#puppy training at home sydney
woso-lover · 7 months
Home is, whenever I'm with you | Lena Oberdorf
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Lena Oberdorf x german!bayern munich!reader
Summary: Lena suprises you with her move to your childhood club. To finally be with you properly.
Warnings: a bit of angst, fluff
English is not my first language
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Girl, I never loved one like you
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You grew up in Munich. Everything you know is there. Your famil. Your friends. Your bestfriend, Sydney. Your club.... Everything you loved was in one place. Exept your home, your lover, Lena Oberdorf. She plays for Wolfsburg. That wouldn't be the problem, even trought its the rival, but Wolfsburg is too far away from Munich, to see each other more then once in a month. And its slowly infecting your realationship.
It's started when you both grow out of the honeymoon phase. That doesn't mean you're stopped being smitten about each other. But the distant made it worse. A 6 hours drive or a one hour flight. It started to come to much.
It wasn't because of the lack of trust you have for each other. You trust each other very much. But you missed the closeness, the cuddles or the kisses. The things you would only get, if you play each other or in the german camp. It was rarely that one come to visit the other. To caught up with training for your clubs.
So everytime the national break started, you follow each other like lost puppies. It's mostly Lena, who follows you everywhere. Her Wolfsburg teammates will tease all the time, when the break is going to start or gets closer. But she doesn't care. She only cares about being close to you.
But you follow her everywhere too. And your teammates tease you about that too. Like obi, you don't care either. You're just happy being with her again.
To the problem is only one solution. One has the move clubs. But you both are too stuborn.
"I'm not moving away, liebling. (Darling) I have everything here."
"I change would look on you, baby. You can't always stay in the same place your whole life." Obi argues back on a face time call. It wasn't a fight. More like a discussion, in wich you both bring the same arguments over and over again.
"You know i can't handle change. And it would be a change for you too."
"I know you can't. And i already had a change. I moved from Essen. There wouldn't be so much change. You know half of the from national and you got friends with Lynn."
You look away, to the wall, feeling defeated. "Ha Gotcha, Schatz. (honey)" Obi said happily. "If you move to Bayern, you can play with and see Lea more often." You knew what the Lea card would do. You know that Lena misses to play in the same team as Lea, like in Essen.
"Didn't you wanted to show me your new tattoo idea?" Obi distracts from the topic.
You knew Obi wants to distracts from the topic. She was a bad loser and she knew how right you were, Obi just didn't want to admit that. So you played along.
"What do you think of something like that?" You showed her a page from your sketchbook.
Since then none of you dared to bring up the topic again. In the meanwhile Obi has gotten an offer from bayern munich. She didn't know what to do with it. Should she tell you? Should she ignore it? These question were toturing her mind.
Her solution: She's going to ask on national break what you would say if she got an offer from your beloved club.
But unfortunately the right time wouldn't come to Lena. Everytime she was close of telling you something happened. So she finally decide to say it to you no matter what.
She walked into the chill room, wich she knew you mostly are. You were there but you talked with Sydney. She didn't mean to overhear, but she stayed as she heard her own name out if your mouth.
"I love Lena, but i don't know how long it's going to work" Obis face fell. She doesn't want you to think like that. She wants to be with you forever. With sad face she walks away. She talks to you after your conversation with Sydney. But she stopped as she heard Sydney speaking.
"Don't say stupid shit like that. It's going to work out. You both are so smitten and follow each other like lost puppies. It makes me love sick. It's getting to the point to become disgusting."
"Yeah because your Single" you chuckle and on Obis face a smile grows.
"But i'm serious. If you leave, then there would be nothing much different. You still have me and Klara. We still be friends and pull pranks on camp or annoy Laura. Okay? You still got us and the team. We're a big family." Sydney hugs you.
'That's why' Obi realized. You're scared that if you move, your friends will turn their back on you. Obi walked away with smile. Knowing what she's about to do, calling her agent.
You were more then suprised as Lena said she will be visiting for a few days, but gadly take it. With Lena being in Munich you were happier. Sydney and Klara took notice of it and asked themselves why. But they got the answer, when Lena picks you up from training.
"Hope it wasn't too boring, being alone." You kissed Obi. After you two broke apart, you hugged her. Behind your back Sydney, Klara and Georgia made gagging faces. Lena rolled her eyes at them.
"No it wasn't, Liebling" It really wasn't. It was exhausting. She was talking with the club, her agent and the Bayern coach. All to negotiate her move to Bayern Munich.
The day she signed the contract she had mixed feelings. The tought of leaving Jule behind haunted her. But the blonde told her to go, to get her girl. It made Obi feel a bit better about it, but not fully. The other side was excitment. To be near you. To kiss you everyday. To cuddle with you. To cook with you. To do everything with you.
Before the national camp in february the romurs of Lenas move spread over. You saw it too, of course. You didn't know how to feel. There was hope, but you knew to not trust rumors. And Obi wasn't a help either. She only said that she didn't know how or why there are rumors. It broke her heart to see your face fell, just to cover it up quickly with a smile.
On the 14th february her move to Bayern will be officinal. She came to munich for the day, because of valentines. She knew you had a came on the evening, so she took you on a date for lunch. The whole day you weren't allowed to look on your phone. You wondered why and asked her. She only told you it would ruin her suprise.
After lunch in your favourite restaurant she took you to your favourite park, in wich you finally were allowed to look on your phone. You looked confussed at her but did anyway.
"Now go on insta"
"Obi what have you done?"
"Nothing" she smiles at you.
You looked on your phone your confussed look turned into shock. You looked up at Obi, who smiled slyly at you. "Suprise?"
"You fucking idiot. I love you" You run to Lena and hug her. "But why would you do that? You didn't had to"
"I know. But i love you. And Bayern didn't Sound that bad." With that she kisses you. Happy play with you next season and to in with you
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patheticbatman · 1 month
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The 52nd Win A Commission Contest was the film Napoleon (1995)! I wrote it in prose form in conjunction with my drawings (lmk if you think I should add the songs), so if you’d like to see that, please
Once upon a time, there was a golden retriever puppy, who had big dreams, and no idea how to reach them.
His mother had named him Muffin, but one day, he heard humans speak a name – Napoleon! – And knew that had to be his true name. In his soul, he knew his heart beat to a tune that was both more warlike and wild. Often he had even heard the howls of wild dogs. Unfortunately, no one else saw it like that, and his mother insisted on calling him Muffin.
It didn’t help that he was afraid of water. He told himself that while every warrior had his trials, there was no need to be afraid of the humans’ pool; he was bred for swimming. Still, he hesitated.
One day, the small human had a birthday party. Cruelly, but without malice – for many young creatures are oft inconsiderate – the child decided to show off Napoleon's adorable qualities by placing him on a turtle pool floaty. The puppy panicked. Then, in an even worse turn of events, the humans forgot he was there, and soon he floated to the middle of the pool – the stuff of nightmares for both him and his mother.
Thankfully, the floaty eventually made its way to the steps of the pool, and Napoleon rescued himself – though not before a balloon fell on his head.
Irritated, he chewed and slobbered on the various objects the children left by the poolside to assuage his ego.
Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted something new to investigate - a basket, tied to a bunch of helium balloons. He crawled in, much to the chagrin of his mother. She asked him to get out immediately, but embarrassed and overfocused on asserting his bravery, he did not heed her commands. And as she was tied to the dog house, she could do nothing to enforce them.
His wiggling and jiggling as he sniffed all over the basket – it smelled and tasted like a child with a lightly sticky hands had been messing with it – he did not notice that the basket had come untethered. Only when he had righted himself, did he notice that the basket - and thus himself – were in fact, flying.
His mother pleaded with him to jump out, but the balloons rose too fast, and he was soon too high up to tumble out safely. Both parent and puppy were terrified, and she tried to assure her son that he would stuck get in the trees, and to just sit tight.
But through some twisted miracle, he floated into the open sky.
Trying to calm his nerves as his mother’s frantic barking grew fainter and the world underneath grew smaller, he sang a song of adventure. A warrior, a true, wild dog, must of course be able to make the best of bad situations.
Soon he floated out of the suburbs, and into Sydney, seeing the incredibly tall skyscrapers from above for the first time.
And just when he was starting to float down, and his hopes rose – for maybe some human could take him home! – His basket got caught on the front spike of a monorail train.
Speeding through the city, he enjoyed the wind in his face and the rush of people in cars below. Unfortunately, the train came to a stop, and his basket came loose, and once again, he was free - floating right towards the harbor. Water!
Soon, he was over open water, and the weight of the situation settled heavily on his poor heart. A plane passed overhead, but did not hear his pleas for rescue.
But a lost galah named Birdo did. Screeching and curious, but also cautious for the puppy, he encouraged Napoleon to sit more securely and balanced in the basket. However, Birdo was still a bird, and he had a bird-brained idea. As the two floated over a beach, Birdo started popping the balloons in an attempt to gradually lower Napoleon to land.
Bemused, for Napoleon did not quite follow the plan, he watched as the first popped balloon fell to the side of the basket. However, by the second, the basket began to worryingly shudder its way to the ground - and Napoleon was not close. Still, Birdo persisted.
Unfortunately, the fourth popped balloon was one too many, and the basket hurtled to the ground.
Horrified, Birdo screamed for Napoleon to jump out as the basket impacted, and then began bouncing and rolling violently down the windswept cliff. When the basket finally reached the bottom, Birdo feared the worst, for he saw no sign of the puppy.
But it was empty! Napoleon was on a rock ledge. He ridiculed Birdo, and the galah was both irritated at Napoleon's ingratitude, and worried over the puppy’s fate in the wild.
Napoleon, ignoring both his and Birdo’s fears, decided to embrace his situation and go look for wild dogs. He climbed up a different cliff to overlook a vast rainforest. Birdo warned him that house pets don’t survive out in the wild and said he should head home. Hearing the call of a wild dog, Napoleon ignored Birdo’s warnings and descended into the forest.
It was soon dark, but Napoleon wasn’t worried, making his way through the slender moonlit trees. High above him, a tawny frogmouth caught his attention and warned that housepets either died or became something monstrous to survive. Napoleon once again ignored the advice, believing that the frogmouth was merely trying to frighten him.
Eventually, Napoleon decided it was time to sleep. He had gone a long way today, and would likely have further to go.
Napoleon ran across a spider and asked her for a good place to sleep. She instead fished for a compliment about her web. Napoleon pointed out a mistake, panicked because it stuck to his nose, ran through the web and ruined some more of it with his tail. The spider was quite displeased.
Unconcerned, the puppy ventured forth, until he came to a great tree, with a tunnel running between its roots. Napoleon sniffed it, hoping that it could be his bed for the night, but found it to be someone’s home. Calling out in the hope of finding someone willing to share for the night, Napoleon did not notice a feral black cat watching him from above.
"Is that a mouse I hear?" the cat said rhetorically, stalking forward. Napoleon entered the tree roots. "Can’t have a mouse in my house." Napoleon munched on something inside. "Furry mouse. Big yellow mouse."
