apricorned · 1 year
Which of your Pokémon is most like a goober?
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definitely this freak (Fizz) He is not a baby. He is a full adult, just never wanted to evolve (despite being pretty into battling). I believe this is because he uses his small size to Get Into Things and Freak Me Out. Pic related.
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apricorned · 1 year
Who is the silliest or most chaotic member of your team?
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A lot of people ask about the dynamics of my team/house pokemon so I made this handy chart (Big Jimmy is not mine but lives in my house. she is my partner's partner Pokemon :-) )
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apricorned · 11 months
What's your experience caring for/training an Espeon? They've always intrigued and slightly scared me eheh.
Espeon is basically a Delcatty that can knock things over from a distance. They're especially sensitive to the weather and barometric pressure (Pluto gets moody during sudden drops/rises in pressure, so we have to be mindful if traveling by plane), and they are very intelligent and good at getting into things (baby proofing cannot save you). Pluto specifically is an emotional support pokemon (I have anxiety and he's a huge help in managing it). My parents purchased him as an Eevee from a certified breeder outside of Solaceon town when I was younger and we began cooperative training pretty much as soon as we could.
With training, positive reinforcement is absolutely required. The environment an Eevee is raised in will absolutely affect their disposition post evolution, and Espeon specifically are HIGHLY aware of human emotion (which makes them great support and service pokemon!).
I think because of their level of intelligence their personalities can really vary. In my experience they are a bit independent (stubborn), but still very willing and excited to learn. Don't let the fact that they evolve through bonding discourage you from adopting either. They make excellent companions at all stages of life!
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apricorned · 1 year
Hello! I see you're from Sinnoh! What's it like over there? :)
( @paldea-champ-n1cki )
Hey! It's so great. I grew up region-hopping thanks to my dad's job and I can definitely say it's my favorite. Great if you like to hike and even greater if you need some good inspiration (we have some pretty breathtaking sights, I think).
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apricorned · 1 year
how does a 'trainer-for-hire' work?
It's very freelance-y and varies from trainer to trainer, but I personally work with a lot of professors/archeologists/etc. Sciency stuff!
There's definitely a lot of networking involved. I managed to get an internship with Professor Rowan in college (after doing my gym challenge) and from there he just started sending me around to help with other professors and scientists.
I realized that, while I'm not super book-smart or studious, I love learning about science and history! So it's a great way to be involved without having a lot of technical knowledge. I'm good at battling and fieldwork, and a lot of my clients are too busy researching to train their pokemon enough for extra dangerous areas, so that's where I come in! It's a lot of fun.
I would say if you're interested in trying it out, contact your nearest ranger station and/or professor for info and suggested skills. There are quite a few of us running around!
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