Quiditch World Cup | Draco Malfoy one shot
Hey you! Thank you for being here. I really hope you'll enjoy reading this imagine storie about Draco Malfoy. If you have a story request, feel free to message me, giving me the most important details. (e.g.: your name, hair and eye colour, a few words about what you have in mind).
- You know, you might be known as the stone cold Slytherin Princess at Hogwarts, but you shouldn't be acting like one at home - my brother looked at me from across the dining table and tried to throw a piece of bread at me. Our Mom glared at him as a warning to behave at the table, but didn't say anything. She was too busy trying to follow dad's storytelling about his last trip with his friends - Would it really be that terrible to come to the Quiditch World Cup with me? 
- You know that I'm not the biggest fan of that game - I rolled my eyes and continued playing with my salad. Summer outside of Hogwarts was a nightmare. At least for me. Our parents being gone for most of the time due to their jobs, I was left with my brothers for weeks - Besides, I really should be preparing for my fifth year. 
- Oh bullshit - this time he aimed right, and hit me straight in the face with a slice of tomato. I automatically reached for my wind, but when I remembered that Mom banned magic during family time, I changed my mind and throw a handful of salad at him.
- Kids - Dad warned us again - Stop with this childish behaviour right now. Both of you are grownups if I recall it correctly. If you expect your Mother and I to treat you such as, I truly believe the least you can do in return is not playing with food like a bunch of toddlers.
- Sorry Dad - we both apologised.
- Y/N - Dad looked at me - You are going to the World Cup with Elvin and you are bringing Rune with you. Your Mother and I have a lot of work, besides, it won't kill you if you spend some quality time with your brothers. 
I didn't argue back. I knew that he had the last word in these kind of questions, so I just finished my dinner is silence and went to my room. Before I went to sleep, Elvin and I planned our visit to the Quiditch World Cup and told Rune about it. He was so cute with his adorable smile and excited voice. He hasn't been to any World Cups before and being only 7, he was over the Moon when he realised he might going to see some real magic tomorrow. We might had been a pureblood family, but our parents were rather strict about wizardry at home. They wanted us to have a normal childhood as long as we could. Well, at least until we turned 11, and first Elvin that 4 years later I received our letters from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 
*Next day at the World Cup*
Elvin and I held Rune's hand as tight as we could so he couldn't slip away and get lost in the sea of wizards, witches and other magical creatures. We stopped a couple of times to have a little chat with our friends and introduced Rune to them. He was happy to finally be at an event for the magic world. Elvin was happy because he could see his beloved Quiditch matches. And I was devastated because I had to be here. At some point, I left the boys behind and went on my own way to wander around the small village where the fans had their tents. When I thought my day couldn't be worse, I caught a glimpse of a very blond hair. Fortunately I could disappeared before he could see me. 
Or at least I thought so.
- Are you hiding from me, Princess? – his tall frame appeared right in front of me and his signature scent of cologne mixed with peppermint hit my nose.  I rolled my eyes, but failed to hide the small smile on my lips.
- I think we both know it’s impossible for me to hide from you, Malfoy – I stepped away before anyone who had known us from Hogwarts had the chance to caught is together – Somehow, you always find me..
- Oh yeah – he smirked down at me – But you could successfully hid all your letters…or you just didn’t want to send me any with your owl?
I pinched the bridge of my nose. Draco and I were the Slytherins’ IT couple. Well, the only problem was, we weren’t dating. Only shared a couple of night together, sneaked out of the Slytherin Dorm rooms when everyone was asleep and made out in the dark corridors of the School, or at our favourite spot, at the Astronomy Tower. We both agreed on one thing. We keep our relationship a secret from everyone.
