#q: watching horror movies w ten
johntenctzen · 5 years
[after winning ‘the bestest boy’ award]
host: is there anyone you would like to thank?
haechan [looks at his members in the crowd as he leans into the mic]: no
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dameronology · 3 years
obi-wan kenobi relationship alphabet
as requested by the lovely @read-and-rec - i hope u enjoy!!
a - actions. what sort of things do they do to show they love their s.o?
for obi-wan, it would be in his every day actions. he's not all that big on grand gestures - can't be drawing attention to a relationship he's not supposed to be in after all - so it's reflected in the actions that show how well he knows you. like, he always flips the pillow before you come to bed so that it's cold, and when you have a particularly early start, he'll get up 20 minutes before you to make you breakfast
b - beginnings. how did the relationship begin? how has it changed?
i don't think obi would get into a relationship in the casual way -- he'd probably have to be in love with his best friend (that's u, ofc) and it would take a life threatening event for him to finally confess his love. not a lot would change, bc you're still best friends, but obviously there's the added closeness and love.
c - comfortable. how comfy are they with each other? peeing with the door open close, or would they rather keep the mystery?
he'd let you determine that. but also bc most of your time together is spent within your quarters, due to the natures of your job and the risk of people seeing, you're within close proximity a lot of the time so you're bound to be pretty comfortable around each other. you wanna burst into the refresher when he's in the shower cos you you had twice as much coffee as ur bladder can hold? he's not gonna stop you
d - dates. do they consider dates to be important? what kind do they prefer?
his favourite kind of dates are the ones where he gets to be close to you - whether that's wandering round the temple gardens after dark, or curling up in bed and watching a movie. if you ever get the chance to catch a break and escape to a far, far away planet, he'd definitely be up for something more grand.
e - engagement. how would they propose? who would even pop the question?
i don't think he would propose - more on that later - but if he did, it would be low key. even though there's like 0% chance of you rejecting him, he wouldn't want to put that pressure on you by making a big, public ordeal of the occasion
f - fundamental. for them, what is the most fundamental part of a relationship?
support & commitment. for obi-wan, he needs someone who's gonna be there for him through thick and thin; someone who will listen to him when he needs to vent and someone who will lay with him in bed when everything gets too much. he also needs someone who is committed and in it for the long run, bc he's lost so many people and can't face to see another go (especially by choice). of course, you get both things in return from him.
g - gratitude. how do they show their appreciation for you?
he just says it how it is. ten times a day really, but especially before bed - "have i ever told you how much i love and appreciate you?"
h - home. a random domestic headcanon.
he's terrible to share a bed with. you'll fall asleep on your respective sides of the bed, hands interlinked, and then get woken up two hours later by him spreading out on the whole mattress like patrick the goddamn star fish, forcing you onto the floor
i - infinite. do they believe their love is endless, or is there something that could break it?
obi-wan is both. if you turned to the dark side, or betrayed him or his cause, he could never forgive you, and the relationship would most certainly be over. it doesn't mean he'd stop loving you though - he couldn't ever do that. not even if he tried his hardest. so, his love is infinite but there are things that could make him turn away from you.
j - jokes. who's the funny one?
if you like dry humour, he's definitely the funny one, but with practical jokes and puns, that would be you.
k - kiss. how do they kiss? favourite type?
every morning before he goes to work, obi-wan will pull you towards him and give you a deep, breath-taking kiss; with one hand on your back and one on your neck, it'll be on your mind for the rest of the day. that's his favourite type of kiss.
l - longing. who's the clingy one? how are they with long distance?
neither of you, but also obi-wan sometimes. obi-wan becomes a thousand times clingier when he has nothing to do; if he's between missions and meetings, he'll stick to your side like a golden retriever. it's cute at first, but then when you can't even sit down for twenty minutes to do paperwork without him wrapping himself around you? that's when you drop the council a message and beg them to do something with him. anything.
m - marriage. do they wanna get married?
initially, obi-wan isn't all that bothered by marriage. he doesn't need a ceremony or a wedding to prove either person's commitment - and he just kind of assumes that all those vows and promises are a given, regardless of whether you have a legal document to hold you to your word.
but, if you're still together after order 66, when he's on tatooine? he'd never be opposed to it. if it's important to you, he'll respect that.
n - nicknames. what ones do they like?
he likes when you call him obi, and for you, it's either my darling or my love
o - over the top. are they ever ott? or are they more low-key?
maybe in battle, but obi-wan generally relies on subtle & low-key gestures rather than massive displays of affection.
p - picture. what's their favourite picture of them and their s.o?
there's a selfie you took on your second or third date (idk if selfies exist in the star wars universe but...we move). he has his arm around you, and you're pressing a kiss to his cheek. it's so simple, but it means everything to him.
q - quintessential. what is one they would refuse to compromise in their relationship? what's a deal-breaker for them?
again - the dark side. even if he breaks the code to be with you, obi-wan is going to a dedicated jedi til the day he dies and it's something he holds in a regard as high as his love for you. so, he could never, ever be with someone who ever went against what he believed in, or someone susceptible to slipping.
but if he did see the person he loved turning to the dark-side? he'd do everything in his fucking power to stop it. he'd lose sleep and risk his life to help you, but once you're gone, that's it. if he couldn't save you before, he knows there'd be no chance once you'd turned.
t - tattoo. would they ever get matching tattoos with their s.o, or a tattoo for them?
probably not a tattoo, but i don't think he'd be opposed to subtly engraving your initials on his lightsaber
u - understanding. how understanding are they? or are they a little difficult?
understanding KING. it doesn't matter what the issue is, he's gonna be there to listen and make you feel valid. even if you do something that irks him a little bit, he'd still have all the patience in the world.
v - vases. do they buy flowers?
all. the. time. sometimes for special occasions, sometimes just because
w - wandering. do they wanna travel? or immediately settle down?
before order 66, obi would love travelling with you, provided you both work in a similar field and he can make it look conspicuous. if it's after, he's not entirely enthusiastic about planet hopping when darth goddamn vader has it out for him, but he would absolutely love to settle down.
x - ex. how many exes do they have? any horror stories?
one word: satine.
y - you. favourite thing about their partner?
just...everything. he could never choose a favourite thing. he could say your eyes, and the way you sparkle when you laugh, but then he'd feel bad for forgetting your butt, and the little dimples in your hips, and the way your brow creases when your confused. see what i mean?
z - zeal. how excitable are they? who's the calm one?
he's definitely the calm one. he can be very enthusiastic in battle, but in other aspects of life, he has the chilled out aura of someone who has consumed a pound of the devil's lettuce
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the-canary · 5 years
Sugar, Sugar - B.B (1/2)
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Summary: Babe, you got a killer smile! And though you might have lost it along the the way, a certain photographer is trying to finally set that straight. (Modern!Reader/Bucky Barnes) 
Prompt:  “Me? I’m scared of everything! I’m scared of what I saw. I’m scared of what I did, of who I am. And most of all, I’m scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life…. the way I feel when I’m with you!”
A/N: This is for @interestedbystanderwrites writing challenge. Obviously someone watched Funny Face a few days back! This isn’t exactly like the movie. I took liberties here and there, but I hope you enjoy it either way. Second part will be out tomorrow, but it just got too long ;A;
“I think you would be perfect for it,” Sam yells through the large bookstore. He can see a puff of hair peeking through a stake near the back, “Your big comeback!”
“I don’t need a comeback, Sam,” a disgruntled voice answers back. A woman manages to find her way through the chaos of the bookstore, “I’m perfectly fine where I am.” 
Sam lets out a sigh before letting her win this round, but he knew better than that. He knew that she looked that the magazines stands from time to time. She wore her best most of the time and practiced with a book on top of her head whenever she was alone.
There was a lot of stuff that she missed, but she wouldn’t let herself accept it. There was still a strong hurt and loss that came with thinking about those days. So, instead Sam has to go about this another way. 
He has to have the magazine find her instead. He thinks as he goes back to fixing the mess is the little bookstore she tends to hide herself in.
Natasha at the horrible ad that she thought would be a good idea.  A last minute call of desperation after the last issue tanked in sales. But, it certainly wasn’t enough that she was fighting against digital media and instagram influencers nowadays. But the upscale and high end clothing and articles that once made the magazine a staple were now dragging them down, as minimalism and simple clothing choices were making a comeback. In her ten years as editor, she wasn’t quite so sure what to do.     
She had sent out the private call to all modeling agencies within the city and while they had brought in their best. Natasha just wasn’t quite so sure anymore, none of them sparked anything within them. 
However, she was also faced with another problem
“Turn to the left,” states a male voice in the back of the studio office that Nat was currently. It's followed by a light giggle, “Yeah, just like that.” 
Nat let out an annoyed sigh at the sight of her best photographer making the newest (failed) model pose for him. However, she couldn’t blame James for making them fall so easily. He loved beautiful things and was honest with what he told them. He made inner beauty shine with a smile and honest comment, something that you obviously didn’t find these days in New York. If only he could use that charm to find the perfect woman for their newest campaign.
She could only hope for a miracle.
That’s when Sam Wilson decides to burst through the door at that exact moment as well. 
“What are you doing here?” she can’t help but ask since he should be on assignment in Los Angeles. She frowns as the man keeps smiling, silent until he reaches her desk. 
