#quackity has a lute!
commaclear · 1 year
vab!wilbur has a praise kink.
Oh abso-fucking-lutely, like he's got it *bad*
The first time Quackity says anything remotely positive to him while they're having sexy times, it's gonna be like a coming to Jesus moment for him
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cuuno-moved · 4 years
dream smp characters as whether as i think they’re big spoons or little spoons because i’m touch starved (/rp) (ALL PLATONIC UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE)
tommy- little spoon, absolutely. he also doesn’t cuddle unless he really needs it. like, he, tubbo and ranboo live together and tubbo and ranboo share a bed (platonically!) and he has his own room and everytime he has a nightmare, he crawls between them and they cuddle him because he fucking needs it.
tubbo- big spoon. king of koala cuddles.
wilbur- big spoon but in the way where he wraps all his limbs around someone and drags them in. like an octopus.
dream- he does not cuddle >:( (he’s a little spoon)
george- little spoon.
sapnap- depends. when he’s cuddling george he’s big spoon, but with his husbands he’s absolutely littlest spoon. he’s also really warm, so even dream will let him cuddle him a little bit.
fundy- neither. he lays on top of people. specifically eret.
eret- big spoon, she’s tall enough that she can curl around people.
niki- little spoon, i just think she deserves it.
jschlatt- little spoon, absolutely.
quackity- depends, but with the husbands, he’s middle spoon <3
techno- i think he doesn’t cuddle much, outside of sbi. like, when tommy has a nightmare or wilbur is touch starved, he’ll hug them or whatever. whenever phil forces him to cuddle (platonically), he’s little spoon though.
phil- big spoon. he has wings, it’s hard to be little spoon :/
ranboo- depends. tubbo just fucking latches onto him, though, and it’s impossible to argue with a sleepy tubbo, so usually little spoon.
bad- big spoon, he is too large not to be.
skeppy- says he’s big spoon, is not.
jack- little spoon <3
karl- big spoon, absolutely. usually sleeps in the middle, though, because sapnap likes to hug him.
sam- big spoon, abso-fucking-lutely. also the best cuddler on the server.
ponk- little spoon. tiny spoon. smallest spoon.
puffy- she’s 4′3″ but she is the biggest spoon on the server.
punz- big spoon, but he will be little spoon sometimes.
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phantom-clock · 3 years
V late but here are my thoughts on dream's treatment in prison (since I've been seeing so many c!dream apologists) and whether he should have theoretically and morally stayed there and if so, under what conditions.
First of all, yes, quackity i love you, but torture is definitely a big nono. Isolation? Also a big nono, this man should be getting consistent (oblverseen) visits, vigilance needed both to make sure there are no escape plans being constructed and to maintain the visitor's safety in tact.
However, here's the question, should dream be in prison and stay there? Yes. In my opinion abso fucking lutely. This man has been puppeteering the entire server for a while now, he's been clearly abusive among other things i don't care to mention right now since it's two AM and i don't care enough about this post to elaborate.
Finally, within the walls of the prison, dream should still ideally be receiving therapy (only if and when the safety of the therapist is fully 100% accounted for, of course) after not only the traumatic experiences that come with living in the batshit crazy dsmp server but also the... incidents with quackity.
Bottom line, did c!dream deserve to be in prison? Yes. A hundred times yes. Did he deserve better living conditions? Also yes. Despite everything, despite every abusive and scummy thing he's done to tommy, wilbur, and hell, the server at large, he's still human and deserves the rights tha come with that.