- Was I supposed to send any? – I asked with a playful tone, but when he kept a straight face I sighed – Draco, we made a deal. We have fun, but no deep feelings. Besides, my brother would have found the letters. You know how gossipy he can be and we don’t really want people from school to find out so…
- You know – he took a step closer – Now I get the Ice Queen nickname – his voice was cold and it cut me like a knife – I have known you since our first year at Hogwarts. All these years, you swore that you didn’t care what others think or talk about you. But suddenly, when it comes to being in a relationship…no, no wait. Not go that far. When it comes to show any kind of emotion apart from being sassy, cold or mean, you suddenly care about those things. But I tell you something, Princess. Maybe you should get off of your high horse, put away your damn pride and realise that having feelings for someone is not something you should be ashamed of.
- Malfoy – I tried to say something, but he cut me off by pushing something in my hands.
- Or you would be ashamed being with me? – his voice was filled with pain and I saw the usual dangerous flame in his eyes fading away. He turned on his heels and left me there alone. It was the moment I realised, quite a few of our schoolmates gathered around us and tried to pretend like they weren’t eavesdropping.
Draco Malfoy wasn’t afraid to talk back to me. He wasn’t afraid to get into a heated argument with me. He wasn’t afraid to confront me. He wasn’t ashamed of hiding his feelings. And he was right. All these years, I tried to be someone they thought of me that I was, that I completely forget who I really was. I wanted to keep my reputation as the Slytherin House’s Princess, and I thought I could only do that if I turn off my emotions and turn into ice. I had no regrets, apart from one. I hurt the only person who could saw through my act.
- Oh for Salazar’s Sake – I looked down at the thing Draco had pushed into my hands. It was his Quiditch jersey, with his name and number 07 on it. It smelt exactly like him. I forgot there were friendly matches beside the stadium. Of course he was going to play. He loved that stupid game.
- Everything okay? – Elvin and Rune finally find me – Were you really fighting with that Malfoy boy…wait, is that his jersey?
I only smiled faintly at my brother, who was clearly confused. I speed walked towards the much smaller ring, where two teams were already warming up for a game, checking their brooms and talking about their new strategies. Elvin was running after me with Rune in his arms so he didn’t lose him again like last summer.
- What are you doing young lady? – he asked with concern in his voice when he saw me stripping down my shirt and replacing it with Malfoy’s jersey. By this moment, he totally lost control of the events happening around him. I bet he regret dragging me with him today.
- Trying to make the right thing for once in my life – I flashed him a smile and jumped over the cordon which separated the viewers from the players. There were a couple of minutes before the start of the match so I had to be quick.
Draco and his friends were standing the other side of the field, chatting and warming up. I felt nervous and I was afraid of throwing up in front of everyone, but I had to get over it. I shouldn’t care what people think or say. A sudden foreign feeling went through my body and I started to run towards that arrogant asshole.
- Malfoy – I shouted his name and he immediately looked at my voice’s direction. He had a confused expression on his face, but when he realised what I was wearing, he started to run towards me as well. We met at the middle of the field and when I reached him, I pulled him in for a kiss by his shirt. I missed his lips on mine. I missed his hands pulling my as close to his body as possible. I missed feeling his heartbeat against my chest. I missed feeling him smile during the kiss.
- You look really good in my jersey – he whispered in my ears and placed a soft kiss on my shoulder as he hugged me tightly – And not to mention, my name suits you very well, babe.
I laughed and shook my head at him. Arrogant asshole.
- Just for your information, I would never be ashamed of being with you – a played with his platinum blond hair at the back of his neck – Sorry for being a bitch. I hate to say it out loud, but you were right. I had to get off of my high horse. I need a man who can put me in my place sometimes.
- Lucky for you, I’m quite good at it – he winked at me.
- Speaking of it – I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him again, but this time with even more passion but not as quick – This is for a good luck – I placed another small kiss just under his ears – And if you win this game, you can get even luckier tonight.
That night, we both get lucky. They were incredible on the field and we were finally working on our relationship. Gossip flew around Hogwarts quickly, so when we get off the Hogwarts Express, everyone was talking about that day at the Quiditch World Cup. And the first night, we walked into the Great Hall with pride, determination and most importantly, with each other. Hand in hand. And in love.
