#qiu lin x male reader
ristelmornigstar · 6 months
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Why were you friend with them?
Why did you care about them?
Why did you hold them so dear?
Why do you talk to them?
They didn't understand, they didnt understand why you cared, why you stayed, why you didn't leave.
And yet you held their hand, you hugged them, you listen to them, you were there for them, but why?
Why did they want more?
They wanted your attantion, your affection, your touch. They wanted you. But why?
Why did they want you to hold?
Why did they want you to stay with them?
Why did they need you?
Why did they want you?
Why did they want your lips on them?
You come to pick them up like always, why you did it they didn't know. You called out to them, yet they hid as they didn't want do go but, how could they say no to you?
When they were down from their hideout you opened you arms for a hug. You always did.
Your so warm yet quiet, your skin is soft and they held tightly onto your sweater, they didn't want to let go of that warmth and softness.
They fell into your arms as they let gravity pull them to you.
They started walking to get their bike and you were picking up their notes, why did you do that? You alwaya did that.
Finally, you both where going to school and you hold their hand while balancing in rollor skates.
You confused them but, they liked you... they.. loved you and they were going to hold you dear to them.
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covesdadappreciation · 9 months
Games I think the Romanceables would play
Tamarack: I feel like when it's winter, she craves that autumn feeling, so she'll play games like these.
Stardew Valley (Has only one save in the game, and tries to make her farm look pretty but she's more focused on keeping a routine in the game)
Minecraft (Building a little village and having an army of cats or dogs. Has built many treehouses)
Sky - Children of the Light (The one who is actively looking for player to share a candle with)
Qiu: He plays games later when he's older. Middle school he's become slightly more reserved, so having a game to destress by himself always helps
Animal Crossing "What do you mean you don't wanna look at my island? Guys."
A Tale of Crowns He seems like the type to enjoy prince x knight and multi-choice stories.
Detroit Become Human The amount of times he's almost had a breakdown just trying to make everyone happy.
Cove: He prefers classic games, nothing too big or a waste of money.
Unpacking He cries
Tetris He stresses
Legend of Zelda, the Windwaker (my childhood fr) he's obsessed
Baxter: He doesn't play games, he claims. He's too busy going out and being busy, but if he ever truly had a rare moment or just by looking at him... he's choose these.
The Sims Self explanatory.
Hollow Knight He feels like he's one with the knight.
Stray Cats and Robots in a game? He's sold. Take his money.
Derek: Derek plays a lot of video games (a healthy amount), he loves it. I imagine he's played these games while you guys weren't together for a while :(
Until Dawn He got jump scared at least twice
Final Fantasy 14 if he has the time. it's a really long game. He plays either a Hyur or Hrothgar Paladin.
The Last of Us 1 and 2. He played the 2nd first though, and he was really upset at that choice when he finished playing)
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dollyhimegal · 7 months
꒰🎀 Step 1 Qiu with a male!Reader shy and a fan of paranormal things!
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Banner by @sakurango
HOWDY!, welcome to my Homespace!!
Cassidy is here! <3
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Fanfic at the request of
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Howdy! @bluepianokeys Thank you for your request! <3
HOWDYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!, it's been a long time since I've written anything at all, but aside from that topic, I NEVER BELIEVED I WOULD BE ASKED TO WRITE FOR OUR LIFE N&F, this can be taken as a Halloween special....?, I don't know, but it's great anyway!
Sorry in advance if the writing is kind of weird, I suck at writing fanfic even more in English which is not my native language, I did the best I could, I hope you enjoy it.
TW: Ghosts, serial killers and dead get mentioned, but nothing detailed.
