#q abuelito
tsukana · 11 months
gonna cry gonna cry gonna cry. im so normal abt the way when phil realised everyone else was gone he started yelling out for tango and then tango and abuelito were already there coming back for him. shut up im ok im normal im ok
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leafcreature · 1 year
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Been doodling eggs and capys in an attempt to forget the horrors
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royalarchivist · 8 months
Foolish: Can we try making a nuke real quick? [Abuelito the Capybara shakes its head] No? Is that a bad idea?
Phil: Ok, so it's not- it's not- Right, Abuelito, it's not–
[Abuelito flashes a nuke 💣☢️]
Foolish: Wait– What the fck is that? Wait–
Ironmouse: WHAT THE– HUH???
Foolish: What the fck was that?!
Phil: What?
Foolish: Did you see that?!
Phil: No?
Ironmouse: WHAT WAS THAT?!
[Abuelito starts building with TNT blocks]
Foolish: Wait– Abuelito just carries a rocket in his pocket!
Ironmouse: [Giggles]
Phil: Fireworks?
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becauseplot · 1 year
Assuming Chayanne doesn’t wake up then Tallulah’s admin has the opportunity to do the funniest thing.
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screwoffdotnet · 1 year
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lionheartedmusings · 9 months
tallulah mentioned hanging out with q!bad again before q!phil went to bed and i just <3 my heart. i feel like it's easy to forget that tallulah literally told q!bad she saw him as a father at one point ("i see you and abuelito as my dads") and then time and distance just meant they didn't hang out too much. tallulah seems determined to hang out with him this week, though, and i'm so glad for her.
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ramons-elevator · 1 year
Before q!Wilbur left, he told Tallulah she doesnt have to fight. That its okay not to be a fighter because the world needs people like her who are kind and gentle.
To this day, she isnt a fighter. Her hands still shake when she holds her sword.
But she squares her shoulders and grounds her feet just like her Abuelito told her to as she stares death in the face.
She isnt a fighter but she isnt going down without a fucking fight
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impulsesimp · 4 days
based off the event where q!phil was left alone with multiple eggs and tallulah's first life was taken by the code
when phil warps in, he hears a flute. he exits the waystone shed, looking up at tallulah's home.
there wasn't a song playing, none of tallulah's usual tunes. just sparse singular notes that came slowly right after the other. like someone was breathing into the pipe rather than playing it. phil sighs, running a heavy hand down his face.
he enters the home and when the door shuts, the breathy notes stop. phil waits for a noise, a sign that tallulah is coming down. when all he heard was a soft sniffle, he makes his way up the latter.
when his head pops into tallulah's room, his eyes land on his granddaughter, who goes stiff when their eyes meet. tallulah has her flute clutched in her hands, the stick held to her lap. when phil stands in the room, tallulah stays sat with her back straight, staring straight ahead.
she looks so small, phil is reminded. without the armor the parents smother onto their children or her enormous signature sombrero, tallulah is, in the utmost innocence, just a child. a child who's been through too much to try and act as brave as she was now.
"tallulah…" phil starts in a soft tone. "are you alright?"
tallulah nods stiffly, eyes still trained on the wood in front of her. phil sighs and grabs the chair by her bedside. he sits in front of her, obscuring the wall from her vision. the child looks down at her flute, small hands rubbing anxiously around it.
"tallulah, sweetheart, speak to me," phil says, leaning forwards, resting his elbows on his knees.
tallulah gnaws on her bottom lip and she physically trembles in front of phil. he yearned to comfort her, to hold her, but he believed in his kids' speaking for themselves. he needed to know what tallulah wanted for herself at the moment.
"take your time, tallulah; just breathe."
tallulah breathes, nearly gasping, through her mouth. she sputters out half words and syllables and phil lets her go through the motions without any interruption.
eventually, in a shaky voice, she says, "I-I'm sorry, abuelito."
her face twists in sadness and tears spring to her eyes, but she continues to sputter out her words. "I-I ate eight golden apples and-and I used the little tío foolish that tío bad gave me-"
her voice pitches as a sob passes her lips. phil can see her trying her best to keep her composure as she tries to speak through her sadness.
