#pyro x janitor
harperonni · 20 days
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These homies be kissing each other goodnight
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prettyboypistol · 9 months
TF2 Mercs x M!Reader || Walking in On You Changing!
You're in your quarters, fresh out of the shower. As you laid your clothes out on your bed, the door opens. Fortunately, you still had a towel wrapped around your waist- but unbeknownst to you, the merc that walked in on you had been harboring feelings for you for quite some time!
Paralyzed in fear, brain lags HARD
"Oh hey! Miss Pailing said-" *internet start up noise*
Two seconds later, he puts his arm over his eyes with a shout. "Oh my god! Sorry!"
Slams the door shut, can't look you in the eye for about a week.
The door slammed open, which made your heart leap out of your chest.
"Hey! We need-" Scout shouted, but then his eyes found you. His throat made a funny noise as he tried to understand the situation.
You looked mortified as Scout kept staring.
"What... do you need?" You asked slowly, confused.
Scout's brain was simutaneously worked into overdrive and completely stopped. The way you blushed and hid your chest away from him, only to expose your back-
Scout shut the door loudly, but the noise was drowned out by the sound of his heartbeat in his ears. God, this did not help his crush on you!
Doesn't really mind that you're naked, to be honest.
Not too weird about you being undressed, but doesn't leave until he says what he needed to say??? Like bro my DICK IS OUT
Thinks about the situation later and sorta feels bad about walking in on you when you were clearly embarrassed.
Makes it up to you somehow after.
"Private! I need to know the location of the industrial-grade cleaner!" Soldier announced as he swung the door open. The hinges thankfully did not slam on themselves and break your door... again.
"Uh, janitors closet?" You responded as you hid yourself slightly from Soldier's gaze. You couldn't actually tell where Soldier was looking, but you didn't want to take any chances.
"I already looked there!"
"Well- okay, why do you need the cleaner?"
"Medic and Engineer made a chemical that eats metal!"
Your eyes snapped open wode as you quickly threw on your shirt and underwear. "Oh my god- yep! On my way!"
Looks away from you out of respect, waves, and shuts the door with a friendly demeanor
They don't really see an issue, but they know you're massively uncomfortable so they are understanding about the situation.
Shuts the door and waits for you to open it again to talk
There was a knocking at your door, but before you could speak, Pyro had opened your door and interrupted you changing. You yelped as you adjusted the towel to hide more, clearly embarassed.
"hud- mmfay." Pyro nodded as they gestured to the door. The whole situation lasted less than a minute, but it felt like hours for you. As much as you and Pyro were close, you weren't 'oh yeah, i'm totally fine being exposed in front of you' close! You could only hope that the eyes that looked through the gas mask were either averted or closed.
"Thanks Pyro, I'll be out in just a minute."
Pyro put a hand over their goggles as a courtesy as they shut the door, unbeknownst to you though, their skin felt like fire. Your embarassment, your exposed skin- it made a feeling of bubbling lava churn in their gut.
Once you're fully dressed and open the door to Pyro, they are apologetic, but then tell you what they needed to say.
Really casual about it
like, really casual about it
shuts the door and leaves, lets you get changed before he continues to talk to you
teases you through the door fr. total funny asshole friend energy
"Aye lad I gotta ask- oop." Demoman stumbled as he realized the situation he walked in on. When you squeaked and turned away in embarassment, a smile crept onto his face. "Aww, what's wrong? Embarassed about something? A bit too shortcomin' in some bits?"
"I'm busy! Just give me a minute!" You defended.
"Alright, alright!" Demoman teased as he showed his hands in mock-surrender. "I guess that answers my question?"
Demoman shut the door, but was not done yet.
"It cannae be that small, is it?"
"SHUT UP!" You shouted, your voice muffled through the door, only to be met with laughter.
A bit shy about it since he has feelings for you, but still straightforward.
Respectful and kind, super embarassed about it. He shuts the door and waits for you to get dressed.
Heavy is so so awkward internally and prays to god that you don't notice that he can't think straight, let alone look you in the eyes.
"Supervisor, Heavy needs to ask you..." Heavy stopped speaking, his words trailed off as he realized that he caught you in a more intimate state. The mutual flushing of both you and Mikhail's cheeks only made the tension thicker as Heavy slowly shut the door. "Heavy will wait outside."
As he waited, the thoughts started running rampant. He didn't know the body type you had, since the baggy shirt and slacks hid your body well. Heavy loved the curves of your body, the gentle dips of your hips and how you perfectly fit into your skin. To Heavy, there was no more attractive man in the world.
Once you opened the door, Heavy cleared his throat and apologized.
"So uh- what did you need?"
"It is nothing."
Oh god this man short circuits.
I headcanon that when Engie is startled, his mechanical hand jolts, causing flexing/spasms
Gentlemanly about it, but also wants to treat you like a man. He'd probably want to talk to you still, but he refused to look you in the eyes or look at you at all.
Engie knocked on your door, but the radio you had on drowned out the noise. It was obvious that you were in there, so he decided to open the door.
"Hey there, we've got a bit of a situation, Pyro up an- and uh..."
His face heated up, his body locked up, his hand twitched as the fingers flexed oddly.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't hear you knocking-"
"No worries!" Dell nodded as he turned his head away and covered his eyes with his hand. "It's just that Pyro up and started another fire in the rec room, the sprinklers ain't workin' and the extinguisher was used up last night."
This man has seen you naked so many times that it doesn't really bother him to be honest. The operations on you when you were accidentally hit by a wayward rocket made him both immune to and severely weak to your body.
He thinks you are gorgeous, but his desire to seem like a trustable medic overpowered his outright affection for you.
Medic opened the door casually as he looked over his clipboard as he ignored your squeak of indignance.
"So I was looking through your medical file and I noticed that you are an organ donor, yes?"
You quickly tried to cover yourself, red faced and flustered at the brazen act of indifference. Despite this, your shyness was what made Medic find you so handsome.
"I am... why?"
"Could I have a few? Specifically your pancreas and lungs."
"Er- no?"
Medic shrugged. "What about if you flatline and are pronounced dead?"
