#pussy wax
marunene · 1 month
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visceravalentines · 1 year
What did you do for Easter, Meg? Oh you know, colored eggs and wrote sacrilegious porn, hbu? Couldn't stop thinking about the comments on this post so surprise whores here you go
Dilf!Bo Sinclair x AFAB!Reader
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Bo has a few sins to confess and in the process he commits a whole bunch of new ones.
2.5k words. Smut. Super blasphemy, like so bad, and lots of religious ideas and phrasing. Oral (fem!receiving) and PnV sex in a semi-public extremely inappropriate place w/ creampie at the end bc that's what we deserve. Soft Bo, almost sub Bo if you squint. Reader wears a dress & heels and uses she/her pronouns. Extensive liberties taken with confessional booth architecture and suit pants physics.
A note: this can be read as a non-chronological part of my ongoing dilf Bo series or as a standalone.
You haven't been in this church since you were a teenager. Your eyes wander up and over the stained glass, the soaring rafters. It's a beautiful building, stately, tranquil.
"Got somethin' I need to confess," Bo whispers with his lips against your ear. Goosebumps roll down your skin.
You shoot a sidelong glance down the pew at your parents, less than two feet away. They're holiday Catholics and the sermon has them rapt, like tourists watching a wild animal from the safety of their vehicle.
You incline your head subtly in Bo's direction and hold your breath so you don't miss his next words.
"I can't get you outta my head."
You exhale slowly and shift on the bench, careful not to set the ancient wood creaking. When you sneak a look at him, he's the picture of innocence, taking in the gospel like a man who doesn't need it. You clasp your hands on your lap.
Casually, like he's commenting on the father's delivery, Bo leans in again and murmurs, "Bet you'd let me touch you here, huh? Get my hands under that little skirt...."
You shiver and shift. The bench tattles on you and your mother sends a reprimand your way with her eyes. You tug the hem of your skirt towards your knees and try to channel a modicum of the faux virtue sitting to your left.
He quiets down and behaves himself for just long enough that the flame flickering in your center dies down to an almost-appropriate level, but the heat of his leg against your bare thigh keeps you from turning all your thoughts to God. The weight of his hand on the small of your back as he guides you out of the pew for Communion is a stitch past purity. The look he manages to slip you as the father places the wafer in his open mouth makes you feel like you need to get back in line for a second pass at contrition, and maybe this time you'll mean it.
His hand brushes across your ass as you scoot back into the pew and you think about obedience, how you hate to be told what to do but you'd drop to your knees for him right now, right here, if he'd promise to quell the simmer he's started between your legs.
The father is thanking those who helped prepare the picnic on the lawn outside and Bo props his arm on the back of the bench, leans close and lets his lips graze your skin, and whispers, "Meet me up there once everybody's outside." He gestures with a nod.
You look at him with wide eyes. "The confessional?" you hiss.
He winks at you.
You follow your parents out onto the green, but Bo doesn't follow you. In fact you lose him immediately in the crowd, can't help but search for him among the abundance of pastel dresses and khaki suits. You agree vapidly with everything your mother says about the mass, nod politely at all your dad's closest acquaintances.
You excuse yourself at the second or third possible opportunity, afraid of running into the father if you sneak back too soon. Your footsteps are deafening in the now silent sanctuary, your eager uncertainty echoing back at you like an accusation.
Bo is nowhere to be seen, but neither is the clergy, so you step lightly across the stone floor and approach the confessional booth. The penitent's bench is hardly private, hung with a red curtain that only conceals from the waist up. You duck instead into the priest's chamber and inch the door closed behind you, letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding once you're safely out of sight.
The small space is dimly lit by a single bulb recessed in the ceiling and the fractured light coming in through the screen on the one side. There's a bench built into the back wall and furnished with a velvet cushion. You sit, adjusting your skirt, and think about guilt.
Abruptly the door flies open and Bo slips inside, closing it all the way behind him. He's appropriately debonair in a blue suit, white shirt, no tie. For a moment, he looks a touch harried, glancing over his shoulder to be sure the door is closed. But then he looks down at you, meets your gaze, and flashes you a grin.
