timetravellingkitty · 8 months
behenchod this and behenchod that, behen ko chodo aur padhai karo
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systemtermz · 5 months
any like gothic/edgy unisex names?
Search through this! A bunch of these are ‘gendered’ but honestly are very much not (to us at least), especially the ‘boy names’ but for our favs:
Corbin - crow
Dante - enduring (could also be edgy (Dante’s Inferno))
dolofonía - premeditated murder (also, Fonos - murder)
dilitírio - poison (also, dēlētḗrios - harmful/damaging. You can also find other edgy name inspo here)
Thanatos - Death (any four horseman would do)
Various poisons might also be a good match? Sadly we cannot find a good list but Nightshade, Hemlock, Parsnip (or Pushki) are all cool, if that’s something interesting!
Or just straight up name yourself Scythe.
I’m not really good with gothic or edgy things because I’m a puppy!!
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[ID: screenshot from a wikipedia article reading “Heracleum maximum, commonly known as cow parsnip, is the only member of the genus Heracleum native to North America. It is also known as American cow-parsnip, Satan celery, Indian celery, Indian rhubarb or pushki.”
you mean to tell me that this whole time I’ve been calling it cow parsnip when I could have been referring to it as SATAN CELERY?
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Bites Hand Of Policeman," Border Cities Star. August 26, 1933. Page 3. ---- Sam Pushky Runs Amok In Welfare Office; He's Quieted ---- A FRACAS in the Windsor welfare department offices yesterday ended with Sam Pushky, 912 Langlois avenue, under arrest for assault, and Constable Robert Morrison nursing a kick on the leg and a bitten hand.
Pushky, it seems, is of the rough-and-tumble school.
Just how the trouble started was not revealed, but matters came to a head when Pushky wanted to fight the man in charge of the single men's department.
Here, Constable Morrison intervened and asked Pushky to leave, but the Moscow Maneater had other ideas.
According to police reports, he pitched into the constable, kicked him on the leg, and bit him between the thumb and index finger on the right hand.
Constable Morrison was treated by Dr. J. F. Campbell, city physician.
Pushky appeared in Windsor police court this morning on the assault charge, and was remanded to September 2.
Police regard him as a "trouble maker."
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pc7ooo · 8 days
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Художник обвинил Nerf и разработчиков игры Destiny 2 в краже дизайна пушки
Художник, известный под ником @tofu_rabbit, обвинил компании Nerf и Bungie в том, что они повторили его дизайн оружия Ace of Spades из Destiny 2. Ограниченная серия бластеров Nerf, основанная на культовом оружии Кайда-6 из популярной игры, была представлена на этой неделе и доступна для покупки в магазине Bungie.
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/09/14/663-hudozhnik-obvinil-nerf-irazrabotchikov-igry-destiny-2-vkrazhe-dizayna-pushki-grss-341111034.html
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assemer · 16 days
Тепловые пушки — это незаменимый инструмент для обогрева помещений в холодное время года. На сегодняшний день на рынке представлено множество моделей дизельных тепловых пушек, которые отличаются мощностью, дизайном и функциональными возможностями. Если вы ищете качественное оборудование по низкой цене, у нас есть отличные предложения. В числе популярных моделей — дизельные тепловые пушки РЕСАНТА, известные своей надежностью и долговечностью. Также стоит обратить внимание на модели Patriot и QUATTRO ELEMENTI, которые обеспечивают высокий уровень обогрева и простоту в эксплуатации. Для тех, кто ценит особую функциональность, дизельные тепловые пушки Denzel и Aurora предлагают современные решения для эффективного прогрева больших помещений. Если вас интересуют дизельные тепловые пушки непрямого нагрева, вы можете выбрать среди множества моделей, обеспечивающих безопасный и эффективный обогрев. Заказать нужную модель легко и просто. Для получения более подробной информации и оформления заказа переходите по ссылке: #Тепловые_пушки_купить_по_низкой_цене https://tehinstrument.ru/catalog/teplovye-pushki/
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muskan333 · 16 days
Тепловые пушки — это незаменимые устройства для быстрого обогрева помещений в холодное время года. Если вы хотите купить тепловую пушку по низкой цене, обратите внимание на дизельные модели, которые идеально подходят для использования на строительных площадках, в производственных помещениях и даже в бытовых условиях. Среди популярных брендов выделяются дизельные тепловые пушки РЕСАНТА, которые заслужили доверие пользователей благодаря своей надежности и простоте в эксплуатации. Не менее интересны модели от компании Patriot — они обладают высоким уровнем производительности и долговечности. Также отметим дизельные тепловые пушки QUATTRO ELEMENTI, которые предлагают отличное сочетание цены и качества. Выбирая технику, подумайте о таких брендах, как Denzel и Aurora, которые предлагают широкий ассортимент моделей. Кроме того, дизельные тепловые пушки Sturm обеспечивают надежный обогрев даже в самых сложных условиях. Особое внимание стоит уделить дизельным тепловым пушкам непрямого нагрева — они безопасны и эффективны для работы в закрытых помещениях. Чтобы узнать больше о доступных моделях и сделать заказ, посетите сайт: #Дизельные_тепловые_пушки_Sturm https://tehinstrument.ru/catalog/dizelnye-teplovye-pushki-sturm/
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7ooo-ru · 4 months
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ВСУ применили пушки образца 1944 года в районе Волчанска
Вооруженные силы Украины (ВСУ) применяют буксируемые орудия образца 1944 года. Дивизионную пушку Д-44 заметили в районе Волчанска, пишет «Российская газета».