"Medic, do not take my lungs."
"Fine, fine." He said, slightly disappointed as he left.
Not too awkward, but also not very comfortable seeing you so exposed.
shuts the door with a quick apology, but doesn't avoid you. If you ask him what he needed afterwards, he'll apologize again for walking in on you, saying it was nothing important.
It definitely keeps him awake at night and it's the first thing he sees when you talk to him for the next few days.
The quiet knocking was barely enough to hear. It wasn't loud enough to hear over your muttering to yourself as you went over your schedule in your head. "Let's see... Filed the reports, washed the blood off the road, I haven't questioned those government employees yet- oh shit! Sniper! What the hell are you-?"
"Sorry! Sorry." Sniper mumbled as he shut the door. You had no idea how long he was there, let alone what he saw! It comforted you slightly that Sniper was a rather quiet one, since you knew nobody would be talking about you like this. You chuckled to yourself, since Sniper was rather brazen about his own nudity.
On the other hand, Sniper only caught a glance, but he was unable to make his hands work to shut the door again. God, he felt like a creep.
Casual as well, a lot like Medic in a way.
If you protest he is huffy and rolls his eyes. Seriously, you've seen him blown to bits as Medic rushed him to the lab. A little nudity never killed anyone.
Spy is a little flirty and teasing, if not a little demeaning as well. He still is more interested in getting his problem solved however.
"Jesus Christ! I'm busy!" You protest as Spy strolled into your room as if he owned the place. He inspected the decor with a glare of importance.
"You're clearly not." Spy shot back. "Now, I need the documents on my mission, thank you."
"Well, I clearly don't have them! Get out!"
Spy sighed. "Really now, being naked shouldn't be an issue. I'm a spy, I've seen more people more exposed than you. You're a worker for Mann Co. I know that you can kill a man easier than you make coffee."
"This- this is different!"
"How so? Is it because you don't have a weapon?" Spy teased as he unlocked the safe in your room that held the documents he needed. "Is it because you're the one exposed?"
"Hurry up and get out." You huffed.
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shardsofvoices · 10 months
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(Minor blood warning!!)
Introducing my TF2 OC, the Janitor! The Blu Janitor and the Red Janitor are completely different people, they just happen to have the same job. This is for a TF2 OC x Canon/AU where the Red and Blu are different people and are actually decently acquainted outside of battle.
(Below is an entire Google docs worth of info. So, if you don't wanna read that, uh... I dunno what to tell you.)
Class: The Janitor
Type: Support
Full Names:
Red = Melina
Blu = Matilda
Height: 5' 7"
Blu = 44
Red = 47
Speed: 110%
Max Health: 130
Overheal: 195
Lawful Neutral
She joined the Red vs Blu war because she wanted to have a better form of payment than she was having beforehand. She was working as a Janitor to begin with at smaller jobs but the pay wasn't as good and she needed some form of extra payment. The war would be able to give her that payment as well as make herself feel more important to things rather than just being another person.
Personality & Flaws:
She is very loyal to her team and is often of the morality that as long as the person has shot first, she has every right to shoot back, despite this being a war. She is also more persistent and direct when it comes to her wording and actions. She doesn't enjoy beating around the bush with things.
As for flaws, she experiences a high amount of stress due to her need to make things look the way they were before and clean. Her loyalty also makes her more susceptible to spies and betrayal.
Primary: "The Quick Clean"
Her trusty rifle that she usually brings anywhere she goes. Well, unless she's specifically asked not to. Turns out bringing a rifle into a public spot wasn't the best thing to do.
Slows her speed to 105% when in loadout.
If 2 hits are made on the enemy, the second hit will be a critical.
Mid Range
Mid Damage
Secondary: "Battle Mop"
Even a simple mop can be used to beat a person into the dirt, even if it cleans the blood in the process.
Has a lower recharge since, well, it's a mop.
Close Range
Mid-Low Damage
Class Specific: "Bleached!"
She has the ability to throw a jar of bleach at people, causing splash damage and direct damage if it has an exact target.
Can give Mid-Low, but lingering, damage for 10 seconds and can give the Battle Mop more damage.
Relationships w/ Other Classes:
Blu Janitor:
- In a relationship with the Blu Medic.
- Treats the Blu Scout like a son, despite his annoyance of the fact.
- Is a bit anxious around Demoman and Pyro, but manages to spark small talk if needed.
- Mostly works with the Medic and the Sniper for cleaning things up, but works with everyone indirectly to clean weapons or uniforms.
Red Janitor:
- Currently not in a relationship.
- Has a friendship mainly with Red Medic and Red Pyro.
- Is anxious towards Soldier, and cannot seem to make any small talk with him without wanting to leave.
- Again, mainly works with Medic and Sniper, but is usually the one to clean the base rather than uniforms and weapons.
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Character: Toad
give me a character and I'll answer
do I like them: I want to wrap him up in a blanket and keep him safe (yes)
5 good qualities:
1. I want to say "loyalty" but Toad's loyalty towards people like Magneto is rather unhealthy and marred by Erik's history of abuse towards him. But that's also not really Toad's fault? I think I'd still see it as a positive, because here is this little dude willing to devote his heart and soul to someone, it's not his fault that the first object of his devotion treated him like garbage. But he does need some therapy, big time.
2. Intelligence - Toad has been well established to be very, very smart, and it drives me nuts that some characters still treat him like a moron. He was completely wasted as a janitor in Wolverine and the X-Men, they should have had him teaching science or engineering.
3. Willing to help others - Toad isn't always the nicest fellow, but there have been several instances of him going out of his way to help people. He takes the Brotherhood to Empyrean's island to help Legacy Virus-stricken Pyro, even though there's no real gain for him to do so (it's not like Pyro is likely to get better and rejoin the team). He helps Lorelei after she gets beaten up during the 198. He saves Quentin Quire from falling to his death in WatXM, and later goes to Hellfire just to help Husk and the other mutants who have defected. He also apparently agreed to take the fall for Wanda's death and go to the Pit for a crime he didn't commit, in the very badly written ToM. (Free Toad, btw.)