"Well what do we have here?"
You move to stand and he shakes his head, fighting to shrug off his suit coat in the confined space. "Don't get up, darlin', you're perfect right there. Betcha this is the first time anyone with tits has sat in that seat."
You giggle, a touch nervous. He reaches his hand out for yours and brings your knuckles to his lips. His mustache prickles your skin.
"You enjoy the mass?"
You're not sure if he's serious. "...parts of it, yeah."
He smiles. "Which parts?"
You open your mouth for a sharp reply but your gaze is hung up on his lips and when he shifts his weight you become unbearably aware of how close his bulge is to your face.
Bo laughs low and squeezes your hand. "I myself had a hard time focusin' on the good word. Had my mind on...other things." He eyes you with something like mischief. "I was hopin' maybe you could help me...unburden myself."
The smell of him is slowly permeating the tiny space, overwriting the stuffy scent of incense and oiled wood with tobacco and aftershave. He barely fits, too tall, shoulders too broad. He could swallow you whole and you wish he would.
"Anything you want," you say softly.
Bracing himself against the walls, he sinks to his knees in front of you. The pattern of the screen is emblazoned on his face in light. The wood pops and creaks. You remember to breathe.
"I'm a sinner, darlin'." He gazes up at you through those lashes, smiling sheepishly, big hands curving around your calves. "Done too much wrong to confess. Can't even remember it all."
You touch his cheek, brush your thumb over the crow's feet at the corner of his eye. "Start small."
His hands slide down to your ankles and he works at the strap of your heels with ungainly fingers. "I been tellin' lies, baby." He slips off one shoe and starts on the other. "Your mama asked me if I've been seein' anyone and I said no." His thumb runs along the arch of your foot. "Your daddy asked me if I knew where you was the other night and I told him I didn't have a clue."
He wraps his fingers around your ankles and squeezes gently, and then pulls your legs open. You stifle a gasp, try to press your thighs together to maintain a smidgen of modesty.
Bo kisses your knees. His hands creep up the outside of your legs. "Been gamblin'. Riskin' my reputation, my livelihood."
"Why would you do that?" you whisper.
He grins against your skin. His fingers are sneaking beneath your skirt. "Well y'see, there's this girl...."
You bite your lip as he curls one finger around the waistband of your panties on either side and tugs them down your thighs.
"She ain't for me...but she's all I want. And that's another thing." He tucks your panties in his pocket and you pretend you don't notice. "I been plagued by lustful thoughts. Day and night I'm thinkin' about this girl, thinkin' about the sounds she makes...picturin' her underneath me...." He guides your knees apart, drags his mouth over your skin, lighting you up from the outside in. His shoulders are solid under your hands, a foundation to cling to.
"See, I know it's wrong, but whenever she's around me I just...forget myself. Start wonderin' what she's got on under her clothes, what I gotta do to get 'em off of her...." He nips at your flesh, one, two, three up your thigh, and you gasp each time. "Keeps me up at night wishin' she was in my bed." He pauses, looks at you with cocked eyebrows. "I think about her damn near every time I defile myself, which is...often."
You exhale slowly, release the death grip you have on his shirt and run your fingers through his hair. "Sounds like you've got a lot of penance to do."
Bo lets out a helpless chuckle. "I know it, baby. I'm desperate." He blinks up at you, looking earnest. "I'm hopin' you got some salvation to offer me."
"I might." You tug your skirt up, baring yourself to him, and he groans, fingers digging into your flesh. "But you've got to earn it."
He inches forward and pins your legs open on either side of his shoulders. "Never been much of a god-fearin' man," he says, "but I know how to worship." He bows his head and you close your eyes when you feel his breath on your skin. "What d'you know about devotion, angel?"
"Nothing," you say, breathless. "Teach me."
The first pass of his tongue is feather-light and devastating and you sigh as that flickering flame roils brightly back to life. He teases the edge of your entrance, warming you up with the heat of his attention. You make a small sound and he responds with a slow, insistent lick up the length of your slit that makes you whine and clutch at his hair.
