#quote icb! end quote
uftopia · 4 months
posted mpreg on twt and some weirdos found it which i find .. interesting . if they weren’t pricks i’d ask them
untagged post, no names mentioned, on an untagged alt account………….. fascinating
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emblazons · 1 year
All I’m saying is I hope ST5 gives me the same level of hopeful heartache feels as the end of KHII. Like. If it succeeds in doing that it will add itself to the lauded canon of my all-time-favorite anythings.
Also sidebar: I forgot they literally ended credits of this game with a little shot of Sora and Riku sitting starting off at the beach in the middle of nowhere content to “be the darkness” together for the rest of their lives lakskskdn giving “and the shame was on the other side” 300% 😂
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cantalooprat · 2 years
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
What I Liked
actually good enemies to lovers even tho idt it was ever explicitly mentioned that it was enemies to lovers. but like. wangxian past dynamic of cocky hotheaded wwx n strict rule-adhering lwj n how they just...clash, bc wwx is naturally so boisterous and annoying and he just keeps bothering lwj, and how lwj was like nonsense but he??? does he like wwx???? and he just! gets so annoyed!! and when their ideologies stayed the same but their methodologies clashed and how lwj still wanted to save wwx but can't quite get it across. man, that part hurt.
ok but like im a huge sucker for the "even if the world is against you, i'll always be on your side" trope and the siege against wwx at nightless city w lwj defending him n attacking his own sect's ppl is like the epitome of that trope n im so in love oh my god. n then... how lwj recognized him as mxy n like. protected him from jc as if hes trying to make up for 13 yrs ago.
jin ling's uncle
jin ling lowkey reminds me of sun xiang n i love sun xiang
tangentially related: season 3 ending song "wuwang" is soo good, i love the lyrics, it's so tender and the imagery the lyrics paint is so beautiful and vivid
the plot is tied together so well! the cause and effect and the world wwx and lwj live in r so, so vividly described. like everything makes sense in the bigger picture, no one's fully right or wrong, everyone has reasons for behaving the way they do and they all receive the consequences, whether good or bad.
oh!! the xiao xingchen flashback!!! i think that was the first moment that rly sold me to mdzs. it was like watching a trainwreck and i mean it in the best way possible, the way one knows the ending is sad but that it's inevitable bc it's in the past, but even knowing that doesn't help the sadness.
What I Disliked
i want so badly an extra chapter dedicated to lwj. lxc mentioned how he wanted a flute with such a lost look on his face, branded himself with the same brand wwx got in the xuanwu cave incident n like. i want to read abt his emotional turmoil during that period of time. he's so emotionally repressed!! let me read more abt his feelings!!!!!
the way the story interweaved flashbacks n present events give me so much whiplash
more abt the donghua but the sheer injustice jiang cheng’s characterization faced at the end brings me so much rage
THE INCENSE BURNER TRILOGY LMAO that shit was Wild icb wwx used bichen as a dildo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i honestly dont know if its a pro or a con it was so wtf
ok i just imagine lwj eventually quietly moving on with life but like. he wont ever fall in love with anyone else. he will keep remembering wwx. n im so. idk. i just imagine stoic and icy lwj, keeping emperors smile in his room for wwx but wwx never returning. lwj and his song wangxian. lwj raising lsz as the last remnant of what wwx had dedicated himself to protect. im so. god. 
i literally went from "this wn is ok n i understand why its so popular" to "CRYING OVER WANGXIAN" (edit: now i am a jiang cheng stan)
i felt intense dugeuns rewatching the clip of wwx playing lwj's love song for him when he was subduing wn in the beginning he was walking backwards n then crashed into lwj n i was like,,, omg,,, lwj recognized him from the beginning bc of this,,,
i started mdzs expecting the emotional outcome of a regular danmei novel, and ended up a crying jiang cheng stan, and i think that says a lot abt mxtx as a writer
He wasn't scared of falling. All these years, he'd fallen many times. But falling on the ground still hurt, after all. If someone was there to catch him, it'd be more than wonderful.
