my purseona is a Vera Bradley Iconic RFID Little Hipster in Bittersweet Floral Houndstooth
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truthchaser-arc · 7 years
Every day it’s this shit with you, Marie. Every day! Every day, you leave the poem on the same spot on the floor in the Velvet Room, and every day I pick it up because I’m a polite guest, not some freeloader. I’ve never even seen Igor move from that seat. I’m not even sure he has legs. It could all just be stuffing. 
And it’s always the same god damn poem. Sure, the words are different, but the meaning is the same. You’re trying to be the next E. E. Cummings, but in Japanese, because of course we’re speaking Japanese. 
I amA MetapodEternally searching forThe sunshine / to let me bloom.Will you be my Great Ball?I am Fine without Eviolite.
And then you waltz right in, happy as a clam, until you realize I’m sitting there with a look on my face that could only be described as disgruntled. (How do you even get in there. I’ve never seen a door!) Been thinking about getting you a laminated card that just says stupid jerk face, I hate you. 
This charade is wearing me out, Marie. I’m just trying to get to Empress level 10.
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( also i knowin’ yo bromance at this point. cuz wow i can definitely tell the gay tonight )
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atendanto · 8 years
" Date? "
Send me “Date?” and i'll answer...
Who asks for it:
[ ] Your muse asks mine
[ ] My muse asks yours
[X] Neither really? It just kind of happened
Type of date:
[ ] Platonic Date
[X] Romantic Date
[X] First Date
[ ] Double date with: ____ & ____
Location for the date:
[X] Movies  • [ ] Romantic Comedy  • [ ] Adventure Movie  • [ ] Animation (Pixar/Disney)  • [ ] Horror  • [ ] Drama  • [ ] Buddy Movie  • [X] The Fault in our Stars apparently??? (other options)
[ ] Restaurant  • [ ] Expensive/High Class  • [ ] Small and familiar  • [ ] Fast Food
[ ] Nature • [ ] Beach • [ ] Park • [ ] Forest     • [ ] …and having a picnic
[ ] Visiting a Museum
[ ] Visiting an amusement park
[ ] Visiting a haunted location
[ ] Staying at home • [ ] Watching movies • [ ] Playing Video Games • [ ] Reading
[ ] ___ (other options)
The date might hopefully end with…
[X] …holding hands
[ ] …a kiss
[ ] …in bed
[X] …knowing each other better
[ ] …sleepover between friends
[ ] …a marriage proposal
[X] Elizabeth partially understanding the movie??? We’ll see (other options)
Should you reblog this?:
[ ] Yes. I want to send you one.
[ ] Yes.
[ ] No.
[X] If you want to!
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garudcyne · 8 years
"If you're having girl problems I feel bad for you, partner. I've got 99 problems and girls take up like 12% of them"
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atendanto · 8 years
@purseona replied to your post “Girls are indeed very pretty. And so I make this offer. Girls, if you...”
// but aren't marie and elizabeth on a date? ;3
elizabeth will date all the girls
all of them
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banchokun-blog · 8 years
how you feel about marie // whoa technology im here in my marie again
ask my muse how they feel about other muses they interact with!
YU CONSIDERS MARIE to be a good friend & enjoys spending time with her, whether it’s giving her new food to taste, taking her to places she’s never been before, etc. playing the role of a guide is easy & comfortable for him. at times, however, he feels a little helpless. frustrated. because he knows she’s upset about her absent memories & there’s nothing he’d like to do more than to help her find them. but memories aren’t physical. you can’t touch them. you can’t buy them. they’re both powerless & that kind of… permeates their interactions. still, he’ll do all that he can to keep her happy.
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snowheist-blog · 8 years
my url pls
Send me a URL and I’ll answer the following questions:
Do I rp with them: I believe we have threads on your @milvdy and @moruganya accounts, if I’m not mistaken? I know for sure, I posted a starter for your Haru some time ago.
Do I want to rp with them: I would love to! Admittedly, I haven’t played the Arena games but I really like how passionate you are when you talk about Shabrys - it makes me want to know more about her.  Also I know you run a Marie blog and I have yet to interact with a Marie so I think that’d be interesting.
Do I follow them: I’m currently following on you on each of your blogs - @moruganya @milvdy @purseona and @anomachia obviously. 
My opinion on them: Wyz is someone who has always been really kind to me - I admire how they put an equal amount of dedication and love into each of their character.  I could honestly tell how passionate they were about Shabrys just by talking to them on Discord.  They’re honestly one of the funniest as well as one of the kindest people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting so far, and I do hope we’ll be good friends someday.
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banchokun-blog · 8 years
💕// sends u a thing
learn about my muse.
💕  = how does my muse express their feelings? do they do through small but meaningful gestures, or through bold declarations?
this is dependent on the timeline of the relationship! the smaller & more meaningful gestures are prior to the confession; little hints of his love, reluctance to be too overwhelming, too much. as things progress & it’s clear they’re on even ground ( that they trust each other ), he’d really enjoy assembling impressive gifts or dates & be unapologetically blunt about his feelings. one thing’s for sure: if you’re in a relationship with yu, there shouldn’t be any doubt that he loves you!
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tanteioji · 8 years
❝ Leave me alone. Can’t you just leave me alone!? ❞ //shoves in spoiler territory marie for the angst
Even from a distance, she could tell that Marie’s biting words were empty. Naoto braced herself, attempting to peer through the fog. She didn’t know Marie for as long as the others did. To understand her entirely– that would take more time. Time they would not have, if they failed here. It could be painful, to open up to others. Every single one of them understood that, after everything they’d been through in the past year. Naoto herself was alone for as long as she could remember, up until she met her friends. And while she could respect needing some privacy every once and a while– this did not qualify as one of those times.“I cannot. To leave you alone now, while you’re suffering, would be cruel.”
She took a breath. She never needed to console any of her friends after a harsh confrontation with the truth, she’d never witnessed one of her friends’ shadows. This was not exactly the same, considering the circumstances, yet it was similar enough. Perchance, this was new territory for her. The detective was determined to offer Marie support; in the same way she’d once been helped. She owed it to her friends, to follow their example. 
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“I have a hunch, Marie-san, that you don’t really want to be alone.” She took a step closer, “If you’d just rely on me– on all of us, we’ll do whatever we can to help you.”
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ikarinoken-blog · 8 years
@purseona liked for a starter!
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      “Okay but tell me that Kung Fu isn’t a form of poetry! I mean it’s not only written and stuff! Bruce Lee is the master of all things, even poetry!” Chie gave a hearty laugh and leaned back in her chair. “The others sure are taking their sweet time. I thought we were meeting here at three? Right? Or did I mess up the meeting time again?”
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