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Qiu met you one night when he saw you wandering alone in the forest while hugging your beautiful porcelain doll, at first he thought you were a lost child wandering in the dark forest, this worried him a little, so many bad things could happen to you if you walk during the cold night in a forest, at first I followed you, so I could help you, but he noticed that you seemed to know the forest well, so he decided to keep following you to make sure nothing happened to you, but you noticed the presence of someone behind you, you thought maybe it was a ghost, so you quickly turned your head excitedly expecting to see a scary ghost, but you only saw a cute boy, Qiu was a little surprised when you suddenly turned around, but he still gave you a nice smile and greeted you kindly, you just blushed as you buried your head a doll's hair, he kindly told you his name hoping you could tell him yours, but he only saw how you looked at him, and then you looked at the floor with little tears in your eyes, he tried to calm you down while you kept hugging your doll, later that night he accompanied you home and promised to pick you up the next day, so you could go to school together, and from there you became good friends, he noticed that you were very shy, but he found that very sweet, he helps you to socialize when it is difficult for you, but one day he discovered your little obsession with paranormal things, it all started when you started to tell him that your pretty doll was possessed by a ghost of a girl, he found it funny at first, but then he realized that you were serious, he found all the paranormal topics very cool, he even helps you to expand your collection of spooky things, he can stay hours listening to you about serial killers while you have a little tea party with all your "possessed" dolls, and when you started going out of the most unimaginable places to scare him he really loved it, now when he notices your absence you try to guess where you are going to go out to scare him even though he never manages to guess it, he has even encouraged you to scare more people, now you have a list to be able to scare all the people at school, and he helps you by giving you ideas to hide in more creative places, you can say that little autumn started to have a crush with the boy with the possessed doll, he-he~!
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skylarsblue · 1 year
✧Rules✧ -- ✧Who I Write For✧ -- ✧Masterlist 2✧
--✧Multiple Characters✧-- Yandere!Reader Pt.1; (DBD Ghostface, Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt, Bo Sinclair)
Yandere!Reader Pt.2;(Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt, The Sinclair Bros, Jason Voorhees, DBD Ghostface, Billy Lenz, Brahms Heelshire)
Cat Calling; (Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, The Sinclair Bros, Thomas Hewitt)
Random Headcanons; (Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Brahms Heelshire, The Sinclair Bros, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer)
Fluffy Smut/Aftercare; (Michael Myers, The Sinclair Bros, Brahms Heelshire)
Reader W/ A Tiny Mean Dog; (Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, Jason Voorhees, The Sinclair Bros, Billy Lenz)
Slashers W/ A Strong!Reader; (Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Billy Lenz, Bubba Sawyer, Bo & Vincent Sinclair, DBD Ghostface)
Slashers W/ A Male!Reader; (DBD Ghostface, Stu Macher, Billy Loomis, Brahms Heelshire, Bubba Sawyer)
Slashers W/ A Reader W/ PTSD; (The Sinclair Bros, Bubba Sawyer, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees)
Slashers W/ An ADHD!Reader; (The Sinclair Bros, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, Stu Macher, Billy Loomis, Brahms Heelshire)
Ghostfaces W/ An Autistic!Reader; (Stu Macher, Billy Loomis, DBD Ghostface)
Sinclair Bros Getting Tricked; (The Sinclair Bros)
Sinclair Oneshots; (The Sinclair Bros)
Sinclair Bros W/ A S/O W/ An Eating Disorder; (The Sinclair Bros, bonus Nick & Carly)
Sinclair's W/ A Hispanic!Reader; (The Sinclair Bros)
Random Sinclair Headcanons; (The Sinclair Bros)
✦Bo Sinclair✦
✦Lester Sinclair✦
✦Vincent Sinclair✦
✦Michael Myers✦
✦Jason Voorhees✦ ✧Pending...
✦Brahms Heelshire✦ ✧Brahm's reaction to his S/O leaving the house
✦Thomas Hewitt✦ ✧Pending...
✦Bubba Sawyer✦ ✧Pending...
✦Stu Macher✦ ✧Pending...
✦Billy Loomis✦ ✧Pending...
✦Billy Lenz✦ ✧Pending...
✦Tiffany Valentine✦ ✧Pending...
✦Harry Warden✦ ✧Pending...
✦Pyramid Head✦ ✧Pending...
✧--✦Our Life✦--✧
--✧Multiple Characters✧-- ✧Pending...
✦Cove Holden✦ ✧Cove W/ A Dominant Reader; NSFW headcanons
✦Derek Suarez✦ ✧Pending...
✦Baxter Ward✦ ✧Oneshot; Be At Ease
✦Qiu "Autumn" Lin✦ ✧Pending...
✦Tamarak Baumann✦ ✧Pending...