He cradles your clit in the cup of his lips and venerates you with his tongue in lazy spirals, up and over, and your blood throbs in the same rhythm. He sucks gently, and then harder, and you moan in the bliss of transubstantiation as his mouth makes the mundane into the divine.
With a growl in the back of his throat he hoists your legs onto his shoulders and penetrates you with his tongue, lapping at your pussy in search of absolution. Your eyes bounce around the blank ceiling of the booth as your hips buck mindlessly against his chin. His mustache tickles your lips, beard coarse against your inner thighs.
"Bo," you gasp as he sucks hard at your clit, "oh, god."
"I'm a bad person, baby," he mumbles. "Promise."
"No." You try and fail to stifle a cry, back arching, toes curled. "You're so good...you're so good."
Between your gasps you hear the sound of footsteps on the stone. Your steady-building climax skids to a halt and you stare wide-eyed at the confessional door.
Bo doesn't stop. In fact, he redoubles his efforts.
You clamp your hand over your mouth, trying desperately to keep still even as your body flexes and writhes against your will. You can hear two voices--you recognize one as the father but the other could be anybody, some stranger, some sinner seeking Easter confession.
Bo seals his mouth over your cunt and grinds his tongue against your clit again and again, gripping your ass, holding you to him as you squirm and seek purchase on the featureless walls.
The voices are getting closer and against all odds, so is your release. You're past the point of redemption, couldn't stave it off if you wanted to.
"Bo," you squeak under your breath, clawing at the back of his neck, grasping the edge of the seat, "please--"
He grunts softly. He's devouring you, hellbent on a miracle, bound and determined to introduce you to God. And seconds later, when your cup runneth over and your spine arches against the velvet and you have to sink your teeth into the meat of your palm to keep from howling his name, you see starbursts of pastel pink and sky blue behind your eyes and figure this is probably the closest you'll get to the pearly gates.
Your breath is hitching in your chest and you feel him slip out of your hands and you whimper, floating back into your body, unsteady as you try to sit up straight on the bench. The voices and footsteps are fading and you breathe a sigh of relief and release.
His hands are on your arms and he's coaxing you to your feet, supporting your weight on behalf of your shaking legs, turning you around in the tight space and murmuring in your ear.
"Need you, baby, right now, c'mere. Need to be inside you. Let me--"
He takes your place on the bench. He's undone his belt, freed his cock from his pants, and you clamber eagerly into his lap and let him guide you down onto him. Your head lolls back as he pushes into you, fills your empty space. The image of him looking desperately up at you is burned into the back of your eyelids.
"Angel," he breathes as he takes your face in his hands and brings your mouth to his. His kisses are hot with lust, with greed, with envy of everyone who's ever touched your lips before him. You can smell yourself in his beard, sweet and heady like original sin.
You move, rocking back and forth on his cock, and he moves you, hands on your hips, your skirt in disarray, his shirt falling open as you wrestle with the buttons. He pulls you closer, pulls himself deeper, and you can feel his heart pounding when you brace yourself on his chest.
"Ain't gonna last long," he pants. "So fuckin' tight, baby, so perfect...."
"That's okay, that's okay," you say, stumbling over your words. The frame of the booth is groaning in legitimate complaint, the entire structure trembling slightly, and you're going to get caught, surely you are, and you'll be cast out together beyond the reach of forgiveness but that might be alright as long as you've got him with you.
You press yourself against him, as close as you can get and not close enough. He cums with his face buried in your chest and your name in his mouth like a prayer. The kick of his cock inside you grants you another little climax, a little death, little moans jarred from your lips with each waning thrust of his hips.
"Kiss me," you whisper, and he obeys, his eyes glazed, his gaze soft and adoring. His needy grip on your waist melts into caresses and you finger the buttons of his shirt like rosary beads. One is missing; you're both hopelessly disheveled, undeniably sin-touched. You push his hair off his forehead and back into place. "Did this help?"
He shakes his head and laughs quietly. "No."
"Made it worse."
"'S okay." He kisses you again. "You're forgiven."