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maoxmeowx · 4 years
Explanation to the story
{contains major spoilers! do not read until you are done!}
since noone is going to do the movie explanation on youtube,i’m going to do it myself then.wah,very free ah.
So what is this story about?
I know this story could be quite confusing,just in case i didn’t explain myself properly,here it goes.
10 years ago in Draco Village, Gelare Dora witness the murder of her dim-witted sister Gipsy by Lacros Quditich and also the murder of Butler Mcapp and thus he was also murdered by Mr and Mrs Quditch as he saw Lacros killing Gipsy.She was unable to find where they are buried due to the rain and she was a child,she did not have any power to fight against 2 adults. Gelare told the police what happened, and the police would not believe her and Lacros was an dim-witted child,how could he had the ability to murder someone, no bodies were found too, they only could be deemed as missing and  the bodies were buried in the bamboo forest (which Gelare realised it later,as this was the only land left even though Quditch family left Draco village and sold most of their properties) it was the private property of Quditich family,they would not be able to enter the premises easily. 
And Gelare was thought to be mentally unstable at that period of time and Dora family did not want Gelare to be appear to be like as Gipsy ,so they just have to make sure police scrape Gelare’s recordings.
So Gelare realised the only way is to find their bodies to be dug out by the Quditich family themselves,so after the murders by Quditich family,they moved out of Draco village. Gelare needed a way to lure back them, and as mentioned in the story, Mrs Quditich said she “hated the Dora family” and “Gelare’s eyes” and she also was reluctant to come back but Mr Quditich wanted to “come back to cheat the Dora family of the money for revenge!” It could actually indicate that Dora family (most likely the parents) did something which had cause their downfall of Quditich,that’s why they had to come back to revenge. And Mrs Quditich hated Gelare’s eyes because obviously it reminded her of Gipsy.
This is why Gelare had a advertisement(?) to ask all the eligible and single guys to come back and ask her hand for marriage and offered 100 million dollars.
And I have hidden a easter egg,which is the nanny whom as indicated in last chapter to be a mole arranged by Dora family as you all can see the brief smiles between them noticed by Chaperone.
The nanny whom took care of Lacros after they moved out of Draco village,she was the one who fed mental illness medicines to Mrs Quditich (as said by her in the bamboo forest scence) which she had  swapped it and made her mental illness worse which made her lose her judgement call basically going berserk.
The nanny had recorded videos of little Lacros killing small animals which indicated that Lacros is capable of killing living things since young. And i was mentioning surnames in the first chapter, Weasley is a common name in Draco village,Felich is an old but rare surname,Dora is a surname of rich status. And the end of the story,the nanny name was revealed to be Joraiph Weasley which shows that her origins is Draco village even though Quditich family tried to break off contacts from Draco village.
So indeed, Gelare was sharpening her knife all along.
Gelare had also proved that she had changed from young as she was not the helpless little girl in the past who could only hid behind and witness the murders of her sister and tried to stop her breathing and gasping sounds to someone who was able to made the sounds on purpose and confronted them in bamboo forest.
And she knew she had to make people believe that she could revive the dead,so she arranged Uncle Orig to have chest pains due to muscle strains and as he is a dementia patient,he would most likely forgot his usual medicine,all she had to do is bring him the medicine to “revive him” and a fake doctor to announce that he had heart attack.
And to make people think that she is Gipsy ,she just had to acted like her,which was easy as she was her sister and she knew their resemblance of each other. This made Mrs Quditich to believe she was Gipsy and also due to her mental illness which was further worsened by the replacing her meds.
And she was visiting the bamboo forest with Lacros on purpose,and it would definitely be reported to the Quditich family because it was their property which made Mrs Quditich made her to further suspect she was indeed Gipsy, as both Gipsy and Mcapp was buried in the bamboo forest.
This is a pretty long explanation.
oh and the ending
i explained here due to our reader’s feedback.
Chaperone was saying “Gelare Dora,do not follow me.”