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420pogpills · 2 years
pov: you spent 6+ hours finding over 100 wholesome and motivating things to say and had to handwrite them all on tiny notes to roll them up into pills only to run out of quotes so you jokingly write 'pog' on one of them...THAT just happens to be the pill that ends up getting pulled out and read in front of thousands of people.....
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agentvencm · 7 years
i am chaos i am a barely hidden bar fight and i know exactly how many people believe that makes me impossible to love there are days i believe it too
Clementine von Radics, “Patron Saint of Manic Depressives”
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stfreds-arc · 4 years
do you ever fall right back in love with your muse and think wow ... icb i get to write u ... icb i gave birth to u .... wow / cue the ranting below the read more :
i’m just ! realizing a lot of things today, mostly thanks to these stupid dash games that seem stupid but really force you to get in your character’s mind and just ... i think the key to the way i so desperately love fred / love writing fred ( and when i say ‘ i never had a muse this strong ‘ i mean it: not even morgan, the oc a few of you know, that used to be my main before fred and who fred was loosely based on in the beginning, was ever this strong ) —— the key is all in the fact that i’m allowing myself to explore themes and character sides that i never let myself got away with before.
i think ... most of it also has to do with my personal development and realizations i’ve had through almost two years of therapy and a load of other personal bs i won’t bore you with, but mainly i used to have this ... belief that i could only truly write a charater if they were essentially unlikeable, that i could only write characters who rejected the notion of tenderness and softness, i guess ? all my character at some point ended up a degree of jaded or cynical which is absolutely valid for anyone but i think it was really clogging up my inspiration bc just ... 
i truly fucking love the heart in fred. the way she loves recklessly, so much it terrifies her. the way she would give constantly, every bit of herself, and at the same time never truly give the part that matters the most because she’s not capable of giving ‘ just a little ’ ( to quote florence welch : ‘ want me to love you with moderation / do i look moderate to you ? ‘ ).
idk just ... thots ! i’m happy ! i’m so happy i get to write this stupidly flawed human being and i’m so happy i’ve found so many amazing partners that have helped me truly eviscerate her and all her themes of humanity and martyrdom and just unbridled endless love. i am .... what do instagram moms say .... #blessed.
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miairviin · 5 years
Icb liebe dich, Berlin
Happy Belated Valentine’s Day to all! Yesterday was the start of my second intra-European adventure: Berlin, Germany!
I arrived later last night and met up with a couple of my friends from Greece who had arrived earlier that day. After successfully navigating Berlin’s public transportation system, we headed to the hostel. From there, we went just a few doors down to a restaurant called Aufsturz for some authentic German food. My first meal was jägerschnitzel and Berlin truly came out swinging in regard to its culinary wonders. The jägerschnitzel was thin breaded pork with a mushroom cream sauce over a bed of German noodles. It was the perfect meal for someone who had just gotten off of an airplane.
The next day, the four other girls who came to Berlin with me woke up at 9 am for a free walking tour the hostel helped set up for us and some of its other guests. We began our tour in the city center of Mitte at the beautiful Brandenburg Gate, a place I had been looking forward to visiting since I first booked my flight. This gate has had a very long and very tumultuous past. It has come to represent a changing Berlin. The gate was one of many just like it, and they were all commissioned by the Prussian King Frederick William the II in an attempt to make Berlin “the Athens along the spree.” This explains why so there are so many elements of Greek architecture throughout the city. There have been two world wars, including Hitler’s dictatorship, bombings, battles, and political demonstrations galore. All of the other gates have since collapsed, but not the Brandenburg Gate. Though it has undergone a few alterations, the Brandenburg Gate stands tall, a symbol of pride and resilience which has come to define Berlin.
