#qaf us 2000
slayerchick303 · 1 year
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I'm screaming!
There are so many reasons to buy the DVDs, but these are the two biggest ones, IMO:
All the music is changed in the digital editions, and the show is so much poorer for it.
The special features (especially on the early seasons) are worth their weight in gold. Especially for Britin shippers.
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Everything about this look >>>
Queer As Folk, 04x11
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hawkfuller · 10 months
the queer as folk (2000) to interview with the vampire (2022) to fellow travelers (2023) pipeline is so real.
we must be insane sad gay people character-enthusiasts.
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winderlylandchime · 9 months
Also my brother read your answers to his questions so I’m sending you his response and at this point I am putting in an application to be a stenographer since he uses me as one.
-You’re like a Tattoo and the clothes sharing fics are also my favorites. Well this new one might actually be my favorite and then these two as well. But that’s because older Brian? Sick. Nonbinary Gus? Fucking awesome. Older Justin? Love it.
-I fucking loved the first chapter too! Tell her that it was so cool to see Brian as a dad to an older Gus. All affectionate and cute and shit. But i also liked it cause you get the vibe from it that you can tell that Gus helped make Brian even better than he was. It makes sense in my head but i fucked with that big time. Wait hold up. So she basically sent a voice memo like me to someone about their awesome idea? I do that too! But that’s actually really fucking cool. Every time someone talks about when they got their cool idea’s it’s either shower, driving or while sleeping.
-Tell her thank you for the new song suggestions. I fucking love these two songs. (He immediately added them on his playlist) that second song really is a Brian song! Maybe I’ll have to make some exceptions for my Bri Bri playlist because this one should be on it.
-he also saw that the fics he was readin were written by the same person/your friend and he looked at me and went ‘same fucking person?! Tell them they fucking rock! That last fic they just finished had me giggling like a fucking dumbass! I was laying on the bed, kicking my feet like an idiot when I saw a new update came through’
And he was checking your blog and saw your WIP asks and he absolutely lost his shit. I didn’t even know about this so he for once showed me something. And yes, he felt superior. So this next part is about that:
-A DRAG QUEEN FIC?! JUSTIN AS A DRAG QUEEN?! Ooohhh shit, (our uncles name) would fucking love that! (For context: our uncle is a retired drag queen who met his hubby and then his hubby would help make him dresses.) I need her to write that whenever the fuck she can.
-wait fuck, i vibe with the teacher student idea. But like maybe a tutor Brian who used to teach at the college that Justin is at now instead or something like that. I mean Brian was obsessed with Justin having a good education and studying. HE EVEN HELPED HIM STUDY! I support this idea 1000% and about 900% of the reason is because Brian pushing for Justin’s education was hot. I believe in her to figure it out and make it good if she does it.
-if she does a prom fic from Brian’s point of view, i might have to call off work like I did for Iron Man. That shit would fucking hurt like a motherfucker.
So that was all he had to say. Because after that he just walked away while saying to himself ‘prom episode from Brian’s point of view..fuck man, I might not be strong enough for that’
Hey brother anon! You know you can make your own tumblr account (they’re free!) and contact me yourself. Your poor sister isn’t your secretary. <3
- I’m glad you like the older versions! Brian will always be beautiful but he won’t always be young.
- It wasn’t a voice memo, it was voice to text into my docs which was… wild. First off. Why is the default spelling Bryan? And secondly all the um and ahs get picked up. Finally, the spelling of Kinnetik was a mess. I should have used a voice memo. That would have been easier.
- The second song was on a mix my now partner made for me when we were in our “do you like me like I like you” era. Literally every song on that mix was that obvious. They were also in their “I aim to be like Brian Kinney” era too. Because they had loved before and gotten their heart broken. So the song makes me think of both Brian and when they were all “no apologies, no regrets, monogamy is for breeders, never going to get married.”
- I’m glad you liked the WIP ideas! The drag queen idea came to me while I was listening to Randy’s podcast and learned he’s a drag race fan. As a drag race fan myself I couldn’t sleep on that knowledge. But this was when I was writing Tattoo. And then Fireflies seemed like an easier fic to write. Because Justin is going to go on all stars in the fic and you know I need to get those details right. All the challenges, the queens who will be there. It’s kind of going to be a crossover fic so that feels like a monumental undertaking. But I think I want to do it!
