#qsmp ghost au
anonymous-dentist · 11 months
First off, Roier is dead. Suuuuper dead. He’s dead, and he’s been stuck in the Quesadilla Hotel for the past forty goddamn years, and he can’t see himself moving on any time soon. He’s got unfinished business, and he refuses to move into the Beyond until he sees that man dead.
But it’s not all bad, being dead. The hotel is full of ghosts just like him, and he even gets along with most of them. Like Jaiden, who was blown up in a demolitions accident back in the 90s. And Foolish, who drowned in the hotel’s decorative fountain while high off his ass in the 70s. And Rivers, who choked on a chicken bone in the hotel’s restaurant just in 2018.
But, really, it’s kinda lonely sometimes. Eventually, his friends will all move on, and he’ll be all alone again.
And then, one day, there’s a police chase down the road complete with gunshots, and Roier peeks out the window just in time to watch a van full of people crash into the hotel’s side. It explodes on impact, killing everyone inside, and, suddenly, the hotel’s got five more ghosts in it and Roier’s got a new friend in a guy who definitely wasn’t on the run for murder when he was killed.
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quinntell · 11 months
Can you tell us more about the ghost au pretty pls :>
yes yes yes yes thank you for asking.
So the main people in the au are fit, pac, and mike but it I’ll also follow the others as well!
Fit got a job as a janitor for this lab and the lab turns out to be haunted by many ghost the first two ghosts that we encounter are ex scientists pac and mike they can’t exactly remember how they died but it had to do with something in the west wing of the lab, the west wing of the lab is for the most part abandoned.
Then we have the two side bits 
Tubbo is extremely new scientist at the lab and mostly works on more technical experiments. He has a bit of a romance happening with the mysterious high ranked employee named Fred. Fred comes by the lab every once and a while and when he does he is normally very quiet and he seems to be mute but most of the workers there are.
Cellbit is a detective (or reporter I haven’t decided yet) that’s is from the town that’s is near the lab. He sometimes sneaks into the forest near the lab and that is where he first encountered a strange spider-like spirit. Cellbit would come to that forest anytime he could and would sometimes notice a scientist from the lab would also interact with the spider ghost, she would also sometimes be with a small boy with overalls
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aetherean-alchemist · 6 months
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starry-bugs · 11 months
Your name is Cellbit, you are 15 years old, and there is a man staring at you while you eat his corpse raw. You can't look away until your comrade is blocking him from view and telling you to finish your food. He is the first of many, but you don't know that yet. His eyes follow you as you leave.
Your name is Cellbit, you are 18 years old, and the man you just killed is watching you taunt his friends with his body. You have no problems ignoring him, he's just one of many in the audience. You've stopped caring about what they think, it doesn't matter anymore. After all, who cares what the dead think?
Your name is Cellbit, you are 26 years old, and your stepson is asking where his brother is. You don't know what to say to him, and the other three children are suddenly paying attention to you again. It's the first time seeing ghosts has bothered you in nearly a decade, and you selfishly find yourself wishing you couldn't see them at all.
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heonicube · 11 months
okay i am now in love with idea that instead of demi-gods that regularly possess him all of tubbos friends are just ghosts that regularly haunt him
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svtskneecaps · 11 months
ghost investigators au tubbo fully does not believe in ghosts which annoys the shit out of cellbit, considering a solid 90% of their investigations end with SOME kind of supernatural entity being involved and 50% of the time this entity tries to kill them. tubbo consistently comes up with increasingly batshit smoke and mirror tricks that could explain away the supernatural (to which cellbit responds THAT IS SO MUCH MORE UNBELIEVABLE THAN A GHOST WTF). tubbo and ramon somehow always manage to pull off these tricks in fit's auto shop, which at this point doubles as a mad science lab along with its original secret purpose of Testing Thing Go Boom. sometimes dapper helps them, because dapper thinks tubbo's complete stubborn denial is hilarious.
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miscellaneoussmp · 4 months
What if I talked about my vampire and ghost au? What if I did that?
Fuck it.