4. Willing to learn - there are versions of Toad who has his shit together and he usually comes across as a very well-rounded person with a lot of intellectual curiosity, like in House of M, where he has written a book, and AoA, where he is a Shakespearean actor. Toad also took it upon himself to learn mechanics just by studying the Stranger's devices. He had a shitty time in formal education, he was branded as "stupid" from a young age, but Toad has taken it upon himself to study and learn new things, with no real help from anyone (and active discouragement from people like Magneto who repeatedly calls him a moron). If Toad had proper therapy and access to education, I could imagine him as being similar to 90's cartoon Beast - an intellectual with knowledge of many subjects.
5. Cool powers - despite jokes about Toad having crappy powers, the dude actually has a ton of abilities. His powerful legs could easily kick someone's head off, he can mind control frogs, he's got the prehensile tongue, he can spit up acidic gunk, he secretes both mind-control pheremones and a paralyzing toxin. Toad has got a whole grab bag of abilities, and if writers ever let him get his shit together and stop treating him like a clown, he could be a force to be reckoned with. (Unfortunately, every time one writer tries, the next writer will slap him back down to "loser" status very quickly.)
3 bad qualities:
1. Toad can be a very nasty person, and was even willing to kill Karl Lyko's girlfriend Tanya to transform Lyko's back into Sauron for his Brotherhood. He is more than capable of doing some very shitty things, especially when he's trying to establish himself as a big bad guy. He can also be very vindictive.
2. Obsessive - in particular, Toad fixates on Wanda early on, to the point of attacking her and Vision when she is with the Avengers. He also starts fixating on Husk after she shows him simple kindness during WatXM. He's much nicer to Husk, and actually rescues her from the Hellfire club when her skin mutation is causing her instability, but it's still not a very healthy relationship.
3. Fawning/servile - Toad latches onto authority figures like Magneto, and becomes completely devoted to them. He will let Magneto abuse, berate and hit him, and still come crawling back, and will put down others on the team as much as possible to establish himself as Magneto's special favorite. (Toad spent a lot of early Brotherhood stories tattling on Wanda and Pietro.) To some extent, I feel like this isn't entirely his fault, it's due to mental illness and trauma and abuse. Toad fawns over authority figures because he desperately wants to be loved, and he wants to see others punished so that he isn't the target. But it's still a bad quality of his, and he needs massive amounts of therapy.
favourite episode/etc:
-The first X-Men Forever storyline, where Toad, Iceman, Jean, Mystique and Juggernaut time travel. Some good Toad development there.
-Toad leading his own Brotherhood in the 90's. It showed his nastier side, and he was unfortunately often treated as a joke (some writers try to elevate Toad by showing him as this strategic genius, and other writers immediately tear him down by having his team get their asses kicked easily and repeatedly). BUT it was still Toad in a leadership position, very different from his previous characterization.
-Toad in The 198, where he is just this very cynical, world-weary kind of guy, just very fed up with all this shit.
-That time Spiderman saved Toad from committing suicide, and he started trying to help him and wound up teaming up with Spider-kid and Frogman to be a group of crime-fighters.
-House of M and Age of Apocalypse Toad - both very competent and mentally healthy, showing how impressive Toad can be if he just gets some encouragement and therapy.
-Toad in WatXM - they mostly treat him like a joke to a frustrating degree, but the storyline with Husk treats him very sympathetically. (Also, how completely incompetent was the Jean Grey school staff when they all totally miss how Husk is falling apart? She's sitting there at teacher meetings just spacing out, and no one notices she needs help?)
-That one scene where Toad warns Rogue about how easy it is to get caught up in hero worship of Magneto, and Rogue should have immediately responded by sending Morty to therapy immediately.
otp: Toad/self esteem. I really don't know who would be good for Toad romantically. Toad/Husk wasn't a bad pairing, but it was still really unhealthy for both of them, and I think they'd need to try again when they are both in a better place mentally.
Also apparently one of the Mastermind sisters was once shown having a secret crush on Toad? I think they should go for it - if Martinique or possibly Regan wants the slimy boy, she should have him. Whatever makes them both happy.
brotp: I want Toad and Husk to at least be friends on Krakoa. Also maybe Toad and Blob? They've hung out together in a few Brotherhoods. I would honestly love for Toad to have a mechanically-inclined friend, like maybe he and Forge could work on things together. Or maybe Toad and Phantazia, who needs to make her reappearance in the comics anyway.
ot3: Toad/self-esteem/a loving partner, in a mutually respectful relationship.
notp: Toad/Wanda or Toad/Magneto, for obvious reasons.
best quote: "I ain't the kind of toad that turns into a prince when some beautiful lady kisses him. I just stay a toad."
head canon:
-Despite his generally terrible childhood in England, he sometimes nostalgically misses little things about the country. Like, a lot of his memories are tinged with bitterness and trauma, but sometimes he gets hungry for a Jammie Dodger or something. He generally has good memories of British snacks and candy, those are some of his few pleasant memories of the orphanage (assuming he could eat them before other children took them away).
-On that note, I imagine Toad being one of those types who has trouble saving food and feels the need to eat everything as quickly as possible, for fear that it will get taken away. He never got to easily keep anything for himself, so if you give him a box of chocolates, he'll probably scarf it down quickly rather than saving it, because he's got that anxiety that anything he tries to save will disappear.
-Similarly, I think Toad doesn't really hang into possessions. He's always had a pretty nomadic existence, he's used to having next to nothing and living a chaotic, unpredictable life. I could imagine Toad either not giving a shit about owning things (because he can so easily lose them) or else going the other way and becoming a bit of a hoarder.
-I think Toad both enjoys, and is very good at video games. They give him a relaxing outlet for stress, and they boost his self-esteem because he can play well. He actually starts to make a few friends over voice chat while playing online, and it's easier for him because they're not talking in person, and being a skilled player means that his online team-mates are generally very positive and friendly towards him. Maybe he starts posting some Youtube speedrun videos.