- the student teacher fic idea did come from conversations in fandom here on tumblr about yes the importance Brian places on education including and especially Justin’s. Education (imo) is where Brian and Michael’s paths really diverged and you can see how Brian going to college (maybe grad school too) changed his life from growing up working class to being the guy who has money and nice things and importantly freedom. We can dive into Jack asking Brian for handouts another time.
- so it’s not the prom from Brian’s pov, but 220. The last episode of season 2… when Justin chooses Ethan. You still might need to take the day off.
- don’t give me ideas like prom from Brian’s pov. That awakens something in me. Also an excuse to rewatch prom.
Brother anon, I have two assignments for you:
1. Start an ao3 account. I have an invite if you need one. There are so many fics out there for every fandom. Including ofc qaf.
2. Start a tumblr account. You’re going home and you can’t rely on your sister to keep us updated. There are some pretty gifs here for you to reblog and scream your opinions in the tags. I think people even like iron man here too.
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kinnenvy · 11 months
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cowgirljunky · 4 months
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justincoded · 2 years
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22 years since the birth of (gus) the show that changed everything for me and became fully a piece of my personality and formed me as a queer!! i love u qaf im never getting over you
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Dearest BK apologist, is a pleasure for me to go back (way back!) in time to a magical period called The 00s. To be more precise, 2000-2001. Back in those days we only had the Showtime Queer As Folk list to discuss qaf, we had to wait a little to get some more user friendly experience: the Showtime Yahoo Group. The fandom was fierce in those days, I can't say I was the fiercest (I'm Justin's age, so back then I was really young) but I was part of it and had the displeasure to meet The Hal's Angels.
They were mostly active in the Yahoo group, they watched the show basically because they were Hal's fans from The Talk Soup and expected (demanded) Hal to be the protagonist in qafus. The disappointment they felt when they realised that the main character was Brian and the main ship was Britin soon turned into rage. They hated Justin and insulted Randy, hated Britin shippers and for a brief moment even joined forces with people who came from the qafUK fandom and were Stuart/Vince shippers. This lasted for almost three years. By S3 we all laughed but the level of personal insults that Randy and Gale received from that group hasn't been forgotten or forgiven.
Thank you for keeping the thumpa-thumpa alive, apologist ✨! If there's anyone who watched the show in the 00s and was part of the fandom then please say hello and share your experience.
I looove getting more information about fandom lore from the original fans because imo there's nothing like experiencing tv shows/fandom (drama lol) as it airs!!!! as I said somwhere before I first watched qaf in 2014 so I did manage to experience qaf fandom when it was quite active and I did go into a rabbit hole a couple of times reading older interviews/posts all over the internet but this is CRAZY, like I totally understand having preferences but harassing other people over a tv show is honestly pathetic, I will never get it 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
gale and randy for real deserve financial compensations AND free therapy sessions for the rest of their lives for what the show/interviewers/fans put them through
thank you for sharing this info with us, younger/newer part of the fandom 💜💜💜
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madsworld15 · 6 months
Why Queer as Folk (2000) Was Seemingly Forgotten
An analysis by a professional TV Critic
Let me start off by saying the initial run of Queer as Folk and its current resurgence can be represented by this mantra by Brian Kinney: There are two kinds of straight people. The ones who hate you to your back and the ones who hate you to your face.
The initial run of QAF coincides with the first half of the statement: hate behind your back.
So, recently I started thinking about how in the early 2000s, Queer as Folk seemed to be on a trajectory of going down in TV history. Then, seemingly just as quickly, people stopped talking about it. So much so that by the time I finished watching it in 2009, I only got a few good months of chatter on social media platforms (Twitter mostly) with other fans before it just stopped being talked about in a wide-reaching manner.
I will even admit that I stopped thinking about the show not long after that and wasn't reminded of its full impact on my psyche until late last year when it was back on easy-access streaming due to Showtime's merge with Paramount+.
But why is it that this show is only just now starting to pick up speed again? (I'm talking fan cams on TikTok, memes, etc.)
I have some theories about all of this, so buckle in.
To really get a grasp of what Queer as Folk was working against when it aired on Showtime -- a paid subscription channel back before the days of an overabundance of streaming services, you have to look at the climate we were living in. Also, how inaccessible a paid TV channel was for most people.