Cellbit sold his soul to a demon when he was just thirteen. He was human then. He doesn't remember what he got in exchange. If he had to guess, it was probably food? Maybe a weapon? He remembers the scent of blood, though. Cellbit was still human, then. He wonders if that's why Felps didn't kill him, even though he definitely deserved it.
Bagi sold her soul to a demon when she was just eighteen. She was still technically human then, but it wouldn't last much longer. In exchange, she got knowledge. Knowledge she wouldn't have gotten without the demon. She wonders how the demon had the knowledge she received in the first place. Bagi remembers the scent of blood, and neither of them were human then.
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ghostatrandom · 1 year
Can you tell us more about the q!jaiden federation au/hc you have? It looks really cool!
Okey first of all thank you all that found my art and became deranged in the tags lol I'm so happy this idea is vibing with so many people.
And I have so many ideas you don't even know that play around certain q!Jaiden's behavior that it might be better if I answered them with drawings on very especific questions, english is a bit hard for me and dont know how to write consistent word rumbles
But mainly I wanted to play around the idea of Cucurucho's and Jaiden's relationship, centered as a nanny/caretaker and daughter found family dynamic! And that every headcanon that Jaiden has about Cucurucho is actually fragments of her memory slipping (she and Cucurucho absolutely ate mild spicy food as a snack)
Also while drawing my Jaiden reference my mind could only think about: "Jaiden is a test tube baby" and I find that amusing
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masked-ragdoll · 1 year
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Ghost in the Wires AU
hello! I am back with yet another au! This one comes after the end of Wilbur's story in DSMP
Basically, cc!Wilbur finishes writing and streaming his character's last video when he hears Ghostbur talking to him through his headphones. Turns out setting his character free also freed Ghostbur from limbo and into his computer. The two of them get along and do things together, Wilbur teaching Ghostbur how to edit videos and Ghostbur building a minecraft world for the two of them to play in.
When Quackity invites Wilbur to the QSMP, the three of them device a plan to have Ghostbur, under the alias Albert (or AI-bur), pretend to be an AI version of Wilbur that will play on the server (and eventaully take care of Tallulah) while Wilbur is out on tour.
Only the admins, Quackity, and eventually Phil know the true nature of Albert. Albert's skin is the same as Wilbur's just mirror flipped with a blue sweater and pure white eyes.
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So you know how kids can like. see ghosts and stuff way easier. looks at my ghost au. lol. well. you see. what if Tallulah saw Tilín. <3333
Wilbur had company over his home, Quackity had swung by to chat and sit down with a cup of coffee. They'd become closer, Quackity was almost like a second father to his little girl Tallulah. Quackity had needed a second, just to brew up a cup for him to drink when Wilbur heard the telltale sound of Tallulah's flute.
A fond smile pulled at Wilbur's cheeks, slipping away from Quackity to check in on Tallulah in the other room. When he stood in the doorway, he could see Tallulah hopping around the room, giggling into her flute as she played her notes.
"Lulah?" Wilbur called softly, smiling when the little girl jumped slightly, turning around to face him. She blinked before smiling, raising her hands up and hugging Wilbur's legs, as they were all she could reach, "Papí!"
Wilbur leaned down and placed one of his knees on the hardwood floor, taking Tallulah's face in his hands and pressing a kiss into her brown curls, "What are you doing in here, little one?"
Tallulah bounced on her feet, "Playing! With a friend!" She brought her flute up to her lips and played another note, "They said I sound awesome!"
Wilbur hummed, subconsciously looking around the room for any potential entry points. There were none, the room was safe. "That's nice, Lulah. Is it an imaginary friend?" He asked, tilting his head.
Tallulah puffed out her cheek, crossing her arms dramatically and shaking her head, "No! They're really really real, promise! They have a pretty bow and black hair! And- and the pretty sun wings!"
Wilbur felt his heart drop, listening to Tallulah continue. A little red bow. Short raven black hair, framing their face perfectly. Sun colored wings. Tallulah only continued, too caught up in her excitement to tell her father of a new friend.
"They even said we were like siblings!"