Our next stop was the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. I knew that Berlin was a city that was rich in history, but I was not prepared for the beautiful ambiguity of this particular site. The artist who designed the memorial refused to give an explanation as to what the meaning of the 2,711 cement blocks of varying heights set up in a grid could be. In fact, the memorial takes up an entire city block downtown. That is how much importance the German government has placed on educating the world on its history. Our tour guide encouraged us to walk through and draw our own conclusions, to decide what message it was trying to send to us. As I meandered through the blocks, I felt so many different things. The blocks began short, just below my waist. There was even a humble bouquet of flowers resting on one of the first few blocks a visitor must have left. But within a few seconds, the blocks were high above my head and I could not see to my left or to my right, only forward. You were always visible from the outside of the memorial to the passing foot traffic, but in the memorial I felt anxious. Within a few minutes, I lost my group and it was just me and the seemingly endless rows of cement blocks. Though terrifying and at times frustrating, this really gave me time to consider my tour guide’s challenge to decipher the meaning for ourselves. I decided that the memorial was trying to tell us about the Jewish people during the Holocaust. Even if the lesson only lasted a few minutes and came nowhere near the intensity of the real Jewish experience. Much like the memorial’s blocks did not begin tall, the Holocaust did not happen over night. It was a gradual process of dehumanization beginning with boycotting jewish shops and ending with genocide. Though at times it felt like the Jewish struggle was invisible, it wasn’t. Other Germans knew, other countries knew, and other people knew of the atrocities being committed against the Jewish people and yet no one ventured into the grid to help. When you’re in the memorial, it’s easy to get lost, to lose your friends, to lose your bearings, to feel anxious. I cannot pretend I am able to even imagine the anxiety and fear that was felt by sisters separated from brothers, children from parents, and wives from husbands during this incredibly dark and irrationally evil time period. Our tour guide added to my analysis by saying that there was a quote describing the Holocaust as a bureaucratic duty rather than a truly insidious endeavor carried out by insidious people. Perhaps it is harder to rationalize this idea of someone being so brainwashed by their government they are willing to sentence millions to death in the name of patriotism. Either way, I felt as though it was an interesting point to include, especially in today’s growing political unrest. The memorial is just one of the many ways Berlin has refused to let its dark past define the city. Rather, history is embraced alongside the present and the two combine to form the ever changing Berlin.
Our next stop was a perfect example of how Berlin has handpicked what history it has decided to preserve and what to ignore. In a humble car park, about eight meters below our feet was the bunker where Hitler killed himself after realizing the war was lost. Just outside the bunker, children and old men fought to protect a dying Germany but not because they still believed in it; because they were literally fighting for their lives. Conversely, Hitler, who was on a wild cocktail of drugs, was busy committing suicide because he knew, like everyone else, the Germany he was fighting for was long gone. It was interesting to see the Berlin reaction to dealing with this bunker was to turn it into a functional space: a car park. Again, this is one way Berlin has selected the history they want to breathe life into and remember forever versus the history that deserves nothing from us. If not nothing, than a car park.
We continued on to places like Checkpoint Charlie, where West Berliners were eventually granted access to the East. There was a part of the Berlin Wall standing outside a cafe we stopped at. Berlin has a subtle tribute to the old wall in the form of a narrow strip of cobblestones running across the city along the same line where the Berlin Wall once stood. Another example of a memorial in plain sight are the golden stumbling stones that make appearances all over Germany. These stumbling stones became a part of Berlin when a citizen independently began installing golden plaques in between cobble stones on the sidewalk. The stones are meant to signify the last known residence of Jewish families that were taken away during the Holocaust. Each stone is engraved with a name, a year of birth, and if known and applicable, the location and year of their death. The head rabbi of Munich refused the installment of these stumbling stones. Her rationale is that people will step on them and that would be incredibly disrespectful. Our tour guide offered the interpretation that they force you to stop, and bow your head to not only to read the information on the stone, but also in reverence. It’s chilling and disorienting to think that today I was walking the same street as someone who decades ago, was being torn from a life they knew intimately and thrust into a world of terror and uncertainty. It’s impossible. Absolutely impossible.
We ended our tour, and stopped in for some more authentic German food. I dined on a sausage in curry ketchup and for dessert, apple strudel, a Berlin experience just as high on my list as the Brandenburg Gate. It was DELIGHTFUL. The cream was sweet, the apples were crisp, and the dough was soft. I know I will think of that dessert often. I can only hope I can find something like it back home when I return to the states.