So, in the early 2000s, life in the United States, and probably the world, but I'm not fully educated enough to comment on that, wasn't the greatest for those in the LGBT+ community. It would be years before the President of the United States would pass legislation that Gay Marriage be legal nationwide.
Employers were able to fire people for being gay, and the employees couldn't fight it. Gay parents had very little in terms of rights to their own children; in fact, some couldn't even adopt the kids they wanted to because there were no laws against discrimination.
All of these things are depicted left and right throughout Queer as Folk, with Ted getting fired from his job, Michael being extremely closeted at his job, and Melanie not being afforded rights to Gus because of adoption regulations during that time.
So, for our community to receive a show that was by us for us, we were overjoyed. There was something so resolutely refreshing about the unapologetic manner in which these characters were allowed to present themselves and live their lives. And while the show gets dinged today for its lack of racial diversity, we were glad to see queer people represented in a variety of ways -- we got to see the Emmett's and Justin's of the world being friends with the Ted's and Michael's and Brian's.
Not only that, these characters got to love who they wanted, however, they wanted, and whenever they wanted. Characters like Michael and Emmett could go from wanting to freely fuck whoever to finding that special person and settling down. We got to see Ted find the right guy at the wrong time over and over and over again until it was finally the right guy at the right time.
But most of all, we got to see a character like Brian, who, in the hands of a straight person, might've actually gone "soft" and "domestic" just by being with Justin. Instead, we got to see him never change his opinion about what he wanted, but still finding love in his own way.
However, not long after the show ended (like around 2008), the climate in the United States started to shift more towards open acceptance of the queer community. So, people stopped needing an escape from the hardships of real life because things seemed to be on an upward trend toward love and equality. Therefore, Queer as Folk sort of fell off the radar of viewers because we didn't want more of the gritty, complicated, messy queer stories. We wanted our stories to be happy and lighthearted.
(Keep in mind I am speaking in terms of general viewers. There are always exceptions to the rule)
Then, in 2016, Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, and suddenly, it was totally okay for people to openly mock us and hate us.
This is where the resurgence of QAF falls into the second half of Brian's mantra: hate us to our face.
Around 2016/2017, people started talking about this show again. And the love and fervor for it has only increased exponentially over the last few years, especially with the onset of COVID-19 and the merging of Showtime/Paramount+. Both events made the public more aware and able to access the show.
Now more than ever, we need something that isn't afraid to show queer people as we are, not as the media and those outside our community paint us. We need to feel like there is a media format that understands what we are like when we are with our closest friends. We say things that, in today's world, would probably get us canceled, and we judge those around us and have very biased opinions about certain people.
Brian Kinney's unapologetic "I am who I am and fuck anyone who tries to change me" attitude is the exact level of strength and courage we wished more people right now had. His biased, but not illogical, opinion of non-queers needs to be loud. It needs to be shouted from the rooftops because we now live in a world where we are hated just for existing as we are.
Even our rights that had been given to us just a decade ago are being stripped away from us once more. So, the fight for love and equality continues, and the hope that Queer as Folk gives us is important now more than ever.
So, people are seeking this story out and are begging others in the world to watch it and understand that we have always been here. We've always been these flawed but loving characters. We deserve to be heard.
In 2022, Peacock tried its best to create a redo of the series but failed miserably. But why? If we are desperately looking for queer media that is gritty, unapologetic, and real, then why didn't we latch onto this latest iteration?
The answer is simple. This new version was great at creating a more diverse image of the characters created for the Showtime series but failed to understand that recreating things almost note for note with entirely new characters isn't what we want.
It would've been better if the show stuck to broad-stroke themes and made these characters and their experiences their own. Queer today is different than queer in the early 2000s, just like queer in the 2000s was different than queer in the 1980s. Trying to put queer 2000s stories into a queer 2020s world isn't going to work.
We need to embrace this resurgence of Queer as Folk (2000) and give it the love and attention it should've always had. Perhaps finally giving its rightful due in the eyes of the history of queer media. Does it have its issues as the world changes? Absolutely, but we also can't sit here and deny the insane level of impact this show had on the queer media we now know and love.
We wouldn't have casually queer shows like Schitt's Creek, Heartstopper, and Our Flag Means Death if Queer as Folk hadn't broken down our walls and made us realize that we can demand stories for queer people by queer people.