"I did everything you told me to do, I promise!" when tallulah finally looks at phil, her wide watery eyes break his heart. a lump grows in his throat and his own sadness begins to manifest behind his eyes.
"I'm s-sorry, abuelito, I really am!" phil cracks and picks up tallulah in his arms. she immediately wraps his arms around his neck, sobbing into his shoulder.
"no, no, sweetheart, do not apologize, alright? it's not your fault- it's never your fault." phil presses his hand to the back of her head, holding her close.
another whump from my pile of unfinished qsmp works from last year lol
hope you enjoyed :)
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jams-sims · 1 year
I wanted to see if I could make a clip of Philza talking about how he is a single father. But homie streamrd for 4 hours I thought it had to be at the start. Because I was there for the middle and end of the stream. An the part i did find was just him saying-
"Its just me the single father, ol abuelito holding it down. An a couple of uncles-"
So one he q!philza on some level really got reeled into the asigned platonic partner. I mention before how loneliness is nothing new. But i never touched on how the isand forced him to not be lonely by giving him someone. An I think its had been so long since he had someone in his space. That he really enjoyed Missa. An now I think he has fully resigned himself to being alone again but with kids. Which is 10 times more stressful than hardcore loneliness.
I wonder if q!philza just like Tallulah holds a little bit of bitterness towards other. That sure bad is a singlr father and so is Fit. But his situation is a Unique because it mirrors to mirrors Tallulah situation. Wilbur is gone and Philza has stopped bugging him about his daughter. The letters have stopped comming and its the same with Missa.
Adds an extra layer of bitterness that probably goes out towards forever. In this essay I will-
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missycolorful · 1 year
q!Phil, while lasso-ed in the air by Abuelito: This is so fun, but it makes me wish I still could fly.
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tsukana · 11 months
i cant remember which chay-curucho admin it was the day that tazercraft did the portal thing and showed up as chay by accident. and that phil talked to the next day and asked if it was him and chayadmin did the slow turn and the slow nod. but its the same energy as phil asking abuelito about the tnt and there is simply absolute stillness
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recapqsmp · 1 year
Mardi 12/09 - Le royaume des capybaras
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Pac a pris les médicaments. Il est très souriant, très heureux. Il a cependant oublié ce qui est arrivé à Mike et à WalterBob. Il pense que Richarlyson est toujours en train de dormir. Néanmoins, quand il entends parler de WalterBob, il revient à lui, il se rappelle, se sent malheureux et préfère reprendre les médicaments.
Fit et Tubbo sont allés voir Pac pour voir comment il allait. Ils ont pu se rendre compte de l'état mental de Pac sous médicaments. Pendant la conversation, Pac a dit hésiter a prendre à nouveau une pilule, les voix dans sa tête lui disant de ne pas le faire. Fit en a profité pour lui rappeler qu'il souhaitait trouver un antidote à la base. Pac a dit ne pas pouvoir faire ça, car il n'a pas trouvé la recette du médicament pour l'instant. Il réalise maintenant que les médicaments sont la solution à ses problèmes. Tubbo lui a conseillé d'écrire ses pensées dans un journal pour documenter tout ça.
Tubbo souhaitait que Fit lui montre l'entrée de la base de la fédération. Fit lui a dit qu'il la connaissait, mais qu'il ne pouvait pas lui montrer, car il risquait son boulot. Tubbo lui a demandé pourquoi il s'en souciait, la santé de ses amis et peut-être même la vie de Ramon est en jeu. Fit lui a expliqué qu'il y avait des choses bien au dessus de tout ça qui entrait en jeu, et qu'il ne pouvait pas lui en dire plus.