✧Evangelical Affair; Damien Thorn x Emmett Forst - Angel/Devil Au -NSFW ✧What's Your Favorite Scary Movie? Vincent Walker x Joshua Eecker -NSFW
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coveholdenenjoyer · 2 years
Our Life: Beginnings and Always-
- Baxter Reunion Headcanons
-Cove Holden w/ an S/O with separation anxiety HCs
Full Fanfics (On Ao3):
Our Life: Now and Forever-
-Notebook Love Letters (Qiu Lin x Male Reader)
-Falling Leaves (Tamarack Baumann x Male Reader)
Our Life: Beginnings and Always-
-The Soirée Stranger (Baxter Ward x Male Reader)
-Breakup Blues (Cove Holden x Male Reader)
Detroit: Become Human-
-You Did It (Connor x Trans!Male Reader)
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covesdadappreciation · 10 months
Qiu soulmate AU thoughts [I write for (trans) male readers, but this is a pretty neutral post. They/Them pronouns used.]
Tamarack is next <3
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Red String AU where a stubborn MC that refuses to fall in love realizes that their string is headed into that backyard's playground...
Red String AU where MC will do anything to hide the string to make it seem like the both of theirs are going different ways
Red String AU where they'll do anything. Stretch the string to be longer and hide it under a rock or behind a bush, if they're in the same room just open a window and throw a long chunk out, they eventually try getting more creative.
Ink AU where MC and Qiu can write to each other via their bodies. Qiu scribbles all his thoughts onto his arms when he runs out of pages in his notebook.
Ink AU where MC and Qiu helping each other out with homework and tests, or MC giving Qiu reminders that he'll probably forget.
Ink AU where they give each other constant updates about whatever's going on at their houses and yet still having something to talk about when they meet up in person.
Modern AU you know those people who are like "I can draw your soulmate for you, just pay me 20 bucks for a sketch"? You and Tamarack thought it'd be fun to do that at the county fair. Now that this lady's almost done with it... huh... it looks weirdly similar to Qiu
Modern AU where MC starts having strange dreams about Qiu. As if they had a past life with him, not just once, but multiple times. Each dream starts becoming more vivid, different time periods and all that.
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covesdadappreciation · 2 months
Hey hey! I loved your Prom one, and now I'm hungry for more! (Sorry not sorry =P). An idea that's been knocking around in my head is, its implied Tam-Tam gets bullied in the later Steps. SO, I would like to see MC getting into a fight after someone makes Tamarack cry, and the Qiu joins in to help because, love rival or no love rival, they ain't lettin' that shit slide.
School Fight
Tamarack x Male Reader (FTM Safe!) Author's note: I’m starting to think you really like the "jealous Qiu, and in love with Tamarack" dynamic… just a feeling. 🎀 CW: A physical fight and mentions of bullying. - I will also warn you that I may have not re-edited this. 1972 words
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Ever since MC had met Tamarack, he’s doted on her. If she was a princess, he was her knight, through and through. He was at Tamarack’s defense when Oma and her argued, he was at her side when she felt isolated, he was always paying attention to her face to see if she approved or disapproved certain plans. She is his everything, and even in high school it hasn’t changed much. It certainly isn’t as obvious anymore, nor is he following her around like a lost puppy as much either. With getting older and no longer feeling out-of-place after being the new neighbor, he’s become more independent. Confident, some might say. 
MC began to climb the high school popularity ranks the older he got, along with Qiu (but Qiu wasn’t all that excited about being popular at this point). Though that never let MC feel bigger than Tamarack. Instead he always made sure to make it obvious that they were friends, that he’ll make time for her any day, that she’s just as important as any one of his friends. In a room full of people, he’ll always choose her. 
So when MC decided that he wanted to walk with Tamarack after her after school orchestra practice for the first time, he had a gut-squeezing feeling when he saw her with a small frown and tiny tears at the edges of her eyes. He quickly rushed up to her, but she squeezed her eyes when she noticed MC and smiled, the tears becoming much less notable now.
“Are you okay?” He asked, studying her face worriedly, holding himself from running his hands over the tear trails on her face. She nodded persistently, “Yeah, Orchestra was just stressful today. Rehearsal stuff, it happens.” She waved her hand dismissively. 
MC sighed understandingly, “Well if it’d help, we can go to the Diner and get milkshakes?” Tamarack perked up at the offer, and while her sadness didn’t seem to fully pass, it still made her smile.
