gutterprimadonna · 2 years
I’m glad I didn’t delete Tumblr when the first efflux of users left.
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gutterprimadonna · 12 years
Sometimes I dread doing 'about me' introductions because I never know how much of myself to reveal.  Too little seems superficial and too much can come across as narcissistic.  I have yet to find a happy medium where I can give information beyond the basic, but not so much that it seems I am revealing my entire life story to a person I've only met a few minutes ago.
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gutterprimadonna · 12 years
I often seek a level of chaos in my life to combat the monotony of it all.  
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gutterprimadonna · 12 years
When I look at certain movements in history, I begin to wonder when we will have another revolution. It inspires me the way small groups of people notice that some aspects of their society need to be change, so they actively seek to make corrections.  The rapid pace at which their ideas can spread across the globe... We have the tools to inspire, but apathy has deaden our motivation.
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gutterprimadonna · 12 years
Forget dropping mics; some people have me throwing iPhones and breaking Plasmas.
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gutterprimadonna · 12 years
Tumblr doesn't get good until late at night.
It's all a conspiracy to keep me up.
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gutterprimadonna · 12 years
I can't trust people who back up their certainty with Maury Show percentages. No need to be 115% sure; 100% will suffice.
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gutterprimadonna · 12 years
I know it's strange, but I like to check out people's archives before and after I start following them.  I like to get a feel of the person's personality and if common interests are shared.  Sometimes it's easy to forget that there is a person behind the tumblr account that has dreams and hidden fandoms just like I do. What pictures and music do they tend to favor? What do their personal posts say about them (if they have a predominantly picture blog)? How will this contribute to the beautification of my dashboard?  These are questions that must be assessed.
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gutterprimadonna · 12 years
Some songs aren't embarrassing until I sing the lyrics out loud.  That's when I get firsthand embarrassment for myself and secondhand embarrassment for the artist. 
Oh well.  Guilty pleasures only cause but so much guilt.
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gutterprimadonna · 12 years
I want to act in commercials.  They have a cheesy factor that I could undoubtedly meet. 
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gutterprimadonna · 12 years
Some young people lament about the possibility of remaining single for the rest of their lives and dying alone, but that prospect doesn’t bother me.  As long as I continue to have a lovely circle of friends, I’m satisfied.  Folks get so wrapped up in trying to achieve the standard dream of having a spouse, 2.5 kids, and a dog that the dreams they could have achieved during their single lives pass them by. I don’t think relationships should be treated as a ticking time bomb—if you haven’t met someone within a certain amount of years, it doesn’t mean failure.  It’s more time to learn more about yourself and find out what you really want.
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gutterprimadonna · 12 years
The trends on Tumblr amuse me because I can never guess what will catch on next.  For a while, it was writing words on balloons and illustrating pictures and text on dollar bills.  Now, scribbly animated text is applied to random pictures.  I always wonder if there's like a group of bloggers that get together and decide what to do next.
Or maybe David Karp has a secret tumblr account and spews 'em out.
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gutterprimadonna · 12 years
I look back at the people I've grown up with through the years, and I wonder where life will lead us and how will we cross paths again.
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gutterprimadonna · 12 years
My sensitivity is a blessing and a curse.  I'm more in touch with emotions than some of my friends, but it's a catch-22; I'm almost TOO in touch with my emotions.  Tears of joy are as common for me as tears of sorrow...and it is not like I was blessed with a cute crying face.  My face morphs into something ungodly for the sake of a happy outcome.  I would tell myself to get a grip, but then I might start crying at my own "meanness."
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gutterprimadonna · 12 years
Sometimes I see clips of movies and music videos and I think, "That should be a gif."
The moment when the internet and real life collides.
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gutterprimadonna · 12 years
I'm too young to be this nostalgic.
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