“I think you would be happier to see me,” Sam pouted for a second before kissing Nat on the cheek, “Plus, I have the solution to all your problems.” 
“Really?” Nat can’t help the skeptical tone sipping into her voice in the end. 
Sam just grins as he proceeds to show her the location of a certain bookshop, all the while Bucky and the model watch afar.
It all starts under a pretense because while Natasha could easily send for someone to find the gal that Sam was talking about. This would be a sort of more “chance meeting” thing. 
Nat plays her part well enough. The overbearing editor that doesn’t let you put a word into the conversation, as she brings in her models and trashes the poor little bookstore for a failure of a photo shoot. She can’t help but grin when she sees you frown before they throw you out completely. 
She moves for a second, yelling at the model to move with her, and she catches Bucky watching move out of the room. He keeps glancing every now and then to where you are watching them from the glass display. 
Natasha didn’t expect that Bucky would be playing a part of this as well. She laughs and shakes her head before moving forward with the rest of her and Sam’s plan.
“Well, you sir, have a great lack of empathy,” the bookkeeper remarks. She watches this Bucky try to move about trying to fix them, “Is that what you think of all your models? Just good for nothing, airheads for your next meal.” 
“It’s not like they don’t know,” Bucky shrugs as he leans into the bookshelf, “It’s a mutual, beneficiary relationship. What you want sometimes gets in the way of what you really need, so you have to make compromises.” 
Bucky can’t help but chuckle a little at the look of horror on her face and as he leans in to kiss her --like he would do with any other angry model-- only to be met with a book smacking his lips. 
Bucky laughs at the memory as he waits for the film to develop. Yes, most of the photo shoot had been done with a digital camera, but there was somethings that could only be captured with older cameras and film. However, through all went down a few days ago, he isn’t sure why he keeps going through that one moment over and over again. 
He figures it out a little later, as he stares at the picture that he had taken of the store owner. Her face quirked with anger, but there is a fire there that Bucky was sure he had never seen before. 
“She would be perfect,” he remarks to himself, before running out the room and going to find Natasha.
However, neither Natasha nor Bucky know how to get her there after their disastrous interactions with her. But, they don’t know of two things since they had left: 
One was that the idea and memories hadn’t left the bookstore owner since they had  destroyed her little shop. 
“I just can’t believe it,” she keeps going on and on, while cleaning. Sam gives a little shake of his head, “More than a decade and nothing has changed.” 
The second one was that of Sam Wilson--
“Why don’t you show them then?” he can’t help but ask with a sly smile. She pauses and looks at him agasp for a moment before looking around her still in disrepair shop.
“You’ll get to put it in their face,” Sam keeps on explains as she gets closer to him, “And you get some money for the shop and yourself.” 
“Do you really think I could do it all over again?” she asks a bit lost and confused. Sam and her had only been children on the cusp of fame when they met, but the choices of their caretakers and guardians led them on different paths. She was still feeling the aftermath, as she frowns. 
“You know how the game is played,” Sam answers back, “I’m sure you got the heads up against the rest of those girls they are looking for their new photo shoot.” 
“New photo shoot?” 
 --and how he knows how to work miracles, as he leads her into their corporate office early next week.
“Come on, Sugar,” you remember an editor from back in your younger days, “Smile more!” 
You also remember getting pushed into the back after almost punching the man.
However, right off the start, you can tell that there is something different about Natasha. Even though she only seems a few years older than you, there is something that commands everyone to look at her when she enters the room. She certainly demands everyone’s respect at the same time, but the red-head also knows when to step back as well.
“There clothes were made for you,” she declares while pulling on the blouse you are currently wearing, “Show us anything and everything you have, Ms. Modern.” 
She spins you around and though you frown for a second, Natasha never reprimands you or says anything about. It’s scary and relieving at the same time that you can’t help but smile and laugh a little.
However, Bucky --as he liked to be called instead of James-- is a different story. As you arrive to London for the central part of the photo shoot, Bucky is running and showing you pictures of where he wants to take you and how you’re going to be dressed. Slowly but surely, each becomes a little story of their own. 
That’s what leads to the two of you sitting on a couch in the lobby of the hotel that you are currently staying in. Between getting fitted and Bucky dragging you around to prospect locations, there wasn’t much time for you to enjoy the sights and sounds of the city you hadn’t been in quite some time. 
“So, a jilted lover,” you breathe out watching Bucky connect an old train station with a dark dress, “Is that what you think of as modern?” 
“Update the story and it can be,” he answers back as you keep growing.  Bucky thinks for a moment, playing with his camera before he starts talking once more. 
“If there isn’t a story there,” he turns to look at you with those bright blues of his,  “How are you going to react?” 
“What do you mean?” you asks, pretending not to know what he means. But, in actuality, you had done it a million times before -- pretended and delved into stories to escape your current reality. Maybe, Bucky knew that too, maybe he did it all the time as well. 
“Pictures aren’t just things to be taken,” he responses with a crooked smile, like he knows he’s caught you in a lie, “There stories people want to lose themselves in. To be part of a fantasy for a little while or remember something they once had. But, pictures always say something.”    
“You think about this a lot, don’t you?”  
“I love doing this,” Bucky lets out with an awkward chuckle, “Why would I ever stop thinking about how to improve myself or my craft?” 
“You’re an awful workaholic, Bucky Barnes,” you let out with laugh that Bucky ends up thinking about for a long time afterwards.
Natasha wonders if she is the first one to notice it -- the longing stares and late night talks. It wasn’t the first time that Bucky had fallen for a model or visa-versa, but something felt different about this time around. 
A jilted lover near Central London. Dancing in a yellow dress with balloons near Big Ben. Crying in a white satin blouse and dark pants in a closed off train station. 
It’s too good to be true, Nat can’t help but think as she watches the next section of the photo shoot near a certain famous foundation not that far away from Westminster. She smiling like she owns the world and Bucky looks like he’s ready to give to her.  
“Sugar--” he starts off, though she isn’t glaring at him as hard this time over the nickname. Though, she stops him before he says anything else. 
“Pretend he’s Prince Charming, right?” she answers back while looking at the dove, while wearing a pretty satin dress, “Kiss him to make him fall in love with me.” 
Bucky can’t help but laugh as he starts taking photos again. Nat can’t help but shake her head at the lovey-dovey aura in the air, though hoping that it really was too good to be true.
But, there are things that aren't supposed to last forever -- you and Bucky both know this. 
There’s glance and giggle from a model that seemed to know Bucky a little too well from before. There’s you spending a little too much time in the cafe downstairs talking about philosophers and old tragedies with the blue-eyed barista than Bucky felt comfortable with. 
They were old fears, but neither of you could voice them out properly. Thus, it ended up in a screaming match on the night before you were supposed case the fruits of your labor. Everyone that was anyone in the fashion world was going to be there. 
“I’m sorry if I feel empathy for others and liking talking about books,” you run off, pushing clothes here and there from your bed, “Some people enjoy taking the time--”
Bucky isn’t sure why, but at the thought of you sharing those thoughts with someone else. He breaks. 
“At least, she isn’t dried up and bitter!” Bucky yells back before he can even think about. 
You stare at him with wide eyes, as Bucky realize what he has said. He tries to get closer, but you’re already pushing him out. 
You scream it like you’ve burned yourself in the worst possible way before shutting the door on him. Bucky just stands there unsure of what to do and how to take it all back. 
Bucky tries his hardest to be professional with a whole in his heart and an empty stomach. And though he knows that he has done worse, made people suffer more than he had with you -- this was some of the worst pain that he had left in a long time -- and all for what?
Petty jealous and being afraid that you could and would leave me. 
Bucky knew who you were from the very beginning (how wouldn’t remember your rise and fall?), but he denied that anything would come of knowing you. Now, look at him -- utterly and completely in love of a star in the making once more.
He could try to be professional. 
“Where the hell is she, Barnes?” Nat questions him as soon as he enters the salon. By the look of his face, her question quickly turns into: “What the hell did you do, James?” 
They look around everywhere. 
But, you’re nowhere to be found. 
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chiseler · 5 years
Larry Cohen Isn’t Alive
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Writer, producer and director Larry Cohen, who died on March 24th at age 77, rightfully earned his spot among the Pantheon of low-budget independent American filmmakers.
Like so many great satirists before him, Cohen had a knack for using a good story, off-beat characters, misdirection, humor, and monsters to disguise some pointed commentary about the most sacred of our sacred cows: childbirth, religion, cops, race, the military, AIDS, health care, and consumerism. And he always did it in a hugely entertaining way, squeezing the very most out of tiny budgets, small, fleet-footed crews, and simple guerilla tactics.
The artist responsible for Q: The Winged Serpent, God Told Me To, and the It’s Alive! films was a maverick, an independent’s independent, who wasn’t afraid to put a wild story on the screen and populate it with oddball characters (that Michael Moriarty would become his standard lead in four films in the ‘80s says something). If Cohen owed a lot to Sam Fuller and Roger Corman, then most indie directors who’ve come along since owe a lot to him, and the evidence is right there in their films.
