#r/ao3 promptober challenge
cardcaptorsakura96 · 1 year
Midnight Fun
This is for Day 14 of Supercorptober
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Jess
Summary: Lena is overworked. Luckily, she has Kara in her life to force her into a much-needed break.
Word Count: 1,389
Lena yawned as continued to type at her desk in her apartment office. She looked at her watch and winced. It was midnight. She looked back at the reports in front of her and groaned. 
“It is going to take me 3 more hours to actually finish this,” muttered Lena. 
She shook her head and was about to start typing again when she heard a knock on her door. She nearly jumped into her own skin. She quickly switched her computer screen to her security footage and breathed a sigh of relief. It was Kara. While she was happy it was just her friend outside her door, she was a little concerned that she was here this late. She quickly went to the door and answered. 
“Hey Kara! Is everything okay?” asked Lena worriedly.
Kara rubbed the back of her neck while looking at Lena sheepishly.
“I came to force you to take a break. No one has seen you for the past week.”
Lena gave a soft smile. She felt bad about making her friends worry about her. However, she felt she was so close to a breakthrough. 
“I am sorry for not calling, but I think I might have found something to help get the lead out of the drinking water. I just need a couple more hours…”
“Lena, when was the last time you ate?”
Lena looked at her startled and asked, “What?” 
“Seriously, when was the last time you ate or even taken a nap?”
Kara smirked and asked, “You don’t remember do you?”
Lena looked down and sheepishly and said, “No.”
Kara grabbed Lena’s hand and dragged her inside. 
“Hey, where are you taking me?”
Kara guided Lena over to the couch to sit down. She turned to Lena with a smile on her face. 
“We are going to sit here, eat junk food, and watch your favorite movies.”
Lena looked towards her office and frowned. 
“But my research.”
Kara took Lena’s face in her hands and stared Lena directly in the eyes which caused Lena to blush. 
“You need to take better care of yourself. Working yourself to the bone isn’t going to do anyone any good.”
Lena nodded as Kara gradually let go and started grabbing food out of her bag and placing it on the table in front of them. Lena wasn’t used to someone caring for her well-being. When she met Kara a couple of months ago, she knew that she was gorgeous, but she soon discovered that she was also, kind, generous, and very driven especially when it comes to her friends. Lena was so used to being manipulated by people that she still had a hard time knowing how to respond when people were actually thinking about her well-being. She smiled, shook her head, and stared at the food before her. Lena was shocked at the amount of food that Kara brought: cheese puffs, several pints of ice cream, nachos, pigs in a blanket, cinnamon buns, two bottles of wine, and over course dumplings. It was enough to feed an army. 
Lena smirked and said, “How is this food taking care of me exactly?”
Kara chuckled, and said, “I know I have the taste buds of a child but this is at least better than consuming nothing at all the entire day.”
Lena sighed and said, “That is true.”
As she began nibbling on the pigs in a blanket, she asked, “What movies did you bring?”
“I brought your favorite films.”
Kara got out of the bag five movies. Lena looked through the titles. She then looked back up at Kara with a raised eyebrow. 
“These are all horror movies.”
“I know.”
“But you hate scary movies.”
Kara looked hesitantly at the films and said, “I know, but given the titles, I didn’t think they could be that scary.”
Lena narrowed her eyes and asked, “Really?”
“Have you heard of any of these films before?”
“Well no, but what could really be the harm in them though? Like this movie Children of the Corn. What is wrong with children liking corn? And then this film Alien. Why would anyone be scared of something from another planet?”
Lena stared at her baffled. 
” What?” asked Kara quizzically.
“Nothing. It is just an interesting take you had on the movies is all.”
Lena shook her head and looked at the other three movies. Given how Kara got scared easily, she saw only one that she might enjoy. However, it could just backfire. 
Lena looked up at Kara and pointed at the last film on the right. 
“I think we should watch this one first.”
Kara picked it up and smiled. 
“Aww, this fury little creature looks so cute. I think it will be fun.”
Lena muttered, “We’ll see,” as Kara put the DVD in the DVD player. 
As the movie began to play, Lena began to relax and laugh a little. She had forgotten how hilarious Gremlins was. However, she noticed something in the corner of her eye shaking. She turned over and her face saddened. Kara was curled up in a ball with her hand over her eyes. Lena paused the movie and gently placed a hand on Kara’s shoulder. 
“Kara, are you okay?”
Kara peeked a little over her hands and stuttered, “I’m fine. You can start back the movie.”