We ended our night with a stroll along the East Side Gallery which displays murals commenting on social and political themes on what was once the east side of the wall. If it wasn’t for the cold, I could have spent hours walking along this open-air art gallery. Each mural had so much to say, and I felt so lucky to listen to whatever message the artist was trying to deliver. I also felt grateful they were able to share it with me. For so long, east Berlin had been subjected to communist rule where any misstep outside the party norms could mean death. Here, artists were able to express so many things from love to the disdain of racism to history to female empowerment to intersectionality to the need for environmental consciousness. The East Side Gallery had no shortage of conversation pieces or thought provoking images.
I close this entry with icb liebe dich, Berlin because there are no other words. I love you, Berlin is the only thing on my mind as I write this. The energy of the city is so youthful, so vibrant, so bold. Just like it’s food, people, architecture, and history. The energy is tangible here, racing through the streets like a pulse and heartbeat. Everyone seems to be moving, but moving towards something great importance. There’s a purpose. They’re here for a reason. I cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings in this truly mythical place.
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exposestruth · 5 years
dude. ship meme. do cat and lois lol.
send me a ship and i’ll tell you | @moqul
who hogs the duvet: they both do, it turns into a fight over the duvet and they end up sleeping back to back
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: none because they work in the same place and live together. but lois is the one who would annoy cat at the planet whenever she has time in her hands
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: icb lois and cat tried to exchange gifts one christmas and never again. cat got her a frame with the quote “silence speaks volumes” and lois got her a vibrator with a note “for when i’m not around”
who gets up first in the morning: cat, who takes her own time to get ready while lois is the one rushing around the apartment, yelling at cat to wait for her as she only has time to grab her coffee cup
who suggests new things in bed: LOIS teases cat all the time about new things and cat needs some time to adjust to the idea lmao
who cries at movies: it’s rare for both but it’d be more lois than cat
who gives unprompted massages: lois and there is a moment of “what are you doing” from cat and a “shut up and enjoy” from lois
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: cat, she doesn’t want to get sick because of lois
who gets jealous easiest: uh they both do? cat knows how to hide it better though
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: neither but cat hates lois’ taste in music
who collects something unusual: cat?
who takes the longest to get ready: cat because lois is always so late she has literally 5 minutes between getting up and leaving the house
who is the most tidy and organised: CAT who gets nervous and anxious with lois’ mess. with time, lois figures cat’s ocd and tries to make her own mess in her bedroom so she can spare cat the anxiety
who gets most excited about the holidays: lois who isn’t very fond of the holidays because family sucks but we’re each other’s family now so we need to get into the spirit and ends up decorating the whole apartment during one night
who is the big spoon/little spoon: NO SPOON, i feel like cat wouldn’t like being that clingy lmao
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: they both do but lois is better at video games while cat is with board games
who starts the most arguments: cat about anything house related, lois about cat
who suggests that they buy a pet: lois and cat says no. cat vc: you can barely keep yourself alive, i have too much to worry about
what couple traditions they have: on friday nights lois comes home with takeout and lets cat choose whatever they watch on tv. lois also drags cat out every other saturday.
what tv shows they watch together: crime shows?
what other couple they hang out with: they wouldn’t be an official couple to hang out together around other people
how they spend time together as a couple: at home, watching a movie on the couch, going through notes together, lois falling asleep on the floor next to cat on the couch after a long night working together
who made the first move: lois but cat will deny it
who brings flowers home: i feel like cat would but it would be as an excuse that it’s for the house
who is the best cook: cat but lbr it’s not hard because lois cannot cook
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sinceyouaskedme · 5 years
#the am archives spoilers // episode 16
well that certainly was....something that i listened to, i guess
lmfao icb this whole series ended up just being a long rumination on how justified wadsworth’s actions in tbs and pre-canon were. i mean, it wasn’t even really a redemption, it was a “maybe locking ppl like helen up really was the best move after all, and we really are just gonna have to keep her locked up for the rest of her life but maybe this time with a trial first? ha ha” 
we didn’t even get resolution into whether or not the serum wore off the way it was supposed to, i’m screAMING 
I liked Joan yelling at Ellie. I think a lot about that RTD quote that says the best character moments are when they do the opposite of their greatest weakness, and how one of Joan’s biggest weaknesses is her penchant towards self-blame and martyrdom, so whenever she ascribes responsibility to other people for their fuck ups it’s really satisfying! but then she took it from being angry at Ellie to being angry at “people like us” back to being angry at herself and it’s like! aw, no! you almost had it there, you just went way too far! 
sam taking mags home to take care of her is like. it’s whatever, honestly, bc i really want to know who took joan home to take care of her. whom here is willing to put in the work to help her be happy. 