На Украине разработанные 80 лет назад орудия находились на хранении, но в 2015 году их начали поставлять в войска. Автор отметил, что снаряды к Д-44 быстро закончились, но в 2023 году Польша поставила Киеву осколочно-фугасные боеприпасы UO-365-KW калибра 85 миллиметров.
Д-44 разработали в конструкторском бюро завода №9 в 1944 году, а в 1946-м пушку приняли на вооружение. За время производства было выпущено более 10 тысяч орудий. Максимальная дальность стрельбы Д-44 составляет 15,8 километра, а скорострельность достигает 15 выстрелов в минуту.
В январе в одном из подразделений ВСУ заметили немецкий четырехосный тягач MAN серии KAT 1, вооруженный советской зенитной пушкой КС-19 калибра 100 миллиметров, которую разработали в 1947 году. Пушку установили на грузовую платформу машины.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/05/28/972-vsu-primenili-pushki-obrazca-1944-goda-v-rayone-volchanska-grss-311463370.html
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mkonstruktor · 6 months
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К сожалению, далеко не у каждого моделиста, строящего копию военного парусника, есть возможность вытачивать стволы пушек на станке. В таком случае можно воспользоваться методикой, основанной на применении древесины. В зависимости от выбранного масштаба подготавливают деревянный стержень подходящ
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cocoliso1967 · 2 years
Alexia the best companion, teacher and friend of Pushki. We are in love and proud of the families of our babies. #biewerscatalonia #biewer #bieweryorkie #colorfulyorkies #coloryork #blueberry #merleyorkie https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cknz8AxobIs/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=
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operaforthelayman · 7 years
Eugene Onegin
U-jean O-nay-gen Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆ First performed: March 19 1879 at Maly Theater in Moscow Russia Who did it: Tchaikovsky
Here’s a bit of background:
It was first performed by students in 1879. The professional opening was January 29 1881 at the Bolshoi theater 
It’s based on a verse novel (long poem) by Alexander Pushkin
It’s kind of a splice of multi-scenes in one person’s life rather than a straight continuous story
Themes: Love, Coming of age, Russia
Fun Tidbits: 
Mahler once conducted this opera!
Eugene Onegin has been performed in Czech, Italian and English
Tchaikovsky kept most of story the same but shifted the main focus to emotions and more specifically Tatiana.
Our Major players ♪ Tatiana: Also called Tanya. Youthful, kinda angsty, but super smart brunette. ♪ Olga: Tanya’s little sister. Bubbly giddy, care free blonde. ♪ Lensky: Olga’s boyfriend, love-dovey poet. ♪ Onegin: Titular character, debatable main character. SUPER angsty and blasé. Too cool for school bro
Act One
Scene 1
We open in the garden of Tatiana’s house. Larina, Tatiana & Olga’s mum sits with their childhood nurse, Filippyevna. Inside the house, the two sisters are heard together singing a love song.
 Larina listens in and begins to reminisce about a sweetheart she had before marrying her now deceased husband.
  She is interrupted by a group of peasants singing on their way home. They stop to entertain the Larina family with a lil’ SHOWTIME!  It’s a fun party tune about two lovers.
 When they are finished, Tatiana sighs to herself causing her sister to shit on her dreamy-emo-melancholic nature.
  Larina send the peasants away with some wine and Olga points outs how pale Tanya is looking these days.
  Tanya eases their fear telling them, “I’m just reading a mad interesting book. Don’t worry.”
