cricketnationrise · 30 days
For the ficlet fest: 6:42 pm, a private stage, and Arthur Fox please. My ao3 is katsudonforthesoul. Congratulations on the followers!! It's so kind of you to give back to us as a way to celebrate, especially on top of all the other things you do!
thank you so much for your kind words! the not so secret part of the ficlet fests is that all y'all's prompts are so fucking cool that i have an absolute BLAST writing them <3 for once the Arthur feels are non-angsty, which is exciting for all of us, frankly. enjoy!
read the rest of the ficlets here
6:42pm, a private stage
“O, for a muse of fire that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention!”
No one becomes an actor hoping for small audiences. 
Famous actors can wax poetic all they want about how “reaching even one person is meaningful,” but at their core, in their secret egos, all actors want to be able to interact with the largest possible audiences. That dream is why Arthur tolerates filming; the reach is so much greater than live theatre. Even so, he’d much rather be on a stage, in front of a live audience. That feedback, that energy of a crowded room, solely focused on him and the story he’s telling is intoxicating.
“A kingdom for a stage, princes to act, and monarchs to behold the swelling scene!” Arthur winks at Catherine as he finishes the line, making her giggle. As much as he loves a packed house, there’s something special about performing for her alone, hidden away in his flat for once. She’d worn down her PPO’s enough that they’d grudgingly allowed her to stay the night, and that they’d monitor from down the hall instead of right outside his door after sweeping his place. Arthur can’t stop looking at her, casual in a way she rarely is, even in her own rooms in Kensington, completely at home here with him. The next line, something about Mars and hounds, pours out of him automatically, years of muscle memory serving him well, but Arthur couldn’t have told anyone what it actually is right now. He’s too distracted trying to memorize the precise configuration of laugh lines around her eyes.
He comes back to the text in time to appreciate the irony. “But pardon, gentles all, the flat unraisèd spirits that hath dared on this unworthy scaffold to bring forth so great an object.” It’s one thing to try to imagine vast battles and courts of ages past when you’re watching from The Globe, the building itself drenched in echoes of people imagining the same things for centuries—it’s another thing altogether to try and imagine fantastical settings and the grand scale of the story with a backdrop of worn out floors and his amazingly shit telly. Can this cockpit hold the vasty fields of France, indeed?
“Or may we cram within this wooden square the very casques that did affright the air at Agincourt?” Arthur recites, swapping “O” for “square” to reflect the shape of the room, grinning when Cat catches the change. She’s a princess, and she’s bloody brilliant, and she’s dating him. And if she wants him to perform Shakespeare for her, he’ll do it with bells on.
He bows a little at the next line. “O pardon, since a crookèd figure may attest in little place a million, and let me, ciphers to this great account, on your imaginary forces work.” Arthur meets her bright gaze steadily, as the lines ask her to imagine mighty monarchies and proud-hoofed horses.
Arthur paces forward and kneels before her where she’s perched on the couch. “For ‘tis your thoughts that now must deck our kings carry them here and there, jumping o’er times, turning th’ accomplishment of many years into an hourglass.”
“Did you mean, my entire life?” Cat snorts. 
Arthur just chuckles in response and takes her hand for the last line. “Admit me chorus to this history, who, prologue-like, your humble patience pray gently to hear, kindly to judge our play.”
Cat twines her fingers with him and leans her face close to his. “I can’t believe you memorized a scene that wasn’t your own from Henry V, you gigantic nerd.”
“It’s a good monologue,” he protests. “And you like that I’m a gigantic nerd.”
“God help me, I really do,” she admits, standing up and pulling him up after her. “Now, let’s put a different gigantic part of you to work, shall we?”
“Well, if you absolutely insist…” Arthur fakes a heavy sigh, but lets her tow him toward the bedroom, more than happy to do her bidding.