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wbster · 6 years
so awhile back, like probably a good few months ago now, the loml sakra sent me an ask ft. a bunch of urls when i was feeling particularly positive and wanted to spread some love around. ngl, i had to work on this list for a few days, and i even started tweaking it here and there today. n u know what ?? i’m not abt to write this much (especially for my Sun And Stars, Y’all) and let it go to waste. so, continuing forth...
CECE. [ buddy vc ] cece! i know them! i know them !!!!! okay cece, buckle up for a second because i am about to love the HELL out of you. first and foremost, i’d just like to thank you for being my home skillet, and i value your presence both on my dash n in my life, despite how little we interact. which is sad, bc i ? have known you since we both rped michael, and even then i think it was just like ,, quiet + mutual respect. but let me tell u smth. u ? my friend ???? not only do i have respect for you, i have mad respect. which is like. a whole new level and subcategory of respect. when you write a character, you add your own special qualities to them, qualities that, while they may not have any canon grounding (but since when has canon been relevant ??), feel canon. like, when i think of your characters, there’s this part of me that substitutes your version. you are very talented in this regard, and i applaud you, because it can be very difficult to make a character of ones portrayal so...y’know. impressionable to others, i guess??? (idk the exact word i’m sorry ,) but here u are, doing it with practiced ease and blowing me away as per usual. keep up the good work !!!!! i’m so proud of u !!!!!!!!
BREE. i’ve followed you since i was still on grover, and we haven’t talked a whole lot, but irregardless, you have amazed me time and time again. as someone who doesn’t check their dash frequently or anything like that, it’s always. such a joy when i do decide to really check toomblr and see you on it? ooc, ic —— all of it. like! you seem like a hella rad person, and that’s sugarcoating it. you just seem! rly rly cool to be around, and, like, i say this in the best way possible, you’re a total meme and just. kasjdfnl. i love seeing what you have to say about...literally anything and everything, you’re good with Words (tm) both when it comes to actual threads and generally speaking, and. you’re so friendly and, this might sound weird, you just feel like someone that’s trustworthy n ! listen bree i’m sorry i’m probably stumbling over myself, here, but you are Cool; Premium, even, and you’re such. a good person. that’s a rock fact alright, 
ELI. hey so uuuuuh did y’all know i love eli-minator lastname because, i do. i vividly remember the first thing you ever said to me being “i’m a rich stan first and a person second” when i told you i thought you did a fantastic job of portraying him and were just generally cool, and i can’t quote you on that, but Trust Me, i remember. i know we don’t talk a whole lot, and our conversations usually happen randomly for . rly short durations of time, but getting the chance to interact with you has been...so good these past few months. the amount of love you feel for all your muses is overwhelming, and it honestly !!! warms my heart to see you get so passionate, and, tbh, just to hear (or read?) you talk in general. you’re so kind and intelligent and, frankly, funny as hell, and i will appreciate you to the ends of the earth —— and you can quote me on that, because i’m being serious, here. i love you, i truly do, and i know that’s gay as hell but i genuinely appreciate your friendship, and it means so much to me. thanks fam. tldr; i’m an eli stan first and a person second.
HILARY. look, the only interaction i’ve had with hilary is that One (1) Cursed Thread, but I LOVE ! like !! heck !!! look at u go hot Dang ! your nico is...just absolutely phenomenal, fam, and i say that with the utmost sincerity. reading your threads when they pop up on the dash is such a treat, and it’s fun to see you interact with all these different characters and see how you adjust nico to different situations !! you are undeniably creative, a fact that i will personally fight to defend if anyone says otherwise, and ur ?!!!!!! so so nice ,, like even in the tags i see nothing but kindness from u tbh ??? this part feels really short bc i , rly don’t know much abt u, and on top of that we haven’t really talked, but. honestly. i hope ur having a good day bc u deserve it, my friend!!