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sybcritics-blog · 5 years
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( lee jooheon, cismale, he/him, 24. ) — CHOI JUNGWOO, better known to the authorities as VULCAN, has been working for the kumiho for around SIX YEARS as a JANITOR. rumor has it, they can be DARING & KALEIDOSCOPIC but also IRASCIBLE & SYBARITIC which is why blood-stained hands, all black wardrobes, crooked smirks, and weaponry makes me think of them.
hey  demons,  it  me,  ya  girl,  gem  ...  back  at  it  again,  only  this  time  my  character  is  worst  than  the  first  one.  which  is  saying  something  because  oof  minwoo  was  an  absolute  disaster  !  so  if  that  gives  you  any  idea  as  to  how  this  shithead  is  gonna  be,  that  should  be  a  clue  !  
again,  his  whole  backstory  isn't  completely  figured  out  but  i  have  what  i've  already  figured  out  below  the  cut,  as  well  as  his  basic  information,  personality  &  some  wanted  plots  i  have  for  him  ! 
if  you  want  to  plot  with  this  lil  pyro,  smash  that  like  button  &  i'll  come  to  you  !  or  of  course,  if  you  like  d*scord  better  than  tumblr  feel  free  to  add  me  on  there  (  @𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕂𝕃𝔼𝕍𝕠𝕊𝕊!#9330 )  &  we  can  plot  from  there  !
                                         BASIC INFORMATION.
full  name:  choi  jungwoo. nickname(s):  jun,  woo. age:  twenty-four. date  of  birth:  october  31st. birthplace:  daegu,  south  korea. current  location:  seoul,  south  korea. ethnicity:  korean. nationality:  korean. gender:  cismale. pronouns:  he  /  him  /  his. orientation:  pansexual. crew  position:  janitor. occupation:  instagram  model  /  youtuber.  (  eboy  basically  ig  ) language(s)  spoken: korean,  english,   chinese,  japanese,  spanish,  greek,  thai  &  french.
                                    PHYSICAL  APPEARANCE.
face  claim:  lee  jooheon  (  joohoney  )  of  monsta  x. hair  color:  changes  frequently,  currently  dark  brown. eye  color:  brown. height:  6  '  1  ". weight:  175. build:  athletic. tattoos:  far  too  many  to  count. piercings:  multiple  in  his  ears,  a  tongue  piercing,  nipple  piercings,  a  scar  on  his  right  brow  from  an  old  brow  piercing.
physical  ailments:  alcohol  abuse,  drug  abuse  & lactose  intolerance. neurological  conditions:  back  pain  &  occasional  migraines. allergies:  pollen,  mold,  dairy,  shellfish. sleeping  habits: 3-4  hours  a  night,  restless. eating  habits:  mostly  junk  food,  fast  food  &  take-out  but  he  does  enjoy  going  to  fancy  places  every  once  in  a  while  as  well  as  cooking  meals  at  home. exercise  habits:  jogs  every  morning,  is  in  a  boxing  group  that  meets  every  week. body  temperature: hot  natured. addictions:  alcohol,  tobacco,  drugs  &  sex. drug  use: frequent. alcohol  use: frequent.
                                          PERSONALITY. ( PT 1. )
label:  the  cataclysmic. positive  traits:  daring  &  kaleidoscopic. negative  traits:  irascible  &  sybaritic. fears:  large  bodies  of  water. hobbies:  boxing,  card  games,  video  games,  reading,  cooking,  comic  books,  jogging. habits: tbd. quirks:  tbd.
season:  fall. color(s):  black,  red,  green. music:  isn’t  super  picky,  doesn't  care  for  country. movies:  mostly  action,  suspense,  horror  &  comedy. sport(s):  watches  baseball  &  hockey. beverage(s):  anything  but  sparkling  water. food:  fast  food. animal:  dogs.
father: tba. mother: tba. sibling(s):  younger sibling, nineteen. children:  n/a. pet(s):  german  sheppard  puppy. family’s  financial  status:  upper  class.
zodiac sign:  scorpio. mbti:  entp-a.  (  the  debater  ) enneagram:  type  eight. (  the  challenger  ) temperament:  choleric. hogwarts  house:  slytherin. moral  alignment:  chaotic neutral. primary  vice:  lust. primary  virtue:  pride. element: fire.
born  in  daegu  sk  to  a  lawyer  and  a  police  officer,  jun's  life  was  always  pretty strict.
they  always  made  sure  he  was  living  like  they  wanted  him  to,  cracking  down  and  making  sure  he  was  behaving  &  that  his  grades  were  at  the  top  of  his  class.
little  did  they  know  that  their  son  found  ways  around  having  to  obey  everything  they  said,  sneaking  out  of  his  bedroom  window  to  roam  the  streets  of  daegu  in  the  middle  of  the  night  &  things  like  that.
that's  also  where  he  first  found  his  interest  in  fire,  seeing  people  mess  with  small  bonfires  /  fireworks  all  the  time  caused  him  to  grow  curious.
so  one  night  on  one  of  his  adventures,  he  approached  a  group  of  kids  that  were  probably  only  a  few  years  older  than  him  and  they  allowed  him  into  their  group  &  allowed  him  to  start  messing  with  the  fireworks  himself.
it  was  from  that  moment  on  that  he  started  to  rebel  a  little  bit  more  with  each  day  that  passed,  eventually  sneaking  out  &  staying  gone  the  entire  night  only  to  sneak  back  up  through  his  window,  get  2  hrs  of  sleep  and  then  head  to  school.
parents  never  figured  out  about  it  though,  he  was  good  at  lying  to  them  &  anyone  with  any  sort  of  'authority'  so  he  was  able  to  continue  pleasing  them  &  pretending  to  be  this  pefect  son  all  while  living  the  life  he  actually  wanted  to  live.
the  only  thing  that  came  as  a  shock  to  his  parents  was  him  moving  out  at  the  age  of  sixteen,  getting  his  own  apartment  and  whatnot  so  he'd  stop  having  to  hide  how  he  wanted  to  live  or  have  to  sneak  out  of  his  own  home.
