#qwest field
jennyboom21 · 1 year
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Fast forward to 24 seconds to get an idea of how loud it gets from outside (this was a blip compared to beast quake/Taylor’s crowds).
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newmosbiusdesigns · 9 months
Legacy of a King by TIA INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY Via Flickr: Enjoy an early evening view of downtown Seattle from the Beacon Hill neighborhood. Here in the States, we will observe Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, January 16th. The City of Seattle itself is the county seat of King County, Washington. The county was initially named in dedication to Vice President William Rufus King (who retains the record as the U.S. Vice President with the shortest term in office of only 45 days). Vice President King, under the presidency of Franklin Pierce, was a strong advocate of slavery in the nation, and opposed all efforts for the movements to abolish slavery. He was also a slave owner, and one of the founders of Selma, Alabama (another town with its own profound history in civil rights and race relations). The King County Council elected to have the county’s name rededicated in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1986, the year the USA first initially observed the third Monday of each January as the national holiday. There was plenty of controversy in ratifying the holiday. Even President Ronald Reagan, who passed the motion into law, was not altogether pleased in creating a holiday for MLK. The states of Arizona, New Hampshire, and South Carolina initially refused to observe it, and it wasn’t until the year 2000 that every state in the nation officially observed the day. King County’s name was officially ratified by Washington Governor Christine Gregoire in 2005, a decision that had to be passed by the state, not the county, which is probably part of the reason the rededication took nearly 20 years to officially be recognized. On March 12, 2007, five days before I relocated to Seattle from D.C., the official logo of King County was changed to an image of MLK. As a result, King County, Washington is the first county in the USA whose government decided to switch its own logo (originally a golden crown) into the image of one of the nation’s most internationally renowned civil rights activists. These are some of the very remarkable aspects about the City of Seattle and King County that I have come to respect wholeheartedly. I keep on learning more and more about the aspects that make this city and its people quite unique. Outside the USA, two cities that also officially observe MLK Day are Toronto, Canada and Hiroshima, Japan. TIA INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY / TIA Facebook / TIA Twitter
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lboogie1906 · 3 months
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Second Lieutenant Mel Streeter (1931 – June 12, 2006) was born in Riverside, California. He attended the University of Oregon on a basketball scholarship and was the second African-American basketball player at Oregon after declining an offer by legendary basketball coach John Wooden to attend UCLA because UCLA did not have an architecture program. He graduated with a BS in architecture.
At the University of Oregon, he was enrolled in the Army ROTC program. After serving as a second lieutenant in the transport unit at Ft. Lawton, Washington from 1955 to 1957, he stayed in Seattle to raise a family and tried finding work at local architectural firms. He struck out 22 times before he found work with Paul Hayden Kirk and Fred Bassetti.
In 1967, he opened the third African American-owned architecture firm in Seattle. In the 1970s, he teamed with Paul Dermanis to form Streeter/Dermanis. By the early 1990s, the two partners had split and he created Streeter & Associates Architects. The firm is known for projects such as Auburn City Hall, the Federal Aviation Administration Regional Headquarters, and several buildings at Naval Station Everett in Everett, Washington.
Some of the firm’s community facilities include John Muir Elementary School, the Rainier Beach High School Performance Hall, and the African American Academy. He designed a 64-unit senior housing complex for Mount Zion Baptist Church and was part of the Safeco Field, Qwest Stadium, and SeaTac airport design teams.
A pillar of the African American community in Seattle, he was a Seattle Planning Commissioner. He was a founding member of the AIA Seattle Diversity Roundtable and the Tabor 100. He was active in the professional African American men’s organization, the Breakfast Group. As an African American architect, he opened doors for other architects of color and some of the city’s best-known architects. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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volumeofvalue · 4 months
The Field
The Field: The Qwest for the Secret Force of the UniverseLynne McTaggart VolumesOfValue volumesofvalue.gumroad.com“A select list of nonfiction books to expand your horizon!” — Enri Tudor, CEO About the Book“A big, bold, brilliantly crafted page-turner with HUGE ideas that challenge every last view about how the world works. This is both a primer to understand the law of attraction and the…
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estategreensus · 1 year
Artificial Turf is Becoming More Popular
Artificial turf is enjoying a huge comeback in the last 5 years. Many new high schools, parks and other public facilities are installing artificial grass instead of real grass, because the fake version is so much easier to maintain. In Seattle, there used to be about 10 public soccer fields that were either grass or in most cases dirt fields and in the last 5 years almost all of them have been upgraded to artificial turf or field turf artificial grass and residential landscaping
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Field turf is artificial and has lots of rubber pieces to cushion you if you fall. Field turf was also used in Qwest field the home of the Seattle Seahawks - the professional football team.
