#queue our savior
natashxromanovf · 2 years
Hey Taja, for the blurb night, can I request something with Eddie Munson where they have finished decorating for christmas and he finds out the reader is bilingual, while the reader is on the phone with their sister? And Eddie fell in love with them again and just adores it. (She/Her pronouns, please? If it's okay 🙈).
Oh with this prompt 17. “Hold on... you’re bilingual?”, “Yes?”, please? Thank you 😊
Just if you want to write it 🙈
Christmas decorations and ringing cellphones
Eddie Munson x gn!reader
wc: 237
warnings: a little bit of swearing
a/n: hope you like this! thank you for the request :)
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"This looks amazing!" you exclaim as you take a look at the finished tree, a smile appearing on your face. You and Eddie had just finished decorating his trailer and you even bought a cute little tree for him.
"I don't think this shithole of a home has ever looked better, darling," he says, earning a smack on his arm from you.
"Don't talk like that about the trailer, it's pretty cool you know," you defend, earning a laugh from the man standing beside you. "Okay, maybe it does look like shit half the time but at least it's a home," you explain, and he nods.
"That I can agree on, my love," he mutters, side-hugging you and pressing a kiss against your cheek. Just then your phone starts ringing, your sister's name displaying on the screen.
"I have to take this," you murmur, pressing the accept button. "Hola, que tal?" you ask, taking a couple of steps away from Eddie. The spanish catches him off guard, making him look at you weirdly. You're done with the call in a couple of minutes, saying your goodbyes and returning back to your original place.
"Hold on… you're bilingual?"
"Wow, I can't believe it took me this long to figure that out," Eddie chuckles, wrapping his hands around your waist and pulling you closer. "But I love it," he whispers, before guiding your lips into a loving kiss.
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yeetlegay · 2 years
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Like a kid on Christmas morning who found a can of whoopass under the tree
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vihrago-a · 1 year
[ hold ] midas & stevie
they're sat on his bed, his hands holding both sides of her face. his thumbs are caressing her skin in an attempt to bring her focus back to him. she'd awoken from a nightmare, one that consistently haunted her. everything felt all too real and all too vivid. haunted by visions of her mother, screaming and shouting --- glass thrown and breaking. slews of insults hurled at her with an amount of venom she didn't think was possible. then, the final swing of sharp glass and ...
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she's back in the present and staring at him with glassy eyes. her cheeks are flushed red and skin puffy. she looks like shit. "i'm... i'm sorry. i thought the nightmares were getting better but i guess not--- i didn't mean to wake you." stevie's voice is damn near silent and ever so shaky. she didn't like showing this side of her. the broken, mother fearing little girl who wanted nothing more than to please people. maybe she just needed to leave. she brings her hands to his own and holds them while they're still against her face. what did she do to deserve him? a sharp inhale and she forces a small grin. pretend you're fine and soon you will be fine.
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nofomogirl · 1 year
Metatron's manipulation step by step
Part 3: The Entrance
Part 1 - where I discuss the significance of the coffee.
Part 2 - where I take a look back at season 1
Ok, time to actually get to the promised "step by step" part and look very closely at what Metatron is doing, from the moment he appears on Earth to the very (heartbreaking) end of the episode (and the season, and the story so far). Well, in this part I'll stop when he sends the Angels away but we'll get to the very end eventually.
We first see Metatron on Earth when Crowley is escorting Nina and Maggie out of the bookshop. He's standing in line in front of Give me coffee or give me death, waiting for the shop to open and I think we should really stress the significance of that. Not his purchase of coffee and conversation with Nina - though they are important too - but the sole fact that he's there, in the street, in the queue, and NOT IN THE BOOKSHOP.
Gabriel has just gotten his memory back. His affair with Beelzebub has just been brought to light. Michael, Uriel, Saraqael, Dagon, Shax, and Furfur are shouting over each other about what should be done with them, while Beelzebub and Gabriel hold hands. They're still there! Nothing is decided yet.
But apparently, Metatron was more interested in buying coffee than confronting the Archangel who escaped his judgment.
I mean, I don't think anybody ever doubted that Meteron traveled to Earth specifically to talk to Aziraphale, and that was his top priority. It's not exactly a revelation. But it still baffled me just how little he cared about Gabriel's fate. Even at the point when he still might have influenced it. After the second rewatch I started drawing my conclusions from that about Metatron's personality and taking notes, but after the third time, I realized I was missing the point. Metatron's decision to stay out of Gabriel's business wasn't informed by how much he did or didn't care about it. It was all about how it would make him look if he was seen involved.
Aziraphale already had a rather unfavorable impression of him from their previous encounter (season 1) and now our beloved dorky Principality got himself involved in Gabriel's case, risking his safety to protect the Archangel from Heaven. And it was Metatron who was presiding over Gabriel's trial and decided Gabriel's punishment would be to have his memories erased.
Entering the bookshop while Gabriel was still there, while his fate was still being discussed, posed a serious risk of exposing Metatron's role in the whole mess. Entering after it all blew over meant that Aziraphale didn't have a chance to make a connection.
Now let's look at the exact circumstances under which Metatron did enter the bookshop.
He came in at the exact moment Michael was threatening Aziraphale to erase his existence just so he could put a stop to it and chastise the Archangels. He immediately steps into a role of a savior and a voice of reason.
Let's dissect it a little.
Michael's exact words are "I am authorized to remove the name of anyone who helped Gabriel from the Book of Life".
But Metatron insists she "doesn't have the authority to do anything like that".
That begs the question: if Michael really was wrong and never could use the Book, where did she get the idea that she could? True, Michael is portrayed as particularly dim and vain this season. She does attribute herself to more power than she actually has. But her phrasing strongly implies that it was a one-time thing. Michael doesn't think she can use the Book at will, at any time, against whomever she pleases. She believes she has the authorization to use it in this specific instance. That's a strange thing to be confused about, don't you think?
Another glaringly strange thing is how Archangels don't seem to know who Metatron is.
The only person to recognize him immediately is Crowley, which makes sense, considering he had just watched Gabriel's trial. He says the last time he saw the guy, he was a giant floating head, and that triggers Aziraphale's memory, which again, makes sense. In season 1 it was clear Aziraphale had never seen Metatron before - he asked if he was talking to God, and Metatron needed to introduce himself - and it's been a couple of years since then. He hasn't forgotten him but he needed a little tip to recognize him in a different getup.
It's the Archangels' reaction that doesn't make sense. They had all been present at the trial. Saraqael had seen it again at the same time Crowley did. There's no logical reason why they should be so oblivious.
There are quite a few theories about this, the most common being that Crowley recognizes Metatron because he used to be such a high-ranking angel before the Fall, and from all the supernatural entities in the room he knew Metatron the best. And while I am inclined to believe Crowley indeed used to be a big shot in Heaven, I don't think it's a satisfactory explanation for this situation. If that was all there was, there would be no reason for all three of the Archangels to not connect the dots at the same time Aziraphale did. But they didn't. It's only when the Metatron is explicitly called the Metatron that they finally see it.
Personally, I think Metatron is responsible for both things - Michael's misguided belief she had the power to use the Book of Life & and all Archangels suddenly not recognizing Metatron's face, voice, and presence.
Because it made the Archangels look really bad.
How would it benefit him?
Well, answer honestly, when Metatron first appeared and started scolding the Archangels like they were misbehaving kids, wasn't that satisfying? Didn't you like him just for that short moment?
