#quote said by rose hathaway
cassandralexxx · 1 year
“If your eyes weren't open, you wouldn't know the difference between dreaming and waking."
-Richelle Mead, blood promise
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gildedsydney · 5 years
think its really funny how widespread/well known the 'in a fight, they're lethal. around each other, they melt' is cause we....we know. we KNOW the original quote is about a 6'7 cowboy disaster from siberia and miss hot mess personified, aka a girl who literally thought the smartest defense when on trial for murder was to tell the judge/jury if she'd hypothetically killed someone there's no way she'd be this sloppy
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sage-studies · 3 years
Tag 9 people to learn about their interests!
Thanks for the tag @the---hermit!
Favourite genre?
I also grew up listening to metal/rock, so a lot of my music taste comes from that but I don't really have a favourite genre, I just like music that has a lot of energy to it
Favourite song?
I honestly can never pick a favourite song, I always have like 20 at a time. Tho my favourite new release is Tom Cardy's new album that he put out yesterday
Most listened song recently?
Jubilee Line - Wilbur Soot (I've just been listening to the whole album on repeat lately, as well as Lovejoy's ep)
Song currently stuck in your head?
Monster Truck - Tom Cardy
5 fave lyrics?
'A man delivered can never find his way in darkness, a man surrendered can never find his own forgiveness.' (Cardiff - Stone Sour)
Pretty much all of the lyrics in Trust Me Not - Backseat Vagabond
'You belong in a museum, where the normal people see you, cameras flash, they pay attention... We talk about angels like they don't exist, but how can I deny looking up at this?' (Venus - Saint Street)
'Can't help but smile when I'm sitting here beside her, she smells like cigarettes and cheap apple cider.' (Cheap Apple Cider - Saint Street)
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
Favourite book series?
Probably Vampire Academy or the Iron Fey series
Comfort book?
Also Vampire Academy
Favourite book?
It's so hard to choose ughhh
Perfect book to read on a rainy day?
Maybe the Heartstopper series
Favourite character?
Rose Hathaway from Vampire Academy, or Valkyrie Cain from Skulduggery Pleasant
5 favourite quotes from your favourite book(s) that you know by heart?
I can't remember things like that for the life of me, but I'll find the one scene that breaks my heart everytime. (Actually, I lied. There's 2 and they're both from VA)
'The next words stuck in my throat, and I sank to my knees as I spoke them.
"Is he... is Dimitri a Strigoi?"
Mason hesitated only a moment, like he was afraid to answer me, and then - he nodded.
My heart shattered. My world shattered.'
- VA Book 3
'"This isn't over. I won't give up on you."
"I've given up on you," he said back, voice also soft. "Love fades. Mine has."' - VA Book 5
(Insert meme 'wanna see how hard I can cry?' here.)
I've read this series through multiple times and those scenes never fail to make me ugly cry.
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator (only for the shock in realising that the character isn't what the appear to be - I'm thinking of the Virginia Andrews Mirror Sisters sorta style here) | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
Favourite tv/movie genre?
I like horror/thriller, but I also like watching nature/science documentaries
Comfort movie?
Not really sure tbh, I don't watch much tv/movies anymore, maybe any Studio Ghibli movie
Movie you watch every year?
Don't have one
Favourite movie?
Probably Your Name
Favourite tv show?
I don't really have one rn, unless I can count Dream SMP as a tv show
Comfort tv show?
If we're calling DSMP a tv show, then I'd say that
Most rewatched tv show?
I think it'd be The Umbrella Academy or The Witcher
5 fave characters?
Vanya and Klaus from TUA, Bee Duo from DSMP and Eret from DSMP :)
tv shows or movie | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week (who has that much self control anyways lmao) or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on (depends on how inaccurate the captions are) or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
I kinda get bored after a few seasons, so unless they're really good I won't watch past maybe 3 seasons (I think I watched Supernatural up until maybe season 5, but that also took me like 2 years).
I'll tag @a-students-lifebuoy, @kkul-bee and anyone who wants to do this :D (no pressure tho)
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oblivionsdream · 5 years
Complete set of Vampire Academy art + some quotes from them.
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Rose Hathaway: “Lissa and I had been best friends ever since kindergarden, when our teacher had paired us together for writing lessons. Forcing five-year-olds to spell "Vasilisa Dragomir" and "Rosemarie Hathaway" was beyond cruel and we'd -or rather, I'd- responded appropriately. I'd chucked my book at our teacher and called her a fascist bastard. I hadn't known what those words meant, but I'd known how to hit a moving target.” (I.e. the exact moment I fell in love with Rose Hathaway)
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Dimitri Belikov: “No. If I let myself love you, I won't throw myself in front of her. I'll throw myself in front of you.
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Adrian Ivashkov: “My cigarettes and I are going outside. At least they show me respect.”
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Sydney Sage: “Just because I like you, it doesn’t mean I still don’t think you’re an evil creature of the night. You are.”
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Christian Ozera: “Don't worry, I won't bite. Well, at least not in the way you're afraid of."
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Lissa Dragomir: “Nothing," she said softly. "A queen must possess nothing to rule because she has to give everything she has to her people. Even her life.”
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lauraramargosian · 5 years
Sam Smith the thrill of it all involves mental health!
Sam Smith the thrill of it all involves mental health!
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Sam Smith the thrill of it all in the limelight involves more than just creating jams. It involves staying mentally healthy as well.
“I think a lot of people don’t wear their hearts on their sleeves. I think people should, but a lot of people don’t. People may be a bit taken back sometimes about how honest I am and how open I am. But I’m happier this way – it’s a good thing for me.” Sam Smith
The thrill of living life in Hollywood doesn’t exclude you from mental health and temptations.
Sam Smith opened up via his official Instagram page with a quote image that says “I am enough.”
Equally important is how does his best, to be honest, loving and open individual. The singer and songwriter mentioned in the past how there is an importance in being open and honest. Further, he’s shown family, friends and fans nothing less.
Let’s take a leap here, how many people in this world can say relate to the feelings of depression, sadness and essentially being “lost.”
For example, it was Amy Tan who spoke about uniqueness.
“Our uniqueness makes us special, makes perception valuable – but it can also make us feel lonely. This loneliness is different from being ‘alone’: You can be lonely even when surrounded by people. The feeling I’m talking about stems from the sense that we can never fully share the truth of who we are. I experienced this acutely at an early age.”
Honestly, quite similar to what Sam Smith has openly talked about regarding mental health.