As the week continues, MC notices that Tamarack’s been more stressed at the mention of orchestra. She’s anxious in the hallways, as if looking for someone, or trying to be aware of what people are talking about. Of course Tamarack was a little more anxious and awkward, they’re in highschool! It’s kind of a package deal. But it was way out of character for her, this was fear, and that little voice in MC’s head knew that something was wrong. All he needed to know was what the cause was. 
MC walked into the auditorium, sitting in the front row as he kept his eyes on Tamarack the whole time as she settled into her seat and pulled out her instrument. Though, nobody really seemed to notice him with the bright lights on them, and if they did, he wasn’t their main focus. They were working on playing music for one of the school musicals, but not even halfway into practice, MC already noticed plenty of red flags.
Two freshmen who sat behind Tammy were being dickheads. Notably one was blonde and the other was brunette. It started out small, but even then it took everything in MC to not get up and tell them to cut it out. Maybe accidentally spill some water on them. Who knows. The two boys went back and forth throughout their instrumental pauses or 10 minute breaks, throwing side-eyes at Tammy while whispering some surely cruel comments about her considering that in response to every whisper, Tamarack seemed to curl more and more into herself. 
MC had kept his eye on them, wishing that Tamarack could notice him and give him a signal on what to do. Scenarios and plans ran through his head, many of them revolving around the idea of revenge. On the other hand, he can hear his ma’s and Tamarack’s voice to calm down, to not get in trouble. The rest of the half hour passes and Tamarack makes her way over to MC, inhaling deeply before crashing her body onto him, pressing her weight against him so that he could hold her closely. 
“Is there a reason you haven’t told me about those two dickheads?” MC crossed his arms. Of course he wasn’t angry at her, but the fact that those two had the nerve to be mean to the nicest and adorable girl in the whole world. The audacity. 
Tamarack huffs no longer leaning on him, “No! They’re just dumb, and it’s…” she falters, rolling her eyes and no longer making eye contact with MC, “It’s nothing to worry about.” MC glances around and finds the two boys headed out, but not leaving without throwing a judgemental look towards Tamarack. It only made MC’s stomach turn and twist. 
Just say the word, Tam. Put me in the ring, coach.
“If they keep this up, I swear I’ll start a fight”
“Please don’t” Tamarack laughs softly, but they both knew that MC wasn’t strictly joking. MC only makes a small unsatisfied sound, his eyes stuck and glaring at the two boys until they were out of sight. “Earth to MC?” Tamarack waves her hand in front of his face, “Are we still gonna walk to my place?”
MC sighs before taking Tamarack’s cello case, puffing his chest for a quick second before the weight shifted comfortably in his arms,
“MC, you know you don’t have to carry it for me every time-”
“You’ll have to pry this from my cold dead hands if you expect me to let you carry this yourself”
“My hero” Tamarack sighs with a smug look, readjusting MC’s hair so that his hair is back to normal before their walk. 
“My princess” MC grins back.
The week had felt long, as if the school building itself was actively stopping the clock and hoping no one would question it. MC and Tamarack were walking down the halls in their transition period, arm in arm. Chatting away about their next class and hooked together to not lose each other to the crowd was always their excuse.
“Imagine if the crowds sucked her away and I’d never find her again!” MC huffed to Qiu long ago. 
So MC made it clear that he would never let that happen. Nor was he going to let the world see the dust of blush on his cheeks wherever they did cross arms.  
Unfortunately, the two boys from the orchestra had caught onto Tamarack’s presence on their walk down the halls. MC could see the cogs turning in their heads, which was surprising considering that MC thought there was nothing in there anyways. Defeating all logic regardless, there was a non-verbal plan being set in their minds, which made MC tense. 
He felt worse when he stole a quick look over at Tamarack, seeing her understandably more anxious than him, tears welling up in her eyes once more. This time she finally let them fall. 
The two boys pointed and whispered, judging something– and when MC looked at what they were pointing at, it was a part of a bit of high school embarrassment. Tamarack’s backpack was almost wide-open, not enough for everything to fall out. Of course, they were close enough so that you could hear the glimpses of terrible things they decided to say about her. About her intelligence and comments about her appearance. People are starting to look. 
“Guys, can you both just fucking rela-” MC was interrupted by the brunette who passed him, shoulder hitting shoulder, which caught MC off guard. 