I sure did, and I believe that was the point. Except that the performance wasn't for our, the audience's sake, but for Aziraphale's. He makes a whole performance of exposing how incompetent the Archangels are and how outraged he is with that.
And what's even more interesting, right from the moment he enters Metatron speaks like Aziraphale! I didn't notice it at first because he is played by Sir Derek Jacobi and old-fashioned language certainly becomes him. But he doesn't speak this way in Heaven! He doesn't say things like "balderdash" or "piffle" or "spit spot". That's Aziraphale's gimmick.
In other words, Metatron says things Aziraphale very likely always wanted to say, and to boot, he says them in the exact manner Aziraphale would actually say them if he had the power. He plays out a fantasy for our poor Principality, who most likely was never backed by anybody in Heaven, and his issues with Archangels were never validated by anybody.
Metatron draws a very clear line between himself and the Archangels. He shows that they are the problem, they are incompetent, they are unreasonable. Not him.
Which is the first step in convincing Aziraphale that maybe he's worth listening to at least.
Continued in Part 4: Putting on a human face
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monstersmashorpass · 9 months
I have an unhealthy obsession with fish/alien men, I’d like to ask if you know of any ✨sexy✨ alien/fish daddies that do not include but are similar to the following- Jaal ama Darav (ME:A), Thane Krios (ME:2), Sidon (Zelda), Kit Fisto (Star Wars) aaaaaannnndddd that would be it that I know of so far, but I need more, so much more. Plz send more (I’m insanity incarnate, I know)
I got three who popped in off the top of my head anon! If anyone's got other options for anon, please reply to this post or reblog with em!
Putting this under a cut but also here's a tl;dr
Abe Sapien, from Hellboy
Fishman, from The Shape of Water
Creature from the Black Lagoon, from the movie of the same name
Just wanna say, since this is a first for us; it's gonna be hit or miss if we know other options for yall - we might have to often turns these over to followers for yall to chime in for peeps!
~ Ghoul ☢
I mean there's our Lord and Savior Abe Sapien from Hellboy. We can't have this list without him. (Got a poll for him somewhere in the queue as of posting this. He'll show up at some point!)
[Official Comic Art from one of the verses (the Abe Sapien specfic comics] [Abe as played by Doug Jones in the Del Toro Hellboy movies]
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And can't forgot the Fishman from The Shape of Water (another Del Toro movie, with Doug Jones our beloved actor of creatures) (we've already done a poll for this guy!)
Honestly Im sure this exists because Del Toro saw what the Hellboy fandom did to Babe- (cough) I mean Abe Sapien.
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Let's go old-school for a moment and hit up classic movie monsters! 1954's Creature from the Black Lagoon, anyone!? (Gonna make a poll for this guy, don't worry.)
[Original poster from back in the 1950s)
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birchbritches · 29 days
Every scruple thus far hardscrabbled and scraped and you've screwed up your face and sticking-placed and waited like courage would come when it's waking up hungry and the queue only a conveyor or you enviably familiar and able to talk us through what's to come, but we won't be brave, or saved, or believe any savior as we've believed none to date, only that events take place and they require players, that theatrically we arrive and then we go away with no theatrics left, are spent like a send-up, like it's all laughs and no tragedy, like it's just our luck and someone out there yuks it up. We can't see with all the lights.
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lovebugspots · 1 year
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chapter three; wedding day.
Play Money by the Drums :)
TW: some gore and death
Bucky was in the med-bay of the compound, his left hand holding a small wedding band, one that his wife wore. Another thing, he was thankful he left at the base. His and his wife's ring... It was simple but timeless, it had a golden band with a 0.50 carat diamond in the middle and 0.05 carat aquamarine stones on the side.
His wife's two favorite stones just so happens to be his grandmothers favorite too. 
How the hell did this come to be?
Maybe it was someone else?
But Logan had no other kids...
Well, maybe he did over these years.
But...He felt her. 
He was her.
He just stared at the ring, it's almost he could still smell her perfume on the piece of metal. It was his girls...
And on queue, he saw the flashbacks of her falling, screaming his name so loudly that he wouldn't be surprised if the other members of the Commandos heard it.
How her scarlet red blood squirted out of her body, the large rock fully going through her body, her organs falling out and dangling, her small intestines looked like rope from faraway.
The memories made him sick, he genuinely wanted to puke as he saw his wife's then corpse.
Wanda stood in the door way and said softly, her brown eyes looking into his blue ones.
"I can read your mind, you do realize that?" Her Sokovian accent rand through his ears and he looked up, thankful she was there.
Now, Bucky and Wanda had a complicated relationship. He was like a father figure to her and Pietro. And they were like a somewhat family...a very traumatized family.
He chuckled and looked up at the young adult.
"I do." He added quietly, his face was pale. He scooted a bit on his stretched and pats his right side. She sat down next to him and leans on his shoulder. 
"You never told me about her..." She mumbled softly. He sighed and kissed her forehead, and wrapped his arm around her.
"It's a painful story to tell." He mumbled.
Bucky had met the twins when they were young, he had known them since they first became HYDRA assets. He was told to give them basic training and that was all, but he saw two children rather then weapons. 
So he also nurtured them, after the long days of experiments he let them lay on him and sleep, even if he himself couldn't sleep. 
All Wanda did was nod, she just asked softly.
"Can you tell me the good things..?"
Bucky gave a sad smile and looked at the ring in his hand.
"She was the most loving person..." He started and looked down to the ground. "She would always help out the ones who needed it, mutants, poor, anyone..."
Mutants, made Wanda curious. Wanda was a mutant, but with help of the power stone it amplified her powers. 
"Mutants?" Wanda asked and turned to Bucky, sitting up.
"She was a mutant, маленький" He said softly.
"Like...me?" She asked.
"Yes, but she had these spikes that came out of her knuckles and elbows." Bucky looked at Wanda and said.
"Her name, was Y/n Laura Howlett." Wanda's eyes widen and she straightens her posture.
"The Y/n? The savior of mutants?" She questioned excitedly.
Bucky nodded, smiling at the fond memories of his wife rescuing mutants from HYDRA facilities in World War II. 
"That, Y/n." He chuckles and looked down at the ring.
"How...How long were you two married?" Wanda asked delicately.
"Almost ten years... It would have been our tenth year anniversary in July." He muttered sadly, his mind going back to when they talked about having a family...
"We got married two or three weeks after she turned 18. We both were 18, I was 3 months older." He paused then stood up, grimacing as pain shot up his back but he ignored it. 
"I can show you our wedding photos." He said delicately and Wanda smiled happily and nodded as she stood up. 
"Can I get Pietro?" He chuckles and nodded.
"Just meet me in my room, маленький." He said softly and pats her head with his flesh hand and walked away.
Once he was in his room, he pulled out an old photo album. 
To which he wished he could thank Peggy, and Steve. Since Steve had all of their things, then he got frozen, so Peggy took it into her hands to take care of their things. Both for Steve and her old best friend Y/n.
He sat down and saw the two walk in, Wanda had a smile across her face and Pietro looked...confused. 
"What are we doing?" Pietro questioned, his accent was thick but soft.
Wanda rolled her eyes in annoyance, and said.
"We are looking at Bucky and Y/n's wedding pictures! I told you!"
"Uh, no you didn't."
"Did too."
"Did not!" 
"Hey! I'm your older brother! I deserve respect."