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daisymae-12 · 6 months
🎄 deco my tree 🎄
me coming on tumblr today and seeing all the notifs and being like "what on earth happened on tumblr while I was sweating in the kitchen all day practicing my christmas dishes" and turns out it's all tags for this cute tree thing !!! 🎄
I don't have a real tree so this is the next best thing 😂 anyway here's my tree if you'd like to decorate/leave a message, but absolutely no pressure ❤️❤️❤️
thanks for the tags, I had so much fun decorating all your trees ❤️ @raysletters @lizzie-bennetdarcy @cha-melodius @suseagull04 @cultofsappho @14carrotghoul @affectionatelyrs @read-and-write- @anincompletelist @inexplicablymine @kiwiana-writes @rmd-writes also tagging @myheartalivewrites @heybuddy-drabbles @sherryvalli @leaves-of-laurelin @purgingmyemotions @zwiazdziarka @tintagel-or-cockleshells @celeritas2997 @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @alasse9 @welcometololaland @littlemisskittentoes @whimsymanaged @gayrootvegetable @happiness-of-the-pursuit @cricketnationrise @orchidscript + anyone else who wants to join, tag me back so I can leave you a message ❤️
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peachdoxie · 4 years
Hello! I'm so sorry to be a bother, but I just (finally) watched Onward and I am so sure that I remember you writing an analysis post about it way long ago, and now I can't find it. I was searching through your blog but as we all know tumblr is not a functioning website; if it's not too much trouble could you please tell me what tags it would be under or how best to find it? Thank you so much!
This post, perhaps? I think it’s the only one I’ve written about Onward.
I’d like to note, for anyone reading this: I haven’t seen Onward, and I wrote this post before there was much out about it. I still don’t plan to see Onward. Please don’t start discourse with me about my opinion on the film. Frankly, it’s a waste of my energy to care about this film in any significant way.
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magical-mistral · 6 years
purgingmyemotions hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “Ooh what kind of cake and muffins are you making? I've been really...”
Those sound lovely! How did you make the surprise heart happen? I've never seen that, but I want to try it! And my goodness you've done so much even after a long week of work, you're unstoppable. I hope you have plans to rest and take care of yourself too!
it’s easier than you might think! the package came with two different batters - the first one you mixed up according to the instructions and you make it into little hearts. it’s just like making christmas cookies! i could have used any cookie cutter for it, probably... then you make the second batter, pour half of it into your cake form, gently put in the hearts so that they form a row and add the rest of the batter on top. :) I really hope it does come out well and i will definitely take pictures!! well, in fact i am stoppable. my cat stopped me. we are in bed, cuddling. and i can’t wait to rest up and have time to draw and do cosplay props and my advent calendars...!
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katsukifatale · 7 years
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@purgingmyemotions thanks! my friend picked it out since i know fuck-all abt makeup haha. its revlon black cherry!
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violetcigrs · 3 years
thanks for tagging me @the-local-meme 💜
Rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to! Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people.
1) Let Me Out by Gorillaz ft. Mavis Staples and Pusha T
2) B.I.T.C.H. by Megan Thee Stallion
3) Deer In The Headlights by Owl City
4) One Day by The Rootless
5) 00:00 (Zero O’Clock) by BTS
6) This’ll Be My Year by Train
7) If You Come Back by Blue
8) I Miss You by blink-182
9) Brand New World by D-51
10) Waterfalls by TLC
tagging: @bansheefox @purgingmyemotions @trash-b0at @isurvivedyamatai @kit-tendo @c0mealongp0nd @ares-golden-ram @dorawnfredread @thefaultinourasian @xcuriouskayleex
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shemakesmeforget · 6 years
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I was tagged by @alipiee to list my 10 favorite films using gifs <3<3<3
Tagging @witharthurkirkland, @caeseria, @purgingmyemotions, @japansace, @cuttlemefishwrites, @teekettle, @meetmewhere, @hashi-cat, @thoughtsappear, @lanerose23
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princessmimoza · 6 years
Oh my goodness congratulations!!! Your boyfriend, sorry fiancé, made your ring? That's incredible! It's beautiful, and I'm so happy for you! (I hope that's not weird, I know I'm just a random tumblr person, but I love your work and wish you all the best!)