If you are playing on field turf, take care not to slide on unprotected skin. Unlike sliding on real grass, sliding on turf can cause a burn or scratch and can slice up your leg. If you do plan to slide, wear protective clothing or braces so you can cover up your exposed skin.
The other big benefit of artificial turf is that it is really much more environmentally friendly than real grass. Real grass requires tons of watering, and dangerous fertilizer to keep it looking great. Fake turf, requires the occasional sweeping, but you don't need to expend a lot of natural resources just to keep it looking great.
Turf is also a cost savings when compared to real grass. Because you don't have to water all the time, your bill will be much lower and you also don't have to mow it or trim it, another expense that adds up. When you take everything into consideration, it's no wonder more and more people are turning to artificial turf these days for their outdoor projects.
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darkwood-sleddog · 4 years
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@groenendaze​ this is a question I get a lot, I agree she is really unique!
Zombie is registered as white. White in Alaskan Malamutes is ‘ee’ or ‘recessive red’. The recessive red masks other pigment beneath it, but the dog retains its normal pigment on its eye rims, pads, nose etc (she has black pigment on these areas, much like a Golden Retriever or a Samoyed).
Now Alaskan Malamutes do come in red like Mick-Shrock’s Akicita Qwest WTDX ROMWD below (a recent ancestor of all of my dogs):
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but the red in Alaskan Malamutes is on the “brown” or Liver Locus which causes the pigment of ALL of the dog to be brown (like the nose for example or eye rims, much like a Chocolate Labrador).
So why does Zombie have such reddish coloring to her coat? Simply put, there are different intensity levels of the recessive red color (think of the difference between a pale almost white “english” golden vs a deep red american field line golden). There is a gene responsible for the intensity difference in malamutes...talked more about HERE, but it is basically how we get the difference between the Classic Gray and White:
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vs a “Sable” Alaskan Malamute (the dogs are not genetically sable...it’s a breed term), 
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Sigurd & Zombie’s Mom, Yoko Nordiclight of Indian Valley WPD WTA WTDA ROMWD is a sable dog and having met her in person I can attest to just how brownish these dogs are in person, the phaeomelanin (the red pigment) really shows through and you get an very different looking coat color than the completely washed out classic Gray & White.
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Sable can occur on ANY color, like this Black & White boy, FI CH EE CH RU CH HeJW-15 SM-REK-4-18 KNIGHT ASLAK POLÀRNÌ ÙSVIT, seen here on the left next to a non sabled dog:
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Slash’s mom, Nordiclight’s Salem WTD  (and Slash also!) displays this intense pigmented sableing. Typically dogs on the black and tan spectrum (like they are) display very washed out phaeomelanin, making them almost indistinguishable from seal & white (domino black & white in genetic terms), but for some reason this genetic line has very intense phaeomelanin. Slash’s mother’s father is the littermate of Sigurd & Zombie’s mother, Slash’s mom Salem below:
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So based on what we know about coat color and sableing, as well as the placement of the phaeomelanin pigment in non-white dogs that have sableing, Zombie’s color can be explained as white, with sable. 
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pnwdoodlesreads · 4 years
Seattle's largest Hooverville occupied nine acres that are now used to unload container ships west of Qwest Field and the Alaska Viaduct. (Courtesy King County Archives).The failure of Depression-era policies to alleviate unemployment and address the social crisis led to the creation of Hoovervilles, shantytowns that sprang up to house those who had become homeless because of the Great Depression.
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The towns were named “Hoovervilles,” because of President Herbert Hoover’s ineffective relief policies. Mass unemployment was rampant among men aged 18–50, and the lack of a social safety net continued to push them down the ladder. By looking at the Vanguard’s news coverage from 1930–1932 and the history of Hooverville written by its self-proclaimed mayor Jesse Jackson, we can see that the creation of Seattle’s Hooverville was due to an ineffective social system and the inability of local politicians to address the Depression’s social crisis.
 Even though these men wanted to care for themselves, the social structure forced them toward charity, a dependent position many unemployed men in Seattle rejected. As a reporter for The Vanguard, the newspaper of Seattle’s unemployed, wrote of one Hooverville resident, “He had a distaste for organized charity-breadlines and flop-houses so he decided to build a shack of his own and be independent.[1]  
This rejection of organized charity was due as much to a desire for independence as to the low quality of the shelter and food on offer. While there was shelter for sleeping, it was often on the ground in damp and unhygienic surroundings, and while charities such as the Salvation Army offered soup kitchens, the food was often barely digestible and contained little to no nutritional value. The creation of a Hooverville in Seattle, then, was due to the lack of social safety net, the desire for self-sufficiency, and the poor quality of Depression-era charity.