Napoleon thought he heard something but quickly turned back to the food.
"Time to rid my house of the mouse!” the cat said, coming into view.
"Huh? What?" Napoleon said, his wide, dark eyes shining against his pale yellow face.
"The mouse." The cat growled – whether or not in reply to Napoleon, only she would ever know. Her intense, yellow eyes squinted menacingly, her body barely standing out from the dark of the night.
Napoleon laughed nervously, panting. "Good thing I’m not a mouse."
"You can’t fool me with that pitiful disguise!" She crept forward and hissed. "I’ll RIP it off you!"
Napoleon tried to run, but the ribbon the birthday child had wrapped around his neck got caught. The cat growled, and the puppy ripped free, leaving the ribbon behind. She ran after him, in that flat, close to the ground way cats do, far more familiar with the landscape than he was.
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He hid, hoping that a lack of movement would protect him from the grimalkin.
Unfortunately, he had hidden right next to a boulder, which was perfect for her to creep up, plan her attack, and then pounce on the unsuspecting Napoleon.
He ran into the forest, the cat catching him occasionally, and even once bowling him over. She chased him onto a log, crossing a small, muddy pond.
He froze when he realized he was stuck over water, and the cat taunted him.
“Listen to me. I am not a mouse. You are a deeply disturbed animal." Napoleon foolishly appealed to her sense of reason.
“Shuddup!” She snarled. Napoleon whimpered. "My job is to destroy all vermin in this house. The mouse must die, now!" She started biting at his face, hoping to knock him into the water.
The tawny frogmouth, who had been observing, took pity on Napoleon, and flew down, knocking the cat into the water.
Only bubbles rose.
The frogmouth scolded Napoleon, but he did not care, and mocked the spot where the cat fell in. Remembering his manners, Napoleon thanked the bird.
"That cat won’t rest until you’re dead,” It said.
"That cat is fishbait by now." The puppy scoffed, and ran away.
The cat rose out of the mud and swore revenge, but by then, Napoleon was far out of earshot.
Snuggled at the base of a tree, the sun rose, and Napoleon heard his mother say, "Rise and shine, Muffin. It’s a beautiful morning. Time to get up, Muffin. Wake up."
“Mom? Mommy?” He woke up, expecting his mom to be there, but was dismayed to find himself alone.
Shaking his sadness off, Napoleon scampered through the verdant rainforest, and congratulated himself for surviving his first night away from home. He came upon a waterfall, and sat stymied. Out loud he wondered why he was so afraid of water.
A bunch of rainbow lorikeets started mimicking him. In between taunts, they told him that the wild dogs are on the other side.
Soon, Napoleon’s desire to meet them won over his fear. He found a flat spot to cross, and the lorikeets mocked his progress. But he made it!
He met a much nicer lorikeet who confirmed his intel and sympathized with him over the rudeness of the others … which gave Napoleon an adorably wicked idea.
Crossing back over - for he was slightly distant desensitized to his fear of water by then – he tricked them into calling themselves stupid, and went on his way.
Eventually, he arrived in a less dense forest, and overhearing a suspicious sound, went to investigate.
In the clearing, on a slanted tree, was a koala.
Napoleon tried to growl at the koala, but he was nonplussed. After a little more boasting from Napoleon, the koala climbed down, unconcerned with the puppy’s antics as he followed behind his odd waddle on the ground.
Napoleon tried to goad the koala into climbing up a tree and spotting the wild dogs – for once again, he heard them, but could not seem to find them. The koala turned it back on him, and kept the fact that he couldn’t see farther than a meter in front of himself, until he was away from Napoleon's reach.
The puppy stalked away, irritated. That was when Birdo found him again. Napoleon immediately jumped on the chance of having a lookout, but accidentally insulted the galah instead.
He apologized and then ignored Birdo‘s advice about going home, instead, asking for wilderness survival skills.
Unfortunately, when trying to open up to Birdo, to convince the galah of his mission, Napoleon let slip that the that they called him ‘Muffin’ at home, near a dastardly frog, and the same taunting lorikeets from before, looking for revenge. On the spot, they came up with the whole song about how he should go home. Napoleon tried to bite the frog, but it plopped onto his head. Birdo, being a good friend, kept knocking the lorikeets off their perch, but they kept flying back.
Tail held high, Napoleon walked away from the twittering animals, and found a log floating in the water. Unthinkingly, he walked on, and was surprised when it detached from the shore and floated into a bay. Despite his dismay, he resolved to sit tight, and let it take him to the other shore, where he was headed anyway. Less work!
Of course, it ended up dead in the water.
Birdo, impatient and dedicated to keeping this dog alive if he wasn’t going to go home and save himself, decided to toughen Napoleon up. He swooped down and knocked the puppy into the water, encouraging him to doggy paddle.
Napoleon was surprised to find that he was really good at it – perhaps forgetting that he was literally a golden retriever. He still needed a little instruction on how to get up the bank, but he made it.
The first lesson to become a wild dog, Birdo decided, was food. They had reached a rocky area, overlooking mountains. Birdo lead Napoleon to a rocky hill, covered in dry grass. A chorus of rabbits briefly scattered into sight before hiding behind other boulders and grass.
"Do you want me to eat these?" Napoleon said incredulously. All he had ever eaten was his mother’s milk, dog food, and dropped human food.
“You want to eat," Birdo said, with no small amount of vicious glee in his voice, "You’ve got to learn to KILL!"
Napoleon's incredulity did not lift. But somehow, he was convinced to try. He wandered over to where the bunnies were flitting about.
Sadly, they moved so rapidly, Napoleon had trouble focusing on just one to catch. They sang as they escaped, aware that they had the upper paw, but unwilling to show anything other than caution.
Birdo sang in opposition, calling upon Napoleon's bloodlust and hunger to drive the puppy to kill. Napoleon managed to get one alone, and it sat huddled, mostly frozen to its own detriment, as the puppy engaged in rough play with its tremorous body. But the rabbit managed to gather its wits, and after it jumped on top of a rock, Napoleon lost interest.
Birdo scolded Napoleon, but eventually gave up on the bloody venture once the puppy found lichen to eat. It did not stop his complaints.
They moved to drier, flatter land. The next lesson, according to Birdo, was learning to discern whether an animal was dangerous or not.
Napoleon approached a wombat, but as soon as it caught sight of him, it ran away, screaming, "A house pet!"
Next, he found some quokkas, former victims of the cat. They were more friendly, but still shaken from the encounter. One’s ears were quite torn.
Birdo was satisfied, so they traveled onto some snow-topped mountains. Napoleon, who loved using his nose, remarked that snow made smelling more difficult. That did not stop him from smelling something unusual.
Birdo was uninterested. He felt that it was time to learn the third lesson, about the weather. In fact … he felt a huge storm coming.
The snow that sat on the trees shivered and fell. A large rumbling came ever closer. Then Birdo realized his mistake. The rumbling wasn’t a storm. It was brumbies!
"Run!" the bird screamed, and flew away, landing in a far tree.
As the feral horses thundered by, the bird realized with great dismay that he could no longer see his friend. He called out, but if there was an answer, the galah could not hear it.
Once the herd passed, Birdo fluttered down and searched amongst the trampled snow, panic rising. But Napoleon merely had slipped into a snow burrow.
Napoleon yelled at Birdo, for he had at least smelled the horses. Birdo protested, and it only made Napoleon angrier, vowing not to trust Birdos ‘faulty’ advice again, and ran down the mountain. His nose caught something, so the puppy paused for a moment, looking over the land below. "I smell sweets!” – Napoleon followed his nose to a field of what he thought was tall grass. Birdo followed, and tried to warn him what happens to fields of dry sugarcane.
Being a dog, and one irritated at Birdo, Napoleon ignored the warnings and followed his nose instead.
Napoleon ran into a red-bellied black snake, and was nearly drawn into its eyes, but Birdo’s worried screeching pulled him out of it.
The cane around him got hotter and hotter as he pushed further in. Then he smelled smoke. And where there is smoke, there is fire. Terrified, Napoleon trampled through the burning cane, skirting around blazes and coughing, while Birdo guided the puppy out with his voice.
Stumbling out of the cane, the two reunited joyfully, and Napoleon apologized.
Of course, that was when the cat caught up with them. Bird and puppy hurried away, the cat following close behind.
Surprisingly, they stumbled upon Birdo’s flock, whom he had been searching for these last few days. Birdo joyfully flew among his kin, screeching.
This gave enough distraction that the cat, not wanting to miss an opportunity to rid her ‘house’ of vermin, crept up on a tree full of galahs.
Happy for his friend, Napoleon wandered a gulley lined with red dirt, making slight fun of the reunited family as he passed underneath. By chance, Napoleon turned his head and saw the cat creeping up behind some of Birdo‘s cousins.
Napoleon had to yell repeatedly that the cat was behind them, their excitable din nearly causing their own demise. But the galahs noticed the cat and flew away in time.
Birdo didn’t see it that way, and scolded him. He hadn’t seen the cat, and only saw what he thought was Napoleon scaring his family away. He quickly changed his tune when the cat crept up behind him.
Napoleon sauntered away as the cat lay defeated in the tree, looking for Birdo. They soon found each other near a highway. Birdo failed to land on a traffic sign, and Napoleon refrained from commenting beyond a genuine query about his health, as Birdo delicately climbed onto his chosen perch.
"Where does this road go?" Napoleon asked.
"It leads to the shore, where you landed." said Birdo. "It can be one of the most dangerous places out here!"
The puppy shrugged him off, saying, "I know all about roads!"
This was when a tractor trailer truck came into view. Napoleon wisely got to one side, but then noticed a dark colored frilled-neck lizard, laying flat on the road. Desperately, he barked at the lizard, believing it to be asleep. He wanted to go into the road, to nudge it away from the path of danger, but Birdo and some of Napoleon's housepet instincts held him back.
The truck roared by, covering the poor lizard from sight. To Napoleon and Birdo surprise, once the truck passed, they saw the lizard lay unharmed.
Napoleon went forward to make sure that the lizard was all right.
"GO! AWAY!" snarled the lizard, terribly offended at Napoleon's proximity and concern. "THIS IS MY SPACE!" The lizard leapt threateningly into Napoleon’s face. Friendliness made Napoleon a little slow on the uptake, so he didn’t really walk away until the lizard leapt.
"Never expect gratitude from a cold blooded creature. Hah!" Birdo said, landing on the road to walk away with Napoleon.
Soon, they encountered dry shrublands. In between dull green plants with thin leaves, the red earth lay cracked and uneven.
Birdo urged Napoleon to go home, reminding the puppy that his family surely missed him.
Napoleon's eyes shined wetly, but he couldn’t ignore the call of the wild dogs. It was his lifelong dream, after all.
The two debated for a while, but Napoleon held fast, claiming it was a dog thing, and Birdo wouldn’t understand, but that he was grateful for all of Birdo’s help so far. They came to the edge of the desert, and both felt in their hearts that it was time to go their separate ways.
