goldinvest · 4 months
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Im Bereich der Edelmetalle steht Gold als Symbol für Reichtum, Stabilität und dauerhaften Wert an erster Stelle. Wenn es um den Verkauf von Gold geht, sind jedoch nicht alle Formen gleich. Zwei häufig in Betracht gezogene Möglichkeiten sind Goldmünzen und Goldschmuck. Man könnte annehmen, dass beides den gleichen Wert hat, aber dennoch unterscheiden sich Marktdynamik, Wiederverkaufspotenzial und die Überlegungen, die Verkäufer anstellen müssen, erheblich.
Um die Unterschiede zwischen dem Verkauf von Goldmünzen und Goldschmuck besser zu verstehen, sollten wir uns mit den Nuancen dieser beiden Formen befassen.
1. Inhärenter Wert:
Goldmünzen werden in der Regel auf der Grundlage ihres Gewichts und ihres Reinheitsgrads bewertet und spiegeln häufig den aktuellen Marktpreis von Gold wider. Ihr Wert steht in direktem Zusammenhang mit dem vorherrschenden Goldspotpreis, was sie zu einer zuverlässigen Anlageform macht.
Bei Goldschmuck hingegen spielen zusätzliche Faktoren wie Handwerkskunst, Design und Edelsteine eine Rolle, die den Wiederverkaufswert erheblich beeinflussen können.
2. Wiederverkaufspotenzial:
Goldmünzen haben in der Regel eine hohe Liquidität und lassen sich leicht weiterverkaufen, da sie weltweit anerkannt und bei Anlegern und Sammlern gleichermaßen begehrt sind.
Goldschmuck hat zwar einen sentimentalen Wert für seine Besitzer, aber es kann schwierig sein, Käufer zu finden, die bereit sind, einen Aufschlag über den eigentlichen Goldgehalt hinaus zu zahlen.
3. Marktzugänglichkeit und -transparenz:
Der Markt für Goldmünzen ist in der Regel transparenter und leichter zugänglich, mit etablierten Benchmarks und zuverlässigen Preisbildungsmechanismen. Verkäufer können den Wert ihrer Münzen anhand des Gewichts, des Reinheitsgrads und der vorherrschenden Marktkurse leicht einschätzen, was reibungslosere Transaktionen ermöglicht.
Im Gegensatz dazu kann der Markt für Goldschmuck undurchsichtiger sein und von subjektiven Faktoren wie Design, Handwerkskunst und Modetrends beeinflusst werden. Für Verkäufer kann es schwierig sein, den Wert ihres Schmucks genau einzuschätzen und Käufer zu finden, die bereit sind, einen Aufschlag über den Goldgehalt hinaus zu zahlen.
Sie können Ihre alten Goldstücke einfach und bequem über unseren Online-Shop verkaufen.
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raixkim · 7 months
A small compilation of Content creators' responses to Wilburs "apology"
In case anyone else needs to see how they don't support him.
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edit: heres a minor update
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last edit: (i hope niki is okay<3)
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elfchaos · 7 months
Just coming over here to remind everyone
If something happens with a content creator you bought merch from and you can’t support them anymore you DONT have to throw it away. You can…
1. Donate it!
-someone could benefit from an article of clothing. Especially if it has a genuine good design and isn’t just “CREATOR’s NAME AND LOGO”
2. Alter it!
-transform it to fit your personal aesthetic and preferences. If someone still recognizes it you can always act confused and say you found it at goodwill, liked the design, and altered it. Trust me it works.
3. Scrap fabric
-if you like cosplay or just sewing having extra fabric around is nice. You never know what you could do with it
4. Shirt blankets
-there are ton of companies out there that you can cut all your old shirts up, send them off, and d they’ll transform it to wonderful cozy memory blanket.