Tamarack was quiet now, and a panicked and helpless look was all she could give as the brunette had gone up to her, let her walk away just a bit so that he could reach into her bag, pulling out whatever he could grab. It was her lunch bag. In a quick attempt of playing monkey in the middle, the brunette with the lunch bag tosses it over to the blonde boy, who’s conveniently closer to MC.
As the two boys laugh, the blonde holding the lunch bag makes eye contact with MC, almost as if expecting him to laugh too at this obnoxious act. 
There’s a moment where MC just nods, the situation finally clicking and snapping in his head. 
Almost as if it’s instinct, MC forces his body to slam the kid against the locker which takes everyone off guard. Those who knew MC from elementary especially. He wasn’t lost or trying to fit in anymore like he did back then. He wasn’t hiding behind Tamarack and hoping that everyone stays friends. It almost made MC seem bigger now. 
The blonde was almost too shocked by the reaction, but he recovered and decided that he’d fight back. They both shoved each other around, throwing a punch in there occasionally, the growing crowd of kids gave a lot of space. Phones were out, and people were cheering and commenting. In one moment MC was pinned and being pushed around by his clothes, in another moment MC had the blonde onto the floor, shoving him harshly back down on the ground.
Veronica had pulled Tamarack away while Qiu and Ren struggled against the mob of children to see what was happening. All they had heard was that MC was in a fight. All Qiu fully registered was a blonde boy on the ground, MC trying to pin the boy’s hands away, and a brunette boy about to enter to help his friend, most likely to make the situation worse or make this a 2v1 situation. Qiu quickly ran up to the brunette and redirected him, only shoving him back warningly. 
That’s all Qiu needed to see, and they knew that it probably had something to do with Tamarack. Who else would MC fight like this for?
“Are you gonna keep going?!” MC shouts at the boy, trying to be heard over the multiple kids shouting. The blonde boy kept up with the struggle before finally giving in and knowing that MC wasn’t going to let go of his wrists until they both stopped hurting one another. 
The blonde boy nods persistently, allowing MC to finally get off of him (not without "accidentally nudging this guy on the side a bit" with his foot) and take a couple steps back in case the boy was planning on starting another fight.
Not that there was time for it considering teachers finally reached the situation. The crowd quickly dispersed, leaving only Tamarack, Qiu, MC, and the two boys in that hall with the teachers.. 
Fortunately, Tamarack and Qiu didn’t get in much trouble besides whatever their parents and grandparents found to be appropriate. MC on the other hand had a 4 day suspension, and the other two boys had gotten slightly longer and worse punishments than them. MC’s mom wasn’t the happiest at the whole situation, but she also figured deep down something like this would’ve happened. Tamarack’s Opa found the whole thing a lot more amusing than Omi, of course, but they were still somewhat glad the bullying issue was done with too. 
And it wasn’t like Tamarack and MC were banned from seeing each other ever again. Tamarack and Qiu would visit MC after school to bring him homework, and study together. 
At the end of the day, no one bothered to bully or make comments about Tamarack anymore, lest they deal with MC when he comes back. At least MC promised he’d never do it again. Probably.
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covesdadappreciation · 10 months
Stormy Day
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Short Comfort Fluff - Step 1 [Trans Friendly] Male Reader x Qiu Lin
Reader Pronouns: He/Him
Reader is afraid of storms, specifically lightening and heavy rain.
Note: First fic everybody and Reader has a crush on Qiu, but this is more comfort than romantic?
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[Name] was laying back in his bed, the canopy blocking him from the warm autumn sun that illuminates the room. His mom was out doing chores on today, so what else could he do besides be in his room? He's already ventured enough through the house, done his homework, finished lunch...
maybe add some color to the wall with crayons?
That plan is quickly shut down as the sound of the doorbell ringing brings [Name] back to reality.
He heads downstairs and over to the entrance of the house and peeks through the windows next to the door only to find Qiu on the other side.
Isn't he supposed to be over at Baxter's?
Regardless, [Name] opens the door, happy to see his crush at his place.
"Hi [Name]" Qiu chimes, doing a little wave, "are you busy right now?"
"I'm not busy, but I thought you were at Baxter's place?" [Name] finally asked.
"Baxter made some last-minute changes to the plan, so we aren't hanging out today, which works out great at the end. Kind of great, I mean. There's supposed to be this big storm happening tonight" Qiu starts, but [Name] starts to feel his stomach stir with unease...