It is like their childhood thing, when Gelare ask Chaperone “Chaperone Felich, do not follow me” and regardless, both Gelare and Chaperone know he will still follow her when she acted suspicious (like to meet up with her sister), this is a way for Gelare to let Chaperone know that she is indeed Gelare,because only they know this “secret code”
And it means Chaperone wanted Gelare to follow her in the future to investigate mystery cases. And it was kinda cute too. hehehe.
What’s with all the names?
As you all may have noticed,only people whom come from villages (Draco) had weird names. The only one whom has a normal name is Chaperone’s roommate, Jared,whom was born and lived in a city.
And the names indeed have their meanings, Draco village, Draco is the latin word for dragon and also Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter,a lot of names had come from Harry Potter to represent the mystical of this village, like Quditich come from Quidditch the game from harry potter, Weasley,Ron Weasley. 
The whole story come from a viewpoint of Chaperone Felich and as the name indicated Chaperone is not the main character actually,the defination of Chaperone is “someone who accompanies and looks after another person (Gelare) or group of people” and Felich is an actual surname which i had no idea,I really think out of nowhere,maybe i saw it somewhere and pick it up.
And as the story proceeded, we noticed Gelare did not actually need Chaperone,but she still dragged him everywhere she go,as she wanted someone whom she could trust and that person was her childhood friend.
Gelare is the waffle icecream store,no,in actual fact, it means to freeze,to froze,which is indicative of her behavior as she always remained cool and calm and giving sharp remarks,in contrast to her sister Gipsy which come from the word Gypsy which means a nomadic or free-spirited person as she was roaming around the farms freely before she died. Dora their surname come from Doreamon,i thought it was cute :)
Lacros i anyhow name and Uncle Orig is come from Orange from mcdonalds,Mcapp is Mcdonald app. Xandre also anyhow name,he is just a gossiper which get the story moving. 
What is the morale of the story?
Easy,it is to be rich, Gelare would not be able to done all that if she was not rich. I mean how could you be able to arrange a mole inside the Quditich family,and arrange to earn 100 million dollar to whomever who wed her and made Quditich family into their bankruptcy (actually Quditich family still have abit of money to get by,but they just cannot forget their glory days) if she was not rich and have the backup of her family?
And I think Uncle Orig was pretty far-fetched and unconvincing,I mean the whole story is unbelievable,but he is the worst,how to find a dementia patient and can trained him so much and made him believe those stuff actually happened to him. But,its at the mystical Draco village,yeah.And Gelare had superb convincing skills.
ok la,that and to not give up,like how Gelare not giving up and plotting her revenge to expose the murders of Quditich family and Gelare was motivating Chaperone indirectly to go back to police force and wanted to join forces with him to crack the murder case of his fiancee .
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Introduction Name: Finley Jameson West Also Known As: Finn, Professor West Faceclaim: Anne Catherine Frey Titles: Professor Age: 25 Birthday: May 25th, 1899 Nationality: British Species: Witch/Of Magical Descent Blood Status: Half-Blood Blood Type: O- Astrological Sign: Libra Gender: Agender (They/Them Pronouns) Sexual Orientation: Gay Past/Bio: Finley grew up in a rather strict family. They followed everything by the books, including their religion, their educations, and their gender roles. Finley was expected to be and do the best they could, in everything from school, to washing the dishes. As a child, they didn't quite fit in. They were always lost in a book, never quite interacting with the other students at Hogwarts. At least, not until their 6th year. Finley came out to