 Larina scolds her slightly for being so dreamy all the time and reminds her that life is not like the fiction novels she reads.  Olga shuts them both up pointing out the window that her BAE, Lensky has finally arrived but he’s not alone… The two men enter the house and Lensky introduces his mysterious tag along as his homeboy, Eugene Onegin.
  Tanya is instantly smitten with his tall, dark, and moody atmosphere.
  The boys have an aside in which Eugene ask which one Tanya is and then ridicules Lensky for picking Olga instead of Tanya. He actually tells Lensky that Olga’s face resembles a stupid moon. Lensky for some reason isn’t offended. But whatever.
  Tanya’s on the other side of the garden with Olga blushing and whispering about how handsome and attractive Eugene is.There’s a WONDERFUL quartet and when it breaks, Lensky and Olga run off to have some private time, leaving Tanya and Onegin together.
Their fucking banter is painful awkward because Tanya becomes a bumbling smitten school girl and Eugene Onegin is playing it TOO cool.
 In contrast Lensky share this super cute love letter with Olga.
None the less, Tanya is still smitten with him and scene one ends with Filippyevna noticing the sudden change in her.
Scene 2
Tanya sits in her room with Filippyevna who tells her it’s time for bed. Tanya is restless and ask Filippyevna to tell her stories about her younger days of being in love. She starts to tell and realizes Tanya isn’t even paying attention! She begins to worry about her because Tanya’s all red and flushed. Filippyevna begins to think she’s sick but Tanya spits out SHE’S IN LOVE.
  She asks for a paper and pen and is left alone with her thoughts.
  Now is the very famous letter aria that seems to go on forever.
  Tanya stays up all nights writing a thousand drafts of a love letters to Onegin.
  (We’ve all been there girl.)
She finishes it in the early morning and nervously gives it to Filippyevna to giver to her grandson to deliver!
Scene 3
It’s the next morning in the garden, there’s a bit of a ditty from servant girls pickin’ fruit.
Tanya sits exhausted and nervous on a bench. ONEGIN IS IN THE BUIDLING!!!
 She shits herself nervously regretting her lack of self control and he sneaks up behind her mad cool like. He’s like “Hey.. You wrote me this letter. Don’t deny it.”
 And she’s like “UHHHH??” hahahaha.
 Onegin continues telling her that her letter has stirred emotions he hasn’t felt in hella long… BUT HE CONTINUES (THEY ALWAYS CONTINUE) with a fabulous aria that breaks my heart every time, he tells her that he was not meant for married life, in fact he would be hella bored by it. He tells her he loves her…..like a brother, leaving her with a kiss and the advice of not being too open with her emotions because others may not be as kind as he.
 Tanya watches him leave, flushed red and mortified.
Act 2
Scene 1
It’s been a few months and we’re at Tanya’s name day. For the Americans in the crowd, name day is the feast day of a saint after whom a person is named. It’s common in Europe and some people have told me it’s even more important than birthdays. The towns people sing her praises ; Onegin invites her to dance but grows annoyed after hearing the whispers of gossip from the townspeople. He gets annoyed at Lensky for dragging him to the party and decides to fuck with him by asking Olga to dance.
  Lensky gets pissy but Olga laughs considering Onegin’s invitation has harmless flirting. The two go off to dance, while Lensky literally has a childlike meltdown in the middle of the party. (Like wtf dude, I know that your girlfriend but it literally is just one dance…) At the end of the ONE dance, Olga returns and Lensky freaks the fuck out on her, claiming she embarrassed him. He grows jealous of Onegin and claims that she keeps ignoring his invitation to dance but she has refused. (Again…it was one dance…)  Olga reassures him that Onegin was just playing and there is no reason to be jealous. Lensky begins to cool down, but Onegin decides to be a dick again and joins the couple.
  Lensky ask Olga to dance with him again, but Onegin cuts in and insist she must dance with him. She decides to dance with him again, punishing Lensky for his crazy jealous behaviour.
  Just then Monsieur Triquet joins the party, he’s Tanya’s French tutor from back in the day and this part of the opera is virtually useless plot wise. But interesting operatically, Triquet sings in FRENCH! While the rest of the opera is in Russian! I’ve always found that fun. Sometimes this aria is sung by Lensky but that’s improper staging. The little song Triquet sings is about how wonderful Tatyana is and she kinds of sits embarrassedly.  (Think, you at your birthday party while they sing happy birthday!)