"and I know you hate those storms, which is why I wanted to see if you'd be okay with us hanging out today while it's going on" Qiu explained, "I wanna help distract you... You always talk about how you have to hide in a bathroom or closet to block out the sounds, so I thought maybe you'd like some company?"
[Name] hums softly at the thought. Qiu's always been a selfless friend to you, and now he's willing to do this?
"That sounds great and all, but what would your parents say?"
Qiu gets excited, knowing he's thought of everything, "I already asked them and they said it'd be okay as long as your mom is okay with it!"
"My mom's not home yet, but you could wait here. We could start our hangout right now until she gets here" [Name] proposes
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That's how we got here. [Name] and Qiu sitting on the floor next to each other while playing Super Mario Galaxy 2 on the Wii, shouting and laughing loudly at each other for doing so badly at the co-op game.
[Name] flops back onto the floor, his laughter finally dying down. Qiu notices, turning to his side and watching [Name] as [Name]'s attention shifted outside the window. The sun was hidden by the clouds now, as if it were a looming threat to [Name]. Warning him.
He hated it.
But he felt some peace knowing Qiu was beside him...
"You okay?" Qiu asked
"Yeah! It's just," [Name] falters for a moment, "it's nice having a storm buddy for the first time."
Qiu chuckles at being considered a 'storm buddy', and he's taking his new title to heart. Qiu isn't going to let [Name] face this fear alone, no matter what.
Abruptly, the sound of the keys jingling at the entrance of the door clicking made the two kids perk up. Opal had walked in, a little surprised to find Qiu here, but it wasn't the first time that she's walked into the house to this duo.
"Hi Ms. Second!" Qiu smiles
"Qiu wants to help me and stay throughout the storm, is that okay ma?" [Name] asks excitedly. Of course, Opal knew about the gravity of [Name]'s fear over the storms, and the whole move probably wasn't going to help either... maybe it'd be helpful.
"As long as his folks are okay with it then-" Opal is quickly interrupted, hearing [Name] and Qiu quietly cheer "Yes!" before scattering back to the tv to finish one more round of their game.
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Qiu and [Name] sat in his room. At this point they had already played 2 board games, talked about school, made future plans of what the friend group could do together... they talked about anything and everything with each other as if they weren't going to see each other ever again. They even made a pillow fort to relax in.
It's dark outside, and the rain was beginning to pour harder. The first flash of lightning makes [Name] freeze up. Qiu takes [Name]'s hand and moves him away from the windows and into the fort, giving him a gentle squeeze of the hand to let him be aware that Qiu's there for him.
“it’s okay, you know. if you need to vent.” Qiu smiles, "I'm here for you"
There's a moment of silence between the two as they look at each other, both smiling at the other's presence... that is until they hear some distant thunder that breaks the quiet.
"I forgot my headphones on the bed" [Name] muttered. Qiu quickly crawled out of the fort, and [Name] could hear some rustling on the bed before Qiu crawled back in with [Name]'s headphones, comfort object, and a game of uno.
"I just found us another distraction game" He grins, waving the uno cards around.
[Name] happily took two of his life savers, sliding the headphones on and hugging his comfort item tightly while Qiu opened the Uno card pack and placed the cards on the floor.
As Qiu worked on the card stacks, attempting (and failing) to do a cool card shuffle, [Name] could feel the thunder from outside. It helped that the headphones were on to kill a lot of the sound but the reminder that the trees were probably waving around wildly, the lightening could shoot down at the house, anything was possible!
Qiu noticed [Name]'s discomfort, offering his hand out again.
"Thank you" [Name] said softly, accepting Qiu's hand and his stack of uno cards
"Of course, what else are storm buddies for?" Qiu crooned.
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covesdadappreciation · 11 months
Characters I write for!
The Romanceable OL Characters <3 (reminder, I only write for male identifying readers)
Qiu "Autumn" Lin
Derek Suarez
Cove Holden
Tamarack Baumann
Baxter Ward
and for my own sake
Cliff Holden
I will probably write for other OL characters in the future maybe, but we'll see. Right now I'm planning on posting my OC info on my page.