As evening fell, they sang a bittersweet duet of parting, and bid each other goodbye, wishing to meet again. Birdo flew off to rejoin his family, and Napoleon continued on his quest to find the wild dogs.
Napoleon followed along a narrow footpath.
A small, spiky animal groaned as it came his way, as if each step hurt. An echidna! Napoleon went over to say hi, but it dismissed him stingily, anticipating jokes about its appearance, and wishing to keep its potential water to itself. Napoleon assured it that he would share any water he found, but that didn’t seem to matter to the echidna. Then he made a poorly-timed pun, and the creature clumsily rolled into a small pit in sheer irritation.
The echidna begin to dig, though its small paws made for slow going. Napoleon helped, and the puppy quickly uncovered some water, and drank first, much to the echidna’s chagrin, complaining about germs.
Napoleon set off again, and found himself in the desert. Red sand laid burning, wind blown into long waves of dune lines, stretching on for desiccated kilometers. The puppy scampered across, as the gait afforded him less time for each paw to touch the scorching ground. Nevertheless, it hurt.
Brown mountains rimmed the stretch of land, and Napoleon kept along until he found a solitary tree, providing precious shade. There he rested among the dead branches bleached white like bones, when he spotted an odd animal.
It stood – as much as a lizard can stand – upon a shrubby hill, and howled and barked in a heart-sinkingly silly voice.
"That’s what I left home for?" The lizard barked some more as Napoleon stared on in disbelief.
Disconcertingly, the thing started approaching Napoleon, making odd gulping noises with each step it took.
"Were the wild dogs I’ve been hearing… that?” Napoleon had to make sure. He ran to the creature and asked.
Pleased with the attention, the goofy looking beast – which he came to realize was a perentie lizard - let out a long, ridiculous howl, ending in a guffaw. Without prompting, the lizard demonstrated his poorly rendered repertoire, which included cow noises.
Napoleon ran away, heartbroken and disillusioned, the lizard’s haunting "Moo. Moo. Moo. Moo. MOO!" echoing in his ears as he climbed up the mountains.
"I am such an idiot. All this time, I’ve been chasing after a barking lizard. There’s no wild dogs anywhere. I’ve been running after something that doesn’t even exist." He whimpered. "Now I’ve got no home. No wild life. I don’t have my mother. I don’t have the instinct to make it out here. I’m a dumb house pet.” He cried for a moment. “Who doesn’t know a retriever from a reptile. I don’t deserve the name Napoleon. Not a crumb like me." Then, with a sob, "I’m just a Muffin after all."
He kept running, racing along ridges, until at last he fell down from exhaustion.
When he came to, small creatures - rodents, or marsupials, he wasn’t sure - were running around, hiding in rock cracks and burrows. A few noticed him, and presumed him dead or soon to be. A rain storm loomed ever closer, and promised to sweep all incautious creatures away.
Napoleon got moving. He knew better now than to ignore their warnings. Sure enough, fat drops soon splattered the ground, and currents began to form as the water overtook the earth.
Running into a crevasse, desperately hoping to find himself a cranny or nook to press himself into until the flood was over, Napoleon stumbled into a cave that stretched upwards, away from the coming water.
It was still dry, the red soil still untouched by water that would turn it into a bland tan. Napoleon climbed upward, sniffing excitedly. A safe spot! And then, at the very top, a pale movement. Two other puppies!
"Mother? Is that you?" a sweet voice called out.
"Hello?" Napoleon couldn’t believe his eyes.
"A stranger! Get out, or we’ll attack!" a rougher one said. He knocked his sister down to Napoleon in the guise of a pounce.
They were creamy tan, with ears that were still floppy like his, but looked like they were going to lift up soon, likely into sharp points.
Nancy, for that was the girl puppy’s name, decided Napoleon was fine, and after clearing up that she and Syd (the other puppy) weren’t lost, that this was their home, she tried to play with Napoleon.
But it was not meant to be. A wave rushed into the cave, and soon caught up to where Napoleon and Nancy were standing, washing them away. Syd, safe on a rock shelf, screamed as his sister was thrown about, yelping. Napoleon managed to pull himself to sit on a rock shelf, a larger and stronger swimmer.
Napoleon took charge once he saw that Nancy was still in the water. He instructed her to keep talking, and to hold on.
Nancy disappeared for a moment, the boys’ hearts leaping into their throats. But then she reappeared on a rock, the water still lapping at her feet, threatening to catch her again.
Napoleon could feel his heart racing - all his troubles with water had lead right to this moment. He swam to Nancy’s rock, barely keeping his head above the water as lightning flashed and thunder rumbled.
But he made it! Too scared to swim, Napoleon coaxed Nancy onto his back. Confidence and a need to save her strengthened his paddles, as he pretended to be a boat, to distract her from panicking. Both stayed above water. He had a little trouble getting her onto the ‘dock’ -the rock shelf where her brother stood - but they managed.
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And just as quickly as the rain had come, it stopped. And there, standing at the cave mouth, limned by the tentative sun, was a figure.
"It’s a wild dog!" exclaimed Napoleon in wonder.
"Of course it is. It’s our mother!" exclaimed Syd.
She shook the rainwater off, and smiled at the puppies.
"I’ve been with the wild dogs all along!" Napoleon couldn’t believe it.
In a comforting voice, the mother dingo said, "Syd. Nancy. Are you all right?" she panted. "Who is this?"
Shock at his own luck and a sudden drop in adrenaline hit Napoleon like a hammer, and he fainted.
He woke up hours later, with Nancy licking his face. After shrugging her off, and spotting her mother, he got straight to the point.
"Can I stay here with you? I want to be a wild dog."
"But what about your mother?" ask the dingo, her kind eyes watching from above.
"I want to live here. In the wild!" The other puppies pleaded his case too.
The mother dingo answered the only way she could: "Of course he can."
"I’m a wild dog. At last!"
All the puppies began to tussle out of sheer happiness.
The days passed by. The two dingo puppies played ‘Napoleon’ with the vanishing puddles, taking turns being rescued.
Both Napoleon and the mother watched over their antics. At the beginning, he would sometimes sit out of their games to make sure he did not tumble the other two puppies - being bigger and older, he could hurt them. But as time went on, he grew disillusioned with playing. For the last few days, he had not played at all, and only laid next to the dingo mother.
His new life in the wild didn’t quite satisfy him anymore. The thrill of living with real wild dogs was amazing, of course, but something felt missing. Napoleon thought it was just because they hadn’t started the more bloodthirsty aspects of the life, like fighting and hunting. But the dingo mother knew better, and so as she cuddled with the retriever puppy while he took a big nap, she made a plan.
"Wake up, Napoleon. Today is the day." She nudged him awake and led him out of the cave. “Come on, it will just be the two of us." She trotted it across a field of flat rocks, covered in red clay, and baked in the sun. Being unfamiliar with the terrain, Napoleon struggled to keep up, but was buoyed by enthusiasm.
"Tell me child; why did you leave home?" she asked.
"I wanted to go where there were no rules."
"And what did you find?" They crossed onto a plane of white sand.
"Well, I found that there were a lot of rules, about living with other animals, and being on your own."
Now they were walking parallel with the shore, black shells littering the ground. "And what did you want to do out here?"
“I wanted to hunt my food, and kill it!"
"And did you enjoy that?" Her voice continued to be kind.
"No. I ate moss instead." He confessed.
"Anything else you wanted?"
"Well, yeah! I wanted to stay up late and have fun all the time!"
"And did you? Have fun, all the time?" The two laid down, front paws ahead, watching as the sun bowed down to darkness.
“No. Sometimes it was scary. Lots of times I was alone."
"Then why do you want to be out here?"
"I want to be a wild dog! So I can be really brave and fearless!"
"But you’ve been that, all along. You couldn’t have come this far without being fearless. And it was YOUR bravery that saved Syd and Nancy." She paused, and then said, "In your heart, you’ve been a wild dog all along, Napoleon."
Their shadows grew long. "I guess I have!"
"Is there something more you want?".
"Well, yes."
"Tell me."
"I want – " Napoleon paused, for a moment, unsure if he was willing to say it. "I want to go home. I miss my mom."
"What if I told you I had a friend who could take you back?"
"Come along." The sun‘s last rays lit the two dogs as they went back to the cave one last time.
The next day, Napoleon was treated to what was possibly the most inane song in existence as he rode in a red kangaroo’s pouch. Repeatedly, Napoleon was smashed full in the face with tall, bristly bushes and narrowly evaded what should have been easily avoided obstacles, such as trees. He called for help several times, but to no avail, as the kangaroo crooned to her ‘possum’. He tried hiding his face, but it didn’t fit well in the pouch.
As soon as she stopped, Napoleon hurried out and into the forest, to get away from her insanity. Somehow, he ran into the same koala as before.
"Well, well, " the koala drawled.
"Oh no, not him again!" Groaned the puppy.
"If it isn’t my favorite dining companion, the wild dog himself."
"No! I’m Napoleon! Wild house pet! Conqueror of the outback, and the backyard!" Napoleon declared, sure of himself.
“I can run fearless across waterfalls!" he yelled as he did just that.
The lorikeets, who still didn’t have anything better to do, mimicked him. "Little birds suck!" Was all he said, tricking them into insulting themselves once again.
Soon he was back at the beach where he first arrived. "Now what do I do?" he said, clambering over the rocks and pebbles that lined the shore. He could see home! But how was he to get across? Then he spotted his basket, a little worse for the wear, but still floating, and felt triumphant. He went over to the tide pool where it rested, bobbing occasionally with eddies of the waves.
But instead of it being empty, as he had assumed, a New Zealand Adélie penguin popped his head out! It was nearly full grown, but was still small and round.
They argued a bit, but the puppy was able to assert ownership over the basket, and then they fell to talking. As Conan the penguin kept extolling his fierce nature and super–penguin abilities, Napoleon had to laugh; the little bird was exactly like him at the beginning of his journey!
Conan’s speech started to turn dangerous, so Napoleon decided to tell his own story, hoping to help the penguin avoid his own mistakes.
By the time he finished, an unconvinced Conan stood watch as Napoleon struggled to climb into the basket – the plan was that he would be carried out into the bay at high tide during midnight. But the penguins' bravado dissolved as soon as he saw his family.
"Pengy!” a raucous voice called out. Conan tried to hide, but as his mother just called out “Pengy!” again, he reluctantly turned to face them. Napoleon laughed at the silly name.
Terribly embarrassed, Conan waddled up a dune to escape, only to find his family already there.
Apologetic, Napoleon convinced the family that he could persuade Conan to go home. He felt bad for making fun of Conan’s name, but still thought it best to try and stop any so-called adventuring – even going so far as to continue to call him Pengy.
Napoleon climbed into the basket before Conan could, annoying the penguin.
"It’s my turn to howl! You’ve had your fun!" said the penguin, who then howled in a goofy manner. Conan began waddling up a hill, continuing to monologue about his future adventures.
There was a low rumble. At first, it sounded like a vicious wind blowing through trees, but it soon transformed into a noise Napoleon knew and dreaded. It came from the hilltop.