Even Anne Hathaway had honest thoughts about loneliness.
“Loneliness is my least favorite thing about life. The thing that I’m most worried about is just being alone without anybody to care for or someone who will care for me.”
Isn’t it true that mental health does not discriminate?
To illustrate, Will Smith, Jaden Smith, Kesha Justin Bieber, Hailey Bieber, Kayne West, Aaron Carter, Justin Timberlake, Usher, K Flay, DAYA, Ruby Rose, Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Shawn Mendes, Lady Gaga, Madonna, and many other celebrities have opened up about mental health and their challenges in overcoming those thoughts and feelings.
The 27-year-old singer and songwriter took to Instagram and shared how the thrill of it all [everything in life] includes hard times, patience and hard work in order to overcome your battles.
Positive Celebrity Exclusive: Daniel Radcliffe talks charity, his favorite role and more!
Sam talked therapy, challenges and the haunting challenge mental health affects a person.
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Sam Smith via Instagram
“Just wanted to share a little thought with you all. Sitting here on my first holiday in a long long time. Looking back on a year and a half of therapy and what has been probably the most challenging time of my short 27 years here. I’ve watched and read so much over the last 6 months to try and make sense of all the mess in my head.
“Tried to find ways to organize all of my problems so that they are bound and organized into folders and boxes so that they will never haunt me or affect me again. But I’m slowly starting to realize that the words above are the only words that really matter…. and they are the words of the incredible @brenebrown …. ‘You are enough’
That mess in your mind is not a mess. It is who you are. By constantly trying to change and seek perfection and a life of no pain only causes more pain I am realizing.
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Still on course and learning but feeling the closest I’ve ever felt to a real space of Joy, gratitude, and peace.
Sorry to blab on. But I know we are all dealing with some really heavy shit at times. And I find listening to words from strangers comforting. So hopefully sometimes I can be that stranger to you guys.
Now every morning and every night before you go to bed. Say these words to yourself in the mirror. I’m gonna do it too. We are in this together
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Hope you’re all having a gorgeous summer x”
With this in mind, it’s safe to say that we are each unique, we each have faced a different trek in life.
Fortunately, the choices you make now will determine your future, above all your happiness.
How is that possible?
Our minds are powerful, in fact, it’s said that we only use 10% of our mind. The statement is thought to have come from Albert Einstein and Pierre Flourens around the 1880s. As well as William James.
In 1908 James wrote an interesting thought in a book called “The Energies of Men.”
“We are making use of only a small part of our possible mental and physical resources” (from The Energies of Men, p. 12).
Another interesting study by Karl Lashley between 1920-1930 shared his process in the lab.
“Lashley removed large areas of the cerebral cortex in rats and found that these animals could still relearn specific tasks. We now know that the destruction of even small areas of the human brain can have devastating effects on behavior. That is one reason why neurosurgeons must carefully map the brain before removing brain tissue during operations for epilepsy or brain tumors: they want to make sure that essential areas of the brain are not damaged.”
That alone shows what we are capable as long as we focus, work hard and make the decision [right now] to be the best version of yourself, humble up and don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Positive Celebrity Exclusive: Brody Ray talks AGT, his transition and the LGBTQ community!
It’s safe to assume most of us have needed some type of help in life, whether that be mental or a personal situation.
Inspire others through your trials.
Lastly, isn’t it quite inspiring when a celebrity opens up about their trials? There’s a sense of comfort knowing you’re not alone [even though you would likely not wish these feelings on anyone in the world].
Whether you are currently facing something or not, remember it’s okay to love yourself. Most importantly, pay attention to your family and friends, sometimes there are small cries and it takes guts to survive.
You can change peoples lives by sharing your story. What a great post from Sam Smith on Instagram today. Life is unique and the thrill of it all involves mental health.
As you can see, we are all prone to feeling emotions which bring us down and it’s okay because we are human and we are damn perfect just the way we are at this very moment.
Mental health does not discriminate. But sometimes people do.
To end, be sure to check out Sam Smiths latest music video for his new collaboration with Max Martin, Savan Kotecha, and ILYA.
Sam spoke of the record in a recent press release.
“This year, both personally and musically, I feel so free. More than ever I have had so much fun making this record and this video. Time to dance darlings x.”
The new song “How Do You Sleep? hit 72,364,971 views.
Be sure to check it out on YouTube and leave some love in the comments section!
Blessed be!
Sam Smith – How Do You Sleep? (Official Video)
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Laurara Monique is known by various celebrities as the youngest and kindest celebrity blogger. PCG has been described as a "celebrity safe zone."
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Positive Celebrity Gossip - Laurara Monique shared a post.
Truly, truly raw, inspiring and perfectly worded. Thank you for sharing this, you are beyond amazing I Own It Movement
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Time for Fortnite Season X oh those mechsssss.
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Positive Celebrity Gossip - Laurara Monique was live.
Time for Fortnite Season X oh those mechsssss.
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perspectiveartist · 7 years
4. What is the most expensive thing you have bought? 18. Favorite part of your personality? 22. Favorite quote? 28. Have you ever had a near death experience? 78. Do you like your laugh? 89. What is the nicest thing anyone has said to you?
4) Hmm...The things that come to mind are either when I bought about $100~ worth of Copics (they’re like $7 each) or when I bought Manga Studio for my laptop during a Black Friday sale. But even then it was somewhere over $100 because art programs are disgustingly expensive ;^; I really ought to buckle down sometime and try that program again because I felt it had a fairly steep learning curve but I would like to actually properly enjoy it since I put the money into it, you know?
18) Uhh in a weird way, how my ADHD affects my humor? Since it’s hard for me to stop myself before blurting shit out, sometimes that means I’m pretty quick on the draw to say something funny because it just pops to mind and comes out before I’ve given it much thought. There’s not a ton of things I like about my personality but my ability to make people laugh makes me feel validated.
22) I don’t have a true favorite for much, but especially quotes because really it just changes. I can think of two that I enjoy though. One is from BoJack Horseman and is pretty depressing but was “You know, it’s funny. When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.” And as for something that comforts me, the quote on my home page was from a dream I had when I was uber depressed. When I woke up, I wrote it down. For context, it was Christopher Lloyd uhh pretty much cosplaying as Doc Brown telling me it lmao. But it was a really comforting dream.
28) Apparently when I was very very young, like maybe a couple weeks old, I got pneumonia and scared the shit out of my family. My Grandma was sure I was going to die.