 Jesse Jackson, the self-declared mayor of Hooverville, was one of the men who had a strong distaste for organized charity. After finding men that shared this feeling, they decided to do something about it. In recalling the foundation of their Hooverville, Jackson explained,“We immediately took possession of the nine-acre tract of vacant property of the Seattle Port Commission and proceeded to settle down.[2]   Jackson and his friends rounded up whatever they could find and began to create shelters. Seattle city officials were not thrilled about this new development.
In an original attempt to disband these shantytowns and unemployed “jungles”, city officials burned down the entire community, giving the men only seven days’ eviction notice. As The Vanguard argued, this only made the social crisis worse: “If the County Health officer orders the Jungles burned out this year, as he did last year, a large number of men will be thrown upon organized charity, for no very good reason.[3]   Hooverville residents, for their part, were not thwarted by the city’s attempt to disband them. They simply dug deeper embankments for their homes and reestablished the community. Noted The Vanguard, “Meanwhile, new shacks go up everyday, and more and more buildings uptown are empty.[4]    
 In June of 1932 a new administration was elected in Seattle. They decided that the Hooverville would be tolerated until conditions improved. However, they did demand that Hooverville’s men follow a set of rules and elect a commission to enforce these rules in conversation with city officials. Among the city’s new rules was one outlawing women and children from living there, a rule almost always abided by. This agreement between Seattle and its Hooverville improved relations between the two greatly. Businesses that were originally hesitant become friendlier, donating any extra food or building supplies to Hooverville’s residents.
 The Vanguard    drew vivid pictures of the atmosphere of Seattle’s shantytown: “Little groups of men huddled around forlorn fires, ‘boiling-up’ clothes begrimed by their peculiar mode of travel, or cooking food-the worst kind of food… out of smoke-blackened cans these men eat and drink.[5]   While the surroundings were not optimal, Hooverville mayor Jesse Jackson;s more personal portrayal of Hooverville pointed out the resilient nature of residents: “…for the most part they are chin up individuals, travelling through life for the minute steerage.[6]   Either way, Hooverville was growing: very quickly after its original settlement, Jackson noted that Hooverville “…grew to a shanty city of six hundred shacks and one thousand inhabitants.[7]    
 Jackson referred to Hooverville as “…the abode of the forgotten man[8]   His characterization was correct in regards to the men who lived in other jungles or shanty communities around Washington, but not accurate of Seattle’s Hooverville. One Vanguard journalist noted that “Perhaps if some of these Jungles were as conspicuous as Hooverville, the problem of unemployment would be recognized to be really serious by those sheltered dwellers on the hilltops who live in another world.[9]  
The men in the average city jungles were in fact forgotten men. Hooverville, however, was a jungle with power. Wrote sociologist Donald Francis Roy, who lived in the Hooverville as part of his research, “Within the city, and of the city, it functions as a segregated residential area of distinct physical structure, population composition, and social behavior.[10]   Residents were not only to gain community involvement but also a place in the Seattle city board of commissioners. Hooverville was becoming a city of its own.
   A different  Hooverville near 8th Ave S. in 1933 (Courtesy University of Washington Library Digital Collection)
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Despite its growing influence in the city, Hooverville was by no means a secure place to live, but a temporary and improvised shantytown. With a backdrop of skyscrapers that boasted of Seattle’s economic might, Hooverville, on the edge of the waterfront, was situated in a location where it stood out completely.
One town member commented on how “The sea appears to be eternally licking its chops in anticipation of swallowing the entire community in one juicy gulp[11]  While Hooverville’s small shacks seemed to suffice for the time being, they were not sturdy homes. Some were lucky enough to contain solid walls built of wood with separate bedrooms inside, while others barely had a wall and ceiling built from flimsy boards. One journalist described Hooverville simply and accurately as “…approximately one thousand shacks, inhabited by about fifteen hundred men, who have discovered how to exist without money.[12]    
 The shantytown consisted of almost all men, aged 18–60, with little to no income. Considering that the majority of Hooverville’s population was older men in their 40s, 50s, and 60s, many historians have been shocked that there weren’t higher death rates. Some observers of the community claimed that the shanty lifestyle provided a stability that actually improved some of the men’s health.