"That sounds… Could it be?" Napoleon tilted his head in hopeful confusion. "Hello, is somebody else up here?"
Rocks fell. Napoleon knew it had to be her. "She’s back!" he yelped, voice high with fear.
Lightning illuminated a black figure, stalking downhill. Unconcerned and unaware, Conan carelessly looked for the cat, peering down and making empty threats, as the predator gazed from above. Thunder rolled, and again, the cat growled.
Napoleon scrambled out and up the hill. He couldn’t let that dumb bird die!
"Time to rid my house of the mouse!" the cat announced.
Finally, seeing her, Conan, ignorant of his impending mortality at the claws of the creature above, suavely said, "All right. Come on! Let’s go, hunt down a few."
"But I’ve already found one! An unusual, black and white mouse."
Napoleon finally arrived. "Leave the penguin alone!"
"Well, if it isn’t the Muffin mouse!", she hissed. "The mouse dies!" She lashed out at him, claws outstretched.
Finally getting a clue, Conan waddled away. “Well. There is such a thing as too much adventure!"
“Just you and me, wacko!" Napoleon challenged.
"Seems unfair, nine lives against one," the cat quipped.
Within his head, Napoleon quickly came up with a plan to get her into the water, where the cat seemed much less of a threat. "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!" he called, while backing closer to the water.
Showing her absolute detachment from reality, she followed his call. As both walked across constantly wave–beaten slippery rocks, one hit her body, and she slipped off the rock, yelling.
"Bull’s-eye!" Napoleon yelled, then gasped as he saw the drenched cat hissing from behind another rock.
"You’ll pay for that!" she vowed.
"Okay, it’s payday!" Napoleon ran up a hill.
The cat shook herself and followed.
"Come on!" he taunted. "Come after me!" Napoleon slipped and loosened some rocks, sending them tumbling at the cat's face.
"No!" she wailed, unable to stop as the rocks underneath her paws became loose and pulled her now towards the edge. "Kill! No!" she hooked a paw on the ledge as more rocks tumbled down, persistent to the last.
"Running out of lives?" Napoleon said unsympathetically.
"I still have many more!" Her paw was slipping. "Come, let me slash you!"
“Happy landings!"
"Slash you with-" She shrieked, falling to the dark depths below.
Napoleon pulled himself to the peak, and looked down at the tumultuous water. "I knew that cat was on the edge." The waves raged on. "Look at that! Guess she used up her lives." Suddenly, he remembered Conan. "But what about that penguin? Hey Pengy, you down there?"
The cat watched the golden figure from behind, hate burning in her eyes. She hissed, and Napoleon sent a glance her way, but he must have not seen her, for she she was able to rush behind and headbutt him off the cliff.
She laughed at the puppy stuck on the ledge below. "That’s it! No more games."
"Games?!" exclaimed Napoleon incredulously.
The cat encouraged the puppy to jump to his blue death; the waves beat mercilessly upon the shore.
He refused and tried to appeal to their common background; after all, weren’t they both just lost house pets?
She hissed and crept her way down to him, telling him to shut up and boxing his ears. It was looking a bit dire.
“Hey, ‘fraidy cat!" called Conan from further down. No way was he going to let some cat hurt his friend!
This distracted the cat just enough for Napoleon to push her off the ledge and into the basket waiting below.
She laughed maniacally as the impact of her fall dislodged the basket from the rocks and pulled her out into the bay.
Conan jeered.
From the ledge, Napoleon heard a howl. Looking up, he saw the spirit of a wild dog; and just as soon as it appeared, it was gone.
"I really am a wild dog, " he murmured in awe. But his awe soon drained; forlornly he watched his way home disappear, yowling into the night.
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Morning came.
Conan questioned Napoleon's plan to get home, but the puppy had no idea what to do. He was very distraught.
Then Conan spotted something, approaching them from the water. A green sea turtle, with something … on its back?
It was Birdo!
Puppy and galah reunited, Napoleon agreed that his friend was right all along, and Birdo brought good news. He had found Napoleon a way home!
As Napoleon stood on the turtle’s back, letting it take him back to Sydney, he bid his friends goodbye, reminding them to come visit soon.
Running, running, running, Napoleon made his way home. His tail wagged like a propeller as he saw a familiar yard.
"Mum! Mum! Mum! Mummy!"
His mother, who had just a moment before had been slumped mournfully, stepped out of her dog house and began a full body wag. “Muffin? Is that you?!" She couldn’t believe her ears.
"Mum! Mummy!"
She scanned the yard, but could not see her baby.
“Well come here!" she said desperately. "Come here! Let me put my paws around you!"
His little head peeked over the patio wall. "Mum! It's me! I’m back! You wouldn’t believe where I’ve been!" He put his front paws on top of the wall.
She spun around, unable to contain herself, held back by the rope attached to the doghouse. "Come here! You didn’t get hurt, did you? What happened to you!?"
Maddeningly, he came no closer. "What happened? Everything happened to me!"
"Careful! You can’t get over that wall!”
"Are you kidding? Piece of cake!" He leapt down, and ran to his mother, nearly smashing into her face out of sheer exuberance.
They jumped and tumbled and kissed joyfully, relief and love filling their hearts. Mother refused to let son out of her grasp and finally, the world was right again.
"Muffin, I want you to promise me you’ll never run away like that again."
"I won’t. And I want you to promise me something."
His mother laughed. "Anything darling, anything."
"I want you to call me Napoleon."
"From now on, you’re my Napoleon."
Nobody noticed the cat peering over the wall. "Ah, not a mouse. A dog! Dog must die!"
Napoleon Explanation
So this was a story that took me a long, long time. It’s definitely my longest adaption of film, tv or podcasts yet - and I hope it stays that way! The adaption ended up a little dry, but I feel that I was able to describe the events effectively, and utilize the dialogue (the hardest part to adapt) sparingly but appropriately. At the beginning of my transcription, I tried to avoid any dialogue at all, but oh well. This covers the entire movie, a movie without any books or scripts to help me avoid typing.
Last summer, 2023, I had the job of Lost Parents. That basically meant I’m the person lost children are brought to if the security guards can’t find their parents right away. Eventually, a security guard brings the guardians, or the guardians come themselves, and pick up the kid(s). Which is all fine and dandy, especially since I don’t have kids for most of the shift. Kids have stayed with me for over two hours, but usually they’re gone within half an hour and I’m rarely brought any in the mornings. So I get projects like these done!
The movie is on youtube (see link), so over several days I slowly worked through it and wrote out all relevant details into a notebook (I find writing easier if I start in a notebook and type it into a document later - if I just start on a document I never finish. Plus I wasn’t really supposed to have my phone out, and switching between apps is annoying). Then I typed it up - often via voice-to-text, unless I was recording dialogue. For some reason, the program does not recognize quotation marks very often. Then I fixed it up and whalla! What you see above is what I wrote!
But I didn’t finish editing it until after that summer, because I was more interested in drawing the pictures. In fact, drawing the title picture was the first thing I did!
To be honest, I often drew the title pictures well before anything else. They were easy.
This title picture was in reference to the old VHS cover I used to have for this movie. It’s an Australian movie, so they speak English, but for some reason they released an American dub and released it over here. So I’ve loved this movie ever since I could remember. But the balloon scenes were iconic, so of course I had to include it. Especially since I decided this adaption would only have four pictures total. As I wanted to save my labor for my more original projects, and because this was a movie, it has less pictures.
The second picture is Napoleon getting chased by the cat. It used to scare me as a kid, so I always had a clear picture of it in my head. Plus, it serves to contrast Napoleon’s bravery in later scenes.
The third picture is Napoleon saving Nancy. I basically just wanted to draw all the puppies and Napoleon being brave. So we ended up with that part!
Last is Napoleon and Pengy/Conan looking up at the wild dog spirit. It’s the least accurate picture, but one I felt fit well. In the movie, Napoleon and Pengy look up to see a wild dog on top of a cliff who gets swept away by mist. But considering that they were still up on the high parts of the cliff at the end of the fight, the timing and location doesn’t quite make sense. And drawing *lineart* of mist is hard with my style, and requires more texture than fits in line with my most recent coloring book drawings. Way back at the beginning, I used to add details like shading, lines of hair and such, but that gets in the way of coloring, so I stopped. As such, I adapted it to fit my needs. Now Napoleon and Pengy/Conan are in the shot (I wanted to include both), and the wild dog spirit is in the clods and stars! I’m decided that the storm went away.
The Pengy vs. Conan thing was something of which I struggled when writing the last part. I support chosen names, especially when the old names totally don’t fit anymore. Hell, Napoleon insists on being Napoleon right to the end! But I decided since this was basically from his viewpoint, he would not call the penguin Conan, not even in his head. For the rest of the movie, after all, he calls the penguin Pengy. So while this choice does not reflect my preferences, I think it does reflect Napoleon’s.
Last thought: the setting of this story is genuinely fantasy. I think the creators wanted to go for a pan-Australian vibe; so many different ecosystems from across the continent are shown in the film. This means, of course, that Napoleon went to a fantasy kind of island across from the city though. There is nowhere in Australia where ALL of those environments are present. If he truly walked the entirety of Australia, a continent, he would have been a grown dog well before the end of the movie. But since he is still a puppy by the end, that just means he went to a fantasy Australia. Which is kind of cool.
Hope you enjoyed, and please check the movie out!
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petservoaus · 1 month
Buy Dogs Training Products Online | Effective Training Aids at Pet Servo
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About Us:
Welcome to Pet Servo, Australia’s number one destination for premium pet supplies and services. At Pet Servo, we are passionate about providing high-quality products and exceptional care for your beloved pets. Our mission is to make pet ownership a joyful and hassle-free experience by offering a comprehensive range of products and services for dogs, cats, parrots, fish, and more, all from the comfort of your home.
Who We Are
Pet Servo is a proudly Australian-owned and operated online pet store based in Blacktown, New South Wales. Our journey began with a vision to create a one-stop-shop for pet owners across Australia, offering everything they need to keep their furry, feathered, and finned friends happy and healthy. We are committed to excellence, ensuring that every product we offer meets the highest standards of quality and safety.
Dogs Training
Enhance your dog’s learning and behavior with our comprehensive range of training products at Pet Servo. Whether you’re teaching basic commands, house training a puppy, or refining advanced skills, our selection of training aids will help you achieve your goals. We offer a variety of tools including clickers, training collars, treat pouches, and agility equipment designed to make training sessions effective and enjoyable. Our products are suitable for dogs of all ages and sizes, ensuring that you have the right resources to build a positive and rewarding training experience. Explore our collection to find everything you need to train your dog successfully and strengthen your bond.
Why Choose Pet Servo?
1.Australian Owned and Operated: Pet Servo is a Australian-owned and operated business out of western Sydney.
2.Wide Range of Products: We offer an extensive selection of pet supplies, including items that are hard to find in traditional pet stores.