however,  to  them,  they  just  thought  he  wanted  to  become  more  of  an  adult  &  so  they  never  really  questioned  it  or  checked  up  on  him  without  warning.
he  had  just  turned  eighteen  when  he  was  approached  by  the  mastermind  after  getting  into  a  fight  at  a bustling  club,  leaving  the  other  person  laid  out  on  the  ground  while  jun  barely  had  any  injuries  whatsoever.  
the  mastermind  offered  a  job,  keep  people  quiet  or  clean  up  after  the  ones  who  can't  and  you'll  get  paid  shit  tons  of  money...  who  was  jun  to  turn  that  offer  down?
a  few  months  after  that  is  when  his  instagram  persona  started  forming,  posting  his  outfits  on  the  app  started  to  cause  people  to  follow  him  &  ask  for  more...  n  before  he  knew  it,  he  was  getting  agents  messaging  him  offering  to  be  HIS  agent  &  allow  him  to  make  even  more  money  just  by  posting  the  simplest  of  things  on  a  daily  basis.
again,  who  was  he  to  really  turn  down  the  offer?  especially  considering  the  fact  he'd  already  grown  a  taste  for  all  things  expensive.
&  thus,  jun's  double  life  began  once  more,  though  this  time,  both  sides  of  his  life  were  things  he  truly  enjoyed.
                                       PERSONALITY. ( PT 2. )
the  Worst...
short-tempered  as  heck,  will  snap  on  people  for  breathing  in  his  direction  wrong  if  he's  in  one  of  those  moods...
loves  violence... it's  a  problem.  will be  that  asshole  who  starts  bar  fights  just  so  he  can  fight  someone  ksfjghsdf
.... if  you  haven't  figured  it  out,  the  boy  loves  to  play  with  fire.  constantly  burns  stuff,  always  tries  to  take  things  of  other  peoples  to  burn  them.  also  likes  to  ... possibly  set  empty  buildings  on  fire  only  to  watch  them  burn  down.  yike.
can  be  extremely  goofy  &  joking  one  moment  and  then  the  biggest  grumpy  asshole  the  next.  all  really  depends  on  his  mood  at  the  time.
when  he's  in  a  good  mood  though,  he  loves  to  mess  with  people  &  joke  around  or  just  go  explore  the  area.  day  trips  are  his  favorite  thing  in  the  world  even  though  he  won't  admit  to  it.
however,  when  he  isn't.... don't  mess  with  him  bc  he  will probably  try  and  snap  ur  head  off  or  yell  at  you  for  the  dumbest  shit.  probably  figures  out  he's  being  a  dick  a  little  too  late  but  will  still  own  up  to  it  and  apologize  eventually.
a  bit  of  a  wild  card,  honestly.  you  never  know  what  mood  he's  going  to  be  in  or  what's  going  on  in  his  head  at  any  given  moment.
a  heaux,  shock  shock...  but  like  actually  really  bad  abt  it,  constantly  has  some  new  hook  up  or  something  like  that.
this  is  a  work  in  progress  as  well  so  that's  all i've  got  atm
                                                   PLOT IDEAS.
someone  from  his  past  who  knows  that  his  father  is  a  police  officer  &  constantly  gets  on  his  ass  for  all  the  stupid  shit  he  does  bc  they  don't  want  him  getting  caught  let  alone  his  own  father  finding  out.
his  go  to  person  for  all  things  stupid  as  fuck.  getting  high  on  the  roof?  check.  getting  drunk  &  dancing  on  the  bar?  check.  walking  around  seoul  at  4  in  the  morning?  check.
the  fire  &  ice  combination  we  all  want  for  our  muses,  they  fight,  bicker,  try  to  throw  hands  w  each  other  even  but  at  the  end  of  the  day,  they  actually  care  about  one  another.
someone  who's  able  to  see  the  softer  side  of  jun,  either  by  just  being  around  for  his  'down'  days,  or  finding  out  that  a  sleepy  /  just  woke  up  jun  has  a  tendency  to  be  soft  and  a  tiny  bit  needy.
the  jokester  friend  who's  always  pranking  jun  &  jun  tries  to  one  up  them  &  get  his  revenge.
the  LOATHING  plot...  idk  what  it  would  be  for  but  they  just  literally  can't  stand  each  other  &  they  make  sure  it's  known  to  the  world.
someone  who  puts  up  with  his  instagram  persona  and  goes  on  shopping  trips  &  appears  in  the  dumb  videos  he  uploads  to  both  instagram  &  youtube.
speaking of,,,,,  the  'dating'  rumor.  basically  they're  really  close  friends  &  are  seen  by  the  media  together  a  lot  so  people  just  assume  they're  a  thing  &  start  getting  hashtags  about  them  trending  as  well  as  all  the  other  fun  stuff  that  goes  along  with  that.
will  add  more  as  they  come  to  mind  !
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metalsonicforces123 · 3 years
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Models not done by me big shoutout to a deventart username thegreatwaluigi647
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harperonni · 3 days
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Spageddi dinner
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harperonni · 3 months
An Unhealthy Obsession - TF2 animatic Whatsup lads I made an animatic with Pyro and my Oc whee
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harperonni · 4 months
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Nothing like a bracelet to secure friendship
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harperonni · 2 days
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‘S okay they don’t bite
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Ranking Brotherhood of Evil Mutant members (including all interations) from your, most to least favorite and please expound why. I do like asking for opinions.
