#quick content tags
yorshie · 6 months
Hey, Yorshie! Fun fact: I was the one who sent in the original prompt for Raph with the phrase "tell me it was a lie. tell me you're playing with me right now." You did SUCH a great job with it.
After deleting my reply to your other post, I kept thinking about it trying to remember exactly what my reply had been, and then I was like... hm. I'm gonna. I'm gonna write that, actually. So, here's a present for you Yorshie! My first ever reader-insert piece. (Obviously, feel free to delete/not post this if it's too... idk. Anything. I hope this is an okay thing to do.)
Another fun fact: the title in my gdoc is "Yorshie's Gift" lol <3
You would recognize the rumble of that motorcycle anywhere.
No one else had realized, yet, just how much danger you were all about to be in. The others were still hauling boxes into the back of the truck. Only you were frozen, hands hovering in the air above the box you’d been reaching for.
You needed to get everyone out of here fast. Most of these new recruits were just kids, barely out of high school. Searching for a sense of belonging, a sense of purpose, like you had when you first joined years ago. Every year there were more. Kids who had never believed they even had a chance at a future, kids who got caught up in the pretty lies and promises that the clan used to suck them in. You hated to see it happen, but there was really nothing you could do about it. You had agreed to lead this excursion, hoping at least that you could be there to ensure no one got hurt.
The rumble was getting louder.
You jerked up, hissing out an order to retreat. The others paused in their movements to look at you, surprised, and you felt a wave of frustration and terror constrict your lungs as they stared at you. 
Their hesitation would get them killed.
 “Move your ass!” You shoved the keys of the truck into the hands of the nearest member and pushed them toward the front. “Now!”
Thankfully, they started to scramble. Within seconds the truck peeled away, leaving behind at least half of the goods you had been ordered to secure. You really couldn’t fucking care less. You made sure the recruits who hadn’t been able to fit in the truck were headed toward safety, too, before starting to run.
And then you stopped.
The rumble was so loud, now, that you could almost feel the vibrations in your chest. He’d be here any second. You should run. You should run. The last words he’d spoken to you, weeks ago, echoed in your mind. 
“I’d better not see you again. If I do, my face is the last thing you’ll ever see, I can promise you that.”
You knew what you would be running from, but… what exactly were you running toward? More listless days with your mind lost in a haze of regret? More nights alone with your chest hollow and aching? Before him, you hadn’t even realized that you were just going through the motions of your life. And then you had found what you were looking for, after all this time. You had found that sense of belonging, that purpose that you had so desperately sought out when you were too young to know any better and you had turned to the foot clan. And when you’d found what you’d been looking for, it hadn’t even been something you found in the foot clan itself. You’d found it in their enemy.
Then you’d lost him. It was your own goddamn fault, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. The weeks since he’d found out had left you feeling untethered. Floating through the days, wondering what the fuck the point was, anyway. You hadn’t realized just how much he had changed your life, just how much he had changed you. And now, without him…
You didn’t want to run anymore.
A strange sense of finality settled over you. It’s what you deserved, anyway, wasn’t it? You were a criminal. No matter what circumstances had led you here, no matter how trapped you had felt… you were still a criminal. And you had still lied to him, for so long. 
And maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. For his face to be the last one you ever saw.
Tires squealed, pulling you from your thoughts, and then he was there. You watched him leap from his bike, sprinting down the alley straight toward you, and the adrenaline that burst through you reminded you that you should run. You were wearing your full gear, face covered by the mask that had been replaced after he’d crushed your old one in his hand. He didn’t even know it was you. You could still slip away into the shadows, you could still- 
You didn’t move. 
He was fast, faster than most people could even follow, but time seemed to slow as he approached. You could see the determination, the anger in his expression. In the tense set of his shoulders. But beneath that, there was a weary sadness. And despite the fear that was clawing its way up your throat, that sadness that you saw was what solidified your decision. 
An enormous fist, clenched around a sai, barrelled toward you, but you focused instead on Raphael’s face. The last face you’d ever see. So angry and tired and sad, and it looked like that because of you.
Yeah. You deserved this.
And the blow hit.
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Wow! Your pacing is very good *trying not to cry* I was totally immersed *tears start falling* and the feeling! The feel- *breaks down sobbing* omg what if raph takes off the mask at the end OR DOESNT WHICH ONE IS WORSE!!!!???