Pac est tombé sur un livre qu'il s'était écrit avant de prendre les médicaments. Il a hésité sur l'action a entreprendre, entre continuer a prendre les médocs ou pas. Il a décidé de prendre son courage à deux mains, et d'en livrer à Cellbit. Il en a quand même gardé sur lui, et n'a pas la force de s'en passer totalement.
QuackityStudios a posté un tweet sortant de l'ordinaire : il n'est lié à aucun évènement se déroulement au moment du post, le nombre de jour est en décimal, et il y a un message caché à droite de l'image.
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Pac a rencontré Foolish, et lui a proposé de prendre un cachet pour tester les effets sur lui. Il est très intrigué de savoir ce qui va lui arriver s'il en prend, et a décidé d'en discuter avec sa version chaotique dans le château de cellbit pour savoir ce qu'il doit faire. Son alter-égo lui a dit qu'il n'est pas une chochotte et qu'il doit les prendre. Il est aussi tombé enceinte d'un monstre.
Foolish Fit et Tubbo ont suivi une nouvelle piste d'oranges, qui a mené vers une plateforme aérienne. Là haut, ils ont retrouvé Abuelito, qui lui a demandé d'emmener toutes les recherches sur Mr Mustard avec lui. Il lui a ensuite montré une warp plate, et les 3 compagnons sont allés au royaume des capybaras ! Là bas, ils ont rencontré quasiment tous les capybaras existant, ainsi que quelques nouveaux. Abuelito lui a expliqué qu'ils ne laissaient jamais rentrer personne ici, mais qu'ils faisaient une exception pour quelqu'un comme lui qui a toujours cherché a protéger les capybaras. Il lui a montré la maison de Mr Mustard, et lui a expliqué ce qui lui est arrivé : il a essayé de préparer une potion et elle a explosé, rendant le capybara invisible. Néanmoins, ils pensent qu'en versant de l'eau de piscine sur un feu bleu, il pourra peut-être réapparaître. Une fois fait, Mr Mustard est effectivement réapparu, et tous les capybaras ont construit un trône pour Foolish et lui ont donné une couronne, le déclarant officiellement roi des capybaras ! Lui et ses nouveaux sujets sont allés faire la fête au spawn, provoquant beaucoup d'explosions sous couvert de nombreuses musiques. Foolish a aussi pu nommer les nouveaux capybaras : SNIPYBARA, Tango et Reyna !
Foolish en a profité pour leur demander s'ils avaient entendu parler de l'absence des oeufs, mais les capybaras ne savaient même pas de quoi il parlait. Ils ont tout de même accepté, si besoin était, de participer à une opération spéciale pour aller les récupérer.
Il y a deux nouveaux travailleurs de la fédération ! L'un porte un casque bleu, l'autre un casque jaune. Tubbo a nommé le casque bleu "Fred", et le casque jaune "Jed". Ils ne connaissent pas WalterBob et n'ont aucune idée du principe d'émotion non plus.
BadBoy a perdu toutes ses couleurs. Il est désormais dans des nuances de gris et de noir. Par moment, son personnage ne voyait plus les couleurs non plus.
BadBoy s'est confié à Aypierre : il lui a dit tout ce qui s'était passé la veille avec Forever (sa crise de somnambulisme, son saut dans le vide…) et les deux ont décidé de contacter Roier pour tenter de traduire le livre portugais. Roier a donné une version similaire à la traduction de Pol : Forever demande de l'aide, car il n'en peut plus. Les 3 compères se sont accordés sur le fait qu'il faut tuer Forever le plus vite possible pour le débarasser de la drogue.
BadBoy a entrainé Foolish a dire non à la drogue si Forever ou Pac lui en propose. Foolish a ensuite expliqué ce qui s'était passé avec les capybaras à BadBoy. Celui-ci pense que Foolish est drogué. Aypierre pense que ce sont les capybaras qui sont drogués.
Forever est parti du serveur en jouant une nouvelle vidéo : le parallèle entre lui, et ce qu'il souhaiterait faire dans sa tête. La vidéo alterne donc entre des scènes normales où Forever se balade puis les même scènes où Forever fait tout brûler et exploser. BadBoy est parti aussi, après avoir lu la lettre que Pomme a laissé à Baghera.