78) Ehhh I don’t hate it, I guess. The only thing I don’t like about it is sometimes even my genuine laughter sounds fake (like if I hear it on a recording) and when I laugh really hard I go completely silent and then HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN to inhale
89) Aw jeez...I really couldn’t say. My memory is too bumbled. There’s a lot of super nice things that my friends and family have said to me over the years. But when I was a teen with shitty self-esteem, someone online told me I looked like a young Anne Hathaway and I will carry that compliment to the grave no matter how relevant it is lmao.
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway offered more than $6 billion in stock in April, its first-quarter earnin.
Mario Anzuoni/Reuters
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway netted more than $6 billion from stock sales in April, its first-quarter profits showed.
The billionaire financier’s business was extensively expected to release a portion of its $128 billion money pile last quarter, but rather its reserves grew to $137 billion by the end of March.
Berkshire published its biggest-ever quarterly loss of $50 billion, due to about $55 billion in financial investment losses.
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Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway sold more than $6 billion worth of stocks in April, Â according to first-quarter earnings released on Saturday ahead of its yearly meeting.
The renowned financier’s conglomerate holds stakes in Apple, Amazon, Coca-Cola, and other companies. It was commonly expected to capitalize on the coronavirus sell-off and buy stocks on the low-cost, but instead netted about $6.1 billion from stock sales last month.
Berkshire’s money stack swelled from $128 billion on December 31 to $137 billion at the end of March, in spite of $1.8 billion in net stock purchases and $1.7 billion in share buybacks in the duration.
The group’s first-quarter figures disappointed the agreement price quotes of Wall Street experts surveyed by Bloomberg.
Learn More: ‘ Brace for selling’: A Wall Street quant strategist warns that stock-market buying power could vaporize just one week from now – opening the floodgates for a ‘offer in May’ episode
Here are the essential numbers:
Income: $613 billion versus the $630 billion estimate
Net income: $497 billion loss versus the $6.33 billion price quote
EPS $2044 loss versus the $2.58 estimate
Net property worth: $372 billion versus the $359 billion price quote
Berkshire posted a bottom line of $497 billion last quarter, its biggest-ever quarterly loss and a sharp swing from its net earnings of $216 billion in the first quarter of2019 The shift showed $545 billion in financial investment losses, compared to a $155 billion gain in the exact same duration last year.
Nevertheless, Berkshire warned financiers versus reading excessive into its revenues.
” The amount of investment gains/losses in any given quarter is generally meaningless and provides figures for net earnings per share that can be incredibly misguiding to investors who have little or no knowledge of accounting guidelines,” the business stated in its revenues release.
Berkshire’s operating revenues grew 6%to $5.9 billion as insurance coverage investment income and “other” profits rose, offsetting lower insurance underwriting revenues due to anticipated pandemic payments and less income from its railway, energies and energy sector.
The corporation had $113 billion purchased equity securities at the end of March, a minor boost from $110 billion at the end of December. It generated $965 million in after-tax gains from sales of investments last quarter, a sharp boost from $392 million in the equivalent duration.
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Like many other business, Berkshire alerted that the coronavirus outbreak has actually “negatively impacted” most of its organisations, with the impacts varying from “reasonably small to serious.”.
Numerous of its companies including railways, utilities, and insurance have been considered vital and allowed to continue running, however their earnings “slowed significantly” in April, Berkshire said. Other companies consisting of merchants and some manufacturing and service groups are being “significantly affected” by closures, it added.
Berkshire included that the coronavirus fallout will likely continue in the current quarter.
” The federal government and private sector reactions to include its spread began to considerably affect our operating organisations in March and will likely adversely affect nearly all of our operations in the 2nd quarter, although such results might differ significantly,” the business said.
Learn More: Well known economic expert David Rosenberg nailed the real estate crash. Now he says this crisis will not end as quickly as it began and shares an investing method for the next 3 years and beyond.
from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/warren-buffetts-berkshire-hathaway-offered-more-than-6-billion-in-stock-in-april-its-first-quarter-earnin/
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7 Personal Finance Tips From Warren Buffett
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7 Personal Finance Tips From Warren Buffett
Image source: The Motley Fool.
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Warren Buffett is generally considered to be the best long-term investor of all time, so it’s no wonder many people like to listen closely to Buffett’s words of wisdom, in order to apply them to their own lives. With that in mind, here are seven of the best personal finance lessons I’ve learned from Warren Buffett over the years.
Image source: Getty Images.
1. “Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago”
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The lesson here is to be a forward thinker when it comes to personal finance, whether you’re talking about investing, saving, or spending. When you’re deciding whether to put some more money aside for emergencies, think of a financial emergency actually happening and how much easier your life will be if you have enough money set aside.
Similarly, few people get rich quick by investing, and most people who try end up going broke. The most certain path to wealth (and the one Buffett took) is to build your portfolio one step at a time, and keep your focus on the long run.
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Your goal should be to buy investments that you can hold for the long haul. Image source: Getty Images.
2. “Only buy something that you’d be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for 10 years”
In addition to this, one of my all-time favorite Warren Buffett quotes is “our favorite holding period is forever,” which is also one of the most misunderstood things he says. The point isn’t that Buffett only invests in stocks he’s going to buy and forget about — after all, Buffett’s company Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-A) (NYSE: BRK-B) sells stocks regularly, and for a variety of reasons. Rather, what Buffett is saying is to invest in stable, established businesses that have durable competitive advantages. That is, approach your investments with the long term in mind, but keep an eye on them to make sure your original reasons for buying still apply.
Image source: Getty Images.
3. “Price is what you pay; value is what you get”
When you’re buying an investment (or anything else for that matter), the price you pay and the value you receive are often two very different things. In other words, you should buy a stock if you believe its share price is less than the intrinsic value of the business — not simply because you think the price is low.
For example, if a market correction hit tomorrow and a certain stock were to fall by 10% along with the overall market, would the business inherently be worth 10% less than it is today? Probably not. Similarly, if a stock rose rapidly, it wouldn’t necessarily mean that the value of the underlying business had risen as well. Be sure you consider value and price separately when making investing decisions.
Image source: Getty Images.
4. “Cash … is to a business as oxygen is to an individual: never thought about when it is present, the only thing in mind when it is absent”
One of the reasons Berkshire Hathaway not only survives recessions and crashes, but tends to come out of them even better than it went in, is that Warren Buffett understands the value of keeping an “emergency fund.” In fact, when the market was crashing in 2008, Berkshire had enough cash on hand to make several lucrative investments, such as its purchase of Goldman Sachs warrants.