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pixelgrotto · 2 months
The Shining Lost Crown
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Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is finally out on Steam today, and everyone should play it. I'm really hoping that a large audience can finally appreciate this game for what it's worth, because I feel like it received a double whammy of negativity upon reveal and not-so-high sales upon release.
Part of this unfortunate combo is due to gamers being crappy, while the rest is Ubisoft being Ubisoft. When The Lost Crown's first trailer hit in 2023, it initially seemed like it had replaced the long-dormant, long-awaited, long-troubled remake of the most-loved PoP game, The Sands of Time. That remake has since been rebooted for a release date in 2026, but it didn't stop some from lamenting that Sands of Time 2.0 had been ditched for a sidescroller. "Looks like a mobile game," cried members of the YouTube peanut gallery. Others focused their ire on the main character, who is Black, and the trailer's accompanying music, which was a rap song. I read at least two comments that said "More like Prince of Wakanda," which made me want to slap a bitch through my screen.
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But then the game was released, and it got lots of positive press. As someone who'd felt the burning need to defend The Lost Crown from folks making "Prince of Wakanda" comments, I was enthused to see them eat crow. Alas, Ubisoft made the decision to release the PC version of the game not on Steam, but on the meh Epic Games Store and on their Ubisoft Connect launcher, a piece of software that nobody uses because they want to. And so, despite strong reviews, The Lost Crown came out of the gate slightly hampered.
At last this error can be rectified, and hopefully everyone can see that this is the PoP revival we needed. Even though series creator Jordan Mechner wasn't specifically involved in The Lost Crown, this game feel like a natural evolution of the formula he established in 1989 right off of the heels of Karateka. PoP started out as a tough-as-nails platformer with an emphasis on exploration and cinematic scenes - it only makes sense that it should transition into a tough-as-nails Metroidvania with style and storytelling influenced by anime.
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Prior to this game's reveal, the PoP franchise had been floundering, trying in vain to recapture the mainstream appeal that it had snagged during the Sands of Time trilogy in the mid-2000s. Proof of the struggles to reimagine the franchise have emerged in since-leaked videos showing reboots that were thrown away by Ubisoft in favor of more Assassin's Creed games. (Hi, I'm one of those folks who remembers that the first Assassins' Creed was supposed to be a PoP spinoff, and resents the fact that the Prince floundered in obscurity for over a decade while AssCreed got over two dozen games.)
But the wait was worth it. Ubisoft Montpellier (the one team at Ubisoft that I like, since they made Rayman and seem to rise up every five years to drop a banger before disappearing back into the mist) reinvented PoP by looking at what AssCreed had become and then veering in an entirely different direction. Instead of an overbudget open world experience littered with microtransactions, we have simply a good ass video game that focuses on the trademarks of the Prince - sweet parkour moves, tricky combat, and time travel shenanigans.
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That said, you don't actually play as full-on nobility in The Lost Crown - you play as Sargon, a cocky member of an elite team of bodyguards dubbed the Immortals. These larger-than-life anime figures are tasked to go to Mount Qaf to rescue the Prince, and Sargon's connection to the title "Prince of Persia" is interesting and not the obvious "oh, he's just the Prince in disguise" twist that I expected.
All of this is to say that the plot of The Lost Crown is solid, and there's a certain amount of respect paid to the source material that goes beyond the "vaguely inspired by the Arabian Nights" schtick of every other game in the franchise. As should be the case in 2024 for something with "Persia" in its title, actual people of Middle Eastern descent worked on this, and apparently the Farsi dub is excellent.
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As for Sargon, his design does boast the Killmonger dreadlocks that have become a tropey shorthand for "cool Black guy" in media. But aside from this, he's great, and he really grows over the course of the story. Everything about his dual-wielding fighting style to his double jump is excellent, and you'll need to master those moves to make it through The Lost Crown's boss fights, which are intricate, multistaged affairs that toss Sargon in arenas against huge foes who have their names presented in ALL CAPS along with a subtitle - for instance, "JAHANDAR, Guardian of the Citadel."