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royalarchivist · 8 months
Foolish: Can we try making a nuke real quick? [Abuelito the Capybara shakes its head] No? Is that a bad idea?
Phil: Ok, so it's not- it's not- Right, Abuelito, it's not–
[Abuelito flashes a nuke 💣☢️]
Foolish: Wait– What the fck is that? Wait–
Ironmouse: WHAT THE– HUH???
Foolish: What the fck was that?!
Phil: What?
Foolish: Did you see that?!
Phil: No?
Ironmouse: WHAT WAS THAT?!
[Abuelito starts building with TNT blocks]
Foolish: Wait– Abuelito just carries a rocket in his pocket!
Ironmouse: [Giggles]
Phil: Fireworks?
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becauseplot · 1 year
Thinking about what would happen if Chayanne died. Thinking about how q!Phil promised he would burn the server to the ground. Thinking about how q!Phil would want to raze the island until the earth itself felt a fucking fraction of the pain tearing through his heart, until the flames just narrowly held a candle to the fury burning in his veins.
Thinking about little hands, soft hands, trembling hands, curling into the hem of his haori and clinging to his side. Thinking about Tallulah doing everything in her power to keep him grounded, to keep him here.
It's a lot to ask of such a young girl, especially one who is grieving the same death as him. But, she knows her abuelito better than he thinks she does. She knows from his bedtime stories of his solitary travels, from his aversion to crowds, from his isolated, wall-top home that he is lonesome by nature. She knows from his ruthlessness in battle, from his sharp grin at the fall of a foe, from the binary axe hanging on his back that violence is like breathing to him.
She can lose him to this, well and truly lose him---and she is through with losing people.
So she clings. Despite how difficult it is, she pulls herself out of bed each morning and asks her abuelito if they can do the day's quests. She insists that, no, she doesn't want to stay home today, and no, she doesn't want to do them with Tio Bad or Tio Fit or Tio Cellbit or anyone else on the island, she wants to do them with him; and then she pesters him until he agrees. They explore caves and go fishing and fight monsters and make all manner of strange tools. She plays songs on her flute whenever she has a breath to spare, because she knows he can't stand the quiet. (She can't stand it either.) She complains about avocado toast until he caves and makes her something else to eat.
She remembers every single time he dried the tears from her cheeks---every time that he held her face in his hands and told her that her father loves her, and that her abuelito loves her, and that she would never be alone again, not if he had anything to say about it---and she sends all that love right back to him.
She makes sure he has a reason to stay. She makes sure that he knows that he is still needed. 
Because she needs him. Now, more than ever, she needs him here.
(And he needs her too.)
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sugcim · 1 year
hello, petunia por aqui presentando a su morrita primero 🦋 antes que el lunes llegue. un poquito de lo que es su vida & algunas conex / tramas que se me ocurren? asi es. lo dejaré en discord tambn, me pueden chiflar de una [ sirpetunia#9019 ] o me comunico apenas pueda si me dejan un corazon pintado aqui o una rx por dc. sin mas, peace ✌🏾
datitos :
sugei catalina de los angeles mori peña, 25 años. mexicana.!!! lleva toda su vida en rdv. sus primeros años estuvo viviendo la periferia, pero su fam tenia a sus miembros trabajando en el cementerio desde que inicio la reconstrucción. no son muchos los mori ( pero tambn bucamos hermanes / fams !! ) pero ahi están.
es administradora del cementerio desde hace cuatro años, pero maybe desde sus doce o diez ande junto a su papá siendo su asistonta. so conoce el lugar & el movimiento como la palma de su mano. desde el aviso del hospital o la policía por un fallecido mas, hasta los aniversarios & misas. todo! es muy comprometida con su trabajo.