their parents about not wanting to be seen as a male, and was cast out of the family. They came to Hogwarts the next year truly alone, and turned to their entire house for a family. They were welcomed with open arms, as many others didn't have faithful families either. No one quite knew what they were going through, but Finley didn't really care. During his 6th year, They passed their OWLs and NEWTs with flying colors, joined the Ravenclaw Quiditch team (As a surprisingly good Seeker), and found a new home at Hogwarts. After the graduated, they got their teaching degree and moved to America. Now, they reside in New York City, living in a privately owned flat during the summer, and teaching Potions at Ilvermorny in the other three seasons. About Them Personality: Finley tries to be as regal and formal as they can be, especially towards students. They're fairly closed off, except to those they have known for a long time. They trust childhood friends with their lives, especially since they know what they went though firsthand. Finley will never forget the kindness of those who helped them through their 6th year of schooling. When meeting other people their age, Finley is a bit... quiet. They aren't used to being around others, and are very introverted. Occupation: Student (Former), Ilvermorny Potion's Professor, Independent Potion's Researcher and Studier. Likes: - Books - Quiet, but Curious, Students - Friendly Animals - Monochrome Colors - Formal Diners Dislikes: - Their Family - Other Children of LGBTQ+ Decent Being Put Down or Going Through the Same Thing They Did - Bullying in General - Deceit - Having a Potion Blow Up in Their Face (It happens more often than they will admit) Hobbies: Reading, Casually Writing, Brooding on Occasion, Experimenting with Potions and it's Ingredients Fears: Rejection. Strength: Their Neutral Facade. (They play the role of 'reasonable professor' very well.) Weakness: Their Parents, who left them behind because their puzzle piece didn't fit into the family's. Talents: Quditich (Seeker), Focusing Intently for a Long Period of Time, Casually Sassing Students, Losing Track of Time Appearance Height: 5′ 3" Cup Size: A Skin Tone: Caucasian. Eye Color: Blue. Hair Description: - Color: - Highlights: - Length: - Style: - Worn: Extra: - Scars: They have a multitude of cuts along their body, at any given time. Working with Potions is a hazardous position. - Piercings: - - Tattoos: A Balance on their wrist. When they need to make a decision, the tattoo comes to life and weighs the two options for them. - Facial Features: - - Scent: Any Given Handful of Herbs - Other: They wear Black, Square Glasses when Reading. Relationships Father: Jameson West Mother: Lillian West Siblings: They're an only child. As Far as They know. Relatives: They've lost touch. Probably purposely. Family Line of Work: Professors, Teachers, and Researchers. They're a very intellectual family, who cares deeply about education. Family Background: Education School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. House: Ravenclaw. Best Core Class: Potions Worst Core Class: History of Magic Elective: Alchemy Quidditch: They were a Seeker, starting their 6th year. Extra-Curricular: Apparition Magic Wand: - Length: 11 1/2" - Flexibility: Hard - Wood: Cherry - Core: Phoenix Feather
Pets: A Grey Cat named Marcus. Boggart: Their Parents, shaking their heads in disgust. Animagus/Patronus: A Grey Hawk Amortentia: Freshly Baked Chocolate Chip Cookies. Affiliations/Alliances Home Town: Brighton, England Residence: New York City, New York Loyalty: Chaotic Good. Organizations: MACUSA, Ilvermorny, Their Independent Studies. Extra Information Theme Song: - Food: Ravioli. Drink: Giggle Water. Color: Ocean Blue. Animal: Cats of All Kinds. Flower: Rose. Season: Spring. (http://punkprincess9493.deviantart.com/art/OC-Template-Harry-Potter-333196798)
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only-one-brain-cell · 8 years
Everyone was watching the SupperBowl and I was watching Harry Potter like yes Quditich is my football.