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docterzerocare · 11 months
so. came up with Another qsmp au (because of course) that i'm calling the "Ghost Dads" au. basically, Quackity and Charlie die trying to protect Tilín and Flippa.
specifically, Quackity had taken Tilín to teach them how to swim, but it started storming. Quackity managed to get her out of the river, but he got swept away and drowned. Charlie had gone with Mariana and Flippa on an adventure, but unlike last time, where Mariana had hit her on accident and killed her, Charlie managed to jump in front of Flippa and took the hit instead. however, this ended up killing him instead.
they both wander as ghosts, watching over their kids as well as the rest of the server. however, nobody besides their kids can see them. well, Mariana can also see Charlie sometimes, but it's usually out of the corners of his eyes or at night while he's sleeping. we're not even gonna try getting into the weird Gegg Situation™ rn. and Quackity just shows up to people they're pissed at. speaking of which...
when ElQuackity came around, he tried to pretend that he was Quackity, saying things like "Oh yeah, uh, I've finally come back after being washed away by the river. I definitely didn't die :)"
and, mysteriously, he started having "sleep paralysis." he'd see a ghostly version of his twin brother, soaking wet with ripped clothes. they almost never speak, as anytime they open their mouth, water pours out. his eyes are wide and glassy as he stare them down. at first he'd appear at the foot of the bed, then, night by night, he'd slowly keep getting closer. one night, ElQ wakes up to find Quackity sitting on his chest, staring into his soul. but hey, it's just sleep paralysis...right?
well, they fuck up big time. they attack Tilín. he doesn't kill them, thank the fucking lord, but they are heavily injured.
(Tilín lays on her bed, in pain and fading in and out of consciousness. he hears his father's voice, and feels a wet, cold hand giving comforting pats to their shell. Tilín almost cries, thinking that it's a surefire sign that he is going to die soon. it's not, it's just Quackity comforting his injured child)
that night, ElQ doesn't just wake up finding someone staring at him. they wake up with cold, clammy hands wrapped around their throat, and glassy eyes filled with rage staring down at them. he tries prying the fingers off of his throat, but it doesn't work. it continues until he finally starts blacking out.
they wake up hours later in bed, gasping for breath. he assumes it's a nightmare; a rather realistic nightmare, but a nightmare nonetheless.
because ghosts aren't real, right?
(he tries to ignore the handprints around his neck, as well as the wet footprints that lead to and from his room. they'd rather not think about them.)
(fun fact: the only reason ghost!Quackity didn't kill ElQ then and there is because a worker walked by his room, and he didn't want to be seen :))
Oooo v v cool idea, spooky season appropriate too :D
There are implications™️ for roier tho with bobbys death if you wish to apply the ghosty treatment to every death
Also lemme just au of an au - bad can see em (cause grim reaper n ghost chat) BUT its only played for bits because i cannot imagine bad, quackity, and charlie trio being anything but absurd - angsty implications but they stay silly :3
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anonymous-dentist · 10 months
Cellbit has always dreamed of dying.
Growing up on the streets, death was his best friend and closest companion. He did what he had to do to survive, and he fell asleep every night under the bridge holding his knife to his chest just in case anyone tried getting smart with him.
The Man In Black always told him that he was too close to death, and Cellbit always agreed. He’d smile and ask the Man In Black for some candy or for a cigarette, and sometimes he’d even get something. (Usually the candy. Not the cigarette.)
By the time he had finally aged out of the system, Cellbit had decided that he wanted to die in a cool way, like on tv. He wanted to explode. He didn’t want to die of pneumonia or anything boring like that; he wanted to be remembered, because maybe then he’d finally get to meet the family he couldn’t remember at his tombstone.
Now, at the ripe old age of 26, Cellbit’s wish is finally being granted as Felps plows the van right into the side of some old hotel Cellbit doesn’t know the name of.
Cellbit sees the wall approaching, eyes widening in a sudden and unfamiliar panic, and he has just enough time to think, ‘Wait, no, I changed my mind-’, before the van makes impact and the world goes white.
He doesn’t feel a thing.
But it’s so beautiful, the End. The ether swirls around him like pearlescent soap bubbles tickling his skin; he’s floating.
His fingertips are tingling, but he can’t see them. Does he want to? They’re burning, just like the rest of him is. He doesn’t want to see that.