Hmmm....there have been several iterations of the Brotherhood, and I’m not very familiar with some of the later versions, so I’m just gonna go with the earlier versions that I know.  Bear in mind, this is entirely subjective, and I like most of these characters, so a character being lower down doesn’t mean I hate them.  Going from favorite to least favorite:  
Anyone following this blog has probably noticed I love this dude.  I’m not exactly subtle about it.  I think he’s interesting and fun, as villains go.  He’s snarky and cocky, and actually rather friendly when he’s not trying to kill you - very Affable Evil.  He’s not necessarily a very good person - he’s self-interested, and can be rather vicious, but he’s a character that I thought could potentially come over to the good side.  He seemed, at times, to get into the whole “Freedom Force” thing, and clearly enjoyed saving people alongside Longshot.  He seems to bond a great deal with his team-mates - Mystique, Avalanche, even Stonewall (although he was a dick to him and Commando when they first joined).  He even pals around with Blob, even though he also snarks at him sometimes.  In AOA, Pyro was the only one helping and being protective of Phantazia.  And now in Marauders he refers to them as his “friends,” and is perfectly happy traveling around with people that used to kick his ass, even appearing impressed with them (especially Storm), and being a surprisingly good team player.  I don’t think Pyro would necessarily become a good guy for altruistic purposes, but I think he enjoys having “adventures” and getting attention and hanging out with his team-mates.  I think if Pyro was on an X-Team, and was made to feel welcome, he’d probably be content to fight alongside them and follow the rules (which is basically what he’s doing right now with the Marauders), and maybe some of his team-mates’ virtues would rub off on him a bit.  (There was apparently a version of X-Factor pitched to Marvel years ago that included Pyro on the team, and I’m disappointed that never happened, although I loved the X-Factor that we got.)  And of course, there was also Pyro’s somewhat redemptive death, where he came to regret his past actions with the Brotherhood and wound up sacrificing his life to save Senator Kelly (fat lot of good it did, since Kelly got assassinated shortly after, but hey, he tried!) 
Along with all of that, I am also really intrigued by Pyro’s back story of being a romance author and journalist.  There’s the whole dichotomy of a guy who callously burns people to death and also writes gothic romance novels in his spare time.  And honestly, it sounds like he’s lived a really interesting life before the Brotherhood - traveling all around South East Asia, working as a journalist covering Indonesia and Vietnam (I’d assume he speaks at least a little bit of Indonesian and Vietnamese to be able to live there and cover news).  His motives for joining the Brotherhood have never been established, and I’m dying to know more about how he met Mystique, and why he decided to leave what was apparently a successful career and probably fairly comfortable life to go be an international terrorist.  Was it money?  A promise of adventure?  Did he really believe in Magneto’s cause?  Was he already getting into criminal activity before he joined the Brotherhood?  There’s a lot of potential for development there, but unfortunately most writers (except Claremont) tend to completely ignore all of Pyro’s backstory.  I’m still hoping that Duggan at least makes some reference to it, even just a throwaway comment about how Pyro used to write novels.
TL,DR: I like Pyro because he’s fun and clever, he makes friends with his team-mates, and he’s a writer. 
Toad is a really intriguing character, but mostly I like him because he’s actually got a lot of potential, but he’s had a shit life and can never seem to catch a break.  In the earliest issues, he was just Magneto’s abused lackey, and appeared quite sniveling and pathetic, but later on it was revealed that he’s actually quite intelligent (and good with machines), he just appeared “stupid” due to all the abuse he suffered during childhood.  Toad also has a lot of interesting powers - writers seem to give him a new one every other appearance.  His stamina, agility, and super-strong legs could actually make him a pretty good fighter if he got proper training.  Plus he’s got the prehensile tongue, pheromone secretion, acidic saliva, secretion of a paralytic resin, mind control over frogs - his Marvel bio is a long, long list of secondary powers.  Toad could be quite formidable if he actually got his shit together, and there are AU’s (like House of M and Age of Apocalypse) where we see a much more stable, competent, intelligent Toad who is living up to his potential.  But 616 Toad remains a joke,  He’s either a low-level bad guy (they tried to level him up in the 90′s by making him the leader of the Brotherhood, but it didn’t last) or a pathetic sad-sack used for humor, or both.  His attempt to “join” the X-Men led to him being the janitor and basically getting treated like shit (he literally had no bed?) then getting kicked out when he follow Husk to the Hellfire Academy, even though he did that largely out of concern for Husk, and actually helped her and Quentin escape.
Basically, Toad has been subjected to horrible abuse pretty much his entire life, he has a mutation that makes him appear “ugly”, and everyone treats him with, at best, pity, and at worst, hatred and disgust.  I’ll admit, he’s had a few chances to better his life that have fallen through because of his own bad choices (and he’s done some horrible things, especially when he was leading the Brotherhood in the 90′s), but most of the time he’s just getting continuously kicked while he’s down.  To a certain extent, it’s really a matter of comic writers not being willing to take Toad seriously - he’s considered a joke villain, and therefore gets written that way, because he’s there as an accessory in someone else’s story.  At least the Toad/Husk storyline seemed to focus some on Toad himself as a character, even if it ended badly for him.  Sometimes, I kinda think Toad is written as evil or pathetic so that writers can justify other characters being shitty towards him.  Like, Magneto’s early treatment of Toad was absolutely, inexcusably horrible.  Magneto treated everyone in the Brotherhood badly, including his own children, but it seemed like Toad caught the worst of it.  Pietro and Wanda were also disgusted by Toad, although they had good reason, since his affection towards Wanda was pretty creepy.  Later on, Magneto was revamped into more of a noble, morally grey character, and his past abuse of Toad was mostly forgotten.  I don’t think the writers are necessarily doing this on purpose, but it kind feels like Toad remaining a pathetic bad guy was partially a way to excuse Magneto’s poor treatment of him, since Magneto was being reinvented as a more likable character.  And not just Magneto, but just about everyone who finds Toad disgusting or cracks jokes about how gross he is – it’s okay, Toad is awful so it’s totally fine to have the physically attractive good guys mock him and treat him like garbage.  (Hell, the artists can’t even decide what Toad’s physical appearance should be.  Is he skinny?  Fat?  Does he have green skin?  Is his nose ridiculously long or closer to normal?  Who knows what we’ll get in each issue.  And God forbid he be drawn without his tongue lolling out of his mouth.)
