soup4k · 1 day
just some small things
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azuredrg · 1 year
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its as shrimple as that
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housedyke · 9 months
Last reblog reminded me, I need everyone to see what I spent three hours doing yesterday
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technohobosblog · 10 months
Constantly annoyed that doing things i want to do takes up some of the finite time i have left on this earth
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yakkitylylac · 10 months
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4b9 · 2 years
I think I will play hades again..... I need to shorten my times
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pjackk · 11 months
QUICKETS way for machine to get pregnent urgent please answer asap
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silentsamlikesham · 10 months
Sanji injured his hands and is struggling to get things chopped in the kitchen. Who better to help than the ships swordsman?
Wordcount: 2,349
The wood creaks as the ship sways. The ropes of the hammock dig lightly into Sanji’s back as he stares at the lines in the wooden ceiling above him. It’s a daily discomfort, one he doesn’t even notice anymore when he’s tired. But now, he’s wide awake.
The boy’s room is always dark, no matter the time of day. It’s clear to Sanji though that it’s morning. His mind has woken him up as usual, pushing him to go get breakfast ready. For once, the routine is a bitter one.
He runs a hand over his face, wincing at the motion. He lifts his left hand up, framing it against the wood. He stares at the purple bruise across the back of his hand in disgust. It hurts to flex his fingers, to close his hand into a fist, to hold a fucking knife. 
He brings his other hand up, glaring at the brace on his middle and ring fingers. His middle one had been dislocated. He can still see the sly grin on the pirate he’d been fighting, his cruel smirk as he realised Sanji’s weakness…his hands.
He’d caught the chef by surprise, smacking an iron bar into the side of Sanji’s head when he’d been distracted by a scream of pain from Nami. He’d crumpled to the ground, already placing his hands flat on the deck to push himself back to his feet, to kick the asshole into oblivion. The world had seemed to stop, the foot coming into his view in slow motion as the oaf had cracked his boot down hard, crushing Sanji’s hands in one stomp. 
The pain itself was nothing, the guttural scream from Sanji had come from a place of pure panic as he thought his treasure had been crushed, destroyed. He could feel the dread in his chest, an immeasurable force that had winded him, throwing him into despair in the middle of the battlefield.
Sanji likes to think he would have gotten through it. That he would have beaten the guy despite his state. But he’ll never know, because seconds later Luffy had rammed into the guy at full gum gum rocket speed. He wasn’t sure if his captain had seen what had happened or if it was pure luck that he ended up colliding with the enemy.
Either way, Sanji was once again grateful for his captain. Even if watching the enemy pirate fly off the ship had been bitter-sweet, it was satisfying enough. 
Chopper did his best when the fighting ended, examined Sanji’s hands with careful hooves. Worry had been building in Sanji’s throat like a bubbling poison, he could feel his breathes coming shallower and quicket until Chopper had looked up at him with a small smile.
“Nothings broken, Sanji! Although…they may hurt for a while…I’m sorry…”
Sanji ignores the pain of his hands as he pulls a cigarette out, lighting it in his hammock and watching the smoke swirl upwards. He lets himself get a couple of draws in before he forces his legs over the edge of the hammock and jumps softly to the ground. 
He’s just going to have to suck it up and use the bruised hand as well as he can to chop. It’s not like he can make it worse, it’s just going to hurt. Although it had been enough last night, trying to prep for dinner. His shaky hand had left his vegetables uneven and ugly in his eyes and it had taken him far too long to get ready. Still, he’ll make do, he must. He has a hungry crew to feed after all. 
He gets changed quickly, not bothering to throw a blazer on after going through the agony of buttoning up his shirt. Putting on his shoes is probably the worst of it though, and as soon as he’s in the hallway he lets himself angrily stomp to the kitchen.
He pulls the door to the galley open, surprised that someone has already lit the lanterns in there, as the sun still hasn’t risen this early in the morning. 
He freezes in the doorway, blinking stupidly at the silhouette of the person standing against a countertop at the other side of the room. No one is ever up before him,
“Morning, cook.” 
Zoro looks like he’s been napping where he stands. His eyes blinking blearily open, trying to focus on the blonde as Sanji shuts the door and marches towards him.
“What the hell are you doing here, Mosshead? I swear if you’ve touched anything in the pantry-”
Sanji is already rolling up his cuffs as he makes his way to stand in front of the green-haired idiot. He tries to hide his flinch as his hands slip on his sleeves, a simple motion so frustratingly difficult.