Granted, Berkshire Hathaway’s rainy-day fund is probably a bit bigger than yours; Buffett insists on keeping a minimum of $20 billion in cash at all times, and the current total is around $85 billion. However, the same applies to your own financial health. If you have a decent stockpile of cash on the sidelines, you’ll be much better equipped to deal with whatever financial challenges and opportunities life throws at you.
If you know what you’re doing, investing doesn’t need to be stressful. Image source: Getty Images.
5. “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing”
In Buffett’s mind, one of the best investments you can make is in yourself and the knowledge you have. This is why Buffett spends hours of every day reading, and has done so for most of his life. The better educated you are on a topic, whether it’s investing or anything else, the better equipped you’ll be to make wise decisions and avoid unnecessary risks. As Buffett’s partner Charlie Munger has advised: “Go to bed smarter than when you woke up.”
Unless you have the time and desire to do hours of investment research, you’re better off avoiding individual stocks. Image source: Getty Images.
6. Most people should avoid individual stocks
This may seem like strange advice coming from Warren Buffett, since he’s widely regarded as one of the best stock-pickers of all time.
However, Buffett has said on several occasions that the best investment for most people is a basic, low-cost S&P 500 index fund, like the one he is using in a bet to outperform a basket of hedge funds. The idea is that investing in the S&P 500 is simply a bet on American business as a whole, which is almost certain to be a winner over time.
To be clear, Buffett isn’t against buying individual stocks if you have the time, knowledge, and desire to do it right. He’s said that if you have six to eight hours per week to dedicate to investing, individual stocks can be a smart idea. If not, you should probably stick with low-cost index funds.
Image source: Getty Images.
7. Remember to give back
Warren Buffett is a co-founder of and participant in The Giving Pledge, which encourages billionaires to give their fortunes away. Buffett plans to give virtually all of his money to charity, and since he signed the pledge, he has given away billions of dollars’ worth of his Berkshire shares to benefit various charitable organizations.
Buffett once said, “If you’re in the luckiest one percent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 percent.” And even if you’re not a member of the 1%, it’s still important to find ways to give back.
10 stocks we like better than Berkshire Hathaway When investing geniuses David and Tom Gardner have a stock tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the newsletter they have run for over a decade, Motley Fool Stock Advisor, has tripled the market.*
David and Tom just revealed what they believe are the 10 best stocks for investors to buy right now… and Berkshire Hathaway wasn’t one of them! That’s right — they think these 10 stocks are even better buys.
Click here to learn about these picks!
*Stock Advisor returns as of February 6, 2017
Matthew Frankel owns shares of, and The Motley Fool owns shares of and recommends, Berkshire Hathaway (B shares). The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.
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Real Time Economics: The Fed Isn’t Sure What to Do About Its Dots
New Post has been published on https://businessguideto.com/awesome/real-time-economics-the-fed-isnt-sure-what-to-do-about-its-dots/
Real Time Economics: The Fed Isn’t Sure What to Do About Its Dots
This is the web version of the WSJ’s newsletter on the economy. You can sign up for daily delivery here.
The Federal Reserve’s policy statement and press conference Wednesday are the week’s highlightings. We’ll also get a big dose of housing data and more details on White House spending plans. Good morning. Jeff Sparshott here to take you through key developments in the global economy. Send us your questions, comments and suggestions by replying to this email.
Federal Reserve officials are likely to end their session this week signaling little if any appetite to create interest rates this year, one of the purposes of a strategy designed to reduce threats to a sharp slowdown in global growth. The Fed boosted its short-term benchmark rate four times last year and as recently as December indicated as many as three more in 2019. New forecasts to be released Wednesday are likely to show officials now expect to raise rates just once, or not at all, Nick Timiraos reports.
The Fed will communicate rate expectations with its so-called dot plot. Every quarter, the central bank makes a chart of 19 officials’ individual projections for the benchmark rate, with a dot representing each person’s forecast. But the dots have caused investor embarrassment when the economy is at an intonation point. That’s because the rate forecast reflects a baseline outlook–the rate track if the economy behaves according to each individual’s expectations. It doesn’t show how officials gauge hazards, Nick Timiraos writes.
Top Fed leaders pivoted in January to signal that rate rises are on hold while they assess the risks to economy. The dot plot to be released Wednesday would muddy this message if it indicated several officials still expect to raise rates this year. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell in a recent speech downplayed the projections: “If you are too focused on a few dots, you may miss the larger picture, ” he said.
The National Association of Home Builders housing market index for March is expected to tick up to 63 from 62 a month earlier.( 10 a.m. ET)
The White House will release its full set of budget documents. The Trump administration last week proposed a $4.7 trillion spending plan. Today’s publications will offer more details and context.
China’s spending spree during the global financial crisis helped pull the world economy out of recession. Beijing’s latest stimulus might not pack the same punch. The government has announced tax-cut and spending measures that add up to 4.6 trillion yuan ($ 685 billion ), outstripping the 4-trillion-yuan pro-growth package from late 2008. However, China’s economy has become bigger since then, so a similar quantity of stimulus doesn’t go as far as it used to go. The 4-trillion-yuan package represented 13% of China’s GDP in 2008 and less than 5% now, Lingling Wei reports.
It’s not clear how much more stimulus China can afford. By 2018, total indebtednes outstanding of companies, central and local governments, and households hit nearly 250% of gdp, up from less than 150% a decade earlier. Debt growth like that is dangerous, the International Monetary Fund has warned repeatedly.
Here’s an economic experiment: What happened when you create minimum wage–a lot–when unemployment is high? Greece and Spain aim to find out. Spain, for example, has raised its EUR7 36 -a-month minimum wage by 22%, to EUR9 00 ($ 1,017 ). Critics say a higher minimum wage is the last thing these economies require, when millions are still struggling to find work. The unemployment rate is 14.1% in Spain and 18.5% in Greece, Nektaria Stamouli reports.
Counterpoint: “Higher wages fuel greater spending, which can have a positive impact in the economy and lead to more undertakings, ” said Raymond Torres, an economist at Madrid think tank Funcas.
The strong U.S. economy has created millions of jobs and pushed up wages for many Americans. It also helped many big-company CEOs secure another create and total compensation worth$ 1 million a month. Median compensation for 132 chief executive of S& P 500 companies reached $12.4 million in 2018, up from $11.7 million for the same group in 2017, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis. The gains were conducted in accordance with robust corporate profits and strong stock exchange returns for much of the year, Theo Francis reports.