Lena pulled Kara into a hug and said, “You are not fine. You are shaking and trying to hide.”
Kara looked up sheepishly and said, “I thought that I could handle it. Gizmo looked so cute. Who knew that such evil creatures could come from him?”
Lena chuckled and said, “I know. It is really silly.”
“And scary,” muttered Kara.
Lena laughed and said, “How about we watch something we both can enjoy?”
Kara quickly shook her head and said, “But we should be doing something you like. You are the one that needs to unwind.”
Lena smiled and said, “Ever since you came, I haven’t thought once about work. You know why?”
Kara shook her head.
“Because I get to hang out with my best friend. We can just sit here in silence eating for all I care. As long as I am with you, I am happy.”
Kara blushed and said, “Well when you put it that way…”
Lena blushed and quickly went to the DVD player. 
“I have another movie I have been wanting to watch but didn’t want to watch by myself. Now where is it?”
Lena looked around for a minute before saying, “Found it!” 
She popped it into the DVD player and sat back down. 
“What are we watching?” asked Kara warily.
Lena smiled and said, “Something I know that we will both get a kick out of.”
The credits rolled and Kara began to squeal. 
“Oh! This is my favorite film. I didn’t know you got The Proposal.”
Lena looked down while twiddling her thumbs. 
“Several friends have recommended it to me so I was curious.”
However, Lena wasn’t being completely honest. She bought the movie because Kara mentioned over 1,000 times that this was her favorite movie of all time. She was hoping she would have a chance to watch it with Kara alone and decided to take tonight as this chance. 
Lena grabbed a blanket she kept on the couch and wrapped it around herself.
Kara beamed at the blanket and asked, “Do you mind if we share that? It looks so warm and comfy.”
Kara cuddled under the blanket with Lena. They were so close that Lena could feel the warmth radiating off of her. As she rested her head on Kara’s shoulder, she could smell the pumpkin spice lotion she used which caused her to swoon. 
My dream is becoming a reality.
“You are really in for a treat Lena. Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock are a great comedy duo and their romance in this movie is so cute.”
“I can’t wait!”
As they settled in to watch the movie, Lena couldn’t believe how her day had been. She began the day feeling stressed beyond belief and was now ending it in the arms of the woman she adores. Lena felt a sense of contentment that she had never felt before as they continued to watch more romantic movies as the night went on. 
If you like this, I have more Supercorp-related work on AO3. Hope you enjoy!
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darcylewisbingohq · 2 months
Darcy Lewis Bingo Reader Edition
We have one more surprise for 2024! Our brand new Reader Bingo for the Darcy Lewis fandom!
Darcy Lewis Bingo HQ 2024 Reader Bingo Guidelines
The Card!—Every reader begins this round with the same Darcy Lewis Bingo HQ (DLBHQ) reader card—no exceptions, no changes, no swaps, no customization of any kind for reader bingo. You customize your experience by choosing what to read to complete each fill.
Squares & Fills—There is only one prompt per square on our Reader Bingo Card. To complete a square, a fill is considered maximum interaction, which means reading the work, and leaving kudos, and making a comment that is a positive or uplifting contribution to the creator.
Constructive criticism, no matter how well intended, is not considered an uplifting contribution after a fanwork is already posted publicly and won’t count towards a square fill, so don’t do it in the name of Darcy Reader Bingo. If the Darcy Bingo HQ mod team discovers anyone is leaving unrequested or unprompted constructive criticism in lieu of uplifting comments in the name of Darcy Bingo or for participation in Darcy Reader Bingo, that person risks being restricted from access to all future rounds of Darcy Bingo, blocked by Darcy Lewis Bingo HQ on tumblr, and being banned from the Darcy Lewis Bingo HQ Discord server. The time to edit someone else’s work after it’s posted is never. Don’t do it.
If you’re completing a square that’s for a fannish work other than a fanfic, be sure to check your Reader Bingo Key to double-check which actions you need to complete for maximum reader interaction to complete the fill for that type of fanwork.
What’s the Point?—The goal for this bingo is maximum reader/audience interaction, so it won’t be enough just to read fics for bingo credit and tell us which fics you read on your final masterpost.
Maximum Effort—You’ll need to put in maximum effort for every completed square and fan creation, such as reading, leaving kudos, and a positive, encouraging, or uplifting text comment. And since bingo card squares are so small, we’ve abbreviated the most commonly repeated parts of the instructions for prompts and we’re including a key to help clarify what each of the abbreviations on your card mean.