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finniestoncrane · 2 months
Waylon has a "I love rainforest pussy" shirt and his S/O's has a "I never shave" shirt
That's all
canon events in the "finnie and killer croc" lore tbh like he'd love me
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ropebuny · 2 months
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don’t rb my posts with these weird ass tags wtf Kill yourself
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vashhanamichi · 6 months
I hate female Harry Potter so much it’s unreal
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horror-aesthete · 5 months
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Hannibal, 2014, dir. Michael Rymer
SE02E07 Yakimono
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moonshynecybin · 6 months
marc shaves his pussy on the off chance vale will unblock him and he has to fly to italy at the drop of a hat
constant pussy vigilance. to be fair to marc, vale has spontaneously unblocked him before so i can’t blame him… the chances are low but NEVER zero. #inspirational
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lilithnights01 · 1 month
Wanna be chased into the woods, play hide and seek. Daddy don can you find me? I will be all yours after that.
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fiannalover · 5 months
RIP Shakespeare, you would have loved bussy.
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bratznthingz · 28 days
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marunene · 10 days
I love simply blocking weird ppl (Wincesties) when they interact w my Sam whimpering post
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pumpumdemsugah · 1 year
I was exposed to and entire male asshole balls and all on YouTube
I kept seeing people talk about some Kevin Nair video and 5 seconds in he shows his entire hairy bumhole. I've never seen a man from the angle and now I know I guess lol
I'll never be curious ever again and I'll never go on social media while I wait for something to load at work again
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lilithnights01 · 28 days
I’m really a wh0re for pain. I really like to be punished . I’m so fucked
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elilelibeli · 4 months
NSFW | wax play (don’t burn yourselves lmao) | this is a long, bad attempt of smut but like I just had to cause I couldn’t stop thinking about this lol | stay safe, eat pussy, be happy
Now that all of their friends were dating each other, the dinners together were a frequent occurrence. Lily often made up excuses to not show up as a 9th wheel but tonight Pandora had asked her to join and she just couldn’t say no to her.
That was how she found herself in the middle of the table full of lovesick, wine drunk couples. Her mind was wandering through mindless labyrinth of thoughts as she was dipping tips of her fingers into the tiny pools of melted wax in the candle. Suddenly, she felt someone’s hands on her shoulders, as she looked up she saw Pandora smiling down at her.
“Disgusting am I right?” she was pointing at their friends, “ as if they don’t get to do this everyday of their lives.” She imitated kissing sounds like a toddler. Lily was now laughing and Pandora’s smile was growing even more. “You look bored.”
“I mean they all.. well you can see” Lily said laughing. “ and you disappeared, soo..”
“Well I am here now.” She was beaming at Lily as she started to talk about something.
Lily could not hear her anymore, all she could do was stare. Stare at Pandora’s eyes, hair, skin, lips, just everything, she wanted to be enamored by the light Pandora’s smile was shining. Her hair was sparkling with the candle light and Lily was speechless by the beauty.
All of a sudden Lily felt a sting on her palm. She was quickly brought down from her dreams by the feeling and had realized that Pandora was holding a candle and dripping hot wax on her hands that somehow found themselves in Pandora’s lap.
“Hey.. that hurt” she kind of lied, I mean it did hurt but it was a good kind of pain, sudden and quick like getting shocked, like tiny tiny explosions on her skin.
“Well you were not paying attention to me, were you?”
“Oh sorry, I was just..”
“You like that huh?” Pandora pointing at the candle, interrupted Lily’s incoming excuse. Not waiting for the response she continued. “Lily I was trying to thank you for coming tonight. I wanted to talk to you about something and I am glad I get to do it now. I wanted to ask you on a date. Since Sirius’s garden party I have wanted to ask you out and I… you disappeared from there very suddenly so I didn’t get a chance but I am doing it now..” Pandora’s voice was quite and her eyes were looking all over Lily’s face.
“Panda, you..” Lily started. “Oh thank fuck” she suddenly whispered to herself and in matter of milliseconds her lips were attacking Pandora’s. She really really wanted to be gentle but she was eager after all this time and the wine in her head was making self restraint a little bit difficult.