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Bear in mind this may not be the full list as we are always making more OC's
Kristin- Church Choir
XD- Chiptune
Clara- Wind-Chimes, Marimba
Clementine- radiance theme Kalimba, Marimba
Irrella- Wind-Chimes +Lute
Sangue- War Drums + ominous Chanting
George- Harps
Siraila- Humming, Like a Lullaby
Drista- Ukulele
Nithos- Brass +war drums
Xarri- Drum Heavy, Flute +String
Cornelius- lutes, flutes, and other woodland-type instruments
Ziuna-Full Orchestra
The Crimson- Action Winter Journey(<-- After Hatching)(Before Hatching-->) Ominous War Chanting
Woulingo- Gets shot in Spanish
Kiama- Chinese Guzheng
Calder- Pan Flutes
Zachery(derogatory)- Twisted, Screeching Violin
Erza- Piano +Cello
Atlas- Baglama
Wica-Haunting Ambiance
Gorde- Drums + Bass
Carmen- Harmonica + Flutes, the ones that imitate animal cries
Mierla- Viola + Trumpet + Oboe
Silver- Gong
Gustavo(bitch)- Plagiarism (he steals others Motifs and twists it)
Reeve- Literally every instrument, but the most prominent one is the one he’s teaching 
Rest Of the Cast:
Punz- Shop Ambiance but as the story goes on he gets more and more instruments added to the orchestra until he has all of his friends and families motifs as his own
Eret- Brass-Heavy
Dream- full string orchestra +Guitar
Sapnap- percussion +string +harp
Tommy- Church Bells to Wind Chimes
Tubbo- Flutes
Techno- Lindsey Stirling Violin
Phil- Hurdy Gurdy
Quackity- Tambourine +Bongo +Maraca's
Schlatt- Hades-Town Hades theme + Recorder
Charlie Slimecicle- Auto Tuned Instruments to fit the scene
Wilbur- Guitar
Fundy- Flutes + cello + clarinet
Purpled- Synth
Hannah- Dizi (Chinese flute/bamboo flute) and bassoons
Ranboo- His Voice
Mcchill- Trumpets
Micheal the Piglin- Tambourine
Jack Manifold-Heavy-Metal Percussion
Skeepy- Playing With the Big Boys Now from the Prince of Egypt.
Sally- Ocarina
Puffy- Accordion
HBomb- Otamatone
Sam- Explosions -Shark
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mythrilhusk · 4 years
!!Kill Techno-Sensei!! - Chapter One
Dream SMP x Assassination Classroom AU. Quackity-centric. No ships. 
Words: 1850 Chapter Two (Next) AO3 Version
ALL characters are based off of the Dream SMP characters, Not the content creators (some people are left out due to this, since they have no perceivable RP character). This was a lot of fun to write, and I hope y’all enjoy.
Content warnings: violence, panic attacks/anxiety, death mention, swearing (lots)
CHAPTER ONE (Kill A Little Time):
"Ten billion dollars??" Sapnap's amazed cry startles Quackity out of his tired stupor. Connor and Foolish crowd around Sapnap's desk, babbling with excitement. 
"What the fuck are you on about?" Quackity grumbles, but he can't help peeking over Sapnap's shoulder. The creased document seems to be a bunch of lousy legal drivel. 
"Big Q, the price on this guy's head! We'd be set for life!" 
Quackity makes a grabby gesture, and Sapnap gives the papers to him. His little gang of three-- (missing Karl, since the bastard had to get himself transferred to a different class)-- gathers around him as he flips through them.
That man’s face-- printed in thick, bold strokes on the third page-- clamps a vise around his throat, so tight it constricts the scream he wants to let out. He takes a deep breath. Holds it. Lets it out slowly. "This fucker??" He tosses the papers away dismissively. "He'll be dead in a day with that bounty." Foolish and Connor scramble to snatch the papers, vying for the prestige of being the first to share with the whole class. 
Sapnap, sweet Sapnap, leans over and murmurs worriedly, "You okay, Big Q?" 
"Fuck, I'm great!" Hysteria bites in Quackity's laugh. "Fucking hell, I'm- I'm- I'm abso-fucking-lutely screwed." 
"Why?? That's- you know who that is!!" Quackity cries, not caring that the attention of his peers is being drawn to his outburst, like moths to fire, or like vultures to roadkill. 
"Yeah, but- yeah, he'll be dead in a day." Sapnap lets Quackity squeeze his hand. "You'll be fine. And if he dares to come anywhere near you, the Ducklings have your back." 