The only variable among these men was race, which was reflected in Hooverville’s elected board of commissioners. As Jackson wrote, “The melting pot of races and nations we had here called for a commission of several races and nations. Two whites, two negroes, and two Filipinos were selected.[13]   As noted before, the Seattle city commissioners did not allow women or children to live in the community. While some floated in and out, they were rarely permanent fixtures.  
 The spirit of these men was their most notable characteristic. Jackson declared that “If President Hoover could walk through the little shanty addition to Seattle bearing his name, he would find that it is not inhabited by a bunch of ne’er do wells, but by one thousand men who are bending every effort to beat back and regain the place in our social system that once was theirs.[14]  
Jackson’s goal was to point out that these men were not lazy, but simple, average, hardworking men who had been failed by the social system. While these men created a community together, Jackson felt that a community sensibility was not the only one in the town: “I would say it is more of an individualistic life, but we do divide up a lot around here, but it is more a settlement of rugged individualist.[15]   One of the traditions of Hooverville was for residents who found a job (a rare event), to ceremoniously give their house, bed, and stove to others still out of work. While the men of the community clearly were used to living their lives independent of others, they still found a way to help those struggling around them.  
 The political structure of Hooverville was based largely around the self-declared mayor Jesse Jackson. While the city did demand that the town create a commission of representatives, Jackson was still looked upon as the voice of Hooverville. Jackson claimed that “mayor” was never a role he sought out, but rather fell into: “I am just a simple person, whose status in life is the same as theirs, trying to do the best I know how to administer in my poor way to their wants.[16]  
The only benefit he received for being the leader of this shantytown was a donated radio from a Seattle company, which he made available to the men by hosting news and entertainment listenings in his shack. While the community seemed to have a substantial political structure, individually Jackson noted that the situation was different. “My honest opinion is that the average working man doesn’t know what he wants in a political way.[17]  
The community’s naïve opinion toward politics might have been the reason why it was so easy for them to look to Jackson to lead of the community. While there were no laws established within Hooverville, there were common rules enforced. Jackson pointed out one example. “You can’t come here and do just what you want. You can’t live alone. You have to respect your neighbor, and your neighbor must respect you.[18]   He noted that troublemakers were not thrown out by the men within Hooverville but by outside authorities.  
 The men in Hooverville did far more to help themselves than any established social and political structures did during the onset of the Depression., but their collective action was often not enough. One Seattle journalist still put it most bleakly by describing the men of Hooverville’s future as “… blacker than the soot on the cans [they eat out of],” while politicians quibbled … “about the exact number of unemployed but do nothing to relieve distress.[19]    
 Lee took this photo June 10, 1937. Close to 1,000 men lived in Seattle's Hooverville. (Courtesy University of Washington Library Digital Collection).
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 Many politicians looked away at other, more “important” issues, but it was still noted that there was a crisis of housing taking place. Reported The Vanguard, “According to the report of the Central Housing Committee of the U[nemployed] C[itizens’] L[eague] to the central federation the unemployed are expected to be content with shacks, rookeries hovels in brief, a pig-pen standard of housing.[20]
  Politicians, in some cases, did far more harm then good. For instance, after ordering the burning of Hooverville, Mayor Dole of Seattle proceeded to evict more people out of their homes. He suggested that they obtain temporary, low-quality housing, then move quickly into permanent housing again. Articles in the Vanguard asked, “Just where they were going to find permanent dwellings, when they had no money to pay rent in their previous homes, was not explained.[21]  
This plan was clearly flawed and poorly thought out: “…he was going to see to it that property was protected. Human rights apparently came second.[22]   Mayor Dole claimed he was just upholding the rule of law. However, in a time of economic depression, with hundreds of thousands of American’s struggling to make ends meet, what is the duty of the law? It was established the protect individuals, not persecute them when they are down and out. “All these men ask is a job, and until that job is forthcoming, to be left alone.”[23]
Lessons from Hooverville still have not been learned today. Seattle, in 2009, is currently facing a recession that may be the most serious since the Depression of the 1930s, and a community similar to Hooverville has formed. The current “Nickelsville” is a nod to Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels, just as “Hooverville” was a sarcastic nod to President Hoover’s inaction. Additionally, the mission statement on Nickelsville’s website is eerily reminiscent of the Jackson’s description of Hooverville’s founding: “
Nickelsville will keep operating due to the inescapable fact that there are people on the streets with nowhere better to go. They are taking the initiative to organize so they can provide for themselves a basic level of safety and sanitation when their government steadfastly refuses to do so for them.[24]   Sinan Demirel, executive director of the local Seattle shelter R-O-O-T-S, which has supported Nickelsville, referenced the history of tent cities in an interview, saying,  
“Like the Tent Cities that preceded it, Nickelsville is part of a long and proud tradition of homeless persons organizing themselves to provide each other safety and to educate the broader community about their plight.[25]   The leaders of Nickelsville urge its members, as well as the members of the community, to encourage government action to fight homelessness.