Pandora had made a sound of surprise at first but soon that yelp turned into a delightful moan. Lily was a woman starved, just taking and taking and Pandora?! who was she to deny Lily anything.
After a while, Lily finally managed to stop herself. It was probably the hardest decision but what she wanted to do next was really, really not appropriate for the outside world. So she straitened herself up and almost died at the sound of disappointment Pandora made.
“Please don’t pout at me, I can hardly contain myself right now as is” she chuckled.
“But I don’t want to stop” Pandora whined trying to get closer to Lily.
“Oh sweetheart I am not stopping, in fact I don’t think I can ever stop doing this.” Lily was smirking now, “but what I want to do is not really appropriate for the dinner table and maybe should be done after our date.”
“Lily shut up, I am not waiting for another day for this, date can wait. I am ordering a taxi” Pandora quickly jumped up from her chair.
Lily laughed and after a quick peck went inside to pay. The taxi arrived very quickly and Pandora was so glad she lived nearby. They quickly said their goodbyes and went outside.
After two seconds Pandora rushed back in, quickly blew out candles in front of Regulus and stuffed them in her pocket.
“Please pay for the candles, Reggie” she yelled back while running towards the car.
The taxi ride was excruciating. Lily’s teasing hands and smirking. Pandora was in pain, but she was letting her be, after all she had a surprise in her pocket for Lily.
Pandora had never opened her door this fast and as soon as she was in, she was pinned to the wall knee shoved between her legs. After quite a lot of grinding and traveling hands Pandora tapped on Lily’s shoulders to stop.
“Ma biche, Bedroom’s this way.”
And it took a lot of self control for Lily to not get on her knees and crawl to the door after hearing that nickname.
The clothes were discarded in mere seconds, Lily getting on top of Pandora in a blink. Lily was gone. As a person who usually prided herself in having control over her actions and feelings, on top of a pretty girl was where all of that pride quickly went away. For Lily this was where she discarded all her control and did everything and anything that crossed her mind. Her hands were exploring spots on Pandora’s body, her swollen lips eager to find spots that would result in more of those delicious sounds Pandora was making.
Lily wanted everything, but most importantly Lily wanted a taste. Taste of what would soon become her favorite thing ever. She needed to take Pandora apart and needed to hear those sounds from between the legs.
She wanted to tease, to play but Pandora was squirming under her, hands traveling to somehow relieve all the buildup pressure.
“Hey, no, this is mine now” Lily pushed Pandora’s hands away.
“Get to it then and stop.teasing”
“Yes ma’am” was the last thing Lily said before burying herself between Pandora’s thighs.
Lily wanted everything, she was taking every last drop of Pandora. She wanted to be drowned into the sounds she heard. She needed to feel Pandora with everything she had. Her fingers, her tongue, hell her whole face was now buried inside trying to devour.
“Fuck Lily.. I am going to…” Pandora was not able to finish that sentence because Lily’s tongue was doing wonders for her. Lily hummed in approval against her, which send waves of pleasure up to Pandora’s whole body.
“Cum for me baby, come on” at these words Pandora looked at Lily smirking under her, working magic on her and that was enough. She was being taken apart from all that Lily had and she was seeing stars, ascending and falling from the 9th cloud of happiness. She couldn’t even comprehend what was she saying or doing.
She felt soft kisses as she was coming down from her high. With her blurry vision she could see Lily, Lily who was sitting on her knees right in front of her with one hand slowly tracing circles on Pandora’s body and other hand in front of her mouth. As Pandora tried to focus on Lily she saw why that hand was in front of her mouth. Lily was licking her fingers like a lollipop. The same fucking fingers that made Pandora scream just seconds ago where licked clean by Lily and even if moment ago Pandora’s whole body was limp, all of a sudden she got the surge of energy and uncontrollable urge to touch Lily.
In quick motion Pandora was on top of her. Kissing and sucking and touching. Now it was her turn to listen to Lily’s delightful sounds. Pandora’s fingers quickly traveled between Lily’s legs. The wetness she felt made her breath hitch, how sensitive Lily felt made her crazy.