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Contact Us:
Address: Blacktown NSW, 2148,AUSTRALIA, AU Website: www.petservo.com.au Email: [email protected] Phone: +61 481 828 793
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abbaroseville · 8 months
Chatswood Family Day Care
In Chatswood, there are several childcare services that can offer your child a safe and secure environment. These include Bright Future Education at Chatswood Albert Ave, Norma’s Family Day Care, and More than Just Kids Family Day Care. These centres provide a variety of learning experiences and services that will benefit your child. They also have flexible hours and can accommodate your schedule.
Chatswood is a popular city to raise a family, and it has many childcare options for working parents. It is a large suburb with many schools and shops. Its proximity to Sydney CBD and the North Shore means it’s an ideal place for families to live. The cost of living in Chatswood is higher than the national average, but it’s still affordable for most families.
Norma’s Family Day Care is a family-run day care centre that provides childcare and early learning services for children. The facility is accredited by the NSW government and can provide childcare for children from birth to 6 years. It is located on L 4 1 Cambridge Lane and is open seven days a week. Its staff are committed to ensuring that your child has a happy and healthy experience at their care centre.
To start a family day care business, an Educator must meet certain requirements in their home. They must have a minimum of two years of formal education and training in child care, a valid police check, first aid certification, and insurance coverage (specifically for family day care). Educators must also follow the NSW Regulations for family day care and attend regular professional development sessions.
In addition to offering childcare, family day care Chatswood Educators also provide structured learning experiences that support children’s early development. These activities help children develop a sense of identity and belonging, and encourage social interaction. These experiences are often based on the child’s interests and are designed to build confidence and self-esteem.
Chatswood is a diverse and dynamic city, and it offers many opportunities for young people to learn and grow. It has an extensive library, a renowned music school, and a number of community events. The city is also known for its parks and gardens, which are a great place to take a stroll or play a sport.
Chatswood is a great city for pet owners, and there are plenty of local sitters who offer dog walking and puppy day care services. These sitters are more flexible than those at larger day care centres, and some even offer overnight stays. They can work around your schedule, and they’ll send you photos and updates throughout the day to let you know how your pup is doing.
Abbaroseville have been in the business of children for over 48 years. Family operated & owned and first established at our Crows Nest Centre in 1972 we have had the pleasure of teaching & educating children throughout their many milestones and have loved every moment of it, we really would not have it any-other way.
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puppy-school · 1 year
Puppy to Dog School
Elevate your dog's obedience and behavior with our outstanding Dog Training Classes in Sydney, Australia. Our expert trainers provide personalized guidance to strengthen the bond between you and your four-legged pal. Don't miss out on this rewarding experience - book your spot now
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eazydogtrainer · 2 years
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Puppy School Inner West Sydney
Book Home Puppy Training in Sydney with an Experienced Dog Trainer. Receive Free Online Puppy Pre-School and a Training Pouch! Eazy Dog Training Sydney.
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If you are bored of seeing for a place to arrange Puppy School Sydney, then all you need to do is visit our website and check out what all we have at an offer to bring the search to an end.
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obsessedwithdavrick · 2 years
David and Patrick focused Works
Multi Chaptered AU's
Death of a Socialite - Rated E 52,342w
Detective Patrick Brewer was good at solving puzzles. Facts. Data. These were things he could deal with. He followed the rules and kept everything in order, and it meant he could sleep well at night. He wanted to be one of the good guys.
But something on his latest case just wasn't adding up. He couldn't think clearly. If only he could keep his mind off the arrogant suspect whose dark eyes and lithe body kept invading his thoughts.
Reservations Patrick moves to NY and secures a room with a friend of a friend to follow his dream of being a food critic. (And they were ROOMMATES!) plus there is a lot of food. First kiss AU. Rated G 18243w
Patrick Brewers Day off a Modern day Ferris Bueller's Day Off AU with a romantic twist. Rated G. 23,634w
Three Dates What happens when you meet someone and connect with them emotionally, before you get to the e-rated connecting? Rated E 38264w
It's Supposed to be Better than Fine Patrick gets a job in a high end restaurant to pay his way through his MBA. He is disrupted by a terrifying and gorgeous head chef. Rated E 57784w
Paint on the Colours David and Patrick meet in Sydney during Mardi Gras. Beaches! Speedos! David in shorts! Drag Queens! Parades! Rated E 54314w
The Way to go Home A story about finding yourself in places you never expected. Rating T 15489w
Christmas Drinks A holiday-inspired rom-com-esque meeting of our two favourite boys, with a bonus meet the family and coming out. Rating E 17908w
Series by me
The Ongoing Adventures of Maureen Budd Stevie has a child before David arrives in SC. A precocious, snarky devil child. David can't help but love her.
What you want Patrick gets what he wants. Which, to be clear, is lots and lots of cum play.
Don't want to lose because I didn't play And it all starts because there are a bunch of guys playing pool at the Wobbly Elm and David and Stevie have never seen them before.
Part of a Collection
The Angry Red Rooster David meets Cowboy!Patrick at a Cowboy bar, and might have to rethink his stance on Cowboy Fashion. Rated E 5,159
Engagement Wine Newly engaged David and Patrick, head out to meet a new potential vendor from a winery, which brings up memories of his past life of privilege, and stories of hilarious excess.Rated G 4795w
One Shots
Patrick, Uncovered The moment that David discovered Patrick the Poets notebook.
Chatterboxes and Nefarious Knitters The coffee shop is crowded and Patrick needs to sit somewhere to drink his tea.
R-7 Patrick visits a gay club, thinking that if he can get some practical experience it might give him the courage to come out. Rated E 7657w
Merry Christmas, Patrick Brewer Patrick breaks up with Rachel and decides to go spend Christmas in Northern Ontario. When his car breaks down Patrick finds a place where he feels at home. Rated E 12394w
So Frenchy, so Adorable Patrick does not speak French. When a handsome stranger turns up at the bar he's playing in, speaking in French, well, he's got no other choice than to try. Rated G 2587w
Office Politics David is stuck in a boring job in a boring office, but luckily he can while away the day, daydreaming about how he would take Patrick, the very pretty accounts manager apart. Rated M 1725w
Getting to know you Activities David is 100% positively sure that Patrick in accounts hates him, all because of a tiny mistake he made in his first week on the job. Rating G 2428w
A Take Charge Guy Patrick Brewer really wants to ask David Rose out. Like on a date. An actual date. How hard can it be? Rating G 910w
Two Tiny drabbles
The Idea of Being Loved David is introspective about being loved by Patrick.
In My Defence... Patrick wants a puppy. Patrick gets a puppy. Puppy is not trained, but they adore her all the same.
And one RPF
Grandpa look good Noah is looking at pictures of Daniel in that blue Dior suit from all the way across the country and he misses his… friend.
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angrelysimpping · 3 years
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(Pst, none of you saw this when I accidentally posted it before it was finished 🤫)
Alex has to be talked into getting a pet. They've already got so many animals to take care of. Maybe open to adopting an older dog who mostly stays in the cottage and sits on Alex's feet when they watch TV. Will not let the dog sleep in the bed. Might be open to a cat. Cats are usually rather self-sufficient, so Alex wouldn't have to worry about them too much. A cat would also help keep rodents away, in theory.
Avery is the one who takes the most convincing. More likely to get fish or birds. Something that's pretty to look at. They're going purely off aesthetics. Their pets are properly cared for, though. They're not going to put a fish in a small tank with no enrichment or keep their birds in tiny cages. Might be convinced to get a cat. Maybe.
Eden is more of a dog person. They take some convincing, but they then become incredibly attached to the dog. Trains the dog to hunt with them. If you catch Eden baby-talking the dog, pretend you didn't. They'd also be very good with cats, but would never bring one home. The forest is dangerous, they don't want to get attached to a cat who's not going to survive. If you bring home a stray cat, they're not tossing it out, but they're telling you to not get attached. Eden then becomes the cat's favorite person somehow. The cat starts bringing Eden "presents."
Kylar would be over the moon to adopt a pet with you! They see it as a trial run for having children together. They're really open to anything. Rabbits, mice, rats, hamsters, cats, and reptiles are pets they'll suggest. Fair warning, they might get a little jealous of the pet. You can calm them down by referring to Kylar as the pet's parent. Saying "cute, just like your mummy/daddy," while gesturing to Kylar leaves them with hearts in their eyes.
Robin is also pretty open to getting a pet with you, but they would prefer adopting or taking in a stray. A bit nervous around large dogs. Also nervous around snakes. Don't even think about getting a pet arachnid.
Sydney would do well with rodents and smaller animals. Rats, mice, ferrets, rabbits, and the like. More open to having a cat than a dog. Cats are usually more self-sufficient than dogs, and Sydney is rather busy. If you really want a dog, they'll get one, but you're taking responsibility for taking care of it. Would like a pet arachnid, but if that freaks you out they won't get one.
Whitney says they don't want a pet but will end up stealing any animal you bring home. Kitten? Cool, they sleep on Whitney's chest now. Puppy? Yeah, that's Whitney's TV buddy. Snake? Whitney is going to have that snake in their lap while listening to music. Fish? Whitney is watching them as if in a trance. Rodents? They're in Whitney's pockets because it's funny, and definitely not because they like having them around. Whitney makes you take care of whatever animal you bring home, but they very much consider the animal theirs. Besides, you're their pet, right? A pet of yours is a pet of theirs.
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hookingminor · 3 years
omg the slow burn one with josty 😍
a slow burn being like… i’m not in love with them! cut to scene of the person in question staring dreamingly at the object of their desire
For as long as Tyson’s known you, he’s been in love with you. Everyone knew it too: his teammates, his family, his friends. Everyone but you, that is. Tyson knew it deep down, but he refused to act on it. A part of him was still denying that he could be in love with the person he considered his best friend, but even he knew it to be true if unconsciously.
The team was getting sick of Tyson acting like a lovesick puppy whenever you were around. He would deny it every time, the way the guys called him out on how his eyes followed you everywhere and how he always brought you up in conversations that had nothing to do with you.
The last two and half years had passed like this with Tyson’s gaze following you as if he was afraid of losing you from his sight and you showing up as his plus one to every event possible like you were his significant other.
Tyson had to watch guys take you on dates and listen to you rant about the latest assholes and act like it didn’t make him want to throw up or punch someone in the face, and you had to watch girls approach Tyson in bars in hopes that he’d take them home and act like it didn’t make you want to sit on his lap to mark your territory.
Even now, at the team barbecue to kick off the new season, everyone could feel the tension between you two even though you were on opposite sides of the yard.
You stood with Mel, absolutely enthralled with Landy’s kids and holding their baby boy as you gossipped with the other girls and caught up on the latest details of your life.
Tyson, on the other hand, sat around the bonfire with Mikko, Nate, and JT along with JT’s girlfriend, Sydney, basking in the warmth the fire provided. Tyson’s ears may have been listening to their conversation, but his eyes were trained on you over Mikko’s shoulder watching as Lucas’s hands played with your cheeks.
“How much longer are you two going to keep doing this, Josty? I’m getting tired of watching all this back and forth,” Nate asked, catching Tyson’s attention and making his head turn back towards the group.