“Relax, Curley.” Zoro doesn’t seem phased by the aggression. He just yawns in Sanji’s face, undisturbed by the way Sanji is swinging his hip, rearing up a kick.
“I thought you might need someone helping you with sousing or whatever…” The swordsman looks away from Sanji as he speaks.
If Sanji had been shocked at the doorway, he’s floored now. He’s pretty sure his brain has short-circuited somewhere, the lightning flashes in his brain overflowing with static as he tries to piece together what the blush on the other’s face means.
“Sousing? Do you mean a fucking sous chef, you moron?”
His words are harsh, but there’s no bite to them. Sanji is struggling to close his mouth, just gawking at Zoro as the he begins to fidget under Sanji’s gaze.
“Whatever.” Zoro shrugs, like it’s not a big deal, like anyone can be a sous chef.
Sanji tsks, taking out another cigarette to calm his nerves as the scene become unbearably uncomfortable. It’s so out of character for Zoro, it’s freaking Sanji out. 
“A sous chef is a serious role in a kitchen, Mossy. You wouldn’t even keep up as a porter.”
Sanji can practically see the red tick on the back of Zoro’s head as he whips his eyes back to Sanji’s, glaring at him again. At least that’s more normal for them.
“I’m not here to wash dishes.” He hisses, surprising Sanji. Surprised he knew what a porter did in a kitchen.
“What do you want then? I need to start on breakfast, and I’m not in a mood to play make believe with whatever weird fantasy of being a chef is brewing in that moss brain of yours, Marimo.”
“Being a chef? Shut up.” Zoro yells, his cheek bright red at the comment. “As if, why would I need to know how to cook when you’re more than willing to do it? I just noticed how shitty you were at cutting stuff for dinner last night, and figured you needed some help.”
Ah. So that’s what this was about. What an asshole! Underestimating Sanji…
“As if you’d know what well cut vegetables were like if they slapped you in the face and decorated your swords.” Sanji barks, his leg flying up and down towards Zoro’s shoulder, intent on dislocating it. 
Zoro’s eyes widen for a brief second before he brings a hand up to catch Sanji’s ankle, his grip like iron as he holds Sanji’s leg in place. The blonde hops briefly on his other leg, getting comfortable in his stance as he tries to push his leg past the hold.
“As if I’d ever need your help.” Sanji spits, shame burning in his gut at the thought. He wasn’t helpless, he could do this. He doesn’t need Zoro’s pity.
“I don’t need to say shit, Ero-cook. You know I’m right.” Zoro grins, knowing the best way to get through to the idiot cook is to have him accept what Zoro is saying, rather than make him admit Zoro is right.
He pulls at Sanji’s ankle, forcing the other to follow the tug until he’s leaning closer to Zoro, forced to look him dead in the eye. Their bodies are pulled against one another, Zoro relaxed while Sanji is all tense lines. His body straining to remain upright in this position, despite his flexibility, it’s not the easiest. 
“Let go.” He hisses, wondering if he can manage to swing the other leg up in this position, but worried Zoro would drop him and any support he has the second his grounded leg lifts.
“Let me cut.” Zoro counters, looking the cook up and down in his compromising position, enjoying the flush of anger that colours Sanji’s face at the move. 
Sanji weighs up his options. He can either tussle with the idiot for the next few minutes, he’d obviously win, but it would take time. Sanji isn’t really willing to have breakfast served late to their captain, not with how restless the captain has been while they’ve been searching for a new island.
On the other hand, the thought of letting anyone, of letting Zoro touch his knifes…it’s not a pleasant feeling. A chef’s knives are sacred to them. He spends hours with them, relying on them, looking after them. Sanji’s eyes flick to Zoro’s katanas…well, maybe if someone was to understand...
“Fine.” Sanji sighs, the fight leaving him as he feels himself getting antsy to have everything ready in time. 
Zoro tilts his head, dropping the other’s leg as promised. He didn’t think the chef was going to give in this easily. Then again, Zoro knew from the start Sanji did need the help. The idiot is just being prideful about it.
“But you’re going to do exactly as I say, Marimo. No backtalk when it comes to kitchen work.” Sanji points a finger at him, ignoring the pain as he locks eyes with Zoro with the sharpest look he can muster.
“Whatever.” Zoro agrees, not wanting to start another fight. 