U.S. manufacturing output declined for the second largest consecutive month in February, a fresh sign that a long-predicted slowdown is making the U.S. economy. The question now is how sharp and long-lasting the slowdown will be. Many economists ensure U.S. growth picking up afterward this year, but not to the rates experienced last year in the immediate aftermath of federal taxation cuts and spending increases, Sarah Chaney and Austen Hufford report.
The number of available employment opportunities in the U.S. rose in January to a near-record level, indicating employers have a strong demand for workers. There were 7.58 million unfilled tasks on the last business day of January, just below a record 7.63 million set in November. Separate Labor Department data released last week depicted payrolls rose by 20,000 in February, the smallest gain in more than a year. But with demand for employees high, February’s hiring slowdown could prove to be a blip, Eric Morath reports.
OPEC and a group of 10 oil-producing nations led by Russia are deepening their petroleum production cuts, but remain split on whether the curbs should remain in place through the end of the year. Saudi Arabia met with Russia and a few other countries in Azerbaijan to review how the 24 -nation coalition is complying with a December agreement to withhold 1.2 million barrels a day from global markets. The output cuts have led to a more than 25% rise in cost of Brent oil since the year began, Summer Said and Benoit Faucon report.
Real Time Economics has launched a downloadable Google calendar with concise previews, forecasts and analysis of major U.S. data releases.
To add to your Google Calendar on desktop, click here. To add to your Google calendar app on mobile, click here. If you prefer to opinion the calendar use a web browser, with the capabilities of adding select Real Time Economics entries to your calendar, click here. And here’s our how-to.
Let us know what you think. This is a pilot project, so we’d appreciate your feedback.
I’m not a fan of MMT–not at all. — Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett, speaking about Modern Monetary Theory( via Bloomberg)
[wsj-responsive-sandbox id= “0”]
Free college voices nifty, but a four-year degree isn’t for everyone. “The solution, according to a growing number of governors and mayors, Republican and Democratic, is to reboot the antiquated system of technical education. Loosely speaking, America’s 1,332 community colleges are the equivalent of Germany’s vocational institute. The biggest difference is that in Germany a trade is still highly valued. In America, the community college suffers from the’ soft bigotry of low expectations, ’ ” Edward Luce writes in the Financial Times.
The college-cheating scandal has focused attention on standardized testing–and the lengths students and mothers will go to get a good score on SATs and ACTs. The student paper for New Trier( Ill .) High School was on the lawsuit a year ago. “A number of kids feeling the academic pressure at New Trier try an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder( ADHD) diagnosis to give them an advantage on the ACT when private tutoring isn’t enough. Contrary to less affluent areas, parents are very well informed accommodation opportunities and the school is well equipped at get them for their children after a diagnosis, ” Ezra Wallach reported in the New Trier News.
U.S. factory orders for January are expected to rise 0.4% from the prior month.( 10 a.m. ET)
President Trump holds a joint press conference with Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro at 1:45 p.m. ET.
The Federal Reserve begins a two-day policy meeting.
The Bank of Japan releases minutes from its Jan. 22 -2 3 session at 6:50 p.m. ET.
Read more: blogs.wsj.com
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financingideas-blog · 6 years
7 Personal Finance Tips From Warren Buffett
New Post has been published on https://financeqia.com/must-see/7-personal-finance-tips-from-warren-buffett/
7 Personal Finance Tips From Warren Buffett
Image source: The Motley Fool.
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Warren Buffett is generally considered to be the best long-term investor of all time, so it’s no wonder many people like to listen closely to Buffett’s words of wisdom, in order to apply them to their own lives. With that in mind, here are seven of the best personal finance lessons I’ve learned from Warren Buffett over the years.
Image source: Getty Images.
1. “Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago”
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The lesson here is to be a forward thinker when it comes to personal finance, whether you’re talking about investing, saving, or spending. When you’re deciding whether to put some more money aside for emergencies, think of a financial emergency actually happening and how much easier your life will be if you have enough money set aside.
Similarly, few people get rich quick by investing, and most people who try end up going broke. The most certain path to wealth (and the one Buffett took) is to build your portfolio one step at a time, and keep your focus on the long run.
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Your goal should be to buy investments that you can hold for the long haul. Image source: Getty Images.
2. “Only buy something that you’d be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for 10 years”
In addition to this, one of my all-time favorite Warren Buffett quotes is “our favorite holding period is forever,” which is also one of the most misunderstood things he says. The point isn’t that Buffett only invests in stocks he’s going to buy and forget about — after all, Buffett’s company Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-A) (NYSE: BRK-B) sells stocks regularly, and for a variety of reasons. Rather, what Buffett is saying is to invest in stable, established businesses that have durable competitive advantages. That is, approach your investments with the long term in mind, but keep an eye on them to make sure your original reasons for buying still apply.
Image source: Getty Images.
3. “Price is what you pay; value is what you get”
When you’re buying an investment (or anything else for that matter), the price you pay and the value you receive are often two very different things. In other words, you should buy a stock if you believe its share price is less than the intrinsic value of the business — not simply because you think the price is low.
For example, if a market correction hit tomorrow and a certain stock were to fall by 10% along with the overall market, would the business inherently be worth 10% less than it is today? Probably not. Similarly, if a stock rose rapidly, it wouldn’t necessarily mean that the value of the underlying business had risen as well. Be sure you consider value and price separately when making investing decisions.
Image source: Getty Images.
4. “Cash … is to a business as oxygen is to an individual: never thought about when it is present, the only thing in mind when it is absent”
One of the reasons Berkshire Hathaway not only survives recessions and crashes, but tends to come out of them even better than it went in, is that Warren Buffett understands the value of keeping an “emergency fund.” In fact, when the market was crashing in 2008, Berkshire had enough cash on hand to make several lucrative investments, such as its purchase of Goldman Sachs warrants.
Granted, Berkshire Hathaway’s rainy-day fund is probably a bit bigger than yours; Buffett insists on keeping a minimum of $20 billion in cash at all times, and the current total is around $85 billion. However, the same applies to your own financial health. If you have a decent stockpile of cash on the sidelines, you’ll be much better equipped to deal with whatever financial challenges and opportunities life throws at you.
If you know what you’re doing, investing doesn’t need to be stressful. Image source: Getty Images.