*straight up bawling at this point* im fine! It’s just. It really hit me in the angst corner. Don’t mind me I’m just. Gonna slide along the floor in a little raccoon puddle.
Also! If you ever write for the turtles again, please tag me. I’d love to be in your tag list and I’d love to read it.
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sonicchaoscontrol · 9 months
Obsessed with your colors and designs, they’re so gorgeous. Also I love Shadow’s robot eye turning to a !
Hey, thank you so much! That's really reassuring to hear 🧡 I'd been worrying a little bit about the cohesion of everything lately, so this is a pick-me-up like you wouldn't believe.
And that eye is a lot of fun to work with! I figure, hey, why have a screen if you can't use it to make some stupid looking faces! Here, I may as well put down some concept scribbles because I'm aiming for consistency -
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This is the cut content contest!
My turn!
So I love playing video games. But I also find the unused stuff fascinating. I love learning about how the game was developed, how it could have ended up. I don't think there is a single video game in existance that doesn't have something that was scrapped or changed during developement. So this is a poll for that stuff!
Feel free to submit multiple things, even multiple things from the same game.
allowed stuff:
models and sprites
sounds and music
entire maps
characters and enemies
objects and items
unused animations for existing characters
HUD elements
a few lines of code (as long as you can tell me what they do or would’ve done)
debug and test stuff
stuff that remains in the game’s files but goes unused
weird stuff left out of bounds
stuff that can be seen in trailers or gameplay demos but was removed
concept art
anything that was scrapped during development
not allowed stuff:
Things from movies, comics, etc. This is a video game only bracket.
W. D. Gaster and everything related to him. He is the in-universe representation of cut content, and this poll’s mascot, but does not count.
Easter eggs. If your thing was purposely put there for people to find, even if it can’t be found through normal gameplay, it's an easter egg and does not count.
Scripulous Fingore. They are fan-made, not actual cut content, so they can't be included. :(
automatically included:
Elh - Luigi’s Mansion
Tramplin’ Stu - Super Mario Sunshine
those cats - Korean version of Super Paper Mario
dragonhead flower - Super Mario Galaxy
^^^ I will be pitting those guys against each other so they don't take something else out early.
Submit here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfx3nPqO3cuV56XFD6QvTqOHhO-3jAXaoZzJDkSIX-Caunlgg/viewform
gosh i hope this works, this is the first time ive made a google form
@wizard-showdown @little-cat-showdown @4thwallbreakersshowdown @fictional-train-fight @evil-doppelganger-duel @dead-character-showdown @the-doomsday-bracket @creature-competition @ultimate-sword-showdown @justsomeguypoll @best-fictional-cat @irlcats-bracket
i hope im not bothering any of you by tagging
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jiminrings · 1 month
we r so back .
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snackugaki · 1 year
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@shiftandshade is blessed with so many ideas while I am cursed with only one drawing hand ;u;
*once again, shoves my beloved daughters into shit*
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desultory-novice · 8 months
About the murder game, what would the victims do once they're killed and thrown back into the real world? Do they just wait for the others or do they simply leave to do their own thing?
I was going to say "stuck playing Tetris for hours on end" but then I thought that would be a waste of such immersive VR technology!
Clearly, the answer is to put them in the care of someone who is already a proven, responsible caretaker of people trapped in the digital world until the game resets!
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Yes, I watched the pilot a few days after it came out! Dess keeping track of modern trends for once?! It's a miracle! Pomni is a darling(*) So is Ragatha and Caine, in his own special way, though I'm looking forward to whatever knowledge Jax is maybe holding onto as well?
(*) Assuming that the IHNMAIMS parallels end with Caine's inspiration, that is...!
TLDR, I'm enjoying it very much!