Quackity shudders. The thought of his friends going up against the dark shadow from his past fills him with terror. The terror fills him with helpless weakness. Which in turn feeds the vitriolic bitterness rooted deep inside his veins. "N-no, Sapnap. If he comes near, you run." 
"Who teh fock are you runnin' from? I wouldn't run. I'd stand there, and I'd fight it. I'd beat the shit outta it!" Tommy puffs his chest out as he stomps to his desk beside Quackity's, a sunny ray of cheering bravado. "All the ladies, all the ladies say, there goes a man who beats the shit outta what- whatever bothers him." 
Quackity laughs, burying the fear and acidic rage. "Aww, Big T, you'd fight a thousand armies for me?" 
"What?? No, I'd die." Tommy states.  
"You're a good man, Tomathy." 
"No man is good, Big Q. No man is good." 
The other students have all seated themselves in their assigned desks. There's a new teacher this year. Quackity wishes he'd had time to set up a few more pranks than horseradish sauce in the hand lotion dispenser and whoopee cushions on the teacher's chair. But he's not bad at improvising. 
The door opens, and the principal of the school strides in, her fluffy rainbow hair bouncing with every step. "All rise and bow for Captain Pussy!!" Tommy cries. Quackity busts a lung, he's laughing so hard. 
"T-Tommy, that's- that's not very nice, Tommy." Captain Puffy frowns, tapping her five-inch heels on the grimy linoleum. 
"Oh, right. Sorry, Captain." Tommy accepts the reproach with equanimity. "Fucking cold out, am I right, boys?" 
"And girl!!" Rose cries from the front of the class. 
"Yes, well, I was talking to mah boys." Tommy retorts with exaggerated stiffness. 
"Fucking shut up and let the goddamned principal speak!" Quackity cries upon regaining his breath from guffawing. He smiles at Sapnap. The worrywart smiles back gratefully. 
"Uh. Thank you, Quackity." Puffy sighs, looking downcast. "I'm sorry, kids. I tried to keep our school out of this. But Skeppy had- uh. The Prezz called in a few favors." 
"What's going on?" Tommy asks without raising his hand, because he's just that much of a rebel. 
Quackity's neck itches as though he's- being hunted again- no, no, that would never happen here, he's just a regular kid, in a regular school, no war criminals nearby.
But Puffy calls uncertainly to the door, "Mr. Blade?" And Quackity's heart leaps into his throat, choking him with the pounding thump-thump-thump so familiar to prey. 
"Yup." Technoblade's low, dry voice resonates through the numbly silent classroom. His shadow darkens the door. 
Quackity reaches for Sapnap's hand and squeezes tight. "No-no-no-no-" Sapnap squeezes back, fury beating in his firm pulse. Quackity takes a deep breath. Holds it. Lets it out. His friend is furious for his sake. 
Technoblade's clicking steps are the only sound in the quiet, other than Quackity's racing heartbeat. Quackity refuses to look away from Sapnap's hand, refuses to look up at the man who slaughtered his family without a single qualm. 
"I guess I'm your teacher or somethin'." A farting noise rips through the tense stillness. Quackity muffles a hysterical giggle; somebody sat on a whoopee cushion. "What a bunch of nerds." Techno's words are lightly spoken, suffocating Quackity with the terrible normalcy of it all. 
"Are you the Mr. Blade??" Of all people who could've spoken, it just has to be Tommy, doesn't it. 
"I am. Apparently." 
"Well, then. I'm going to fockin' beat the shit outta you." Tommy's voice is bright and clear, filled with brave anger. 
"K." Technoblade answers laconically, seemingly apathetic, but Quackity knows better. The fucking asshole is just restraining delight at yet another bloody massacre to feed his God with. 
"No." Quackity snarls, surprising himself with the loud intensity of his own voice. "Tommy, you're not fighting him." 