5. “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing”
In Buffett’s mind, one of the best investments you can make is in yourself and the knowledge you have. This is why Buffett spends hours of every day reading, and has done so for most of his life. The better educated you are on a topic, whether it’s investing or anything else, the better equipped you’ll be to make wise decisions and avoid unnecessary risks. As Buffett’s partner Charlie Munger has advised: “Go to bed smarter than when you woke up.”
Unless you have the time and desire to do hours of investment research, you’re better off avoiding individual stocks. Image source: Getty Images.
6. Most people should avoid individual stocks
This may seem like strange advice coming from Warren Buffett, since he’s widely regarded as one of the best stock-pickers of all time.
However, Buffett has said on several occasions that the best investment for most people is a basic, low-cost S&P 500 index fund, like the one he is using in a bet to outperform a basket of hedge funds. The idea is that investing in the S&P 500 is simply a bet on American business as a whole, which is almost certain to be a winner over time.
To be clear, Buffett isn’t against buying individual stocks if you have the time, knowledge, and desire to do it right. He’s said that if you have six to eight hours per week to dedicate to investing, individual stocks can be a smart idea. If not, you should probably stick with low-cost index funds.
Image source: Getty Images.
7. Remember to give back
Warren Buffett is a co-founder of and participant in The Giving Pledge, which encourages billionaires to give their fortunes away. Buffett plans to give virtually all of his money to charity, and since he signed the pledge, he has given away billions of dollars’ worth of his Berkshire shares to benefit various charitable organizations.
Buffett once said, “If you’re in the luckiest one percent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 percent.” And even if you’re not a member of the 1%, it’s still important to find ways to give back.
10 stocks we like better than Berkshire Hathaway When investing geniuses David and Tom Gardner have a stock tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the newsletter they have run for over a decade, Motley Fool Stock Advisor, has tripled the market.*
David and Tom just revealed what they believe are the 10 best stocks for investors to buy right now… and Berkshire Hathaway wasn’t one of them! That’s right — they think these 10 stocks are even better buys.
Click here to learn about these picks!
*Stock Advisor returns as of February 6, 2017
Matthew Frankel owns shares of, and The Motley Fool owns shares of and recommends, Berkshire Hathaway (B shares). The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.
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Smart as a Billionaire
Two of the most admired names in the world, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, have something in common with legendary figures like Benjamin Franklin and Barak Obama, when he was in the midst of a frenzied presidency. They all set aside an hour a day or more for reading. Charlie Munger, the Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, has said “in my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didn’t read all the time — none. Zero.”   
When Elon Musk was asked how he intends to build rockets, he said, “I read books.” Businessinsider.com has listed the 14 books that inspired Musk.
When Warren Buffet was asked about the secret to his success, he pointed to a stack of books. Buffet said that he spends about 80% of his day reading – which translates to 600-1000 pages per day.
I have had occasion to visit one of Vancouver’s greatest zero-to-billionaire successes. Every night he reads five or six newspapers cover to cover. He is not reading Facebook or Instagram. He reads the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times.
If you want to get ahead, if you want to succeed, if you want an asset that will be impervious to market swings and political inversions, then you need the learning that is found in print. It wasn’t always like this. Over 2,300 years ago, Plato argued that memory – which is essential to wisdom - would be ruined by writing things down. In the 15th century Catholic leaders opposed Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press, fearing that print would be the death of their safeguarding of the transmission and interpretation of their bible. Mark Twain is widely quoted in print as having said four centuries later, “the whole world admits unhesitatingly; and there can be no doubt about this, that Gutenberg's invention is the incomparably greatest event in the history of the world.”
Twain also marvelled at the timeless success of the Jews.
The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away. The Greek and Roman followed, made a vast noise and they are gone. Other peoples have sprung up, and held their torch high for a time, but it burned out and they sit in twilight now or have vanished. The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert and aggressive mind. All things are mortal, but the Jew. All other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality? (Harper’s Magazine, 1899)
Perhaps the answer can be found in the success secrets of Buffet and Gates. One thousand years before Plato argued against writing things down, Moshe and Joshua were given the final commandment – to commit the Torah to writing. From the very moment that the Jewish people crossed the Jordan to enter the land of Israel they have been charged with the task of constant Torah study. Joshua would later say the following.
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then thou shalt make thy ways prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
Are these words from the Book of Joshua not a recipe for success? It would seem that our strength has always been in our being known as “the people of the Book” through our dedication to learning. Musk, Gates, Buffet, and Franklin were dedicated to reading books on history, nature, business, art, and philosophy. There is much to be gained from that kind of secular wisdom.   
The charge of Joshua is to study divine wisdom by reading and learning Torah. The idea of Torah is multifaceted. It penetrates the heart. This is expressed in the story of Rabbi Akiva – who noted that drops of water will eventually carve out a stone. Akiva understood that daily Torah learning works slowly, gradually like drops of water on a stone. In other words, study is a formative act, a sculpting enterprise through which the individual is refined. This dimension of Torah is similar to the lifelong educational idea of Buffet or Musk, but with the added advantage that the Torah also refines character traits. That, in turn, enriches one’s spiritual investment portfolio.
The study of Torah has an additional advantage; it makes Gd present in our world. In the words of Rabbi Meir Solovietchik,
How does finite, physical, fallible man relate to an infinite, immaterial, and almighty God? For Christians, that gap is bridged through the Incarnation—through God becoming man. [This concept is clearly at odds with everything Judaics believes in, an infinite Gd and a non-corporeal Gd. So how then do we bridge the gap with the infinite?] The Jewish rejection of incarnation, though, does not leave Gd at a distance, remote and inaccessible. Judaism approaches Gd through the observance of his commandments, the most important of which, equal to all the others combined, is Torah learning: the intellectual engagement with the divine author of the commandments. . . Torah learning elicits a divine-human partnership, a continuing relationship of teacher and taught, of lover and beloved. It is not submission but communion, in which the engagement of the intellect is essential to approaching Gd.
Torah makes Gd real and tangible in our world. Soloveitchik sees this as the Jewish version of Incarnation of Gd in our lives.   
I think we as a community need to be studying more, reading more, learning more. We need to do so for all the reasons I’ve given. We want to succeed like Buffet and Gates. We want to shape our character like Akiva. We want to connect to Gd like Soloveitchik. We also strive to achieve the virtue articulated by the Shema – to “teach them thoroughly to (y)our children.” We want to have answers when those children ask the questions.