I'd been cocurrently working through Elden Ring for my fulltime job of writing game guides as I started playing The Lost Crown, and after dying for the eighth time against Jahandar, I realized that this game's emphasis on bosses combined with Sargon's ability to quaff healing potions a limited number of times (and take a limited number of hits) was awfully Soulsy. That said, The Lost Crown isn't a full-on Soulslike, but there's borrowed DNA here. Aside from the bosses and healing, collectible lore items that reveal extended backstory lie in abundance, and Sargon's moveset demands the sort of attention and mastery that Soulslikes promote. There have been some stunning combo videos showcasing everything he can do in combat, and outside of fights, expect to make Sargon navigate through some absurd platforming sections replete with spikes farther than the eye can see.
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Honestly, there were a few instances in The Lost Crown that made me curse modern gaming's love affair with Soulslikes and grunt, "WHY DO GAMES THESE DAYS HAVE TO BE SO HARD." Then again, I was playing on Hero difficulty level, which is a step up from Normal and meant to be tough, so I have nobody but myself to blame. And the original PoP was no walk in the park either, even if you can speedrun it in less than a half hour these days if you know what you're doing. Overall, the challenge level in The Lost Crown is fair, especially because the game presents you with a wide array of accessibility options, and you can lower the difficulty at any time.
I think if you've played Hollow Knight, which I've seen The Lost Crown getting compared with a lot, you'll be ready for all of the obstacles that Sargon faces. I haven't, despite obtaining it via one Steam sale or another several years ago, but now I want to. Both games share an absolutely huge map in common, and as someone who enjoys Metroidvanias but is mostly used to the two franchises that gave the genre its title - Castlevania and Metroid - seeing Mount Qaf spread out before me on the map screen in a seemingly endless fashion was way larger than anything I'd previously witnessed. Games today, man. They're not just hard, they're big.
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I for one am grateful that PoP is back in action with such a big title, and with the recent release of The Rogue Prince of Persia only a few months after this game, suddenly I am inundated with more Persia content than I've had in years. Maybe Ubisoft's gearing up to milk this franchise AssCreed style, which seems to be a possibility that I'll be forced to call them out on if it ever occurs.
In the meantime, I'm just glad to be performing death-defying wall jumps over beds of spikes in a fantasy Persia once again. If you missed it the first time around and love Metroidvanias, platformers, or Soulslikes, don't delay. The Lost Crown shines like headware fit for a prince, and this is a game more than worthy of your time.
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hamliet · 1 year
weird how alice degraded bl and yet their hs has a ton of bl tropes there
I mean, yeah. It's white privilege and ignorance at its finest. I've talked about this at length before, actually.
It's kind of a disservice to Asian BL not only by appropriating its tropes, but also just sheer privileged bliss. People in communities that are not as progressive on LGBT rights are not only less likely to be able to come out, but also less likely to be able to even explore their sexualities and gender identities. It's easier to just conform and to not think of desire and what it means, especially when we think of sexuality as a spectrum.
It also ignores older queer media in the west that has influenced BL, which was influenced by yaoi, which itself emerged as a distinct market/genre in the 1970s. Nothing's as insular as it appears; for example, Queer as Folk (the 2000 US version) is reportedly huge in China today, and I can see that it's influenced Kinnporsche and danmei novels. QaF also was the first US media ever to show sex between two men on TV--in December 2000.
Yeah. We're not even 23 years out from that.
But of course, explicit sex scenes between two men or two women have existed long before that in yaoi, which itself draws from literary and artistic traditions across the world that have existed from ancient times, because gay people have existed from, y'know, ancient times.
I don't want to keep harping on AO, though. I hope they learn, and the posts were from over a year ago, so I'm hopeful they are in the process of doing so. Though I don't really keep up with them. The reason I also can't be too hard on AO was that even 7 or so years ago, I would have agreed with them about yaoi because I didn't know any better. And I was wrong, and I am still learning, and I hope I will continue to learn.
I'll again also reiterate that I do not care at all that Heartstopper has no sex in it; good for them because not all stories need it! Sweet, innocent stories have their place and can be just as powerful and necessary as those that are darker and more explicit. I just think declaring that a story's lack of queer sex is somehow revolutionary is ignorant at best and rewriting history at worst.
I'll leave off with this portion of an interview with the creators of the American QAF, who are themselves a married gay couple who have been together for like... 30? years. I'm bolding the parts I want to emphasize.