"Only by 12 minut-"
Wanda got cut off by Bucky's cough. 
"Stop t you two." Bucky chuckles and opens the photo album, and the first picture was him and Y/n at the altar. The old black and white pictures safe behind a thin sheet of plastic. He could smell the cathedral, the old incense, the smell of the candles. 
Wanda looked curiously and asked 
"Is that the Trinity Church here in New York?" 
Bucky nodded and said softly. 
"Yes... That is where me Y/n got married..." He looked at another picture, it was just her. She wore a beautiful lace dress. Yes, now it would be seen as a grandma table cloth but GOD  she still looked beautiful. 
It was a V-Neck top, but it was still modest for the time, and had long sleeves. The dress had gone down to her mid shins, and she had a small veil. It was a small, and tiny wedding. It was during the great depression so they couldn't have a beautiful and lavish wedding of their dreams.
But for only being 18 and barley having 200 or 300 dollars to spend, it was a damn good wedding.
Wanda and Pietro noticed how absolutely love sick Bucky was for her, how his eyes swelled with love.
Wanda flipped the page and saw the small group photos. She only saw Bucky, with his father, mother, and sister.
George, Winifred and Rebecca Barnes. Then she looked to Y/n's family photo and only saw Logan and Victor. 
The look of the great Sabertooth made the twins feel uneasy, knowing what he did. Bucky didn't notice but only traced the smiling photo of his wife, how her Y/e/c gleamed with nothing but love and pride.
Pietro then noticed in almost all of the photos, he was looking at her and never the camera. He was smiling like an absolute idiot. 
He was, and still is so madly  in love with her. No matter all the advances he gets from women and sometimes men, he never moved on. He felt if he did he would betray their love. 
And he can't betray the only woman he ever remember no matter how many times he was brainwashed.
He won't.
Then the final picture, it was him and Y/n, he had held her bridal style as they walked out the church. And he was in the middle of kissing her nose. It was one of his favorite moments, besides that night when they gave them self's each other's most sacred, and pure thing. 
The memories, the beautiful moments. The tender ones, the vulnerable ones, and the bad ones.
No matter what, he was always bonded to her.
And even if she is with him no more, he will never, ever, let another person touch him, and love him the way she did.
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Y/n held her boy as he slept. Not letting go.
He had fully healed after the hours of tortured, thank god. Her son slept peacefully, his tufts of dark brown hair where all disheveled from his rough ways of sleeping. 
Something he got from Y/n.
She held him as she listens to his heartbeat, the only thing that kept her grounded.
His soft skin, his soft locks of brown hair and his deep blue eyes. He looked so familiar yet like her, it was odd. 
He had her nose, and overall her face shape, yet he looked like the man she had hunted down earlier. 
She didn't like the pulling feeling she had. She felt drawn to the man, like as if he was her missing piece.
Maybe... he knew her?
God she felt helpless. But then something clicked, she needs to break out of here. 
She looked around and set her son down, his name, his name was Killian. But he was called 'X-33' by the agents.
She kissed Killians head delicately and ran around his room, quietly doing so. Her footsteps where as quiet as a kitten. She dare not to make a noise. If they heard her they would kill her boy.
'We can't do this anymore' She thought to herself as she packed the little they both had. She managed to put it all in one backpack then she looked at her riffle and grabbed it, the smooth metal gave a small shiver to her. 
She puts the gun in a bag and puts the backpack on. She walked over to her son and picked him up gently. 
Now was the hard part.
She grabbed her keys and opens the door and immediately an alarm went off. So, she ran, and ran to her bike that as a few hundred feet away. She got on her bike and her the soft cries of her son and kissed his forehead.
"Shh...Its okay." She said softly as the agents started shooting at them. She puts the key in the ignition and started driving as fast as she could, easily going at 80 MPH, then 85. 
She didn't need to look back, she knew she was out of their reach for now. Her son nuzzled his face into her chest and held her tightly.
She sighed softly and kissed his head and whispers through the wind.
"We did it, baby boy...we are free"
Hours had gone by, and those hours were two days. From Oslo, to Ibiza.
They got a small apartment and Y/n sat down in the plain room. She had to find that man, she had to. 
Then there was a knock at the door, she readied her fist. 
So in any moment her metal spikes would poke out to kill. She opens the door and said in a soft voice.
The mysterious man gave a brief nod, and muttered.
"Are you The Painkiller?" He asked firmly, but it was still a mutter, so nobody could hear it.
She quickly grabbed the man from his tie and dragged him inside. His once neat and blonde hair now messy and out of place and his brown eyes wide with fear.
"What do you want?"
She boomed, her voice low and dark as she circled him. Her hand where crossed over her chest and he gulped.
"M-My name is-"
"Spare the intro. What. Do. You. Want." Her eyes glared deep into his as she walked around him
He gulped once more and said shakily.
"I need to have someone taken out." He looked at her and she didn't say anything.
"Natalia Alianovna Romanova" He spat out quickly, then something clicked.
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YEAR: 1995
"You are the Painkiller?" Madame B asked quickly, and Y/n, the then Painkiller nodded and the woman turned to Bucky.
"Winter Soldier?" 
The man nodded as well. The older woman nodded and turned around and motioned for the duo to follow.
"You will train our best widow. Natalia." The woman spoke as they walked into a room that was filled with girls doing ballet.
She pointed out to a girl with bright blue hair and yelled.
"Romanova!" The girl didn't flinch but walked over and bowed.
"These will be your new teachers. They will teach you more about combat then we can." The woman said firmly, and Natalia nodded. Her green eyes were dull and she said in a plain tone.
"Good, now show our two new guests to the training area." She said and the girl nodded and walked with the mutant and the super soldier.
Once they got to the room The Painkiller looked around and set her bag of weapons down.
"Center." The Winter soldier said firmly, and Natalia nodded.
"You know basics?" The painkiller asked through her heavy duty mask.
"More then just basics." Natalia added and The Winter Soldier nodded.
"Good, you start the first attack." He got into a defensive position and the girl did a fake round house kick but made it into a butterfly kick. It was a good move but I was sloppy.
"Your form is sloppy and your not balanced. Do it again." The Painkiller ordered and the girl nodded and tried once more but failed.
"Let me show you, little one." She gently moved Natalia out of the way, and balanced her feet and quickly did the kick and The Winter Soldier used his Titanium arm to deflect it.
"Understand?" She turned to Natalia and she nodded, thinking about how she did it and mirrored her actions.
"Yes! That is it, little one." The woman gave an encouraging nod from under her mask and so did the Winter Soldier.
"Very good." He added.
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She shook off the memory and looked at the man.
"Black Widow?" She questioned and he nodded.
"Yes...We need her gone." He said quickly, his heart rate picking up as she got on her knees.
"Pay?" She spat out and the mans face paled.
"You expect me to do it for free when I am not a puppet?" She deadpanned, and the man looked down flushed and embarrassed.
"I-I...No." He mumbled and looked back at the woman.
"Then I won't kill her." She similes and stood up.
"But, I will kill you." And just like that, she unsheathed her metal spiked and shoved it through his skull. 
She pulled it out as blood seeped into the carpet, and his brain matter pouring out. The immediate smell of iron filled her nose and she sighed as she grabbed a random sheet and covered the man.
She walked to her sons room and said softly.
"It isn't safe, my baby boy."
The boy pouted and stood up.
"Mama...I don't wanna go..." Oh how naive he is to their situation...