“Huh?” Tyson asked stupidly.
“When are you going to tell her you’re in love with her?” Mikko supplied.
“What?” Tyson blushed. “I’m not in love with her.”
“You’ve been staring at her for the past ten minutes,” Sydney said, and JT nodded in agreement.
Tyson hadn’t realized he had been looking at you for that long. He was just thinking about how pretty you looked in your outfit and the way the setting sun seemed to make your skin glow.
Maybe he had gotten carried away a little bit.
Knowing he’d been caught, Tyson’s blush only spread to his ears, and he couldn’t help but glance back at you. He thought back to a couple hours prior when he picked you up for the barbecue and how he felt his heart skip a beat and his stomach drop when he saw you all dressed up.
In fact, Tyson always thought you were beautiful. Today, yesterday, and all the days before that, you always made his breath catch a little bit in his throat.
“And you’re staring again,” JT added.
“She doesn’t have feelings for me anyway. It’d be pointless to tell her,” Tyson said meekly in response. It wasn’t a denial of his own feelings.
“Only one way to find out,” Sydney spoke up. “You might be surprised.” She knew your feelings all too well, but it wasn’t her place to say anything. You two needed to figure this out for yourself.
“Yeah, maybe,” Tyson contemplated as he thought it over. He was a little tired of dancing around it all the time.
The group let the subject drop after that as they watched Tyson think on it. His thumbs tapped against the beer bottle in his hands as he stole one last look at you nearly bent over in laughter, and a small smile spread across his lips.
Maybe it was time for things to change. Maybe it’d happen tonight.
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televisionboy · 3 years
hello vered the light of my life can i possibly request an itty bitty cuddling session with completely smitten george luz
hi my babe!! here’s some for your favorite man
@my-haunting-romance @thatsonefishyboi @punkgeekcryptid @pierrespandas @retrobucky @prvtbullshit @liebegott @valterras @order-of-river-phoenix @himbowelsh @real-fans @snafus-peckuh @warrior-healer @sydney-m @starkiddasilva @neverendingstories00 @3milesup @noneofurbusinez @sunnyshifty @meteora-fc @gutsandgloryhere @band-of-bitches @murphyism @wexhappyxfew @we-always-hit-our-ass @lovingunderratedcharacters @contrabandhothead @alrightnicelighter @georgeluzwarmhugs @sodapop182 @hoosiers-blanket @mrseasycompany @honeybisous @stressedinadress @ciriswife @vintagelavender @mavysnavy @rayofshanshine @band-of-brothers-headcannons @starkiddasilva @mercurygray @trashgoddess600 @happyveday
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during cuddling, this dude turns into an OCTOPUS
idk if it’s well known that George has like really really long limbs but he takes full advantage of that when he’s cuddling
Legs are probably on your chest and his arms are so tightly wrapped around you
During the war, he surprisingly really didn’t do that a lot
He was just constantly too tired to actually be domestic and cuddle with someone
Trust me, once he gets happy and jokey he’s more than ready to cuddle with you
If you both live together after the war and all, he follows you around like a puppy
When you come home from work, he can just tell if you’re stressed and he’s getting out the blankets for a snuggle sesh
If you do not live together, Luz is constantly anxious
He just craves physical touch and if he’s not living with you, that’s all he’s thinking about
also the king of aftercare (as in cuddling you SO TIGHT)
he will smile into your neck
trace shapes or words on your hip
not fond of talking while cuddling? this is the ONLY time George Luz will shut up (maybe for 5 minutes max tho)
otherwise he will be talkative
very soft talking but still wants to talk to you about every single thing you encountered that day
and the fact that he saw a dog and wants to get a 3rd dog with you
cuddling is also not only the act of physically laying down with someone
if replacements didn’t know either of you that well, they would point out to Bull very confused that George had a tight arm wrapped around your shoulder and his leg was on your thigh
Bull would let out this HUGE southern laugh
On a bus or train somewhere with George? He’s quietly talking to you about the place you’re about to go while he’s super close to you
Cooking dinner at home? He’ll wrap his body around you like a back hug
His favorite thing to do at night with you is rest his head in your lap while you both read your own books
But Luz really just cant keep quiet long so he’s always sharing his favorite quotes or passages he thinks is hilarious
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dumdumsun · 4 years
Forever and Never
A/N: I promise this isn’t a Ricky x Reader. I promise I promise. Also holy fucking shit I am not a cheerleader at all and I know how horrible the cheer is in this, plz don’t bully me
Warnings: sexual assault and a horribly written cheer
Word Count: 3267
Three: You Could Be
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“So, you and Richard were a couple again after you returned to Brownsville?”
“No… no, we were not.”
“But you let him believe you were.”
“Have a good day at school, sweetheart!”
I don’t think there was an ounce of me that actually liked Ricky.
“You, too, Aunt Pam!”
And I definitely didn’t mean to string him along like I did.
“Love you!”
It’s just…
“Love you too!”
Sometimes I had to prove to myself that I was worthy when it was clear that Stan had no feelings for me. When I stepped out the next morning and saw that he’d already left his home, I knew he was planning to catch up with Sydney and give her a ride to school. It shouldn’t have been such a big deal to me, but it still tugged at my heart just a bit. A part of me was angered at the thought of Stan trying anything with Sydney, while the rest was rational. He wasn’t mine, I wasn’t his. I had someone who clearly wanted me, but I always pushed him away. Why didn’t I like Ricky when I should have? We were everyone’s favorite couple, we hardly ever fought, he’d take me out to dates regularly. Sure, he had his faults, but so did I. So, why did I not like Richard Berry?
The day I felt my anger towards Stan embed itself into my veins was the same day the idea of Ricky and I being a couple once more was sparked. It started in science class. It seemed Ricky had been waiting for me to get there, for he was early to class for once. So early that he and I were the only ones in the room. I casually strolled to my desk, setting my backpack on the ground beside my seat. Ricky watched me with a patient smile, drumming rhythmically on his desk he was leaning on. When I sat in my seat, he then rested his elbows against his desk, a glint in his eye as he watched me. “Good morning, (Y/N).”
“Morning, Ricky. You’re in class early.”
“Ah, because I know you’re always here early. And I wanted to talk to you.”
“You always want to talk to me.” I hummed, taking out my materials for class. When my fingernail scratched against the fabric of my backpack, I hissed in dissatisfaction and gently bit my nail, trying to keep my mind at ease. This was another one of my compulsions. Ricky’s eyes flicked from my finger then back to my face, as if he’d just remembered what was wrong with me.
“Because I love talking with you, babe.” He grinned, taking a seat at his desk. I rolled my eyes and began to scold him, but he cut me off. “I know, I know. You don’t like it when I call you that. It’s just… I’m still getting used to it.”
“You’re still getting used to not calling me babe even after half a year since our break-up.” I deadpanned. Ricky moved his eyes all around, as if he was about to answer an obvious question.
“Yes? What did you expect, (Y/N)? For me to get over you so quick? Do you want me to say it? Do you honestly want me to say it?”
“Say what, Ricky?”
“I’m in love with you!”
“Still?” My eyes widened as I stared back at him in shock. He frantically nodded his head and I tried to formulate a sentence in my mind, but our classmates had begun filing in. As if I hadn’t just been confessed to, I turned forward in my seat, training my eyes on my notebook. I heard Dina greet me on the way to her seat, but I only gave a small smile. Ricky seemed to have understood my unresponsive behavior, for he turned forward as well.
Ten minutes. That’s how long Ricky waited to start talking to me again. Mr File was so invested in his lecture that he didn’t notice him turn in his seat towards me. “Are you planning on going to the pep rally?”
“Not really,” I sighed, scribbling notes into my book. “They’re not really my thing.”
“I’d really appreciate it if you were there.”
“I bet you would.”
He let out a sigh, almost of defeat, before his eyes moved towards the front of the class. “Dina will be there. I’m sure she’d like it if you were with her.”
Dina was going to the pep rally? Since when has she ever gone to pep rallies? My head lifted, a questioning look on my face. “Wait, what? Dina’s actually going?”
“Yeah, with Brad. And she’s… going to the game, too.”
Dropping my pen, I clenched my jaw. “You aren’t seriously asking-”
“I swear, you won’t regret it. It’ll be fun. And I need my number one cheerleader with me at my big game.”
Yeah, right. Ricky wouldn’t have noticed if I’d been in the stands, cheering him on like his lovesick puppy, or if I walked away the moment he turned around and showed back up at the end of the game. Or would he? Did he look for me in the stands? When they scored a touchdown, did he snap his head in my direction, eyes lighting up and hoping to see mine shine with pride? Like something out of the movies…
“Okay, fine.” I answered without even thinking. Shit. I could practically see the hearts in his eyes.
“You’re the best.” He grinned. Once we both turned our attention back to our teacher, everything settled in for me. Here I am, yet again, allowing myself into dangerous territory. Ricky was not good for me, he wasn’t good for me, he wasn’t good for me. But it was that stupid awestruck look on his face that pulled me in. It wasn’t his carefree attitude, his iconic fashion sense, or the way he danced barefoot in the middle of the street for anyone to see. Because that wasn’t him, and I liked all those things about Stan. But Stan didn’t look at me the way Ricky did, and I guess that was enough for me to seek attention from him.
I felt tapping on my shoulder and looked over to see Sydney, her arm stretched out towards me. She was holding a sloppily folded piece of paper. Smiling at her, I gently took the note and turned forward.
You look like you absolutely want to die
Grinning, I looked Stan’s way, only to find his eyes already trained downward, focused on his notes. Although, I also noticed that he kept glancing over at me from the corner of his eye. Rolling my head onto my shoulder, I scribbled my response, I do, before handing the note back to Sydney. I think the stars above loved me that day, because I had no more classes with Ricky for the remainder of the school day. It was much easier to slip through the crowd of students when he wasn’t on my back all the time.
When it came to lunch, I had two options: Dina and Sydney or Brad and Ricky. I only chose the latter when I couldn’t find Dina. Luckily, that day, she’d been sitting at a table with Sydney, the two immersed in a conversation. Dina was wildly gesturing with her hands as Sydney seemed to provide words every now and then with a small shrug. Striding over to their table, I set my tray of food down beside Sydney. “Mind if I crash your date?”
“We don’t mind.” Dina giggled as I took my seat. As I dug into my sandwich, I could feel eyes on me. My head lifted to meet Dina’s amused expression. “So, (Y/N), are you going to the game?”
Scoffing, I set my food down. “Yeah, but not because I want to…”
“Then why are you going?”
“For… Ricky, I guess.”
“For Ricky.” Her brows rose in shock, but it was obvious she knew what my answer would be. I was only half lying. Ricky was only a fraction of the reason I was going, Dina was the rest. Though, something was telling me that there was more to me attending this game than I thought. Maybe it was the mischievous look in Dina’s eyes, or maybe it was the jocks from Brad’s table glancing over at me and chuckling in amusement. As if the whole school knew of some big secret that involved me.