"But, Big Q-" 
"Let me handle this." Quackity flashes a grim smile to Tommy, then glares up at Captain Puffy. "Why are you letting a fucking war criminal teach highschoolers??" 
"I've renounced my violent ways, Quackity." Technoblade's calm retort chills him. "But I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for your government." Anyone else would miss the slight emphasis. Not Quackity. 
"It's not my fucking government. You killed my government, you killed them all!"
"I did what I had to do. For the greater good." 
"Um." Captain Puffy raises a hand. "Excuse me. Yes, all of you. Please calm down. We have insurance that makes it impossible for Technoblade to harm any of you-" 
"A hostage, you mean." Rage flickers beneath Technoblade's calm tone.   
A vengeful grin cracks across Quackity's dour face. "Oh... Techno, we're going to have so much fun." He dares to turn his gaze on the muzzled murderer. 
The man is smaller than he remembered. Paler. Thinner. His silky platinum hair cascades over his shoulders, braided haphazardly, with hints of pink dye streaking the tips. Technoblade doesn't smile, doesn't make any perceivable expression at all. Quackity stares him down, shooting every drop of vitriol he can muster. 
Technoblade winces, almost imperceptibly, and breaks eye contact. Battle won. A surge of euphoric power floods Quackity with confidence. "Yo, I'm going to fucking kill you." 
"You can try." Technoblade smiles. 
"You're just a human, Technoblade. Terrifying? Yeah, sure. But your days are fucking numbered and I'm the one who's going to take your goddamn life." 
"Uh, actually." Puffy interrupts again. "That's the thing." 
"What is??" 
"You're all going to have to try your best to kill him before the year is out." Puffy says in a rush.  
Quackity scoffs, but before he can say anything, Techno raises a hand. "See, there's the catch, Quackity." His form glitches. "I'm not actually a Human." 
Quackity gulps down his apprehension as the piggy monster in Technoblade's chair stares him down. "What are you, then??" 
"I dunno. Maybe I'll think of a name before my tragic end." 
Puffy sighs. "Drama kings. Okay, big guy, I'm going to, uhh, yeah, I have work to do. Y'all have fun." She leaves the stricken class with the monster. 
Technoblade scratches at the horny protusions wrapping around his head like a crown. The glowing irises inside his black sclera dance around the classroom, landing on each student before leaping away again. His pig-muzzle  wrinkles. Tusks curl out from his jaws. The blood-red cloak pinned around his shoulders hides most of his bulk. If he was scary before, he's fucking terrifying now.
"A fucking pig-man?? That's what you are??" 
"Eh." Technoblade grunts noncommittally. "You should see the other guys." 
Quackity frowns. "Why us?" 
"Why does the government want us to kill you??" 
"Because I told them I wouldn't let myself be killed unless they let me teach a class." Technoblade the pig-monster smiles reminiscingly. "And then I killed my captors to prove the point. The Prezz thinks he can keep me under control because I wouldn't dare hurt a child... his words, not mine." His eyes twinkle. "I'm perfectly fine with dropkicking kids, particularly if it's in self-defense." 
Gulping, Quackity shrinks a bit in his chair. Against his will, the years-old wild laughter of the bloody former-human rings through his head once more. He'll never be rid of the ecstatic sound, never be rid of the dread that poisoned his veins as he hid while Technoblade obliterated his home. Blood for the Blood God... His breath comes short and fast. 
Sapnap squeezes his hand comfortingly. The fire blazing in his best friend's eyes tells Quackity that Sapnap won't just step aside and let Technoblade hurt him again. 
"That's focken cruel!" Tommy pipes up. "You're a focken menace, yeah. Boys, I say we take him down before anyone gets hurt." 
"You can try." 
Tommy snatches the shank slipped to him by Tubbo. "You're going down, you are!" 
Quackity stands up hastily and holds Tommy back before he can storm up to the implacable monster. "Big T, sit the fuck down, you're just going to get hurt." 
"I'll decide who gets hurt, thanks." Tommy retorts. "Techno, you're not going to hurt my friends." 