If members of the Seattle community do not take action, they might experience a modern-day Hooverville. Demirel noted that, “If it is successful during its next move [in June 2009] in establishing a permanent site and permanent structures, then Nickelsville will join an even prouder tradition, dating back to Seattle’s Hooverville over three quarters of a century ago.[26]   If Seattle does not learn from the example set by Hooverville in the 1930s—that the failure of the social and political system, not individuals, leads to homelessness—it is doomed to allow history to repeat itself.  
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#8yrsago Steven "Jumper" Gould's new novel 7TH SIGMA: genre-busting science fiction/western kicks ass
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Steven Gould's latest novel 7th Sigma is his best since Jumper, and while it shares Jumper's excellent pace and likable characters, it is otherwise as totally unlike Jumper as it could be, except in the field of overall awesomeness, which it has in spades.
In 7th Sigma, the American southwest has experienced a unique apocalypse: out of nowhere, artificial lifeforms called "bugs" have appeared. These tiny robotic flying insects home in on any source of metal or EMF and devour them, budding off more bugs using the digested metals. Their geometric reproduction quickly lays waste to the southwest and all who live there -- especially people with metal pins in their joints, or pacemakers -- since the bugs are capable of tunneling through solid rock or flesh to get at the metal within. Now the southwest is a frontier again, where small villages eke out a life alongside fields and arroyos that glitter with the photovoltaic wings of the mysterious bugs. Only the bugs' aversion to water has stopped them from devouring the whole planet: as soon as they reach the edge of the desert and the more humid, moist territories, they begin to die off.
This sets the stage for a wonderful genre mashup: a science fiction/western, set in the new frontier, inhabited by ranchers, farmers, banditos, native Americans, and the law. But though this frontier is populated by the familiar set-dressing of the western -- horses and corrals, cowboy hats and adobe -- it is also full of high-tech polymers and ceramics imported from beyond the border. There is no Internet, but a network of Qwest heliographics will transmit your urgent messages to the border, where they'll be rekeyed into an email and fired off to their recipients. There are no six-guns, but there are disposable cardboard rifles that fire gravel or ceramics, and, of course, ceramic crossbows with marvelous optics.
Enter the characters: Kim is a runaway who escaped to the frontier when his abusive father was airlifted out (by a skyhook attached to a nonmetallic balloon, of course) because his metal pacemaker would have doomed him. Kim was supposed to follow his father, but instead, he's escaped to the streets of New Santa Fe, where he lives by his wits. And then he meets Ruth, an Aikido sensei who is off to found a new dojo deep in the territory, and the two adopt one another.
Kim and Ruth go through the arduous task of establishing the dojo in the rough frontier, overcoming natural and human adversity, and Kim's training brings him both calm and physical mastery. So when events conspire to put Kim in the position of saving a neighbor from bandits, he comes into contact with one of the Rangers who has responsibility for the territory, a Ranger who recognizes him as a runaway. But instead of sending him back to his abusive father, the lawman inducts Kim as an undercover agent, and there begins the adventure in earnest. As Kim gets older and more proficient, he becomes one of the frontier's greatest undercover cops, and gets closer and closer to unraveling the mystery of the bugs.
This is sheer adventure, and it's full of engaging, nerdily detailed depictions of the minutiae of Aikido, spycraft, artificial life theory, frontier economics, religious zealotry, Zen meditation, as well as beautiful and evocative descriptions of the southwestern landscape. It's clearly the first volume of a longer series, and it has the true pulp adventure serial spirit, the compulsively consumable zing that'll have you turning pages long past your bedtime.
Though the book has a young adult protagonist, it's not being marketed as YA, probably because it has the occasional F-bomb. But this is the kind of book that will engage adults and kids, provided you don't subscribe to the weird philosophy that says kids who read the F-word are permanently corrupted.