Dina offered to drive me to the game. It was honestly still very new, hanging out with her. She didn’t smoke and talk about the future as our doom, or sit in the dark and watch every Tim Burton film to ever touch humanity. We just… talked. Like, girl-talked. We sat in her room two hours before the game started, talking about clothes and shoes and Brad and Ricky. You know, girl shit.
“I think it’s cute that you’re going to the game for him.” She remarked as she touched up her face with some blush. Rolling my eyes, I flopped onto her bed.
“I wasn’t gonna go until he mentioned you…”
“Yeah, right. You can just admit that you still like him, (Y/N).”
“Oh, my god, Dina,” I exasperatedly sighed. “I do not like Ricky. I thought I made that clear last year.”
Dina turned to me before flopping onto her bed as well. “Oh, come on… He really likes you, (Y/N)... Like, you’re almost all he talks about.”
“Definitely not creepy-”
“Just give him another chance,” She pouted. “If it doesn’t work out, then I’ll make sure he never talks to you again, okay?”
“No one in this universe can keep Richard Berry from talking to me,” I lightly laughed, but stopped when her face fell into a deadpan. “Okay, fine… I’ll give him another shot…”
So, that night, I learned that Dina was a fucking traitor. I don’t necessarily mean that, but I was still taken aback by what she was a part of. The two of us had gotten the chance to watch the game from the sidelines, next to the cheerleaders. It gave Dina the perfect view of her boyfriend, and Ricky the perfect view of me. I swore he nearly snapped his neck in two trying to look over at me any chance he got. Whenever we’d lock eyes, I would simply wave politely. Head in the game, Richard, I thought.
I knew Dina wasn’t crazy about football, so I found it odd how her leg bounced rapidly as she watched our team head straight for a touchdown. As the crowd erupted in screams and the cheerleaders stood from the bench, Dina grinned over at me as if I should care. That’s when I heard the cheer.
“Give me a Z!”
“Give me an I!”
“Give me a P!”
“What’s that spell?!”
The cheerleaders skipped over to me, Dina helping me stand to my feet. I felt a pit form in my stomach when they stood before me in formation, ten of the football players standing behind them. My eyes widened as the girls in front of me began their dance and cheer.
“Ready! Okay! Homecoming’s approaching near, and there’s something you need to hear! Ricky here is all alone, he needs someone to call his own! There is just one girl in town, who fits the bill and wears the crown!”
That had to have been the worst cheer I’d ever heard. My eyes searched the field for any clues as to what the hell was happening, my head swimming as the football players each began holding up a card with a letter on it. Spelling out “homecoming”.
“Ricky is your Mister Right, we promise you he’ll make your night! Z! I! P!”
My heart dropped as I watched Ricky walk in front of the girls, wearing a nervous smile. “Will you go to homecoming with me?”
Fuck. No.
“Uh… Yeah.” I blinked, the entirety of the field and stands bursting in cheers. Dina clapped from behind me before pushing me closer to Ricky. He had a smile so big, I thought his face would split. Without a warning, he enveloped me in a hug, nearly lifting me off the ground. Eyes wide, I could only wrap my arms around him in hopes I didn’t fall over. His teammates were patting him on the back in congratulations, including Brad.
“Yes! The power couple is back!” Brad gently shook his friend’s shoulder. Ricky chuckled at his behavior, his eyes never leaving me, even as he set me back down.
“I promise, I’ll make your night, Zip.”
“Yeah… That’s what they said…” I tried a smile, but it fell almost instantly. I laughed a bit to play it off as being nervous. Hell, I was nervous. I was embarrassed! I can’t believe I hadn’t seen that coming, even Dina was acting off! Guiding me back to the bench, Ricky placed a soft kiss on the top of my head before heading back onto the field. I plopped down beside the beaming Dina, the girl vibrating in excitement.
“Oh, my god, (Y/N)! That was so cute!”
“Did you know?” My head snapped over to her. She nodded and gently shook my arm.
“Yes, I helped come up with the idea!”
Someone kill me. Please. Zeus, strike me down with all your might, I’m ready to leave this cruel existence behind me. That’s all I could think as the game resumed as normal. I tried not to make it obvious that I was completely repulsed with the idea of spending a night by Ricky’s side. I only rested my head in my hand as if I were watching the game, consumed with boredom. In reality, my mind was racing with every possibility of homecoming night. I could always ditch him? No, that’s rude as hell. But I didn’t even want to go with him! But they worked so hard on that cheer. Well, not really, anyone could have written that piece-of-shit-cheer-
My thoughts were interrupted when Dina stood and rushed towards the sidelines. I watched as Ricky ran onto the field to assist Brad, who had just been tackled too roughly. I hadn’t seen exactly what happened, but I guess he rolled his ankle really bad or something. As the coaches helped him up, he let out a curse. Once he was on his feet, well actually his foot, everyone began calling out to him in praise. And like the mindless drone I was, I lazily cheered for him, too.
After the game, Brad and Ricky treated Dina and I to a double date at some diner. I think I remember Dina mentioning that Sydney’s mom worked there. It was cozy and quiet, not many customers due to how late it was. I should’ve been relaxed, but when Ricky had his arm around me and tucked me into his side… I couldn’t help the feeling of bile in my throat. This wasn’t good. I shouldn’t be like this with him.
“Look at that,” Brad motioned towards the two of us, mouth full of fries. “America’s Power Couple. Back together again.”
“Yeah… good to be back…” Ricky happily smiled, squeezing me closer into his side.
“Ricky, are you gonna tell me what a covalent bond is or not?” I sighed as my boyfriend planted countless kisses across my jaw. I should’ve known he wouldn’t study if I came over. “Ricky, we need to study.”
“But you’re so smart, babe,” He chuckled. “You’ll be fine.”
“I’m not worried about me.” I sighed as he moved his mouth to my neck. My body instinctively flinched away, but he didn’t seem to notice. He was too busy sliding my chemistry textbook from my hands and carefully setting it on his floor beside our backpacks. Wrapping his arm around my waist, he gently laid us down on our sides so we faced each other. His dark brown eyes locked with my (e/c) ones, but his held a sort of fire.
“You wanna have sex?”
“U-Uh, what?” I stuttered. He shook his head the best he could with it being pressed against his bed. “Ricky, what?”
His hand slowly slid up my side and made its way under my shirt. I froze, whether in shock or panic, I wasn’t sure at the time. “Come on, babe… You know you want to…”
“I really don’t.” I firmly stated, pressing my palm against his chest to push him away, but he only grabbed me by the wrist, lifting my hand to his lips and pressing a kiss to my palm.
“Oh, but I think you do.” He rolled me onto my back. My heart rate increased as my voice rose.
“Ricky, seriously, stop!”
“You’re such a tease.”
“I’m not-”
The next thing I knew, his lips were latched onto mine, his tongue forcefully pushing its way into my mouth. I yelped and tried to shove him off of me, but Ricky was stronger than I was. I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes as his hand slid near my bra. My breathing was labored from my incoming panic attack, but that seemed to only encourage him. I did what my first thought told me and lifted my foot towards his groin and kicked him as hard as I could. He ripped himself away from me and gripped his wound, not prepared for the harsh push that would send him to the ground. Adrenaline coursing through my veins, I hopped off of his bed and grabbed my textbook, shoving it into my backpack.
“What the hell, (Y/N)?” Ricky slowly got to his feet, face painted in bewilderment. I gave him no explanation as I rushed out of his room. I had no car, I was scared to call anyone, so I decided to walk the whole way home. Once I was at the end of his street, I could hear his voice call out to me. “Where are you going?! (Y/N), get back here! Babe!”
But I paid him no mind. My arms made their way around my torso as my legs led me all the way to my aunt’s home. Everyone was eating dinner when I stormed inside. “(Y/N), you’re home early- Sweetheart?” I heard Aunt Pam call, but I only responded with the slam of my bedroom door. My back pressed against the door as I slowly slid down to my rear, burying my face into my hands. Quiet sobs filled my bedroom not too long afterwards, Jacob and Pam both attempting to pry what was wrong from me, but I refused to even respond to them. I was too in my head, too trapped in that moment.
The next day at school, I kept my head down, squeezing between everyone to get to classes early, to hide out in the bathrooms, but it was no use. When Ricky wanted to see me, he was going to see me. Just when I thought I was safe, he hugged me from behind. I stiffened immediately. “You didn’t text back.” He whispered into my neck. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I croaked out,
“It’s okay… I was just worried about you,” He turned me in his arms to face him. “Don’t just leave like that again.”
“Y-Yeah, sorry…” My eyes trailed away to see Stan, watching our interaction intently from his locker. “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah… It’s good to be back…” I took the kiss to my cheek without protest.
Taglist: @melinda-hargreeves @sapphicsyn @stqnley @lonely-kermit @give-the-boy-a-hug
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thebumblingbee · 4 years
Help me train a service dog?
Next spring, I’m going to be bringing home a golden retriever puppy to train as my service dog. She is going to be trained as a medical and psychiatric response dog. I have the money to pay for her, but I am still needing to raise money for her training.
“But Sydney, I thought you were a dog trainer?” I can hear you ask. It’s true, I do train dogs. The odds of raising a functional service dog are much higher when working with an outside trainer, so that is what I’m doing. I cannot afford medically or financially for this dog to be unsuccessful.
Each lesson is going to cost $75, and we will be doing weekly lessons from the time I bring her home until she is at least a year old. That is $3300 that I’ll be spending on training alone. So, I am trying to raise money outside of my normal full-time job to save up as much as I can.
Ways you can help support my journey:
I do tarot readings- my most popular so far has been the Year Overview for $20, but I can also do cheaper readings. Just DM me if you are interested!
Every dollar earned on my Etsy shop is going towards the puppy. I have checklists and trackers for dog training! They are super cheap, but the proceeds really add up for me.
I do dog training consultations/private virtual lessons for my own training business. Email [[email protected]] and we can chat about your dog!
I genuinely do appreciate everyone who has reached out to help so far! I understand that not everybody is in a financial place to be able to help. I just ask that you share this around, as this dog will be a piece of medical equipment (and a well loved family member) that is invaluable to me. 
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hazard-and-friends · 3 years
Month 11
What the fuck. Holy hell buddy.
The focus here will be catching us up with the missed months and then next month I’ll do a 1 year retrospective.
The last time I posted one of these was January 9th. In late February, we moved from FL to WA; at the end of the month we moved into a new, one bedroom apartment. In mid-March I started a part time job which I adore (running puppy camp at a R+ facility! in the next few weeks I’ll start teaching swims and puppy play groups!). So first we did a massive amount of prep for the move, and then we did even more prep for post-move things like “meeting my family” and “oh shit there’s hills now” and in between the two we’ve made huge strides on the cat thing.
The details!
