voyage au centre de la Terre #streetshooter #rsa_streetview #jj_streetshots #jj_streetphotography #jj_streetsense #outofthephone #mobilemag #street_series #youmobile #infamous_family #ampt_community #urbanromantix #folkgood #2instagood #photooftheday #nofilter #iphoneonly #featuremeinstagood #finallynoticed #morethanmobile #urbanexploring #proshooters #instaaaaah #chasinglight #youmobile #outofthephone #visualsoflife #visualgang #shotoniphone #myhelsinki https://www.instagram.com/p/ClDwrkSNPjr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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romancosblog · 2 years
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at Punavuori https://www.instagram.com/p/CjDeq9ODP3n/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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raingallery · 4 years
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Lights in the dusk
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mdvaniifinland · 4 years
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My Mdvanii Doll from 1992! #mdvanii #mdvaniiism #billyboy #paris #punavuori #nukke #artdoll #art #arte #bukowski #glitterati #wood #newyork #sanfrancisco #dallas #miami #london #copenhagen #japan #met #kiasma #emma #dubai #rome #barcelona #monaco #cannes https://www.instagram.com/p/Bgomzt1BVB4/?igshid=ub0my0nrxpxk
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fromhkiwithlove · 4 years
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Helsinki, April 2020.
Tattoo studio at Punavuori.
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tiilfoto · 6 years
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hanna ja jogurt.
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mattivaininen · 3 years
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Lyfe #punavuori #daddylife (paikassa Punavuori) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNxXLVyhM_2/?igshid=13raenfw215hm
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