   At the end of Triquet’s song, there is more dancing and FINALLY Onegin returns Olga to her seat, where Lensky has been sulking. Onegin trolls him with a, “Ohhh why the long face??” And Lensky blows up, claiming that he’s a hoe for wanting both sisters. By this point he’s shouting and everybody at the party stops dancing to watch.
 Onegin calls him crazy which makes Lensky even more furious and he dramatically declares that he and Onegin are no longer friends. The language is so childish and hilarious, even Onegin doesn’t consider him serious. He urges Lensky to calm down, which duh makes Lensky even more angry. He challenges Onegin to a duel the very next day! He storms out, ending the party.
  Scene 2
Lensky sits in the woods the next morning, waiting for Onegin.  Zaretsky, Lensky’s neighbor, a duel enthusiast and witness for the duel is like “wtf is this dude Onegin.”  
 Lensky reassures him he will be here, and lets his mind wander to the better days of his youth. (Btw, they’re like fucking eighteen or so at this point.)
Finally Onegin shows up. They sing a lil’ duet about regretting that it’s come to this. It’s kind of sad because this whole thing started so stupidly. But long story short, Onegin pops a cap in Lensky’s ass. And the act ends with a Onegin weeping over his bro’s dead bod.
Act 3
Scene 1
 The curtains rise and we’re in the middle of a huge fucking party. It’s been a couple years since that morning in the woods.
 The party is in full swing, but Onegin stands off to the side, mad bored.  He sings an aria basically saying, “I’m a loser. I’m 25. I have no wife, no career!”  He’s spent the past years traveling and looking for life fulfillment but has failed He’s been wandering thru life aimless and depressed since killing Lensky.
 The party attendees do a lil’ dance and as it ends, Tanya enters with her new husband, Prince Gremin. The guest excitedly greet the pair,  and Onegin’s like, “Hold UP. IS THAT TANYA????”
 Across the room, Tanya’s like, “ONEGIN???”
 Onegin ends up talking to Gremin and ask the identity of the mysterious women he is with, Gremlin’s like, “Oh? Tanya? My wifey. We’ve been married for two years. Do you know her??
 In a cold sweat, Onegin says they used to be neighbours back in the day.
 Gremlin then sings this huge long aria about how much he loves Tanya and it’s mad awkward because Onegin just kind of stands there. By the end, Gremlin brings Tanya over and introduces the two.
 The exchange between the old pair so fucking cold, you would think Tanya’s a damn Vulcan.
They exchange small talk for a few seconds then Tanya tells Gremin she’s tired and they bounce.
 Onegin watches them leave and reminisces about the past and then suddenly realizes, “OH FUCK. I’M IN LOVE WITH HER.”
 Be sure to note the letter scene motif returns in this scene!!!!
  Scene 2
 Tanya sits at home, holding….A LETTER. Not hers from all those years ago, BUT A NEW ONE FROM ONEGIN! He has written her asking to meet.  She’s trouble because despite his boorish behaviour in the past, he still makes her feel some type of way.
 Onegin arrives, passionately, desperately and intensely. They stand staring at each other and the sexual tension is so strong you could feel it in family circle standing room.
 Finally, Onegin falls to the floor in front of Tanya’s feet.
 And she’s like, “ enough stop that. Do you remember that time you lecture me in the fucking garden?”
Onegin apologizes and ask her to spare him, BUT SHE CONTINUES,
“Yeah I was younger then and probably a better person. I loved you and what did I get? NADA. You were A DICK,  but y’know what I’m a bigger person. I won’t blame you. But what’s your problem, why coming for me now? BECAUSE I’M RICH AND FAMOUS? BECAUSE I’M TAKEN???”
 Onegin explodes back, telling her that he’s sorry and does love her and that he was a fool. Tanya begins to weep and the pair embrace each other. They both speak of the happy moments they shared in the distant past.
  Onegin ask Tanya to run away with him. It’s sweet and intense. But Tanya says no. He begs and begs, and begs!!! Tanya says no, but she does admit she still loves him.
 Onegin is thrilled and again encourages her to leave her husband. Tanya stands firm and says no.
This happens like 3 more times, and then Tanya’s like OK ENOUGH.
 She walks out, her last words: “FAREWELL FOREVER.”
 Onegin falls to the floor and succumbs to his horrible empty fate.
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Parker Brothers (1984?)