7th Sigma
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pnlopes · 4 years
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Esse é o estádio CenturyLink Field onde a seleção brasileira enfrentou o Canadá em 31/05/2008. Na época o estadio chamava-se Qwest Field. O estádio localiza-se na cidade de Seattle, em Washington, Estados Unidos. Atualmente é a casa do do Seattle Seahawks, time de futebol americano. Tem capacidade para 68.000 pessoas. web site: www.futeboldaselecaobrasileira
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blackkudos · 5 years
George Benson
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George Benson (born March 22, 1943) is an American guitarist, singer, and songwriter. He began his professional career at the age of 21 as a jazz guitarist. Benson uses a rest-stroke picking technique similar to that of gypsy jazz players such as Django Reinhardt.
A former child prodigy, Benson first came to prominence in the 1960s, playing soul jazz with Jack McDuff and others. He then launched a successful solo career, alternating between jazz, pop, R&B singing, and scat singing. His album Breezin' was certified triple-platinum, hitting no. 1 on the Billboard album chart in 1976. His concerts were well attended through the 1980s, and he still has a large following. Benson has been honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Early career
Benson was born and raised in the Hill District in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. At the age of seven, he first played the ukulele in a corner drug store, for which he was paid a few dollars. At the age of eight, he played guitar in an unlicensed nightclub on Friday and Saturday nights, but the police soon closed the club down. At the age of 9, he started to record. Out of the four sides he cut, two were released: "She Makes Me Mad" backed with "It Should Have Been Me", with RCA-Victor in New York; although one source indicates this record was released under the name "Little Georgie", the 45rpm label is printed with the name George Benson. The single was produced by Leroy Kirkland for RCA's rhythm and blues label, Groove Records. As he has stated in an interview, Benson's introduction to showbusiness had an effect on his schooling. When this was discovered (tied with the failure of his single) his guitar was impounded. Luckily, after he spent time in a juvenile detention centre his stepfather made him a new guitar.
Benson attended and graduated from Schenley High School. As a youth he learned how to play straight-ahead instrumental jazz during a relationship performing for several years with organist Jack McDuff. One of his many early guitar heroes was country-jazz guitarist Hank Garland. At the age of 21, he recorded his first album as leader, The New Boss Guitar, featuring McDuff. Benson's next recording was It's Uptown with the George Benson Quartet, including Lonnie Smith on organ and Ronnie Cuber on baritone saxophone. Benson followed it up with The George Benson Cookbook, also with Lonnie Smith and Ronnie Cuber on baritone and drummer Marion Booker. Miles Davis employed Benson in the mid-1960s, featuring his guitar on "Paraphernalia" on his 1968 Columbia release, Miles in the Sky before going to Verve Records.
Benson then signed with Creed Taylor's jazz label CTI Records, where he recorded several albums, with jazz heavyweights guesting, to some success, mainly in the jazz field. His 1974 release, Bad Benson, climbed to the top spot in the Billboard jazz chart, while the follow-ups, Good King Bad (#51 Pop album) and Benson and Farrell (with Joe Farrell), both reached the jazz top-three sellers. Benson also did a version of The Beatles's 1969 album Abbey Road called The Other Side of Abbey Road, also released in 1969, and a version of "White Rabbit", originally written and recorded by San Francisco rock group Great Society, and made famous by Jefferson Airplane. Benson played on numerous sessions for other CTI artists during this time, including Freddie Hubbard and Stanley Turrentine, notably on the latter's acclaimed album Sugar.
1970s and 1980s
By the mid-to-late 1970s, as he recorded for Warner Bros. Records, a whole new audience began to discover Benson. With the 1976 release Breezin', Benson sang a lead vocal on the track "This Masquerade" (notable also for the lush, romantic piano intro and solo by Jorge Dalto), which became a huge pop hit and won a Grammy Award for Record of the Year. (He had sung vocals infrequently on albums earlier in his career, notably his rendition of "Here Comes the Sun" on the Other Side of Abbey Road album.) The rest of the album is instrumental, including his rendition of the 1975 Jose Feliciano composition "Affirmation".
In 1976, Benson toured with soul singer Minnie Riperton, who had been diagnosed with terminal breast cancer earlier that year and, in addition, appeared as a guitarist and backup vocalist on Stevie Wonder's song "Another Star" from Wonder's album Songs in the Key of Life.
During the same year, 1976, the top selling album 'Breezin' was released on the Warner Brothers label featuring the Bobby Womack penned title track and the Leon Russell penned This Masquerade which is now a jazz standard. Both tracks won Grammy awards that year and the LP put Benson into the musical limelight both in the USA and in Europe. Ironically, Benson had been discouraged up until this time, from using his singing skills, mainly as the company decision makers felt he wasn't competent enough vocally, and he should stick to playing the guitar. It was here that he clearly proved them wrong.