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s-rabbitpunch · 1 year
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man yall suck at boxing
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starboybutler · 29 days
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thinking about how oliver never wore his glasses at saltburn. he was just fuckin blind the whole time 😭
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dewedup · 10 months
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dawnthefluffyduck · 6 months
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hey that's not supposed to be out there (uploaded wrong version at first haha whoops)
#not supposed to be that color either#i wonder who that belongs to#i had a very vague meaning for this in mind but saying it would spoil the fun#christ this took me forever#i wanted to do a quick project to give myself a break from my final#but accidentally made an entirely new kind of nightmare#BUT i can proudly say that i am very proud of this despite how long it took me#alrighty this blog is all about tracking progress so my thought on this;#it's not really as energetic as i had hoped to make it so i think that's the biggest technical issue i have with this#i'll try to get back to doing more gestures soon as a way to help with that#i think my shadows are a bit confusing too#i'm looking at it now and his glasses kinda taper off into the void of his fur bc i didnt mark the shadow along the left of his ear#but the thought of digging back through layers to fix it and blending that mess in is giving me a headache so i'm content with leaving it#i think i learned a lot about light and reflections though#my shadows aren't the greatest but i had so much fun rendering the glasses#and the glow of the soul pushed me to think about bounce light a lot more#figuring out how to make the colors look like they were glowing was a whole separate issue#i did it in the last big ralsei drawing i did but not nearly to this extent#i won't be doing something this large for a while after this but i'll keep trying to work on the things i didn't like about this#i think i'm gonna start putting my self-crit in the tags from now on#it really does bulk up the posts and it's hard to scroll past#i like reflecting on my work like this though#i've been able to draw a lot more since i've started doing it because it helps me create specific goals for myself#lets me keep pushing myself while still having fun with my art#ralsei#deltarune#deltarune fanart
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littleeyesofpallas · 2 years
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Shihouin[四楓院] Chika[千日]
Shi[四]: "4"
Hou[楓]: "Maple(tree)"
In[院]: "Temple/House(of governmetn)/Institution"
Chi[千]: "1,000"
Ka[日]: "(The)Sun"/"Day"
Given the naming pattern with Yoruichi and Yuushirou reading "Night 1" and "Night 4 Son", it would follow that Chika's name here reads as "1000 Days" or "1000th Day" A curious notion when the Shihouin crest has a moon on it, which was obviously where the night motif in the later heirs came from. Is Chika a blacksheep of the family for not having a night name? Or did the Shihouin change their motif at some point from day/sun to night/moon?
And very noticeably he's wearing what looks like a chinese style of lamellar belt(it's hard to say when there isn't an accompanying suit of armor to go with it) but it evokes to me a lot of Ming dynasty period pieces(or alternatively very anime-ass Romance of the Three Kingdoms designs) and incidentally Journey To The West was written in the Ming Dynasty, and combined with his complexion and his distinctive Xiangyun[祥云]:"auspicious clouds" scarf (and of course my ongoing crackpot theory about there being an unspoken theme of pre-Japanese Buddhism underlying the foundation of Soul Society) makes me think he's specifically Indian but having travelled East across China(or whatever the Soul Society equivalents are)
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Izuhara[嚴原] Kinroku[金勒]
Izu[嚴]: "Strict/Stern"
Hara[原]: "Plain/Field/Wilderness"
Kin[金]: "Gold"
Roku[勒]: "Bit/Bridle(like a horse's)"
Makes him sound like a wild stallion type who was only tamed by being bribed with wealth and luxury. At first glance I had pegged him for a cold corporate or medical type, but looking at him again he has a certain yakuza look about him too. Less an overt thug and more a grifter, a penny pincher, a coldblooded loan shark type, and this name seems to vibe with that. It's hard to tell but it looks like he has the archetypal yakuza/laborer bellywarmer like Tetsuzaemon did too.
Shijima[志島] Chikiri[知霧]
Shi[志]: "Will/Resolution/Ambition"
Jima[島]: "Island"
Chi[知]: "Wisdom/jnana"
Kiri[霧]: "Mist/Fog/Haze"
Same root word Shi[志] as in the Shiba family and in Okikiba Genshiro's given name. Weird that all three of these are associated with the water; waves/ripples, islands, and distant waters.
The given name is fun because it seems to describe him as wise but in a hazy way, his wisdom is obscured or unclear; whether that means it's unclear to others, or even to him isn't clear. Either one seems to fit his kind of disheveled appearance.
Now that we can see him properly, he kind of reminds me of Wonderweiss.