She got on her knees and said softly.
"Oh baby, I know...But, I found something that may help us." She kissed his forehead and grabbed their things and walked out of the apartment. That god her son didn't say anything as they walked out.  
She got on her bike and went to the closest airport and got the first flight to New York.
'If little one is still alive...then maybe, just maybe she can help.' 
She thought to herself over, and over. Both during their wait, and the flight.
And maybe, she will find the man she once knew.
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Hi! I was re-reading the soulmate’s AU you did and I wondered how the story would have changed if our little fella saw underneath the wrist band sooner than he did. Like years prior or something? Like would he go bananas and go in denial or go bananas and try and tell her or he’d wait until he thought she would be ready to know? Because in the fic you made him more mature due of him kinda ‘growing up’ with everyone else so then I just wondered how his obnoxious little snot self would take it before he gained that maturity yk?
OOOOooooh I'm super into this question. Tysm for sending it in!
(Btw, this question references the ZAGR Soulmates AU from this fic, if anyone would like to check it out) Long answer under the cut, as I'm incapable of answering in short sentences.
If Zim had found out that he was Gaz's soulmate when they were kids, like let's say in the sort of maturity he was at during the cartoon, it would've been pretty disastrous lmao. Let's also assume he didn't find out during a moment when he could be interrupted, like in the fic.
Assuming that he understood what a human soulmate was in it's entirety when he found out, initially, he would've been very surprised. Shocked. He probably would've ran. Really solidified that it was what he thought it was before acting.
And then, IMMEDIATELY thereafter, he would've been incredibly smug. Gaz and Dib probably would've found out at the same time when he tried to use it to antagonize Dib. This would initially just be something that he could throw in his enemy's face. Some "Your planet is mine, Dib, and even your very sister is branded with my name!" kind of shit.
Gaz would fully have a crisis. Neither Membrane would initially believe him. Zim would probably do a lot of grandiose shit, like bringing Gaz huge bouquets of flowers solely to say something like "for my MATE" really loudly and smugly in front of Dib. It probably wouldn't initially even register that she was more than a tool to weaponize against Earth's self-proclaimed savior. Initially, the Membranes would realize that this bit of his was going on way too long. Dib would then make it his mission to learn to read Irken rather than just recognize the language waaaaay sooner than he would in the original AU to confirm that actually, yeah, Gaz's soulmate is Zim. Queue crisis for the humans.
Zim would eventually grow bored of the big showy displays. It's still really funny to him, but Dib also has other buttons to push, and he's got to keep all his insults fresh so he's not to be so predictable. Once he moves on though, it occurs to him that the end of the joke doesn't actually negate the fact that Gaz is still his soulmate. And just as stated in the AU, he has certain obligations towards her. He won't be dishonored by not fulfilling his end of the bond. An Irken caught neglecting their mate would be a laughingstock.
Gaz would start to notice the things he does to account for his obligations.
Minimoose starts hanging around her during large, explosion-worthy fights. She doesn't know why, and is pretty neutral about it, until a panicking citizen nearly runs into her. Minimoose's shield activates suddenly, protecting her, and leaving her really surprised. This happens whenever any debris, person, or other form of harm enters her vicinity. A couple times, Zim's robo-parents check her out of school and take her to his base. She doesn't see Zim, but she finds out later he was trying to blow up the campus again. She catches Minimoose or Gir hanging around her house when she's home alone. Sometimes, if she's in a rare good mood, she let's them hang out in her room while she does homework. Occasionally, she even talks to them.
She rarely, if ever, actually interacts with Zim. She gets the (correct) feeling pretty quickly that Zim's not really 'interested,' per se. That he's just doing his duty. The few times she does see him, like when he has to personally squirrel her to safety somewhere, they don't really acknowledge the elephant in the room. He just sort of watches her, and she mostly ignores him. It works for them. Nothing really changes, and that's just fine for both of them. Gaz might even prefer it. She'd probably end up assuming Zim was her soulmate because he was designed to just leave her alone.
Zim considers her a scary pet he has to keep an eye on. He sometimes eavesdrops on her conversations with his minions just because he can, and because he's curious. He doesn't really register it as bad or a progression of his interest in her. Just making sure his scary pet is fine. If he learns what snacks she prefers so that he can keep them in his base on the days he needs to kidnap her to keep her from bitching, well, whatever.
Eventually, Zim would inevitably kidnap her on a bad day. He'd interrupt something important, and she'd snap at him to just postpone whatever Big Evil Scheme(tm) he had that day. They'd argue about it, but eventually, Zim starts checking schemes against her schedule. He already (sort of) schedules schemes for convenient times for Dib, so that he enemy is not distracted by stupid things like homework or doctors appointments. It's not a big deal to check in with Gaz, too.
I think they'd be content with this small cordiality until Tak showed up. It'd just be too big of a catalyst not to matter. Whereas in the original AU, Zim is real sneaky out of necessity, in this situation where EVERYONE is aware of what's going on, Zim is WAAAYYY more territorial. It's one thing to screen and preemptively Gaz's social media from receiving messages from humans that could be interpreted as solicitous, but it's an entirely other for an Irken to actually show up and start spewing threats at her.
Suddenly Zim is alllll over her. Walks her to and from class. Camps outside on her roof, whether she knows it or not. Shoves an emergency beacon in her hands one afternoon with strict instructions to carry it around her at all times. When she tries to hand it back, unlike in the AU with that sweet, covert little bracelet as a 'casual gift,' she wakes up with a bracelet that literally cannot be removed attached to her wrist. Bitching about it gets her nowhere. Zim starts neglecting his fights with Dib to follow Gaz around and make sure Tak doesn't get the jump on her. It really grates on Gaz. Her worst fear was feeling like she was someone's property, and that's exactly how Zim is treating her. Like branded cattle.
Zim tries to contend with his responsibilities versus what he wants from Gaz. He's incredibly frustrated with her refusal to cooperate, and her lack of understanding. She's worse than obstinate, she's ungrateful. She should be honored that he's bothering to protect her! Why isn't she honored?!
I think that even after Tak and Dib worked out everything between them, Gaz and Zim would really not be on good terms. It was a great benefit for them to be mature-ish and working from a largely clean slate when they formalize their relationship. Having a ton of baggage and misunderstandings between them, especially with both of them being so headstrong and stubborn, would be a huge hurdle for them to overcome.
Legitimately and hilariously, I think Professor Membrane would have to be the intervening factor. Zim hanging around all the time would eventually mean they crossed paths not just as 'Dib's little foreign friend,' but as his daughter's mate. We saw in the Tak episode that Zim isn't about bitching to their father about his kids. I think Membrane would listen, and then stage an intervention with both of them. With Gaz, he'd sit her down an talk about their mother, and all the sappy love stuff that made it worth it for him to make compromises in his life to enjoy the time they had together. To Zim, he'd lecture him about the nature of his daughter, and how much she values her independence. How the loss of her mother made afraid of loss, and theorizing how their upbringing (aka his absence/neglect, without really taking accountability for it) may have affected her ability to trust the permanence of a soulmate.