Also, I think that a lot of Toad’s worst personality flaws are at least partially due to the abuse he suffered.  To be clear, I’m not justifying the things that Toad has done. He set up death traps for people who wronged him, murdered Sauron’s girlfriend, and stalked and attacked Wanda multiple times.  That’s pretty shitty of him!  But I also think the abuse had a huge effect on Toad and how he interacts with people. Like, his tendency to obsessively latch onto people, and act like a sniveling lackey – the dude has had pretty much no love his entire life, and he’s always been treated like garbage.  Of course he has no self-esteem, of course he’ll fawn over anyone that shows him affection.  He’s been raised to believe that he is garbage.  Even his tendency to gloat over others being punished, and his whole “I’ll tell Magneto, and you’ll get in trouble!” thing is an understandable survival mechanism – other people getting in trouble means that he’s not the target, for once.  Obviously I can’t condone Toad trying to murder people that wronged him, but his anger and resentment is also understandable after the poor treatment he’s suffered.  In fact, I think it’s actually healthier for him to be angry than to think that he deserves it.  And a lot of the shitty things he did as Brotherhood leader also felt like him desperately wanting to be taken seriously, to be respected – also not a bad thing to want, even if his actions were terrible.  Basically, Toad has a lot of personality flaws, and he’s also had a lot of experiences that created or exacerbated those personality flaws.  The guy needs serious, long-term therapy, and I think he could become a better (or at least more competent) person if he got the help that he so obviously needs.
TL, DR: Basically, Toad deserves better.
I have to admit, a lot of my love for Avalanche is all about his relationship with Pyro, be it friendship or something more.  (It’s something more in my headcanons, I will forever ship them.)  But he’s also a character that we don’t know much about, in part because he tends to talk a lot less than a certain chatty Australian.  He seems, more than anything, to be a practical-minded punch-clock villain, who is mostly in it for the money.  He doesn’t seem to enjoy putting on a show and reveling in his powers like Pyro, and he doesn’t seem to have the same mean streak that can be seen in Blob (and Pyro, to be fair).  I’m sure there are probably instances of Avalanche being dickish and cruel, but in a lot of his appearances that I’ve read, he seems very practical.  Do the job, get paid.  He also seems fairly content to be a follower or a lackey – happy to take orders from Mystique, or even follow Pyro’s lead when Mystique isn’t around.  That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have his own ideas or opinions, but he doesn’t particularly feel the need to be a leader.  Like Pyro, we also don’t know much about his past before the Brotherhood, except that he was married at some point.  Where’s his wife now?  Why didn’t it work out?  Was it because of him being a mutant, or was it his activities with the Brotherhood that drove them apart?  Does he still love her?  Why did he join the Brotherhood in the first place?  
Avalanche also seems to care somewhat about his team-mates, although he’s not as openly friendly as Pyro.  During Freedom Force’s disastrous last mission, he made the difficult call to abandon Pyro and Blob to save Commando, something that he was clearly broken up about.  And of course, he was willing to go on a mission in the Savage Land with Pyro to get a Legacy Virus cure (that unfortunately didn’t actual exist).  Avalanche is selective about who he cares about, but he still shows that he cares through his actions.  I don’t want to make this all about Pyro, but I really love their relationship.  The stoic, quiet guy/chatty energetic guy dynamic is great.  They just love being bros and committing crimes together, and they are quick to work together and back each other up, even in their earliest appearances.  I would totally read a min-series focusing on the early days of Mystique’s brotherhood, especially if it gave us some good Avalanche, Pyro and Blob development, and didn’t just center around Rogue and Mystique (both fantastic characters, but they’ve both got a lot of attention directed at them already.)
Also, Avalanche likes to garden, which is nice. And at one point he just got fed-up with everything and tried to retire and become a bartender, which is very relatable.  Unfortunately Red Skull murdered him after that.  Sorry, Avalanche.  I hope you are resurrected on Krakoa, living your best life.
Another character who is often not taken seriously. Blob is mean-spirited, crass, and often self-interested, much like the rest of the Brotherhood members.  He also was extremely close to Unus, and clearly devastated when Unus’s powers went out of control and killed him.  Blob is one of those characters where I think his physical appearance has led to him being designated as a bad guy by the writers – he’s big and gross, so, just like Toad, he’ll be portrayed as a bad person in order to justify the good guys being terrible to him.  (Yes, I know there are “ugly” good guys, but let’s face it, they are rare.  Most of the good guys look like models.)  Blob also, like Toad, gets a lot of crap for his physical appearance, something that is literally part of his mutation.  I think some of Blob’s nastiness is definitely a defense mechanism, lashing out at others because he is used to being attacked.  It also seems like Blob is really lacking in close friendships, like what Mystique and Destiny or Pyro and Avalanche have (“friendship”).  He was really the odd man out in Mystique’s brotherhood.  He’s willing to pal around with various Brotherhood members, including Avalanche and Pyro when they’re not picking fights with each other, but he doesn’t seem to have a best buddy after Unus’s death.  I kind of admire Blob’s toughness.  It would be easy for him to completely lose his self-esteem, like Toad, but he stands up for himself and never grovels to others.  He is frequently insulted for his mutation, but he also seems comfortable in his own skin, which is good.  He shouldn’t have to feel bad about his own body.    
There was an AU story that showed a softer, more thoughtful Blob who wound up in a relationship with Psylocke, so we know he’s capable of showing a better side of himself.  To some extent, I like Blob’s crass, take-no-shit personatliy, but I’d also like to see writers give him more depth.  I’d especially like to see him reunite with Unus on Krakoa, and the two of them hanging out enjoying each other’s company.  I’m also enjoying the cameos we get of bartender Blob on Krakoa, I hope he is also living his best life.  
Honestly, I mostly just want to know more about her. All we really know is that she has a PhD (in some kind of scientific field, I think….she is reading a book on astrophysics in one comic), and she was willing to join Toad’s Brotherhood (and she was also the only Brotherhood member that received an invitation from Exodus to Asteroid M). Why?  What was her life before that?  Who knows? Most of the time, she seems rather cold, and a bit distant from her team-mates (but I can’t entirely blame her, the Brotherhood is a rough crowd.  It’s hard to be the new team-mate, and probably especially hard to be the only woman.)  She did seem concerned about Pyro when he was suffering from the Legacy Virus, but she kind of dropped out of sight when the Brotherhood disbanded.   She seems like she was mostly in it for personal gain, especially since Toad’s Brotherhood was more about petty crime than mutant rights.  Apparently she was deeply affected by Wanda’s reality alterations, which took a toll on her mental health, and was last seen in a SHIELD holding cell.  I hope she pops up again on Krakoa.  