Eyes closed and at peace for the first time in his life, he drifts. The Man In Black was wrong: death is warm.
It’s warm.
It’s hot.
He opens his eyes and stares down at his charred, burning corpse, and he listens to Pac scream- still alive in the back of the van- and he feels Mike’s hand scramble to hold his, and that’s.
“Oh,” Cellbit says, voice hoarse and oddly choked. He swallows the cold in his throat. “So that’s it.”
His body is already unrecognizable. Hair’s gone, skin’s charred. Ugly as hell, but, well, it’s what he wanted.
“Pac…” Mike murmurs. So he’s dead, too. Huh.
There’s a weird buzzing in Cellbit’s skin, eyes on the back of his neck. But when he whips his head around to stare at the hotel at his back, all he sees is a brief flash of red. Nothing, just the building.
“Where’s Felps…?” Cellbit breathes. He jerks his hand out of Mike’s and runs to the driver’s side of the van. “Felps!”
He blinks, and then there’s Forever standing next to him looking very confused.
“What the…” Forever looks around before settling his eyes on his body. “Oh.”
Cellbit puts a hand on his shoulder. His bare shoulder- did he fucking die shirtless? No way…
Cellbit takes his hand off of his shoulder.
“We shouldn’t have let Felps drive,” he says.
Forever glares at him. “No shit! Dude, we’re dead!”
Pac wails. Somehow, he’s still alive. Mike’s by his side, at least, pressed against the outside of the van by Pac’s seat trying to talk to him.
“He’s fine,” Cellbit points out.
“Not for long!” Forever shouts. He runs his hands through his hair before flopping onto the ground in a despairing heap. “Fuck! I knew I shouldn’t have accepted that ad-”
“To be fair, dying wasn’t exactly in the job description,” Cellbit dryly says. He settles into the grass next to Forever, kinda sorta feeling miles and miles away. Shock, he thinks. Huh.
Forever covers his face with his hands and groans, “How are we even here? We’re dead!”
“Ghosts,” Mike comments from the far side of the van. Pac has gone quiet, r-i-p. “Kinda cool, honestly.”
“How is this cool? We’re dead!”
Cellbit stares down at the grass. It’s burning, too, because of course it is. It’s going to die, too. Huh.
He tunes Forever and Mike out as he notices that it isn’t the grass that’s on fire. It’s him: his fingertips are smoldering and crumbling into ash and reforming and crumbling and reforming and crumbling and-
“Hey guys!”
He snaps his head up just in time to watch Felps clamber out of the hole in the wall with a bright smile on his face.
“Look what I’ve got!” he calls, waving one arm.
The other arm drags along a yawning child rubbing his eye with his knuckles.
“You guys suck,” the kid grumbles. (Well, at least he speaks Portuguese…) “I was literally asleep.”
Forever glances out from between his fingers and immediately groans and hides his eyes again.
“I’m not SEEING this,” he moans. “I’m fine, I’m not dead, we aren’t dead, Felps didn’t kill a child…”
“A child?” Pac exclaims, popping into existence next to Mike on the other side of the van.
Cellbit sighs and flops onto his back, eyes slipping shut again. His hand finds Forever’s arm, and he loosely holds it, smiling slightly as Forever swaps his arm out for his hand.
“At least we don’t have to pay rent anymore,” he tells Forever.
So there’s that.
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quinntell · 11 months
I made this for my ghost au but I got lazy and didn’t finish it but here
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impawsiblecat · 5 months
100 days of Deathduo!
Day 1- Reverse phasmo au! (Also I'm so sorry if the format is weird I don't know how to tumblr)
Content warning for spooky ghost stuff, suspense. Also it's not beta'd haha
The breaker was off. Which was a bit annoying, but the previous owners clearly hadn’t been there in a while. Clover isn’t surprised the electrical company had turned it off to save power. That didn’t change the fact that it was a little bit… inconvenient. Still, she was excited. If all goes well, this house is hers. Her own place. It may be a bit rundown, if the torn wallpaper and worn floorboards were anything to go by, and that couch had certainly seen much better days, but it was hers. And renovations could always be made. She had plenty of money left over due to just how cheap the house was. 