Reader Bingo Key—
AO3 = Archive of Our Own
challenge fic = anything written for events like Soultember, Promptober, Holiday Advent, Darcy Bingo, etc.
FFn = FanFiction.net
fic = any text longer than 100 words posted to a fanfiction platform
l/c/reb = like, comment, & reblog (Remember to tell the artist if it’s your favorite!)
l/k/c = listen, kudos, & comment
r/c/reb = read, comment, & reblog
r/k/c = read, kudos, & comment
rer/k/c/rec = reread, kudos, comment, & recommend (Remember to tell the writer if it’s your favorite!)
w/k/c = watch, kudos, & comment
Recs—Wherever a prompt requires interaction with others beyond kudos and comments, such as recommendations, the recommendation needs to be public and linkable, so sites like tumblr, Threads, X, and the Archive are preferred. Wherever you have a fannish blog is allowed, however, if you can link back to it. If you rec the work somewhere and can’t link to your rec, you’ll need to figure out how to prove completion of the prompt square. Links are easy to copy, easy to save, easy to share. Highly recommend. 👌🏼
On our Discord, you’ll find a brand new channel for Reader Bingo Fills. If you have a rec to share, feel free to post it there or share it on your tumblr or other fandom space if you haven’t chosen to join us in Discord.
Deadlines & Masterposts
Deadlines—We have no deadlines, really. Just a form to fill out when you’re done with the current card and completed all the badges you’re interested in. Set your own goals and fill out the bingo award badge request form whenever you’re ready. (If you just need to know how long you have before the next reader bingo to work on this one, probably June 2025, if Reader Bingo is a success and we bring it back next year.)
Masterposts—Masterposts are due whenever you’re done with this card and have achieved the goals you’ve set for yourself, whether that’s a bingo or a total blackout. We recommend posting your masterpost to tumblr, Threads, X, Dreamwidth—or wherever your fandom blog home is—before the next reader bingo round.
Your masterpost should include a link to the fics you’ve read to complete each square and a recommendation to those who read your masterpost to convince them why they should read each work, too. 😄
The Darcy Lewis Bingo HQ mod team will also need to be able to read your masterpost wherever you post it, so plan accordingly if you don’t yet have a tumblr account so you can link back to your masterpost to share it for bingo credit.
On Discord, you can share your masterpost in our Master-posts Channel whenever it’s complete.
Reader Bingo Award Badges
2024 Reader Bingo, Truly, a Classic Achievement—fill 5 squares in a row, column, or diagonally on your DLBHQ reader edition bingo card.
2024 Reader Bingo Blackout Badge—complete all 25 fills on your DLBHQ reader edition bingo card and blackout all 25 squares.
Darcy Lewis Bingo Reader Edition Card Badge Claim Form—Claim your bingo badges here.
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 1 year
Two Truths and a Lie
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor,
Summary: Will a game of two truths and a lie strengthen Kara and Lena's relationship or make it worse?
Word Count: 2488
Note: Part of the r/AO3 Promptober 2023 challenge
Lena was nervous as she walked up the stairs. When Kara asked her out two weeks ago, she was shocked. She never thought that someone with such a bubbly personality would go for her. She was initially happy. She had wanted to be with Kara since they first met, but their signals kept getting crossed, and she was with Mike for the longest time. However, ever since they started dating, Kara had become more and more distant. Lena was even more worried when Kara called her a couple of hours ago to meet her at the apartment to “talk” about their relationship before everyone arrived for game night. 
She really wouldn’t break up with me before having friends over, would she?
Those thoughts have been spinning around in her head for the last several hours. She had sweated through her last outfit in panic and had to quickly shower and change clothes before going to the apartment. Once she reached the top of the stairs to the roof entrance, it felt like her heart was beating out of her chest. She looked around rapidly and spotted Kara sitting on the edge of the roof. She sprinted over to her. As she approached, Kara looked up startled at first, and then frowned. 
“Lena, are you okay? Your face is flushed.”
Lena stopped in front of her nearly gasping for air.
“I am fine,” Lena panted.
Kara took Lena’s hand in hers and guided her to sit down on the roof next to her. 
“No, you are not fine. You are panting like crazy. What happened?”
Lena stared at her for a minute before looking away. She didn’t want her to see the tears forming on her face. She took several deep breaths and sighed. 
“You said that we needed to talk about our relationship,” said Lena softly. 
Kara frowned at her for a minute until a light bulb went off in her head. She started rubbing soothing circles around Lena’s hand. 