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maoxmeowx · 4 years
8.Helpless little girl
"Don't move!" as guns were seen pointing towards Mr and Mrs Quditch. {next scene where Gelare and Chaperone was leaning against each other} "Luckily for you,i never believed in you.i brought my own guards."said Gelare and laterwards police can be seen bringing away them. "Gelare is wearing a damn dress with red heels now. Ha ha ha.The Gelare who bully me,she turned out to be a fine lady " said Chaperone and he broke into laughter whom he tried hiding. "Shut up!"as Gelare threw the wodden stick onto him. Chaperone suddenly stood up as he noticed a superior captain whom he known in the past. He quickly stood up and said "Sergeant Felich reporting!" "No injury reported!" And Gelare was seen rolling her eyes. And Chaperone instructed them to dig out the bones of Mcapp. "Have you forgotten one place very important too?" said Gelare "the deep woods." as she pointed the woods,the same place which was the forbidden area told by Lacros. {next scene with Chaperone and Gelare} Chaperone was taking out the photo which he had kept in the back pocket. It was the Dora 's family which shown Mr and Mrs Draco and Gelare and a child who seemed to be shorter than her. "Gipsy,she was your younger sister isnt she?" said Chaperone passing Gelare a cup of hot chocolate And Gelare recalled. {flashbacks 10 years ago} Noone ever known that Draco family have two children, as one of them is mentally challenged.They tried to hide Gipsy so much, because of their pride.They managed to ask a farmer husband and wife to take care of Gipsy and let Gipsy to roam feely among the farms,beacuse afterall, the farms belonged to the Draco family. And Gelare had been acting sneakingly because she was looking for her sister in the farm, and Chaperone actually was following Gelare as he saw the two of them together. And he was threatening Chaperone as this superior race of Draco village do not allow them to mix with others inferior which include the sick the poor and the less intelligent. However,Gelare was fearless and stood right onto her ground and refused to be threatened by Chaperone and will fight with him at all costs. Soon she noticed Gipsy was hanging out with Lacros which she absolutely hated.Because she had caught Lacros was teaching her how to kill a cat. {flashback scene change to the first scene where Mrs Quditch pulling away little Lacros from Little Gipsy} "Do not hang out with idiots like her." said Mrs Quditch. And little Gelare was listening behind the pile of hays with hatred. {night time} And that was what happened at that fateful night, when she saw little Lacros was hitting little Gipsy with a handspade and saide repeatedly "Mum said you are an idiot.You should be gone." Mr and Mrs Quditch tried to stop him. They saw him from afar and was shouting his name. "No! Stop!" The more they shouted,the more little Lacros continued. When they finally rushed in,little Gipsy was already dead. Little Gelare was rushing but she was too late too. She is unable to move a single inch,and still unable to believe what she had just saw. When she managed to react,tears had been flowing uncontrollably. And someome come into the scene. It was the butler for Quditch family,Mcapp. "Master Lacros you are well! We are all so worried about you." He kneeled down and talked to Lacros.And he noticed the blood stained handspade Lacros was holding. He began to step behind. "Is there anyone beside you? Mcapp."said Mr Quditch, "Noo Sir.The others went to other directions to find Master Lacros i wont tell anyone.I swear!" his voice trailed off. And Mrs Quditich proceed to hold an hammer nearby and smashed onto Mcapp’s head. Little Gelare could only press her hands against her mouth,shaking uncontrollably,trying to stop her breathing and gasping sound.She could only waited long enough where they leave and carried the bodies with them {Next scene Little Gelare was running aimlessly in the rain} "The footprints..footprints.",as she cried helplessly,and she was frantically looking at the ground.But the footprints and the blood stains had already faded away with the rain..