also es religiosa, pero por un tema personal & la relacion con sus abuelos. una sensibilidad especial que tiene que siente a los que ya no están ( o eso cree, lol ) sus abuelitos le chamuyaron mas de eso, & pues se lo creyó, pero igual le reza a diosito & pide por la almas de todes de los que pueda ahr.
por ultimo, ama rdv. cree todas las historias aunque no deba porque su familia se la vive reprochando esas cosas. quiere quedarse & formar una familia gigante allí. se siente atrapada en el pasado, alli, y no le molesta para nada.
tw: mencion de muerte.
conexiones / tramas :
conocides / amigues / enemigues : gentita que tambn haya vivido su vida entera en rdv?? se conozcan de la escuela, o vecines, amigues de sus hermanes, etc. que la molesten diciendo q huele a cloroformo, ahr. es tranquilita pero tampoco se deja, o no mucho. alguien q la saque un poco de su zona de comfort o sean tranquis juntes.
co-workers : alguien que haya buscando un trabajo de verano en el cementerio, de jardinería, o mano de obra. o quizá del hospital (morgue). no espero mucho de esto, pero es muy profesional, & pudo haber terminado bien o mal, ahr.
clientes : no sé si pueda decirle asi pero 😭, si tienen a alguien queride en el cementerio de rdv, pueden toparse seguido & ser quien lo ayude con el proceso, incluso si pasaron años shes all support. hasta les deja mensajitos si sus poderes estan on ahr.
no tiene roomies bc aun vive con sus padres lol, pero quien sabe quizás se anime si a alguien le falta uno, bc she have money. its a fancy girl.
interés romantico : weno, su fam es bien periquita so probs antes de llevar a alguien con ellos debio ser muy serio, alguien del pueblo seguro sabria eso jsjs. and ella quiere formar familia so, puede coquetear & todo a quien le parezca linde, ademas q es religiosa, so hasta besos & un poco mas pudo haber llegado, pero no se hace ilusiones, but we ar bi here!!!
and thats all my frens. ❤️‍🩹
con pato villalobos : coincidiendo como su jefa en el cementerio cuando pato llego a rdv, tienen trato cortés.
con quetzalli huerta : compañeras de la escuela desde pequeñas, se hicieron amigas a pesar de familia mori no gustarle las huerta. siguen frecuentandose.
con luna deveraux : sugei visita de vez en vez la libreria, sintiendo la presencia que acompaña a luna, pero aun no se lo confiesa se frecuentan. tambn se encuentran en la misa.
con charlie roth : trabajos fúnebres les hacen encontrarse desde que charlie llego, & sugei cree saber que lo trajo a rdv.
con fiamma gotti : enemigx que antes era amigx / mala influencia de x
con tara örzarslan : pasivo-agresivo trato, por el choque de perspectivas con lo fúnebre, pero ambas siguen rindiendo en su trabajo.
con alina duarte : se frecuentan por trabajo, lina deseando que sea menos frecuente cada vez.
con cleo rhodes : visita la tienda de musica por sus propios gustos, pero le tiene un terror al perro de cleo.
con ricardo escamilla : amigos de la infancia, se conocen desde pequeños.
con margo velasco : amigas de la infancia, & lo siguen siendo. sus familias se conocen.
con millaray romero : muy buenas amigas desde pequeñas hasta ahora.
con taisha shwetz : tuvieron un incidente en el cementerio con el primer año de sugei como administradora & tai como jardinera. son cercanas luego de eso.
con lucero velasco : amigas de la infancia junto con margo, aun se frecuentan mucho mas ahora que vinieron a residir. sus familias se conocen & apoyan por el malestar del abuelo velasco.
con rain chanpakdee :
con sky anwar : compañeros de la escuela que ahora son inseparables, por sus dones espirituales se hicieron amigos ahora.
con eden lim :
con alondra sayyed :
con ignacio lara :
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genisflyingkites · 1 year
Sometimes people be like WOW YOU DIDNT GROW UP WITH- no cause I grew up on Mexican cable yaaa hoo hoooo abuelito dime tú q sonidos son los que oigo yoo
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