 We are committed to providing better and more engaging access to Torah. We have classes almost every day of the week at Schara Tzedeck.  We have also partnered with Vancouver Torah Learning Centre for expanded access. And now, from the comfort of your own home, you can now receive our Torah Primer.
For those of you not interested in tapping into the wisdom of Franklin, the success of Buffet, the character development of Rabbi Akiva, or the spirituality of Soloveitchik, I leave you with the fact that Gd sets aside time for the study of Torah. The Midrashic work Tanna D’Be Eliyahu says that Gd spends a third of each day in the study of Torah. The other two thirds are spent in judgement and acts of charity. Are you better than Gd? If not, then go and learn.
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bigredsays · 7 years
8.1.17 Tuesday Stock Market Movers & News via /r/Stock_Picks
8.1.17 Tuesday Stock Market Movers & News
Good morning traders of the r/Stock_Picks sub! Happy first trading day of August to everyone! Here are your stock market movers & news on this Tuesday, August 1st-
(credit to full source)
Frontrunning: August 1
Futures higher on strong earnings season; Apple in focus (Reuters)
Kelly Sends Off Scaramucci, But Real Test Will Be Taming Trump (BBG)
Senate Democrats offer Republicans help on tax reform - with conditions (Reuters)
Banks May Need $50 Billion New Capital After Brexit (BBG)
Goldman Sachs Finds Itself in Odd Spot: Last Place in Trading (WSJ)
Trump dictated misleading statement on son's meeting with Russian (Washington Post)
Struggling Stock Pickers Eye Quant Tools to Gain an Edge (BBG)
Trump’s Obsession With Leaks (BBG)
BP Turns a Corner, but 2010 Oil Spill Keeps Biting (WSJ)
The immigrant success story that led police to a Chinese banking giant (Reuters)
Greenspan Sees No Stock Excess, Warns of Bond Market Bubble (BBG)
Euro-Area Economy Steams Ahead as ECB Waits for Inflation (BBG)
The energy patch: where rights offerings are 'sexy' again (Reuters)
Rowling Apologizes for Claiming Trump Ignored Disabled Boy (BBG)
President Xi says China loves peace but won't compromise on sovereignty (Reuters)
Greenspan Sees No Stock Excess, Warns of Bond Market Bubble (BBG)
Rolls-Royce Recovery Revs Up, But CEO Wary of Production Hurdles (BBG)
Snap, Blue Apron Shake Confidence in Startup Valuations (WSJ)
Caterpillar CFO Brad Halverson to retire in early 2018 (Reuters)
Under Armour to Cut About 280 Jobs (WSJ)
(source: cnbc.com)
Under Armour – The athletic footwear and apparel maker reported a quarterly loss of three cents per share, half of what analysts had expected, and revenue beat forecasts. Under Armour cut its full-year outlook below forecasts, however, and also announced a restructuring that will include job cuts.
Pfizer – The drugmaker came in one cent a share above estimates, with quarterly profit of 67 cents per share. Revenue came in below forecasts, however, as demand for its Enbrel and Prevnar drugs dropped. Pfizer did increase the midrange of its 2017 earnings forecast.
Archer Daniels Midland – The grain processor earned an adjusted 57 cents per share for its latest quarter, five cents above estimates. Revenue was well below forecasts, however, on weakness in the company's oilseeds processing unit.
Pandora Media - The streaming music service lost 21 cents per share for its latest quarter, three cents a share smaller than anticipated. Revenue beat estimates on increased ad spending, but the company also cut its full-year forecast following the sale of its Ticketfly ticketing firm and as subscription revenue comes in below forecasts.
Texas Roadhouse – Texas Roadhouse matched estimates with quarterly profit of 53 cents per share, while the restaurant chain's revenue was slightly above forecasts. Same-restaurant sales rose four percent, beating consensus estimates of a 3.3 percent increase.
AutoNation – AutoNation lost its spot in the S&P 500, pushed out by MetLife spinoff Brighthouse Financial. The MetLife U.S. retail business is set to start trading on its own next Monday. The automobile retailer's stock will be moved to the S&P MidCap 400 index.
Honda – Honda beat analysts' forecasts with its quarterly operating profit of $2.44 billion, as stronger Asian sales offset weakness in North America. The automaker also raised its full-year forecast on more favorable currency exchange rates.
Las Vegas Sands, Wynn Resorts – These and other casino operators with a presence in Macau could benefit as monthly revenue in the Chinese territory rises 29 percent in July compared to a year ago.
Snap – Snap will not be eligible for inclusion in the S&P 500 following a new rule which takes effect today, barring companies with multiple share classes. The decision does not affect existing S&P 500 members with multiple shares classes like Alphabet and Berkshire Hathaway.
Sony – Sony's profit nearly quadrupled in its fiscal first quarter compared to a year earlier, as it saw an overall recovery in its business and a particularly strong performance from its image sensor unit.
Pitney Bowes – The commerce technology provider earned an adjusted 33 cents per share for its latest quarter, three cents a share short of forecasts. Revenue missed expectations, as well, and the company also lowered the high end of its full-year forecast. The company said it is pleased with the potential it has created but has not yet fulfilled that potential.
Xerox – Xerox came in seven cents a share above estimates, with adjusted quarterly profit of 87 cents per share. Revenue was slightly short of forecasts, however, as the company transitions to a new product lineup.
BP – The oil giant earned $553 million for the second quarter, reversing a year-ago loss although its bottom line continues to be affected by costs related to the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
Sprint – The wireless services provider earned five cents per share for its latest quarter, compared to consensus forecasts of a one cent loss. Revenue beat forecasts, while Sprint chalked up net additions of 61,000 wireless subscribers.
/u/bigbear0083 has no positions in any stocks mentioned. Reddit, moderators, and the author do not advise making investment decisions based on discussion in these posts. Analysis is not subject to validation and users take action at their own risk. /u/bigbear0083 is an admin at the financial forums StockMarketForums.net where this content was originally posted.
What is on everyone's radar for today's trading day ahead here at r/Stock_Picks?
I hope you all have an excellent trading day ahead here on this Tuesday, August the 1st! :)
Submitted August 01, 2017 at 10:06AM by bigbear0083 via reddit http://ift.tt/2uguWiR
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omcik-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on OmCik
New Post has been published on http://omcik.com/buffetts-berkshire-hathaway-set-for-growth-through-2018-barrons/
Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway set for growth through 2018: Barron's
Shares of Berkshire Hathaway (BRKa.N), the conglomerate run by billionaire Warren Buffett, could see double digit gains over the next year and a half even if the legendary chairman and chief executive decides to retire, a report in Barron’s financial newspaper said.