I think that would finally be what made them sit down and work it out. It'd have to be a negotiation process. Zim can't always be out guarding Gaz. She needs her privacy. But as a compromise, she'd agree to scheduled check-ins. She'd agree to alert him to any potentially dangerous situations and let him come with. For example, it's my headcanon that Gaz would do a Membrane Labs internship in her college years. Zim would be there for any experiments that might go kaboom with a visitor's pass and a sharp eye. Instead of following Gaz around, they'd actually go on planned outings together. Date-adjacent hangouts until one or the other was comfortable with actual dates. It would've been a much slower, much less trusting and messy courtship, but they'd probably get to a good place when Gaz was in college.
Thinking of this question, I now like to think that, in this AU, on top of soulmate partners being fated, when they find out is also decided by some sort of cosmic destiny. Finding your partner at the right time is just as important as finding them in the first place.
Thank you again for sending me a hypothetical! I love theorizing about my own fics. This was a fun exercise.
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mxdimitrescu · 5 months
Love Found in Cafe
Synopsis: Krashlyn meets a charming stranger and falls for her charms.
Genre: Fluff
Pairings: Ashlyn Harris x August Kane x Ali Kreiger
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As Ali stood outside their hotel room, tapping her foot impatiently, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration. She had been ready for ages, while Ash seemed to be taking an eternity to perfect her hair. "Ash, come on!" she called out, her tone a mixture of impatience and amusement.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Ash emerged from the room, still fussing over her hair. "You can't rush this hair, babe," she explained with a grin, completely unfazed by Ali's exasperation.
Rolling her eyes, Ali reached out and grabbed Ash's hand, urging her to hurry downstairs to the conference room. As they made their way through the hotel corridors, Ali couldn't help but tease Ash about her meticulous grooming routine, earning herself a playful swat on the arm in response.
Upon entering the conference room, they were greeted with a mix of cheers and teasing remarks from their teammates. Some chuckled knowingly, while others offered playful jibes about Ash's apparent tardiness.
"Looks like someone had a late start this morning!"
"Trouble in paradise, ladies?"
Ali shot a playful glare at the teasing voices, but couldn't help but chuckle along with them. She then turned to Ash and, with mock seriousness, declared, "You know, Ash, I think you might have set a new record for the longest time spent on hair maintenance this morning."
Ash laughed and playfully nudged Ali in response. "Hey, you know I have to look my best for our big day," she replied with a wink, earning herself an eye roll from Ali and a round of laughter from their teammates.
Ash huffed in mock annoyance as she flopped down into one of the empty chairs, earning a laugh from Ali as she settled in beside her. Jill, the team leader, approached the front of the room and cleared her throat, immediately drawing everyone's attention.
"Now that everybody's here," Jill began, her gaze lingering pointedly on Ash, "Today is your free day. We'll start training for the finals tomorrow. So, go out, explore, have fun, but be back here before 7pm for dinner and one last meeting."
With that, the team dispersed into smaller groups and headed out of the hotel. Ali, Ash, Christen, Tobin, Kelley, and Alex found themselves together, wandering the streets of Paris, France. They visited various shops and iconic landmarks, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling city.
As they strolled along, something caught Ali's eye, and she tugged on Ash's hand, leading her away from the group. Curious, Ash followed, trusting Ali's instincts.
They soon found themselves outside a charming little café, the inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods wafting through the air. Ash's stomach rumbled in response, and they eagerly joined the queue at the register, greeted warmly by the café staff.
"Bonjour, que puis-je faire pour vous aujourd'hui?" The café worker greeted them in French, her warm smile faltering slightly when she noticed the puzzled expressions on Ash and Ali's faces. Translation: Hello, what can I get for you today?")
Ash turned to Ali with wide eyes, silently mouthing, 'I don't know French.'
Ali's brows furrowed with concern. "Oh, um, we don't speak French. Perhaps English?" she asked, her voice tinged with worry.
"Je suis désolé, je ne parle pas anglais. Laissez-moi trouver quelqu'un qui le parle," the woman apologized, scanning the room for assistance. (Translation: "I'm sorry, I don't speak English. Let me find someone who does.")
Before Ali could respond, a smooth, slightly deep, raspy voice cut in, interrupting the frantic search. "No worries, I speak French," it declared confidently.
Ali and Ash turned to see a tall figure stepping forward, his voice exuding calm assurance. He gave them a reassuring smile, indicating that he would assist them.
Both Ali and Ash turned to see their savior, greeted by a very tall, tanned girl standing at about 6'2. She had shoulder-length curly hair that cascaded in wild waves and stormy gray eyes that seemed to hold a hint of mischief.
"What do you guys want?" she asked, her voice confident and friendly, her demeanor exuding a casual charm that put them at ease.
"Uhh um, two espressos, two macaroons, and one of those mocha cake slices," Ali mumbled out, feeling a bit flustered by the sudden assistance.
The stranger smiled warmly, her eyes crinkling at the corners, and turned to the café worker, effortlessly switching back to French. "Ils auront deux expressos, deux macarons, et une de ces parts de gâteau au moka. Je vais prendre un café glacé au caramel avec des crêpes fourrées au chocolat. Je vais les payer," she ordered, her tone polite but firm, her command of the language impeccable. (Translation: "They will have two espressos, two macaroons, and one of those mocha cake slices. I'll get an iced caramel coffee with chocolate-filled crepes. I'll pay for them.")
She handed her card over to the worker, who took it and swiftly swiped it through the machine before handing it back with a nod of approval. As Ash reached into her purse to retrieve the money, the stranger interjected, "No worries, I got you."
"Are you sure? It seems like quite a lot," Ali asked, her concern evident in her tone.
"I'm sure," the stranger replied with a reassuring smile, her eyes twinkling with sincerity.
"Well, then you should sit with us if you're going to pay for us," Ash offered, a warm smile spreading across her face.
"I will gladly take up the offer of eating with two gorgeous women such as yourselves," the stranger replied with a wink, causing a slight red tint to appear on both Ali and Ash's cheeks.
The three of them made their way to find an empty table and settled down, exchanging introductions as they waited for their order to arrive. "I just realized that I never introduced myself. I'm Ali, and this is my girlfriend, Ashlyn," Ali said, extending her hand in greeting.
"No worries, I'm August," she responded with a warm smile. "So, based on your accent, you're American. What brought you here?"
"The women's tournament actually," Ali replied.
"Oh, that's right, the women's soccer World Cup. You two soccer players?" August asked, her curiosity piqued.
"Yep, Ali's a defender, and I'm the goalkeeper," Ash chimed in just as the café worker arrived with their food and drinks.
"Merci beaucoup," August said with a grateful smile as the lady walked away, leaving the three of them to enjoy their meal.
"Mmh, this is so good," Ash hummed happily after taking a sip of her coffee, earning chuckles from Ali and August.
"What about you? I can hear a slight American accent," Ash asked, intrigued.
"Ah yes, I'm from Florida actually, but I moved here when I turned 18 to attend a cooking school. I haven't been back since then," August explained.
"Oh, may I ask why you haven't come back?" Ali inquired gently.
"Sure...my parents died when I was 20 years old, and I don't have any other family, so there was nothing to come back to. I just decided to stay," August shrugged, a hint of sadness flickering in her eyes before she quickly composed herself.
"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss," Ali said, her smile tinged with sadness.
"It's fine. I've grown to love this place anyway," August replied, her smile genuine despite the somber topic.
Their conversation was interrupted by the ringing of a phone, which turned out to be Ash's. She took the call and listened intently before hanging up with a sigh.
"Hey...it's 6:30 already? Yeah, we'll be there. Okay, bye," Ash informed Ali, turning to her with a sense of urgency. "We gotta go. Dinner is at 7 and then a meeting after that."