He also recorded the original version of "The Greatest Love of All" for the 1977 Muhammad Ali bio-pic, The Greatest, which was later covered by Whitney Houston as "Greatest Love of All". During this time Benson recorded with the German conductor Claus Ogerman. The live take of "On Broadway", recorded a few months later from the 1978 release Weekend in L.A., also won a Grammy. He has worked with Freddie Hubbard on a number of his albums throughout the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.
The Qwest record label (a subsidiary of Warner Bros., run by Quincy Jones) released Benson's breakthrough pop album Give Me The Night, produced by Jones. Benson made it into the pop and R&B top ten with the song "Give Me the Night" (written by former Heatwave keyboardist Rod Temperton). He had many hit singles such as "Love All the Hurt Away", "Turn Your Love Around", "Inside Love", "Lady Love Me", "20/20", "Shiver", "Kisses in the Moonlight". More importantly, Quincy Jones encouraged Benson to search his roots for further vocal inspiration, and he rediscovered his love for Nat Cole, Ray Charles and Donny Hathaway in the process, influencing a string of further vocal albums into the 1990s. Despite returning to his jazz and guitar playing most recently, this theme was reflected again much later in Benson's 2000 release Absolute Benson, featuring a cover of one of Hathaway's most notable songs, "The Ghetto". Benson accumulated three other platinum LPs and two gold albums.
1990s to present
In 1990, Benson was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Music from the Berklee College of Music.
To commemorate the long relationship between Benson and Ibanez and to celebrate 30 years of collaboration on the GB Signature Models, Ibanez created the GB30TH, a limited-edition model with a gold-foil finish inspired by the traditional Japanese Garahaku art form. In 2009, Benson was recognized by the National Endowment of the Arts as a Jazz Master, the nation's highest honor in jazz. Benson performed at the 49th issue of the Ohrid Summer Festival in North Macedonia on July 25, 2009, and his tribute show to Nat King Cole An Unforgettable Tribute to Nat King Cole as part of the Istanbul International Jazz Festival in Turkey on July 27. In the fall of 2009, Benson finished recording an album entitled Songs and Stories with Marcus Miller, producer John Burk, and session musicians David Paich and Steve Lukather. As a part of the promotion for his album Songs and Stories, Benson has appeared or performed on The Tavis Smiley Show, Jimmy Kimmel Live! and Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.
He performed at the Java Jazz Festival March 4–6, 2011. In 2011, Benson released the album Guitar Man, revisiting his 1960s/early-1970s guitar-playing roots with a 12-song collection of covers of both jazz and pop standards produced by John Burk.
In June 2013, Benson released his fourth album for Concord, Inspiration: A Tribute to Nat King Cole, which included Wynton Marsalis, Idina Menzel, Till Brönner, and Judith Hill. In September, he returned to perform at Rock in Rio festival, in Rio de Janeiro, 35 years after his first performance at this festival, which was then the inaugural one.
In July 2016, Benson participated as a mentor in the Sky Arts program Guitar Star in the search for the UK and Republic of Ireland's most talented guitarist.
In May 2018, Benson was featured on the Gorillaz single "Humility".
On July 12, 2018, it was announced that Benson had signed to Mascot Label Group.
On June 25, 2019, The New York Times Magazine listed George Benson among hundreds of musicians whose material was destroyed in the 2008 Universal fire.
Personal life
Benson has been married to Johnnie Lee since 1965 and has seven children. Benson describes his music as focusing more on love and romance, and eschewing overt sexuality, due to his commitment to his family and religious practices, with Benson serving as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Benson has been a resident of Englewood, New Jersey.