Even when he was making low-budget monster pictures, Cohen’s films were always character-driven, so when it came to casting even the smallest part he was looking for people with interesting voices, faces, and personalities. He populated his films, in short, with the modern equivalent of Forties character actors. It’s no surprise that he would so often choose to work with like-minded maverick young actors like Moriarty, David Carradine, Karen Black, Sandy Dennis, Candy Clark, even Andy Kaufman. At the same time, though, Cohen also went back to those old films, hiring great character actors like Sam Levine, Broderick Crawford, and Sylvia Sidney.  With casts like that together on the screen (many of them there simply because they wanted to work with Cohen) it’s sometimes easy to forget you’re watching a horror movie.
It seems Cohen was born with a little too much energy. Years before getting his degree in film from the City College of New York, he was already selling scripts to television. In the short years following his graduation in ‘63, he was creating shows that would go on to become classics, like Branded and The invaders. Hearing it now, he almost sounds like the kind of guy you’d like to punch.
After ten prolific years as a television writer, Cohen finally made the expected jump into film directing. But Cohen didn’t go to Hollywood to do this, and lord knows he didn’t aim for the mainstream. Although considered a blaxploitation picture today for some reason, Cohen’s directorial debut, 1972’s Bone, begins like a standard home invasion film a la The Desperate Hours or Five Minutes to Live, as would-be burglar Yaphet Kotto  takes a wealthy white man and his wife hostage in their palatial home. When he sends the husband out to get money, though, the crime film becomes a social satire about both race relations and the generation gap. The wife begins to fall for her kidnapper, and the husband starts falling for a young hippie chick he meets on the way to the bank. In later films, Cohen would mix and match genres in a way that hadn’t been seen since the W. Lee Wilder wierdies of the Fifties.
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His next two films were both fairly straightforward blaxploitation numbers, and both Black Caesar and Hell Up in Harlem would become  genre standbys.
It was in 1974 that what is considered Cohen’s golden era would begin. Between ‘74 and the early ‘90s, Cohen was writing and directing the films he wanted to make. They were films that were completely his own, more than a little odd at times, and utterly memorable. For a career that lasted over half a century, having a Golden Era that ran nearly twenty years ain’t too shabby.
Switching from blaxploitation to horror, Cohen made It’s Alive! starring the great John P. Ryan. On the surface it’s a horror film about a killer baby. It’s also a conspiracy film about some nefarious shenanigans at a large pharmaceutical company, and a social commentary about the power of the press to destroy innocent lives. At it’s heart, though, it takes The Bad Seed a step further in exploring our deep fear of children and the screaming bloody horror of that most beautiful of miracles, childbirth.
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Using the power of suggestion and some fantastic performances (many of the actors here would become members of Cohen’s stock troupe), coupled with some solid direction, clever cinematography, Rick Baker’s special effects, a Bernard Herrmann score and one of the most effective trailers of the Seventies, this low budget killer baby film caught a lot of people off guard. It was smarter and slicker than anyone would’ve expected given the budget, and was a big hit for Cohen.
After that success he came back two years later with a film that was even stranger, more complex, and much harder to categorize. Trying not to give too much away here for those who haven’t seen it yet, God Told Me To stars Tony Lo Bianco as a New York cop who’s never been sick, feels he has some strange powers, and whose early biography remains a little up in the air. As the film opens, he’s  investigating a series of seemingly inexplicable and unrelated rampage killings. A soft spoken gay man climbs atop a building with a high powered rifle and begins shooting. A cop (Andy Kaufman in his big screen debut) shoots up the st. Patrick’s Day parade. A man slaughters his family for no apparent reason. The only explanation any of them can give is that, yes, god told them to. Well, his investigation leads down some strange channels, including stories of  an alien abduction, a secret cabal of wealthy  executives, and reports of a glowing figure who had contact with all the killers and who may or may not be god incarnate. In short it’s a film that asks the eternal question, “What if Jesus was a Venusian?” It may also be the best film Cohen ever made.
Although the film looks great (and brings together a remarkable cast), it represents a perfect example of the guerilla filmmaking Cohen would come to be known for. All the location shots, from the parade to the subway to the shooting of half a dozen people outside Bloomingdale’s were stolen. Cohen saw where he wanted to shoot, set up his crew, and shot. If he were to try doing that today there would likely be casualties, but because he did it then he captured a portrait of a city long gone.
On the downside, in his excitement  to grab shots of actual events as they were happening, one sequence finds Lo Bianco racing from the st. Patrick’s day parade in March and ending up some 70 blocks to the south  at the San Gennaro festival on the Lower East Side in September. It was a hell of a run.
The film was picked up by Corman’s distribution company, New World. Before releasing it, they decided that title of his was too long and too complicated, so needed to be changed. They decided to call it The Demon, and changed the font on the poster to match the font used recently on the posters for the incredibly popular The Omen. It didn’t seem to help. Whether it was the title or audiences were merely baffled by the film itself it’s hard to say, but it was a definite step down from the success of It’s Alive. Still, in subsequent years it has become one of the most popular of Cohen’s films, and in terms of influence, well, all you need to do is watch the last few seasons of the X Files to see for yourself if anyone was paying attention.
Following God Told Me To, Cohen took a radical turn in more ways than one. After making three blaxploitation films and two sci-fi horror movies, he took the next logical step down the genre trail by making, yes, a J. Edgar Hoover biopic.
A clear though uncredited influence on the 2011 Leonardo DiCaprio Hoover picture, 1977’s The Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover makes for an intriguing double bill with another AIP film from around roughly the same time, John Milius’ Dillinger. It stars screen legend Broderick Crawford in a brilliant turn as the enigmatic and all-powerful head of the FBI, and co-stars a slew of famed character actors, from Lloyd Nolan and June Havoc to Howard DaSilva and Rip Torn.
Couching the story of Hoover’s life within the frantic scramble across Washington to gain access to his titular secret files after his death, Cohen does something I don’t think anyone was expecting. In spite of Hoover’s reputation as a neurotic, paranoid, cross-dressing monster, Cohen treats him fairly, even sympathetically at times. There’s no real secret about his sexuality here, but it’s never made cartoonish. It’s a portrait of a deeply flawed man and a publicity whore, yes, but one who was trying to do right. Oddly enough the historical figures who get slapped around more than anyone here are the Kennedy brothers, who come off like a couple of smug rich, asshole college boys. Martin Luther King doesn’t get off too easy, either.
It’s an odd man out in Cohen’s filmography, but what the Hoover film proved without a doubt is that he was a director who knew pacing, who knew editing, and who could, even without monsters, turn material like this into a gripping story.
Good as it was, The Private Files wasn’t a big hit either, so Cohen returned to killer babies  in ‘78 with It Lives Again. Not interested in simply rehashing the same material, Cohen expanded the original story, broadening the idea of a conspiracy (conspiracies would play a larger and larger role in Cohen’s films), and multiplying the number of killer babies afoot.
As more and more mutant babies are born throughout America, a renegade group of scientists and parents (including John P. Ryan and expecting father Frederic Forrest) criss-crosses the country trying to save the mutants before the government can terminate them with extreme prejudice. The hope is to be able to raise the mutants in a reasonably loving environment, rehabilitating them and making them contributing members of society. Let’s just say their success is limited.
The later ‘70s and early ‘80s were kind of rough for Cohen. His teen horror comedy Full Moon High bombed, and a made-for-TV mystery was ignored. He planned to resurrect Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer character in a film version of I, The Jury starring Armand Assante, but after a major studio picked up the project, they promptly fired Cohen.
Knowing he had to get right back on his feet, Cohen had a new independent film in production within a week. He started grabbing some location shots around New York before he had a cast, and started filming before he had any backing. Still, he was able to wrangle together another great (in B film terms) cast, and he had a fantastic story to tell, even if it owed a bit to 1948’s The Flying Serpent. He had some more wonderful characters, he had a monster, and once again all of New York was his playground. Samuel Z. Arkoff, who’d just sold AIP, fronted him a little cash and they were off.
Cohen’s mixing and matching of genres was never more evident than it was in ‘82’s Q The Winged Serpent. It’s a bungled jewel heist/cult murder/police procedural/giant monster picture with Michael Moriarty as an ex-con and failed jazz pianist who’s forced to participate in a heist that goes very, very wrong. He’s a neurotic to begin with, and this doesn’t help. David Carradine, meanwhile (who filmed his first scene before he’d had a chance to read the script or find out who his character was), is a detective investigating a series of murders in which the victims have all been skinned alive. And then there’s that pesky Aztec god who keeps flying around New York plucking people off rooftops and construction sites.
They all eventually do come together inside the cone atop the Chrysler Building (it was actually filmed up there too, even though Cohen and his crew didn’t exactly have permission). Before all these storylines and genres come together, Cohen has us so wrapped up in these individual character’s )and the countless little stories and side characters we encounter along the way) that the monster barely matters, save for providing some of the best aerial shots ever taken of NYC.
It’s a film packed with great small bits, set pieces, and locations. And Moriarty, crazy and pathetic and fucked up as he is, is a gem. In one of the best (and mostly ad libbed) scenes in the film, he attempts to negotiate a deal with city officials and the cops. He knows where the creature’s nest can be found, and wants money and amnesty in exchange for the information. It’s a real tour-de-force of sniveling bravado and desperation.
Cohen had more stories to tell about the making of Q than any of his other films (and he was a man with a lot of stories). The final joke of it all being that Q opened the same day as I, the Jury and made four times as much money.