"See, Tommy, I can't really do that anyway." Technoblade growls. "But if I could, do you really think that measly pin could take me down?" 
"We'll focken see!!" Tommy rips himself from Quackity's grasp and leaps froggy-like over Hannah's desk. 
Quackity can only watch in horror as Technoblade doesn't even to bother standing up. The monster deflects Tommy's first wild slash. "Tommy, that's a piercing weapon." 
"I fuckin' know that, I'm trying to shank you with it!" 
"Tommy, you're doing it wrong." Technoblade sighs, starting to sound exasperated as Tommy fails swing after swing. 
"Tell me how to kill you, then!" 
"You can't." Technoblade spreads his arms. "Go ahead, try." 
Quackity gasps with delight as Tommy stabs the shank into Technoblade's chest. But Tommy screeches and lets go of the shank. The metal boils and melts into Technoblade's skin. 
"Wh-what the hell??" Tubbo leaps up and drags the stunned Tommy back to his desk. 
"The fuck was that??" Quackity cries, desperate to regain some semblance of control. 
"That? Merely a side effect." 
"Of what??" 
"Of being the first Mutant Earth has ever seen." Technoblade smiles unpleasantly. "And the last to ever exist. Make no mistake. If I'm not killed by this time next year, I will destroy this world."
==Please reblog and like if you enjoyed!! Thank you!!== 
Chapter Two (Next)
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oasisofgalaxies · 4 years
Quackity and schlaff info. Hand it over
Ok!! :D!!  Quackity first- Ok so he’s mooostly human but he thinks he has some Aarakocra ancestry or something of the sort because parts of his body are covered in light yellow feathers. Some on his neck, LOTS on his arms, and more on his legs. The feathers don’t allow him to fly but he can certainly glide for a good distance with them. He’s not entirely sure why he has them but hey, besides getting a couple weird looks every now and then he isn’t complaining. He’s also a traveling bard!! Well, mostly. He tends to skip around but stay in places he likes for a while. His main and only instrument is a lute that he cherishes VERY much but with not hesitate to smack someone upside the head with it. He has done it before and will do it again, do not test him. He dresses in a tunic and trousers that have a color pallet similar to his normal outfit. Even though it’s a dnd type setting he can have his beanie still. As a treat. Also considering giving him bird legs for some reason but I’m not sure if that would be overdoing it or not. Chicken leg McGee over here possibly JFJJFJDNGNFJG- But yeah that’s pretty much all I have for Quackity so far!!
Ok! Now Schlatt! So apparently there’s actually a Satyr race in DND but im not sure if I’ll go with that for him because that’s more of the wine and revelry kind. Probably closely related in behavior to the Greek mythology versions. So either I’m going with that and switching up his personality to match and making a backstory that makes sense or its homebrew/bullshit-a-race time yet again. But he is definitely gonna have a lot of goat traits. As for class, well. I don’t think “Capitalist” is a class. So I’m gonna need something similar to how he acts in character on the SMP. And I’m not very sure. Rogue has a lot of trickery and swindling involved but that doesn’t fit so well. He probably has high charisma and maybe intelligence so something that benefits from that. And I can’t really see any other class that would fit. So either this guy just invented his own class or I’m gonna have to reaaaallly work this out somehow. Not sure what it’s gonna be though JFJFKFKDKKGDKG But yeah!! Hopefully that’s a good enough response and not me just making big sentences in an effort to compensate for my bewilderment trying to think of what fits Schlatt best-
Ok wOW that was a lot of writing- 
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wolfmage553 · 3 years
So this is a AU I already talked about on Tick Tok but I think I can go into greater detail here.
The AU is that when each member of Vox Machina died, their souls and bodies went to the DreamSMP and they "respawned" with three canon lives. Depending on when their deaths occurred, they respawn at different points in DreamSMP's history.
The death/respawn order seems to be this:
Pike- killed in the throne room of Emon's castle. Respawns in the Before Tommy era of the DreamSMP.