COWEN The first time we heard about Queer as Folk was in the Calendar section of the L.A. Times. The whole article was about [how] no one will ever have the g ts to do a show like this in the U.S. People thought [the US version] was going to be a much softer show than Russell’s [original British version], and we knew it had to be outrageous and more sexual. The sex on our show probably was the most political statement we made. Because we all grew up seeing gay people represented on TV — if they were ever represented — [as] eunuchs or clowns. We never saw gay people having a sex life or being complete people. We had a list of subjects that we were determined to write about because we grew up at a very inhospitable time in the U.S. Not just the Defense of Marriage Act and Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, but we didn’t have gay marriage here until 10 years after the show ended.
LIPMAN ... We wanted our Queer as Folk to be a celebration of being. We saw movies and TV shows where gay people would hang themselves; they’d walk into the ocean to drown. We didn’t want any of that. We used the sex on the show to be joyous, angry, vindictive, self-destructive …
COWEN … and celebratory. There were so many topics that we needed to address because it was such a politically oppressive, scary time....
DUNN That also was the only representation that I saw: It was suicide or it was Disney villains. That was queer representation for me, and so seeing this show that was just so irreverent, so joyful, so sexual, so free, and it still dealt with the realities of being queer.
Every story is in a sense a product of its time, and it's not bad that Oseman is writing their story to address concerns they have and issues they deal with. It's just not inherently any more revolutionary and definitely not more inherently moral than queer media with sex in it.
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slayerchick303 · 1 year
Subtlety is overrated.
It's a crime that the digital editions changed this masterpiece of a song choice.
Lyrics in the background: "I want you... oh... I wanna feel you from the inside."
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Brian Kinney coded
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hawkfuller · 2 years
twenty-two years ago, brian kinney met the one person who, he didn't realize at the time, would, sometimes consciously, other times unconsciously, help break his phobia of growing up by showing him there is more to life and his persona than beauty, there is power in love and vulnerability, there is joy in trusting what the future holds.
twenty-two years ago today, brian kinney's son was also born, a ticking-clock reminder that he's getting older by the minute, an opportunity for brian to be the man he was deprived of: a parental figure.
and in twenty-two years, i know that brian kinney continued growing up, working on his demons, teaching his son there is indeed power in love and vulnerability, there is joy in trusting what the future holds, there is pride in allowing yourself to change.
in twenty-two years, i also know brian kinney is still the most iconic, beautiful, cynical, unapologetic, chaotic, drama-queen, hilarious, imperfectly perfect fictional man to ever exist on cable tv.
he feels real to me. and i'm proud of him.
happy birthday, queer as folk.
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winderlylandchime · 9 months
Btw, dad’s reports to the chosen episodes are in and unfortunately (actually scratch that, fortunately) his reactions are way more calmer. We finished with our watch because my brother made us sit and watch the episodes all day. Not that I’m complaining but also I swear this is the most I’ve watched qaf in years. So the reports are in: 2x04: he absolutely loved the pride episode. He really loved the ending. He thought that this is where it starts to show even more that Brian cares about him a lot (keep in mind we skipped the 3rd ep so he didnt see the ‘you love him’ scene bc my brother has some flaws).
2x09: my dad was LIVID almost the whole episode. He almost died of second hand embarrassment because of Mikey. He loves Emmett even more. He fucking hated Brian’s mom. Did i mention he was livid? His only comment about the episode was ‘oh this explains a shit ton about Brian’ Highlight tho: the date night opening happens and my brother goes ‘oh…yeah this is sort of awkward for a family night’ for some reason neither of us thought this through. But the best part was my dad going ‘hey, dudes be fuckin’ while doing a shrug towards my brother.
3x08: he was very confused why we skipped so much, he was also confused about them breaking up. He absolutely loved that Justin decided to be a stalker but at least got a little better since the pilot. He really liked their reunion. And then after it was done, my brother went ‘okay now you gotta watch it again so it hits harder’ and then replayed the reunion scene.
3x09: his only reaction was ‘yeah it fucking is’ when Ben called it the most historic reunification since Germany. He is absolutely tired of Mikey though. And he really liked how in the end they have this open relationship that clearly both are aware of how it goes. If only he knew..