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Obana[尾花] Danjirou[彈児郎]
O[尾]: "Tail"
Bana[花]: "flower"
Dan[彈]: "Bullet/Pellet/(musket)Ball"
Ji[児]: "newborn baby"
Rou[郎]: "son"
On the one hand the compound [尾花] appears to refer to "(ear of) Japanese pampas grass" which is also known as the Chinese Silver Grass. But it's also part of the compound [鸟尾花] refering to the Crossandra infundibuliformis, the Firecracker Flower. And also [鸢尾花] referring to irises in general. Since, as the 5th division captain, he's not the one with an iris insignia, I'm going to go with the silver grass reference. It does evoke a certain rugged and pastoral landscape that seems to suit the rustic almost hick-ish vibe he has going on.
As for Bullet baby.... I have no idea what to make of it...
Saitou[齊藤] Furofushi[不老不死]
[齊]: "...-Like/as if..."
[藤]: "Wisteria"
[不老]: "No grow old"
[不死]: "No die"
"Wisteria-like" has obvious evocations in her hair color and pigtails. The given name all together is actually a phrase meaning "immortality/perpetual youth." Pretty straight forward.
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Shigyou[執行] Nobutsuna[乃武綱]
Shigyou[執行]: "execution/enforcment"/"executive/executor"*
No[乃]: "<possessive indicator>"
Bu[武]: "Military/Martial"
Tsuna[綱]: "Cord/Rope"
*can also refer to a "lead monk performing various tasks in a (buddhist)temple" although his overall appearance is anything but monk-like; certainly there are other captains here that would suit that reading better. So, the "rope or military enforcement."
(The random 3rd division guy with the "Winter Whistle" sword was named Taketsuna[武綱])
Katoribatsu[鹿取抜] Unsai[雲齋]
Ka[鹿]: "Deer"
Toribatsu[取抜]: "Drain/Extract"
Un'[雲]: "Cloud"
Sai[齋]: "<indicates a penname>"
Ok, first of all... "Deer Extraction"??? And then her given name is either "Penname: Cloud" or if taken together [雲齋]: "cotten drill" as in the twill weave fabric used for things like khakis?? But that feels like a weird way to go. She is quite bookish looking (i mean... as if she can avoid it in the proximity of Nanao and Risa...) so perhaps she's an author on the side? Hence the penname. But as for the deer collecting... it feels like a weird way to phrase it, but I'm assume it's trying to conjure a disney princess-like scene of her attracting deer to her to show her purity and trustworthiness? Maybe???
Also she has a distinctive, Zhōngguó jié[中國結]: "Chinese knot" ornament at the end of her naginata(?) which wasn't shown in the poster. Although the coloration on this sheet is oddly gold rather than the more typical red. What is probably the most common and recognizable design is the Pán zhǎng jié[盤長結], sometimes called an "endless knot" or "eternal knot" and is used to represent various Buddhist virtues.
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Kumoi[久面井] Entetsu[煙鐵]
Ku[久]: "A long time"
Mo[面]: "Face/Mask/Surface"
I[井]: "Well(water source/hole in the ground)"
En'[煙]: "Smoke"
Tetsu[鐵]: "Iron"
He sounds and looks very much like a jailer/torturer, not unlike some vibes Urahara's backstory gave off. Kumoi's zanpakuou is also a Tiěbiān[鐵鞭], a sectioned iron rod, part of a broader family of weapons/tools all called "iron whips."
Interestingly it's the same type of weapon Sui-feng's bankai, Jakuhou Raikouben[雀蜂雷公鞭], is named after.
Outokawa[王途川] Furuoki[雨緒紀]
Ou[王]: "King"
To[途]: "Road/Way"
Kawa[川]: "River"
Furu[雨]: "Rain"
O[緒]: "Cord/String(of an instrument)"
Ki[紀]: "Era/Period(of time)" or "Rule/(Written)Record"
"King's Way River" is a very pompous sounding family name... Interestingly the name Furuoki uses the kanji [雨] for rain, but is pronounced here like furu[降る] which is the verb for "to fall" referring specifically to rain or snow. The "Era of Rain(fall) String." It might be a stretch but I want to interpret that as the lines of rain falling being equated to the string of an instrument, and by proxy comparing the sound of rain fall as music.