It occurs to me that any young would-be indie filmmaker would be better served by watching the film and listening to his commentary than anything they’d learn after 3 years of NYU film school. He knew how to work fast and work cheap, yet still come away with a film whose production values matched anything being produced in Hollywood.
Cohen was back on a roll after Q, and even when he wasn’t working on a film himself he was selling  scripts that had that unmistakable Larry Cohen feel to them. The William Lustig-directed Maniac Cop and Uncle Sam come to mind as prime examples, though Abel Ferrara dropped the ball, and dropped it hard, on Cohen’s reboot of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. It’s a film I keep trying to like, but just can’t. Cohen’s understanding of character is something Ferrara’s never been able to grasp. It had so much going for it, it should’ve been so good, but Christ it’s just a tedious fucking mess. Okay, I’m starting to ramble.
After making a few straightforward thrillers, Cohen returned to horror and social satire in 1985’s The Stuff. There had been elements of social satire and commentary in his previous films, but usually so well disguised it was easy to miss. Michael Moriarty’s gift for the ad lib and his ability to play crazy and manic so brilliantly allowed Cohen, in their second film together, to slap the satire right there on the surface, plain as day.
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When a thick white goo coms bubbling out of the ground at a mining operation in Georgia, one of the miners unwittingly discovers it’s not only delicious—it’s downright irresistible. Before you know it, “The Stuff,” as it’s marketed, has become the most popular dessert item in the country, helped along by a celebrity-laden ad campaign (though many of the celebrities may no longer be recognizable to most audiences) and the small fact that it’s five times as addictive as crack. Yes, it’s mighty good right up to the point when it makes you explode. But no one talks about that.
Moriarty plays an ex-FBI man turned industrial spy who’s been hired by a now-struggling ice cream company to find out what’s in The Stuff. What Begins as a simple bit of industrial espionage quickly becomes much more than that when people start dying, small towns start vanishing, an ex-FDA employee (Danny Aiello in a smart and funny cameo) is killed by his stuff-addicted Doberman, and Moriarty uncovers a sinister, far-reaching conspiracy.
Along the way he’s assisted by Garrett Morris as a Famous Amos clone who’s cookie company was stolen from him, a young boy who realizes there’s something evil going on with The stuff, and  Paul Sorvino as an insane and paranoid militia leader/radio show host who’s more than willing to spread the word and lead a commando raid on the stuff factory.
There are nods throughout the film to everything from Dr. Strangelove to White Heat, but the one film that kept coming to mind was Halloween III: Season of the Witch from three years earlier. Both, after all, are horror conspiracy films concerning the potentially diabolical threat posed by marketing and consumerism. The ironic thing there is that when Halloween III came out in ‘82, I assumed given the way the story was structured that it had to be a Cohen film, or at least based on a Cohen script. I was wrong, of course; the film had been written by the equally great Nigel Kneale. So it only made sense that here we got Cohen’s version of a similar storyline. While Halloween III was very sharp and dark, The Stuff reaches for some broad, heavy handed laughs and often falls short. Maybe Cohen figured if you wanted to reach an audience in the Reagan era with a dire warning about rampant consumerism, subtlety would get you nowhere.  The film does have a number of moments, though, and I love the fact that the “monster” here is a smooth, white, featureless dessert. I also love the fact that a paranoid Right Wing nutjob saves the day in the end.
Two years after The Stuff, Warner Brothers offered Coen a deal to direct two straight-to-video pictures: a second  sequel to It’s Alive, and a sequel to Tobe Hooper’s TV version of Stephen King’s Salem’s Lot. Cohen, anxious to work with Moriarty again and push the story of the mutant babies a little further, signed the contract.
Working fast and cheap as ever (he said all of his films were shot in 18 days), Cohen returned to form with It’s Alive III: Island of the Alive, with one difference. While the previous two films had been stark and ultimately quite grim, with Moriarty aboard Cohen was able to bring out a lot more humor.  Mixed more evenly with the violence, the blood, a half-hidden AIDS parable,  and Cohen’s trademark strangeness, here it works more effectively than it had in The Stuff or his straight comedies.
This time around, Moriarty is a struggling actor who finally gains fame after he and his wife (Karen Black) become the proud parents of another monster baby. That’s pretty much it for the marriage, but instead of destroying the baby, a judge orders that all the mutant babies be sent to, yes, an island where they can roam free and pose no threat to anyone.
Moriarty’s life, meanwhile, collapses under the constant questions and accusations until he finds himself working in a children’s shoe store. In a delightful set piece, he finally cracks and gives the what-for to all the rotten little brats and their obnoxious parents. There’s just something both terrifying and hilarious about Moriarty when he loses it.
Anyway, he joins a government-sponsored expedition to the island to study the mutants and run a few tests. Along the way, we learn the government has stopped trying to destroy the mutants after deciding instead they represent a new stage of human evolution, quite possibly a form of human who could survive a nuclear war. Moriarty, who loves his child and wants to protect it, tries to warn the babies to stay away from the researchers, which does not endear him to the researchers. No matter, it isn’t long before all the members of the expedition are dead save for Moriarty, who finds himself alone on a boat with four mutant babies. And that’s when things start taking any number of strange turns.
Island of the Alive is also marked by a fantastic opening sequence, in which a woman gives birth in the back of an NYC cab as the cab driver panics about the mess. Or maybe that scene’s just memorable to me because it was shot in an alley behind the building where I used to work.
After the film was wrapped, Cohen packed up his crew and several members of the cast and flew to a small town in Vermont to start shooting the Salem’s Lot sequel, a sequel in name and font alone. Compared with Island of the Alive, A Return to Salems Lot seemed almost an afterthought. Maybe people were just tired after the previous shoot, but the cinematography has all the flat earmarks of a TV film, and the music, usually so rich in a Cohen picture, has been reduced to a cheap, cliched electronic score. Even the actors, apart from Cohen’s usual suspects (like Andrew Duggan), are abrasive at best.
Story’s still good, though. In their fourth and final collaboration, Moriarty is a famed anthropologist whose ex-wife saddles him with his troubled and foul-mouthed teenage son. Not knowing what else to do with the kid, he takes him to Salem’s Lot. Moriarty had visited an aunt there once when he was young, and when she died she left him her (now decrepit) house. It doesn’t take long to figure out the town is home to a colony of vampires.
Cohen’s script plays around quite a bit with the mythology, with the anthropologist being conscripted to write the vampires’ history to set the record straight, but the film is memorable for one reason. Sam Fuller appears for the second half of the film playing, well, Sam Fuller. He’s given a different name of course, and he’s playing a Van Helsing-type vampire hunter, but it’s Sam Fuller all right, as short, gruff, and straightforward as ever, and always chomping on that ever-present cigar. Cohen’s homage to the king of independent filmmakers is the only thing here that lifts the picture above second-tier Cohen fare (which is nevertheless still more interesting than most vampire films made in the last 20 years).
Cohen went on to make another straight thriller and a comedy about witches that turned out to be Bette Davis’ last film before returning to the horror, conspiracies, and New York that always brought out the best in him. It would be the last of the classic Larry Cohen films.
In 1990’s The Ambulance, Eric Roberts plays an enthusiastic young comic book artist working for Marvel (Stan Lee has a few cameos as himself) who sees a young woman on the street and falls immediately and stupidly in love with her. When she collapses to the pavement while they’re talking and an antique ambulance appears out of nowhere to whisk her away, he sets out to find her without even knowing her name.
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It sounds like fairly standard romantic comedy material and there’s no denying that’s at play here, but as usual there are a few other genres at work, too, as we learn the drivers of that creepy antique ambulance are making their own victims all over the city.  It’s best to leave the story there and not mention the organ harvesting ring, but the film does include James Earl Jones, Eric Braedon, and a grainy, dirty, street level Manhattan that, even circa 1990, still seems so ancient and alive.
Moving into the later ‘90s and 2000s, as films like his were no longer really viable in a marketplace so fixated on formula and empty pointless characters, Cohen concentrated more on his screenplays, but even if the stories had that old Cohen spark and warp, the films that were made from them tended to be sadly conventional. He was behind Phone Booth, Cellular, Messages Deleted, Captivity, and rewrote his own script for the reboot of It’s Alive.  
He once made the excellent point that B films tended to have a longer lifespan than A films, because it’s the genre pictures that find a new audience every generation. Kids have no idea who Robert Taylor or Greer Garson are anymore, but they will always know Karloff and Lugosi, because people will always be going back to horror films while the big dramas, so important at the time, will fade away.
Cohen made films that weren’t like anything else (except maybe Halloween III). They weren’t aimed at teenagers and they weren’t slasher pictures. They were intelligent, textured, character-based, and they dealt with adult themes. Plus they had monsters in them.
Cohen’s career, as noted above, spanned some fifty years, and fifty years from now, I can almost guarantee no one will remember Titanic or whatever the hell nonsense won a Best Picture Oscar over the past two decades, but they’ll still be watching God Told Me To.
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At the time of his death, Cohen left behind dozens of unproduced screenplays. If anyone had seen fit to toss him the funding to make the films he wanted to make, who knows what else he might have left us?
by Jim Knipfel
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mistressstrange · 5 years
I was tagged by @doobler which is a real honor.