Sanji turns, ignoring the response as he heats a pan on the stove, pouring a generous amount of oil onto it before he takes out a chopping board, grabbing onions and bell peppers from the pantry and leaving them beside the wooden block.
He can feel Zoro standing behind him like a shadow, watching his movements with interest as Sanji hovers a hand over his block of knives. He swallows back a nervous lump as he picks one up. 
“Dice them, you know even little squares.” He passes Zoro the knife, holding the handle out to him.
Zoro rolls his eyes, trying to hold back his exasperation as he mutters a quiet “I know what diced means.”
Sanji chooses to ignore him as he goes to find some eggs. Not trusting himself to watch Zoro without grabbing the knife out of the oaf’s hand and doing it himself. He tries not to flinch as a rhythmic beating fills the kitchen, the sounds of the knife hitting steadily off the wood as Zoro gets to work.
Sanji focuses on breaking and whisking the eggs. The task isn’t easy on his hands either, but it doesn’t require the same amount of precision and force as chopping does. When the eggs look well whisked and fluffy, he turns to see Zoro is leaning against the counter. 
The onions and peppers lay waiting in a bowl that Sanji had left beside the chopping board. They’re well cut, the pieces almost in perfect uniform to one another. It’s both a relief and extremely annoying that the swordsman is actually good at it.
“Not bad.” Sanji comments as he takes the bowl and pours the contents into the pan, the kitchen filling with the sound of sizzling oil. Sanji focuses on spicing things as Zoro quietly washes the knife and places it back in the block.
There’s a weird warmth in Sanji’s chest from the gesture. He ignores it by barking at Zoro.
“You can set the table if you’re just going to stand around.”
He misses the eye roll he receives in response. 
By the time Sanji has the eggs scrambled, Zoro has set the table and placed the last of their bread onto the table, surrounded by butter and the different jams that Sanji liked to lay out.
It’s not long before the rest of the crew wake up, strolling into the kitchen in various moods and energy levels as they all get through the morning at their own pace. Sanji smiles as he serves coffee to the ladies and dishes out breakfast to everyone. 
Luffy comes bounding in demanding the bacon that Sanji had put on last, knowing it was best hot and ready to go for the nutcase. 
He barely spares a glance at Zoro throughout the meal. It’s only as everyone disappears from the kitchen table, plates piling up and ready to clean, that Sanji notices it’s Zoro carrying them over to the sink for him.
It’s Zoro that stands at his side again with a towel, taking the cleaned plates and drying them before stacking them to be put away.
As Sanji carefully dries his hands, gently patting around the bruise and doing his best not to jostle his brace, he finally looks at the swordsman who has just shoved the dishes back into their cabinet.
Zoro turns to look at him, his eye twitching uncertainly like he’s waiting for Sanji to yell at him.
“Thank, Marimo.”
There’s a pause. An unusual silence, a tension clenching the air between them. A weight to a simple word that neither of them really know how to hold.
“Don’t mention it, dart-brows.” Zoro shrugs, his hand grabbing his hilts on reflex before he leaves the room.
Sanji lets out a held breath as the door closes, slumping against the sink as he’s left alone.
Is he going to have to go through this again at lunch? 
His hearth thumps insistently against his chest, almost as wild as when he gushes over the ladies on the ship.
He did not need this; he thinks bitterly as he stares at his hands.
He has enough to worry about now than thinking about Zoro’s hands clasping his knife-
No, he’s not going there.
He needs a fucking cigarette. 
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captmickey · 3 months
Plunderbunnies + 3, 6, 15, 20
3 - Who is better at carnival games? Depends on the game. But for the most part it's Elaine... just let her pick the prize, Guybrush would like to not offend other potential prizes. Again.
6 - Who gets drunk the quicket? Guybrush, though it takes a minute to get him drunk in the first place. But when it happens between the two? It's him. I like to imagine him as a very very veeeeeeeeeeeery affectionate drunk around Elaine (and on the off chance she's not there, it's just him talking about how much he loves her).
15 - Who steals the other's food? ....Elaine. Guybrush is great at stealing, fantastic even, but Elaine always swipes something or 'nother off of his plate. Probably flutter her eyes as she does it when she's caught.