KAT. wow, icb i have the honor of calling The leo v.a.ldez my friend?? wrow....wrow.............in all actuality, i’m so glad to see someone in the rpc (scratch that, in the fandom to begin with) that adores leo as much as you do. you put so much thought into his character and, unlike a lot of people, acknowledge the things he has been through and make him more than the comedic relief a lot of folks reduce him to. but that’s not all. on top of having outstanding characterization, you are funny, bright, and just a sweet (both kickass and kind) person all around! it’s so much fun to discuss hc’s and plot with you, like...honestly, i get so excited to talk about our Sad Kids ™ ??????? all the time ???????? you’re just. so awesome, and i cannot thank u enough fr bringing even more light into my life fam.
SAKRA. i bet you thought i wasn’t gonna put you on here, did you? well, jokes on you, sakra, because i love you, and therefor, you’re getting suplexed on this shit whether you like it or not. i would just like to give you a big warm kudos for all the time and effort you have put into developing laine, zane, and their whole universe. you love them, so much, and it’s so obvious in the way you portray and speak about them. and dede!!!!!!! i would Die for dede !!!!!!!! tbh tho, i would die for you, too, though, so I Mean ,,, but, legit. i truly believe that you’re gonna go places and i can’t wait for the day that your name is up there amongst the big guys :heart_emoji:
this isn’t for anyone in particular, but i just wanna say that every single one of you, even the ones who aren’t on this list, are loved. you might not have faith in yourself, and you might think yourself lesser than other writers on here, but just know that you can only go up in your abilities. it’s okay to go through rough times; it’s okay to have low points. that’s how life is. but you are all so outrageously amazing and inspiring, and god, y’all are so fucking valid. that sounds like a joke, but i’m not kidding! i just ! lov u guys and i want you to know that i’m not the only one who does, okay? u got this. u got this.
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haikyooot · 4 years
hi omg it’s the jun stan from a few anons back and i just wanted to say that i loved the last chapter of LIAH !!! ur fic is amazing and icb it’s over but i’m so excited to see what u work on next !! and omg the way u ended it with the “from one ace to another” quote rlly warmed my heart and it gave me the motivation i needed <3 this became one of my fave fics ever so thank u sm for creating it 🤍
Hi!!! ADLKF AJWEKLJ Thank YOU so much for joining me on this crazy journey!! I’m so glad you enjoyed the story and also found a highlight in Jun! I remember the past asks you sent all very very fondly. And sincerely hope that everything works out in whatever endeavors you’re undertaking!! ❤ It’s been so fun, thank you!!