For some reason…. V and K are missing……(Yep, still missing.)
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs!
A - age: 28
B - birthplace: Paget, Bermuda
C - current time: Bed time
D - drink you last had: Orange juice
E - easiest person to talk to: my sister
F - favourite song: QUEEN
G - grossest memory: uh....dropping a shovel and getting splashed by manure water.
H - horror yes or horror no: NO! My sister has to watch R movies first and tell me if I could handle it.
I - in love: Not romantically.
J - jealous of people: On occasion
L - love at first sight or should i walk by again: Depends on the love. My horse I saw across the field and knew he was for me.
M - middle name: Ann.
N - number of siblings: One.
O - one wish: WORLD PEACE
P - person you last called: A colleague.
Q - question you’re always asked: How is work?
R - reading anything right now?: Fool Moon by Jim Butcher
S - song you last sang: Hurt by Johnny Cash
T - time you woke up: 5:30am everyday.
U - underwear color: Pink
W - when was the last time you really laughed: Earlier today after hearing my mother ad 48 and 12 to get 50.
X - x-rays: My teeth every few years and my chest once in a check for pneumonia. 
Y - your favorite food: Drink: Thai Tea / Food: Cheesecake
Z - zodiac sign: ~~~Virgo~~~
And as for tagging I hereby tag ALL OF MY FOLLOWERS!  (There are more than ten I swear.
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writer-or-whatever · 6 years
i was tagged by @queenofalotofdifferentworlds (thanks pal :))
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag ten blogs.
a - age: 18
b - birthplace: north dakota, usa
c - current time: 3: 35 pm
d - drink you last had: mellow yellow
e - easiest person to talk to: one of my four best friends (one of which is @theericchan who lives way too damn far awayyyy)
f - favorite songs: oof, it changes a lot, but it’s probably lemon boy by cavetown or witches by good kid
g - grossest memory: oh boy, well maybe the time i ate bugs in my ap human geography class in ninth grade or the time i fell off my bike when i was eleven and got gravel embedded in my knee
h - horror yes or horror no: i love horror but not anything that is demonic possession (likely because i was raised christian and so, while the rest of the religion didn’t really stick, the belief in demons and satan did so...), but even that’s not a hard and fast rule (i won’t watch movies like the conjuring but there’s possession in supernatural and that doesn’t bother me)
i - in love: not romantically but there’s so much platonic love. 
j - jealous of people: not really jealous, but sometimes i see qualities in other people that make me want to be better in those areas 
l - love at first sight or should i walk by again: absolutely not love at first sight, at least not for me. love requires approximately a thousand years of deep and meaningful friendship first
m - middle name: rose, which is what i go by
n - number of siblings: six
o - one wish: my unrealistic wish is to be magically cured of major depressive disorder but my realistic wish is to become a professional author, i think
p - person you last called: my dad
q - questions you’re always asked: what are you going to do with an english degree if you’re not going to teach?
s - song you last sang: dance to this by troye sivan and ariana grande
t - time you woke up: 12:25 
u - underwear color: ummmm, i’m not wearing any; i really need to do laundry
v - vacation destination: i really want to go, well, everywhere, but europe, especially the netherlands, and also the 23 us states i haven’t been to yet, and probably canada
w - worst habit: i tend to not open up very easily, which is probably more of a character flaw than a habit, so probably texting like one thousand texts at a time (like double texting but infinitely worse)
x - x-rays: i’ve had so many x-rays and i’ve been to the emergency room more times than the number of years i’ve been alive
y - your favorite food: pineapple 
z - zodiac sign: aries 
@waterandsilver @nicefacepotter @itsdraco @asofterdraco @theericchan
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brokenbloodlinesrp · 6 years
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                                         🎅 secret santa 🎅
Seres sobrenaturales, intuimos que ya han escuchado acerca la actividad llamada Santa Secreto. Por ello deseamos incluirla una vez más en esta época del año. ¡Esperamos que se diviertan! Si tienen dudas, pueden comunicarse al ask o chat del main.
¿De qué va esta actividad?
El Santa Secreto consistirá en el envío de mensajes forma anónima a una persona designada para conocer más de ella.
Los participantes, o santas, deberán enviar al menos un mensaje diario a la persona que les tocó. Pueden preguntar por sus intereses, sus personajes en broken, su vida en el rol, sus gustos, disgustos, etc.
Sin embargo, no pueden preguntar aspectos personales. Nos referimos a develar su nombre de algún modo. Nos regimos bajo un seudónimo para la seguridad de nuestros usuarios.
Deberán abrir sus anónimos durante los días de actividad, al igual que activar el submit. No obstante, si existen inconvenientes, les pedimos que nos avisen de inmediato al main.
El último día de la actividad la identidad de los santas secretos serán reveladas, acompañadas de un gráfico hecho por ustedes acerca del personaje que rolea el usuario. Ejemplo: Kol es el santa secreto de Genevieve, el último día envía a su sumit un gráfico de Genevieve más un mensaje revelando que se trataba de él, el cual pueden enviar al submit de cada personaje o subir a su blog y etiquetarlos. Recuerden etiquetarlo como #brokenedits.
Estaremos enviando los mensajes de manera privada durante el día de mañana. A partir de recibir su nombre, pueden comenzar a enviar sus preguntas. 
Modo de envío: Este año hemos decidido implementar preguntas estructuras que pueden utilizar. Sin embargo, si alguien prefiere una interacción coloquial, puede hacerlo. La primera parte contiene preguntas para el usuario; mientras que la segunda parte son sobre tu personaje. 
¿Debo enviar desde el primer mensaje los ask sugeridos?
No, pueden presentarse primero si lo desean.
¿Es obligatorio utilizarlos? 
No, son para hacer más ameno y diferente esta versión. Pero pueden preguntar lo que deseen mientras cumpla lo mencionado anteriormente. 
               Actividad realizada del día 13 al 21 de diciembre. 
Preguntas sugeridas bajo read more.
Preguntas para el usuario. 
Playlist.  ( x )
1- Best/your fav playlist you have listened to so far?
2- Your favorite playlist soundtrack?
3- Fav sci-fi playlist?
4- Fav D&D/Actual Play playlist?
6- Playlist that makes you laugh the most?
7- Favorite horror/thriller playlist?
10- Which playlist do you listen to the most?
11- Have you listened to any YouTuber’s playlist? If so, who’s was it?
13- How many playlist do you have in your library?
15- Favorite playlist genre?
16- If you could magically travel to the world of one playlist, which one would it be and why?
17- If you had to be one playlist character for a week which one would you be and why?
18- (Random playlist Character) vs. (Other Random playlist Charactet): who would win in a fight?
21- Playlist you are currently listening to?
80′s movies ask. ( x )
bill and ted’s excellent adventure: are you more of an optimist or pessimist?
back to the future: which decade in the last century would you most have liked to live in?
the breakfast club: which high school stereotype do you fit into best?
ferris bueller’s day off: what’s your guilty pleasure?
the goonies: what was the last thing to make you laugh?
the outsiders: why is your best friend your best friend?
the lost boys: would you rather be immortal or objectively beautiful to everyone?
stand by me: why did you last go on a road trip?
pretty in pink: what’s your signature ‘look’?
drugstore cowboy: which historical figure most spikes your interest?
ghostbusters: where were you when you watched your favourite movie for the first time?
sixteen candles: at which age do you consider a person to be mature?
dirty dancing: where were you when you first heard your favourite song?
better off dead: why did you last laugh so hard it reduced you to tears?
heathers: did you apologise the last time you were unreasonably mean?
parenthood: is there anyone you’re not biologically related to that you consider ‘family’?
permanent record: where were you the last time you told someone you loved them?
st. elmo’s fire: what’s one piece advice you would give to someone two years younger than yourself?
dangerous liaisons: which language would you most like to learn?
rumble fish: who do you look to for guidance in times of need?
e.t.: what’s one ‘weird’ feature that you love about yourself?
young guns: what’s one style that you love on others, but would never try yourself?
oxford blues: why did you last pretend to be something you’re not?
dead poet’s society: the last time you made a decision that everyone around you told you not to make, how did it work out?
Ships. ( x )
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
V - Which character do you relate to most?
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
give me a character (from anything ever) in my ask and I’ll rate:
looks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY
can you relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me
would you date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady boyfriend/ girlfriend | neither | i don’t know
Give me 6 characters and I’ll tell you who i would: ( x )
Push off a cliff
Set on Fire
Wrap a Blanket around
Be Roommates with
Send me a fandom and i’ll tell you:
the character i least understand
interactions i enjoyed the most
the character who scares me the most
the character who is mostly like me
hottest looks character
one thing i dislike about my fave character
one thing i like about my hated character
a quote or scene that haunts me
a death that left me indifferent
a character i wish died but didn’t
Deep Red - I’m in love with you.
Red - I love you.
Pink - I think you’re cute.
Blue - You’re amazing.
Rose - You’re pretty
Purple - You’re hot.
Violet - I would date you.
Aqua - I could stay on your blog for hours.
Lavender - You are my tumblr crush.
Orange - I want to get to know you.
Tangerine - We have a lot in common.
Amber - I wish you would notice me.
Cream - I don’t talk to you but I really love your blog.