20 - Who would absolutely slay at the met gala? BOTH. OF. THEM. Both of them would be the stars of the gala! (This is also me standing on my tiny hill of 'Guybrush is actually really good looking')
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corviids · 1 year
Quicket way to Val’s heart……does his dragon like you???
he sets comet on the ground and whichever person his dragon walks to is who he’ll marry
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emotiandon · 6 months
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OC x Canon Week: Day 3 (Cough cough….. pretend i'm not late) @theocxcanonweek
Prompt: Out in nature- Cyril x Eden (Fe3h)
Dialogue: "I am nothing without them"- Damian x Honey (DC batman)
Fashion: Casual- Arven x Yukitka (Pokemon)
I was actually thinking about doing paper craft for Cyden.....but uh it's fucking 12 am so- Out in nature felt like it was made for them as they're children in labour. But CYRIL'S FUCKING STUPID HAIR MADE ME STRUGGLE- THEN AGAIN I CAN'T DRAW CYRIL WITHOUT THINKING OF GRIFFIN BURNS AND TARTAGGLES. But overall the quicket piece (why is it always the last piece I draw is the quicket) But damn those colours slapped. 8/10 pikmins
I hate drawing comics. This happned with the Kiuri one but that was good, Juliclaude but was words slapped on art. Honey Bat does not escape the curse. The only panels I like are the ones where they say the others name. The colours I struggles, the art and shit I struggled. I hate this jnhbgfghjkl. I wish I did Honey Bat justice (haha justice) 3/10 Puppies
I love the cheebs, so fun and silly and cute. Big Yukitka was fun but Arven was a bitch to draw but eventually we got there. I wanted to draw more but.....................................drawing is so fucking hard wtf. so I put silly stuff to fill the void. 6/10 sandwiches
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stabford · 13 days
Just heard a guy read out fiddleford mcguckets name as M.C. Quicket and i have not been the same man since.
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marismoments39 · 1 year
I made the dumbest (smartest!?!?) genshin rotation
So normally my rotations are pretty normal right
like uhh
Ara2ki Gang (my geo team) Kuki E -> Gorou Q E -> Albedo E -> Itto Q E na/ca's E na/ca -> REPEAT
Bubble Throuple (my hydro team) Kokomi E -> Xingqiu Q E -> Yelan Q E -> Kazuha E Q -> Kokomi Q na's -> REPEAT
Thundering Furry (that one EM razor team Zajef77 came up with) Razor Hold E -> Xingqiu Q E -> DMC Q E na1 -> Bennett Q E -> Razor Q E/na's -> repeat
but THEN
There's my QUICKEN TEAM (I call them quicket quartet!) and well nothing I did for them ever worked so today I came up with uh (tumblr doesn't have turquois so I'll use blue for kazuha:) (also magenta for fischl cuz uh-)
Keqing Held up E E plunge -> Fischl E -> Kazuha E Q -> Yaoyao E -> Keqing E Q E -> Kazuha E -> Fischl Q -> Keqing E E (Held up to plunge) -> Kazuha E Q -> Yaoyao E -> Keqing E Q E -> Kazuha E -> REPEAT
This took me 2 hours to make and test.
(not c6 fischl btw so it's a bit more tight) (c0 kazuha)
(Can't wait to get baizhu and replace yaoyao with baizhu which'll, according to my estimations, reduce team dps, but also baizhu provides that sweet sweet interruption resistance so like I can do a super crazy rotation consistently hehe I love thundering fury)
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sugarmandotorg · 1 year
Climb Upon My Music - A Tribute to Rodriguez, Cape Town, 14 September 2023
A Tribute To Rodriguez at The Toneelhuis, Shortmarket Street, Cape Town on Thursday 14 September.
The Toneelhuis at 55 Shortmarket Street, Cape Town on Thursday 14 September. Tickets through Quicket Rodriguez Real name Jesus Sixto (pronounced Seez-too) Diaz-Rodriguez (10 July 1942 – 8 August 2023) — Wikipedia Rodriguez changed the lives of a lot of kids in the 70s. Cold Fact was the go-to album for some comfort and escape in the tumultuous and heavily authoritarian place that was South…
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shannaraisles · 2 years
For the prompts: Pull, for Adam/Matilda, please?
Thank you, my lovely! Lessee now ...
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[ PULL ] : sender pulls receiver into their side as they’re walking together.
A shiver ran through Matilda as she stepped out of the overheated station into the cool summer night. Too much paperwork had, as usual, kept her behind her desk long after sunset, even in the longer days of summer, a fact she was not inclined to forgive in good time. The long summer evenings were her favourite time of year, but her enjoyment of them was severely curtailed by her combined duties as detective of Wayhaven and liaison to the Agency.