awww thank you so much!!! yes, he made it! well, he works as a jeweller but mostly he works with gold or silver so this was his first try with wood and resin :) and it’s really unique *__* and nope, you are not weird, you’re sweet~ :3 and thank you for your well wishes :3
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hoppinghippogriffs · 7 years
rules: Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked, then write 11 new ones. Tag 11 people to answer your questions, as well as the person who tagged you
Thank you @wandamaximwff for tagging me! :D
what’s your favorite color? Purple are you a morning person or a night owl? Really not much of either, if I had to pick I’d probably go night owl what show are you currently watching? I’ve been re-watching the 100 lately because I initially stopped like halfway through season 2.  do you believe in ghosts? To some extent, I believe some people are just more receptive to seeing them (and I’m glad I don’t seem to be one of those people) what do you like most about yourself? I like to think I’ve gotten good at keeping a level head even when stuff gets crazy and helping others through do you have any pet peeves? When people call me Julie instead of Julia and when people say they have OCD when they really just prefer things to be clean. what does your url mean? I just like Harry Potter and alliteration  do you have good handwriting? Not really, it can be alright if I put the time into it but usually it’s kind of a mess are you a neat person? Usually yeah, unless I have a lot of stuff going on, then my room tends to turn into a mess what new movie/show are you most looking forward to? Guardians of the Galaxy 2 definitely what’s your Hogwarts house? Hufflepuff! Used to be more of a Ravenclaw but I’ve grown Hufflepuff with age 
Here are my questions!
What’s something small that never fails to cheer you up?
What’s your favorite flower?
What do you think is the coolest-looking animal?
What’s your favorite song lately?
What’s something you admire in someone close to you?
Who’s your favorite author?
What does a day of perfect weather mean to you?
What’s a weird talent you have?
What’s your favorite snack after a long day?
Are you currently procrastinating? 
How has your day been? 
I’ll tag @valorfaerie, @aijoskobi, @adamwisethegreat, @oceans-of-lithium, @hauntedrobin, @bees-ants, @purgingmyemotions, and anyone else that would want to do it!
Thanks again for the tag and you guys don’t have to answer if you don’t want to! :D
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daisymae-12 · 9 months
9 favourite books
Thanks for the tags @myheartalivewrites @suseagull04 @tintagel-or-cockleshells @kiwiana-writes @cricketnationrise loved seeing all the lists!! adding so much to my TBR ahh
So it's pretty obvious from this list that I haven't read many books in the last decade 🥴 Discovered fanfic 12 years ago and haven't really been interested in books since 😂 So most of these are my childhood/teenage faves - gave me a huge throwback for sure 💀
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston - the book that ended my 7 year book reading drought. Don't need to say much about this one - it changed my life etc etc
The Mediator (series) by Meg Cabot - am I breaking rules by including a whole bunch of series 😂 still love this series so frkn much. Probably my most reread set of books. Apparently it's being adapted into a tv series/film - no news since 2020 but if it happens I will literally cry (happy tears).