Anon or not, make me choose between (and i’ll gif it):
Show: _______ or ________ ?
Character: ________ or _________ ?
Pairing: _________ or _________ ?
Anything: ________ or _________ ?
Preguntas acerca de tu personaje:
Let’s try this
red: seven insecurities
orange: six fears
yellow: five turn ons
green: four life goals
blue: three fears
indigo: two weaknesses
violet: one thing you love
20 asks for  writers.
Some of these can also be used for canon muses. ( x )
When did you create your muse?
Where did you find inspiration for your muse?
Tell us something about the world/universe in which your muse lives.
What’s your favourite headcanon about your muse?
What’s something only very few people know about your muse?
Are there parts of your muse that resemble parts of yourself?
How many face claims do you have or have you had for your muse?
How did you choose the name for your muse?
If your muse could be a canon character in any fandom, which fandom would you choose?
Do you ship your muse with any canon characters?
Do you ship your muse with any other original characters?
Share a song that matches with your muse!
If your muse were the main character in a movie/book/show/game/…, what would it be called? What would it be about?
Do you have any NPCs for your muse’s world or story? If yes, can you tell us something about them?
Share a random headcanon about your muse!
Is your muse religious?
What is something about your muse’s background story that you’ve always wanted to have a thread about?
Give us one thing from your muse’s wishlist that you really want to write in a thread!
List some of your muse’s favourites! (eg. food, movie, book, song, drink, place, celeb, etc.)
This or that according to your muse: morning or evening? Marvel or DC? Mayonnaise or ketchup? Books or movies? Red or blue? Black or white? Halloween or Christmas?
For each   “ ��� “   I receive, my muse will tell you one thing about their ideal dream wedding
Headcanons: ( x )
✿: What is your muses favourite scent?
☼: What is your muses favourite kind of weather?
☤: Is your muse allergic to anything?
♫: Does your muse like music? What kind?
✉: What is something your muse would write about?
✈: How far has your muse travelled away from their home?
💕: Does your muse have any crushes?
★: What is your muse’s zodiac?
✞: Does your muse have an religious beliefs? What are they?
∞: Is there something about your muse that has been constant throughout their life?
✘: What are your muses pet peeves?
💲: What is your muse like with their money? What’s their financial situation?
⚽: What’s your muse’s favourite sport?
✔: What is your muse’s sexuality?
✋: Is your muse left or right handed?
👓: Does your muse need reading aids? Contacts or glasses?
🎒: What does your muse normally keep in their bag?
🚑: Does your muse have any disabilities/impairments?
👕: What is your muse’s fashion sense like?
🎲: Does your muse like to gamble?
🍕: What’s your muses favourite food?
🍸: Does your muse like to consume alcohol? What’s their favourite kind?
💉: Does your muse have a substance addiction? To what?
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cameronspecial · 6 years
Tag Game 4
Tagged By: @tessa-thompscn
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag ten blogs
A - Age: Shhh 
B - Birthplace: Toronto, Canada
C - Current time: 9:07 pm
D - Drink you last had: Water
E - Easiest person to talk to: One of my friends
F - Favorite songs: At the moment probably Valentine by 5 Seconds of Summer or Happier by Ed Sheeran
G - Grossest memory: It’s so gross that I don’t want to tell you guys
H - Horror yes or horror no: I am a strange person, I don’t watch horror movies, but I am said to have a sort of scary taste in TV shows. IDK if that makes any sense
I - In love: I am not in love, but I think I might be heartbroken
J - Jealous of people: Sometimes I get jealous of people, but like to a certain degree. I won’t do anything about it, but I think. I think everyone gets jealous.
K - ???: 
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L - Love at first sight or should I walk by again: Runaway in the opposite direction because I am scared of people loving me
M - Middle name: Amélie, 
N - Number of siblings: 1
O - One wish: I wish that I’ll become an actress or that I’ll be able to be a director. 
P - Person you last called: My friend
Q - Question you’re always asked: “Are you okay”
S - Song you last sang: Guys My Age by Hey Violet
T - Time you woke up: I think around 9, but I normally wake up 5:30 a.m.
U - Underwear colour: Blue
V - Vacation destination: Greece or Australia 
W - Worst habit: I have these really bad mood swings and that causes me to act childish
X - X-rays: Only for my teeth
Y - Your favourite food: Cheeseburgers
Z - Zodiac sign: Cancer
Tagging: @thequeensardine @marvelstuffsblog @hollandroos @starksparker @zendayacolemen @spidereyhes @starksparker @gab-spidey @gottaletgopete @holland-ish
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elliewillicms · 6 years
Tagged by: @captainmrvels and @adventum-ad-astra tysm for tagging me I love both of your blogs💕sorry for responding so late I’ve been pretty inactive these past couple of days 
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag ten blogs
a - age: 16 
b - birthplace: US
c - current time: 11:10
d - drink you last had: Water
e - easiest person to talk to: Is it bad I can’t think of anyone :) 
f - favorite songs: 4 seasons,1999 WILDFIRE,Django Jane, Cranes in the Sky and i’m currently enjoying all of the songs on the Trench album rn I could go on but I sort of just scrolled through my albums and picked some of my favorites
g - grossest memory: I had to change some pretty nasty diapers before 
h - horror yes or horror no: I haven’t really watched horror movies but i’m not against them I just don’t find the plots of most interesting someone please recommend me some good ones :)
i - in love: nope 
j- jealous of people: I try not to be but yeah sometimes 
l - love at first sight or should I walk by again: Love at first sight is a cute concept but I find it very unrealistic for it to ever happen to at least me so it would be should I walk by again.
m - middle name: Keeley 
n: number of siblings: 4
o - one wish: For life to be easier not just for me it’s sucks how much people seem to struggle yet nothing is truly done to help solve this
p - person you last called: My mom
q - questions you’re always asked: When your ethnically ambiguous you always get “What are you” which is annoying and pretty offensive at times i’m fine with it sometimes as I’m okay to explain at times but it’s uncomfortable when people either don’t believe you or stare at you really hard trying to decipher my race before asking. Also I get a lot of questions about my curly hair. 
s - song you last sang: I went to a twenty one pilots and brockhampton concert last Wednesday and Friday so all of their songs
t - time you woke up: 6:30 am
u - underwear colour: black 
v - vacation destination: Japan
w - worst habit: I can’t make eye contact with people 
x - x-rays: I mean I have gotten x rays of my teeth but that’s pretty much it
y - your favorite food: Buffalo Cauliflower it sounds weird but it’s a vegetarian alternative of chicken wings and it’s amazing
z - zodiac sign: Scorpio
Tagging @bvckbarns @sunflowerkitten2 @lesbosuperior @sammacgarben @starksquill @hddlestn
I never tag 10 blogs but it’s okay 
Don’t feel obligated to do this I just thought to tag some wonderful blogs I recently followed!! 
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southpoles · 6 years
tagged by @matt4 :3 dis was fun ty I love talking about myself
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag ten blogs
a - age: 21 and a haff
b - birthplace: syracuse new york yeah get my natal chart
c - current time: 10:00 AM
d - drink you last had: water
e - easiest person to talk to: my sisters I just blabber so much nonsense irl lmao and they don’t judge
f - favorite songs: can I list all of the hollywood undead albums? jk I’ll list other music
10 James Orr Street - Strawberry switchblade / Angel Baby - Rosie and the originals / I could fall in love - Selena / Earth Angel - The Penguins / Daglar Daglar - Baris Manco / Dragoste din Tei - T.I.?? / Sick of it & Whispers in the dark by Skillet / Lets Groove and Boogie Wonderland by Earth wind and fire / Loverboy - Billy Ocean / Shooting star - David Rush / Undertale - Undertale (;-;) / Umbrella - Rihanna
g - grossest memory: I do lots of gross things but maybe the time where I actually felt gross from an experience was when I was holding up my baby sister at an angle that prompted her to throw up in my mouth and it smelled/tasted like rotten milk (AT LEAST !!)
h - horror yes or horror no: Yes love horror, but I can’t get myself to watch horror movies it has to be in a game or comic
i - in love: with my oc’s ....
j - jealous of people: yeah I get rlly jealous all the time
l - love at first sight or should i walk by again: I should walk by again lol
m - middle name: Nur
n - number of siblings: four younger
o - one wish: to have a LOVER
p - person you last called: my mama
q - questions you’re always asked: what is your major- it makes me SICK! IT MAKES ME SICK !
s - song you last sang: Live forever - hollywood undead just now :laughing crying emoji:
t - time you woke up: 4 am and 9 am and that;s a usual
u - underwear colour: I’m not gonna chgeck
v - vacation destination: monterey bay or washington state (SAN JUAN ISLANDS!) someday
w - worst habit: I use my phone too much in my bed and my fingers ache so much
x - x-rays: no..
y - your favorite food: right now it’s ice cream surpassing my fave food chocolate 
z - zodiac sign: taurus
I ain’t gonna tag no one bc I don’t want to be annoying
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johntenctzen · 5 years
lucas: do you think i’m a bad friend henry?
haechan: my name is haechan i-
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natasharomanovs · 6 years
here are 16 tag games i’ve been tagged in over the period of my last 3 urls oops. i wont be tagging anyone to do these so you can just do these if you want and tag me if you do!