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Mel Streeter (1931 – June 12, 2006) was born in Riverside, California. He attended the University of Oregon on a basketball scholarship and was the second African-American basketball player at Oregon after declining an offer by legendary basketball coach John Wooden to attend UCLA because UCLA did not have an architecture program. He graduated with a BS in architecture. At the University of Oregon, he was enrolled in the Army ROTC program. After serving as a second lieutenant in the transport unit at Ft. Lawton, Washington from 1955 to 1957, he stayed in Seattle to raise a family and tried finding work at local architectural firms. He struck out 22 times before he found work with Paul Hayden Kirk and Fred Bassetti. In 1967, he opened the third African American-owned architecture firm in Seattle. In the 1970s, he teamed with Paul Dermanis to form Streeter/Dermanis. By the early 1990s, the two partners had split and he created Streeter & Associates Architects. The firm is known for projects such as Auburn City Hall, the Federal Aviation Administration Regional Headquarters, and several buildings at Naval Station Everett in Everett, Washington. Some of the firm’s community facilities include John Muir Elementary School, the Rainier Beach High School Performance Hall, and the African American Academy. He designed a 64-unit senior housing complex for Mount Zion Baptist Church and was part of the Safeco Field, Qwest Stadium, and SeaTac airport design teams. A pillar of the African American community in Seattle, he was a Seattle Planning Commissioner. He was a founding member of the AIA Seattle Diversity Roundtable and the Tabor 100. He was active in the professional African American men’s organization, the Breakfast Group. As an African American architect, he opened doors for other architects of color and some of the city’s best-known architects. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce0qUBvuYJ1Gk_-1KAJtjQMqncPA68ff2g5EdY0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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drisulang-blog · 5 years
Specific Facts Associated With Overseas Sports Broadcast
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cptflorida7-blog · 5 years
Business It Support - The Top 5 Improvements That Mary Portas Would Make
You can't be blamed if your immediate answer is sure. However breathe deeply first and believe about this prior to signing that contract: Sure, they could be the best service provider as they have claimed. Nevertheless, is their kind of very best the one that you are attempting to discover? Does it suit your company requirements? Normally, they will allow you know that they're indeed the best telephone services supplier that can provide you with what you need. But, are they really? Does this service provider know what you will need in the initial location? Or are the telephone solutions the supplier is providing the types you look for in the first place? Or, is it merely some kind of standardized one-strategy-fits-all type of provide? VoIP service providers have been heading out of company still left and correct. Make sure you choose a company that will not be heading out of business any time soon. The last thing you want is to signal up for a service, get all setup, and then have your telephones turned off and not be in a position to contact your provider. Make certain you do a short background verify on the company on-line. International Rates: A small business phone system can conserve you drastic quantities of cash if you have international clientele. A flat price in between $15 and $30 generally includes calls to Canada. voip miami to other nations are grime cheap, frequently just cents for each moment to remote locations. On the other hand, Qwest costs fourteen cents for each moment to call Canada, and a $4 cost to call China. We will discover to use a procedure from Improvisational Comedy called Sure AND rather than the NO, BUT! that most sales people use to counter these objections! Among all this, the voip service providers Sacramento will also offer the feature of e-mail consulting. This is a services, which the messaging region of the client's company will be evaluated. Once the evaluation is carried out, the consumer will be offered better network for greater reliability purposes. These IT services are used in a big number of fields. This has led to the concept of cloud computing. All these features should be looked into whilst finalizing on a services supplier firm. Looking for these firms on-line will make the lookup faster and easier. One can also study the consumer reviews to find out about the company and the services that it offers in the city. I have now banned the use of acronym's in our offices. No-1 can call a VRI policy something other than vehicle replacement. gap insurance coverage. No RTI's no Combi's in sight. When you are telling individuals what you do, use motion verbs and words that paint pictures of results. Avoid using nouns ending in 'tion'. These utilized to be motion verbs. Don't say, "We are in the telecommunication company." Instead say, "We install and maintain ip phone miami for small and medium sized business." "We focus in creating consumer pleasant systems for active workplaces with unique needs." Use the word 'specialize' - it suggests that you are special. I also believe it is important to have a positive attitude. There will be intervals when company is slow, this is exactly where you may begin to think in a negative way. This can direct individuals into turning into very stressed and even depressed. By considering in a good way and by working even tougher to attract much more function is the only way to react in this scenario. This of program is not that simple to do but in my opinion there is not sufficient time in the day to get frustrated.
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scoticus · 8 years
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Seattle: 1882, 1891, 1902, 1945, 1963, 1968, 1996, 2011, 2016
[https://pauldorpat.com/archivepage/seattle-now-then-piners-point-and-plummers-bay/, last photo my own]
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vanle23 · 3 years
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#tbt back in 2009 when it was still known as Qwest Field, before being renamed to CenturyLink Field and then currently known as Lumen Field today. Seahawks game vs the Jacksonville Jaguars going to the game with the homies. Blowout win that day. #throwbackthursday #nfl #football #seattlseahawks #12s #qwest #centurylinkfield #lumenfield #2009 #homies #goodtimes #memories #usa #flag #vanle23 (at Lumen Field) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUvVMLgBAqv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#thebandghost #ghost #ghostbc #theultimatetournameddeath #cardinalcopia #cardic #copia #seattle #againstthegrainphotography (at wamu theater@qwest field) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCk4xkppIVo/?igshid=9poyup9x1vw4
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