The company’s Class A shares could have an upside of 15 percent to 20 percent through the end of 2018 based on likely growth in its book value, given the company’s diversified earnings stream, long-term focus and nearly $100 million (76.7 million pounds) in cash and securities, Barron’s said in it May 22 edition.
Barclay’s analyst Jay Gelb, quoted in the article, forecast Berkshire’s book value rising 9 percent to 10 percent annually over the next two years.
Buffett’s eventual successor is likely to begin paying a dividend and be more aggressive in buying back shares, the report predicted. Barron’s sees Berkshire Hathaway Energy head Greg Abel as the most likely person to be tabbed to “step into Warren Buffett’s legendary shoes.”
Berkshire shares, which rose 23 percent in 2016, are flat this year after giving back gains seen earlier during the post-election rally. They closed at $244,910 on the New York Stock Exchange on Friday.
(Reporting by Bill Berkrot; Editing by Phil Berlowitz)
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7 Personal Finance Tips From Warren Buffett
New Post has been published on https://financeguideto.com/trending/7-personal-finance-tips-from-warren-buffett-2/
7 Personal Finance Tips From Warren Buffett
Image source: The Motley Fool.
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Warren Buffett is generally considered to be the best long-term investor of all time, so it’s no wonder many people like to listen closely to Buffett’s words of wisdom, in order to apply them to their own lives. With that in mind, here are seven of the best personal finance lessons I’ve learned from Warren Buffett over the years.
Image source: Getty Images.
1. “Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago”
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The lesson here is to be a forward thinker when it comes to personal finance, whether you’re talking about investing, saving, or spending. When you’re deciding whether to put some more money aside for emergencies, think of a financial emergency actually happening and how much easier your life will be if you have enough money set aside.
Similarly, few people get rich quick by investing, and most people who try end up going broke. The most certain path to wealth (and the one Buffett took) is to build your portfolio one step at a time, and keep your focus on the long run.
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Your goal should be to buy investments that you can hold for the long haul. Image source: Getty Images.
2. “Only buy something that you’d be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for 10 years”
In addition to this, one of my all-time favorite Warren Buffett quotes is “our favorite holding period is forever,” which is also one of the most misunderstood things he says. The point isn’t that Buffett only invests in stocks he’s going to buy and forget about — after all, Buffett’s company Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-A) (NYSE: BRK-B) sells stocks regularly, and for a variety of reasons. Rather, what Buffett is saying is to invest in stable, established businesses that have durable competitive advantages. That is, approach your investments with the long term in mind, but keep an eye on them to make sure your original reasons for buying still apply.
Image source: Getty Images.
3. “Price is what you pay; value is what you get”
When you’re buying an investment (or anything else for that matter), the price you pay and the value you receive are often two very different things. In other words, you should buy a stock if you believe its share price is less than the intrinsic value of the business — not simply because you think the price is low.
For example, if a market correction hit tomorrow and a certain stock were to fall by 10% along with the overall market, would the business inherently be worth 10% less than it is today? Probably not. Similarly, if a stock rose rapidly, it wouldn’t necessarily mean that the value of the underlying business had risen as well. Be sure you consider value and price separately when making investing decisions.
Image source: Getty Images.
4. “Cash … is to a business as oxygen is to an individual: never thought about when it is present, the only thing in mind when it is absent”
One of the reasons Berkshire Hathaway not only survives recessions and crashes, but tends to come out of them even better than it went in, is that Warren Buffett understands the value of keeping an “emergency fund.” In fact, when the market was crashing in 2008, Berkshire had enough cash on hand to make several lucrative investments, such as its purchase of Goldman Sachs warrants.
Granted, Berkshire Hathaway’s rainy-day fund is probably a bit bigger than yours; Buffett insists on keeping a minimum of $20 billion in cash at all times, and the current total is around $85 billion. However, the same applies to your own financial health. If you have a decent stockpile of cash on the sidelines, you’ll be much better equipped to deal with whatever financial challenges and opportunities life throws at you.
If you know what you’re doing, investing doesn’t need to be stressful. Image source: Getty Images.
5. “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing”
In Buffett’s mind, one of the best investments you can make is in yourself and the knowledge you have. This is why Buffett spends hours of every day reading, and has done so for most of his life. The better educated you are on a topic, whether it’s investing or anything else, the better equipped you’ll be to make wise decisions and avoid unnecessary risks. As Buffett’s partner Charlie Munger has advised: “Go to bed smarter than when you woke up.”
Unless you have the time and desire to do hours of investment research, you’re better off avoiding individual stocks. Image source: Getty Images.
6. Most people should avoid individual stocks
This may seem like strange advice coming from Warren Buffett, since he’s widely regarded as one of the best stock-pickers of all time.
However, Buffett has said on several occasions that the best investment for most people is a basic, low-cost S&P 500 index fund, like the one he is using in a bet to outperform a basket of hedge funds. The idea is that investing in the S&P 500 is simply a bet on American business as a whole, which is almost certain to be a winner over time.
To be clear, Buffett isn’t against buying individual stocks if you have the time, knowledge, and desire to do it right. He’s said that if you have six to eight hours per week to dedicate to investing, individual stocks can be a smart idea. If not, you should probably stick with low-cost index funds.
Image source: Getty Images.
7. Remember to give back
Warren Buffett is a co-founder of and participant in The Giving Pledge, which encourages billionaires to give their fortunes away. Buffett plans to give virtually all of his money to charity, and since he signed the pledge, he has given away billions of dollars’ worth of his Berkshire shares to benefit various charitable organizations.
Buffett once said, “If you’re in the luckiest one percent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 percent.” And even if you’re not a member of the 1%, it’s still important to find ways to give back.
10 stocks we like better than Berkshire Hathaway When investing geniuses David and Tom Gardner have a stock tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the newsletter they have run for over a decade, Motley Fool Stock Advisor, has tripled the market.*
David and Tom just revealed what they believe are the 10 best stocks for investors to buy right now… and Berkshire Hathaway wasn’t one of them! That’s right — they think these 10 stocks are even better buys.
Click here to learn about these picks!
*Stock Advisor returns as of February 6, 2017
Matthew Frankel owns shares of, and The Motley Fool owns shares of and recommends, Berkshire Hathaway (B shares). The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.
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