thank you to everyone who’s tagged me <3
read more bec it’s gonna me long
@awstark & @delmars tagged me in this:
ten songs i’m into right now
Pork Soda - Glass Animals
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You - Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons
Love Of My Life - Queen
Stupid La Love Song - The Palms
High By The Beach - Modern Space
No Hands - Attica Riots
The Real Zombie - Fake Shark
Morph - Twenty One Pilots
Kamikazee - MISSIO
Wake Up - Fake Shark
@yeahbuckys & @rosssgeller tagged me in this:
name: jordan age: 19 country: new zealand favorite colour: burgundy when you made this blog: september 2017 (my old acc was like 2014 tho) follower count: 1,183 (thanku sm?!) choose a superhero power: telekinesis favourite drink: chocc milk or water a song you love right now: Famous Enough - Fake Shark dream career: teacher dream vacation: italy and france hogwarts house: slytherin favourite character/characters of the week: pepper potts how you like to keep your hair: low ponytail christmas or halloween: christmas because we don’t celebrate halloween here 
@lokis-dottir, @robdowneyjr, @hopesscott, @ltsfrankcastle & @delmars tagged me in this:
ten favorite characters of ten fandoms  this one was haaard
wanda maximoff - marvel
jake peralta - b99
papyrus - undertale
andy dwyer - parks and rec
tony stark - mcu
kelso - that 70′s show
psylocke - x-men
bat girl - dc
sebastian stan - marvel actors (i’m rlly running out i don’t have many fandoms f)
11th doctor (matt smith) - doctor who
@anthonyed tagged me in this:
describe yourself with only pictures you have. you cannot download or search any new pics. 
Tumblr media
@delmars​​ & @anthonyed​​​ tagged me in this:
1. are you named after anyone?
my two middle names (mary jane) are named after two passed relatives - one each for my mother and father
2. when was the last time you cried?
last friday when i had a slight breakdown oop
3. do you have kids?
i have a fur baby - his name is michael and he’s an asshole
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
constantly - it’s like my second language
5. what’s the first thing you notice about a person?
eye colour
6. what’s your eye color?
7. scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings ftw
8. any special talents?
9. where were you born?
south island, new zealand!
10. what are your hobbies?
editing, listening to music, baking
11. do you have any pets?
my son michael (cat), another cat called jessie and a staffy called buddha
12. what sports do you/have you played?
hockey, netball, rugby, cricket, badminton, tennis 
13. how y’all are you?
is this meant to be tall ? bec i have no idea
14. favorite subject in school?
my favourite subject when i was in highschool was art history but now that i’m in uni it’s summer break
15. what’s your dream job?
@ironmantrilogies​ tagged me in this:
relationship status: single
favorite colors: burgundy, purple, blue
lipstick or chapstick: chapstick
three favorite foods: sweet and sour chicken, pasta, chicken cow mein
song stuck in my head: Lover, Please Stay - Nothing But Thieves
last song i listened to: Hang Out All Night (Let The Old Record Play) - Fake Shark
last movie i watched: What We Do In The Shadows
time: 11:29am
top three shows: i don’t rlly watch tv but Daredevil, B99, Parks and Rec
books im currently reading: The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
last thing i googled: the cafeteria dining schedule HAHA
how many blankets do i sleep with: four - mum made me take all the others off oops
dream trip: Europe
anything you really want: to be a good teacher and to be happy
@captinsmarvels​ tagged me in this:
song playing in your head when you woke up:
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You - Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons
@msmar-vell tagged me in this:
a - age: 19
b - birthplace: South Island, New Zealand
c - current time: 11:33pm
d - drink you last had: milo
e - easiest person to talk to: everyone in mine and @ironarm‘s discord, along with @talkgreasytome. all my faves tbh
f - favourite songs: Pork Soda - Glass Animals
g - grossest memory: a night out that lead to the reason why i don’t drink vodka cruisers anymore
h - horror yes or horror no: horror *tentatively* yes
i - in love: with music and creating
j - jealous of people: sometimes
l - love at first sight or should i walk by again: walk by again
m - middle name: i have two - mary jane
n - number of siblings: one and he’s an asshole but i love him ig
o - one wish: to be content
p - person you last called: my irl friend because she’s coming home from uni today for the summer
q - questions you’re always asked: "wait, how old are you?” bec apparently i look older
s - song you last sang: No Hands - Attica Riots
t - time you woke up: 6:45 am then went back to bed
u - underwear colour: black
v - vacation destination: Europe
w - worst habit: not eating enough probs
x - x-rays: nope
y - your favourite food: pasta
z - zodiac sign: cancer leo cusp but a cancer primarily
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lostxsea · 6 years
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag ten blogs
i got tagged by my my boo bear, my homie, my bro, my amigo @casdroid. I miss your face. 
a - age: 21
b - birthplace: Pittsburgh, Pa
c - current time: 11:32pm
d - drink you last had: apple juice
e - easiest person to talk to: my dog (she counts.... does she count... she counts to me) 
f - favourite songs: Bohemian Rhapsody or Starman 
g - grossest memory: probably being sick on my 18th birthday with the flu (nothing like having to wash vomit out of your hair)
h - horror yes or no: yes, yes, yes (now i just need to find someone to watch horror movies with because none of my friends like them)
i - in love: i wish 
j - jealous of people: not really 
l - love at first sight at first sight or should I walk by again: love at first sight
m - middle name: Marie 
n - number of siblings: two older brothers
o - one wish: this is so hard to choose but i am just going to say to have a happy life 
p - person you last called: my mum 
q - questions you’re always asked: "do you have a boy in your life?” (no i’m single thanks for the reminder) “What’s your majors again?” (English with three minors)
s - song you last sang: Riptide Idk why 
t - time you woke up: 9 am 
u - underwear colour: black
v - vacation destination: LA, London, Galway, a French town, Rome (i want to go so many places) 
w - worst habit: doubting myself, biting my lip, clenching my teeth 
x - x-rays: hahahhaha, for my arm I have had at least 10 (within this year) so add on a broken finger, two broken ankles, a bad knee, two stress fractures in my foot, some ankle sprains and it becomes hard to keep track)
y - your favourite food: pizza pasta 
z - zodiac sign: Aquarius 
@themrillusiondragon, @bronasbroah, @theoneanna, @tamarapanda11
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twinkboimler · 6 years
Alphabet Meme
I was tagged by @ludi-ling!
A- Age? 19
B- Birthplace? Richmond, VA
C- Current time? 5:23 pm
D- Drink I last had? Ice water
E- Easiest person to talk to? Honestly, this one is probably tied with @taintedlovesoftcell and @sharptoothlavaman.  I love them both dearly, and I find that I can talk to them about practically anything.  
F- Favorite song? Jesus, this was probably the hardest question for me.  My favorite song is constantly changing, so really who knows with this one.  I’ve been listening to Postmodern Jukebox’s cover of Creep a LOT recently, so probably that.  
G- Grossest memory? Ugh, okay, this is also one of the grossest things I’ve done: I have a memory from when I was four or five, and it’s me picking up gum off the sidewalk and chewing it, because I guess my parents refused to buy some for me?  Yeah, I should have known better.  
H- Horror yes or horror no? It took me a while to get into it, but I’m a horror fan.  I HATE torture porn films though, and sadly a lot of horror movies involve a lot of torture and gore.  Can’t handle that.  I really enjoyed A Quiet Place and the new It movie.  
I- In love? Yeah, I seriously adore my boyfriend of ten months, Trevor.  He’s just a fantastic guy, and I’m really bad at keeping myself from bringing him up constantly.  
J- Jealous of people? I mean, maybe sometimes.  I think people are just naturally jealous now and then.  Nothing specific though.  
K- Knife preference? I have an old pocket knife that I’m a fan of.  My favorite knife of all time though?  Watch the sequel to the 1970s’ The Three Musketeers, there’s this super cheesy poison dagger that gets used, and I seriously love it. 
L- Love at first site? Hmm.  I’m gonna say I believe in infatuation at first site, but not love.  Love comes a bit later.  
M- Middle name? Kathleen
N- Number of siblings? Just one, a younger brother.
O- One wish? It would be fantastic if I could manage to write a screenplay someday that got turned into a movie.  Of course, that involves actually writing one first.  
P- Person I last called? My dad
Q- Questions I’m always asked? “How’s college” or some other iteration.
R- Reason to smile? I’m seeing Panic! at the Disco in August with my two best friends, so that’s got me excited.
S- Song I last sang? Thank You for the Music from Mamma Mia.  It’s just a really sweet song, and I enjoy singing it.  
T- Time I woke up? Noon, maybe 12:30.  I’m going to make sure that doesn’t happen again tomorrow, lol 
U- Underwear color? Pink and gray stripes
V- Vacation destination? I’d love to go somewhere where it snows. Most of the time, my vacation destination is Disney World, because I’m in state and we know a few people who live around the park, so no hotel fees.  
W- Worst habit? Procrastination, I think? 
X- X-Ray? A few months back, I was having a weird chest pain, and had one down at a walk-in clinic.  
Z- Zodiac? Aries
No idea why there wasn’t a Y.  
Tagging @thegreatestegg, @sharptoothlavaman, @taintedlovesoftcell, and @antspaul.  You don’t have to do it if you’re not interested, but it was fun to complete!  Anyone else is free to do this and say that I tagged them! 