August's expression flickered with disappointment, but she quickly masked it as they glanced back at her. Despite the reluctance to end their conversation, they all stood up, disposed of their trash, and made their way out of the café. They stood in silence for a moment as the breeze gently brushed against them.
"So, umm, I guess this is goodbye. Good luck at the World Cup," August said softly as she turned to walk back to her home.
Ash and Ali felt a pang of regret as they watched August leave. They had shared a connection with her, a brief but meaningful moment that left an impression on them both. As August disappeared from view, they exchanged a glance, silently acknowledging the mutual feeling of reluctance to let her go.
But just as they were about to part ways, Ash's expression suddenly changed, a realization dawning on her.
August turned around to see Ash and Ali running toward her, their expressions filled with urgency.
"We have finals in two days. Come see us? We'll provide tickets," Ash asked hopefully, her voice tinged with desperation.
August bit her lip, considering their offer, before smiling at them. "Sure...gimme your phone."
Ash handed her phone to August, who quickly typed in her contact information before handing it back.
"You have my phone number. Text me about the tickets," August said as she turned and walked away, waving her hand back at them. "See ya gorgeous ladies later!"
Ali and Ash watched August as she disappeared around a corner, their hearts pounding with anticipation. Just as they were about to discuss their encounter, Ash's phone buzzed with a notification. Her face paled as she read the message.
"We're ten minutes late..."
"Shit..." Ali cursed, realizing the gravity of their situation.
As the day of the game arrived, Krashlyn and August had been texting each other throughout the night and the next day, learning new things about each other. It was safe to say that Ali and Ash were slowly but surely developing feelings for August.
On the other hand, August was a bundle of nerves. She found herself attracted to both women, who were already in a relationship with each other. The late-night conversations only fueled the fire of emotions she felt for Ali and Ash, leaving her in a state of turmoil.
As the women's team entered onto the field for the game, Ali and Ash scanned the stands in hopes of spotting August, but she was nowhere to be found. The other girls on the team noticed their searching gazes and decided to inquire when they returned to the locker room.
Upon their return, Alex couldn't help but ask, "Ali, Ash, who or what were you looking for out there?"
Ash glanced at Ali for confirmation before she spoke up. "We met someone, two days ago when we went out. We ended up at this little café, and there was a communication barrier. Luckily, a stranger named August helped us out, and we invited her to sit with us. It was... amazing. We connected so well with her," Ali explained, her voice tinged with longing.
"When you guys called us that day, we didn't want to leave her so soon, so we invited her to the game," Ash added.
"So, you were looking for August, but I'm guessing she's not here?" Kelley asked, and Krashlyn nodded in confirmation.
"GAME TIME!" Jill's voice boomed into the locker room, putting the conversation on hold as the women geared up and headed outside to start the game.
In the first 20 minutes of the game, August finally arrived and took her seat in the stands. She watched in awe as Ash demonstrated pure concentration while managing the defense lineup, and she cheered enthusiastically when Ash made a crucial save. Meanwhile, Ali proved to be a formidable force in defending the ball from the goal box. Overall, August gained a newfound respect for the players and developed a newfound love for soccer.
The shrill sound of the whistle pierced through the air, signaling the end of the first half of the game. Players streamed off the field, seeking respite and hydration on the sidelines. Amidst the flurry of activity, Ali's gaze once again wandered to the stands, where she immediately caught August's eyes. A wide smile adorned August's face as she proudly sported Krieger's jersey, cheering fervently for Ali and Ash.
Ali's heart swelled with warmth as she called out to Ash, who initially looked at her in confusion until Ali motioned towards the stands. Ash followed Ali's gaze and spotted August, a surge of happiness coursing through her as their eyes met.
The second half commenced with the resounding blow of the whistle, and Ali and Ash shifted their focus back to the game, determined to give it their all and put on a show for August. For the next 45 minutes, they poured their hearts into every play, fueled by the desire to make their newfound friend proud.
As the final whistle blew, signaling the end of the game with a resounding 3-0 victory in favor of the USA, Ali and Ash's jubilation knew no bounds. They rushed towards each other, enveloping one another in a tight embrace before pulling back to share a celebratory kiss.
Meanwhile, the rest of the team made their way to the stands to reunite with their families, leaving Ali and Ash to make their way towards August, who was waiting at the barrier.
"Congrats, champs!" August exclaimed as they reached her, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "That was an amazing game—"
Before August could finish her sentence, Ali seized the moment, pulling her in by the jersey and pressing her lips against hers in a sudden, passionate kiss. The world seemed to stand still for a moment as they shared the intimate embrace.
Seconds later, Ash joined in, pulling August into another kiss, their connection electric and undeniable. As they finally pulled away, August was left speechless, her cheeks flushed with a deep blush as she processed the whirlwind of emotions that had just washed over her. And as they stood there, enveloped in the afterglow of victory and newfound affection, the surrounding spectators bore witness to the unexpected but undeniable chemistry between the three of them.
"I-I..." August stuttered, her mind reeling with a whirlwind of emotions.
Ali's voice broke through the tension, her tone filled with vulnerability. "Here's the thing," she began, her nerves palpable. "We like you. Like, a lot. And we want to date you... if that's something you're up for?"
August felt a rush of warmth flood her chest as she looked into the earnest eyes of Ali and Ash. Their sincerity was undeniable, and for a moment, all of August's doubts melted away. She found herself nodding slowly, a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
But words seemed to escape her, and before she could respond, Ali leaned in and pressed her lips against August's, a gentle yet passionate kiss that spoke volumes. Ash followed suit, her touch equally tender as she captured August's lips in a tender embrace.
As they pulled away, August felt a surge of warmth and acceptance wash over her. "I like you two, and I'm all for it, gorgeous," she finally murmured, her voice filled with sincerity and affection.
The three women grinned at each other, a newfound sense of connection blossoming between them.
Their tender moment was interrupted by Kelley's booming voice echoing across the field. "ASH! ALI! We need to take pictures!"
Reluctantly, Ali and Ash broke away from August, their fingers lingering as they exchanged one last smile.
"We gotta go, talk to you later?" Ash asked, her eyes shimmering with excitement as they began to descend from the barrier.
"Of course. Have fun, and I'll call you later, loves," August replied, waving at them with a smile.
As she watched them walk away, August couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude wash over her. She knew that this was just the beginning of something beautiful, and she couldn't wait to see where this newfound connection would take them.
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queer-in-a-cornfield · 9 months
A list of Thoughts™ I had in 2023:
-What is even the point of Arkansas?
- Why aren't there two cases of numbers?
- Humans like the taste of thinking they’re on fire and that’s just weird
- We need a word for when you're daydreaming at night
- Rob Cantor spelled backwards is not a palindrome and that feels wrong
-I think thyme should rhyme with stymie and for that matter, so should rhyme)
- Imagine a pollen waterfall
- What is the median word?
- V I O L E N T H A N D W A S H I N G
- How do the cars in Cars reproduce?
- What does human taste like?
- Plaque is like tooth zest
- Is there a raspberry emoji? (There isn't and I don't appreciate that)
- The respiratory system is my instrument
- 🎶Dun dun dududun dun dududun dun dudun dun dududun dun dududun dun dududun dun dududun dun🎶
- Is oxygen flammable?
- Someone should make jello ice cubes
- What is the word for the smell of a walk-in freezer?