The only reason Rogue is so low on the list is that I sometimes forget she was ever a Brotherhood member, and because I like to focus more on lesser known characters.  But I really like Rogue!  She’s tough but sweet, and an incredible badass.  Leaving the Brotherhood for the X-Men meant walking away from her team and foster-mother(s), but she still did it, and became one of the X-Men’s most dependable and valued members.  I love Rogue’s past, her relationship with Mystique, her relationship with Gambit.  I love how she doesn’t take shit, but she also doesn’t go around acting like a jerk, like some of the “tough” characters.  (Wolverine, basically.)  I like the complexity of her struggles with her powers, and her knowing that her strongest abilities, like strength and flight, were basically “stolen” from someone else. I feel like I should say more, but Rogue is very popular and has had loads written about her already.  Rogue is cool, and she deserves the best!  
A truly fascinating character.  She’s also lower on the list because she is fairly well-known and popular, and also because she can absolutely be a manipulative piece of shit, willing to throw everyone except Destiny under the bus.  Yet, at the same time, we see her appear to genuinely care about people, like Rogue, Nightcrawler (after the unfortunate “toss baby off a cliff” incident), Destiny, even Pyro occasionally (she has a nice moment with him on Muir Island, and also calls him “friend” in X-Factor).  She’s a character who can never be entirely trusted, which is a large part of what makes her interesting.  I think she truly does care about a few, select people.  Hell, there’s an early issue in which Mystique fights a bunch of robots programmed to look and act like the X-Men (courtesy of Arcade), and she completely breaks down after having to “kill” the Rogue robot, then hesitates to attack the Nightcrawler bot.  I think Mystique can also be extremely callous, cold and manipulative, but I don’t think she is completely evil, just very self-interested, like a lot of villains. Also, she’s probably seen and experienced a lot of shit over her long life that contributed to that callousness (I figure if I’m gonna cut Toad and Blob some slack, I should do the same for Mystique.)  I do wish she would stop committing rape by deception in stories (meaning sleeping with someone while disguised as someone else).  It’s something that gets glossed over, even though fandom generally despises rapist male villains (and rightfully so), but Mystique pretending to be Blink and sleeping with Mimic is barely a story blip.  
Mystique is also interesting just because she’s such a badass.  She’s cunning, a good leader, a good strategist, excellent spy, good at hand-to-hand combat (she only loses to Arcade’s X-Men robots because she hesitates). She is damn formidable!  She’s also lived a varied and interesting life. There’s a reason she’s gotten so much exposure in comics.  I can also understand her being short-tempered while leading the Brotherhood, as she has to deal with the three stooges of Pyro, Avalanche and Blob.  Then things get even more complicated during the Freedom Force days.  Mystique has a lot of shit to deal with keeping those idiots in line.  Her relationship with Destiny is probably my favorite thing about Mystique, they are beautiful wives, and I hope she gets Destiny resurrected so the two of them can live happily together on Krakoa.  (Unlikely.)  
Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch:
I don’t have much to say about these two, even though I like them. I’m starting to run out of steam in terms of character analysis, and I tend to think of them more as Avengers than Brotherhood members.  They both deserve better.  Also, they are mutants and Magneto is their dad. Retcon?  What retcon?
I don’t have much to say about Destiny because she is very mysterious – always working according to some plan that only she knows. So it’s hard to really know her as a character.  She seems like a very intelligent and calm woman.  She’s always chilling while the Brotherhood guys are freaking out or picking fights with each other.  She also faced her own death bravely and willingly.  She seems to have a good sense of humor.  One of my favorite stories is Mystique disposing of Destiny’s ashes after her death.  She is throwing them off a boat at a specific time and place, according to Destiny’s instructions – and the wind blows them back into her face.  Obviously Destiny planned it as a last prank, and I have to like a character who sets that up.  Also, one time she let a rock wall collapse on Avalanche and Spiral because she knew they wouldn’t be seriously hurt, and she hated Spiral and wanted to enjoy her humiliation.  That’s some impressive pettiness.  Destiny is cool, and I hope she comes back.
I don’t really care about him at all.  
Seems like a real creep, especially with his manipulation of Jean Grey/Phoenix in the Dark Phoenix saga.  At least he apologized to her at his death.  Also, he’s got three daughters, the dude gets around. Regan, Martinique, and Pixie (WTF?! I just read that in his bio.)  I am really confused by there being two Mastermind daughters with the same powers, but apparently it was actually a mix-up between two writers.  Oops!  
That’s all.  I know there have been later Brotherhood iterations with other members, including one or both Lady Masterminds, but that was during a time when I wasn’t reading much X-Men, so I’m not familiar with most of those characters. I might have more to say if I eventually read some of the later Brotherhood stories.  
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thecorteztwins said:                                                                                                                            I did not know that, that is so cool!!                             
Yeah, Claremont gave Pyro this whole cool backstory, and then most writers never bring it up at all.  I think most Brotherhood members (especially Pyro, Avalanche, Blob and Toad) suffer from Villain-of-the-week syndrome where they’re just there for the hero to kick around.  Need a bad guy?  Here’s the Brotherhood!  Why are they attacking?  Doesn’t matter!  Sometimes writers try to give them strong individualized voices, or care enough to do an arc (like when Toad was the X-Men’s janitor) but their characterization is pretty inconsistent across books.  I remember waaaay back in the first X-Men Forever mini-series there was some plotline about how Toad’s mutation was unstable (which also contributed to mental instability, although I’d say all the trauma and abuse in his life played a big part in that), and that’s why his powers and personality fluctuate so much.  (As opposed to the real reason: he’s a prop for whatever story the writers want to tell that month). 
Of course, lots of minor villain groups have this problem - Serpent Society, Sinister’s original Marauders, Acolytes, etc.  And some minor heroes as well.  (Poor Fantasma.  And Starlight.)  @thecorteztwins will just have to rescue them all.
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