Every thrust she did, every rub, every touch resulted in Lily moaning and pandora was all ears. She could listen to those sounds forever. It was slow at first but as she listened to more she lost control and now it was fast and deep and desperate. She felt that Lily was getting close, so she suddenly stopped.
“Hold on sweets, not yet, I have a surprise for you” she whispered and disappointed Lily and quickly stood up. Lily was about to complain and whine and oh my god she was ready to beg at that point when pandora quickly pecked her lips. “Be patient baby, wait for me and don’t touch” she said the last words firmly as she left the room.
She was back pretty quickly tho, with candles in her hand. Lily didn’t think she could get more wet, or more eager or more desperate, but here she was, staring at Pandora’s beautiful long fingers wrapped around the candles and she was burning with need.
“Shall we?” Pandora grabbed a lighter from her nightstand. The only sound Lily could make was a desperate, desperate moan.
“Hey sweetheart, I need you to use your words please. Will this be okay?”
“Fuck.. Panda yes.. please yes it will be okay” it took insane amount of effort to form those words, Lily was not a girl anymore, Lily had turned into a puddle.
And soon Pandora was straddling Lily. “Lily, you have to talk to me, okay? I need to know what’s good and what’s not.”
Soon Lily felt a tiny drop of hot wax on her body. It stung for a second but it also felt like explosion of pleasure. There was another drop, Lily hissed and Pandora looked at her with concern.
“Lily, are you okay?” Her eyes were glued on Lily’s face.
“Yes.. more.. everywhere” was what Lily could manage. And after those three breathless words Pandora got to work.
Every little drop made Lily moan loudly. Pandora was a musician. She was playing Lily and Lily was sounding like an orchestra of pleasure. Pandora was an artist, she was covering Lily in hot drops of wax and Lily looked like a goddess painted.
Lily was going insane. She had never felt this much pleasure in her life. It was overwhelming and so so good and even though she couldn’t even see properly she could see Pandora’s candle lit face and it was magical.
Pandora’s hand caressed Lily’s stomach covered with hardened wax droplets and traveled down between Lily’s legs.
Lily was already a puddle of pleasure so she genuinely didn’t understand how this could get better until she felt Pandora’s fingers inside her.
Pandora’s fingers were slow snd gentle and it was not enough for Lily. She roughly fucked herself into Pandora. “Panda, more.. please..” were moaned out of her as Pandora dripped a big drop of wax on Lily’s nipples.
The sensation of having Pandora’s finger inside her and hot wax dripped on her made her pleasure unmeasurable. Lily was genuinely scared to open her eyes, because she thought she had died from the pleasure. But as the sensation started to add up and the knot in her stomach began to become tighter, my god was she happy to be alive.
“Pretty.. so so pretty like this.” Pandora whispered as her fingers and eyes devoured Lily.
Breathy whispers of Pandora were the last straw for Lily, she was tipped over from the pleasure mountain and she was falling down quickly. The knot in her stomach open, her hands desperately clutching Pandora, string of moans and curse words and incomprehensible mumbles leaving her lips. Lily felt like she was drowning in pleasure and it was the best way to go.
As she was coming down from her high, she felt so happy that she decided to go on that dinner tonight. As she felt Pandora’s lips on her lips she realized how happy she was here, under Pandora, being embraced by the prettiest girl on the planet. She couldn’t contain her smile, the soft, hopeful, full of happiness smile.
Tho as she felt Pandora grinding on her tight, that gentle smile was quickly switched with a playful smirk. And just like that she was ready to go again, ready to feel and hear Pandora come apart under her once more. I mean, after all making Pandora moan had just become her new favorite thing and Lily never stopped doing things she loved.
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misseyres · 2 months
nothing like being told blatant propaganda and disinformation in a mixture of two languages while you're hostage bc your pussy is getting waxed
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thebendsbyradiohead · 8 months
how is everyone doing. i saw a gas line explode in an apartment 10 meters away from me & the force of it blew apart all the windows & launched a man that was inside through the window
in unrelated news, all my worst fears are justified forever
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