Night time: We have completely stopped putting him in the crate at night. There were two reasons for crating to begin with: 1) We didn’t know where Penny wanted to sleep and didn’t trust them when we were asleep and 2) to create good sleepy associations prior to the plane flight. #2 is no longer relevant and a) Penny wants to sleep Up or in the bed and b) Hazard laaaaargely doesn’t care about her once the lights go off. So he sleeps on the floor, after a VERY exciting 4 nights at the airbnb where he got to sleep in the people bed with the people (Penny slept on top of the catinets cabinets).
Crate in general: I spent 2 months working on the plastic crate not being the actual devil, and he did end up being happy in it. But he’s regressed to thinking that crates in general are prison spaces due to the plane flight, so it’s all to the good that he doesn’t have to go in at all anymore. Regular crate training (for trials) is on the task list.
Medications: He was on trazodone through late March. For the flight itself, I started him on gabapentin (100 mg 3x daily) 24 hours before the flight, and gave him a double dose when we left the apartment. All of this was cleared with his vet first, consult with your own etc. No side effects and the gabapentin definitely helped--but he was still upset at takeoff and landing. One of the reasons I wanted him to see a vet in March was to switch off trazodone and onto something actually validated in separation anxiety. He’s now on Reconcile, 24 mg once a day. At 2 weeks in: No lasting side effects (the first 48 hours were a little weird), and overall anxiety is decreasing.
Anxiety in general: IT’S BEEN A FUN TIME Y’ALL. Because trazodone and prozac (Reconcile) both affect serotonin, he had to come off trazodone for 4-5 days before starting Reconcile. Which confirmed a bunch of things:
Trazodone wasn’t doing very much at all. 90% of the time he was unchanged.
He is WAY more anxious on car rides than anyone realized. Once off trazodone, he started whining continuously on the way out--the way back is fine, either because he’s exhausted, he knows we’re going home, or we’ve already been to the superfunexcitingplace.
Trazodone wasn’t doing SHIT for his separation anxiety, which was unchanged.
He was only slightly more reactive to the cat and no more reactive to strangers. Cool.
Now that we’re 2 weeks into Reconcile: Starting to see big improvements in separation anxiety (more on that later) and cat tolerance is back to baseline (ditto). Car rides are still chatty but rapidly improving. No side effects, still playful and happy and silly.
Separation anxiety: Over a month, we achingly worked our way up to 90 seconds of me gone, or 30 seconds of me gone if I had done one preparing-to-leave thing. And even that was unreliable. That’s not right, guys. That’s the big reason we switched medications. Because keep in mind that all of this is while Jo was in the room with him. Yesterday I left to run errands with no prep and he just watched. I love Reconcile. It took about 5 minutes for him to settle down, but still. Plan is to bust ass and get to 15 minutes with no pre-departure cues and then add them back in.
Cat: Two steps forward one step sideways. While he chases her every other day or so, there are no gates in the new apartment. Sometimes we close the door to the bedroom so Penny can be unmolested, but often she’s the one who wants out, and she’s finding more and more places to chill. Moooost nights Hazard gets tied (harness to longline to my desk) but that’s more so that we don’t have to be constantly watching. At night there’s sometimes scuffles, but those end with Penny wherever she wanted to be and Hazard under the bed.
Weight: Vet had him at 44 lbs but he hadn’t pooped that day. He’s now on diet Hills SD, 1.5 cups, but he also gets around 100 pieces of treats a day so that’s surely impacting things. He’s looking better and better though--nice thigh muscles.
Formal training: I have completely jumped the shark and started teaching rally cues. As soon as the budget balances I want to get back to doing rally with Sydney’s trainer, and he’s picking up the basics really fast. Also, recall?? Is coming along fabulously?? Amazing. Love it when I don’t have to do anything.
I jest, I did a lot. We did a bowl game where I put him in a wait, put food in his bowl, then went to the other side of the room and called him. He had to come to me before going to the food, and that really helped recall click in a way that other games hadn’t.
Handling: After 11 months I admitted defeat and took him to the vet for nails. The vet tech’s verdict is that he sang at her but she got them done in 5 minutes so hey. We’re going back to the very basics and doing it to enthusiasm, not compliance, this time. Sigh.
Good note: I did teach him a chin rest and he now LOVES offering it. Amazing. Love him so much.
Stranger danger: the BIGGEST progress. In the last month he’s met both my parents, my grandparents, one of my siblings, and a friend. 6 people, 3 genders, aged 19-77, and a whole array of builds and heights. They’re all white but you can’t have everything. A growing theme is he’s much better in novel environments than in his home base, so probably we’ll be meeting people outside and then walking them in. But still, seeing huge improvements in his willingness to associate with strange humans and let them touch him.
Walks: 40 min morning/20 min evening, except for once a week when it’s a 50-60 min hike or sometimes we rent the field at my work... It’s hard to be a dog ;) Fitness is less his problem on walks than focus for that long, so the hike is actually easier for him than 40 min along a 35mph road. Still, we’re getting lots of nice perky behavior out and about.
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gibsonbryan · 3 years
French bulldog Puppies For Sale
Cute and adorable home trained puppies. my lovely male and female puppies are home trained,they are now looking for a lovely and caring family that can give them all the love and care they needs,they are playful with children and other home pet, vet check up with one year health guarantee certificate. they will come along site with all their necessary documents like their travel crate,pet passport,playing toys and along side with they feeding booklets if interested in given them a home get in touch.#bulldog breeders australia
#bulldog for sale australia
#french bulldog for sale australia
#bull for sale nsw
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pashpops · 4 years
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new rookie girl group, Basier de Filles! (awkward French intended) Their debut is gothic fantasy dream pop that leans heavily on the contrast between Yunhee's surprisingly deep and husky vocals and Cleo's more kpop-typical high vocals.
Members: Yunhee (leader), Dain, Cleo (maknae), Honey
Fandom name: Prix
Stage Name: Yunhee Birth Name: Jang Yun Hee Position: Leader, Main Vocal, Main Dancer Birthday: 1996 Zodiac: Scorpio Height: 169cm Weight: 46kg (officially) Blood Type: O Favourite Colour: Black, hot pink Favourite Food: BBQ Least Favourite Food: Gelatinous foods Hobbies: Playing sports, watching historical documentaries
Yunhee Facts: - Was head cheerleader in high school, and is still very athletic. - Was scouted when she was performing a musical in university, as a straight-A student she had to make a hard decision whether to continue studying full time or to become an idol and delay her graduation. She was convinced only after the third time the agency called her, and after they discussed their plans with her musical theatre teachers. - Very witty and quick to call out rude or inappropriate behaviour. - Openly advocates for women’s and LGBT rights. - Ideal type is someone who listens well and is respectful, someone who can cook and eats well.
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - a bit cold, doesn’t make friends easily and is distrustful of others. - huge nerd and not in the cute way, the “will argue for hours about historical revisioning” way. - can be a harsh leader because she gets frustrated easily when the others can’t follow along quickly. - even though she can be standoffish, she’s very protective of and caring to her dongsaengs. - of course she’s a lesbian.
Stage Name: Dain Birth Name: Oh Da In Position: Visual, Rapper Birthday: 1997 Zodiac: Virgo Height: 160cm Weight: 43kg (officially) Blood Type: B Favourite Colour: Lavender Favourite Food: Semi-sweet desserts like mont blanc Least Favourite Food: Red meat, offal, anything with too strong a flavour Hobbies: Dancing, watching historical documentaries
Dain Facts: - Former ulzzang, popular for her doll-like face and cute and sexy fashion. - Trained for 7 years. - Favourite brand is Chanel, then Yves Saint Laurent. - She and Cleo are the “twins” of the group, as new fans get them mixed up easily if they’re styled similarly. Dain has a rounder face. - Ideal type is a hard-working gentleman who can look after her.
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - Really just in it for the fame. - Mostly likes men, but chic and powerful women make her heart flutter a little bit. - Even though she’s the visual and posts a lot on social media, she’s a bit shy in real life. - But despite that, she’s still having a great time secretly having it off with Seongjun of B.coy...
Stage Name: Cleo Birth Name: Seo Yi Soo Position: Maknae, Dancer, Vocalist Birthday: 1999 Zodiac: Aquarius Height: 166cm Weight: 46kg (officially) Blood Type: O Favourite Colour: Baby blue Favourite Food: Salty-sweet things Least Favourite Food: Bland things Hobbies: Watching anime, playing video games
Cleo Facts: - From Epping, New South Wales. Moved to Seoul when she turned 18 after being scouted in Sydney. - Speaks Korean, English, and a little bit of Mandarin and Thai. - Big anime fan, has a youtube page from predebut where she uploads covers of anime songs. - Her favourite shows are Haikyuu!!, Hunter x Hunter, Sailor Moon, Naruto, and Death Note. She really hates ecchi shows, and she always tells her fans that she doesn’t like people who only watch ecchi. - Always wears light colour contacts. - She and Dain are the “twins” of the group, as new fans get them mixed up easily if they’re styled similarly. Cleo has a more angular face. - Ideal type is someone who shares her interests and laughs a lot.
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - Though she’s a big anime fan, she really really really hates anime fandom and especially male anime fans because of the rampant paedophilia, racism and sexism. - This leads to her disliking a lot of her own fans, as her reputation as an anime fan and her cute appearance appeals to a lot of the same anime fans that jerk it to schoolgirls. - Actually reads more yaoi and yuri than anything which is why her official faves are so normie, and why her unnies think it’s funny that she hates ecchi, because a lot of the yuri she reads is very male-gazey.
Stage Name: Honey Birth Name: Yoon Ha Ni Position: Main Rapper, Dancer Birthday: 1998 Zodiac: Taurus Height: 176cm Weight: 49kg (officially) Blood Type: O Favourite Colour: Cotton candy pink Favourite Food: Fried chicken burger with extra pickles, large fries with ranch, large coke Least Favourite Food: None Hobbies: ? (actual written answer)
Honey Facts: - From Long Beach, California. Moved to Seoul just before debut. - Former fashion model, popular for her long slender legs. - The mysterious member, often says things that don’t make sense to anyone but her. - The “puppy” of the group, very cheerful and silly but innocent and gullible. - Loves skinship and is full of aegyo. - The member with the biggest difference between on-stage and off-stage appearance, as she’s cute and bubbly most of the time, but she’s charismatic and sexy on stage. - Answers “ideal type” questions with wildly different and often contradictory things every time she’s asked. The only link between them is that she seems not to like people who hide their emotions.
BEHIND THE SCENES DATA: - Really really really really really dumb. Very sweet and kind, but makes Jamie seem like a genius. - Got into some minor trouble predebut because she did a lot of bikini and lingerie modelling in the US and some of it is quite racy, but the company got most of the pictures taken down. - Because she is very tall and a bit busty, she doesn’t fit a lot of clothing in Korean stores, and she often wears her own clothing or wears recycled stage clothing to off-stage schedules like fanmeets. This led to fans thinking she was being exploited for her body (as her American clothes show more cleavage than Korean fashion tends to and because of her predebut bikini photos), but she explained that it’s just her own clothes from home, as most sponsored clothing doesn’t fit her and the stylists don’t have time to custom-make clothes for off-stage schedules. So now fans just think she’s being bullied by the stylists.
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