- Where do blimps go when they aren't in the air?
- Do fish make sounds incomprehensible to us?
- Bottomless Dreaming (I do not remember what this means because I thought of it literally as I woke up)
- Who is the most average person?
- Is the trademark™️ symbol trademarked™️?™️??? (According to Max: Yes, by Alexander Trademark.)
- Why can 10/10 dentists never agree on anything?
- What percentage of the population is lawyers?
- Beanana
- What is the oldest surviving copy of a newspaper? (Not what is the longest running newspaper, but what is the oldest physical newspaper still intact?)
- ɪˈmæʤən ˈspɛlɪŋ jʊər ʧaɪldz neɪm wɪð aɪ-pi-eɪ ˈsɪmbəlz.
-I really want to bite my plant.
- Would Bill Cipher be invisible if you looked at him from the side? (Since he's 2D)
- Imagine if you could make wine bottles by jumping on grapes (Courtesy of Max)
-Queue should be pronounced qwehweh
- Trampolines are are when you jump on a strainer that is on top of another strainer. (Courtesy of Max)
- How many oranges are there? (Courtesy of Max)
- Imagine if there were just floating staircases to nowhere
- Rabbits are an unstoppable force
- What is the cold version of incineration?
- Wholesome blackmail should exist
- I hate that our eyes take in information from top to bottom because whenever I look at the map on my wall I see North Dakota first and that’s just not it.
- How many people were named Amerigo after the Americas became widely known as America?
- What was the greatest thing before sliced bread (pre-1928)?
- Pomelos are subject to the laws of physics
- Australians be like: “Our lord and savior vegemite”
- I want to grab a cloud with a hook and drag it along behind the car
- Unfortunate Roadtrip would be a really good band name
- You wouldn’t download a pie
- If you donate blood, do you tell the person drawing the blood "thank you" or "your welcome"? (Courtesy of Max)
- Grass does not care for international borders
- Why are mirrors slightly green?
- What is the texture of flame?
- What if Mickey was short for Mickolas?
- Beans is my favorite word.
- Trees are like naturally occurring lollipops except you can’t eat them and aren’t really anything like lollipops
- Is it possible to dissolve a brick?
- I know calling it Virginia was meant to be a compliment but like I personally would be miffed if a place was named after the fact I haven’t dated anyone
- We know what ranch tastes like, but then what does farm taste like?
- We have deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning, I say we complete the trilogy with seductive reasoning
- If the only qualifications for being a seagull are being bad at acting and not having lips then technically the only things that aren’t seagulls are people and desks (stupid f*cking bird reference)
- Is it possible to liquify a bird?
- Does pizza count as art?
- I’m so fine (both literally and figuratively, both sarcastically and sincerely. Bothception.)
- If Cam is short for Cameron then is Sam short for Sameron?
- Schrödinger’s AAA battery
- Five dudes, a gorl™, and a middle schooler walk into rehearsal…
- It’s been tomorrow since yesterday ended
- Ties are man ribbons
- Sugar is the letter Y of baking
- Balliscuits
- Desecrated Coconut
- Imagine if working out caused you to lactate (Courtesy of Alec)
- Dragon is not synonymous with pie
- (In the voice of the tiktok spongebob news fish) You’ve just been smargled
- What country has the most cities (incorporated places, not necessarily populous ones)
- Today is tomorrow’s yesterday and yesterday’s tomorrow and a tv show
- Soap soup
- Imagine a lightbulb with a smaller lightbulb inside and you can play lightbulb dice
- *British accent* Plunderbuckets and Billyhocks
- Rahrehksdee ;)
- Where does candle wax go???
- If you don’t specify the source of your organ meat, people would assume it’s human organs which is kinda weird
- What if air is a drug (if you don’t have it you go into withdrawals) (Courtesy of Max)
- What would a calorie taste like?
- Why are walruses like that
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natashxromanovf · 2 years
Hey Taja, congratulations on 1.1k followers you deserve it 😊
Can I ask you for a ❄️ - moodboards! With steve rogers ans navy blue?, please? Thank you 😌
hope you like it <33
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meowww-ffxiv · 9 months
Other "the Warriors of Light are getting hitched" bits.
Meowdred: Soooo am I going to get something nice for my dowry?
Theodore: Why must I pay the dowry? You are moving up the social ladder by joining with my household, you know. You should be the one to give it to me.
Meowdred: You're wearing it right now.
Theodore: I--
Theodore: *is in fact wearing a 3 million gils glam made by Meowdred*
Meowdred: :)
Theodore: ...Fine. I will prepare the dowry.
Meowdred: So here's a list of famous people who probably don't know us well and aren't gonna bother showing up or verifying the wedding.
Theodore: What are you scheming.
Meowdred: We send them our invitations and they probably will just send gifts back and throw the invitation out.
Theodore: ........I hate how you're using something I used to do for our gain. It's galling.
Meowdred: I hand crafted those wedding gifts for the ones whose invitations you threw out, by the way.
Theodore: And the divorce rate is 2 to 3 last I checked, so maybe to avoid bad luck, we should ask someone else for anything related to ours be crafted by someone not you.
Meowdred: Nonsense. We don't marry for something as vapid as love or personal preferences.
Theodore: Are you implying that you do not prefer me, personally?
Meowdred: You know who I prefer.
Theodore: And you are sure G'raha is alright with this? I know you told him that it is only to consolidate our properties and secure your accounts in Thanalan, but he seems to me the kind to take these things seriously and to heart.
Meowdred: I...think he understands me completely when I tell him that I solely regard the institution of marriage as an economic and social mechanism.
Theodore: ........Yes. He would. Anyone would, if it comes out of your mouth.
Meowdred: But I also hope you understand that it's an enormous amount of trust in our past, present, and future that I'm going with you, for this. This isn't a contract I would enter into with anyone else in this star or all her reflections except for you. To call it "love" that guided my resolve is, indeed, vapid.
Theodore: 🙄 Only you would spin a mercenary, mercantile way into something so exclusive it's precious.
Theodore: (is touched anyway)
Moogle: Upon commencing the ceremony, several unskippable cutscenes will play!
Meowdred: If you know what's good for you, no they won't be unskippable.
Moogle: How rude can you GET.
Theodore: He's serious, you know.
Moogle: You might be the Warriors of Light and the saviors of the star, but that does NOT make you exceptions to the bonds of matrimony--
Meowdred: OK. Give us the refund. Damn, guess we really gotta go to the Halonic church for this. They even hate music and clapping during a wedding.
Theodore: But they are also far more accommodating. This is quite a shame. I don't know how to explain to Kan-e-Senna about us being unable to have our ceremony at the Church of the Twelve.
Moogle: FINE FINE.
(the cutscenes were indeed skippable even though they waited until they all played before hitting Duty Commenced on their queue)
Krile: Those two are so awful it's unfortunately hilarious.
G'raha: Are you going to tell Alphinaud and Alisaie?
Krile: No... But I must tell Thancred immediately.
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vihrago-a · 1 year
❛ go ahead. you might as well finish the job. ❜ ( Hanzo to Kaori? )
"no, get up." kaori, though not a good person, has some morals. she will not kick someone when they are already down. hanzo was on the last thread --- beaten, battered, bruised. he could not fight anymore. she pitied him. she is unforgiving in her gaze as she watches him. "i wont give you another chance. consider this a mercy." it was one of the few times she spared an opponent. hanzo intrigued her enough that she found it beneficial to keep him alive. besides, she would have the whole shimada clan up her ass if they found their leader dead. she didn't care for that. so he would get another chance. if she finds him again, she will kill him.