“Lena, I don’t want to break up with you.”
Lena looked up with tears streaming down her face and asked meekly, “Really?”
Kara gave her a soft smile while caressing her face and wiping away her tears. 
She kissed her on the cheek and said, “Asking you out has been one of the best decisions that I have made in a long while.”
Lena smiled softly and said, “Ohhh.”
She paused for a moment then frowned. 
“Then why did you say that we needed to talk about our relationship?”
Kara sighed and shook her head. 
“I kind of forgot how loaded that connotation was. I didn’t mean that our relationship was in trouble. Let me start over again.”
She took a couple of breaths while twiddling her thumbs. She looked back up at Lena hesitantly.
“You know that I have been going to therapy a lot since breaking up with Mike?”
“Yes, I remember,” said Lena softly. 
She tried to keep her face passive, but she couldn’t help balling up her first in rage. 
When she was dating Mike, it was like she became a shell of herself. She had nearly isolated everyone except for Lena. Part of the reason is that she just remained a listening ear instead of constantly telling her to break up with Mike like everyone else. She wanted to scream it too, but she knew that Kara needed to make that decision herself. When they finally broke up, Lena was overjoyed at first but was devastated at the state it left Kara in. She was despondent for the longest time. She barely ate anything, which was scary in itself considering how much she loved food. However, she started to stop bathing, cleaning her apartment, and going to work. Lena had to buy Catco to make sure Kara wasn’t fired. 
Everyone around her tried to get her to come out, but she wouldn’t budge. She just became more and more of a recluse. However, Lena would always go by every day just to be a sounding board or just to sit there with her. She would like to believe that it was because she did those things that Kara finally listened to her suggestions about therapy. She wasn’t really happy with her choice of therapist, Harley Quinn, especially given her psychotic background. However, their arrangement seemed to work. Gradually, Kara started to feel better. Thinking about everything now kind of made Lena feel a little stupid with her thoughts earlier. She always assumed that Kara would leave because of her family’s reputation, but she didn’t think to consider that Kara may not be ready for something serious. 
She grabbed Kara’s hand and kissed it. 
“You have been progressing well since seeing Harley despite her craziness.”
Kara chuckled and said, “She is eccentric. I will give you that. However, she gets it you know.”
Lena smiled and said, “As long as she is helping, I am happy for you.”
They stared out into the city lights before them. Both were too hesitant to say anything else. 
Kara took a couple of deep breaths and said, “I told her that I recently started dating again.”
“Oh, and what did she have to say about that?”
Kara smiled and said, “She is happy for me that I am ready to put myself out there again and allow myself to be more open and vulnerable with someone else. However, she made one suggestion.”
Lena frowned and said, “Which is?”
Kara looked down and fidgeted with her shirt and said, “One of the reasons why my relationship with Mike didn’t work was that we weren’t open in communication with each other and I didn’t express my boundaries. That is something that I want to start today.”
“Okay. How did you want to achieve that?” asked Lena hesitantly.
“I thought we start with an icebreaker game that Harley taught me. Two Truths and a Lie.”
Lena gave her a deadpan look and asked, “You really want to start a serious conversation with a common high school game?”
“Can you please humor me? It is a fun way to open communication and also to learn things about each out.”
“We have been friends for several years. What more is there to know?”
Kara smirked and asked, “So you are saying that I know everything about you to the very last detail?”
Lena rolled her eyes and said, “Well, no…”
“Good. So this will be a good way to start.”
Lena shook her head and said, “Fine.”
She wasn’t fond of the idea, but Kara was right that it would get them to know more about each other’s likes and dislikes. 
She turned to Kara and asked, “Did you want to start?”
“Do you mind going first?”
“Okay let me see.”
Lena pondered while tapping her fingers on her leg. Then she smiled at some good tidbits about herself. 
“All right. I was nearly expelled from school for streaking across the courtyard in the middle of winter on a dare. I built a spaceship when I was 10 to try to escape my family, but it exploded on a test launch, and I was arrested for reckless driving for speeding 150 mph in a 20 mph residential area.”
Kara chuckled. 
Lena frowned while picking at her skirt. 
“What’s so funny?”
“I’m sorry. I was just trying to imagine you in a lab coat as a child building a spaceship. That had to be so adorable.”
“So you believe that one is true?” asked Lena coyly.
Kara smirked and said, “I know that it is true. As far as the others…”
She thought about it a minute, and said, “The arrest is a lie.”
Read the rest on AO3
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