3x10: he is very confused over who stockwell is. My brother gave him zero hints cause ‘maybe if you picked up my calls last year, youd know.’ He likes that at the end when they put posters up together, you can tell that Brian has been a big influence on Justin as in he goes for what he wants but Justin is a huge influence on Brian as in ‘he helps him figure out how to get his head out of his ass’
3x11: he really fucking lived that scene in the GLC and he just went ‘oh they planned this shit together.’ He loved the scene with Debbie and Brian but he was also a bit upset about it cause he’s still mad at her from the beginning of S2. And he was absolutely obsessed with the scene where Stockwell finds them with the posters.
3x12: only takeaway: he really enjoyed the scenes with Justin, Brian and Hunter. He likes how Britin has their own little banter and inside jokes that in his opinion Brian doesn’t have with anyone else. When they had that hustler/100$ bit going on, he went ‘Michael would hate this cause he wouldn’t be able to join in on the joke’
3x13: he was so fucking delighted with that scene where Hunter asks Brian if he has a boyfriend. And the you fucked a murderer scene was again a big hit. And his love for Brian grows every episode.
3x14: Brian is now his favorite person alongside Justin. The last scene made my dad cry and my brother cried as well. My dad turned to him teary eyed and went ‘fuck’ and my brother went ‘i know right?’ And he loves Britin more and more.
4x07: he is completely heartbroken over Vic. He’s really sad about Brian’s cancer diagnosis. And he is absolutely horrified with Justin’s haircut. He was so fucking confused when he popped up on screen that he actually screamed. And my brother went ‘oh yeah i forgot, he got a haircut..rude, right?’ When that little office scene where Brian loses it and then comes back to hug Justin came up my dad declared that Brian is deep deep in love.
4x08: completely heartbroken over seen Brian is such a bad shape. He thought it was cute how Brian took him to school cause he missed him even tho he felt like shit. He thinks this is where Brian started to reconsider some stuff cause of cancer. And once again LIVID with Michael.
4x13: confused because where the fuck did Rage the movie come from. Annoyed because Brian and Justin could have little bike trip together. He really likes Brian being a stubborn little shit tho
4x14: he is absolutely obsessed with Brian. He loved that moment where Brian explains why the bike race is important to him and he cheered him on like he was watching a soccer game. And the last moment with Britin made him absolutely love them both so much. He was smiling the whole time and then went ‘it’s nice that he got his head out of his ass and finally allowed himself to be happy and in love’
And then after the episode ended, my brother turned off the tv and went ‘doesn’t it end nicely?’ And my dad goes ‘isnt there some proposal and another season’ and before he could even finish his question, my brother goes ‘absolutely not. It got canceled after season 4 so i guess we’ll never know how they wanted to end it. Sad.’ And then he just left the room. And my dad stared at me and went ‘but your mom said that the finale was’ and he couldn’t even finish before my brother yelled from the bedroom ‘NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO’
I AM DYING at your dad’s reactions to the episodes. I adore that he loves Brian just as much as we all do.
“Dudes be fucking” is going to be my response to any pearl clutching about drag, queers, transes, etc that I see this year.
The Michael would hate this (everyone being in on the joke) observation is so right. Poor Mikey. But not really. Get a sense of humor that isn’t TUMS spelled backwards.
I am also glad that he appropriately appreciated the “fucked a murderer” scene.
He correctly dislikes the Pink Posse haircut. And realizes that Brian is in deep.
ALSO thank you. Someone should believe that the series ends at the end of S4. Brian asks Justin to move in. Period. End of show. “It’s nice he got his head out of his ass and finally allowed himself to be happy and in love” is correct. HAPPY ENDING. Done. Sorted.
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maryp50 · 8 months
People You’d Like to Get to Know Better
tagged by @thedoctorajcrowley and @madsworld15 thank you! 💜
3 Ships
Brian and Justin, QAF US 2000
David & Patrick, Schitt's Creek
Wille & Simon, Young Royals
First Ship
Probably Ross & Rachel which changed to Monica & Chandler when they got together.
Last Song
Good 4 U, Olivia Rodrigo
Currently Reading
QAF fic mostly
Last Film
Low Fidelity. Free on YouTube for all the Gale girlies (gender neutral).
Currently Craving
Sleep. I'm so tired. I traveled for work yesterday and didn't get in until around midnight and had to be at work at 7AM and I lost time in the travel so yeah. I'm feeling it right now.
no pressure tagging @grapehyasynth @barrowsteeth @mariunnnn @beaiola @wildlydone @saraminia and @norskheks
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