But alternatively it could be another play into Kubo's on-again-off-again rain symbolism. Sometimes it's Ichigo's depression, sometimes it's Uryuu's legacy as the last Quincy, sometimes it's Orihime making confusing statements about joining earth and heaven, in direct contradiction to her Tanabata namesake... Is it "The Rule of Rainfall" as in the downpour comes eventually no matter how you run from it? Or as in, heaven and earth are joined eventually if your just wait? Or as in heavens will be clouded over and separated eventually? Or as in, relief comes eventually and even the worst drought can't last forever?
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Zenjou[善定] Jiuhin[寺有嬪]
Zen'[善]:"Virtue/Goodness/Good deeds
Jou[定]: "certainty/reality/samadhi"
Ji[寺]: "temple"
U[有]: "bhava/becoming/existence"
Hin'[嬪]: "court lady/virtuous woman/concubine"
So I can't quite tell if Kubo's just leaning into the on'yomi here, or if he's specifically aiming for a Chinese reading. I want to say On'yomi, but it is fairly close to the Chinese reading Shàndìng[善定] Sìyǒupín[寺有嬪] it's just the dìng[定] vs jou[定] throwing a wrench in it. And I'm hung up on Jiuhin's name sounding Chinese because with the mandarin style collared shirt and the fact that he has... for some reason two... queue... it all points to a distinctly Chinese influence in the design.
Arguably the face paint could also be pulled erroneously from the broader aesthetic of Chinese opera --as in maybe Kubo was going for a Chinese opera inspired look, but what's here definitely isn't accurate to the style-- but it feels very in line with Kubo's own funky sensibilities either way.
Sakahone[逆骨] Saizou[才藏]
Saka[逆]: "Reverse"
Hone[骨]: "Bone"
Zou[藏]: "Hidden"
....the idea that this decrepit old man is named "Reverse Bones" as if he's like that because his bones are just "wrong" is for some reason hilarious and horrifying to me. "Hidden Talent" seems self-explanatory given he looks like he should barely be able to move, let alone fight or kill a person.
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carnageform · 8 months
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He's waterlogged...
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stimmy--cryptid · 4 months
got sent a tiktok where one of our gifs of ourselves was used in the thumbnail + beginning of the video. gentle reminder in case anyone sees this that we're all very uncomfortable with our homemade gifs, esp when it includes us in the video and isnt just of objects, being reuploaded off of tumblr at all :[ ty!!
#esp without credit </3 pls dont put your @ over top of one of our homemade gifs#i dont feel too comfy with video/gifs of us being reuploaded off tumblr#we include that disclaimer in all of our homemade gif posts bc of this#ik a lot of people just like. take gifs off pinterest or off stimboards without bothering to check#this is just like a gentle plea to please check the sources on the gifs you use and to properly credit your gifs#theres more to say on this topic than a quick 1am tag rant on a post abt smth else#but theres a really big problem with not checking sources and not crediting within the stim community and especially off of tumblr#like people who just steal off of pinterset and google images and then say 'oh idk i saved this forever ago' or 'its from google'#not to be rude but also fully to be firm its so easy to credit your gifs and sources it takes us maybe 20 minutes at most to link a board#and its so easy when you go in with the intent to link it. just like the posts you download gifs from or open them in another tab#if youre using desktop firefox has such a quick extention to reverse image search and the results will pull up the original post+#+or the tags on a post that used the same gif to make it so easy to find the original#if youre gonna make stimboards that include someone elses content#be it homemade gifs or gifs you made from someone elses video#or even gifs made of a third party video you downloaded off tumblr or pinterest or google images#you *need* to credit the creator#and respect the boundaries of the creator.#we make sure the stuff we upload on any blog isnt harmful at all. that animals in gifs are respected that creators arent awful that+#+the video isnt made using generative ai. and like. not saying everyone has to go to those lengths. just that its doable and so easy#theres really no excuse to plagiarize and take a gif someone made of themselves and put your own url on it#even if you made the compilation its so easy to just *also* add the op's url + platform in somewhere else visible on the image#and its also so easy to like. go to the website google images is showing you for the image or reverse search the pinterest post#to make sure the creator is ok with their own video of themselves being posted on tiktok#:/#not stim#mod talk
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sleepyjuniper · 6 months
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slayersins · 1 month
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pov you are the new nurse and he likes you 🖤
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daphnalia · 1 year
tori was fucking awesome but giving hermie/anthony/the literal joker a 4 is factually incorrect
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