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starspatter · 6 years
I think you should do ALL THE ASKS :D
WELL ALL RIGHT THENA - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.1) DCAU TimSteph2) ItsuHaru3) Logan x Diana Prince4) Itsuki Koizumi x Kyouya OotoriB - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.*looks at WonderWolf and SuperBats*C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.BatCat.  Even back when I wasn’t a fan of Batman I remember I read one DCAU comic involving Catwoman, and her character just didn’t appeal to me.D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.Any Kagepro ships tbh.  Idk I’m just not really invested in the romance of the series.  I prefer them all as friends/platonic.E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?Ahaha…  I’ve contributed a fair bit of Kagecrack through vids/posts, though I think my favorite are these BTAS crossover edits.Also Kyorange and Skitzo!Kyon for TMoHS.  (Plus the “genderbent cast is the previous generation” theory if that counts?)F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?Well I’ve been a Pokémon fan since elementary school.  While I no longer watch the show/play the games, I still follow the new generations and RP on occasion.G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?Eeyup.  While I don’t ship too often, when I do I ship HARD.  ItsuHaru was my first real “obsessive” OTP, but I think the honor for the *very* first ship I had goes to… Cody x Ken from Digimon S2, in a sense. *shot* ^^; Idk I was just really focused on the idea of them making up and becoming “friends”. XP Though I also shipped Ken with Kari too bc of the Dark Ocean stuff.  (Also Gary Oak x Molly Hale from Pokémon but that’s a whole other story. >.>; )H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?I’m still mostly a weeb so animu is my go-to, but I’ve been branching out to more Western stuff lately.  (Although when it comes to Kagepro the songs are still the best medium. =3=)I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?Steven Universe.  While I still love the show, hearing about all the toxicity in the fandom really turned me off so I just try to avoid it.J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)Again, Steven Universe.  Also Over the Garden Wall and Bojack Horseman (the former of which I still really recommend you see).K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?I’m also gonna say Sunset Shimmer from Equestria Girls.  She went from being a seemingly one-off villain to a fully redeemed good guy and leader in her own right.  Though she still has her insecurities, it lets her relate to and help others in the same situation to not let those feelings of inadequacy or jealousy overcome them.Also Midna from Twilight Princess.  Her change of heart from servicing her own needs to selfless sacrifice after observing how hard Link tried to save others mirrors my own feelings when I met Link in OoT/MM and watched him grow into a true hero, working to help both the people of Hyrule and Termina even when he had no obligation or was openly blamed for Ganon’s rise to power.L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)So I’m not a big fan of Dick Grayson in the DCAU (or any of his animated adaptations aside from Lego Batman; his YJ version being especially egregious) since I see him as rather childish and bad at dealing with conflict, but he’s admittedly a lot better in the tie-in comics, which give him some much needed development as Nightwing (whereas he barely got any screentime in TNBA).  There he acts as a genuine big brother to Tim, and is shown to not be as nearly as bitter at Bruce as the Old Wounds ep would have one believe.  I also like that they highlight Dick’s fondness for music, wherein his musical knowledge actually comes in handy to solve a couple cases.M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.All of the Mekakushi Dan, SOS Brigade, or Host Club tbhN - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).1) More Kagepro content in general2) More DCAU TimSteph 3) More ItsuHaru
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?Growing Up - Run River NorthDefinitely a Timmy Todd/TimSteph song now that I think about it.  Especially the lines “I found my way without your help, with a broken family” and “monsters in my head”. ;(P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).…Tbh I’m really liking the “Legion x Ouran” idea lately. XD *shot*Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.Hm…  I don’t think there are any I’ve really “abandoned”, per se.  Most of them are still there, just not at the forefront anymore.R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?All the relationships in Kagepro *shot*S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)Molly Hale from the third movie is the god of the Pokémon world.  Just… don’t ask lol.T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?Already answered, but I’ll add a few of my favorites for DCAU TimSteph:1) Tim cuts his own hair after RotJ (or rather just lets it grow long) since he doesn’t trust anyone else with sharp objects around him.  Steph is the first person he allows to trim his hair for him (even though she has no experience with it either), since I imagine him feeling comfortable enough around her that he even falls asleep like Sousuke does with Chidori in Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid.  (For context, he was raised as a soldier from an early age and this is what happened when they tried to take him to a salon.  Played for laughs, but probably an accurate portrayal of people suffering from anxiety/PTSD having to deal with mundane tasks that trigger them.)
2) Similarly, Steph plays piano to help calm Tim down whenever he’s having a panic attack.3) After RotJ Tim refuses to wear red for a long time until Steph knits him a red scarf and tells him it “suits him” bc red is the color of heroes.
As an aside, I also recently like the idea that Logan was at Lex’s party in the DCEU and saw Bruce and Diana together, based on this playlist that I made.  U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.Gonna talk about a few I don’t mention too often nowadays.
1) Link from The Legend of ZeldaLink will forever be my greatest true love.  He’s the first real “hero” I believed in, and he honestly changed my life at one point to actually want to be a better person.  While that faith has faded and I don’t think I can ever reach his example, I still wish I had that kind of courage and kindness - or at least be able to inspire others in the same way he did me.2) Meroko Yui from Full Moon wo SagashiteIf Link was the first (and only) person I ever truly fell in love with, Meroko was the one who taught me what “true love” was in the first place.  I won’t say too much since I still sincerely hope you will check out the series someday, but suffice to say there’s a scene towards the end where she makes a choice that shows how much she has personally grown, and come to understand what it really means to “love” someone wholeheartedly.
3) Gary Oak from PokémonThis is a bit of an odd one, but Gary is a character I related to a lot when I was an adolescent since, of the main series cast, he was the first and one of few to really change his “status quo” by quitting training and deciding to become a researcher instead.  In my eyes it seemed like a shockingly conscious choice to “grow up” in a world where you can ostensibly remain a “child” forever, and I both admired and deplored him for it (especially at that tender transitory age I was going through at the time, where it feels like you’re being forced to “become an adult” whether you want to or not).
V - Which character do you relate to most?Already answered.W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.Romance in general is really not my thing, so I dislike when it’s the focus/the writers feel the need to pair every character.  I’d rather leave things open-ended most of the time.X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.Family/friendship stories + tragic adopted children wanting to be heroesY - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?X-Men, Kingdom Hearts, Dangan Ronpa, Fate/Stay Night, Various Magical Girl series, Various RPG Horror games
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)I feel like I’ve rambled enough already phew. OTL Thanks for asking though. =P
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shannaraisles · 6 years
A to Z Tag Meme
Tagged by the ever lovely @sassylavellen! I’ve not done a tag meme in a while, so why not?
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
a - age: 33
b - birthplace: Brighton, England
c - current time: 21:29
d - drink you last had: Coffee
e - easiest person to talk to: Honestly? @kagetsukai
f - favorite song: I don’t really have a favourite song. They tend to match my mood. For example, right now? I Don’t Want To Talk About It, Everything but the Girl. :)
g - grossest memory: Being up to my elbows in someone else’s stomach cavity, trying to hold all the squishy bits in while he was being sewn up. He was conscious, too.
h - horror yes or horror no: Not a huge fan of horror, but I am the sort of person who watches scary movies while laughing, because screaming in front of anyone is just not my thing. :)
i - in love?: Nope, not unless we’re counting Cullen Rutherford or Chris Evans
j - jealous of people?: Envious maybe, but why waste energy on jealousy?
l - love at first sight or should i walk again ?: Love takes time, but instant attraction can help
m - middle name: Which one? ~laughs~ I have two - Teresa and Michael.
n - number of siblings: Originally, two sisters, one brother; all older.
o - one wish: Financial security. Incredibly practical, I know, but I think the majority of my problems could be solved, or at least alleviated, with a secure income.
p - person you called last: Ria (yes, she’s a real person, shush!)
q - question you’re always asked: How do you say that? <--- anyone who has ever seen my first name written down, often with a sinking feeling in their stomach when there’s no one nearby who can answer it
r - reason to smile: Friends, cat, Dragon Age ...
s - song you sang last: The Fields of Athenry - my dad wants me to record it so he can play it for his friends on St. Patrick’s Day
t - time you woke up: Well, this morning, it was 5:47. The most recent wake up was 21:11 - I took a nap
u - underwear colour: Black knickers, kind of pale nude bra with weird purple bits. That might be dryer fluff, now I come to think about it.
v - vacation destination: In my dreams? I want to take a tour of the world and visit all these people I’ve met here who are so lovely!
w - worst habit: I smoke. I know, I know. I’ve already failed to give up once this year.
x - x-rays: Left arm when I was 11 (broken radius); abdominal when I was 13 (suspected appendicitis, turned out to be severe period pains and a VERY embarrassed junior doctor); right shoulder this time last year (snapped clavicle)
y - your favourite food: I love a good roast dinner with all the trimmings. the sides are much more important than the meat!
Z - zodiac sign: Right on the cusp between Aquarius and Pisces. So I’m a weird dreamer who doesn’t fit in and gets upset about it!
I’m not tagging ten people ... let’s go with @kagetsukai, @thebakerstboyskeeper, @nevertrustamage, and @inquisitorsmabari!
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