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otcsocialnetwork · 6 years
$COHO – 100% stake in Riteman, Inc
$COHO – 100% stake in Riteman, Inc. and 100% stake in Landmark PMG LLC represents the combined operations of Riteman, Inc. and Landmark PMG LLC in their sale to Crednology Holding Corp. Riteman, Inc. and Landmark PMG LLC offer IT consulting services including disaster recovery and cloud computing services. ________________________________________________________________ whois “Riteman, Inc” A Closer Look at Recent Southeast Acquirers https://investorshub.advfn.com/boards/read_msg.aspx?message_id=136499539 quote from Letter to Shareholders “In 2011 Landmark PMG LLC., a company that I owned personally, purchased with personal funds that I provided to the business, the assets of 4Service Inc a disaster recovery and cloud computing company for $1.2 Mil. The strategic plan was to take this company public in order to raise funds for growth through acquisitions. Since the US market was still in turmoil we looked at the European markets for a public listing and decided on the GXG Exchange, a Danish stock exchange with a branch in London.” O.R. Holding Inc: Are you interested in Trading O.R. Holding Inc stock on the GXG Markets? Posted on October 3, 2013 by admin GXG Markets Broker Dealer http://www.rstcapital.com can help you trade your shares today on the GXG Markets, quick 24 hour sign-up, 24 hours a day support, and low fees, contact us today! [email protected] Company Profile OR Holding Inc. is an investment company specialising in identifying emerging companies in the Information Technology field with knowledge, talent, experience, and investment in leading edge technologies. OR Holding through one of its subsidiaries – Landmark PMG LLC’s – latest acquisition of 4Service Cloud Computing http://www.4service.com positioned the company to provide corporate accounts, Government agencies and educational institutions with most advanced technologies of virtualizing the entire organizations’ computer and data processing requirements. This sought after trend provides the organizations with many benefits and efficiencies never available before. The company developed a proprietary secured Cloud Computing solutions and today 4Service is considered to have one of the more sophisticated Cloud infrastructure comprised of best in class technology available, developed together with it’s solution partners – Cisco, Checkpoint, Dell, HP, ENC2, Asigra, VMWare and Microsoft. In addition OR Holding through its established relations with Verizon- Terremark http://www.terremark.com now offers clients world wide with highly secured data centers facilities to host large scale infrastructures for the enterprise fortune 1000 organisations. Fundamentals Ticker ORHI Market Cap €9.60m Shares in Issue 16,000,000 Par Value Financial Year 31st July Admitted to Trading 11 March 2013 Settlement Clearstream Sector Software & Computer Services ISIN CA67103R1055 Address Registrered Office 334 Main Street Suite 101 Shediac Canada E4P 2E5 Website: http://www.4servicecloud.com Head Office 5805 Sepulveda Blvd Suite 700 Sherman Oaks USA Company Contacts Mr Oriel Rechtman Director Mrs Olga Rechtman Director Advisors The Quro Trust GXG Markets Broker Dealer http://www.rstcapital.com can help you trade your shares today on the GXG Markets, quick 24 hour sign-up, 24 hours a day support, and low fees, contact us today! [email protected] This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. ============== ITATONCE operated by Riteman ________________ About Us ITatOnce was founded with a simple goal – to help businesses realize the true value of technology. Our name reflects our commitment to deliver the highest standard of service at any time, all the time. We offer a full array of IT solutions so your business can leverage the full power of technology, from IT Consulting and IT Managed Services to Cloud Hosting and ITatOnce Support San Diego. ITatOnce was founded in 2007 by Yury Borukh, an expert in managing enterprise directory services and recognized by the industry for his innovation, integrity, and commitment to client satisfaction. As CEO, Yury has assembled a team of IT experts who can show you how your business can benefit from: ========================== Letter of Intent for a New Acquisition: Crednology has completed due Diligence and expects to Close late August Quote:The acquisition currently uses Crednology’s cloud network to provide these services to its customers. COHO~Circle of cloud network: “The acquisition currently uses Crednology’s cloud network”  DOMAIN whois INFORMATION REGISTRANT/ADMINISTRATIVE/TECHNICAL CONTACTs Domain:credholdingcorp.com Name:orie rechtman Organization:riteman llc Domain:ritemanllc.com  Name:riteman riteman Organization:riteman llc Domain: orholding.com Name:orie rechtman Organization:riteman llc Domain:itatonce.com  Name:YURY BORUKH Organization:FLEX IT Domain:theflexit.com  Name:YURY BORUKH Organization:FLEX IT Domain:4service.com Registrar:NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC. Email:email [email protected] Domain:4servicecloud.com Registrar:Network Solutions, LLC. Email:email [email protected] .” Domain cryptcoinhunt.com Words in crypt coin hunt Date creation 2018-03-25 Web age 1 month IP Address Organization Riteman Llc ______________________________________________________________ Quote:”We continued to look at other opportunities in Europe and decided to list with the Euronext Marche Libre Exchange in Paris with the intent to use it as a platform to uplist to the Frankfurt exchange. In order to complete the listing, we formed a European company – 4Service Cloud Tech Ag domiciled in Switzerland that acquired the two operating subsidiaries, 4Service Inc. and ITatONCE which we purchased in 2014. The company was listed on the Paris Euronext late 2015. We had very limited exposure primarily due to the German exchanges raising their requirements for listing which eliminated the uplist potential for most of the companies listed on the Marche Libre Exchange.” 