5. Give it to your dog
-if you believe it’s safe to do so, perhaps bless your dog (or other cuddly beast) with a cozy sweater shirt that reeks of you. If your pet is anything like mine they’ll treasure it, nibble, and snuggle your gift. Or they’ll rip it shreds but hey… you tried (Note: don’t do this your dog is a fabric eater)
Let me know if you know more ways to avoid unneeded waste
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suenitos · 6 months
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when the dream smp ends in a giant nuclear explosion
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maruteru · 1 month
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they help him after the prison<33
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(i just love this trio so much so i draw another one)
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loremann · 18 days
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More!! Fanart! Of the fic "White Noise" by @robinthinkstoomuch
A scene in chapter 2 where dream is absolutely not sulking nope (it was so so soso cute and punz's smile aufhhdhshs dead on the floor)
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(not sure I got Punz's smile quire right but eugh I need to sleep)
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diooni · 1 month
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Saw this tweet on twt about dream with a bow in his hair… couldn’t resist
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the-final-sif · 1 month
I'm gonna be honest, I actually find the idea of c!Sapnap killing c!Dream post prison really really funny, not because the moment itself wouldn't lack angst, but like.
As established by the finale, c!Punz also has the revival book and can/will just bring c!Dream back the moment he finds out about this. They've been murdering each other for research purposes for ages. They're both used to this by now.
So c!Sapnap goes through with this murder, it's this huge emotional deal for him, he thinks c!Dream is finally gone and he's horrified at what he's done and losing control and-
And then like 5 minutes later he sees a "oh fuck dream's over here everybody scatter" in the chat and he's just like. What. Hello. Ex-fucking-cuse me??? Dream's just fucking back with no explaination, and c!Sapnap is wildly unsure of how he feels about this other than a general sense of "well what the actual fuck" and "oh well I fulfill my promise that's the end of my job here I guess"
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axolotlclown · 6 months
Ok, none of you know what's going on. None of you understand why so many women and young streamers are stepping forward right now. None of you understand why this has to be public.
Multiple large streamers have used their fame, influence, and money to manipulate and abuse those they see as below them. So long as they continue to have fame, influence, and money, this cycle will not end.
This is bigger than just individual cases of sexual assault or other abuse. This is a break down of a much larger problem within the entertainment industry.
These women are telling stories about very powerful men in this space. They are sharing stories of abuse and manipulation. This is very scary for them—it could ruin their careers or lives.
Stop saying "they should have handled this privately." This isn't a private matter. So long as these men have power, they will hurt more women. They aren't sorry. They won't play fair.
By trying to stay silent and bury these accusations, you are ensuring these women never know peace. You are ensuring that more women get hurt.
One day your boss will assault you, and all the men in your life will blame you for waiting as long as you did to speak about it. They will find any reason to blame you. They don't want to get rid of your boss. They hope that one day, they can assault a woman just like you.
This is fucking serious. This is real life. This isn't just some fucking fandom drama that we can bury and move on from. These are real life issues that require real meaningful discussion.
Stop trying to discredit these women just because your streamer is in trouble. You are part of the fucking problem.
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goldinvest · 4 months
Der Goldkurs erreichte im April einen neune Höchststand. Warum als nicht sein Altgold wieder zu Geld machen?
Wie es funktioniert und worauf zu achten ist, verrate ich im heutigen Video.
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kenjo-arts · 8 months
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Dream and Punz [ Ma//doka Magica AU]
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box-architecture · 3 months
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"And God, you're hot, why do you even wear a shirt?"
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kharits · 7 months
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the concept of the dream smp is completely mad like are we sure that wasn't a two year collective fever dream. a bunch of the biggest streamers in the m'necraft sphere on a server where it took one afternoon of breaking bad references to kick-start a two year sprawling in-game roleplay involving geo-political tensions, nations, one of the most accurate depictions of abuse in anything, necromancy, possession, a giant red egg, ghosts, a live suicide attempt and coming to terms with how sh't your dad was. all streamed on youtube and twitch. peak viewership on a single day was like 1.4 million people, involving some of the biggest names in the online gaming sphere, mr beast would log on every now and again and stop everyone role-playing to hunt for a bunch of gift cards that never got used, they were all gay all of the time for some reason, lil nas x logged on one time and built a tree house?? are we sure that was real like sure there were plenty of news articles on it for some reason but are we all totally sure that happened
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maruteru · 1 month
Art requests? What about Drunz post prison hug?
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