    The house was cold, likely due to the breaker, and Clover shivered as she went to look for it, taking out her phone flashlight so she wouldn’t trip over anything. It must have been in either the utility room or the attic, right? Or was it called the storage area. It was somewhere upstairs, she remembered seeing it on the floorplan of the house. It could also be in the backyard, but Clover hadn’t seen anything back there when she had first investigated the house. She smiled as she remembered seeing the for sale sign and peeking into the windows while imagining what could be. She had bought it that same day.
    Clover coughed from the layers of dust that was scattered around, and she pulled her backpack in front of her in order to dig around for her waterbottle, taking a swig from it when she found it. This house needed a ton of cleaning. Which was fine. It was hers! Still, next time she may have to bring a mask, or something. Breathing in all of this dust was probably not the greatest for her health, if she had to guess. She passed by the stairs next to the front door, thinking that the utility room was the more likely place for a breaker to warm the cold rooms.
    The house wasn’t very big, but it didn’t stop Clover from getting lost, finding herself in a bedroom instead of the kitchen she expected. Which would have led to the utility room. The light from her phone bounced off of the walls, showing the pictures of the previous owners that lived here. She didn’t quite know what happened to them, or why they left. It did make her curious, but she figured they were likely evicted, or just had somewhere to go. Perhaps they thought that the house was too isolated, alone from everyone, with nothing but a plain barren field nearby. But that was what Clover loved about it. Come next spring, she was sure it would be filled with crops that she could farm. It had an irrigation system built in, and she was excited for the different pace in life that it was sure to bring. Peaceful, hopefully, away from the monotonous and stressful work environment of a corporate office job.
    Did she know how to actually farm? Well. No. But surely it couldn’t be too hard, right? It was just. Planting the seeds. And waiting for them to grow. 
    Clover’s thoughts became distracted when the beam of light caught on something shiny. Upon further investigation, she realized that there was a flip phone on the dresser, covered by a layer of dust. The people here must have really hated this place, to just pack up and leave like that. It was a mystery. Maybe Clover would try to figure out the reason why it was abandoned so much, and try to get some of the pictures and mementos back to the people they belonged to.
    But for now, the breaker. If she could stop getting so turned around in the dark. Clover tried to recall the floorplan given to her on the release forms. If she was in the bedroom, then she just had to make her way to the living room, and then the- aha! The kitchen. She knew where she was going the entire time. Clover’s flashlight caught on jars of old pickles and unopened soda cans that she was definitely gonna get rid of. They had probably been there for ages. Luckily, nothing seemed to have rotted out in the open, which Clover was grateful for. The chill of the house probably helped, even after all of these years. 
    She found the door to the utility room easily, but groaned when all she saw was a dust covered tool rack and an old mattress. So much for finally being warm. She sighed, shining her phone at the wall once more in hopes that she may have just missed the breaker, but alas, it was not there. Time to head upstairs to the storage room, unless it was in somewhere completely unexpected, like the master bedroom or something. That would be ridiculous though. Who would put an electrical breaker in a bedroom?
    Clover managed to make her way back to the front of the house much easier than she was able to find the kitchen, luckily. The upstairs was even smaller than the bottom part of the house, and she was pretty sure she remembered correctly, so hypothetically it shouldn’t take too long to find the utility room. Hypothetically.
    The stairs creaked under her feet, and Clover shivered a bit as she turned right. Because she was pretty sure that was the correct room. Wasn’t heat supposed to rise, or something? If anything, the air had gotten slightly colder up here than downstairs, but Clover knew that it was the barely spring chill seeping into the house. Come summertime, she was sure it would be sweltering in here. She should probably make sure that the air conditioning unit was here. And the heater, probably. Most likely. 
    She was. In a bedroom. Not a storage room. This house was so confusing, but she was sure the floorplan said it was this way. Spotting another door, Clover made her way over, hoping that it was the correct place. She was grateful that the house had wooden door knobs, seeing as she could feel the chill through them. Metal would have been even colder. She smiled when she saw the metal of the breaker glinting from her flashlight.