POPEYE: Say, has ya hoid the news? Q*BERT: I wanna tell 'em! I wanna tell 'em! FROGGER: The news is ribbiting! Ribbiting! Absolutely ribbiting! ANNOUNCER: Cut! Now, what the boys are trying to say is that Parker Brothers's Popeye, Q*Bert, and Frogger are not only available for the Atari 2600, but for the Commodore 64 home computer, Atari 5200, and Colecovision! About as close to real arcade graphics and action as you can get! POPEYE: One thing I hates, it's a pushky announcer! [POW!] ANNOUNCER: Whoooooaaaah! POPEYE: Popeye! Q*BERT: Q*Bert! FROGGER: And Frogger! POPEYE: Also for all Commodore, Atari systems, and T.I. ... Nows ya knows! Arf arf arf!
Source: YouTube
Your Atari is a great computer system. And one of the things that's great about it is it can play three of the greatest Arcade Action games ever. Frogger, Popeye and Q*bert from Parker Brothers.
The award-winning FROGGER is one of the top selling Arcade Action games of all time. With graphics that are nothing less than ribbitting and game play that gets tougher as you get better.
And POPEYE has you running through three screens of non-stop action, where you try to capture Olive Oyl's heart while avoiding untold dangers, including Brutus and the Sea Hag.
As for Q*BERT, he's irresistible. Jumping from cube to cube, trying to avoid an army of nasty critters, he's jumped into the hearts and minds of millions.
Frogger, Popeye, and Q*bert, from Parker Brothers' Arcade Action Series. They make your Atari computer feel as close to the arcade as you can get.
Source: Atari Compendium
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art-by-amphi-blog · 5 years
Pushki. 🧡
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pc7ooo · 1 month
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Новые пушки, босс и переработанная локация в трейлере обновления 0.15 для Escape from Tarkov
Escape from Tarkov скоро получит обновление 0.15, которое обещает привнести в игру множество новинок. Разработчики уже поделились обзорным трейлером, демонстрирующим лишь часть того, что ждет игроков.
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/08/14/641-novye-pushki-boss-i-pererabotannaya-lokaciya-v-treylere-obnovleniya-015-dlya-escape-from-tarkov-grss-332650177.html
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assemer · 16 days
Тепловые пушки – отличное решение для обогрева помещений в холодное время года. Если вы ищете, где купить дизельные тепловые пушки по низкой цене, то вы пришли по адресу. В нашем ассортименте представлены лучшие модели от известных брендов, которые обеспечат ваш комфорт. Дизельные тепловые пушки РЕСАНТА обладают высокой производительностью и надежностью. Их конструкция обеспечивает долгий срок службы и экономичное потребление топлива. Также в lineup входят дизельные тепловые пушки Patriot и QUATTRO ELEMENTI. Эти модели отлично подходят для использования как в промышленных, так и в частных помещениях. Они быстро прогревают воздух, обеспечивая оптимальные температурные условия. Не забывайте про дизельные тепловые пушки Denzel и Aurora, которые характеризуются высокими показателями энергоэффективности и удобством эксплуатации. Если вам нужно что-то особенное, обратите внимание на модели Sturm. Дизельные тепловые пушки непрямого нагрева обеспечат безопасный и эффективный обогрев. Чтобы заказать понравившуюся модель, обратитесь по ссылке: #Дизельные_тепловые_пушки https://tehinstrument.ru/catalog/dizelnye-teplovye-pushki/
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muskan333 · 16 days
Если вам необходимо быстрое и эффективное отопление, тепловые пушки — отличный выбор. На современном рынке представлено множество моделей дизельных тепловых пушек, которые прекрасно подойдут для обогрева строек, гаражей и промышленных помещений. Вы можете купить дизельные тепловые пушки по низкой цене, не теряя при этом в качестве. Одной из популярных марок является РЕСАНТА. Эти тепловые пушки выделяются надежностью и комфортом в использовании. Patriot предлагает мощные решения для больших площадей, идеально подходящие для строительных объектов. Также стоит обратить внимание на QUATTRO ELEMENTI, который сочетает доступность и отличные технические характеристики. Не менее интересны модели Denzel и Aurora, которые зарекомендовали себя на рынке как надежные и долговечные устройства. Для тех, кто ценит эффективность при использовании в закрытых помещениях, рекомендуем дизельные тепловые пушки непрямого нагрева. Они обеспечивают безопасный и эффективный обогрев. Чтобы узнать детали и сделать заказ, переходите по ссылке: #Дизельные_тепловые_пушки_Aurora https://tehinstrument.ru/catalog/dizelnye-teplovye-pushki-aurora/
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