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Hi! Could you do Qiu Lin x m reader who really loves video games? Like absolutely adores em and stuff and tries to cheer them up with games he think they'd like? I think it'd be nice to spend a rainy day playing animal crossing with Qiu on a ds or something :3
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Step 1 Qiu x Male Reader
Short - Fluff - Not fully proof read
Note: Apologies for taking so long! It's my last two weeks of finals, so I finally found a sliver of time to finish this fully. Thank you!
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MC was known for having his nose stuck in his game systems. In the school hallways? Probably playing Super Mario on his DS. At the diner? Milkshakes and Papa's Pizzeria. Should probably be studying because a huge test is coming up? Tetris or Legend Of Zelda Wind Waker. 
It was something comforting for MC, and something that made him feel beyond thrilled was that his crush, Qiu Lin, had no problem with it. In fact, Qiu practically adored that aspect of MC. MC could rant on and on for hours about his favorite games, trying to teach them how to play it or how the story is unraveling. There was even one night where MC had run over to Qiu’s house late at night out of pure excitement at the fact that one of his games had an entire plot twist that he had to rant about. 
And no matter how much MC nerded out about his favorite interest, Qiu never judged him. Qiu always sat there and listened, asked questions, never interrupting, because he knew just how important this was to MC. Qiu knew that MC would try to talk about these things with his mom or the people at school, but no one had the same patience and interest like Qiu Lin had. 
It was one of the very first things that pulled MC closer to Qiu.
MC felt special. 
And that feeling was further proven on a rainy day, when MC was in his room, excitedly waiting for Qiu to come over. Normally, once a week, Qiu would stop over to play animal crossing with MC. But this time, there was even more excitement in MC’s attitude. Qiu had been holding onto this hinted secret above MC’s head the entire week, saying something about having a little gift for him. 
Could it be his favorite snack?
A cool new helmet for his ride?
Maybe the gift is a joke and it’s just Qiu’s presence… because of course he would do that. 
MC didn’t want to get his hopes up too high yet, because if he did, he’d be expecting a whole new console and a plush with a love confession attached to it. 
MC was prepared for this meetup. He had snacks settled out, his stuffed animals on the bed ready to be hugged (one of his stuffed animals had Qiu’s bandana on its neck), his clothes piled up on the chair instead of strewn about on the floor. You could finally see the floor again! MC’s heart raced quicker at the sound of the doorbell and his mom answering the door, quickly making sure everything was arranged perfectly while his mom bought him time. The sound of Qiu coming up the stairs and his signature knock of shave and a haircut, two bits pattern.
MC quickly opened the door, pulling Qiu into the room by his wet green jacket,
“Qiu! You, me, animal crossing, right now” MC urged excitedly, letting Qiu accustom himself onto MC’s bed where he normally sits. 
“”Someone’s in an urgent mood today” Qiu chuckled, watching MC pull out his second console for Qiu. “Not really, the rain always ruins plans” MC huffs, “except these plans, where it’s just you and me playing. It’s the only good thing that happened today!”
Qiu’s eyes seem to lose themself in the distance at the wording, as if refraining some emotions from coming through. Instead, they take a small breath and straighten their back, “and what if I made it even better?”
“Are you finally gonna give you this gift you’ve been tempting me with this entire week?” MC huffed, crossing his arms
“...I’m listening”
Qiu’s hand digs into his pocket, faltering once it’s in his grasp. It was a crime to make MC wait this long! Thankfully Qiu gave in and pulled out a red wrapped gift box with a tag on it. With little patience, MC takes it, reading the tag:
“To: MC From: the greatest kid you’ll ever meet”
“Well aren’t you humble” MC glances up to look at Qiu who has a smug smile on his face
“I try” Qiu shrugs
MC proceeds to unwrap it, taking off the cardboard lid to reveal a plush animal crossing character, Bunnie. One of the very first characters that MC had gotten attached to throughout the game. Which meant Qiu noticed and remembered which character had that impact on MC this whole time. 
This was practically a confession at this point!
“I love you, Qiu Lin”
“I knew Bunnie would make you happy!” Qiu chimed, completely missing the mark. Thankfully, it let MC take a quick breath to calm their beating heart, “Let’s just… start playing before I cry and ask for marriage” he mutters. 
MC settles besides Qiu on the bed, pulling a small blanket on him, "Would you wanna be cozy with me and share this?" he offered. Qiu smiles and nods, letting MC curl up closer and lay the blanket over them as they prepare for a long afternoon of snacks, a game, and drawing constellations together.
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