1800-Where-Are-You (series) by Meg Cabot - can you tell I loved this author 😂 loved all her YA mysteries
Anne of Green Gables (series) by L.M. Montgomery - when I was 8 I bought the first book at the library sale for 20c and from there begged my mum to buy me the rest of the series. Anne and Gilbert my first ship 😩
Driftwood by Cathy Cassidy - read this when I was probably 10 or so and sometimes I still think about how it really shifted my worldview at that age. Probably the first time I was exposed to the heavy topics it hinted at
Percy Jackson / Heroes of Olympus (series) by Rick Riordan - love Greek/Roman mythology so these were obviously going to be a fave. So excited for the tv series ahh
Nancy Drew (series) by Carolyn Keene - yup I really loved mystery series 😂
The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau - Ok I remember loving this book but what the fuck, apparently not enough to know it's part of a series ?! (I just googled to check the author and discovered my whole life is a lie) I literally thought it was a stand alone, I'm frkn shook. Bye I'm embarrassed 🙃
The Inheritance Cycle (series) by Christopher Paolini - besides mystery books I was also very big into fantasy 🥲 don't remember much about it now but I loved it. Won't ever forget how they fumbled the bag so hard on that film adaptation 🥴
+1. Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson - omg not a favourite but when I was 10, this was the book the teacher was reading to us in class. I was impatient at the speed we were going so I borrowed it from the library myself and was absolutely fucking shocked at the ending. I think I cried LOL [my first exposure to MCD 😳 as a kid I would've appreciated a TW 🥲 still haunts me to this day 😂]
Apologies for the long ramble 😅 ok I need new books to read because I obviously haven't been reading them enough so would love to see more lists 👀 no pressure tags: @cultofsappho @adreamareads @heybuddy-drabbles @celeritas2997 @14carrotghoul @heartitinthesilence @sherryvalli @darwinsfinchesx @gwiazdziarka @purgingmyemotions @happiness-of-the-pursuit +anyone else who wants to share
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peachdoxie · 7 years
Came for the dragons, stayed for literally everything your blog is perfect
It is. Thank you for recognizing that :)
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magical-mistral · 6 years
n3rdlif343va hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “purgingmyemotions hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “hm…i wanna post...”
Nerd did say the same thing ��
and nerd just had the final say <3
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sinkingfreely · 9 years
"Draw a map, find a path, take a breath and run"
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nefertsukia · 10 years
elusivist replied to your post: So...
INDEED THEY ARE *cue trapped boobies pleading for their release*
dragonescence replied to your post: So..
My mom once bought me 11 bras in a single shopping trip, so desperate she was to get me bras that fit (Asia do not do a FF cup)….
ouch! That sounds... rather large. :0 mine are pretty average, annoyingly, 'cause it tends to be the first size to go.
purgingmyemotions replied to your post: So...
Definitely the opposite of a problem.
You're right. :D most of them I bought this year, 'cause mine were pretty old already. Got them on sales, it was wonderful.
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hoppinghippogriffs · 7 years
About Me A through Z
I was tagged by @valorfaerie ! :D
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… And most importantly, have fun!
a - age: 19
b - biggest fear:  Oh geez, I’m not sure, the unknown
c - current time: 10:53 am
d - drink you last had: Chocolate milk
e - every day starts with: Get up, stumble around for a bit, grab some clothes, eat a quick breakfast, then usually go to class
f - favorite song: Lately it’s been I Like it Heavy by Halestorm
g - ghosts, are they real: Maybe
h - hometown: Rochester, NY
i - in love with: My giant nerd of a boyfriend
j - jealous of: Not really much
k - killed someone: Threaten it a lot, never mean it though
l - last time you cried: A few weeks ago
m - middle name: Nicole
n - number of siblings: 1
o - one wish: Have enough money to live a cool life and spoil the people I love
p - person you last called/texted: Cassie my bro
q - questions you’re always asked: Usually something about my height, I’m not even that tall 
r - reasons to smile: Dumb pictures of cats, the awesome people I live with in the dorm, quiet moments of just chillin
s - song last sung: The Crow and the Butterfly, Shinedown
t - time you woke up: 9am
u - underwear color: Black
v - vacation destination: I think it’d be cool to go almost anywhere, somewhere outside of the U.S definitely
w - worst habit: Not always telling people when I’m leaving to go do something so I just kinda disappear and they’re like ???
x - x-rays you’ve had: Just dentist stuff
y - your favorite food: Mac and cheese
z - zodiac sign: Libra
I’m tagging: @spookywifflins, @hauntedrobin, @oceans-of-lithium, @purgingmyemotions, @alltoofunny, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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magical-mistral · 6 years
purgingmyemotions hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “hm…i wanna post something… *browsing through unposted pics*”
If you're taking votes, I like the "post everything and spoil us with all your lovely art" option. I'm always happy to see more of your work!
nerd said the same thing XD i still haven’t decided because i’m dumb
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