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styxms · 1 year
make a stim board for your boyfriend (jesus christ, our lord & savior)
not gonna put the link cuz i know who this is (+ its in the queue rn) but i just want the people to know Whats To Come
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littleladymab · 2 years
So I wasn't actually intending to take any smooch prompts other than what was already in my queue but then @sweetalissum replied to my post with
P4 YOU SAY??? Then I'm sliding in with my Yu senpai/Rise agenda. B)
and YOU KNOW WHAT I'M NOT GOING TO SAY NO TO FURTHERING THE YU/RISE AGENDA. Especially that I'm just getting ready to go do the Rise dungeon in my P4G playthrough and it was raining on Sunday it just seemed like a perfect combo 🤭🤭
I've been feeling real glum about my writing in general so doing these incredibly self-indulgent prompts for friends have been such a boon, thank you for the added bonus of letting me get back to my P4 roots with this one hehe
Yu-senpai was right where the auntie said he would be beneath the awning. Rise watches him for a moment, studying the way his hands are folded demurely between his knees and his unfocused gaze is settled somewhere on the distant mountains. Or where the mountains would be. It’s raining, and the gray haze filling the Inaba region seems determined to take Yu-senpai with it. 
Rise steps off the path to approach him. “Senpai!” 
His head jerks up and his face swivels in her direction. There’s a beat, then the smile blossoms across his features as if the sun has emerged from behind the clouds. “Rise. What are you doing here?” 
She spins the handle of her umbrella between her fingers, enjoying the cascade of water droplets. “One of our regulars recognized you as my friend and mentioned that you were stranded without an umbrella.” 
“My weather-tracking game is slipping,” he admits. 
“In your defense,” Rise says as she drops onto the bench beside him, “the weather said it wouldn’t rain until after eight this evening.” She offers him the hilt of the spare umbrella she had brought. 
Yu-senpai takes it with a muttered word of thanks. “You didn’t have to come all the way out here to deliver it.” 
Rise gasps in mock offense, pressing one hand to her chest and earning a chuckle in response. “And pass up the opportunity at being your rainy-day savior? I don’t think so.” She smiles and bumps her shoulder against his. “I was extremely tempted to bring only the one umbrella so you would have felt obligated to share with me back to Marukyu — where I would insist you could borrow the umbrella for the rest of your walk home. And then on Monday you would return the umbrella and bring me a bento and we could spend a nice lunch period on the roof.” She crosses one knee over the other and props her chin in the palm of her hand, winking up at his surprised expression. 
She enjoys the way genuine amusement turns the corners of his lips up. “From anyone else, I’d be shocked that they had me so thoroughly figured out, but I expect nothing less from you.” 
Rise blushes even though she had started it. “You know how to flatter a girl, Senpai,” she teases. 
“I say it as I see it.” Yu-senpai rises to his feet and approaches the edge of the overhang. He extends a hand out into the rain before making a face and pulling back. 
She rises as well to stand next to him. “What were you doing out here anyway?” 
“Was running some errands around town, but the rain started before I could make it back to the bus stop.” The smile he turns towards her is that soft one he gets sometimes when he thinks no one is looking. He doesn’t hide it from her. “Knew I should have brought my scooter today.” 
Yu-senpai proceeds to tuck the umbrella she lent him beneath his arm and leans over to pluck hers from her unsuspecting hands. He pops it open and holds it over his head, inspecting it. 
Then, satisfied with whatever he sees, he holds his free hand out to her. 
Rise’s protest as he stole her umbrella dies on her lips, and she stares at the open palm he offers in silent surprise. Her eyes roll slowly from it to meet his gaze — marveling for a moment how his eyes always seem more silver than gray, especially when he’s getting into mischief. 
“What—?” she asks, for once not able to read the next move. This isn’t a battle she can predict the course of, and he seems to enjoy seeing her flustered confusion. 
“I’m going to walk you back to Marukyu,” Yu-senpai says, taking her hand in his own when she takes too long to respond. With a gentle tug, he pulls her against his side to fit beneath the umbrella with her. 
“Senpai!” Rise presses her hands to her cheeks, mortified to feel them warm. “What if someone sees?” She knows he’s got the eye of some other girls in his year, not to mention if any of her fans spot them. He could end up all over the message boards and she hates to think about what might happen then. 
Yu-senpai hesitates, his touch drawing away. “Sorry,” he says softly. “I overstepped.” 
With a speed born of months of practice, Rise does a quick scan of the area and makes up her mind when she finds it empty. The paparazzi have petered out recently, and any of their classmates already know that they’re close. 
And besides, she came all this way with the intention of having a moment with him. Why not take full advantage of it, if he was willing?
Rise doesn’t let him pull away. She loops her arm through his and peers up at him. “It’s fine,” she tells him honestly. “I’m just still getting used to it.” 
“Getting used to what?” he asks with a laugh, though she can tell the tension eases from his shoulders. 
“Genuine affection,” she replies, then tugs him out from beneath the safety of the picnic awning and into the steady rainfall. “So, tell me, what’s the game plan after you walk me back to Marukyu?” 
Yu-senpai stumbles after her and for a moment they’re both victim to the warm September rain. But then he’s back at her side and holding the umbrella over her, ignoring the fact that his own shoulder is getting wet. “Well, I was thinking I might buy some tofu, since I’m there.” 
Rise nods in understanding. “Since you’ll be there.” 
“And then maybe on Sunday evening I’ll make some chakin sushi. So when I see you at school on Monday I can return the umbrella you so graciously let me borrow and I would offer you my bento as an added thanks.” He turns his quicksilver grin down to her. “If that will be okay with you?” 
She answers his grin with one of her own and hugs his arm a little tighter. “I think that sounds perfect.” 
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addershine · 2 years
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#i don't want to completely derail your post but i do want to say that for the first half of the first sentence i was just like "how can smok
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4 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
alternative to believing Spottedleaf was also in love with Firepaw:
Firepaw was not only meant to be the savior of her Clan, he was also her prophecy. Probably one of if not the first one she had since her mentor died and she was the only medicine cat! Of course she was invested in him succeeding.
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8 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
AU where Silverstream lives and becomes leader of RiverClan post-TigerClan. Silverstream is RiverClan's darling, she's Crookedstar's daughter and that was a better time. Moreover, she is the mother of two half-Clan cats. Leopardstar knows the Clan will listen to Silverstream. They won't listen to her.
Nightstar looked at her, and she rose to her paws. Her limbs were shaking, but she did it. The leader dipped his head to her. "I wish you luck, Silverstar." "Silverstar! Silverstar!"
This au is not EOTF compliant :D I just was feeling it.
9 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
okay but @mallowstep What a Shame by Leyla Blue for Goldenflower in a firetiger au.
I don't understand how you got your hands All up on that new mistake
What a shame, baby, what a shame Coulda been with me instead of what's-her-fucking-name? What a shame, baby, what a shame Had a winning hand but you threw away the game Gave you a million chances, don't get no more Can't wait forever, I'm getting bored What a shame, baby, what a shame What a shameYou pay for all her fun, T-Pain on your tongue But I can buy my own damn drink Don't need smoke inside my lungs or liquor in my blood To tell you what the fuck I think
10 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
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