27 OCT 2015-CE – Paris – Shares – IPO REGISTRATION AND TRADING Euronext Paris S.A. announces that registration of ordinary shares of 4SERVICE CLOUD TECH AG on the Marché Libre will take place on 27/10/2015. Trading of shares (except the “initial trade” to take place pursuant the centralization of orders as described hereabove) will take place as from 28/10/2015. • Reference price will be EUR 2.00 • Trading threshold: more or less 10% of the reference price On 27/10/2015 before 10 a.m., market members will enter their purchase orders in the trading system, trading group 98. Only Market-to-Limit order type is allowed. All orders will be limited to the opening price and are irrevocable. They will be valid only on 27/10/2015. No selling order will be accepted except the order placed by the grantors. Settlement/delivery of 27/10/2015’s trades will be entered in RGV system on the same day. The outcome of the first day of trading will be operated by Louis Capital Markets (Euroclear affiliate 94589 / Euronext member 4233). The settlement and delivery will take place on 29/10/2015. D) Admission to trading of shares Euronext Paris S.A. announces that the initial listing and trading of the ordinary shares of 4SERVICE CLOUD TECH AG described below on the Marché Libre will take place on 27/10/2015. The start of trading (except the “initial trade” to take place pursuant the centralization of orders as described hereabove) will take place as from 28/10/2015. Main characteristics of the securities to be listed Number of securities to be listed: 3.400.000 Nominal value: CHF 0.10 Issue price: EUR 2 Dividend due date: Current Form: Purely bearer Listing sponsor: Capital for Markets GmbH Market member in charge of the first trade: Louis Capital Markets (Euroclear 94589 / Euronext 4233) Paying agent: SIX-SIS Securities Services (29910) ICB sector: 9533 Computer Services ITatOnce? @ITatOnce 30 Nov 2015 Flex it business continuity \ \ \ \ see more here:The PDF files below let you capture and view information related to your new solution http://www.itatonce.com/whitepapers/ ___________________________________________________________________ The Company’s three operating subsidiaries: Landmark PMG, LLC dba 4 Service Cloud:acquired on October 14, 2016: 4Service is a business continuity solutions provider that specializes in cloud computing and disaster recovery services. The Company offers a 3-Tier approach to our disaster recovery strategy and our Private Managed Cloud Computing offering is comprised of only the best-in-class Industry leading equipment. Utilizing the newest desktop and server virtualization technologies, our Cloud Computing solution allows any organization, regardless of size, to gain a world-class infrastructure and dramatically cut its IT costs across the board. This Company was acquired on October 14, 2016 Riteman, Inc. dba ITatOnce:acquired on October 14, 2016: ITatOnce is a Managed Services Provider specializing in High-End Technical and Professional Services with a focus on Infrastructure Virtualization. ITatOnce offers a full array of IT Solutions and has a proven track record in deploying, implementing, and managing on-premise and cloud virtualized environments. ITatOnce has helped many companies stabilize their IT environments by partnering with industry leading companies and deploying sound proven technical solutions. This Company was acquired on October 14, 2016 California Recycles, Inc.:acquired on November 14, 2016: California Recycles Inc. is a state certified E-Waste organization founded in 2003. The company primarily operates by entering into long term collection program agreements and managing collection events with Corporate Entities, Educational Institutions, State and Local municipalities. The State of California is leading the US in the collection of Electronic Waste efforts and each local municipality has a mandate to achieve required quotas of annual collection. The company has built a good reputation in the field among its type of clientele. This Company was acquired on November 14, 2016 Currently, COHO is the holding company with three operating Subsidiaries, Landmark PMG dba 4 Service, Riteman Inc. dba ITatONCE and CA Recycles Inc. There are no other operating entities at this time and our total focus is to grow COHO and improve shareholder value. We recently published 2017 results which showed a steady increase in revenue and net income from 2016 and we continue to focus on growth in 2018. http://dlvr.it/QhDKqK
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