Chapter 8 end
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maoxmeowx · 4 years
7.Good old past
Dead silent followed and soon Gelare was laughing hysterically breaking the silence. "Who are you! Are you Gipsy!" and Mrs Quditch shouted towards her and moving backwards. "That is name I have not heard for a while. Gipsy,the name noone know. Everyone calls by the name of idiot actually." Gelare looked back at Mrs Quditch finding her being scared amusing and continued to laugh. {next scene Chaperone was in the bamboo forest,he was seemingly lost chase of Gelare} The sound of gun-shot could be heard as he rushed towards the sound. "Are you crazy!" Mr Quditch pushed away Mrs Quditch and reached up for the gun she snatched away from him. Luckily,she had missed the shot. "Kill her!" Mrs Quditch shouted and it could be heard miles away. "What do you mean by kill me? I cannot be killed.i wanted to be with your son forever and ever. And torture him of course" as the scenes flashed back where she was in Lacros's room whispering to him Gipsy's name,resulting in him awoke and smashing all the items in the room. "Like mother like son.They cannot control their needs to kill people" and Gelare smiled to them in a creepy way. "I will destroy you." and Mrs Quditich took the shovel and hit Gelare with it on the head. Gelare used her hands to block it but still she was being swing away where she hit the tree with her body.And she fall down to ground ,but she was being help up with a familiar figure.It was Chaperone. "It took you long enough, dumbass!"as Gelare picked herself up. Chaperone looked at Gelare in bewilderment and smiled laterwards as he realised his guess was indeed correct. "Ok, you heard what they said.It time to arrest them" "Heard what?" Chaperone said. "You really just arrived?" Chaperone nodded his head and smiled sheepishly. "Was it that hard for you to chase me. I left so many clues for you.I told you stop following me because i knew if i ask you to stop following me..." Gelare said angrily. "I will always follow you." Chaperone completed her sentence and recalled he was following Gelare in the day to make sure she was alright and she replied "Stop following me, Chaperone Felich!" And he smiled and thinking "My full name,only the real Gelare would speak to me like that." "And you are alone?" Gelare cannot believe the situation has turned into. "Good.I assume you do not have any guns too.Lets fight without any good weapons like the good old past" as she pick up a wooden stick. Chapter 7 end
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maoxmeowx · 4 years
4.The abnormal child
{next scene} "Honey.I’m here!" said a  mum in her 50s well dressed with a long dress wearing a pearl necklace with a red high heels as she approached Lacros."Mummy!" and Lacros give a major hug to his mum,Mrs Quditch. 
"My poor baby,must be a having a shock from all these." said Mrs Quditch consoling Lacros. "Mum,this is the girl whom I want to get marry to."as Lacros tried to pull Gelare out of her bed. "Hi,Mrs Quditch." as Gelare tried to get up with a tired expression. Mrs Quiditch ignored her and continued to wipe her boy strings of sweats and she noticed Chaperone at the corner of the room."Who is he?" Gelare said "He is my friend." Chaperone had no idea as he was being dragged into by Mr Dora to visit Gelare. Chaperone smiled to Mrs Quiditch,but she could not care less other than her boy. She quickly glanced at Gelare "You are the dumb ass who can revive the dead huh? This is where i do not want to come back to my hometown. All sorts of ridiculous superpower rumors. I dont know why this boy wanted to go back here so much." "Its my childhood. Mummy." "Your childhood is nothing but a disaster. And, whatever Mr Quditch says,i object to the marriage.And Lacros Quditch,you better behave!" And Mrs Quditch dragged Lacros out of the room. "And Gelare,I hate your family. I hate how you look like.Your eyes especially" snapped Mrs Quditch before leaving And thus left Chaperone and Gelare. "Do you really want to get into this marriage.It don’t seem promising to me. And since when I am your friend?" "You are always my friend. Of course,dummy.Come!" as Gelare opened her arms to Chaperone. And Chaperone reluctantly hugged Gelare,