Vex- Dies to the Raven Queen curse in the crypt. Respawns in the L'manburg war for independence.
Grog- Killed by Craven Edge. Respawns in the L'manburg election and joins coconut 2020 alongside Pike.
Tiberius- Killed by the Frigid Doom. Respawns in Pogtopia.
Percy- Killed by Anna Ripley. Respawns in the Manburg vs Pogtopia war.
Keyleth- Tries to leap into water from a high cliff and ends up landing on rocks. Respawns in the building of New L'manburg.
Scanlan- Killed by Raishan. Respawns in the banishment/Butcher Army arc.
Vax'ildan: Strangled to death by Artagan. Respawns right in the middle of Doomsday.
Allura and Kima- Drowned because Vox Machina wasn't there to save them. Respawn right in front of Snowchester.
In case you're wondering, each member of Vox Machina was able to change some small aspect of how things played out even if they couldn't change the big things.
Pike- Helped Tommy in the Disk War in exchange for Tommy getting lectures on respecting women. Joined Coconut 2020. After Doomsday, she moved into Snowchester.
Vex- Took Fundy wolf taming when Eret betrayed everyone. Dueled Dream instead of Tommy (losing her first canon life because Dream sidestepped and shot her in the back). Later joined Pogtopia. After the Pogtopia vs Manburg war, she left for unknown parts.
Grog- Joined Coconut 2020, his popularity ensured that Coconut 2020 would have won if Swag 2020 had not agreed to give their votes to Shalat 2020. Convinced Fundy to join Pogtopia instead of the Manburg administration. Eventually moves to Snowchester with Pike and Scanlan. Wants to be the one to take Technoblade's first canon life in a fair duel after the events of Doomsday.
Tiberius: Was a spy on the inside for Pogtopia, posing as a loyal member of the Manburg administration. Has immense survivor's guilt over what happened to Draconia and how he wasn't strong enough to protect the Draconian citizens or himself, which only intensified after Wilbur blew up L'manburg and died at his father's hands. Unofficially adopted Fundy out of guilt for not noticing the signs of what Wilbur's mental state was. Protested Tommy's banishment. Eventually moves to a small cabin in the forest with Fundy and welcomes Keyleth and Vax'ildan with open arms when they move in.
Percy- Didn't know which side of the war to fight on until he saw that his friends were on Pogtopia's side. Tried to convince Wilbur not to blow up L'manburg and lost his left arm in the explosion. Secretly kept an eye on Tommy during his exile arc and ensued that Logburg would be safe via hiding all the "forbidden" stuff in shulker boxes labeled "Tommy's Items". Also, may have blown his cover by socking Dream right in the mouth after he found out what Dream did with the invitations to the beach party. After Doomsday, he left to search for Vex'ahlia and hasn't returned.
Keyleth- Helped in the building of New L'manburg. Joined the Butcher Army in Fundy's stead but kept trying to convince Quackity that Technoblade deserves a fair trial, though that was to no avail. Later runs away from L'manburg to live with her best friend (Tiberius) and his adopted son (Fundy) in a small cabin where she makes a very efficient farm.
Scanlan- Was unaware that Tommy was banished until Tommy told him. Chased off Dream with his lute. Followed Tommy when he decided to leave exile and go to Techoblade's house. Convinced Tommy and Technoblade to stay in the house while he went to get the disks in New L'manburg, though they decided to sneak into New L'manburg anyways. After Doomsday, he moved into Snowchester with Pike and Grog.
Vax'ildan: Doesn't have the Raven Queen champion powers due to never having made the deal with the Raven Queen. Managed to evacuate the pets out of New L'manburg during Doomsday. Eventually moves in with Keyleth, Tiberius and Fundy.
Allura and Kima- Meet Slimcicle first before meeting Quackity. Decide to join Las Nevadas though they want to reunite Vox Machina and bring them back to Exandria.
If you think I got the order in which the character's died wrong, feel free to let me know.
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