Still, she was free now, which meant she might be able to get a decent walk home in without certain people getting on her case. Specifically Rebecca and/or Bobby. If she was very unlucky, both of them would appear out of the darkness, one to check up on her and see if she was still up to the job, and the other to harrass her into giving away some obscure nonsense detail he could then spin into an overblown story for his trash paper. Her fists balled just at thought of it - more at the thought of Bobby than Rebecca, to be fair. Her relationship with her mother was definitely warmer than the pure ice it had been for the last 20 years these days.
Windows had been flung open all over town, inhabitants seeking the cooler breeze of night and letting the sounds of their inner lives spill out onto the dark streets as their detective walked by, strangely reassured by the sheer normality that surrounded her on all sides. It was a lulling reassurance, something that poured through her and soothed the sharp edges of her annoyance, settling her senses until everything blended into a comfortable background cadence.
The shadow shifted beside her as she turned toward the forest path that would take her the quicket route home, and she reacted without thinking, shifting back on her left foot to brace for the blow that never came.
She snorted at her own hyper-alert response to being startled, tipping her head back to meet ice-green eyes that warmed above the smirk Adam wore as he loomed from the darkness.
"One of these days, I'm going to shoot you again," she pointed out, but she couldn't deny that the last harsh edge of her vigilance smoothed away with his presence.
"Rest assured, you will not get the opportunity to do so again," was his confident answer to her greeting. "You were not paying much attention as you walked past the shadows."
Matilda shrugged, rubbing an awkward hand over her neck.
"I think having Bravo around constantly is making me less observant of my surroundings," she admitted. "I'm so used to relying on you to keep an eye out for me, I'm beginning to forget to do it for myself."
A gentle hand smoothed over her back, curling to her side to draw her close into the protective curl of his arm as he fell into step with her, a belated thrill spilling up and down her spine in answer to the assured touch. It had taken so long, so much heartache, to persuade Adam to take a chance on the combination of tender emotion and herself that these moments of his unthinking affection shown in tactile warmth that had been lacking in so much of their relationship thus far sent shivers through her that were more than welcome. It didn't help that she knew he could hear the way her heart skipped and her breath hitched, adjusting his grasp accordingly until he had her firm against his side and breathless with the proximity.
"You need never worry that there are not friendly eyes on you," he murmured, dipping his head to speak softly against the drooping bounce of her curls, his breath warming her scalp as she dared to wrap her own arm about his waist. "You are never far from my sight, dear heart."
She swallowed, feeling the heat in her cheeks rise, unconsciously hugging closer to him as they passed from the streets into the somehow busier quiet of the forest beyond.
"If I had the choice, I wouldn't ever be out of your sight," she confessed, ready to laugh at herself if he took the confession as anything but a compliment.
His arm tightened about her, hand sliding to grasp her hip with an intimacy she thought might actually start a cardiac event in her chest. She heard his breath ghost beside her ear with the suggestion of a chuckle at the sudden thumping of her heart.
"Would that I could grant that wish."
Good lord, when did Adam learn to purr? The sound sent entirely too primal feelings spiralling through her, and the bastard knew it. She felt his smirk against her temple as he kissed her sweat-slicked skin, tasting the salt for his own pleasure.
"Speechless, detective? Perhaps I should walk you home more often."
Matilda growled up at him. "One of these days you are going to have to follow through on your teasing," she informed him, tilting her head back to glare affectionately into his eyes.
He held that glare for a long moment, finally dipping his head to brush the barest of kisses to the corner of her mouth.
"One day ..."
Thank you for the prompt, lovely! Still taking prompts from this list!
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capellilavita-blog · 11 months
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Join us for a Mediterranean lunch experience hosted by phenomenal author, chef and food stylist Elmarie Berry, hosted on 2 November 2023, in Somerset West.
Experience a cooking demonstration by Elmarie followed by a 3-course lunch in the intimate surroundings of her studio, showcasing delightful wholesome and healthy alfresco summer ready dishes paired with rosé wines from Anthonij Rupert Estate.
Book directly via Quicket. https://www.quicket.co.za/events/237344-meditteranean-lunch-experience/?ref=events-list#/
All food and wine served at the lunch is included in the ticket price. Proceeds from the lunch will be donated to Pink Trees for Pauline.
*content supplied*
@Pippa Pringle
@Elmarie Berry
#capellilavita #savourlavita
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