{next scene} Chaperone was seen at the study room at 2am,taking down notes. He seemed to be back to at his police days where he was there to solve cases. And he wrote down in his notebook actual Gelare murder? and Xandre entered the room end up to make a flustered Chaperone to close his notebook. "So,reviving dead huh?" as Xandre remarked who seemed to be unable to sleep. "Dont tell me you believe that bullshit. It could be she had amazing CPR skills,or maybe that damn room had some advanced medical equipment. Dora family is super rich,they would have something like that.There could be even a Doctor hiding inside. Dora family owns a hospital themselves." exclaimed Chaperone "Oh, What are you? When do you get the information from?" said Xandre asking the same question Chaperone previously asked. "Its a intellectual guess" while he press the back button on his whatsapp chat with his officer friend on the phone. There was a background noise of things crashing. "Oh that Lacros is staying on top of the study room.See,destructive disorder." said Xandre Chaperone tried ignoring the sounds,but it was getting louder and louder,soon there was a female voice crying. So Chaperone hurried up the stairs and went to Lacros's room and true enough he saw glass pieces all over the floor. And an injured Gelare who was picking up the glass pieces. Chapereone immediately ushed Gelare away from the glass pieces and to the balcony. {next scene at the balcony} "Are you really that dumb. Why would you pick up the glass pieces on the floor."as Chaperone was seen cleaning the wounds of Gelare. "Painful,it is super painful." and Gelare cried and Chaperone tried to calm her down but he said."Is there a doctor in your house?” "Oh yes. Dr Belgium is in the room." as she pull her hand away from Chaperone. But she said he had left at this timing. Chaperone looked at her and smiled gently."Looks like it going to be me treating your wounds." {Next scene,Chaperone on the bed} Chaperone looked at the ceiling and thought that one thing for sure,Gelare was not what she seemed,she was definitely not dumb as what everyone said and this house was hiding something and the one whom know the most could be Gelare as he slowly close his heavy eyelids. {Next scene in the morning} Gelare was seen dragging Chaperone out of the bed. "Gelare,didnt you learn your lesson yesterday. Do not disturb people while they were asleep.This is why Lacros was making a fit over nothing." "But Chaperone,it is the morning already." "6 am,it is 6 am!" as Chaperone fall back to the bed.
{Next scene Chaperone on the car with Gelare and Lacros} Lacros and Gelare was playing and throwing stuff to each other. And Chaperone was just rolling his eyes.
"Its ok.I forgive you,I should not have disturb you in your sleep."said Gelare "Sorry,my sunshine.I did not know what i was doing in sleep too."said Lacros
"Hi my sunshines! Can you guys tell me again why am i here at the dumb dates with you two?" said a frustrated Chaperone. And soon they reached a bamboo forest. And the two kids dashed across the bamboo forest. It was said to be the last land owned by Lacros Quditch family and they moved away from Draco village. "Stay away from the deep woods!" shouted Lacros,pulling away Gelare. "There are wild animals around that area,mum and dad hated it if people walked in there." as he pointed to the area where it seemed to be deep inside the forest. Gelare nodded and followed Lacros. "So why am i here again?"said Chaperone looking at the scene and yawning towards the sky. {next scene} And 3 of them sat down for picnic with a few guards standing with them. Chaperone was munching a egg sandwich and Gelare started to lean towards him and whisper to him,"The reason i choose to marry him is because his family had this bamboo village,it is my favorite place." Chaperone shook his head and thought to himself what had he got himself into and he suddenly choked on the egg sandwich and exclaimed "Isn't this area usually out of bounds? I mean i remember my parents said before." "Not if we had a Quditch with us! Dummy!" replied Chaperone. Indeed,this bamboo forest is a place who is remarkably beautiful.As a kid,Chaperone always tried to enter the grounds and played but was being chased out by the guards here.There is a lot of beneficial medical herbs around,which could be the reason the Quditch refused to sell the last piece of their land despite losing their wealth at a alarming pace. Chaperone looked around and realized there was only a few guards comparing to the past.This could be reflecting Quditch family wealth was not as used to be. {next scene} They are back at the Dora's mansion and the place was starting in having the decoration of wedding. And all the gentlemen started to leave one by one as they announced Gelare was to wed Lacros Quditich and Dora's family actually allowed them to stay and join the wedding party. And Chaperone stopped Gelare in her tracks,he pulled her into a corner,carefully not to let any guard to notice. "I cannot believe what i am trying to say.Don't get married to Lacros. I am not an idiot,you are not an idiot too ,I know you are trying to make me stop the marriage You keep trying to lead me to go somewhere and just refuse to tell me. That guy,he is not just retarded,he had a defiance side to him. He is just opposing to his mum,the moment his mum come here,he started to break things.And just now,he asked us not to go to the deep woods because his parents said so,he was the one who went to the deep woods. And he is a physco,he could have hurt you. I swear I heard that he torture his pets.."
Chapter 4 end
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