    As Clover stepped in the room, she felt the temperature drop, a chill running over her shoulders as she stood in the doorway, confused. It was so much colder than the rest of the house, and it made her uneasy. Or perhaps that was the unnatural creaking of the floorboards, or the many items scattered about the room that had disturbed the layer of dust on the floor. 
    It was probably just a broken board that let in the outside air, right? Maybe the wind had knocked over that hammer. Stealing her resolve, Clover started moving towards the breaker, clutching tightly onto her water bottle with one hand and her flashlight with the other. It was fine. She would just get the breaker on, and save this room for when she was actually able to see. And be warm. Which sounded so nice right now. Warm and away from this room.
    Clover screamed when a pale, almost transparent face suddenly appeared in front of her, yelling at her with an unnatural screech, and she scrambled back, away from the cold breath of air that washed over her as the face got closer to her. She threw her water bottle at the, the apparition, or creature that had showed up and ignored the prickles on her arm as she raced outside the storage room, through the bedroom, down the stairs and outside to her car, only daring to breathe when she had safely locked the door and double checked to make sure there was no one, or no thing, in there with her. 
    She was pretty sure she figured out the reason why the previous owners abandoned the place, now. 
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starry-bugs · 11 months
There are already ghosts around when Cellbit crashes on Quesadilla Island. He's not too surprised by that. People die all the time, even on tropical vacation islands.
But what does surprise him is the fact that the ghosts are children. Three dead children all standing in a group just outside the swarm of people surrounding him and his friends, completely unbothered by the rain pouring down on them.
Two of them haven't noticed him yet, their eyes on other people in the crowd, but the third is looking directly at him. He's shorter than the other two and wearing a colorful propeller hat on his head. He leans over and nudges the kid in the middle, who tugs on the arm of the third, and then all three of them have their eyes on Cellbit.
He doesn't have time to think about what that means before he's being pulled away by the crowd. And by the time he manages to look back at where they were, all three of them are gone. He doesn't know their names or what happened to them yet, but he has a feeling he will. And he's sure he'll get to know them well.
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heonicube · 11 months
Beky’s finally convinced Tubbo to rest, he’s just staying in the backseat while she puppets his body around but she’s happy with the win. Of course, she only won the argument because she promised to continue what he was working on. 
She takes a deep breath, feeling the blood pumping through the borrowed body she’s piloting now. It’s always a bit of whiplash feeling like she’s alive again, even if it’s second-hand impressions. She feels Tubbo’s urge to continue working but he doesn’t push her as she gets her bearings. 
‘I’m too used to this’ the thought comes up alongside her own. She knows he’s talked with the others about his missing memories and they’ve not come to any conclusions no matter who they pull into the discussion. But he has a point. He lets them take over his body in seemingly a single second, used to handing over control with all the trust in the world. And she’s not going to be the one to break it. 
As she rights herself the tasks come to the forefront of her mind, laying gravel for the new tracks. 
Right, that’s easy, she can do that.
Beky’s start ends up a little shaky as she realizes she also has to lay a cobblestone base so the gravel doesn't shift around. Tubbo’s commentary bounces around her thoughts, his laughter at her failures but also his assurances and helpful remarks. She continues on, the repetition of the task is relaxing, seeming both for her and Tubbo as she feels him fall asleep in the back of his mind.
Just as she’s starting the curve towards the southside of the warehouse the waystone announces someone arriving. She doesn’t really notice it at first, focused on her task. The footsteps crunching on the gravel behind her are what catches her attention. Beky looks up to see a man in a blue hoodie making his way toward her, his arm raised in a wave. 
“Tubbo good morning!” He’s got a large smile on his face as he pauses a little bit away from her.
“Hello,” she hesitantly called back. She’s racking her brain for who this might be, Tubbo’s dead asleep in the back of his mind and she doesn’t really want to wake him up now. 
He seems a little confused by her response so Beky shakes herself mentally and brightens up like Tubbo is prone to do. “Hi!” She pulls herself from the task at hand to study the man more. The answer is on the tip of her tongue when the man speaks again.
“Uh-wait hi.” He seems even more confused now, staring at her much more critically than he was earlier. 
Oh, she’s screwed.
“What are, you’re not Tubbo?” 
Oh, she’s not just screwed, she’s fucked.
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